0501202391239719final MOM 38 EAC 15 December 2022 (27dec2022)

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The 38th meeting of the re-constituted EAC for River Valley & Hydroelectric Projects
organized by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran
Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi, was held on 15th December, 2022 through video
conference, under the Chairmanship of Dr. A. K. Malhotra. The list of Members present in the
meeting is at Annexure.

Agenda Item No. 38.1

Confirmation of the minutes of 36th EAC meeting.

Agenda Item No. 38.2

Singanamala Pumped Storage Project (800 MW), in an area of 480.65 Ha located at

Salakam cheruvu Village, Tehsil Singanamala, District Ananthapuramu, (Andhra
Pradesh) by M/s New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra
Pradesh Ltd (NREDCAP) Project – Terms of Reference (TOR) – reg.

[Proposal No. IA/AP/RIV/407154/2022; F. No. J-12011/18/2022-IA.I (R)]

38.2.1: The proposal is for grant of terms of reference to Singanamala Pumped Storage Project
of capacity 800 MW in an area of 480.65 Ha located at village Salakam cheruvu, Tehsil
Singanamala, District Ananthapuramu (Andhra Pradesh) by M/s New and Renewable Energy
Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (NREDCAP).

38.2.2 The details of the project submitted by project proponent and ascertained from the
document submitted are mentioned below:

The proposal is for grant of Terms of References (TOR) to Singanamala Pumped Storage
Project (800 MW), in an area of 480.65 Ha located at Salakam cheruvu Village, Tehsil
Singanamala, District Ananthapuramu, (Andhra Pradesh) by M/s New and Renewable Energy
Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (NREDCAP) Project.

38.2.2: The details of the project submitted by project proponent and ascertained from the
document submitted are mentioned below:

i. Location: Salakam cheruvu Village, Tehsil Singanamala, Anantapuram district of

Andhra Pradesh. The geographical coordinates of the proposed upper reservoir are at
longitude 77°41'40.75"E & latitude is 14°51'10.11"N and that of existing lower
reservoir are at 77°43'5.18"E and 14°50'50.03"N. structed newly) and Singanamala PSP
Upper Reservoir (to be constructed newly). The proposed upper reservoir and lower
reservoirs are not located on any river course.
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ii. Singanamala Pumped Storage Project (SPSP) is an Off-Stream Closed Loop Pumped
Storage development, proposed with an installed capacity of 800MW/5248 MWH. The
Project comprises of development of upper & lower reservoirs with a gross storage
capacity of 0.73TMC & 0.59 TMC respectively, out of which upper reservoir to be
constructed on the hill top with maximum dam height of 54 m to create the desired
storage capacity while the lower reservoir will have maximum height of 34 m
constructed at the downhill.
iii. The Singanamala PSP envisages construction of Upper reservoir which is proposed to
be located on hill top. The water from upper reservoir shall be utilized for peaking power
generation. After generation, the water from Lower dam shall be pumped back to upper
dam during off peak hours through reversible turbines.
iv. The storage project is proposed with the following major components
a. Formation of Upper reservoir
b. Upper Intake from Upper reservoir
c. A Concrete lined Head Race Tunnel
d. Surge Tank & steel lined penstock tunnel/pressure shaft to feed water to generating
e. Concrete Lined Tail Race Tunnel
f. Powerhouse, switch yard and other auxiliary units
v. Land requirement: The total land required for construction of project components,
reservoir area, muck dumping, construction camps and colony, etc., works out to be
480.65 ha (248.32 forest land & 232.33 Non Forest land.
vi. The proposed Pumped storage project is a pumped storage project, no consumptive
utilisation of water is envisaged, except for recouping the evaporation losses of 0.968
MCum in the upper & lower reservoirs. All the project components of the proposed
PSP are within the state of Andhra Pradesh and the submergence due to construction of
upper reservoir also lies within the state of Andhra Pradesh. As the Consumptive use
of the project is only 0.968 MCum, which is a continuous requirement, is only be
applicable for consideration of inter-state aspects. However, the water will be allocated
from the states share of water, as such no interstate issue on sharing of water is not
envisaged at this stage. All the project components and the submergence due to upper
reservoir are completely in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Hence, no Inter-State aspects
of territory, property etc. coming under submergence, oustees rehabilitation,
compensation etc.
vii. The project area is located in the Ananthapur district in the Rayalseema region of
Andhra Pradesh. As per the seismic map zone of India, the Project area lies in the
seismic zone-II. The area has not experienced any major earthquakes so far.
viii. The proposed project is an off stream closed loop project with an installed capacity of
800MW/5248 MWH. The land required for the proposed upper reservoir and upper intake
is 124.98 ha and the land required for the proposed lower reservoir and upper intake is
132.36 ha.
ix. The total project cost Rs. 456764.71 Lakhs (4567.64 Cr).
x. The Salient features of the project is as under: -

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1 Type of Project

a Type Off Stream Closed Loop Pumped Storage

b Storage Capacity 5248 MWH

c Rating 800 MW

d Peak operation duration 6.56 Hours daily

2 Upper Reservoir (Proposed)

a Live Storage 0.52 TMC (14.625 MCM)

b Dead Storage 0.21 TMC (5.96 MCM)

c Gross Storage 0.73 TMC (20.58 MCM)

3 Upper Dam

a Type of Dam Rock fill & Concrete Spillway

b Top of Dam EL +490.000 m

c Full Reservoir level (FRL) EL +485.000 m

d Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) EL +465.000m

e Length of Dam 667m

f Max Height of Embankment 54.0 m (above Lowest NSL)

g Top Width of Embankment 10.0 m

4 Upper Spillway

a Type of spillway Free flow Roller compacted concrete

(RCC) spillway
b No. of opening 1 No.

c Width of opening 50 m

d Crest level EL +485.00 m

e Maximum water level (MWL) EL +487.00 m

5 Lower Reservoir (Proposed)

a Live Storage 0.52 TMC (14.85 MCM)

b Dead Storage 0.07 TMC (1.946 MCM)

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c Gross Storage 0.59 TMC (16.80MCM)

6 Lower Dam

a Type of Dam Rock fill & Concrete Spillway

b Top of Dam EL +340.000 m

c Full Reservoir level (FRL) EL +335.000 m

d Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) EL +317.000m

e Length of Dam 506.0 m

f Max Height of Dam 34.0 m (above Lowest NSL)

g Top Width of Dam 10.0 m

7 Lower Spillway

a Type of spillway Free flow Roller compacted concrete

(RCC) spillway
b No. of opening 1 No.

c Width of opening 50 m

d Crest level EL +335.00 m

e Maximum water level (MWL) EL +337.00 m

8 Intake Structure (Upper Intake)

a Type Diffuser Type

b Number of Vents 2 No.

c Size of Intake 35.25m (W) x 12.25 m (H) including piers

d Length of Intake 71.60 m (covered with RCC slab at top up

to Starting of HRT)
e Elevation of Intake center line EL +450.00 m

f Elevation of Intake bottom EL +445.00 m

g Design Discharge of Intake (Turbine 155.33 Cumec for one unit

h Trash rack type Vertical with inclination of 15o

i Size of Trash Rack 3 nos. Of 9.75m(W) x 12.25m(H) of each

j Velocity through Trash rack 0.985 m/s

k Numbers & Size of Intake Service Gate 2 Nos. - 8.5 m (W) x 10.00 m (H) with

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Independent Rope Drum Hoist

L Numbers & Size of Intake Maintenance 1 No. – 8.5 m (W) x 10.00 m (H)
Gate with Common Movable Gantry Crane
9 Water Conductor System

I Intake Tunnel

a Type Horseshoe Tunnel

b Number of Tunnels 2 No.

c Diameter of Tunnel 10.0 m dia.

d Length of Tunnel 608.50 m

e Design Discharge of Tunnel 310.66 Cumec

f Velocity in the Tunnel 3.955 m/sec

II 8.5m dia Penstock

a Type Circular

b Number of Penstock 2 Nos

c Diameter of Penstock 8.5 m dia.

d Design Discharge in main penstock 310.66 Cumec

e Velocity in the Tunnel 5.475m/sec

f Length 544.90 m for each Tunnel

g Thickness of Steel Liner 24 mm to 47mm

h Grade of Steel Plate ASTM 517 Grade-F Steel

III 6.0m dia Pressure Shaft

a Type Steel lined – circular

b Number of Pressure Shafts 4 Nos.

c Diameter of shaft 6.0 m dia.

d Length 92.50 m each

e Thickness of Steel Liner 35 mm

f Grade of Steel Plate ASTM 517 GRADE-F

IV Main Inlet Valve (MIV)

h Size of MIV 4.50 m Diameter

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V 20.0 m dia Surge Shaft

a Type and Nos. 2 Nos. restricted orifice type circular

surge shaft
b Diameter 20.0 m

10 Adit Tunnels

a Adit to Penstock Bottom 1210.0 m long 6.5m dia. D Shaped Tunnel

b Escape Tunnel 61.0 m long 6.50 m dia. D Shaped Tunnel

11 Powerhouse

a Type Surface Powerhouse

b Center Line of Unit El. +287.00 m

c Size of Powerhouse 118.00 m (L) x 25.50 m (W) x 51.00 m

(H) at Generator Floor Level
d Size of Service bays 40.0 m (L) x 25.50 m (W) (Left Side
Service Bay)
e Service bay level El. +303.15 m

f Crane Beam Level in Powerhouse El. +315.65m

g Size of Unloading Bay 20 m (L) X 25.50 m (W)

h Unloading Bay Level El. +327.200m

38.2.3: The EAC during deliberations noted the following:

The EAC deliberated on the information submitted (Form 1, PFR, kml file, etc.) and as
presented in the meeting and observed that the proposal is for grant of Terms of Reference to
the project for Singanamala Pumped Storage Project of capacity 800 MW in an area of 480.65
Ha located at village Salakam cheruvu, Tehsil Singanamala, District Ananthapuramu (Andhra
Pradesh) by M/s New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh

38.2.4 The EAC after detailed deliberation on the information submitted and as presented
during the meeting recommended for grant of Standard ToR for conducting EIA study for
Singanamala Pumped Storage Project of capacity 800 MW in an area of 480.65 Ha located at
village Salakam cheruvu, Tehsil Singanamala, District Ananthapuramu (Andhra Pradesh) by
M/s New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd
(NREDCAP), under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006, as amended along with the
following additional/specific ToR:

[A] Environmental Management and Biodiversity Conservation:

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i. Alternative site analysis shall be carried out in terms of ecological aspects viz. loss of
Forest ecosystem due to diversion of Forest land/ loss of biodiversity and its impacts on
productivity of the ecosystem, water availability, eco-sustainability of water source be
used for generation of hydro power and Ecological flows in the small stream/ Nallah.
Preference shall be given to minimize forest land.
ii. WRD permission to take water from Chagallu barrage be submitted.
iii. Approved Hydrological study report, E-flow of Chagallu barrage from CWC be
iv. Alternative study carried out for reducing requirement of Forest land for the Construction
of proposed project.
v. Impact zone decided prior to base line data generation and accordingly, sampling location
shall be finalized. Baseline data as mentioned in Standard ToR shall be collected for
preparation of EIA/EMP report along with soil characteristics which shall be studied at
minimum 10 locations. The ground water level at 10 locations shall be measured in
project area in all three seasons.
vi. A study shall be carried out on impact of project activity on the aquatic and terrestrial
ecosystem, within project area classifying the impact zones (highly impact/low impact
zone) based on seasonal variations and covering the aspects related to impacts on aquatic
ecosystem/ primary productivity due to quantity of water to be lifted for power generation
and thermal stratification. Accordingly, Environment Management plan shall be
vii. Sampling locations be located to cover villages situated near the reservoir and around
boundary of forest area for collection of baseline data and data to be incorporated in EIA/
EMP report.
viii. Possibility impact assessment on the fish diversity based on the hydrological alteration
at the water drawing sources (Chagallu Barrage) shall be studied.
ix. Details about other projects located on the river basin along with their longitudinal
distance between two projects be submitted.
x. Identify the sand mining/ quarrying sites in submergence area and downstream of
xi. Source of construction material and its distance from the project site along with detailed
transportation plan for construction material be submitted.
xii. A detailed reclamation/ restoration plan of quarrying site/sites be incorporated in the
EIA/EMP report.
xiii. Certificate and certified map from Chief Wildlife Warden shall be submitted mentioning
that project boundary is located outside from any Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) and no
Wildlife Sanctuary falls within 10 km of Project site.
xiv. A detailed wildlife conservation plan for Schedule –I species be prepared duly approved
by the Chief Wild Life Warden be submitted.
xv. In case any Wildlife Corridor is located within 10 km radius of the project site a detailed
study shall be conducted to assess the impact of project on safe movement of wild
xvi. Reservoir/ River banks protection plan all along the submergence need to be prepared
and incorporated in EIA/ EMP.

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xvii. Scope of watershed development in the 10 km radius of the project shall be studied in
consultation with Govt. institutions/ Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR)and
accordingly a detailed Water Shed Development Plan shall be prepared and incorporated
in EIA/ EMP report.
xviii. MoU for water uses for the project shall be signed and approved by concerned authority.
xix. Environmental matrix during construction and operational phase needs to be submitted.
xx. Matrix formulated on the basis of detailed study and field survey of flora and Fauna
methodology used shall be mentioned in the EIA report.
xxi. Endemic plant and animal species found in the area concerned shall be provided instead
listing entire endemic species found in the State.
xxii. Details of Flora and Fauna reported in submergence area, Nos. of tree along with their
density and nomenclature required to be cut for reservoir creation and other project
xxiii. Project impact on avi-fauna shall be studied and incorporated in EIA/ EMP report.
xxiv. Impact assessment on the fish diversity based on the hydrological alteration at the water
drawing sources shall be studied.
xxv. Stage-1 Forest Clearance shall be obtained.

[B] Socio-economic Study

xxvi. Declaration by the project proponent by way of affidavit that "No" Inter-state issue/
policies issue is involved with any state in the project. Consent from other state for
drawing of water from Narmada River, if required.
xxvii. All the tasks including conducting public hearing shall be done as per the provisions of
EIA Notification, 2006 and as amended from time to time. Public hearing issues raised
and compliance of the same shall be incorporated in the EIA/ EMP report in the relevant
xxviii. Statement on the commitments (activity-wise) made during public hearing to facilitate
the discussion on the CER in compliance of the Ministry's OM F. No. 22- 65/2017-IA.III
dated 30th September, 2020 shall be submitted.
xxix. Tentative no. of project affected families shall be identified and accordingly appropriate
Rehabilitation & Resettlement plan shall be prepared.

[C] Muck Management/ Disaster Management

xxx. Details of quantity of muck generation component wise and disposal site along with
transportation plan and its monitoring to be provided.
xxxi. Details of Muck Management plan prepared along with estimated cost incorporated in
EIA/ EMP report.
xxxii. Techno-economic viability of the project must be recommended from CEA/ CWC

[D] Miscellaneous.

xxxiii. Pre-DPR Chapters viz., Hydrology, Layout Map and Power Potential Studies duly
approved by CWC I CEA shall be submitted.

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xxxiv. Undertaking need to submitted on affidavit that regarding no activities has been yet on
the project site and water allocated to this scheme shall not be diverted to other purpose.
xxxv. Both capital and recurring expenditure under EMP shall be submitted.
xxxvi. The photograph should bear the date, time, latitude & longitude of the monitoring
station/ sampling location. In addition to this PP should submit the original test reports
and certificates of the labs which will analyse the samples.
xxxvii. Arial view video of project site shall be recorded and to be submit.
xxxviii. The PP has to obtain clearance from inter-state aspect from the designated authorities
as per procedure.

Agenda Item No. 38.3

Warsgaon Warangi Pumped Storage Project (1200 MW) in an area of 169 Ha located at
Village Teckpole and Warangi, Tehsil Velhe and Mahad, District Pune and Raigad
(Maharashtra) by M/s Adani Green Energy Limited – Terms of Reference (TOR) - reg.

[Proposal No. IA/MH/RIV/407676/2022; F. No. J-12011/19/2022-IA.I (R)]

38.3.1: The proposal is for grant of terms of reference to Warsgaon Warangi Pumped Storage
Project of capacity 1200 MW in an area of 169 ha at Village Teckpole and Warangi, Tehsil
Velhe and Mahad, District Pune and Raigad (Maharashtra) by M/s Adani Green Energy

38.3.2: The details of the project submitted by project proponent and ascertained from the
document submitted are mentioned below:

i. The proposal is for grant of terms of reference to the project for Warsgaon Warangi
Pumped Storage Project of capacity 1200 MW in an area of 169 ha at Village Teckpole
and Warangi, Tehsil Velhe and Mahad, District Pune and Raigad (Maharashtra) by M/s
Adani Green Energy Limited.
ii. The proposed project Warasgaon Warangi Pumped Storage Project (“Project”) is an
Off-River PSP scheme with an installed capacity of 1200 MW (5 x 240 MW) with both
upper and lower reservoirs located across minor nallahs in their initial reaches, wherein
the flows are only seasonal during monsoon. The project area is in the Sahyadri ranges
of the Western Ghats of Maharashtra State in the area bordering Pune and Raigad
iii. The upper dam is located on a rocky ridge near Teckpole village in Velhe Taluka, Pune
district of Maharashtra state having a geographical latitude 18° 18' 20.3" N and
longitude 73° 27' 47.42" E. The lower dam is located on a rocky ridge near Warangi
village in Mahad Taluka, Raigad district of Maharashtra state having a geographical
latitude 18° 16' 16.79" N and longitude 73° 27' 57.93" E.

iv. Upper dam is proposed to be located across a minor nallah draining into Panshet Dam
which is located on the Ambi river. Ambi river is a tributary of the Mutha River.
Panshet Dam is located about 50 km south-west of Pune city in western India. Both
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Ambi and Mutha river originate from the Western Ghats and flow eastward until
it merges with the Mula River near Pune city. After merging with the Mula river, it
called as Mula-Mutha River which further joins the Bhima River. The Bhima River is
a major river in Western India and South India.

v. Lower dam is proposed to be located across a minor nallah draining into Kal river which
is a tributary of the Savitri River. The Kal River is one of the West Flowing
Rivers in Maharashtra. Kal river is a major tributary of Savitri River. The project area
is in the Sahyadri ranges of the Western Ghats

vi. Land requirement: The total land required for the project components and related
works has been estimated to be about 169 ha out of which 24.50 ha is forest land and
144.50 ha is non forest/private land.

vii. The cost of the project is Rs. 4872 Crore at 2022-23 price level including Interest
During Construction (IDC) of Rs. 528 Crore. As a preliminary estimate, a construction
period of 5 years (60 months) from the date of award of civil works package has been
estimated for this project.
viii. Proposed project is located about 9.2 km away from boundary of Tamhini Wildlife
Sanctuary. The final notification for ESZ of Tamhini Wildlife Sanctuary published by
MOEF vide notification dated 25th February, 2021 and proposed project is located about
6.6 km away from final ESZ boundary of Tamhini Wildlife Sanctuary. Further,
proposed project is falling under ESA of Western Ghat as per MOEF draft ESA
notification dated 6th July 2022. However, Hydropower Projects are permitted in ESA
of Western Ghats as per MOEF notification dated 20th December 2013. Location of
reservoirs is on seasonal minor nallahs with very small catchment areas i.e. of the order
of 2.5 km2 and 14.8 km2 for upper and lower reservoir respectively. Rainfall in the
catchment will be able to meet the recuperating losses.
ix. The proposed Warasgaon Warangi PSP (5 x 240 MW) envisages following major civil

S. No. Project Component Details

1. Upper Dam (Concrete Crest length 490 m, maximum height 57 m above the
Dam) deepest riverbed level. Gross storage capacity of Upper
reservoir is 8.96 Mm3
2. Lower Dam (Concrete Crest length 820 m, maximum height 51 m above the
Dam) deepest river bed level. Gross storage capacity of Lower
reservoir is 12.28 Mm3.
3. Upper Intake/Outlet Horizontal pit type intake, 4 nos. of trash rack bays, each
with a size of 8.5 m (W) x 12.0 m (H).
4. Lower Intake/Outlet Horizontal pit type intake, 4 nos. of trash rack bays, each
with a size of 7.5 m (W) x 12.0 m (H)
5. Headrace Tunnel 1385 m (length), 9.0 m (dia.), horse-shoe shaped,
concrete lined

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6. Surge Shaft Restricted orifice type, 15 m dia., 95 m high, circular,
concrete lined
7. Pressure Shaft 1500 m (length), 7.0 m (diameter), steel lined and
branching near powerhouse, each with 3.2 m diameter
8. Surface Powerhouse 166 m (L) x 24 m (W) x 39m (H)
9. Tailrace Tunnel 132 m (length), 8.0 m (diameter), horse-shoe shaped,
concrete lined.
10. Approach road Strengthening of existing roads - 10 km
Construction of new road - 15 km

11. Adit Adit to bottom horizontal pressure shaft- 1.5 km

x. Project benefit:
a) Warasgaon Warangi PSP has been designed to meet the peaking requirement daily in
the southern region grid and the state of Maharashtra for a duration of about seven (7)
b) The energy output of the project with an installed capacity of 1200 MW has been
estimated as 2913 MU annually.

xi. R & R details:

Based on the preliminary layout formulated for proposed Warasgaon Warangi PSP, the project
prima-facie does not involve submergence of large habitations or large area of agricultural
lands and R & R issue are minimal. Upper reservoir area is completely non-forest land,
however, no habitation is there. Lower reservoir area has a forest patch, however, it is largely
non-forest land where few houses and agricultural land is observed. In addition to the above
land under submergence, additional land is required for construction of civil structures and
other project components, which will be located on non-forest land. Based on the above, 144.5
ha has been identified as non-forest land requirement for the project.

In view of the above, private land is proposed to be purchased through private negotiations, as
it is within the specified limits by the relevant rules notified by the State Government, related
to rehabilitation and resettlement under RFCTLARR, 2013.

The detailed requirements for the R&R plan, if applicable, will be based on the social-economic
survey and land utilization for the project. Due consideration ought to be given to the societal
requirements in developing the R&R plan as a part of EIA/EMP studies.

38.3.3: The EAC during deliberations noted the following:

The EAC deliberated on the information submitted (Form 1, PFR, kml file, etc.) and as
presented in the meeting and observed that the proposal is for grant of terms of reference to the
project for Warsgaon Warangi Pumped Storage Project of capacity 1200 MW in an area of 169
ha at Village Teckpole and Warangi, Tehsil Velhe and Mahad, District Pune and Raigad
(Maharashtra) by M/s Adani Green Energy Limited.

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The project/activity is covered under category A of item 1 (c) ‘River Valley projects’ of the
Schedule to the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 and requires appraisal at
Central level by the sectoral EAC in the Ministry.

The proposed project comes under ESA of Western Ghats (Maharashtra) and as per O.M dated
20th December, 2013, hydro power projects are allowed in Western Ghats ESA.

38.3.4 The EAC after detailed deliberation on the information submitted and as presented
during the meeting recommended for grant of Standard ToR for conducting EIA study for
Warsgaon Warangi Pumped Storage Project of capacity 1200 MW in an area of 169 ha at
Village Teckpole and Warangi, Tehsil Velhe and Mahad, District Pune and Raigad
(Maharashtra) by M/s Adani Green Energy Limited, under the provisions of EIA Notification,
2006, as amended along with the following additional/specific ToR:

[A] Environmental Management and Biodiversity Conservation:

i. Tentative estimation of muck generation with their disposal sites along with protection.
ii. Cumulative Impact of project on carrying capacity and sustainability of Kali river/
nalahs of catchment area / due to tapping of water for filling reservoir.
iii. Impact zone decided prior to base line data generation and accordingly, sampling
location shall be finalized. Baseline data as mentioned in Standard ToR shall be
collected for preparation of EIA/ EMP report along with soil characteristics which shall
be studied at minimum 10 locations. The ground water level at 10 locations shall be
measured in project area in all three seasons.
iv. A study shall be carried out on impact of project activity on the aquatic and terrestrial
ecosystem, within project area classifying the impact zones (highly impact/low impact
zone) based on seasonal variations and covering the aspects related to impacts on
aquatic ecosystem/ primary productivity due to quantity of water to be lifted for power
generation and thermal stratification. Accordingly, Environment Management plan
shall be prepared.
v. Sampling locations be located to cover villages situated near the reservoir and around
boundary of forest area for collection of baseline data and data to be incorporated in
EIA/ EMP report.
vi. The study shall be conducted and approved by CWC regarding assessment of E-Flow
of water in the river in terms of draft notification S.O. 3072(E) dated 6th July, 2022
issued by the Ministry for Western Ghats.
vii. Details about other projects located on the river basin of river Kali along with their
longitudinal distance between two projects be submitted. In case of more than one
project a detailed Cumulative Impact Assessment and Carrying Capacity study covering
aspects related to impact of each project on the flow pattern of the rivers and forest and
biodiversity shall be conducted through a reputed Government institute having
expertise in the area.
viii. Identify the sand mining/ quarrying sites in submergence area and downstream of

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ix. Source of construction material and its distance from the project site along with detailed
transportation plan for construction material in view of the project site location in
Western Ghats be submitted.
x. A detailed reclamation/ restoration plan of quarrying site/sites be incorporated in the
EIA/EMP report.
xi. Certificate and certified map from Chief Wildlife Warden shall be submitted
mentioning that project boundary is located outside the Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ) and
no Wildlife Sanctuary falls within 10 km of Project site.
xii. A detailed wildlife conservation plan for Schedule –I species be prepared duly approved
by the Chief Wild Life Warden be submitted.
xiii. In case any Wildlife Corridor is located within 10 km radius of the project site a detailed
study shall be conducted to assess the impact of project on safe movement of wild
xiv. Reservoir/ River banks protection plan all along the submergence need to be prepared
and incorporated in EIA/ EMP.
xv. Scope of watershed development in the 10 km radius of the project shall be studied in
consultation with Govt. institutions/ Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR)and
accordingly a detailed Water Shed Development Plan shall be prepared and
incorporated in EIA/ EMP report.
xvi. MoU for water uses for the project shall be signed and approved by concerned authority.
xvii. Environmental matrix during construction and operational phase needs to be submitted.
xviii. Matrix formulated on the basis of detailed study and field survey of flora and Fauna
methodology used shall be mentioned in the EIA report.
xix. Endemic plant and animal species found in the area concerned shall be provided instead
listing entire endemic species found in the State.
xx. Details of Flora and Fauna reported in submergence area, Nos. of tree along with their
density and nomenclature required to be cut for reservoir creation and other project
xxi. Project impact on avi-fauna shall be studied and incorporated in EIA/ EMP report.
xxii. Impact assessment on the fish diversity based on the hydrological alteration at the water
drawing sources shall be studied.
xxiii. Stage-I Forest Clearance shall be obtained.
xxiv. Cumulative impact assessment study shall be carried out.
xxv. Study report on impact on River Rejuvenation shall be submitted.

[B] Socio-economic Study

xxvi. Declaration by the project proponent by way of affidavit that "No" Inter-state issue/
policies issue is involved with any state in the project. Consent from other state for
drawing of water from Narmada River, if required.
xxvii. All the tasks including conducting public hearing shall be done as per the provisions
of EIA Notification, 2006 and as amended from time to time. Public hearing issues
raised and compliance of the same shall be incorporated in the EIA/ EMP report in the
relevant chapter.

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xxviii. Statement on the commitments (activity-wise) made during public hearing to facilitate
the discussion on the CER in compliance of the Ministry's OM F.No.22- 65/2017-
IA.III dated 30th September, 2020 shall be submitted.
xxix. Tentative no. of project affected families shall be identified and accordingly
appropriate Rehabilitation & Resettlement plan shall be prepared.
xxx. Details of settlement in 10 km area shall be submitted.

[C] Muck Management/ Disaster Management

xxxi. Details of quantity of muck generation component wise and disposal site along with
transportation plan and its monitoring to be provided.
xxxii. Details of Muck Management plan prepared along with estimated cost incorporated
in EIA/ EMP report.
xxxiii. Techno-economic viability of the project must be recommended from CEA/ CWC

[D] Miscellaneous.

xxxiv. Pre-DPR Chapters viz., Hydrology, Layout Map and Power Potential Studies duly
approved by CWC I CEA shall be submitted.
xxxv. Undertaking need to submitted on affidavit that regarding no activities has been yet
on the project site and water allocated to this scheme shall not be diverted to other
xxxvi. Both capital and recurring expenditure under EMP shall be submitted.
xxxvii. The photograph should bear the date, time, latitude & longitude of the monitoring
station/ sampling location. In addition to this PP should submit the original test reports
and certificates of the labs which will analyse the samples.
xxxviii. Arial view video of project site shall be recorded and to be submitted.
xxxix. The PP has to obtain clearance from inter-state aspect from the designated authorities
as per procedure.

Agenda Item No. 38.4

Damanganga (Ekdare) - Godavari intrastate link project at Village Ekdare, Tehsil Peint,
District Nashik (Maharashtra) by M/s National Water Development Agency- Terms of
Reference (TOR) -reg.

[Proposal No. IA/MH/RIV/88394/2018; F. No. J-12011/03/2019-IA-1 (R)]

38.4.1: The proposal is for grant of terms of reference to the project for Damanganga (Ekdare)
- Godavari intrastate link project at Village Ekdare, Tehsil Peint, District Nashik (Maharashtra)
by M/s National Water Development Agency.

38.4.2 The proposal was earlier considered by the EAC in its 26th meeting held on 20.08.2019,
wherein the EAC deferred the proposal with the opined that the PP shall have to come prepared

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with a detailed presentation about the scheme and the other sites / alternates so as to reduce the
static head and requirement of power’.

38.4.3: The details of the project submitted by project proponent and ascertained from the
document submitted are mentioned below:

i. The project will divert surplus water available in Damanganga basin (Ekdare Dam -
proposed) to Upper Godavari sub-basin (Waghad Dam - existing) in Godavari river
ii. The Damanganga (Ekdare) - Godavari (Waghad) link project envisages diversion of
about 138.6 MCM of surplus water available in the catchment of Damanganga basin up
to proposed Ekdare dam site to existing Waghad reservoir in Godavari valley, by lift in
three stages at Ekdare, Nirgude & at the proposed Circular sump with a total static lift
of 327.40m.
iii. The total conveyance system of 13.62 km comprises a pipe line of 10.42 km (rising
main) by lift up to Jharlipada Diversion scheme and 3.20 km by gravity (1.30 km
ridge cut between Damanganga to Godavari basins) & 1.90 km of natural stream of
Kadwa river up to Waghad Reservoir.
iv. The structural component of the link system consists of one proposed Ekdare dam,
conveyance system of 13.62 km length, two proposed weirs, i.e. Hatti & Nirgude,
Intermediate Circular sump and underground RCC pipe line between the proposed Hatti
& Nirgude weirs. The available waters will be lifted by the 3 Pump houses at Ekdare,
Nirgude & Circular Pump by the rising mains to divert in to the existing Jharlipada
Diversion scheme.
v. Submergence area: The submergence area at FRL is 247.4 ha. Out of which about
53.40 ha is river course, 41.91 ha is forest area and 152.09 ha Govt. land & private land.
No villages are coming under submergence.
vi. Use of Water: The proposed utilization from the Ekdare reservoir is fixed at 143 MCM
out of which,4.4 MCM is kept reserved for local use and remaining 138.6 MCM is
proposed for lifting to Waghad dam. The link project will benefit a total area of 18404
ha irrigation out of which 687 ha will be benefitted in command areas within
Damanganga basin for local use in Nasik district and the remaining 17717 ha will be
benefitted in Upper Godavari sub-basin in the command of existing Jayakwadi project
in Marathwada region.
vii. Land requirement: The total land requirement for the proposed Damaganga (Ekdare)-
Godavari (Waghad) link project is 261.99 ha, out of which 44.76 ha is forest land, for
which forest clearance to be obtained under Forest Conservation Act.
viii. Ecological Sensitive Area, if any within 10km of project site: No Protected area falls
within 10 km of project area. Distance of Tana Wildlife Sanctuary is about 49.70 km
from the proposed submergence area of Ekdare dam. Therefore, Wildlife Clearance is
not applicable.
ix. As per the recommendations of the CWC during field visit, it is proposed to construct
the Ekdare as Roller Compacted Concrete dam (69.50 m height 302.00 m long) across
Damanganga river near Ekdare village of Peint taluk, Nasik district in Maharashtra. The

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FRL and MDDL of Ekdare reservoir would be 374.00 m, 345 m respectively and the
corresponding storages are 36.41 MCM and 7.04 MCM respectively.

38.4.3: The EAC during deliberations noted the following:

The proposal is for grant of terms of reference to the project for Damanganga (Ekdare) -
Godavari intrastate link project at Village Ekdare, Tehsil Peint, District Nashik (Maharashtra)
by M/s National Water Development Agency.

Damanganga (Ekdare)-Godavari intra-state link project, envisages diversion of 143 million m3

of water from the Damanganga basin to the water short Gangapur Reservoir of Nashik District
in the Godavari Basin.Ekdare Dam is proposed to store water in monsoon. Ekdare Dam project
is located in the Peint tehsils of Nashik District. The Catchment area at the proposed site is 200
km2 and the proposed submergence area is 620 ha. At 75% dependable. Annual yield is 199.10
MCM, while 143 MCM is the proposed diversion.

The EAC after detailed deliberation recommended the proposal for grant of applicable
Standard TOR along with following addition TOR for conducting EIA study:

i. Study on costal impact due to diversion of water from Damanganga to Godavari River.
ii. E- flows study required for sustainability of aquatic ecosystem of both rivers i.e
Damanganga and Godavari River.
iii. If water diverted one basin to other basin, the impact of the aquatic ecosystem and
quality of water needs to be studied.
iv. The quantity of water goes into Arabian sea from Damanganga needs to be studied.
v. The study on impact of diversion of water from Damanganga river particularly in the
stretch of river between diversion point to confluence with Arabian sea.

Agenda Item No. 38.5

Additional Agenda item:

Lower Orr Dam project under Ken-Betwa Link Project Phase II (90000 CCA) in an area
of 3007.2 ha at Village Didoni, Tehsil Chanderi, District Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh
by M/s National Water Development Agency – Site visit report – reg.

[Proposal No. IA/MP/RIV/255619/2013; F. No. J-12011/31/2011-IA.I]

38.5.1: The Member Secretary informed to the EAC that in compliance of recommendations
of the EAC (RVHEP) during its 28th meeting held on 31st May, 2022. The sub-committee
comprising 4 EAC members namely Dr. A. K. Malhotra, Shri K. Gowarppan, Shri Ashok
Kharya, Dr. J. A. Johnson and Shri Yogendra Pal Singh (Member Secretary, EAC) visited the
project site during 9th -11th November, 2022. The Sub-committee has submitted its report for
consideration of the EAC on 13th December, 2022. The site visit report is annexed at Annexure-
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The Sub-Committee visited the following areas:

1) Pipe factory where the PP has given a presentation about the overview of the project
2) Operators barracks,
3) site office complex,
4) earthen dam,
5) the concrete weir area
6) quarrying sites

The Sub-Committee during site visit observed the following:

i. Lower Orr major irrigation project is one of the project under Ken-Betwa Link Project,
Phase-II for providing irrigation in water deprived area (90000 Ha) of Bundelkhand
region in Shivpuri and Datia district of M.P. The project has been conceived for
providing assured irrigation facility to 90000 ha area in water deprived Shivpuri and
Datia districts during Rabi season with 100% intensity of irrigation by pressurized
distribution network.
ii. Provision of 6 MCM of water has been kept for providing drinking water facility to 1.65
lakh population in the area.
iii. The Cost Estimate of Lower Orr major irrigation project has been finalized by CWC,
Govt. of India for Rs. 2657.03 Cr based on MP Unified Schedule of Rates 2017-18.
Revised cost at price level 2020-21 is 3101.41 cr.
iv. Total affected land - 3020.49 ha. (Forest Land - 991.79Ha.). Stage-I & Stage-II FC has
been issued by the Ministry on 12th February, 2019 and 06th May, 2021 respectively for
diversion of 968.24 ha. Forest land.
v. The contract was awarded for construction of dam on 23rd February, 2018 after obtaining
administrative approval of govt. of M. P. construction work was initiated on non-forest
vi. The project construction work is in progress and the construction work has attained
overall progress more than 60% (Dam construction-82%, Canal Network 33.50%).
vii. The Project Proponent has started construction work of the project after
recommendation of the EAC, no Environmental Clearance has been issued by the
Ministry till date.
viii. No Consent to establish/Consent to operate was obtained by the Project Proponent
before starting the construction work.
ix. Status of implementation of Catchment Area Treatment Plan and R&R has to be
submitted by the project proponent.
x. No plantation /afforestation has commenced so far excepting some few in the office
xi. Barrack area was not in order.
xii. The muck management was very poor and no reclamation activity has commenced.
xiii. The workmanship of slope, pitching and dam top were not up to the mark.
xiv. Most of the trees have not been removed before the onset of submersion in the reservoir

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The EAC Sub-Committee has recommended for submission of information so that ecological
damage caused due to start of construction of project without environmental clearance can be
assessed. After calculation of damage cost the EAC may suggest ecological restoration plan to
be implemented by the project authorities.

38.5.2: The EAC during deliberations noted the following:

The EAC deliberated on the site visit report and observed that the project authorities have
violated the provisions of the EIA Notification, 2006 and started the construction work of the
project without Environmental Clearance. It was also observed that during construction of the
project environmental safeguard conditions suggested by the EAC while recommending the
project for grant of Environmental Clearance in its meeting 93rd meeting held on 2nd May, 2016
have not been complied with. Accordingly, it is essential to have an ecological damage
assessment study as per laid down procedure of the Ministry so as to suggest the appropriate
environmental damage restoration plan in order to develop the project in ecologically
sustainable manner.

38.5.3: The EAC after detailed deliberation on the EAC Sub- Committee site visit report
recommended that the Ministry may consider for taking necessary action on the violation
against the project proponent as per law. The Project Authorities may conduct study as per
following additional ToR for assessment of environmental damage caused due to start of
construction of project without obtaining prior Environmental Clearance, in terms of Office
Memorandum dated 7th July, 2021 and submit revised EIA/EMP report for further
consideration of the proposal under the provisions of EIA Notification, 2006, as amended:

i. Assessment of ecological damage with respect to air, water, land and other
environmental attributes shall be carried out by the accredited consultant of the PP.
The collection and analysis of data shall be done by an environmental laboratory duly
notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, or an environmental laboratory
accredited by NABL, or a laboratory of a Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) institution working in the field of environment.
ii. Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis shall be done in terms of loss of Forest ecosystem
due to diversion of Forest land/loss of biodiversity.
iii. Environmental matrix during construction and operational phase needs to be submitted.
Matrix formulated on the basis of detailed study and field survey of flora and Fauna
methodology used shall be mentioned in the EIA report.
iv. Status of implementation of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan with details about
socio-economic status of Rehabilitated families, indicating their present settlement and
its distance from the project cover area be provided.
v. Both capital and recurring expenditure incurred under EMP till date along with total
budget outlay on EMP shall be submitted.
vi. The PP should submit the photograph of monitoring stations & sampling locations. The
photograph should bear the date, time, latitude & longitude of the monitoring
station/sampling location. In addition to this PP should submit the original test reports
and certificates of the labs which will analyze the samples.

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vii. The State Government / SPCB to ensure that the case shall be filed against the project
proponent for violation of the EP Act, 1986, and further no consent to operate or
occupancy certificate to be issued till the project is granted EC.
viii. The project proponent shall be required to submit a bank guarantee equivalent to the
amount of remediation plan and natural and community resource augmentation plan
with the SPCB prior to the grant of EC. The quantum shall be recommended by the EAC
and finalized by the regulatory authority. The bank guarantee shall be released after
successful implementation of the EMP, followed by recommendations of the EAC and
approval of the regulatory authority.
ix. Preparation of EMP comprising remediation plan and natural and community resource
augmentation plan corresponding to the ecological damage assessed and economic
benefits derived due to violation to be done.
x. The remediation plan and the natural and community resource augmentation plan to be
prepared as an independent chapter in the EIA report by the accredited consultants.

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.


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Sr. Name & Address Role Attendance

1. Dr. A. K. Malhotra Chairman P
2. Dr. N. Lakshman Member P
3. Dr. Mukesh Sharma Member P
4. Dr. Uday Kumar R. Y. Member P
5. Shri Ashok Kharya Representative of CWC P
6. Shri Sharvan Kumar Representative of Central Electricity P
Authority (CEA)
7. Dr. Amiya Sahoo Member P
8. Shri Yogendra Pal Singh Member Secretary P

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Site Visit Report the EAC (Sub-Committee) Visit of Lower Orr Dam project under Ken-
Betwa Link Project Phase II (90000 CCA) in an area of 3007.2 ha at Village Didoni, Tehsil
Chanderi, District Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh by M/s National Water Development
Agency - Environmental Clearance from 9th - 11th October, 2022 -


1. The proposal is for grant of Environmental Clearance to the project for Lower Orr Dam
project under Ken-Betwa Link Project Phase II (90000 CCA) in an area of 3007.2 ha at Village
Didoni, Tehsil Chanderi, District Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh by M/s National Water
Development Agency.

2. Earlier, the EAC in its 93rd meeting held on 2nd May, 2016 has recommended the proposal
for grant of Environmental clearance subject to the submission of Stage - I forest clearance of
proposed project. The recommendation of the EAC were communicated to PP vide Ministry’s
letter dated 29th July, 2016.

3. Thereafter, the project proponent submitted the Stage-I Forest Clearance (issued by the
MoEF&CC on 12th February, 2019) after almost 31 months (submitted on PARIVESH on 16th
October, 2020). Accordingly, the proposal was again referred to EAC in terms of the provisions
of the MoEF&CC O.M. dated 19th June, 2014. The EAC considered the proposal in its meeting
held on 29th October, 2020, 14th March 2022 and 31st May, 2022. The EAC noted that PP has
started the construction work without getting Environmental Clearance.

4. The EAC after deliberations decided to conduct site visit before making any
recommendations on proposal. Earlier, the site visit was scheduled during 8th - 10th September,
2022; however, as per request received from the Project Proponent, the same was postponed.
The rescheduled site visit was done by the Sub Committee during 9th -11th November, 2022.
Following expert members of the EAC have visited the Lower Orr project site:

1. Dr. A.K. Malhotra

2. Shri Ashok Kumar Kharya
3. Shri K. Gowarappan
4. Dr. J.A. Johnson
5. Shri Yogendra Pal Singh

5. The Sub-Committee visited the following areas:

i. Pipe factory where the PP has given a presentation about the overview of the
ii. Operators barracks,
iii. site office complex,
iv. earthen dam,
v. the concrete weir area
vi. quarrying sites
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6. The Sub-Committee during site visit observed the following:

i. Lower Orr major irrigation project is one of the project under Ken-Betwa Link Project,
Phase-II for providing irrigation in water deprived area (90000 Ha) of Bundelkhand
region in Shivpuri and Datia district of M.P. The project has been conceived for
providing assured irrigation facility to 90000 ha area in water deprived Shivpuri and
Datia districts during Rabi season with 100% intensity of irrigation by pressurized
distribution network.
ii. Provision of 6 MCM of water has been kept for providing drinking water facility to 1.65
lakh population in the area.
iii. The Cost Estimate of Lower Orr major irrigation project has been finalized by CWC,
Govt. of India for Rs. 2657.03 Cr based on MP Unified Schedule of Rates 2017-18.
Revised cost at price level 2020-21 is 3101.41 cr.
iv. Total affected land - 3020.49 ha. (Forest Land - 991.79Ha.). Stage-I & Stage-II FC has
been issued by the Ministry on 12.02.2019 and 06.05.2021 respectively for diversion of
968.24 ha. Forest land.
v. The contract was awarded for construction of dam on 23.02.2018 after obtaining
administrative approval of govt. of M. P. construction work was initiated on non-forest
vi. The project construction work is in progress and the construction work has attained
overall progress more than 60% (Dam construction-82%, Canal Network 33.50%).
vii. The Project Proponent has started construction work of the project after
recommendation of the EAC, no Environmental Clearance has been issued by the
Ministry till date.
viii. No Consent to establish/Consent to operate was obtained by the Project Proponent
before starting the construction work.
ix. Status of implementation of Catchment Area Treatment Plan and R&R has to be
submitted by the project proponent.
x. No plantation /afforestation has commenced so far excepting some few in the office
xi. Barrack area was not in order.
xii. The muck management was very poor and no reclamation activity has commenced.
xiii. The workmanship of slope, pitching and dam top were not up to the mark.
xiv. Most of the trees have not been removed before the onset of submersion in the reservoir

7. Regularization of violation cases involves two components (As per S.O.P vide O.M.
dated 07th July, 2021):

[I] Ecological Damage assessment and restoration: Assessment of environmental /

ecological damage with respect to air, water, noise, soil/land, flora & fauna, occupation health
and other environmental attributes and preparation of Remediation plan.

[II] Penalty on the basis of Polluter Pay Principle:

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i. Where operation has not commenced: 1% of the total project cost incurred up to the
date of filing of application along with EIA/EMP report; [Ex: Rs.1 lakh for project cost
of Rs. 1 Cr]
ii. Where operations have commenced without EC: 1% of the total project cost incurred
up to the date of filing of application along with EIA/EMP report PLUS 0.25% of the
total turnover during the period of violation. [Ex: For Rs.100 Cr project cost and Rs.100
Cr total turnover, the penalty shall be Rs.1 Cr + Rs. 0.25 Cr = Rs. 1.25 Cr]

8. The EAC Sub Committee has recommended for submission of information so that
ecological damage caused due to start of construction of project without environmental
clearance can be assessed. After calculation of damage cost the EAC may suggest ecological
restoration plan to be implemented by the project authorities.


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Figures: Construction work of main Dam, quarrying sites and dumping of construction

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