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Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

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A review of building occupancy measurement systems

Kailai Sun a, Qianchuan Zhao a,∗, Jianhong Zou b,c
Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems, Department of Automation, BNRist, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Strategy and Development Department, Fujian Electronics and Information (Group) Co., LTD, Fuzhou, China
Fujian Nebula Big Data Application Service Co., LTD, Fuzhou, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The human dimension information is crucial for efficient building energy saving, health and productiv-
Received 26 October 2019 ity, comfort conditions and security management. A great number of studies have been developed for
Revised 17 February 2020
occupancy information measurement. However, existing review work has limited coverage on emerging
Accepted 12 March 2020
images/videos based methods. In this paper, many occupancy measurement systems based on different
Available online 13 March 2020
sensors are reviewed, especially images/videos based methods. We conduct a comprehensive analysis
Keywords: based on different types (non-depth or depth cameras) and different installed locations (the room en-
Occupancy measurement trance or interior) of cameras. Considering the motion and static image information, we categorize these
Human dimension studies and compare the merits and limitations. As for other sensors, Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), Passive
Building energy Infrared (PIR) sensors, carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors, electricity meters, this paper analyzes and discusses
Camera their applicable scopes and limitations. Sensor fusion method tends to perform better because different
Sensor fusion
sensors can compensate each other. Moreover, future trends are presented, including the fifth genera-
Deep learning
tion mobile network (5 G), cloud computing platform and artificial intelligence especially deep learning
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction consumption in buildings can be saved with occupancy informa-

tion. For instance, energy use can be reduced by turning off the
1.1. The importance of building occupancy lighting systems during non-occupied hours, and adjusting the
opening rate of air damper or air conditioner based on occupancy
The human factor has a significant effect on actual energy per- number information. Authors [51] found the linear correlation be-
formance in buildings. The information of the human dimension tween occupancy rates and total electricity consumption by col-
in the building environment is crucial for efficient energy use lecting data in actual four buildings. They also found an effective
[31]. Several recent studies showed that about 40% of total en- method to estimate the electricity consumption per occupant. Zou
ergy in the world consumed by buildings [23]. The total building [124] set up an occupancy detection software and verified approx-
energy consumption mainly includes Heating, Ventilating and Air- imately 10% of energy can be saved in the office, through an ac-
Conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems [95]. The objectives of tual experiment and application. They turned off/down light and
research efforts on HVAC and lighting systems operation mainly air conditioner to save energy in zero occupant cases. The au-
include occupants’ comfort conditions and energy saving. Paying thors [78] proposed a learning-based demand-driven control strat-
more attention to the human dimension of energy use has sev- egy based on occupancy analysis, and they found 20.3% energy
eral potential advantages including enhancing comfort conditions, can be saved with the effective occupancy information. They used
health and productivity for building occupants, energy-efficient a rule-based control method to adjust the sensible cooling tem-
and security management [28]. perature of each office based on occupancy presence information.
Occupancy information in buildings has a great impact on en- What’s more, as a crucial parameter input to HVAC and lighting
ergy consumption as well as indoor environment quality [118]. systems, occupancy information not only can optimize energy con-
Many studies showed that approximately 10%−40% of the energy sumption but also has the potential to improve occupancy envi-
ronment [48]. Authors [22] considered that thermal comfort de-
pends on many factors such as room temperature, relative humid-

Corresponding author.
ity (RH), air velocity, occupants’ clothes and occupants’ activity sta-
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Zhao). tus. In order to maintain occupant thermal comfort, they designed

0378-7788/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

Occupancy location: Based on occupancy identity and occu-

pancy tracking, the location is the combination of two parts. Re-
lating to occupants’ coordinates in the building, the occupancy lo-
cation provides the information who and where is the occupant.
There are many current occupancy measurement technologies
based on sensors [88], including camera sensors, passive infrared
occupancy sensors [40], CO2 sensors, electricity meters, WiFi and
so on. Different sensors can obtain different occupancy informa-
tion and have unique advantages and limitations for occupancy
measurement. It is necessary to categorize measurement meth-
ods based on different sensor types. Although some recent re-
view work [23,28,31,48,118] exists, their coverage on images/videos
based methods is limited. The contributions of this paper are as

1) We focus on building occupancy information measurement for

energy control and building performance, and review many re-
cent especially five-years studies.
2) Many occupancy measurement systems based on different sen-
sors, cameras, WiFi, PIR sensors, CO2 sensors, electricity sensors
Fig. 1. Building occupancy information. are analyzed and discussed.
3) Due to the rapid development of occupancy measurement
based on cameras, we conduct a comprehensive analysis based
a Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller to optimize the supply on different types (non-depth or depth cameras) and different
air temperature. The MPC received measurements on RH, air veloc- installed locations (the room entrance or interior) of cameras.
ity, mean radiant temperature, occupants’ clothing levels and tem- 4) Some future trends are presented, including sensor fusion
peratures inside and outside the chamber. The clothing insulation methods, cloud computing platform, and deep learning tech-
level was 0.65 when participants wore T-shirts or pants, while 0.95 nologies.
when they wore one more piece of long sleeve shirt or sweater.
They considered occupants’ activity levels as the metabolic rate of The remaining parts of the paper are organized as follows.
Fanger’s PMV model [15]. Section 2 mainly analyzes occupancy measurement methods of dif-
ferent camera types and different camera locations. Section 3 fo-
cuses on other different sensors based occupancy measurement
1.2. Building occupancy information
methods, including WiFi, PIR sensors, CO2 sensors, electricity sen-
sors and so on. Section 4 discusses and compares the advan-
Different types of building occupancy information can be clas-
tages and limitations of different sensors and presents some future
sified, including detection, counting, identity, track, location and so
trends. Finally, Section 5 concludes this review work.
on [55]. And their levels are gradually increasing in Fig. 1.
Occupancy detection: This information provides whether at
least a person appears. It can distinguish whether someone or not, 2. Vision sensors based measurement systems
and provide the information of when occupants appear in a par-
ticular room or zone. Information on detection makes it clear that Comparing with other sensors, images/videos based method has
the controller opens or closes some devices. For example, the on or become a research hot topic for building occupancy measurement
off state of smart lamps should depend on the occupancy presence because of the high accuracy [101]. Vision based method utilizes
or absence information for energy saving [69]. computer vision technology to process images, obtaining the oc-
Occupancy counting: Based on occupancy detection, the count- cupancy information which includes presence, number, trajectory,
ing information provides more. It not only can obtain the infor- identity and location. The main advantage of occupancy measure-
mation of presence or absence, but also focuses on the number ment method based on images is that can provide fine-grained
of occupants in a particular room or zone. The occupant number accurate results. Besides, with the development of surveillance
in different areas is used as an input parameter to determine the videos, many cameras are installed in buildings and some pub-
load of close-loop HVAC and lighting systems [124]. lic scenes. Thus many studies ([25,27,36]) utilized existing surveil-
Occupancy identity: Based on occupancy counting, the identity lance videos and avoided placing new cameras. However, the lim-
information is high-level because of its complexity. Every occupant itations include high computational complexity, privacy issue, the
has a different identity, and algorithms distinguish or recognize low image quality of surveillance cameras, the illumination and oc-
identities based on particular features of each occupant, and the clusion problem.
features may include face features, fingerprint features, personal Depending on the types of image information, vision sensors
computer mac address, mobile application account and so on. can mainly be divided into non-depth cameras and depth cam-
Occupancy tracking: Based on occupancy counting, the track- eras. As for non-depth cameras, RGB frames or infrared images can
ing information is about the particular occupant’s trajectory [87]. be collected for occupancy measurement, while the depth cameras
That is the movement history record across different areas of the can provide RGB frames as well as depth information. Depth cam-
particular occupant in the building. This may include two parts: if eras can calculate the distance from the camera to objects in the
the occupant identity is prior known, the trajectory of this occu- camera field of view, and the pixel value of depth images rep-
pant will be labeled the identity; if the occupant identity is prior resents this distance [59]. Depth cameras mainly include time of
unknown, the trajectory will be labeled an extra mark. Thus the flight (TOF) cameras [125], binocular cameras [46], structured-light
occupancy tracking is independent of occupancy identity, and this (SL) depth cameras [37]. TOF cameras emit modulated infrared
named Re-ID technology [64] in the field of computer vision if the light and receive the reflected light. It converts the time of flight
identity is prior unknown. to the phase delay of the signal, and the distance can be calcu-
K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965 3

Table 1
Comparison of different types of depth cameras.

Depth camera Measurement Speed Accuracy Resolution Depth range Light requirement Texture requirement

Time of flight Active Fast Low Small Long No NO

Binocular Passive Medium High Big Short Yes Yes
Structured-light Active Medium High Medium Short Yes Less

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of four vision situations: (A) Non-depth cameras at the room entrance (overhead); (B) Non-depth cameras at the room interior; (C) Depth cameras
at the room entrance (overhead); (D) Depth cameras at the room interior.

lated [26]. TOF cameras can directly image the measured objects, 2.1. Non-depth cameras
having a fast scanning speed and a long depth range [33]. However,
the resolution is small and measurement accuracy is low. Binocu- 2.1.1. The room entrance (overhead)
lar cameras use passive measurement method and can obtain dif- For non-depth cameras at the top of room entrance, they mon-
ferent images from two cameras, utilize feature matching and tri- itor the entrance region through distinguishing persons enter or
angulation principle to get depth information [93]. Binocular cam- exit from the room [1]. The motion features of persons usually
eras have a higher resolution and measurement accuracy, but have are extracted [107], and the direction of motion provides the oc-
strict requirement about light and rich texture of measured objects. cupancy number increasing or decreasing in the room. Authors
A general SL camera consists of a camera and a projector [116]. [117] utilized background subtraction within the ROI (region of in-
Similar to binocular cameras, SL cameras project some known pat- terest) [18] to obtain foreground areas. By analyzing the people
terns on the scene and compare them with captured frames [7]. motion direction which is the difference between twice pixel coor-
SL cameras can achieve high precision and accuracy of depth mea- dinates, they can determine whether a person entering or exiting
surement and are able to measure objects with low texture [32]. rooms. Owing to only occupants’ head vertexes and shoulders im-
However, SL cameras have a short depth range and will be affected ages will be captured at this overhead view, the privacy issue can
by light. The detailed comparison in Table 1. be prevented. However, the background subtraction-based method
Depending on the installed locations, vision sensors based can usually fails in case of illumination changes or stationary persons.
mainly be divided into the room entrance (overhead) and the room Ahmed [2] proposed a person-detection and tracking algorithm
interior. The schematic diagram is in Fig. 2. The red cameras rep- based on the overhead view. They utilized features-based rotation
resent the depth cameras; the yellow cameras represent the non- adapted histogram of oriented gradient (rHOG) algorithm to de-
depth cameras. In real applications, these two types of cameras tect persons, and tracker object lists were constructed. Due to the
can work independently or together. Cameras are installed at the greater processing time of scanning the whole image, a blob-based
top of room entrance, and researchers utilize the overhead view segmentation module was designed to speed up the algorithm.
to detect and recognize the person motion information of entering They used hit rate to indicate occupancy tracking accuracy and the
or exiting the room. While cameras are installed at the interior of algorithm reached 99% of accuracy, and the algorithm can handle
room, and researchers utilize the whole room images/videos to cal- occlusion, stationary persons and keep tracking more than 15 s.
culate occupancy information. Based on different cameras and dif- However, the conditions of persons stand very near and illumina-
ferent installed locations, there are four vision situations: (A) Non- tion changes should be considered, because using a fixed distance
depth cameras at the room entrance (overhead); (B) Non-depth threshold to distinguish tracker clusters is not robust.
cameras at the room interior; (C) Depth cameras at the room en- The occupancy information can be measured from thermal
trance (overhead); (D) Depth cameras at the room interior. These cameras. The clear advantages of thermal cameras are preventing
four situations also can be used jointly or individually. Many re- privacy and overcome illumination because they detect thermal
lated studies and methods were divided in Table 2. Choosing cam- energy instead of vision. Authors [72] installed the sensor node
eras and locations is crucial in real applications, thus we analyzed (thermal camera) on the top jamb of a doorway to get overhead
many studies of different cameras and locations and joint cameras thermal images. They utilized a per-pixel adaptive threshold for
and joint locations. obtaining high-temperature regions. And then region growing, bolo
4 K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

Table 2
Vision sensors based measurement systems.

References Non-depth cameras Depth cameras The room entrance (overhead) The room interior Methods
√ √
[2] Features-based rHOG, blob-based segmentation
√ √ √
[117] Background subtraction; HOG + SVM
√ √
[39] Wavelet transformation foreground
segmentation, Adaboost cascade detector,
particle-filter, head validation
√ √
[14] HOG + ANN
√ √
[79] Water filling cluster, Laplacian of Gaussian filter,
Kalman filter,
√ √
[100] Background removal, depth local minima
information, Kalman filter
√ √
[120] Canny head contours extraction, depth ranges
feature and local 3D surfaces feature, SVM
√ √ √
[62] Haar + HOG, Haar + Contour, Adaboost
classifier; adaptive Gaussian mixture model
(AGMM); dynamic Bayesian network (DBN)
√ √
[72] Adaptive threshold, region growing, blob
√ √
[94] Window size algorithm, connected component
algorithm, LR, KNN, SVM, DT, RF

detection and tracking methods are used to count the number of

people entering or leaving the room. The experimental results ver-
ified the effectiveness of their proposed method with a low pixel
resolution (8 × 8 pixels). Authors [16] installed the thermal cam-
eras at 2.85 m of height to detect outdoor people. They segmented
the foreground regions by the adaptive threshold and obtained 97%
recall accuracy of occupancy detection information (i.e. presence
or absence). A study [35] based on border tracking was proposed
for long-term occupancy counting using thermal cameras. They
tracked occupants who near the room border and counted num-
ber based on the direction of occupants.
Except for preventing privacy issue in some ways, the advan-
tages of the overhead view also include person will be hardly oc-
cluded with other objects. However, it also suffers some issues.
For example, existing surveillance videos are not usually equipped
with the overhead view cameras, therefore it is necessary to place Fig. 3. Example provided by [104]. A and B show two-rectangle features. C and D
new cameras in the building room entrance. More importantly, the represent a three-rectangle feature and a four-rectangle feature respectively.
cumulative errors will appear when a crowd of persons passes at
the same time, once a few errors will result in so much energy
consumption in the next long time. Particularly, if no person is in descriptor, which is widely used in human detection [29,109]. The
the room, the little errors of overhead view cameras will consider detection window feature is extracted through computing gradi-
there is at least a person in the room, resulting in the HVAC and ents, accumulating histogram of gradient directions, normalization
lighting systems will work all the time till the error is cleared. and so on.) Authors [17] also set up a person detection-tracking
system. They utilized background subtraction method to detect re-
2.1.2. The room interior gions of pedestrian movement, and then HOG features were ex-
The indoor environment is more complicated because the envi- tracted to distinguish whether the ROI is a person or not, and then
ronment contains many kinds of objects. Occlusion between ob- the Kalman filter was used for tracking.
jects and bodies is more challenging for image processing and Due to the severe occlusion environment, the occupancy mea-
video analysis. surement methods using a whole human body features often are
An early study [10] set up a detection system which has three not sufficiently robust for detecting the human body in real ap-
main parts. Gaussian background subtraction was used for fore- plications [10,124]. Many studies focus on head detection or up-
ground object detection, and Lucas and Kanade tracker [97] was per body detection, instead of a whole human body detection. The
applied for object tracking. Finally, four classifiers about the hu- authors [39] trained the head Adaboost cascade detector which
man whole body or upper body were jointly utilized for robustly includes Haar features and Adaboost classifiers based on wavelet
recognizing whether the object is a person or not. They also im- transformation foreground segmentation. (Haar features were used
plemented some applications, including occupancy measurement for face detection in a classic study [104]. For example, in Fig. 3,
and activity characterization. The shortcomings mainly come from the value of Haar feature is calculated through the sum of pixels
the limit of Gaussian background subtraction. It is possible that the in gray rectangles subtracts the sum of pixels in white ones.) In
foreground object detection will fail if a person remains static for terms of head validation, they designed five simple functions and
a long time. tricks to refine the results. Through comparing performance, the
Authors [14] combined the optical (OP) camera and the infrared proposed method was much better than the other two methods of
(IR) camera to detect occupants. The IR camera provides effective state-of-the-arts. As we know, the method [104] is very famous for
heat information. In terms of algorithm, they extracted histogram face detection in the field of computer vision. The Haar features
of oriented gradient (HOG) features and utilized a three-layer ar- are particularly designed for detecting face regions, and they are
tificial neural network (ANN) to classify. (HOG is a kind of feature also suitable for head detection.
K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965 5

The authors [99] utilized background subtraction to obtain fore- The study of [100] utilized the Cellprofiler software to test algo-
ground, then extracted shape features, and trained support vec- rithms of counting and tracking humans with the Kinect V2 Time-
tor machine (SVM) classifiers to detect occupants’ upper bodies. of-Flight depth camera at building entrances/exits. Firstly, back-
A more fine-grained study [71] proposed a head pose estimation ground subtraction was utilized for obtaining foreground areas.
method using Gaussian process regression. For the challenging of Due to the distance between head and camera is minimum com-
low illuminance and crowd, this study [19] linearly adjusted the pared with other bodies, thus they used depth local minima in-
luminance of images, and extracted Aggregate Channel Features formation for detecting the person’s head. Also, they utilized the
(ACF), and finally trained Adaboost-SVM classifiers. Besides, they distance information between the person’s head and shoulder to
considered temporal information, refining the results based on the verify and refine the classification results by using the pixel search
head locations difference between some consecutive frames, and method. Finally, Laplacian of Gaussian edge filter was used for
the precision and recall scores were 0.99 and 0.97. However, the lu- counting, and the Kalman filter was used for multi-object tracking.
minance adjusting method is linear, thus the non-linear luminance The accuracy of detecting a single person reached 97.50% while the
condition should be considered. Moreover, as for temporal infor- accuracy of detecting multiple people reached 98.12%.
mation, the distance threshold must be enlarged if persons move Petersen [79] proposed an unsupervised method for counting
rapidly. persons based on Kinect V2 camera at the overhead view. They uti-
Authors [94] developed window size algorithm and connected lized pixel filter, background subtraction and frame weight filter to
component algorithm to detect occupancy with low-resolution improve the quality of foreground frames. Both the unsupervised
thermal imagers (4 × 16 pixels). They obtained up to 100% accu- water filling algorithm [121] and Laplacian of Gaussian filter were
racy when detecting presence and counting occupants in a room, used for people detection. The water filling algorithm uses measure
but the number of occupants is limited at 0–3. They divided people function to distinguish real person or noise, obtaining the bound-
activities into four categories (i.e. sitting on chair, standing, sitting ing boxes of objects. The Kalman filter was used for obtaining the
on ground and lying on ground), and used five machine learning tracking trajectory and entering or leaving information. And the
algorithms to obtain up to 97.5% classification accuracy, including accuracy reached 99.2% in room occupancy tests. However, they
logistic regression (LR), SVM, k-nearest neighbor (KNN), decision showed an example of failure, i.e. a trolley was mistakenly recog-
tree (DT), and random forest (RF). A study [34] focuses on occu- nized as a person. The reason is that finding a person in depth
pancy detection in sports arenas using thermal cameras (384×288 images is not equal to finding local minima information due to
pixels). They used threshold function, splitting regions and remov- the disturbance of other objects. Thus the classification of objects
ing infrared reflections to count the number of occupants with an should be considered.
11.76% mean error. Authors [102] captured binary thermal images, The above methods only used depth data, not RGB images.
extracted three different features [9] and classified occupancy in- Therefore, the advantages of these methods are that the iden-
formation to count the number of people. They obtained 82.56% tity of people is protected, i.e. privacy problem is solved in most
precision accuracy while the maximum people number is three. A cases. The depth cameras can operate in weak illumination condi-
similar study [106] utilized the connected component analysis and tions, and the measurement algorithms often run with low com-
machine learning algorithms to classify the number of occupants. putational complexity. However, the cumulative errors problem is
In summary, based on the occupancy measurement inside the not solved as Section 2.1.1 mentioned above. What’s more, due to
room, the number of occupants is obtained at every time point. the existing building surveillance video systems [5,11,49] are not
The measurement algorithms use the current frame results, thus equipped with depth cameras, and the depth cameras are more ex-
it will not appear the cumulative errors. With the rapid develop- pensive than ordinary cameras, there will be so much cost if using
ment of surveillance videos in buildings, there are many available depth cameras for occupancy measurement.
cameras in the room. However, the complexity of the indoor en-
vironment will result in measurement errors, mainly including in-
terference of similar objects and occlusion of other objects. For ex- 2.2.2. The room interior
ample, the persons in murals and human sculptures may be recog- These studies based on depth cameras indoor often focus on
nized as occupants, and black round objects may be recognized as only using depth information or joint RGB data and depth data, i.e.
occupant’s head. RGB-D images.
Obviously, if we combine the advantages of two kinds of meth- The authors [120] presented a novel two-stage method for oc-
ods, the results will be improved. A combining study can be found cupants measurement only using depth images. In the first stage,
in [62]. In order to improve the accuracy, the authors combined the they extracted the contours of heads with a Canny operator,
measurement results from cameras at entrances and inside rooms. and located possible edge points by the non-maxima suppression
In the indoor environment, they utilized two-stage static vision al- (NMS) [76] technology. (NMS can remove unwanted pixels which
gorithms by detecting head. Both “Haar + HOG” and “Haar + Con- are not boundary points in Canny edge detection [13]. For every
tour” methods were jointly used to refine the results. As for en- pixel in an image, this pixel is checked if it is a local gradient
trances, Gaussian mixture background modeling was used for fore- maximum in its neighborhood pixels at its gradient direction. The
ground detection, and the tracking trajectory was applied for dis- local maximum pixels remain while non-maximum pixels are re-
tinguishing whether occupants enter or leave the room. moved. As a result, it makes blurred edges more sharp and thin.) In
the second stage, they designed a head-shoulder descriptor which
2.2. Depth cameras contains three different depth ranges feature and local 3D sur-
faces feature, and then they utilized linear support vector machine
2.2.1. The room entrance (overhead) (SVM) for classification. Generally, compared with the methods us-
Due to the depth cameras have depth information, occupancy ing RGB images, vision based methods only using depth informa-
measurement will be more accurate, compared with ordinary OP tion which is not sensitive to weak illumination conditions. In a
cameras. The pixel value of depth cameras represents the distance study of only using depth images [127], the authors utilized Gaus-
between the camera and objects [59]. At the overhead view, the sian average background model to obtain foreground, and used an
local minima regions in the depth images are often used for occu- agglomerative clustering technique for people segmentation with
pancy measurement because the regions may be persons or other point clouds. And an Adaboost classifier [89] was used for occu-
objects. pancy detection, counting and density estimation.
6 K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

There are some studies that focus on joint RGB information and thors [122] proposed a WiFi-based non-intrusive occupancy sens-
depth information, instead of only using depth information. Due to ing system to obtain occupancy information, by analyzing the WiFi
directly using RGB-D images is difficult, the authors [66] proposed traffic between COTS APs and MDs. They tested the system in a
a point ensemble image (PEI) representation to overcome this, con- practical office area, and reach 98.85% occupancy detection accu-
sidering all of the 3D point cloud coordinates. They used the max- racy. Similarly, they [123] also presented a WiFi-based occupancy-
imum height value in proximal points to extract candidate head driven lighting control system to optimize energy consumption and
windows, and they designed two features descriptors to extract improve lighting comfort.
features which include color and height information, and finally In Table 3, WiFi based measurement methods are usually used
Kalman filter and a linear SVM classifier were used for classifica- to detect and count occupants. The range of time interval is 1 s-
tion and tracking. The authors in the study [67] proposed another 5 min and could be used in the building indoor environment
method for occupant detection. They obtained the candidate win- and energy control. Although WiFi based occupancy systems are
dows by considering the depth discontinuities of head-top against widely available in buildings and the experiment results are ef-
proximal points. A ring-wedge mask template was designed for fective, there are many obvious limitations. The conditions include
matching the head-shoulder shape. Finally, the histogram of color that occupants forget to bring or take away MDs, carrying multiple
and height features were extracted, and a SVM classifier was cas- MDs, and WiFi is turned off in MDs. Moreover, With the wide us-
caded. Another study based joint RGB-D images can be found [74]. age of the fourth generation mobile network (4 G) (del [30]) and
As for Depth images, they utilized depth clustering methods to find the rapid development of the fifth generation mobile network (5 G)
detection windows; as for RGB frames, they extracted Haar and [77], occupants may tend to not connect the WiFi devices.
HOG features and used a SVM classifier to recognize the upper
body. Their superior performance comes from the robust and ac-
curate depth clustering method.
Besides, a joint depth camera and Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) camera 3.2. PIR sensors
study can be found in [91]. They utilized background subtraction
to obtain foreground person regions by using the Gaussian Mix- The PIR sensors are able to detect infrared radiation changes
ture Model which contains three Gaussian kernels. They proposed and reflect the movement information of objects. In Table3, there
SVM-based observation measurement, and a particle filtering al- are many studies [82,86,105,113,115] using PIR sensors for occu-
gorithm was employed to track occupants. According to the dif- pancy measurement.
ferent distance between occupants and PTZ camera or depth cam- The authors [86] analyzed the occupancy presence data which
era, they assigned different weights to the two cameras for more was collected by using plug-load meters and PIR sensors at every
accurate results. Joint depth cameras and other cameras usually user’s desktop in the office. The K-means clustering algorithm was
can improve performance. However, the cost has to be consid- used for extracting features, and the presence accuracy of 89–99%
ered because existing building surveillance video systems are not and the absence accuracy of 87–96% can be achieved. However, ev-
equipped with depth cameras. eryone must be equipped with a PIR sensor, and the cost is large
In summary, only using depth images often can overcome weak and it takes up too much space. What’s more, real-time detec-
illumination and prevent privacy, however, false positive rate will tion needs to be further considered in real applications. A study
increase. Even though RGB-D images include more information and [105] proposed an occupants counting system based on distributed
can reach high accuracy, it difficult to avoid privacy issue and com- strategical methods. Every office gateway was equipped with a pair
putational complexity. of two PIR sensors which are outward and inward, and they de-
signed a direction-based distributed algorithm and a probabilistic
3. Other sensors based measurement systems distance-based distributed algorithm to determine the occupant’s
movement direction. They used empirical occupancy information
3.1. WiFi from PIR sensors to predict the building performance in an office
floor simulation. A study [82] proposed an occupancy counting sys-
WiFi devices are usually installed widely in buildings, therefore tem based on a single PIR. They collected the data of 7 different
it is regarded as a potential candidate for occupancy measurement. conference rooms, and clustered raw PIR signals to extract mo-
With the usage of smart mobile devices (MDs), the number of MDS tion behavior by using an iHMM model. Besides, different regres-
is related at the number of occupants [23], and MDs can be treated sion models based on extracted motion data were utilized for oc-
as signal tags through measuring the MAC address and RSSI. Many cupancy counting. However, the assumption that motion increases
studies [70,73,78,108,122,123] focused on occupancy measurement with the increasing of occupancy number may be undermined in
based on WiFi technology. practice.
The authors [70] designed an end-to-end non-intrusive occu- Actually, PIR sensors can only detect the motion of occupants,
pancy inference system, including a front-end and a back-end. but often fail for static occupants. In order to enable PIR sensors for
They analyzed the received data packets of access points (APs) to stationary occupancy detection, the authors [113] designed an opti-
obtain occupancy and MAC addresses, by using existing WiFi in- cal shutter based on a Lavet motor PIR sensor to reduce false neg-
frastructure. In front-end, the system measures indoor snapshot ative rates. The stationary occupancy accuracy reached 100% and
occupancy in real-time, while in back-end, the system exploits the the power consumption reduction nearly reached 85% compared
temporal correlation of incorporates historical data to improve per- to ordinary PIR sensors.
formance. However, their algorithm has devices’ long memory be- In Table 4, PIR sensors can detect occupancy presence or ab-
cause they used temporal correlation. If the occupant firstly does sence with high accuracy and sense the occupancy immediately.
not carry her mobile devices into buildings, the errors will in- Generally speaking, PIR sensors have the advantages of low cost,
crease. low computational cost, low energy consumption, high reliability
A study [108] considered occupancy information is character- and easy to be applied to the environment. However, PIR sensors
ized stochastically, and presented a Markov based feedback Recur- only can provide binary information and the inherent noise needs
rent neural network (RNN) network method to predict occupancy to be filtered. Different distances between PIR sensors and people
information. The WiFi signals are captured by scanning the WiFi will result in different accuracy. Moreover, static occupancy detec-
connection data between WiFi APs and occupants’ devices. The au- tion is still an important issue to be solved.
K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965 7

Table 3
Comparison of the detailed information of WiFi based measurement systems.

References Occupancy information Time interval Accuracy People number

[70] Occupancy counting 5 min 90.6% 0–25

[108] Occupancy counting 30 s 80.9% 0–20
[122] Occupancy detection, counting 1s Detection: 98.85% Counting: 90.4% 0–32
[123] Occupancy detection 30 s 98.7% 0–1
[73] Occupancy counting – 86.7% 0–250

Table 4
Comparison of the detailed information of PIR sensors based measurement systems.

References Occupancy information Time interval Accuracy People number

[82] Occupancy counting 30 s 86% 0–14

[86] Occupancy detection 2 mintues 87–96% 0–1
[105] Occupancy counting 1s Better –
[115] Occupancy detection 8.76 s 100% 0–1
[113] Occupancy detection 18 s 97.2% 0–1

3.3. CO2 sensors However, the drawbacks include the time delay due to the slow gas
mixture rate, the unpredictable opening of windows and doors, the
Occupancy can be measured through carbon dioxide (CO2) con- improper place locations and numbers. Moreover, CO2 generation
centration in some ways. A study [60] confirmed the relatively high rates can change widely between different persons and different
correlation between occupancy number and CO2 concentration by activity levels.
analyzing the CO2 levels of a Taiwan hospital over four seasons.
They used linear regression analysis method to fit this relation, and 3.4. Electricity meters
found the occupancy number accounts for nearly 40% changes in
CO2 concentration. Occupancy measurement methods based CO2 The occupancy schedule of a room can be inferred from the
sensors mainly can be divided into two categories, physical mod- electricity meters [47]. The method based on electricity meters do
els based differential equations and statistical models based data. not need to add additional expensive sensors, and usually only can
The authors [110] derived a partial differential equation- detect occupancy, i.e. distinguish whether the occupant is present
ordinary differential equation coupled system to estimation oc- or absent.
cupancy information in a conference room. They conducted the The authors [75] proposed a system to predict room-level occu-
first experiment to determine system parameters, and took the pancy detection i.e. whether the room is occupied or not by only
other two experiments to verify the effectiveness of the proposed using smart meters data. They derived the feature sets including
method. Comparing with ordinary differential equations to de- appliances state, appliance energy and house-level occupancy data.
scribe CO2 mass balance, the study [112] employed the stochastic They utilized F-measure to indicate the accuracy of occupancy de-
differential equations to reduce measurement errors. And they uti- tection. Adaboost and Random Forest classifiers were utilized to
lized maximum likelihood algorithm and Kalman filter to estimate achieve 90% accuracy. The authors [52] extracted 35 features from
occupancy number. The authors [126] predicted occupancy num- the electric load curve by off-the shelf electricity meters. Through
ber through comparing dynamic physical and statistical modeling comparing many machine learning methods, they found that uti-
methods. They found that utilizing a combination of average and lizing Principal component analysis (PCA) and SVM classifiers can
first order differential CO2 concentrations can reach the best re- achieve the best classification accuracy between 83% and 94%. A
sult. large-scale study [83] proposed a method to detect occupancy
A study [45] improved the Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) by analyzing more than 50 0 0 households over an 18-month pe-
by adding a feature layer and scale features to extract valid fea- riod. They also predict the present and future occupancy informa-
tures. In order to overcome the measurement noise, they smoothed tion, and achieve 90.1% classification accuracy by using many ma-
CO2 data by translating into a quadratic optimization problem chine learning methods. A study [3] proposed the novel concept
and solved it. The authors [6] proposed a semi-supervised Hu- of standby state for further energy saving, expect for the state of
man Occupancy Counter Plus (DA-HOC ++) model through a semi- occupants presence or absence. KNN method was used to classify
supervised domain adaptation method to train CO2 data. Com- and achieve 94% F-measure. A study [103] utilized a feature se-
paring with support vector regression technique (SVR) and Sea- lection method named Mutual Information to reduce the sparsity
sonal Decomposition for Human Occupancy Counting (SD-HOC), of datasets. And Random Forest and Decision Tree classifiers were
the proposed model can improve the performance accuracy of used to achieve the high occupancy detection F-measure of 83.37%
8%−10%. The Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo and 82.79%. Additional information about weather, local events,
methods were used to estimate the distribution of occupants in a and neighborhood will improve precision [83].
multi rooms building [81]. A study [63] designed an indoor occu- However, the issue of lack of datasets often occurs because la-
pancy counting algorithm through training models and Kalman fil- beling ground truth occupancy data requires a high effort. A study
ter. They trained historical measurement data to obtain parameters [8] utilized several unsupervised algorithms (HMM, GeoMA, PHT)
by minimizing optimization function, and utilized Kalman filter to to detect occupancy. And the results showed that their unsuper-
estimate occupancy number. vised algorithms outperform some supervised ones. As for the low
In Table 5, CO2 sensors can provide occupancy detection infor- resolution issue, a study [92] proposed an actual consumption esti-
mation and occupancy counting information. The time interval de- mation method to generate data. Moreover, electricity meters will
pended on air change rate. And the error is wider when the peo- leak privacy information about a home or building. The two stud-
ple number increases. In summary, the advantages of occupancy ies [20,21] proposed the methods of using thermal energy storage
measurement by CO2 sensors are non-intrusive type and low cost. to prevent occupancy detection.
8 K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

Table 5
Comparison of the detailed information of CO2 sensors based measurement systems.

References Occupancy information Time interval Accuracy People number

[112] Occupancy detection, counting 5 min Detection: 94% Counting: 77% 0–7
[126] Occupancy counting 5 min 70–76% 0–200
[45] Occupancy counting Real-time 94% 0–35
[6] Occupancy counting 30 s 59.45%−63.75% 0–230
[63] Occupancy counting – 88.81% 0–4

Table 6
Sensor fusion based occupancy measurement systems.

References Sensors Occupancy information Methods

[24] Temperature, humidity, CO2 , air pressure Occupancy counting CDBLSTM

[12] Temperature, humidity, CO2 , air pressure, light Occupancy detection LDA, CART and RF
[50] Temperature, humidity, CO2 , light, meter Occupancy counting CART, SVM and ANN
[58] Temperature, humidity and CO2 Occupancy counting Physics-based inverse model
[68] Temperature, humidity, CO2 , light Occupancy detection Sparse auto-encoder, SVM, Softmax
[54] Proximity switch, IR, mat, camera Occupancy counting Movement direction recognition, counting
[72] Temperature, humidity, light, PIR, Long-wave infrared Occupancy counting Per-pixel adaptive threshold, region growing,
radiation blob detection algorithm
[107] CO2 , camera Occupancy counting Video recognition, the conservation equation of
[85] Thermal sensor, camera Occupancy detection Data averaging, background subtraction, ROI
based segregation

3.5. Sensor fusion based measurement systems namic events while used a prior ROI based segregation method to
detect static events. The results of fusion ensured improved per-
The data coming from only one type of sensors is difficult to formance. The authors [54] utilized eight sensors for visitor count-
provide reliable occupancy information. Due to each sensor has ing in a café room, and the sensors contain triangulation proxim-
own unique advantages and limitations, sensor fusion technology ity switch, IR photocell with reflector, background suppression sen-
can boost the measurement performance in most cases. This tech- sor, piezoelectric mat, switching mat, thermal camera, stereoscopic
nology combines different types of sensors, taking full advantages camera and network camera. The experiment results suggested the
of sensors and overcoming their limitations for occupancy infor- potential energy saving in air transportation. They analyzed and
mation measurement. This technology collects and fuses different compared the errors of every sensor, proving the importance of
types of data, and selects the important features to obtain more ac- choosing a suitable sensor and indicating the triangulation prox-
curate occupancy information. A summary on sensor fusion based imity switch is most suitable for directional counting in demand-
occupancy measurement systems is presented in Table 6. controlled ventilation (DCV) applications. A study [107] combined
A study [50] utilized multiple sensors for occupancy estima- and inter-calibrated video data and CO2 concentration to improve
tion in a private office. They collected data such as temperature, the occupancy detection performance. They put the camera at the
relative humidity, CO2 concentration, lighting usage and PC usage, top of the room entrance and used the massive conservation equa-
and they used Classification and Regression Trees (CART), SVM and tion of CO2 to estimate occupancy number. Their results verified
ANN classification algorithms to estimate occupancy. Considering the energy saving potential.
the influence of seasonal changes, they also analyzed and com-
pared the seasonal long-term and short-term estimation perfor- 4. Discussions
mance. However, it is necessary to expand the method to other
big open offices in buildings. The authors [12] collected data from Choosing suitable sensors is crucial in real applications. We
light, humidity, temperature and CO2 sensors, and utilized Linear have compared different types of sensors in Table 7, and evalua-
Discriminant Analysis (LDA), CART and RF models to select fea- tion indicators contain occupancy information, existing infrastruc-
tures and classify occupancy status (occupied or non-occupied). In- ture, privacy issue and processing complexity. Especially, due to vi-
dependent and joint sensors strategies were used to reach higher sion based occupancy measurement method is a recent research
accuracy of occupancy detection. With the development of deep hot topic, we also have compared different types of cameras and
learning, features will be automatically learned and extracted to installed locations in Table 8.
achieve high performance. An advanced study [24] proposed a con- In Table 7, each sensor has some advantages and drawbacks.
volutional deep bidirectional long short-term memory (CDBLSTM) In terms of acquired occupancy information, camera sensors can
network to classify the range of occupants. They measured hu- obtain images/videos information which is more comprehensive.
midity, CO2, temperature and air pressure data, and set occupancy The information of WiFi is able to identify occupants’ identities,
ranges to train models. The most advantage of this structure is that while the information of electricity meter is difficult to accurately
LSTM network can learn temporal dependencies information, thus count occupants in recent studies. However, in terms of informa-
they achieved the state-of-the-art level. tion processing complexity, camera sensors usually take a large
In most studies, the ground truth data of occupancy informa- cost of computation, while the signal processing of PIR sensors,
tion usually comes from cameras. Therefore, fusion strategies with CO2 sensors, electricity meter often have low computation con-
cameras will provide more accurate performance. A new study sumption. The privacy issue from camera sensors, WiFi and elec-
[85] fused a thermal sensor and a camera for occupancy detection. tricity meter should be considered in real applications. Because of
They averaged data from the thermal sensor which can measure different mechanisms and buildings control effects of different sen-
the surface temperature of objects. As for the image processing al- sors, we also discuss the application scopes of different sensors. (1)
gorithm, they used a background subtraction method to detect dy- Due to existing infrastructure is equipped in buildings, occupancy
K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965 9

Table 7
Comparison of different types of sensors.

Sensor Occupancy information Existing infrastructure Privacy issue Processing complexity

Camera Detection, counting, identity, track, location Partial Partial High

WiFi Detection, counting, identity Yes Yes Medium
PIR Detection, counting No No Low
CO2 Detection, counting No No Low
Electricity meter Detection Yes Yes Low

Table 8
Comparison of different types of cameras and installed locations.

Situation Camera Installed location Cost Privacy issue Computation complexity cumulative error Weak illumination Occlusion

A Non-depth The room entrance (overhead) Low Partial Low Yes No Partial
B Non-depth The room interior Low Yes High No No Yes
C Depth The room entrance (overhead) High Partial Low Yes Yes Partial
D Depth The room interior High Yes High No Yes Yes

measurement methods based WiFi can be easily used. This type creases. The safe [53] and lightweight neural network [42] are re-
of methods provide occupancy information and control HVAC and search trends.
lighting systems after occupants’ devices are connected with APs. With the development of surveillance video, most buildings
Therefore, detailed device information has the potential to provide have installed ordinary cameras, and it brings great convenience
detailed occupancy information, such as occupancy identity and for occupancy measurement. In Table 8, occupancy measurement
tracking information. However, both WiFi users in nearby rooms or methods based on images/videos can provide more comprehensive
outside walkways and room users with no using WiFi will corrupt information and fine-grained accurate results, while the illumina-
the occupancy measurement. Moreover, occupants carry multiple tion, privacy, occlusion and large computation are main limitations.
MDs or forget to bring or take away MDs will reduce the accuracy The choice of different cameras and locations plays a very import
of counting even detection information. For example, the only peo- role in occupancy measurement systems. Depth cameras can mea-
ple in the room go out but forget to take away his/her MDs. In ad- sure occupancy in weak illumination conditions, but depth cam-
dition, many MDs turn to sleep mode at no use, and low-frequency eras are expensive and not equipped in most existing buildings,
signal transmission may mislead occupancy measurement meth- and only using depth information will increase false positive rate.
ods. (2) PIR sensors can be easily used to detect infrared radiation Using cameras to measure occupancy often bring the privacy is-
changes. Occupants’ movement can be immediately sensed for di- sue, though the issue can be partially solved at the overhead view.
rectly switch lights and appliances or more complex control strate- If cameras are installed at the room entrance (overhead), measure-
gies. In general, PIR sensors are not easy to detect static occupancy. ment methods based on motion detection will result in cumulative
However, a sensor for stationary occupancy detection is developed errors which can affect energy saving and comfort. If cameras are
in a recent study [113]. PIR sensors have the advantages of low installed at the room interior, the occlusion between people and
computational cost, low energy consumption, high reliability [111]. other objects will be a problem worth considering, and the com-
In [105], the empirical occupancy information from PIR sensors can putation complexity will increase. The detailed information is com-
be used to explore the building simulation performance. The mea- pared in Table 9. The accuracy of overhead measurement methods
surement range of PIR sensors is limited, and greater distances be- (situation A or C) is usually higher than that of interior measure-
tween PIR sensors and people will result in lower accuracy. (3) CO2 ment methods (situation B or D). Moreover, the response time of
concentrations can be used as an input to build up physical mod- overhead measurement methods is short because motion detection
els and statistical models to improve the buildings’ performance in has to run in real time. However, overhead measurement meth-
Section 3.3. In occupancy measurement, CO2 sensors can mainly ods are hard to provide occupancy detection information (i.e. oc-
provide occupancy counting information. However, the variance of cupancy presence or absence) because of the cumulative errors.
the error is larger when the people number increases. The time lag Generally speaking, Sensor fusion technology is a better choice
and air change rate are important indicators worth considering. In to enhance performance. Because different sensors can compensate
real applications, the opening of windows or doors and installation each other, and take full advantages of other sensors while over-
locations need to be controlled. (4) Due to existing infrastructure is coming own limitations for occupancy measurement.
equipped in buildings, data of electricity meters can be easily ob- As for future trends, the fifth generation mobile network (5 G),
tained. However, labeling ground truth occupancy datasets is still cloud computing platform and artificial intelligence especially deep
an issue. Electricity meters could not provide quick occupancy in- learning technologies are gradually widely developed. With the de-
formation to control lighting and HVAC systems in real time. Meth- velopment of 5 G networks technology, it will bring greater band-
ods based on electricity meters are hard to predict fine-grained oc- width, provide higher data rates, achieve the acceptable Quality of
cupancy information. Many recent studies in Section 3.4 only focus Service (QoS) and reduce network complexity [80]. The data trans-
on occupancy detection (i.e. occupancy presence or absence). And mission rate of sensors will be speeded up greatly, and the re-
occupancy privacy is still an important issue. (5) Compared with sponse speed of occupancy measurement systems will be acceler-
the above sensors, methods based cameras can provide immedi- ated. In recent years, cloud-based data processing is an important
ate and comprehensive occupancy information for control strate- aspect of computations [4]. Both demand of computational capa-
gies. So many methods based on other sensors obtain ground truth bility and increasing storage size could be solved by cloud infras-
from cameras. Methods can get real-time images from cameras and tructures.
analyze occupancy information to control lighting or HVAC sys- Besides, artificial intelligence especially deep learning has been
tems. However, many problems haven’t been solved yet. Especially, successfully applied in many challenging areas, mainly including
with the rapid development of deep learning and computer vision, image processing and natural language processing. Deep learning
the performance improves while the computation complexity in- can automatically learn to extract features [57] from large sen-
10 K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965

Table 9
Comparison of the detailed information of vision sensors based measurement systems.

References Situation Resolution Time interval Accuracy Occupancy information

[2] A 640 × 480 – 99.1% Occupancy tracking

[117] AB – 5 min 97.2% Occupancy counting
[39] B 400 × 304 0.41 s 84.2% Occupancy tracking
[14] B 320 × 240 30 s 96% Occupancy detection
[94] B 4× 16 1s 100% Occupancy counting
[102] B 4× 16 10×60–120 s 80+% Occupancy counting
[79] C 512 × 424 0.03 s 99.2% Occupancy counting
[100] C 512 × 424 – 98.1% Occupancy tracking
[120] D 640 × 480 3s 95.6% Occupancy counting
[62] CD 320 × 240 30 s Precision 0.75 Occupancy counting

Fig. 4. Example provided by [56]. The architecture of LeNet-5 convolutional neural network, including convolutional layers, subsampling layers, full connection layers and so

sors data. In Fig. 4, the authors [27] utilized a simple convolutional 5. Conclusions
neural network (CNN) named LeNet-5 [56] and sliding windows
methods to detect head for people counting in classrooms. (CNN In this paper, we have reviewed many occupancy measurement
is a deep learning algorithm that can automatically extract visual systems based on different sensors, especially images/videos based
features instead of manual design features. The CNN model pa- methods. Occupancy information is crucial to optimize the control
rameters can be trained by back-propagation or gradient descent strategy, provide building detailed simulation information. We em-
so as to obtain the expected output. CNN is specifically designed phasize the importance of building occupancy, and introduce dif-
to handle two-dimension data, like image, and is widely used in ferent types and levels of building occupancy information includ-
face recognition ([90,96]), object detection [84], Re-ID [114], im- ing detection, counting, identity, track, location and so on. We an-
age segmentation [41] and so on. In general, different computer alyze occupancy measurement systems based on the use of differ-
vision tasks are solved by different network architecture and lay- ent sensors, cameras, WiFi, PIR sensors, CO2 sensors, and electric-
ers. Convolutional layers: extract feature maps by trainable kernels ity sensors. Images/videos based method has become a research
(filters); pooling or subsampling layers: reduce the size of feature hot topic in recent years, thus we focus on the analysis of cam-
maps; full connection or dense layers: extract 1-D features; resid- eras in different aspects. Different types (non-depth or depth cam-
ual or densely connected layers: extract features from the com- eras) and different installed locations (the room entrance or in-
bination of previous and current layers [43].) Due to the R-CNN terior) of cameras can obtain different images/videos information.
[38] is time-consuming, this study [36] utilized “HOG + Adaboost” And the joint motion and static image processing methods often
method to propose head regions and utilized joint CNN and SVM can get better performance. We compare the advantages and limi-
classifiers to refine the results for occupancy counting. The study tations of different sensors, and discuss their applicable scopes and
[65] proposed a fully convolutional neural network and obtained limitations. When we select sensors in real applications, sensor
confidence coefficient maps for the crowd counting and density fusion method tends to perform better because different sensors
distribution. The study [119] used RGB, depth images and flow data can compensate each other. We also present some future trends
information to train CNN. The main idea of this study is that they including the fifth generation mobile network (5 G), cloud com-
used multitask loss to implement joint human detection and head puting platform and artificial intelligence especially deep learning
pose estimation. The authors [124] utilized SVM, CNN and K-means technologies. Hopefully, deep learning method has already gradu-
cascaded algorithms to count occupants’ heads. Deep learning ap- ally used for occupancy measurement, however, the potential risks,
proaches have already achieved significant performance, however for example adversarial patch attack need to be avoided.
the limitations have been reported recently. For example, a study
[98] trained the “path” to attack detectors and classifiers. They
trained CNN to generate an adversarial patch, and the person de-
tectors will not correctly recognize persons with the path. The au- Author contributions
thors [61] proposed a generative adversarial network to improve
the attacking ability of the adversarial patch. They tested and at- KL collected references, and wrote initial draft of the
tacked some open-source typical neutral networks, and showed manuscript. QC designed the framework of the review, refined the
the strong attacking ability of reducing the classifiers’ performance. ideas, provided partial references and revised the manuscript. JH
Even though the study [44] gave partial explanations of the adver- discussed the vision situations, and summarized the differences
sarial patch, this problem has not been solved effectively. between different measurement systems.
K. Sun, Q. Zhao and J. Zou / Energy & Buildings 216 (2020) 109965 11

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