Yamhill County ERP RFP - Attachment B

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Table of Contents

Tab No. Functional Area

1 General & Technical
2 General Ledger and Financial Reporting
3 Purchasing
4 Bid and Contract Management
5 Accounts Payable
6 Budgeting - Operational, Personnel and Capital
7 Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts
8 Fixed Assets
9 Project Accounting and Grant Management
10 Time Entry
11 Payroll
12 Human Resources, Personnel Management and Employee Relations
13 Benefits Administration
14 Learning and Performance Management
15 Data Conversion
16 Interfaces
Total Functional Requirements:

When providing responses to the requirements in Attachment B, proposers shall use the respons
in the table below.
Indicator Definition

Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release

and will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the
proposal from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration
planning with the County.

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with
the County.

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release.
C However, this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All
related customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C – Cost
Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release.
However, this feature could be provided with integration with a third-
party system. This system should be specified.

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided.

Yamhill-specific changes
Master changes
Number of Requirements

ers shall use the response indicators contained

Respondents are encouraged, but not
required, to provide additional information
in the Comments column to further
demonstrate the system’s ability to meet
the requirement.

If a response indicator of “F” is provided

for a requirement that will be met in a
future software release, the Respondent
shall indicate the planned release
version, as well as the time the release
will be generally available.

If a response indicator of “C” is provided

for a requirement that will be met through
a custom modification, the Respondent
shall indicate the cost of such a
If a response indicator of “T” is provided
for a requirement that will be met by
integration with a third-party system, the
Respondent shall identify this third-party
system and include a cost proposal to
secure this system. If the third-party
system is a part of the proposal, the third-
party shall respond to the appropriate
requirements with a clear notation that
the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S information in the Comments column to furthe
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
ability to meet the requirement.

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F in a future software release, the Respondent s
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
release version as well as the time the release

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
such a modification.
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, by integration with a third-party system, the Re
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature third-party system and include a cost proposal
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system third-party system is a part of the proposal, the
should be specified. the appropriate requirements with a clear nota
provided by the third-party.
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
General and Technical
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
Technical Environment
The system has the ability to flow all changes made in the system
GT.1 throughout all proposed system modules without the need for duplicate Critical
data entry.
The system has the ability to import and export data from (or to) standard file
GT.2 including but not limited to:
.html; Critical
GT.3 .xml; Critical
GT.4 PDFs that are text based and searchable; Critical
GT.5 .txt; Critical
GT.6 .csv; Critical
GT.7 MS Excel (version 2016 or later); Critical
GT.8 MS Word (version 2016 or later); Critical
GT.9 MS Outlook (version 2016 or later)(e.g., for calendaring); Critical
GT.10 MS SQL (2014 SP3 or newer); Critical
GT.11 MS Access Critical
GT.12 Other County-defined desktop productivity applications. Critical
The system has the ability to generate standard letters/notifications/etc.
GT.13 Critical
using mail merge.
The system has the ability to support modification by authorized County
GT.14 Critical
users of the underlying content.
The system has the ability to import and export data with web services
GT.15 Desired
The system has the ability to support APIs (Application Programming
GT.16 Desired
Interface) for third-party system integration.
The system has the ability to provide a toolkit to create and manage
GT.17 Desired
The system has the ability to post data in a real-time fashion for user-
GT.18 Critical
defined functions (e.g., retain the ability to do batch).
The system has the ability to provide a centralized data dictionary, that
GT.19 fully describes table structure and appropriate levels of metadata. Critical

The system has the ability to support the County's preferred web
GT.20 Critical
browsers, including: Chrome, Chromium Edge, and Safari.
The system has the ability to be fully operational without an instance of
GT.21 Critical
an installed client on the desktop.
The system has the ability to operate on mobile devices (e.g., tablets,
GT.22 Critical
cell phones).
The system has the ability to be device agnostic when run on mobile
GT.23 Critical
devices (e.g., the system can be run on Android, iOS, etc.)
The system has the ability to support application of handwritten
GT.24 Critical
signature images to documents.
The system has the ability to store and apply electronic images of
GT.25 Critical
signatures to documents (e.g., notification letters).
The system has the ability to support a production, development, and a
GT.26 minimum of two test environments, including the ability to roll back Critical
GT.27 The system has the ability to support Disaster Recovery. Critical
The system has the ability to be configured to adapt to current and new
GT.28 regulations, (e.g., state and local transparency laws, federal mandates). Critical

GT.29 The system has an uptime of 99.9%. Critical

The system has the ability to provide all requested reports without a
GT.30 Critical
significant impact to performance.
The system has the ability to use local and networked printers at each
GT.31 Critical
work station.
Document Management
The system has the ability to provide "Document Management System"
functionality to store and track electronic files associated with specific
GT.32 system records for common file types (e.g., Excel, Word, PDF, .jpg). Desired

The system has the ability to use "drag and drop" or file upload
GT.33 functionality to associate documents to transactions within the system. Desired

The system has the ability to restrict modification of attached documents.

GT.34 Desired
The system has the ability to support the redaction of County-defined
information from certain documents (e.g., redact certain employee
GT.35 information prior to release of a document requested through public Desired
records request).
The system has the ability to import and link documents to specific
GT.36 Desired
The system has the ability to export a file directly for document storage.
GT.37 Desired
The system has the ability to email a linked file and/or document from
GT.38 Desired
the system to another user for viewing.
The system has the ability to email a linked file and/or document from
GT.39 Desired
the system to an external party for viewing.
GT.40 The system has the ability to identify records with documentation. Desired
The system has the ability to provide drill-down capability to see
GT.41 Desired
attachments to records.
The system has the ability to support the purging of scanned documents,
GT.42 Desired
according to County-defined schedules.
The system has the ability to support the purging of records, according
GT.43 to County-defined schedules, allowing for differing schedules based on Desired
the record type.
The system has the ability to require an established retention schedule
GT.44 Desired
by document/module prior to attaching.
The system has the ability to integrate and utilize LDAP (Active
GT.45 Critical
Directory) and Single Sign-On (SSO) for user authentication.
The system has the ability to inherit groups from Active Directory and
GT.46 other types of identity management solutions (e.g., Okta, etc.) for Desired
application authentication.
The system has the ability to store passwords salted and hashed, using
GT.47 non-reversible encryption, if the system requires that passwords be Critical
The system has the ability to provide a log capturing the download of
GT.48 confidential or sensitive data as defined by requirements GT.98 through Critical
The system has the ability to provide import and export capabilities with
GT.49 user-level security options to control access to sensitive information. Critical

The system has the ability to provide self-service password reset

GT.50 functionality with challenge questions in accordance with County security Critical
GT.51 The system has the ability to support multi-factor authentication. Critical
GT.52 The vendor has the ability to offer private server tenancy. Desired
The system has the ability to encrypt field-level data stored in the
GT.53 Desired
GT.54 The system has the ability to encrypt data stored in the application. Desired
The system has the ability to provide security at the following levels:
GT.55 Department; Critical
GT.56 Division; Critical
GT.57 Role or group; Critical
GT.58 User ID; Critical
GT.59 Screen; Desired
GT.60 Menu; Critical
GT.61 Report; Critical
GT.62 Critical

Element in chart of accounts (i.e. fund or any other segment); and

GT.63 Critical
GT.64 Transaction type. Critical
The system has the ability to delineate between system administrator
GT.65 Critical
and end user roles.
GT.66 The system has the ability to create an auditor role. Critical
The system has the ability to allow the County to determine which fields
GT.67 Critical
are visible to roles.
GT.68 The system has the ability to provide role-based security. Critical
The system has the ability to apply security permissions en masse
GT.69 Critical
based on County-defined parameters.
The system has the ability to provide both read and write access to the
GT.70 Critical
system using role based security.
The vendor can identify which third-party applications the ERP is
GT.71 dependent on (e.g., Adobe version 6) and whether these are latest- Critical
version capable.
The system has the ability to track audit changes throughout the system that
GT.72a log of Date;
all records maintained and includes: Critical
GT.73 Time; Critical
GT.74 User; Critical
GT.75 IP address; Critical
GT.76 Machine name; Critical
GT.77 Information prior to change; Critical
GT.78 Changed information; and Critical
GT.79 Other administrator-configurable information. Critical
GT.80 The system has the ability to use geofencing. Desired
The system has the ability to log audit changes to an external centralized
GT.81 Desired
log collection system via API.
The system has the ability to update all security roles automatically (user
GT.82 Critical
discretion) for members of the "master" role.
The system has the ability to provide functional security to control what
GT.83 processes can be performed by certain users (e.g., view vs. edit benefit Critical
The system has the ability to allow a County system administrator to
GT.84 configure the duration that time audit logs are retained (e.g., 90 days). Critical

The system has the ability to provide access to audit trails for only the
GT.85 users with proper security based upon the user’s security profile. Critical

The system has the ability to allow the System Administrator to add and
GT.86 Critical
change permissions for system access.
The system has the ability to apply multiple roles to a single user without
GT.87 having multiple accounts. Critical

The system has the ability to authorize certain users to maintain

GT.88 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain immutable audit logs (cannot be
GT.89 Critical
The system has the ability to log users off the system after an
GT.90 administrator-defined period of inactivity, based on user-defined roles. Critical

The system has the ability to allow a System Administrator to log out
GT.91 Critical
GT.92 The system has the ability to provide customizable audit reports. Desired
The system has the ability to provide configurable exception reports.
GT.93 Critical
The system has the ability to allow authorized users to have access to a
log of security activity to determine users that have signed on and off the
GT.94 system, as well as unsuccessful attempts to sign on to the system. Critical

The system has the ability to allow the audit trail to have a date/time
GT.95 Critical
stamp to the nearest second.
The system has the ability to keep a certain number of years of historical
GT.96 data and the ability to archive data older than that, as defined by the Critical
The system has the ability to mask fields by user role including but not limited
GT.97 Tax numbers/ID; Desired
GT.98 Date of Birth; Desired
GT.99 Passwords; Critical
GT.100 Checking and banking account numbers; Critical
GT.101 Social Security numbers; Critical
GT.102 Drivers License numbers; Critical
GT.103 Employee contact information (e.g., address, phone, etc.); Desired
GT.104 Email addresses; Desired
GT.105 Pay rates; and Desired
GT.106 Other, user-defined fields. Desired
The system has the ability to mask a portion of any of the above fields.
GT.107 Critical
GT.108 The system has the ability to be operational on a 24/7 basis. Critical
The system has the ability to apply the same security permissions to
system queries and reports as it does to data fields/elements, based on
GT.109 user (e.g., data fields masked on a record or transaction are similarly Critical
masked on reports run by the user)
The system has the ability to provide an indicator to allow County users
GT.110 to manually select fields that are to be considered confidential (e.g., Desired
personal cell phone, home address).
User Interface
The system has the ability to provide drop down boxes or other pick list
GT.111 Critical
functions for data selection.
The system has the ability to provide configurable quick keys (e.g.,
GT.112 Desired
function keys).
The system has the ability to provide functionality or integrate with third-
party products to enlarge the print on computer screens (e.g., screen
GT.113 magnification) to support American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Critical
The system has the ability to provide integration with the Microsoft
GT.114 Critical
The system has the ability to provide error messages that appear in a
GT.115 Desired
consistent format across all system modules.
The system has the ability to provide error messages that are integrated
GT.116 Critical
with online help functionality.
The system has the ability to create error logs with detail associated with
GT.117 Critical
the error.
The system has the ability to provide configuration options with the level
GT.118 Desired
of detail that is logged in error logs.
The system has the ability to allow users to send error reports to the
GT.119 Desired
County IT Department.
The system has the ability to provide administrator-configurable error
GT.120 Desired
GT.121 The system has the ability to provide user-defined fields. Critical
The system has the ability to allow the County to determine which fields
GT.122 Critical
are required.
The system has the ability to provide an administrative messaging
GT.123 system (e.g., a message to alert users of system maintenance activity). Desired

The system has the ability to allow application windows to be maximized

to fit allotted screen size (e.g., increase window size to increase amount
GT.124 of data displayed instead of simply zooming in on data). Desired

The system has the ability to recognize the device that is being used to
GT.125 view the software to make the necessary window adjustments (mobile Desired
The system has the ability to provide customizable screens based on
GT.126 Desired
roles and permissions.
The system has the ability to provide contextual help (e.g., field
GT.127 descriptions that are displayed based on the location of the mouse or Desired
The system has the ability to provide configurable contextual help fields
GT.128 (e.g., field descriptions that are displayed based on the location of the Desired
mouse or cursor).
GT.129 The system has the ability to provide data validation on entry. Critical
The system has the ability to add a new value to a pick list table without
GT.130 Desired
having to navigate from the table.
The system has the ability to provide drill-down capability on all screens
GT.131 Critical
where applicable.
The system has the ability to provide drill-down capability for error
GT.132 Desired
messages to allow for determining the source.
The system has the ability to provide the user with standard field editing
capabilities including but not limited to: navigation forward and backward
GT.133 to complete data entry and the ability to correct spelling mistakes. Critical

The system has the ability to spell check on any field with the ability for a
GT.134 Critical
user to accept or ignore suggestions.
The system has the ability to enforce data normalization upon entry of
GT.135 data into the system (e.g., require the use of numbers only in numerical Critical
fields, require the use of CAPS or not).
The system has the ability to return query results irrespective of how the
GT.136 data may have been entered. For example, a search for "Boulevard" will Critical
also return results for "BOULEVARD".
The system has the ability to accommodate the use of multiple filters or
GT.137 Critical
search parameters in a single search.
The system has the ability to perform validation against address field
GT.138 entries to align with United States Postal Service Publication 28 Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to correct errors in all fields and
GT.139 Critical
route through workflow for approval if needed.
The system has the ability to provide predictive text capability with the
GT.140 Critical
ability to turn this functionality on or off.
GT.141 The system has the ability to search by wild cards. Critical
The system has the ability to search by fragment or portion of a word.
GT.142 Critical
The system has the ability to support pre-filled fields in appropriately pre-
GT.143 formatted screens eliminating redundant data entry. Critical
The system has the ability to provide links to associated modules from
GT.144 any display screen to minimize backing out of one screen to access Critical
another, with appropriate security.
The system has the ability to support access from mobile devices (e.g.,
GT.145 Critical
for County-defined approvals).
The system has the ability for multiple windows to be open at the same
GT.146 Critical
time including windows from multiple modules.
The system has the ability to warn a user that they are about to execute
GT.147 a process and ask if they want to proceed (e.g., to warn before posting a Critical
batch of changes, etc.).
The system has the ability to allow an administrator to configure which
GT.148 Critical
business processes are prompted with a warning to proceed.
The system has the ability to provide the user with integrated application
GT.149 modules that offer a consistent user interface to minimize user training Critical
and administration of the system.
The system has the ability to allow the system administrator to rename
GT.150 Critical
field labels.
The system has the ability to allow all end user customizations and
configurations related directly to the system to be stored in a central
GT.151 database and not stored in files residing on user workstations. Critical

The system has the ability to provide graphical reports that provide high-
GT.152 Desired
level "at-a-glance" reporting.
The system has the ability to provide point-in-time reporting to view
GT.153 Critical
historical data as of a County defined prior date.
The system has the ability to provide a description of each report to
GT.154 Critical
assist the user in determining which report meets their needs.
The system has the ability to initiate and track the workflow and approval
GT.155 Critical
The system has the ability to assign different levels of approval for the
GT.156 Critical
same user.
The system has the ability to determine workflow approver based on the
GT.157 profile of the user initiating the transaction (rather than by location). Critical

The system has the ability to maintain separation of duties related to

GT.158 Critical
workflow approval processes.
The system has the ability to display workflow items for review and
approval/rejection via a landing page or dashboard format that doesn't
GT.159 require the use of email to notify an approver of pending action. Critical

The system has the ability to provide workflow functionality in all

GT.160 applicable system modules on the basis of position (rather than Critical
individual user).
The system has the ability to set workflow rules by:
GT.161 User; Critical
GT.162 Role; Critical
GT.163 Department; Critical
GT.164 Account Number; Critical
GT.165 Thresholds; Critical
GT.166 Percentage argument; Critical
GT.167 Numerical argument; Critical
GT.168 User-defined criteria; and Critical
GT.169 Any combination of the above. Critical
The system has the ability to re-route workflow assignments based on
GT.170 Critical
availability triggered by unavailable status.
The system has the ability to re-route workflow assignments based on
GT.171 Critical
availability triggered by County-defined periods of no response.
The system has the ability to delegate permissions from one user to
GT.172 Critical
another for designated time periods (e.g., FMLA, Military leave).
The system has the ability to provide escalation paths based on user-
GT.173 Critical
defined criteria (e.g., minimum period of no response, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide event-driven notifications by email
GT.174 that may be configured at any step in any workflow routine. Critical

The system has the ability to provide event-driven notifications by text

GT.175 Desired
that may be configured at any step in any workflow routine.
The system has the ability to allow notifications to be configurable by the
GT.176 Desired
The system has the ability to provide graphical tools for documenting
GT.177 Desired
The system has the ability to support the approval of workflow steps
GT.178 Desired
from a mobile device as initiated through an email notification.
The system has the ability to support the approval of workflow steps
GT.179 Desired
from a mobile device as initiated through a text notification.
Support and Documentation
The system has the ability to allow properly authorized users to
GT.180 configure and maintain all system settings from any workstation on the Critical
local/wide area network.
The system has the ability to allow centralized deployment of system
GT.181 Critical
updates and system maintenance.
The system has the ability to allow remote deployment of system
GT.182 Critical
updates and system maintenance.
The vendor, at a minimum must adhere to the following standards for issue
Severity Level 1, system is down. Attention required immediately,
GT.183 Critical
maximum of 15 minute response time.
Severity Level 2, major functionality of the system is impacted or
GT.184 parts of the system are down. Maximum of 1 hour response time. Critical

Severity Level 3, non-mission critical processes are impacted.

GT.185 Critical
Maximum of 8 hour response time.
The vendor will schedule outage times during County-defined
GT.186 Critical
maintenance windows.
The system has the ability to allow for severity levels for support to be
GT.187 Critical
defined by the County.
The vendor will provide support during County-defined business hours.
GT.188 Critical
The vendor will provide web-based support, with a searchable database
GT.189 of common problems, to assist end users in researching error Critical
The system has the ability to adhere to the County's security policy,
GT.190 which requires vendors to request for access to the application for Critical
The system has the ability to provide online software documentation for
GT.191 Critical
all software application modules.
The system has the ability to provide an online tutorial to assist users
GT.192 Critical
learning the software.
The system must have the capability to provide support through remote
GT.193 access to the application in accordance with County procedures. Critical

The vendor offers software application support during planned upgrades

GT.194 outside of typical operating hours, as requested by the County. Critical

The system has the ability to provide functional online help

GT.195 Critical
documentation for system end users.
The system has the ability to provide technical online help
GT.196 Critical
documentation for system administrators.
GT.197 The system has the ability to provide user video tutorials. Critical
GT.198 The vendor offers access to an online user group community. Critical
GT.199 The vendor offers a suite of online training modules. Critical
GT.200 The vendor offers periodic live webinar training sessions at no cost. Desired
The vendor offers training sessions to be inclusive of initial
GT.201 Critical
implementation training deliverables.
The vendor offers additional training sessions at the County's cost post-
GT.202 Critical
The vendor offers training classes tailored to role (e.g., end user, system
GT.203 Critical
admin, super user).
The vendor offers recorded training sessions to be viewed at no cost.
GT.204 Desired
The system has the ability to save user-defined report parameters so
GT.205 Critical
that a report can be replicated the next time it is generated.
The system has the ability to store user generated reports (produced at
GT.206 a point-in-time) in a repository that keeps the integrity of originally Critical
produced reports.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional

Comments column to further demonstrate the system’s

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met

e release, the Respondent shall indicate the planned
well as the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met

a third-party system, the Respondent shall identify this
and include a cost proposal to secure this system. If the
is a part of the proposal, the third-party shall respond to
quirements with a clear notation that the responses are

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

General Ledger and Financial Reporting
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a General Ledger that is integrated
GL.1 with all other system modules so that reconciliation between applications Critical
is user friendly and efficient.
The system has the ability to provide fund accounting capabilities that
GL.2 Critical
comply with GAAP and GASB standards.
The system has the ability to provide encumbrance accounting
GL.3 Critical
GL.4 The system has the ability to support multi-year funds. Critical
The system has the ability to restrict GL posting (e.g., live or batch) by
GL.5 Critical
account number.
The system has the ability to flag an account as inactive with the option
GL.6 Critical
to specify or not specify an effective date.
GL.7 The system has the ability to attach documentation to an account. Critical
The system has the ability to produce statements (including revenue and
expense) at a user-defined interval (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly,
GL.8 quarterly, and annually) in summary or detail and can be subtotaled at Critical
multiple levels in the chart of accounts.
The system has the ability to note on the balance sheet financial
GL.9 statements that the prior fiscal year has not been closed and balances Critical
are subject to change.
The system has the ability to produce balance sheets and other financial
GL.10 reports from a prior closed year and period with an option to include Critical
inactive accounts with activity or a balance.
The system has the ability to store at least 10 years of transactional data
in a production or non-production environment with the ability for the
GL.11 County to determine when data will be archived based on the number of Critical
The system has the ability to allow archived data to be accessed by
GL.12 Critical
The system has the ability to limit account inquiry access to the
GL.13 Desired
balance/summary level.
The system has the ability to restrict user access to a County-defined
GL.14 Critical
group of account numbers when entering a journal entry.
GL.15 The system has the ability to perform wildcard searches. Critical
The system has the ability to provide authorized users with access to
GL.16 view which users have journal entry permissions and approval authority Critical
at the department level and County-wide.
The system has the ability to drill-down to see all account activities, to
GL.17 include the related accounts of the source journal. Critical

The system has the ability to perform basic validation routines before
GL.18 data can be entered (e.g., data type checking, account validation, project Critical
The system has the ability to display user-defined reasons for rejecting
GL.19 Critical
general ledger transactions.
The system has the ability to move a division or project from one
GL.20 Critical
department to another and carry over all associated history.
The system has the ability to allow selected accounts to be flagged in
GL.21 Critical
order to disallow any postings to occur to those accounts.
The system has the ability to flag by account number to require a work
GL.22 order, project number, or grant number to be associated with the posting Critical
GL.23 The system has the ability to enter comments on the account. Desired
The system has the ability to add user date and time comments per GL
GL.24 Critical
account and/or GL account transaction.
The system has the ability to capture comments added for audit trail
GL.25 Critical
The system has the ability to provide a financial statement report writer
either within the system or through an integrated third-party to allow end
GL.26 users to create user-defined financial statement and statistical reports Critical
without users needing to know the table structure.
The system has the ability to provide reporting that crosses multiple
GL.27 Critical
modules and interfaces with general ledger transactional data.
The system has the ability to provide drill-down capabilities from the
GL.28 Critical
output of financial reports to the transactions that provide detail.
The system has the ability to generate financial reports that reference
data structures to determine whether presentation of that information
should be allowed or identified as "redacted" based upon user
GL.29 permissions and system level of access, as well as user-defined field Critical
values (e.g., vendor names, department, account, location) across
multiple modules).

The system has the ability to describe reporting groups and roll-up
GL.30 categories with user-defined parameters and effective date ranges (e.g., Critical
by department, division).
The system has the ability to provide a library of "canned" reports to be
GL.31 Critical
used by County staff with user-defined parameters.
The system has the ability to provide a CAFR statement creation tool.
GL.32 Critical
The system has the ability to provide linkage between reportable
sections of the CAFR and other generated reports (e.g., Exhibits,
GL.33 Management Discussion and Analysis, Notes to the Financial Desired
Statements and Statistics).
The system has the ability to export to various formats (Microsoft Excel
CSV/XLSX, PDF, Microsoft Word) to create custom designed reports for
GL.34 presentation (e.g., budget documents, etc.) including a custom designed Critical
CAFR document.
The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the general
GL.35 Critical
ledger module in order to provide a user-defined query screen.
The system has the ability to support user-defined queries and allow
GL.36 Critical
these queries to create reports.
The system has the ability to export all system-generated reports within
GL.37 Critical
file formats specified in General and Technical requirements.
The system has the ability to support user-defined queries to be shared
GL.38 Desired
with other users.
The system has the ability to provide all query and reporting capabilities
GL.39 Critical
by summary or detail.
The system has the ability to provide user-defined ad hoc query
GL.40 Critical
capabilities and report writing tools.
The system has the ability to generate a report across any segment or
GL.41 Critical
group of segments in the chart of accounts.
The system has the ability to schedule and to distribute reports via
GL.42 Desired
electronic workflow.
The system has the ability to warn the user they are about to print a
GL.43 large report (over user-defined number of pages) with option to proceed. Critical

The system has the ability to display the number of pages to be printed
GL.44 Critical
prior to printing.
GL.45 The system has the ability to print reports in a "printer-friendly" mode. Critical
The system has the ability to schedule reports to be run during non-
GL.46 Critical
business hours on a user-defined schedule.
The system has the ability to display all reports to the screen with a user-
GL.47 defined option for printing, with the ability to turn this feature on or off. Critical

The system has the ability to provide comparison reports (e.g., between
GL.48 Critical
different periods, as user-defined).
The system has the ability to print financial reports on closed periods.
GL.49 Critical
The system has the ability to generate reports that cross fiscal years and
GL.50 Critical
The system has the ability to select active and/or inactive accounts by
GL.51 year for reporting purposes for multiple user-defined years. Critical

GL.52 The system has the ability to view a General Ledger Audit Report. Critical
The system has the ability to produce GASB 34, GASB 42, GASB 45,
GL.53 Critical
GASB 68, GASB 75, GASB 87 and any future statements.
The system has the ability to produce other compliance reports (e.g.,
GL.54 Critical
GASB, GAAP, State, Federal reports).
The system has the ability to allow the produced compliance reports to
GL.55 Critical
be editable by a user for formatting and final edits.
The system has the ability to produce annual financial statements
GL.56 (Income Sheet, Balance Sheet), with the ability to run period to date. Critical

The system has the ability to produce ad-hoc and/or custom monthly,
quarterly, and annual financial statements (e.g., Budget Comparisons by
GL.57 Department, Cash Flow, etc.) at County-defined levels, with the ability to Critical
run period to date.
The system has the ability to produce official statement of cash flows, in
GL.58 Desired
compliance with GASB regulations.
The system has the ability to print graphs and charts for presentation
GL.59 Desired
style reports.
The system has the ability to have a dashboard or fuel gauge type of
GL.60 Desired
data presentation.
The system, at a minimum, has the ability to produce the following reports
GL.61 and previous
budgetpoint in time reporting,
by expense, andjob
revenue, and forcode;
current or multi- Critical
GL.62 Cash balance (e.g., by department, fund, organization, etc.); Critical
Inception to date, for total expenditures for all County projects across
GL.63 Critical
multiple fiscal years;
GL.64 Expenditures relative to budget; Critical
GL.65 Year-to-date expenditures; Critical
GL.66 Month-to-date expenditures; Critical
GL.67 Budget to actual by all budget line items; Critical
GL.68 Multiple budget types to actual (e.g., actual to versions of budget). Critical
GL.69 Open encumbrance report; Critical
GL.70 Pre-encumbrance report; Critical
GL.71 Comparison of expenditures by month; Critical
GL.72 Income statement; Critical
GL.73 Cash flow; Desired
GL.74 Balance sheet; Critical
GL.75 Statement of net positions; Critical
GL.76 Schedule of expenditures and revenues based on type of revenue; Critical
GL.77 Trial balance activity (debits and credits); Critical
GL.78 Statement of revenues and expenditures; Critical
GL.79 Capital projects; Critical
GL.80 Comparison of revenues and expenditures by month; Critical
GL.81 Comparison of revenues and expenditures by quarter; Critical
GL.82 Summary and detail trial balance at any budget level; Critical
GL.83 Detail and summary project report; Critical
GL.84 Summary trial balance across multiple fund; Critical
GL.85 Month-to-date; Critical
GL.86 Year-to-date; Critical
GL.87 Multi-year grants for revenues and expenses; Critical
GL.88 Multi-year projects for revenues and expenses; Critical
GL.89 Cash Balance by Fund; Critical
GL.90 Cash Balance by Fund with associated detail; Critical
GL.91 Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Number; Critical
GL.92 Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Invoice Number; Critical
GL.93 Detailed Transaction Listing by Vendor Name; Critical
GL.94 General Fund Financial Statements; and Critical
GL.95 Other user-defined as required Critical
The system has the ability to add segments to the COA account
GL.96 structure representing the source of responsibility and the CAFR Critical
The system has the ability to have segments in a future COA that
GL.97 identify CAFR groupings and the source of responsibility for grants and Critical
The system has the ability to freeze accounts from posting, but still allow
GL.98 Critical
the accounts to appear on reports.
Chart of Accounts
The system has the ability to provide a single chart of accounts file that
GL.99 is referenced by all other system modules. Critical

The system has the ability to either automatically generate or copy chart
GL.100 of account records when creating new funds, departments, and any Critical
other reorganizations.
The system has the ability to inactivate parts of an account so no posting
GL.101 Critical
activity can take place against the account.
The system has the ability to provide chart of account number "short
GL.102 cuts" that are alphanumeric for reducing the number of key strokes when Critical
entering or looking up chart of account numbers.
The system has the ability to provide a "suggested text" function for
GL.103 looking up and selecting account numbers, with the ability to turn this Desired
function on/off by user.
The system has the ability to activate and/or inactivate new accounts or
GL.104 Critical
specific accounts based on dates or date ranges.
The system has the ability to support at least 8 segments and 36
GL.105 Critical
alphanumeric characters in the chart of accounts.
The system has the ability to change the name of any segment of the
GL.106 Critical
account number while leaving the historic description the same.
The system has the ability to restrict viewing and editing access at a
GL.107 Critical
County-determined level in the chart of accounts.
The system has the ability to provide a flexible user-defined chart of
accounts which can be modified as needed by a system administrator
GL.108 (e.g., segmented for fund, department/division, unit, sub-unit, object, and Critical
The system has the ability to support the following segments in the chart of
GL.109 "Entity" (at least 1 digits); Critical
GL.110 "Fund" (at least 4 digits); Critical
GL.111 "Program" (at least 4 digits); Critical
GL.112 "Department" (at least 5 digits); Critical
GL.113 "Unit" (at least 6 digits); Critical
GL.114 "Object Code" (at least 5 digits); Critical
GL.115 And other user-defined fields. Critical
GL.116 The system has the ability to not allow duplicate fund numbers. Critical
The system has the ability to support five digits within the object code
GL.117 segment of the COA, with the first digit representing asset, liability, Critical
expense, or revenue.
GL.118 The system has the ability to support at least two entities. Critical
The system has the ability to identify an account as one-time or
GL.119 Desired
The system has the ability to support at least a 256-character long
GL.120 description field and 50-character short description field for each of the Critical
above fields.
Journal Entries
The system has the ability to perform automatic posting of recurring
GL.121 Critical
journal entries, with appropriate security permissions.
The system has the ability to flag a journal entry as a reversing journal
GL.122 Desired
entry and identify the new journal entry number and date.
The system has the ability to restrict one-sided journal entries from being
GL.123 Critical
entered with the ability to override.
The system has the ability to import journal entry transactions from other
GL.124 vendor-developed and in-house developed systems (e.g., journal import Critical
The system has the ability to import and export journal entries using MS
GL.125 Critical
Excel spreadsheets and other user-defined formats.
The system has the ability to provide journal entry upload functionality,
allowing the upload of at least 600 lines (journal entries) to be uploaded
GL.126 in one transaction (e.g., purchase card file upload). Critical

The system has the ability to utilize workflow for journal entry upload
GL.127 Critical
functionality (e.g., pending for review prior to post).
The system has the ability to identify transactions that have valid chart of
GL.128 account structure combinations that are validated at entry with Critical
appropriate budgeting check.
The system has the ability to edit journal entry data that was imported
GL.129 Critical
prior to posting to the GL with audit trail information.
GL.130 The system has the ability to post statistical or non-financial data. Desired
The system has the ability to use workflow technology to automatically
GL.131 route journal entries with attachments to approvers prior to posting. Critical

The system has the ability to provide standard, recurring, and reversing
GL.132 journal entry capabilities, including the ability to create a journal entry Critical
and submit for workflow approval.
The system has the ability to copy an existing journal entry to create a
GL.133 Critical
new journal entry.
The system has the ability to provide automatic reversing journal entry
GL.134 capabilities, with appropriate workflow approvals and supporting Critical
The system has the ability to maintain at least 10 years of detailed
GL.135 journal entry transactions and budget information and provides the ability Critical
to be defined by an authorized user/County.
The system has the ability to automatically populate fiscal year and
GL.136 period based on transaction type and/or effective date with the ability to Critical
override and disable.
The system has the ability to automatically transfer activity from one
GL.137 account to another account with the ability to limit the setup of automatic Critical
The system has the ability to disallow further posting to an account that
GL.138 is closed or inactive, or is in process of being closed or inactivated. Critical

GL.139 The system has the ability to disallow posting to a closed period. Critical
The system has the ability to prevent posting a journal entry to a control
GL.140 Critical
The system has the ability to prompt a warning to the user when creating
GL.141 a journal entry that crosses funds. This would be a soft warning but not a Critical
hard stop.
The system has the ability to prevent editing a sub-system batch prior to
GL.142 Desired
posting to the GL.
The system has the ability to generate date-specific reversing entries.
GL.143 Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate free form text or
GL.144 Critical
attachments associated with a journal entry.
The system has the ability to verify journal entries are balanced by fund
GL.145 Critical
and by total.
The system has the ability to automatically assign sequential numbers to
GL.146 Critical
all journal entry transactions for audit trail purposes.
The system has the ability to allow manual override of automatically
GL.147 assign sequential numbers to all journal entry transactions for audit trail Desired
The system has the ability to create a journal entry type (e.g.,
GL.148 Critical
Cashiering, ZBA, wires, etc.)
The system has the ability to provide at least 13 open periods, including
GL.149 Critical
one for audit adjustments (per 13).
The system has the ability to provide at least 14 open periods, including
GL.150 one for entering annual closing entries which acts as a closing period, Desired
and one for audit adjustments.
The system has the ability to carry the entire chart of accounts forward,
and provides users the option to select accounts with zero balances or
GL.151 accounts that have no activity when carrying forward the chart of Critical
accounts to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the

GL.152 The system has the ability to reactivate a previously inactive account. Critical
The system has the ability to carry forward active accounts, even if they
GL.153 Critical
have zero balances.
The system has the ability to perform "soft closes" on periods so that a
GL.154 period may be opened again for the purposes of posting activity to that Critical
The system has the ability to perform automatic reversals of month-end
GL.155 Desired
accruals at the beginning of the next period.
The system has the ability to allow month end closings to occur in a new
GL.156 fiscal year without having to close the previous fiscal year, including Critical
producing all month end financial statements.
The system has the ability to perform a soft year end close and lock
balances in place for balance sheet balances as well as close the
GL.157 revenues and expenditures into the balance sheet zeroing them out for Critical
the new year.
The system has the ability to reopen a closed period, with appropriate
GL.158 Critical
security permissions.
The system has the ability to automatically roll forward balances for
GL.159 Critical
balance sheet accounts at year end for a soft and/or hard close.
Interest Earnings
The system has the ability to perform interest projections based on user
GL.160 Critical
The system has the ability to allocate interest earnings, including
negative interest, based on average balances calculated from user-
GL.161 defined to/from dates and accounts and/or based on a point in time Critical
balance and accounts.
The system has the ability to auto-post interest distribution to the
GL.162 Desired
General Ledger module.
The system has the ability to create a journal entry for interest
GL.163 Critical
distribution to the General Ledger module.
GL.164 The system has the ability to set up a fund as non-interest bearing. Critical
The system has the ability to track monthly fund balances for distribution
GL.165 Critical
of interest.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system party system is a part of the proposal, the third
should be specified. appropriate requirements with a clear notation
by the third-party.

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Purchasing and P-Card module
that is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited
PUR.1 to) general ledger, capital assets, contracts, budgeting, accounts Critical
payable, and grants.
The system has the ability to accommodate a decentralized purchase
requisition process that allows requisitions to be entered online by all
PUR.2 County departments. Critical

The system has the ability to allow a ten character dollar amount for a
PUR.3 Critical
purchase order (e.g., $99,000,000.00).
The system has the ability to drill-down to see all supporting
PUR.4 documentation associated with a transaction (e.g., PO, invoices, checks, Critical
etc.) throughout the purchasing application/module.
The system has the ability to establish emergency expenditure approval
PUR.5 exceeding budget; including an audit trail of the emergency budget Critical
The system provides authorized personnel the ability to bypass the
PUR.6 requisition process and get a purchase order number in emergency Critical
situations with appropriate audit controls including an audit trail.
The system has the ability to flag all emergency purchases until
PUR.7 Critical
supporting information for the records is updated.
The system has the ability to enter a requisition as an emergency
PUR.8 requisition which will immediately trigger a notification to purchasing staff Critical
for review and conversion to a purchase order.
The system has the ability to provide real time access to account
PUR.9 Critical
numbers and available balances at any time during the process.
The system has the ability to verify funding availability at the line item,
category or group, department, cost center/project, object and fund level
PUR.10 from a department's budget at the time of a requisition, purchase order, Critical
or modification.
The system has the ability to support electronic workflow to support a
PUR.11 paperless requisition approval process of user-defined levels of approval Critical
and routing capabilities.
The system has the ability to provide a paperless requisition approval
process using workflow with notifications for user-defined levels of
PUR.12 approval and routing capabilities, to include routing to multiple Critical
The system has the ability to route requisitions and purchase orders
using workflow based on account segment, department, range of
PUR.13 account numbers, dollar amount, commodity code, or other County- Critical
defined fields or rules.
The system has the ability to store and/or require electronic approvals
through workflow with an option to apply an electronic signature in the
PUR.14 system when approving requisitions and/or purchase orders. Critical

The system has the ability to enforce approval workflow for competition
PUR.15 Critical
The system has the ability to give all system users visibility into the
status of the procurement and where it is in the workflow and
PUR.16 procurement stage at any point in the process, based on County-defined Critical
The system has the ability to indicate the status of a requisition, receipt
PUR.17 status, purchase orders, and invoice/payable status at any time. Critical

The system has the ability to display the requisition and/or purchase
PUR.18 order history in one screen (e.g., entered, approved, rejected, and/or Critical
The system has the ability to support a "queue" in which multiple buyers
can process from, with the ability to configure routing based on buyers'
PUR.19 responsibility areas and the ability to forward to another buyer. Desired

The system has the ability to allow buyers to override or modify the
PUR.20 Critical
purchase order types.
The system has the ability to provide user-defined purchase order types.
PUR.21 Critical
The system has ability to pre-encumber funds when a requisition is
PUR.22 entered. The encumbered funds will follow the creation of the requisition. Critical

PUR.23 The system has the ability to encumber funds when a purchase order is Critical
generated or entered.
PUR.24 The system has the ability to relieve the encumbrances when a Critical
requisition or PO is closed or cancelled.
The system has the ability to recalculate encumbrances based upon
PUR.25 Critical
open requisitions and purchase orders.
The system has the ability to invoice for up to 10 percent over a
PUR.26 purchase order's total, with a hard stop for any amount over this Critical
The system has the ability to distribute purchasing staff workload based
PUR.27 Critical
on County-defined metrics.
The system has the ability to print purchase orders in a configurable
PUR.28 Critical
print-image format, not dependent on screen layouts.
The system has the ability to require that an active and valid vendor be
PUR.29 Critical
entered before creating a requisition.
The system has the ability to support the use of commodity codes including
but not limitedNIGP;
PUR.30 to the following: Critical
PUR.31 UNSPSC; Critical
PUR.32 NAICS. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a crosswalk between different
PUR.33 Desired
commodity code sets (e.g., NIGP to SIC, etc.).
The system has the ability to allow users to view commodity codes and
PUR.34 Critical
their respective descriptions via drop-down menus.
The system has the ability to accommodate the entire commodity code
PUR.35 Critical
description (with a minimum of 25 characters).
The system has the ability to provide commodity code pick list
PUR.36 Critical
The system has the ability to track and report on user-defined
PUR.37 purchasing performance based metrics. (e.g., top 10 vendors utilized, Critical
commodity codes, purchasing technicians workload, etc.)
The system has the ability to generate a status report of all requisitions
PUR.38 Critical
and purchase orders.
The system has the ability to generate a report of all vendors by status
PUR.39 (e.g., active or inactive, MWBE certification, commodity code, etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to generate a report of all requisitions,

PUR.40 purchase orders, and receiving documents by status (e.g., active or Critical
inactive, MWBE certification, commodity code, etc.).
The system has the ability to generate all reports by user-defined date
PUR.41 Critical
ranges that may occur over prior fiscal years.
The system has the ability to track and report local vendor preference.
PUR.42 Critical
The system has the ability to export County-defined purchasing
PUR.43 Critical
information to .xlsx, .csv, and .pdf formats.
The system has the ability to track and report minimum wage
PUR.44 Desired
The system has the ability to track and report prevailing wage
PUR.45 Critical
The system has the ability to track and report on vendor pay timeframe
PUR.46 Critical
The system has the ability to allow a user to create a requisition and
PUR.47 Critical
submit into workflow for approval.
The system has the ability to display the total requisition amount as well
PUR.48 Critical
as line item detail totaled by account number.
The system has the ability to accommodate recurring requisitions, that
PUR.49 Critical
once initiated are entered into a workflow routine.
The system has the ability to attach scanned documents to an electronic
PUR.50 Critical
requisition, for viewing.
The system has the ability to allow the maintenance of attached
PUR.51 documents with audit log (e.g., deleting items that are mistakes, etc.). Critical
The system has the ability to include the date, time and user that
PUR.52 attached a document to an electronic requisition. Critical

The system has the ability to support an alphanumeric requisition

PUR.53 Critical
The system has the ability to provide a view into only the user's
PUR.54 Critical
departmental requisitions or purchase orders.
The system has the ability to provide a view into details of requisitions or
PUR.55 Critical
purchase orders by multiple departments.
The system has the ability to provide auto-generated requisition
PUR.56 Critical
numbers on an annual basis with the ability to override.
The system has the ability to support at least a nine (9) character
PUR.57 Critical
requisition number.
The system has the ability to check available budget by line item and
PUR.58 flag for warning if the requisition is over total appropriation with the ability Critical
to override or stop the user.
The system has the ability to check available budget by project and flag
PUR.59 the requisition if over total appropriation (flag for warning, override, or Critical
The system has the ability to generate user-defined warnings based on
PUR.60 Critical
budget criteria.
The system has the ability to copy an existing requisition to create a new
PUR.61 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain the following data points in the
requisition process:
PUR.62 Origin of request (department); Critical
PUR.63 Requestor; Critical
PUR.64 Date of request; Critical
PUR.65 Scheduled delivery date; Critical
PUR.66 Shipping address; Critical
PUR.67 Delivery instructions; Critical
PUR.68 Delivery contact person (County employee); Critical
PUR.69 Delivery contact information; Critical
PUR.70 Vendor name; Critical
PUR.71 Vendor number; Critical
PUR.72 Vendor contact person; Critical
PUR.73 Vendor email address(s); Critical
PUR.74 Comment; Critical
PUR.75 Quantity requested; Critical
PUR.76 Unit of measure; Critical
PUR.77 Unit price; Critical
PUR.78 Description (minimum of 250 characters); Critical
PUR.79 Multiple County G/L chart of account numbers; Critical
PUR.80 Project Number; Critical
PUR.81 Grant Number; Critical
PUR.82 Work Order Number; Critical
PUR.83 Quote Number; Critical
PUR.84 Contract Number; Critical
PUR.85 Bid Number; Critical
PUR.86 Labor Costs; Desired
PUR.87 Freight/shipping charges; and Critical
PUR.88 Comments/notes. Critical
PUR.89 Other, user-defined fields (e.g., board order) Critical
PUR.90 The system has the ability to create a requisition from a quote. Critical
The system has the ability to categorize requisitions as user-defined
PUR.91 Critical
types. (e.g., sole source or emergency purchases.)
The system has the ability to perform certain County-defined checks
PUR.92 before a requisition can be generated (e.g., a budget check). Desired

The system has the ability to allow the user to record all quotes or bids
PUR.93 received as data elements in the requisition with appropriate Desired
The system has the ability to allow requisition approval process rules to
PUR.94 Desired
vary depending on the type of item being requisitioned.
The system has the ability to automatically assign requisition number
PUR.95 Critical
sequentially by fiscal year at time of entry.
The system has the ability to allow the automatic assignment of fiscal
PUR.96 Critical
year to requisitions to be overridden.
The system has the ability to export the requisition(s) to PDF as needed.
PUR.97 Critical
The system has the ability to support entering negative requisition
PUR.98 Critical
amounts for discounts or credits.

PUR.99 The system has the ability for a batch process to close all requisitions Critical
that are open (for end of year processing purposes).
The system has the ability to prevent the automatic rolling of open
PUR.100 requisitions that have an "Unknown Vendor" listed at year-end (for end Critical
of year processing purposes).
PUR.101 The system has the ability to indicate the MWBE status of a vendor on Critical
the requisition following entry of the vendor number or name.
PUR.102 The system has the ability to indicate the debarment status of a vendor Critical
on the requisition.
The system has the ability to prompt users, when entering a requisition
PUR.103 associated with grant funding, that the debarment status of the vendor Critical
must be validated. The system has a flag or other indicator allowing the
user to enter that validation was performed.
Purchase Orders
The system has the ability to convert requisitions to a purchase order.
PUR.104 Critical
The system has the ability for all attached documentation to carry
PUR.105 Critical
forward when a requisition is converted to a purchase order.
The system has the ability to carry description (content the vendor
PUR.106 should be able to view) made on the requisition forward to the purchase Critical
The system has the ability to not carry forward comments/notes (internal
PUR.107 County correspondence) made on the requisition forward to the Critical
purchase order.
The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique purchase
PUR.108 order number sequentially, with a minimum of 9 alphanumeric Critical
characters, based on department preferences.
PUR.109 The system has the ability to print purchase orders to a PDF. Critical
The system has the ability to print attachments with a purchase order
PUR.110 and assemble as a PDF, with the ability to ask before doing so. Critical

The system has the ability to generate a PO template unique to each

PUR.111 department (e.g., department logo printed at the top of the PO that is Critical
dependent upon the originating department).
The system has the ability to designate purchase order signature based
PUR.112 Critical
on dollar amount.
The system has the ability to apply the electronic signature of the user
approving the requisition and/or purchase order in the system when
approving the record (e.g., if the Purchasing Manager is on leave, and a
PUR.113 buyer approves the record in their absence, the buyer's signature Critical
appears on the transaction and resulting documentation, and not the
Purchasing Manager's).

The system has the ability to allow an approver to approve or reject all
PUR.114 Critical
lines on a requisition or purchase order with a single action.
The system has the ability to generate email notifications for requisitions
PUR.115 Critical
or purchase orders pending approval.
The system has the ability to electronically send purchase orders via
PUR.116 Critical
email to the requestor.
The system has the ability to electronically send purchase orders via
PUR.117 Critical
email to the vendor.
The system has the ability to e-mail attachments with a purchase order,
PUR.118 with the ability to ask before doing so, and to select the attachments to Critical
The system has the ability to change the account number that is
PUR.119 Critical
assigned to a purchase order.
The system has the ability to notify County users of a read receipt when
PUR.120 Desired
a purchase order is emailed and opened.
The system has the ability to notify the requisitioner whenever a change
PUR.121 Critical
has been made to the requisition and/or purchase order.
The system has the ability to reprint purchase orders with the option to
PUR.122 Critical
designate that the reprint is a duplicate or copy.
The system has the ability to allow multiple account numbers on one
PUR.123 purchase order and/or on individual line items by percentage or dollar Critical
The system has the ability to allow multiple project numbers, and grant
PUR.124 numbers on one purchase order and/or on individual line items. Critical

The system has the ability to match accounts payable invoices to

PUR.125 Critical
purchase orders.
The system has the ability to accommodate both blanket purchase
orders that encumber and blanket purchase orders that do not encumber
PUR.126 (e.g., contract purchase order) the total amount approved. Critical

The system has the ability to allow a user to determine whether a

PUR.127 specific blanket purchase order should or should not encumber the total Critical
amount approved.
The system has the ability to provide a full audit trail including dates,
PUR.128 Critical
user names/IDs, and activity for purchase orders.
The system has the ability for authorized users to modify the purchase
PUR.129 order without having to void the purchase order, including the option to Critical
reprint or re-email after changes are applied.
The system has the ability to automatically accommodate change orders
PUR.130 or modifications to purchase orders and track the version number and Critical
changes with the date of changes.
The system has the ability to provide a check box on the purchase order
PUR.131 to indicate change order or modification with a written explanation Critical
regarding the change.
The system has the ability to add or change commodity codes on
PUR.132 Desired
purchase orders.
The system has the ability to add or change commodity codes on
PUR.133 purchase orders with the option to retain historical description or Desired
The system has the ability to apply a due date to each line item of a PO.
PUR.134 Desired
The system has the ability to automatically email purchase orders to
vendors with attachments once all workflow approvals are complete with
PUR.135 the ability to turn on or off and to select which attachments are being Critical
The system has the ability to close purchase orders with a user-defined
PUR.136 dollar amount or percent remaining available, with ability to override that Critical
The system has the ability to carry over purchase orders (capital
PUR.137 Critical
projects, grants, blankets) at year-end into the new year.
The system has the ability to store electronically received or scanned
PUR.138 documents with every purchase order in file types specified in the Critical
General and Technical requirements.
The system has the ability to allow users to select one of multiple "ship
PUR.139 Critical
to" addresses based on facility location.
The system has the ability to allow users to select multiple "ship to"
PUR.140 Critical
addresses for different line items.
PUR.141 The system has the ability to void or cancel purchase orders. Critical
The system has the ability to allow a minimum of 500 character
PUR.142 Critical
description field on purchase order.
The system has the ability to handle description overflow on a purchase
PUR.143 Critical
The system has the ability for a batch process to create individual
PUR.144 Critical
Purchase Orders from all requisitions that are at approved status.
The system has the ability to finalize open and partially received
PUR.145 purchase orders and change orders en masse at year-end based upon Critical
user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to flag a purchase order when retainage
PUR.146 Critical
The system has the ability to view the balance of each applicable cost
PUR.147 Critical
center within the purchase order record.
The system has the ability to generate a report of all open purchase
PUR.148 Critical
orders with user-defined filter criteria.
The system has the ability to view the approval status of purchase
PUR.149 Critical
orders and requisitions.

PUR.150 The system has the ability to provide system controls on purchase Critical
orders, such as thresholds or vendor caps.
The system has the ability to record the following receiving information:
PUR.151 Receiving staff; Critical
PUR.152 Date and time received; Critical
PUR.153 Complete, partial, backorder, etc. flag; Critical
PUR.154 Damaged flag; Critical
PUR.155 Return status; Critical
PUR.156 Comments/notes; and Critical
Other, user-defined fields (e.g. internal distribution of centralized
PUR.157 Critical
The system has the ability to allow delivery information to be entered by
PUR.158 requisitioners and shown on the purchase order (e.g., deliver to side Critical
The system has the ability to provide a web-based receiving process for
PUR.159 Desired
all items received at decentralized receiving areas.
The system has the ability to accommodate 3-way match of the
PUR.160 Critical
purchase order, receiving record, and invoice.
The system has the ability to receive a partial amount of goods/services.
PUR.161 Critical
The system has the ability to "receive all" goods/services with a single
PUR.162 key stroke, undo a single line item if needed, and prompt with a dialogue Critical
box to verify these actions (e.g., "are you sure?").
The system has the ability to provide workflow functionality related to
PUR.163 Critical
processing damaged goods or incorrect received.
The system has the ability to automatically send email notifications upon
PUR.164 Critical
items received being marked damaged or incorrect.
The system has the ability to attach the proof of receipt electronically to
PUR.165 the receiving document in order to verify the 3-way match during invoice Critical
The system has the ability to generate a notification to the receiver when
PUR.166 Critical
it is time to perform receiving.
PUR.167 The system has the ability to tie an invoice to a receiver. Critical
Purchasing Cards
The system has the ability to upload transaction detail from purchasing
PUR.168 card vendors' applications with detail applied to the general ledger Critical
The system has the ability to support a minimum of 30 character
PUR.169 Critical
transaction descriptions for p-card import details.
The system has the ability, during the upload of purchasing card
transaction detail, to display the actual transaction vendor (e.g., as
PUR.170 opposed to the p-card merchant.). Level 5 detail is needed in interface Critical
The system has the ability to track expenditures against purchasing
PUR.171 cards issued to employees in real-time, including creating Desired
The system has the ability to reconcile and code individual P-card
PUR.172 Critical
transactions to a general ledger account with workflow approval.
The system has the ability to allow a user to override the default general
PUR.173 Critical
ledger account number assigned to a transaction.
The system has the ability to attach supporting documentation to a p-
PUR.174 Critical
card transaction record.
The system has the ability to provide a listing of all payments made to a
PUR.175 vendor in one view, including but not limited to p-card transactions and Critical
AP payments.
The system has the ability to provide workflow processes to support
PUR.176 Desired
employee requests to become a purchase card holder.
The system has the ability to provide workflow processes to
verify/document employee acknowledgement with p-card policies (e.g.,
PUR.177 checkbox acknowledgement that the employee has read the purchase Desired
card holder responsibilities).
The system has the ability to generate a report of all activity, including p-
PUR.178 card transactions, by vendor, contract number and user-defined criteria. Critical

The system has the ability to track subscriptions and renewals on a p-

PUR.179 Critical
The system has the ability to track 1099 information from p-card
PUR.180 Critical

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-
art of the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the
ements with a clear notation that the responses are provided

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Bid and Contract Management
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
Bid Management
BCM.1 The system has the ability to convert a requisition to a bid. Critical
The system has the ability to provide user-defined bid types (e.g.,, RFPs,
BCM.2 Critical
RFQs, ITBs, RFIs, IFQs, RFOs, etc.)
The system has the ability to define bid specific due dates and criteria.
BCM.3 Critical
The system has the ability to provide user-defined contract terms and
BCM.4 Critical
condition types with the ability to override.
The system has the ability to allow bids to be downloaded from the bid
BCM.5 Critical
system with the ability to turn this feature on or off.
The system has the ability to restrict access by County staff to the bid
BCM.6 Critical
documents until the bid due date and time.
The system has the ability to encrypt and secure vendor submitted bids
BCM.7 and allow them to be unencrypted by authorized users after due date Critical
and time.
The system has the ability for the County to create a bid checklist to
BCM.8 Critical
manage the bid process.
BCM.9 The system has the ability to maintain a bid calendar view. Critical
The system has the ability to track a vendor's read receipt of all
BCM.10 Critical
electronic communications.
The system has the ability to maintain alternate bid items that can be
BCM.11 submitted by vendors during the bid process, with the option to turn this Critical
feature on or off.
BCM.12 The system has the ability to award a bid to multiple vendors. Critical
The system has the ability to allow registered vendors to receive email
BCM.13 Critical
notifications of bid opportunities to be downloaded.
The system has the ability to accommodate web-based bid publication
and submission, including all applicable elements such as the ability to
BCM.14 submit questions, publish addenda, and document acknowledgement of Critical
addenda received.
The system has the ability to generate a list of potential bidders in the
vendor file based on category/commodity codes associated with their
BCM.15 vendor profile (based on any level of the category/commodity code). Critical

The system has the ability to provide a "wizard" to aid users in the
BCM.16 Critical
development of bid packages.
The system has the ability to provide a "wizard" to aid vendors in
BCM.17 Critical
submission of bids.
The system has the ability to maintain a catalog with complete history of
all current and previously developed bids (e.g., RFPs, RFQs, ITBs, RFIs,
BCM.18 IFQs, RFOs, etc.) for posting to County website, including the current Critical
status and dollar amount.
The system has the ability to post bids to an online, public-facing bid
BCM.19 management portal for soliciting bids and proposals, accessible to Critical
potential bidders.
The system has the ability to provide auto tabulation of electronically
BCM.20 received bids/quotes and maintains a database of historic bid Critical
The system has the ability to require vendors to electronically register
BCM.21 Critical
prior to bidding.
The system has the ability to require certain forms to be completed to
BCM.22 Critical
register in the system.
The system has the ability to allow the administrator to determine file
BCM.23 Critical
type and size that can be uploaded/attached to bids.
The system has the ability to allow multiple forms/formats to be
BCM.24 Critical
submitted on an individual RFP response.
The system has the ability to allow the bidder to update company and
BCM.25 category/commodity information and manage what is sent to them. Critical

The system has the ability to send out system generated email
BCM.26 notifications when a new bid in a bidders category/commodity is Critical
available to bid.
The system has the ability for staff to query entire vendor database for
BCM.27 skill sets or key word matches with appropriate security permissions. Critical

The system has the ability to allow registered vendors to access and
BCM.28 view a summary description of bid documents and specifications online. Critical

The system has the ability, after bid closing, to allow registered vendors
BCM.29 to submit multiple files when requested by the County, online. Critical

The system has the ability to time stamp when a bid has been
BCM.30 downloaded and/or submitted by the bidder, and when the addenda has Critical
been downloaded by the bidder.
The system has the ability to allow bidders to modify their electronic bid
BCM.31 Critical
prior to bid closing time.
The system has the ability to allow bidders to complete standard forms
BCM.32 electronically in the system utilizing user/administrator designated fields Critical
to attach to bids.
The system has the ability to accept electronic signatures from vendors
BCM.33 Critical
on forms in the system through dual authentication.
The system has the ability to produce notification letters to unsuccessful
BCM.34 Critical
The system has the ability to detect/report incomplete bids that are
BCM.35 submitted and notify vendors (and designated County users) that all Critical
forms have not been submitted.
BCM.36 The system has the ability to save bids/proposals in progress. Critical
The system has the ability to send warning notices for bid submission
BCM.37 deadlines based upon user-defined intervals (e.g., week before bid Critical
close, day before bid close, etc.).
The system has the ability to post addenda and automatically notify
BCM.38 registered bidders (who downloaded the bid) related to bids in the Critical
The system has the ability to automatically move a bid from submitted to
BCM.39 unsubmitted when an addendum is issued by the County. Critical

The system has the ability to automatically provide notification to a

vendor when an addendum is issued by the County and causes a
BCM.40 submitted bid to be unsubmitted, and require the vendor to acknowledge Critical
the addendum and resubmit the bid.
BCM.41 The system has the ability for staff to input results of bid award. Critical
The system has the ability for staff to input current status of bid (e.g.,,
BCM.42 Critical
under evaluation etc.).
The system has the ability for the staff to designate the way the totals
BCM.43 Critical
will be calculated when creating the bid.
The system has the ability to allow the bidder to enter the detail amounts
BCM.44 Critical
that make up the total system calculated bid.
The system has the ability for County users and vendors to flag
BCM.45 Critical
confidential documents.
The system has the ability for administrator to set security restrictions for
BCM.46 users and vendors that are able to view confidential documents. Critical

The system has the ability for bidders to login and check status of bid.
BCM.47 Critical
The system has the ability for automatic notifications of answer
BCM.48 publication, bid opportunities, addenda, tabulations, bid awards, or other Critical
user-defined fields.
The system has the ability for the County and/or vendors to submit bid
BCM.49 specific questions on or visible through the bid portal, tied to the specific Critical
bid record.
The system has the ability to configure a notification that alerts the buyer
BCM.50 and/or other designee to submitted questions for review within the bid Critical
The system has the ability for the entity to enter responses to questions.
BCM.51 Critical
The system has the ability for the entity to publish any question/answer
BCM.52 Critical
The system is able to provide an option to automatically generate an
BCM.53 Addendum to the Bid when publishing the Question/Answer sets, e.g.,, Critical
“Publish” or “Publish and Add Addendum”.
The system has the ability for anyone who can view a bid to also view
BCM.54 Critical
published question/answer sets.
The system has the ability for the entity to flag individual addendums as
BCM.55 Critical
“requiring acknowledgement”.
The system is able to provide the option for the entity to set all previously
submitted bids to an “Unsubmitted” status if an addendum requiring
BCM.56 acknowledgement is generated after a Vendor previously submitted their Critical
The system has the ability for vendors to acknowledge addendums
BCM.57 Critical
The system has the ability for a popup/notification in bid portal that
reminds vendors who have previously submitted their Bids that they
BCM.58 need to resubmit their Bid once any necessary changes/additions (as Critical
noted in the Addenda) have been made.
The system has the ability to provide an "Acknowledgement Status"
BCM.59 attribute visible to the County and vendor via the bid portal and to the Critical
County via the bid management database noting whether a vendor has
The system has the ability to show which Addenda has been
BCM.60 acknowledged a given Addendum. Critical
acknowledged and which Addenda has not been acknowledged.
The system has the ability to send a notification to all related vendors
BCM.61 indicating the requirement to acknowledge the addendum before Critical
submission of their bid.
The system has the ability to automatically move a bid from active to
BCM.62 Critical
expired allowing expired bids to still be viewed.
The system has the ability to document attendance at the pre-bid
BCM.63 conference by posting signed attendance sheets from the pre-bid Critical
The system has the ability for system generated notifications to be sent
BCM.64 Critical
to users via email automatically.
The system has the ability to track system generated correspondence.
BCM.65 Critical
The system has the ability to offer a two-way user messaging system
BCM.66 and log that is updated when the message originates from within the Critical
online portal and/or from an e-mail.
The system has the ability to retain the bid records in the system for a
BCM.67 Critical
minimum of 10 years after the award of the contract.
The system has the ability to retain the bid records in the system for a
BCM.68 minimum of 7 years for unsuccessful bidders after the award date. Critical

The system has the ability to accommodate competing bid summaries that
BCM.69the following
Vendor information:
Information (e.g., name, address, contact, phone, email); Critical
BCM.70 Descriptive item text; Critical
BCM.71 Dollar amount; Critical
BCM.72 Comments/notes; Critical
BCM.73 Point of contact email; Critical
BCM.74 Point of contact phone; Critical
BCM.75 DBE/MWBE/Veteran, Disabled, Women Owned, HUB status; Critical
BCM.76 Tax ID; and Critical
BCM.77 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to import historical bid information from a
BCM.78 Critical
third-party bid management system.
The system has the ability to generate a vendor list of all bids requested
BCM.79 Critical
and/or received, with or without amounts.
The system has the ability for the public to conduct a search such as but
BCM.80 not limited to vendor, dollar amount, description, expiration date and Critical
renewal date.
The system has the ability to sort by status: open, closed, evaluation,
BCM.81 Critical
awarded, rejected, rebid, cancelled, etc.
The system has the ability to download all information for
BCM.82 archival/records management prior to being purged from the system with Critical
appropriate security permissions.
The system has the ability to flag an item as mandatory requiring a
BCM.83 Critical
bidder to acknowledge the mandatory item.
The system has the ability to maintain a list of vendors who have
BCM.84 Critical
registered and/or downloaded a bid (e.g., planholders' list).
The system has the ability for bidders to upload and attach documents to
BCM.85 their bids with the option to limit file size and/or file types. Critical

The system has the ability to allow bidders to copy a previous bid for
BCM.86 modification with the option of a notification or flag to alert of changed Critical
bid content.
The system has the ability to track and report on standard bid items and
BCM.87 Critical
their average costs.
The system has the ability to produce a system generated list of all bids
BCM.88 Critical
in the order that the user defines.
The system has the ability to produce a system generated report of
BCM.89 Critical
bidder history.
The system has the ability to report bid information associated with a
BCM.90 Critical
The system has the ability to create a bid list report that would include
project descriptions, pre-bid meeting dates, project number, buyer
BCM.91 information, bid opening dates, project manager, awarded bidder, Critical
category/commodity code and description, amount, MWBE designation,
award date, type of project, and other user-defined.
The system has the ability to generate a report listing all bidders with an
BCM.92 address within a user-defined geographical area (e.g., County, State, Desired
The system has the ability to capture and generate a report of all bidders
BCM.93 who have designated themselves as being open to subcontracting at the Critical
time of registering for the opportunity.
The system has the ability to generate a public report of the bid results
BCM.94 immediately after bid opening, with ability to limit report to price and/or Critical
vendor name.
The system has the ability to generate a report by bid number including
BCM.95 Critical
all bid information.
The system has the ability to designate a bid as cooperative purchase
BCM.96 and/or MWBE purchase eligible for use by other public entities. Critical

The system has the ability to allow vendors to view, in the online portal,
BCM.97 Critical
a list of registered plan holders for the bid opportunity.
Contract Management
The system has the ability to associate a contract with a single County
BCM.98 Critical
department and/or multiple County departments.
The system has the ability to associate multiple contracts per vendor,
BCM.99 Critical
multiple items per contract, and multiple dates.
The system has the ability to establish a contract for goods or services
that are associated with multiple vendors. For example, the County
BCM.100 might establish a contract for medicine that may be provided by one or Critical
more vendors.
The system has the ability to design a minimum of 50 user-defined
standard and exception notification parameters in the contract expiration
BCM.101 process (e.g.,, notification to Purchasing if certain information hasn't Critical
been received 30 calendar days before expiration).

The system has the ability to support various contract periods, including
BCM.102 multiple year contracts (e.g.,, those that span fiscal and/or calendar Critical
The system has the ability to control, record, and track contract limits at
BCM.103 Critical
user-specified levels of detail over the life of the contract.
The system has the ability to flag and/or suspend approval of change
orders that require budget changes (greater than a certain user-defined
BCM.104 percentage and/or dollar amount change over original amount). Critical

The system has the ability to automate the closing and encumbering of
BCM.105 Critical
contracts from one fiscal year to the next.
The system has the ability to generate notifications to vendors and user
agencies (in a user-defined format), when milestones or thresholds are
BCM.106 met (e.g., tax exempt certification, insurance expiration date). Critical

BCM.107 The system has the ability to assign sequential contract numbers. Critical
The system has the ability to trigger alerts based on all County user-
BCM.108 defined thresholds when a certain dollar amount of the contract is used Critical
(e.g., 75%).
The system has the ability to trigger alerts based on all County user-
BCM.109 defined thresholds when a certain period of time has elapsed (e.g., Critical
The system has the ability to trigger alerts based on all County user-
BCM.110 defined thresholds prior to contract expiration (e.g., 30, 60, 90, 120 Critical
The system has the ability to drill-down from contracts to Invitation to
BCM.111 Critical
Bid/Request for Proposal.
The system has the ability to provide various agreement levels (e.g.,
BCM.112 Critical
general, product class, and product).
The system has the ability to support a cross-reference mechanism to
BCM.113 connect single or multiple contract amounts to individual projects or Critical
grants and vice-versa.
The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined contract alerts
BCM.114 Critical
for key dates (renewal, expiration, rebid, etc.).
The system has the ability to include a change order function that allows
BCM.115 Critical
the addition, listing, and tracking of change orders.
The system has the ability to note contract revisions, including date and
BCM.116 Critical
The system has the ability to provide vendor performance tracking by
BCM.117 Critical
The system has the ability to generate performance review requests at
BCM.118 Critical
the completion of the contract.
The system has the ability to flow performance review data back to the
BCM.119 Critical
vendor file and/or directly to the vendor.
The system has the ability to allow vendors to add comments and
BCM.120 Critical
responses to performance review data.
The system has the ability to track different stages of contracts including
payments connected with deliverables, close-out, notices to proceed,
BCM.121 conditional acceptance, retainage, and other administrative Critical
BCM.122 The system has the ability to track all bond related activity. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain vendor insurance information
BCM.123 butProducer
not limited to:Insurance Agency);
(e.g.,, Critical
BCM.124 Type (e.g., General, Automobile, etc.); Critical
Limit Type (e.g., General, Personal & Adv Injury, Fire Damage, etc.);
BCM.125 Critical
BCM.126 Limit amount; Critical
BCM.127 Policy Effective Date; Critical
BCM.128 Policy Expiration Date; Critical
BCM.129 Policy Number; and Critical
BCM.130 Comment/Notes; and Critical
BCM.131 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track certificate of insurance expiration
BCM.132 Critical
The system has the ability to notify internal staff and the vendor of the
BCM.133 Critical
expired certificate of insurance.
The system has the ability to track minimum insurance requirements.
BCM.134 Critical
The system has the ability to tie category/commodity code to insurance
BCM.135 type and amount required, with the ability to modify on a case-by-case Critical
The system has the ability to generate a report on category/commodity
BCM.136 Critical
code, insurance type and amount required.
The system has the ability to track budget compared to work authorized
BCM.137 Critical
and completed.
The system has the ability to notify a user if another contract exists for
BCM.138 Critical
that category/commodity.
The system has the ability to keep track of historical contract costs that
BCM.139 may be used for doing comparison and future estimating when reviewing Critical
new contracts for the same or similar services or goods.
The system has the ability to keep track of historical contract costs that
BCM.140 Critical
may be used for creating budget requests for the new year.
The system has the ability to maintain contract information (including but
not limited to vendor, description, amount/contract values, dates,
BCM.141 comments/notes, and Board Order or Resolution Number). Critical

The system has the ability to track deliverables and invoice payments
BCM.142 Critical
based on a contract or vendor.
The system has the ability to search by contract number, project file
number, CIP number, purchase order number, contract name, buyer
BCM.143 and/or category/commodity. (and any other field, and location) Critical

BCM.144 The system has the ability to maintain contract history. Critical
The system provides the ability to allow a user to establish County-
BCM.145 Critical
defined contract types.
The system has the ability to attach vendor contracts and agreements
BCM.146 (e.g., leases, development agreements, and inter-governmental Critical
BCM.147 The system has the ability to show the associated purchase orders. Critical
The system has the ability to track and report start date, notice to
BCM.148 Critical
proceed, and end date for each contract.
The system has the ability to calculate and track incentives/retainages
BCM.149 and specify user-defined retainage percentage and/or amount for Critical
projects and contractors.
The system has the ability to track spending based on user-defined
BCM.150 criteria (including but not limited to item type, calendar and/or fiscal year- Critical
to-date, inception-to-date, and by department).
The system has the ability to track prime contractors and associated
BCM.151 Critical
subcontractors along with their MWBE classification.
The system has the ability to support expense-reimbursable, fixed-fee
BCM.152 Critical
The system has the ability to store contracts and the contract is linked to
BCM.153 Critical
the vendor profile.
The system has the ability to maintain a checklist for the contract
approval process (e.g., required forms attached, appropriate signatures
BCM.154 received, certificate of insurance obtained, compliance with revenue Critical
commission and Human Relations Commission, bonds, legal, etc.).

The system has the ability to support the workflow process for contracts
BCM.155 Critical
and/or change orders with digital signature approval.
The system has the ability to archive closed contracts and retrieve them
BCM.156 Critical
when needed.
The system has the ability to create and track standing/open order
BCM.157 Critical
contracts and the ongoing associated dollar amount per account.
The system has the ability to trigger a user-defined alert of necessary
updates or changes to existing documents based on the occurrence of
BCM.158 certain events (including but not limited to update contract when name Critical
changes, insurance renewals, and dollar limits).

The system has the ability to log requests and amounts for proposed
BCM.159 contract amendments (change orders), using workflow by project Critical
number as well as by bid line items.
The system has the ability to track all requirements and compliance for
BCM.160 Critical
state and/or federally funded projects.
The system has the ability to send notification to a user of a contract
BCM.161 expiration with the ability for user to set the number of days prior to Critical
expiration notification should be made.
The system has the ability to allow contracts to integrate with accounts
BCM.162 receivable module for billing and collection purposes (e.g., rent to the Critical
County for buildings, etc.).
The system has the ability to track performance and/or payment bonds
BCM.163 Critical
associated with contracts.
The system has the ability to generate a list of contracts available to
departments that would allow the users to click on a vendor or
BCM.164 commodity to see the associated contract and pricing with appropriate Critical
security permissions.
The system has the ability to create contracts that are split between
BCM.165 different departmental accounts and establish the start and expiration Critical
date of the contract plus a maximum contract amount.
The system has the ability to report on all open contract available
BCM.166 amounts and expenditures, including purchase order and P-Card Critical
expenditures, based on County-defined criteria.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Accounts Payable
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide an Accounts Payable module that
AP.1 is integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) Critical
General Ledger, Capital Assets, Contracts, Budgeting, Purchasing, Bid
Management, Payroll, and Grants.
AP.2 The system has the ability to use workflow to identify the payment of a Critical
capital asset.
The system has the ability to produce a full audit trail on all transactions
AP.3 Critical
that include every field.
The system has the ability to accommodate 3-way matching of purchase
AP.4 Critical
order, receiving documents, and invoice.
The system has the ability to automatically and proactively notify end
AP.5 Critical
users of pending approval actions through workflow automation.
The system has the ability to send a notification to a secondary person
AP.6 after a user-defined period of time through workflow automation. Critical

The system has the ability to support electronic workflow for approvals
by any of the following but not limited to: commodity code, dollar amount,
AP.7 general ledger account number or project string, department, and other Critical
The system has the ability to support electronic workflow for invoice
AP.8 Critical
approval, payment, and creation of voucher (invoice) packets.
The system has the ability to import purchasing card transaction detail to
AP.9 flow through the AP module, to display total spend per vendor. Desired

The system has the ability to notify specified users when a payment is
AP.10 Desired
made based upon a project or grant number.
The system has the ability to distribute journal entries from Accounts
AP.11 Payable to the General Ledger immediately (real-time) or in batch. Critical

The system has the ability to complete employee expense

AP.12 Critical
reimbursement claims with workflow routing.
The system has the ability to accommodate employee expense
AP.13 reimbursements (uniform allowance, mileage, tuition reimbursement, Critical
etc.) through the accounts payable module as nontaxable events.

The system has the ability to conduct employee expense

AP.14 reimbursements on a cycle other than the standard AP cycle (ad-hoc). Desired

The system has the ability to identify and resolve open or outstanding
AP.15 AP invoices (or vouchers) based on user-defined criteria. Critical

The system has the ability to automate the process of accruing

AP.16 Critical
expenses, including instances when multiple accounts are involved.
The system has the ability to report on all travel expenses incurred to
AP.17 Critical
date by employee or department.
Invoice Processing
The system has the ability to split an invoice into a payment schedule
AP.18 Critical
with at least twelve different due dates and due amounts.
The system has the ability to support decentralized invoice entry at the
AP.19 Critical
department level.
The system has the ability to support batch, multiple, or individual
AP.20 Critical
invoice entry.
The system has the ability to allow for the electronic submission of
AP.21 Critical
invoice from vendors (e.g., e-bills, etc.).
The system has the ability to support at least a 25 character invoice
AP.22 Critical
number field.
The system has the ability to support an alpha-numeric invoice number
AP.23 Critical
The system has the ability to capture comments/notes associated with
AP.24 Critical
an invoice.
The system has the ability to accommodate partial payments based on
AP.25 Critical
receiving against quantity and/or dollar amount.
The system has the ability to support a minimum of a 50 character short
AP.26 Critical
description field.
The system has the ability to support a minimum of a 256 character long
AP.27 Critical
description field.
The system as the ability to display the invoice message line on the
AP.28 Critical
payment remittance stub or ACH notice.
The system has the ability to accept a dollar amount entry and/or
AP.29 Desired
percentage amount entry for payment against a contract.
The system has the ability to have an applied date in a fiscal year based
on the invoice date with the ability to override (e.g., when receiving an
AP.30 invoice in a new fiscal year dated for a previous fiscal year). Critical

The system has the ability to identify prior year expenditures in the
AP.31 Critical
current year.
The system has the ability to report on invoices that were provided after
AP.32 the deadline to pay in the prior year, but which have not been processed Critical
for payment, and the associated PO number.
The system has the ability to support multiple status modes for invoices
AP.33 including but not limited to the following: pending, approved, rejected, Critical
cancelled, deleted, and other (user-defined).
The system has the ability to electronically attach scanned invoices and
AP.34 Critical
other supporting documentation to the payable entry.
The system has the ability to flag invoices as reimbursable expenses
AP.35 Critical
through the grant process.
The system has the ability to allow for an invoice to be distributed to (at
AP.36 Critical
least) 999 different general ledger and/or project accounts.
The system has the ability to allow for an invoice, such as
AP.37 credit/purchase card statements, to be distributed to (at least) 999 Critical
different general ledger accounts.
The system has the ability to allow for an invoice to be distributed across
AP.38 Critical
Departments with appropriate workflow routines for approval.
The system has the ability to automatically split invoices to different
AP.39 Critical
accounts based on user-defined rules.
The system has the ability to enter invoices upon receipt and select
AP.40 Critical
future payment date.
The system has the ability to set a tolerance threshold by either a
percentage or dollar amount, department, purchase order, or other user-
AP.41 defined criteria, which can limit the amount of override allowed on an Desired
invoice via direct entry or purchase order.
AP.42 The system has the ability to tie an invoice to a receiver. Critical
AP.43 The system has the ability to support recurring invoices. Critical
AP.44 The system has the ability to copy existing invoices to new invoices. Critical
The system has the ability to accept an import file from external
AP.45 Critical
organizations for payment.
The system has the ability to accommodate interdepartmental transfers.
AP.46 Critical
The system has the ability to hold credit memos/invoices and apply them
AP.47 Critical
to future invoices.
The system has the ability to "add back" percentages or amount for
AP.48 Critical
discounts previously taken (e.g., returned items).
The system has the ability to calculate interest for late payments with the
AP.49 Critical
ability to turn the feature on and off.
The system has the ability to close out a PO if it is known that it is the
AP.50 final payment being made against a PO and release the encumbered Critical
The system has the ability to make minor changes to posted invoice
AP.51 Critical
records (e.g., invoice date, payment message).
The system has the ability to view workflow productivity metrics, such as
AP.52 Critical
number of invoices entered, approved, pending, by status.

AP.53 The system has the ability to generate a report of invoices outstanding Critical
by the following but not limited to: department, project, grant, or contract.
The system has the ability to generate a monthly expenditure report by
AP.54 Critical
The system has the ability to generate an aging report by fund and/or
AP.55 Critical
The system has the ability to generate an alert when the PO year is
AP.56 Critical
different than the year it is to be paid in.
Check Processing, Printing and Reconciliation
AP.57 The system has the ability to interface with check printers. Critical
AP.58 The system has the ability to print checks on a pre-printed form. Critical
The system has the ability to support the processing and reconciliation of
AP.59 checks from multiple (minimum of 10) County bank accounts. Critical

The system has the ability to support a minimum of 5 different check

AP.60 formats/layouts/designs that allows the County to modify the check Critical
format without any vendor assistance and incurred cost.

AP.61 Critical
The system has the ability to print a test check with a "void" watermark.
AP.62 The system has the ability to reprint checks. Critical
The system has the ability to produce a duplicate image of a check
AP.63 Critical
marked "non-negotiable".
The system has the ability to provide an automated void and re-issuance
AP.64 Critical
of checks, with the ability to turn this feature on or off.
AP.65 The system has the ability to reprint check following a void. Critical
The system has the ability to update the general ledger and/or subledger
AP.66 Critical
to account for voided and re-issued checks.
The system has the ability to prohibit duplicate check numbers within the
AP.67 Critical
same checkbook.
The system has the ability to support a workflow approval process for
AP.68 Critical
direct invoice entry.
AP.69 The system has the ability to generate off-cycle checks. Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate multiple check runs in a
AP.70 Critical
single day.
AP.71 The system has the ability to print checks in numerical order. Critical
The system has the ability to void a check and close the invoice
AP.72 Critical
The system has the ability to void a check and allow the user to reopen
AP.73 Critical
the invoice and the associated purchase order.
The system has the ability to accumulate a large number of invoices into
one vendor check and have stub information printed on an overflow
AP.74 statement with the ability to turn this function on and off at the vendor Critical
and/or invoice level
The system has the ability to utilize handling codes for documentation to
AP.75 Critical
be inserted with checks.
The system has the ability to sort printed checks in a County-defined
AP.76 Critical
order (e.g., vendor number, vendor name, or handling code).
The system has the ability to support "positive pay" by providing the
ability to send an electronic file of all checks, including system-driven
AP.77 manual checks, to the County's bank for comparison with checks being Critical
cashed in order to help reduce opportunities for fraud.
AP.78 The system has the ability to import a file for bank reconciliation. Critical
The system has the ability to provide the user with reconciliation
AP.79 Critical
functions to compare imported data with system data.
The system has the ability to print the entire invoice number on the
AP.80 Critical
The system has the ability to produce digitized electronic signatures as
AP.81 Critical
part of the check printing process.
The system has the ability to accommodate different digital signatures
AP.82 Critical
for up to 10 bank accounts.
The system has the ability to print a check register at pre-determined
AP.83 Critical
intervals and on demand.
The system has the ability to print a check register that includes off-cycle
AP.84 cleared and voided checks, with the ability to update in real-time. Critical

The system has the ability to print a check register showing individual
AP.85 check numbers and amounts, sorted by vendor name and/or check Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to query invoices by due date
AP.86 Critical
and update the due date based on County defined criteria.
The system has the ability to notify a user and supervisor if check
AP.87 numbers are missing in that time period (e.g., voided or destroyed Critical
The system has the ability to process ACH payments, including
AP.88 Critical
addendum records.
AP.89 The system has the ability to support the bank draft process. Critical
The system has the ability to remit to a checking account and/or savings
AP.90 Critical
The system has the ability to lock the ACH file between processing and
AP.91 Critical
The system has the ability to assign dates to ensure that the date is not
AP.92 a holiday or a weekend or other user-defined dates with the ability to Critical
The system has the ability to print check register which indicates cleared
AP.93 and/or outstanding checks. Critical

The system has the ability to generate a refund check for revenue
AP.94 Critical
refunds through a voucher (invoice) process with approval path.
The system provides the ability to drill back to the source module that
AP.95 created the original transaction (e.g., requisition, purchase order, Critical
contract and any other supporting documentation).
The system has the ability to handle the associated accounting and
AP.96 conversion of outstanding checks to unclaimed property transactions. Critical

The system has the ability to generate a report of anticipated cash

AP.97 Critical
requirement for disbursements.
The system has the ability to generate a report of actual paid versus
AP.98 Critical
billed costs.
The system has the ability to generate a report of scheduled checks to
AP.99 Critical
be written.
The system has the ability to generate a report of payments by payment
AP.100 type (ACH vendor, bank draft vendor, p-card vendor, wire vendor, or Critical
other user-defined).
The system has the ability to generate a summary and/or detailed
AP.101 Critical
payment report by vendor.

The system has the ability to generate an integrated payables report

AP.102 Critical
showing check number, amount, vendor address, date, invoice number.

The system has the ability to generate a report or allow on-screen inquiry of a
variety of vendor information (outstanding checks, volume of checks, etc.):

AP.103 Payee; Critical

AP.104 Check number; Critical
AP.105 Any component of account structure; Critical
AP.106 Purchase order number (alpha-numeric and special characters); Critical
AP.107 Date or date range; Critical
AP.108 Address; Critical
AP.109 Invoice; Critical
AP.110 Check status (e.g., paid or unpaid); Critical
AP.111 Amount; and Critical
AP.112 Other, user-defined (based on any element in the vendor file). Critical
The system has the ability to generate a report of checks paid by fund
AP.113 Critical
and/or department.
The system has the ability to generate a monthly check reconciliation
AP.114 Critical
Vendor File
The system has the ability to provide an online portal that allows for
AP.115 vendor to submit certain information and forms to the County (W9, Critical
invoice, etc.).
The system has the ability to allow vendors to maintain County-defined
AP.116 information (contact information, etc.) through a vendor self-service web Critical
The system has the ability to require all vendor-submitted changes to
AP.117 their file to be approved by designated County staff before taking effect. Critical

The system has the ability to utilize the same vendor file for the
AP.118 purchasing and inventory application/module as all other Critical
AP.119 The system has the ability to flag a vendor record as requiring a 1099. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a vendor file that supports the following
AP.120 A vendor number that is not the vendor's EIN, TIN or SSN; Critical
AP.121 At least 9 characters for vendor numbers; Critical
AP.122 Legacy system vendor file number; Critical
AP.123 A minimum of 150 characters for vendor remit addresses; Critical
AP.124 A minimum of 100 characters for the vendor name; Critical
AP.125 Doing Business As (DBA) Name; Critical
AP.126 Legal Name; Critical
AP.127 Prior/Historical Name; Critical
AP.128 Type of vendor (e.g., corporation 1099, individual); Critical
AP.129 Vendor tax ID; Critical
AP.130 Override withholding; Critical
AP.131 Fields for multiple addresses/locations; Critical
AP.132 Designated point of contact; Critical
AP.133 Multiple Points of Contact (e.g., different sales representatives); Critical
AP.134 Comment or memo field; Critical
Record of vendor performance (performed through user-defined drop
AP.135 Critical
down menu when receiving is done for vendor performance);
AP.136 Commodity code; Critical
Current vendor status (e.g., Active, Inactive vendor, vendor under
AP.137 Critical
contract, one-time pay);
Vendor certifications (e.g., minority, women, veteran, and disabled-
AP.138 Critical
owned business designations, etc.);
AP.139 Flag vendors that are not in County-defined compliance; Critical
AP.140 User-defined special condition codes for vendor flags; Critical
AP.141 Foreign addresses; Critical
AP.142 Foreign bank accounts; Critical
AP.143 user-defined Vendor withholding for taxes; Critical
AP.144 Vendor retainage based on purchase order; Critical
AP.145 ACH, routing, and bank information; Critical
AP.146 Indicator for which 1099 form the vendor should receive; Critical
AP.147 Discount terms; Critical
AP.148 Subcontractors; Critical
AP.149 Multiple Payees (e.g., parent/child); and Critical
AP.150 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to validate bank routing numbers when
AP.151 Critical
entering the vendor numbers.
The system has the ability to flag a vendor that has an outstanding bill or
AP.152 Critical
balance with the County.
The system has the ability to configure multiple fields for recording
AP.153 Critical
compliance information (e.g., expired insurance, debarred).
The system has the ability to allow searching the vendor file by any data
AP.154 Critical
The system has the ability to automatically assign a unique identification
AP.155 number to a vendor sequentially (alpha-numeric), with the ability to Critical
manually override.
AP.156 The system has the ability to merge duplicate vendors. Critical
The system has the ability to create a vendor ID that can be used for
AP.157 payment to one time vendors whose addresses should not be Critical
maintained in the system.
The system has the ability to allow "one-time" vendors to be established
AP.158 and/or inactivated upon one time use with limited required data entry. Critical

The system has the ability to convert a one-time vendor to a "regular"

AP.159 vendor in the system, and prompt the user to complete additional Critical
required fields.
The system has the ability to track historical transaction history for one-
AP.160 Critical
time vendors converted to regular vendor.
The system has the ability to inactivate a vendor based on user-defined
AP.161 Critical
The system has the ability to allow a system administrator to configure
AP.162 Critical
"required" fields in the vendor file.
The system has the ability to produce mailing labels from the vendor file.
AP.163 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain a complete listing of historical
AP.164 Critical
vendors (e.g., including those no longer active).
The system has the ability to allow a user to query the vendor file by
AP.165 Critical
date range to view vendors with no recent activity.
The system has the ability to automatically notify County staff when
AP.166 there is no activity (e.g., no purchase orders, invoices, checks, etc.) with Critical
a vendor after a user specified period of time.
AP.167 The system has the ability to attach documents to the vendor file. Critical
The system has the ability to restrict changes to the vendor file to
AP.168 Critical
designated users.
The system has the ability to require approval of all vendor changes via
AP.169 Critical
workflow, with the ability to turn this feature on or off.
The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all changes to the
AP.170 Critical
vendor file (including category/commodity codes).
The system has the ability to allow the County to identify fields that can
AP.171 be masked including but not limited to Tax ID, checking/banking account Critical
numbers, and social security numbers.

AP.172 Critical
The system has the ability to generate a vendor master listing report.
The system has the ability to track and report minority vendors (e.g.,
AP.173 Critical
DBE/MWBE/Veteran, Disabled, Women Owned, and HUB).
The system has the ability to export vendor information to
AP.174 Critical
a .csv, .xlsx, .PDF format for open data requirements.
Vendor Processing
The system has the ability to automatically assign payment terms for
AP.175 vendors and provides the ability to override the payment terms at the Critical
vendor and/or invoice level.
The system has the ability to generate and print 1099 forms, per federal
AP.176 Critical
government regulations.
The system has the ability to transmit 1099 forms electronically, per
AP.177 Critical
federal government regulations.
The system has the ability to have 1099 updates available prior to the
AP.178 Critical
new year.
The system has the ability to correct errors made in 1099 boxes and
AP.179 recalculate at year end so the information on the final 1099 form is Critical
The system has the ability to specify the box or line on the 1099 form
AP.180 Critical
that the dollar amount will be printed in or on.
The system has the ability to calculate percentage and amount discounts
AP.181 Critical
(e.g., early payment).
The system has the ability to flag invoices (or groups of invoices) so that
more than one check may be written to a vendor in any given check run
AP.182 for those transactions or vendors requiring separate checks. Critical

The system has the ability to flag a vendor as being subject to backup
withholding at appropriate rates as established by IRS and provides the
AP.183 ability to calculate and report backup withholdings excluding payments Critical
made to the IRS

The system has the ability to flag a vendor as being a check vendor, an
AP.184 ACH vendor, bank draft vendor, p-card vendor, wire vendor, payment Critical
plus vendor, EDI vendor or other user-defined.
The system has the ability to set a threshold preventing the use of a p-
AP.185 Critical
card with a vendor above a County-defined amount.
The system has the ability to override a flag on a vendor to change the
AP.186 Critical
payment type.
AP.187 The system has the ability to track date of last activity for vendors. Critical
The system has the ability to track calendar year-to-date payments in
AP.188 Critical
addition to fiscal year-to-date totals.
The system has the ability to provide notification of duplicate invoice
AP.189 number entry of same vendor and provides for authorized user override. Critical
The system has the ability to view and search using wildcard capabilities
through the vendor list (alphabetically by vendor name and vendor
AP.190 number) and be able to select vendor from that screen for invoice entry. Critical

The system has the ability to change a vendor remit-to address with a
AP.191 Critical
recorded audit trail when a remit-to address is changed.
The system has the ability to require the attachment of supporting
AP.192 documentation (e.g., W9) to document the change of address in a Critical
vendor file.
The system has the ability for the 1099 classification to be defaulted with
AP.193 the ability to modify at the vendor record and invoice record. Critical

The system has the ability to flag a vendor for garnishment of payables
AP.194 Critical
based on the receipt of federal tax liens.
The system has the ability to generate a report of 1099 vendors by tax
AP.195 Critical
The system has the ability to generate a 1099 report replicating the
AP.196 Critical
information electronically transmitted to the IRS.
The system has the ability to allow a user to make changes to a vendor's
AP.197 Critical
tax information without requiring a void.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:

Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and

Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Budgeting – Operational, Personnel, Capital
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability for the Budgeting module to use the same
BU.1 Critical
chart of accounts as the rest of the system.
The system has the ability to create all budgets by user-defined period.
BU.2 Critical
The system has the ability to allow departments to further drill-down to at
BU.3 least one level below the County's lowest level of chart of accounts for Critical
detailed tracking purposes.
The system has the ability to provide a framework or model for
BU.4 budgeting, so that once a budget model is built, changes to the budget Critical
only require entering variance amounts.
The system has the ability to budget at and enforce the budget at the
BU.5 Critical
fund level.
The system has the ability to budget at and enforce the budget at the
BU.6 Critical
department level.
The system has the ability to budget at and enforce the budget at the
BU.7 appropriation unit (aka rollup code, account classification; e.g., Benefits) Critical
The system has the ability to budget at and enforce the budget at any
BU.8 Critical
level in the County's chart of accounts.
The system has the ability to store a minimum of ten years budget-to-
BU.9 Critical
actual at any account level.
The system has the ability to store data from the go-live of the system
BU.10 plus historical budget to actual data for the previous five fiscal years. Critical

The system has the ability to provide online budget entry and reporting
BU.11 Critical
capabilities for individual departments.
The system has the ability to provide a long description field of a
minimum of 256 characters and a short description field of 50 characters
BU.12 to store notes for each budgeted account with the ability to roll over to Critical
the general ledger, at all levels/versions of budgeting.
The system has the ability to calculate a total for multiple sub-entries for
BU.13 each budgeted account line to identify the budget line detail. Critical

The system has the ability to display, inquire, and report on budget-to-
BU.14 actual with percentages of available or expended budget for an account Critical
or group of accounts at any time.
The system has the ability to utilize workflow for budget upload,
BU.15 Critical
supplemental requests, amendments, and transfers.
The system has the ability to provide budgetary control at the
BU.16 department level and/or the line item level to control spending based on Critical
user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to provide a user-defined budget dashboard view of
key indicators including but not limited to:

BU.17 Budget to actual; Critical

BU.18 Project completion; Critical
BU.19 Entity; Critical
BU.20 Fund type; Critical
BU.21 Fund; Critical
BU.22 Program; Critical
BU.23 Department; Critical
BU.24 Division; Critical
BU.25 Project; Critical
BU.26 Grant; Critical
BU.27 Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date; Critical
Current year-to-date compared to previous year-to-date with the
BU.28 ability to select by period (e.g., do not want to only show YTD total Critical
BU.29 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to allow budget dashboards to be configured
BU.30 and saved for individual users (either by user, super-user or system Critical
The system has the ability to add attachments at the detail level of the
BU.31 budget such as MS Word, MS Excel, and Adobe PDF documents. Critical

The system has the ability to support roll-up codes for grouping accounts
BU.32 Critical
together for budgeting.
The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the budgeting
BU.33 Critical
module in order to provide a user-defined query screen.
The system has the ability to support development of reports based on
BU.34 Critical
user-defined parameters.
BU.35 The system has the ability to export budget data to MS Excel. Critical
BU.36 The system has the ability to produce the final budget book. Critical
The system has the ability to integrate with common desktop publishing
applications for producing the final budget book or final "presentation" of
BU.37 the budget document (Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, PDF). Critical
The system has the ability to produce the final or "presentation" of the
BU.38 Critical
budget document.
The system has the ability to produce the final capital budget
BU.39 Critical
document/CIP Plan.
The system has the ability to integrate with common desktop publishing
applications for producing the final "presentation" of the capital budget
BU.40 document/CIP Plan (Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, PDF). Critical

The system has the ability to report on budgets at any level of the chart
BU.41 Critical
of account structure.
The system has the ability to allow analysis of the current year budget by
providing real-time reports that indicate all or any combination of budget-
BU.42 to-actual revisions, invoices, encumbrances, requisitions, and available Critical
The system has the ability to display budget-to-actual with percentages
and actual dollars of available budget for an account or group of
BU.43 accounts at any time, including future time periods, in real time. Critical

The system has the ability to query for specific words in budget line
BU.44 Critical

BU.45 The system has the ability to allow wildcard searches for a portion of a Critical
The system has the ability to allow drill-down from any line item in a
BU.46 Critical
system generated report.
The system has the ability to allow analysis of the current year budget by
providing real-time reports that indicate all or any combination of budget-
BU.47 to-actual revisions, invoices, encumbrances, requisitions, and available Critical
The system has the ability to provide multi-year queries for a minimum of
BU.48 Critical
ten years.
The system has the ability to generate a report showing the following
data: monthly revenue budget by entity, fund, department/division,
BU.49 activity, account, grant, project, program, and object. Critical

The system has the ability to generate expenditure and/or revenue

BU.50 Critical
reports by cost center, category, division and fund.
The system has the ability to provide real-time reporting on current
BU.51 balances on specified line item accounts and line item account activity. Critical

The system has the ability to print original budget plus any
BU.52 changes/amendments to reach the final budget from prior years (e.g., Critical
the full life-cycle of a prior year budget).
The system has the ability to generate a report that contains a
BU.53 combination of prior complete years and "current" partial year with a Critical
normalized 12-month total (e.g., to predict the remaining months in the
The system
current year);has the ability to query on all data fields in the capital
BU.54 Critical
budgeting module in order to provide a user-defined query screen.
The system has the ability to support development of reports based on
BU.55 Critical
user-defined parameters.
The system has the ability to export budget data to MS Excel and/or
BU.56 Critical
The system has the ability to query and run reports on budget requests
BU.57 Critical
(for a minimum of ten years historical data.)
The system has the ability to report on capital projects, grants, and
BU.58 budgets at any level of the chart of account structure and project ledger Critical
The system has the ability to allow analysis of active capital projects,
grants, and budgets by providing real-time reports that indicate the
BU.59 following but are not limited to: budget-to-actual revisions, invoices, Critical
encumbrances, requisitions, and available balance.

The system has the ability to display budget-to-actual with percentages

BU.60 and actual dollars of available budget for a project, grant, an account, or Critical
group of accounts at any time.
The system has the ability to query for specific words in capital budget
BU.61 Critical
line items.
The system has the ability to allow analysis of the project life-to-date
budget by providing real-time reports that indicate all or any combination
BU.62 of budget-to-actual revisions, invoices, encumbrances, requisitions, and Critical
available balance.
The system has the ability to provide multi-year queries for a minimum of ten
years containing but not limited to the following information:

Project budget detail by, entity, fund, department/division, activity,

BU.63 account, grant, project, program, or object (any field in the general Critical
ledger and project ledger);
Project budget summary by fund, department/division, entity, activity,
BU.64 account, grant, project, program, or object (any field in the general Critical
ledger and project ledger);
Expenditure reports by fund, department/division, entity, activity,
BU.65 account, grant, project, program, or object; or other user-defined Critical
The system has the ability to generate a report to serve as the County's
monthly "Capital Project Status Report" including but not limited to
BU.66 (project budget, encumbrance, actual, remaining budget, project title, Critical
funding sources).
The system has the ability to print original budget plus any
BU.67 changes/amendments to reach the final capital budget from prior years Critical
(e.g., the full life-cycle of a prior year budget).
The system has the ability to create custom, user-defined reports using
BU.68 any available field in the Budgeting module. (e.g., Statutory reports, Critical
Notices, Schedules of Appropriations).
Budget Preparation and Maintenance
The system has the ability to produce a unified, County-wide operating
and capital budget and revenue estimate that is automatically
BU.69 consolidated from electronic inputs of different departments (e.g., debt Critical
service funds, CIP funds, all budget components such as statistical
The operating budget preparation system should at a minimum, contain
BU.70 at least three previous fiscal years, current fiscal year, and at least five Critical
future fiscal years.
The system has the ability to support at least 75 versions of a budget by
BU.71 Desired
year with versioning for each.
The system has the ability to support at least 25 versions of a budget by
BU.72 Critical
year with versioning for each.
The system has the ability to "roll" the budget through at least five
BU.73 process levels (e.g., budget entry, department review, administration Critical
review, etc.).
The system has the ability to store reasons (notes/comments) for each
BU.74 Critical
budget version.

BU.75 The system has the ability to identify budget details that are one time Critical
(e.g., expanded programs) and/or recurring.
The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined electronic
BU.76 forms for the justification of budget requests that can be completed by Critical
departments online.
The system has the ability to name budget versions.
BU.77 Critical

The system has the ability to allow adjustment controls to vary based
BU.78 upon the level in the budget (e.g., more strict controls at higher levels). Critical

The system has the ability to allow over-budget expenditures by County-

BU.79 Critical
defined account type, with the ability to turn on or off.
The system has the ability to identify unfunded mandates or non-
BU.80 Desired
discretionary increases.
The system has the ability to accommodate multi-year capital projects or
grants for budget purposes by year with appropriate detail, to include
BU.81 life-to-date appropriations, adopted budget new appropriations, and be Critical
fully integrated with the financial system and other modules.

The system has the ability to view the budget for a multi-year project or
BU.82 grant including encumbrances and carry-forward amounts of budget Critical
The system has the ability to budget for capital projects for at least 10
BU.83 Critical
The system has the ability to budget for revenue sources in the capital
BU.84 Critical
The system has the ability to allow for multiple funding sources for multi-
BU.85 Critical
year funds.
The system has the ability to track budget, expenditures, and funding
BU.86 Critical
sources for grants and multi-year funds.
The system has the ability to prepare budgets that accommodate the
BU.87 Entity budget; Critical
BU.88 Fund budget; Critical
BU.89 Department budget; Critical
BU.90 Division budget; Critical
BU.91 Internal service funds budget; Critical
BU.92 Activity budget; Critical
BU.93 Account budget; Critical
BU.94 Grant budget; Critical
BU.95 Program budget; Critical
BU.96 Annual operational project budget; and Critical
BU.97 Multi-year capital project budget; and Critical
BU.98 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to identify a capital budget request based on the
BU.99 Project ID; Critical
BU.100 Project number; Critical
BU.101 Project name; Critical
BU.102 Project type (user-defined); Critical
BU.103 Asset type (user-defined); Critical
BU.104 Project phases; Critical
BU.105 User-defined prioritization; Critical
BU.106 Boards and Commissions directive or goal; Critical
BU.107 Administrator/Department/Office directive or goal; Critical
BU.108 Location by Council District; Critical
BU.109 GIS mapping (spatial geocoordinates); Critical
BU.110 Bond issuance; Critical
BU.111 Anticipated project start and end dates; Critical
BU.112 Funding source(s); Critical
BU.113 Budget Years; and Critical
BU.114 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to load budget amounts based on one or more of
the following ranges or subset of ranges:
BU.115 Zero balances in all accounts; Critical
BU.116 Current year's original budget; Critical
BU.117 Current year's amended budget along with original budget; Critical
BU.118 Previous year's budget; Critical
Previous year's actual (with the ability to select which year and
BU.119 Critical
BU.120 Any previous year budget or actual with percentage increase; Critical
BU.121 Any previous year budget or actual with percentage decrease; Critical
User-defined growth percentages to department level of above
BU.122 Critical
BU.123 Ending project balance from previous fiscal year; Critical
For all requirements above, ability to distribute and budget by period
BU.124 Critical
(e.g., seasonal budget.); and
BU.125 Prior three-year actual average Desired
The system has the ability to load budget information from third party
BU.126 Critical
software, (e.g., MS Excel, OpenGov).
BU.127 The system has the ability to validate budget loaded data. Critical
The system has the ability to create fixed cost budgets based on prior
year actual activity, anticipated rate increases/decreases, and
BU.128 anticipated capital asset additions (e.g., utility charges, equipment Critical
replacement, fleet maintenance, and fuel).
The system has the ability to create replacement and maintenance
BU.129 budgets based on an item's useful life, annual maintenance, and annual Critical
replacement contributions.
The system has the ability to allow administrators to pre-populate fields,
BU.130 allowing individual departments to fill in budget information, with an Critical
option by period, easily in a template format.
The system has the ability to allow new budgets to be created from
BU.131 Critical
historical financial information or past budgets.
The system has the ability to accommodate entry of estimated operating
BU.132 Critical
costs based on the outcome of capital activity.
The system has the ability to create monthly budget forecasts based on
BU.133 historical monthly financial information or other user-defined criteria. Critical

The system has the ability to identify and provide last fiscal year's
outstanding encumbrances as adjustments to new fiscal year's adopted
BU.134 budget, and is able to be incorporated into the general ledger based on Critical
user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to allow the County to determine which
general ledger funds and/or accounts to carry forward for budgeting
BU.135 purposes to eliminate the need to manually key these accounts into the Critical
The system has the ability to allow a user to determine which transaction
BU.136 types to roll within a fund (e.g., expenditures but not revenues, etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to support the submission of a detailed

BU.137 budget, one that includes revenue sources, detailed expenditures, multi- Critical
funding sources, multi-year budget, and matching funds.
The system has the ability to view user-defined budget detail through the
BU.138 entire process, utilizing multiple filtering capabilities (e.g., use of user- Critical
defined queries).
The system has the ability to support the workflow of the County's
BU.139 Critical
budget process, with different phases and approval processes.
The system has the ability to support electronic workflow of notifications
BU.140 Critical
for reviewing the budget.
The system has the ability to provide user-defined online budget review
BU.141 Critical
capabilities for individual departments.
The system has the ability to prevent users from making changes to a
BU.142 Critical
proposed departmental budget without approval.
The system has the ability to produce an electronic output file of any
BU.143 Critical
working version of the budget preparation process for review.
The system has the ability to automate the creation of monthly recurring
BU.144 Critical
journal entries after the budget is loaded to a fiscal year.
The system has the ability to provide an audit log to capture changes
BU.145 Critical
made and user ID during the budget preparation process.
The system has the ability to track budget amounts and associated detail
BU.146 created during budget preparation at any level in the chart of accounts. Critical

The system has the ability to track the original operational and/or capital
BU.147 budget, amendments made during the year, adjustments made during Critical
the year, and distinguish between the three.
The system has the ability to provide a department user interface to
BU.148 Critical
maintain, monitor, and manage detailed department level budgets.
The system has the ability to allow department users to submit budget
BU.149 Critical
supplemental requests.
The system has the ability to capture a minimum of 10 categories of
BU.150 supplemental budget requests based on County-defined categories. Critical

The system has the ability to assign a user-defined priority classification

BU.151 Critical
to individual supplemental budget requests.
The system has the ability to identify the one-time and ongoing cost of
BU.152 Critical
the supplemental budget requests.
The system has the ability to generate a report displaying supplemental
budget request description, dollar amount by sub-category
BU.153 (compensation and benefits, technology, contractual mandates, public Critical
safety), priority, and one-time or recurring designation.

The system has the ability to associate a start and end date with a
BU.154 Critical
supplemental budget request,
The system has the ability to identify capital versus operational costs
BU.155 Critical
within a supplemental budget request.
The system has the ability to generate a notification according to user-
BU.156 defined criteria based on the start and/or end date associated with the Critical
supplemental budget request.
The system has the ability to identify a supplemental budget request based on
the following:
BU.157 Enhanced Level of Services; Critical
BU.158 New Program; Critical
BU.159 Capital Critical
BU.160 Asset Replacement Critical
BU.161 Personnel Request; Critical
BU.162 County Commission directive or goal; Critical
BU.163 Administrator/Department/Office directive or goal; Critical
BU.164 State/Federal mandate; Critical
BU.165 Contractual obligation; Critical
BU.166 Maintain Level of Service; Critical
BU.167 Planned reductions; Critical
BU.168 Contingency; Critical
BU.169 Emergency; and Critical
BU.170 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to capture at least 10 categories of
BU.171 Critical
supplemental budget requests based on County-defined categories.
The system has the ability to process adjustments for supplemental
BU.172 Critical
requests after initial submittal.
The system has the ability to route supplemental budget requests for
BU.173 approval via workflow. Critical

The system has the ability to require budget justification for

BU.174 Critical
supplemental budget requests.
The system has the ability to add attachments to supplemental requests.
BU.175 Critical
The system has the ability to allow department users to enter a budget
BU.176 transfer request into the system and submit for approval via workflow. Critical

The system has the ability to query and run reports on supplemental
BU.177 requests to generate reports based on supplemental request data (for a Critical
minimum of ten years historical data).
The system has the ability to track modifications to the supplemental
BU.178 Critical
request made following review.
The system has the ability to add approved supplemental requests to the
BU.179 Critical
line item base budget.
The system has the ability to allow the budget to be amended during the
BU.180 year by authorized personnel and provides an audit trail of those Critical
The system has the ability to allow the budget to be adjusted during the
year by authorized personnel and provides an audit trail of those
BU.181 adjustments (e.g., adjustments carry different business rules than Critical
The system has the ability to produce a quarterly estimate by
BU.182 Critical
department, with the ability to merge these into a single estimate.
The system has the ability to store the following information when a budget
adjustment/amendment is made:
BU.183 Type of change; Critical
BU.184 Reason for change; Critical
BU.185 Original requestor of change; Critical
BU.186 Approvers of change; Critical
BU.187 Tracking of all historical changes; Critical
BU.188 User making change; Critical
BU.189 Date and time of change; Critical
BU.190 Comments/notes; Critical
BU.191 Scanned and attached documentation; and Critical
BU.192 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to allow user-defined intrafund budget
BU.193 Critical
transfers, through workflow and approvals.
The system has the ability to establish different workflow rules based on
BU.194 the nature of the adjustment (e.g., net change to fund versus no net Critical
change to fund).
The system has the ability to lockout changes to the budget after user-
BU.195 Critical
defined dates and criteria.
The system has the ability to provide internal controls for making budget
BU.196 Critical
The system has the ability to reference and/or document, or attach
BU.197 Critical
information related to budget adjustments/amendments.
The system has the ability to track and report on adjustments and/or
BU.198 Critical
amendments made to the budget during the year.
The system has the ability to track and report on adjustments made to
BU.199 Critical
the capital budget during the year.
Position Budgeting and Control
The system has the ability to provide tools to budget for workforce by
BU.200 Critical
The system has the ability to provide tools to budget for workforce by position,
including budgeting related to:
BU.201 Board Order Date; Critical
BU.202 Budgeted beginning/end dates; Critical
BU.203 Budgeted/un-budgeted status; Critical
BU.204 Date created (budgeted date); Critical
BU.205 Effective (entry) date; Critical
BU.206 Employee group (user-defined or system groups/MOUs/CBAs); Critical
BU.207 Expiration date; Critical
BU.208 Fund source; Critical
BU.209 Funding status; Critical
BU.210 Job code; Critical
BU.211 Job title; Critical
BU.212 Location; Critical
BU.213 Number of employees in same position; Critical
BU.214 Number of FTEs per position; Critical
BU.215 Number of hours per position; Critical
BU.216 Organizational codes; Critical
BU.217 Pay grade assignment; Critical
BU.218 Position description; Critical
BU.219 Position incentives (e.g., Shift Differentials, Bi-lingual Pay) Critical
BU.220 Position status; and Critical
BU.221 Other user-defined criteria. Critical
The system has the ability to support workflow notifications and
BU.222 Critical
approvals for any of the above defined criteria.
The system has the ability to allow employees to be budgeted from
BU.223 Critical
multiple funding sources.
The system has the ability to identify positions and employees receiving
BU.224 additional pays (e.g., working out-of-class and special pays) that can be Critical
partitioned for budgeting and forecasting.
The system has the ability to allow multiple users to make multiple
BU.225 changes to a position within the same day, with audit trail reporting Critical
The system has the ability to identify categories of vacant positions and
BU.226 Critical
budget for them at user-defined levels.
The system has the ability to project position budgets for up to five years
BU.227 Critical
or other user-defined parameters.
The system has the ability to generate payroll forecasts for various "what
BU.228 if" scenarios by applying multiple percentage increases to multiple Critical
earnings and benefits categories, as defined by the user.
The system has the ability to generate payroll forecasts for one or a
BU.229 Critical
combination of multiple job families, as defined by the user.
The system has the ability to show the total number of FTEs approved by the
County within user-defined periods across:
BU.230 Department; Critical
BU.231 Division; Critical
BU.232 Program; Critical
BU.233 Location; Critical
BU.234 Cost Center; Critical
BU.235 Fund; Critical
BU.236 Employee Group; Critical
BU.237 Grant; Critical
BU.238 Other user-defined; and Critical
The system has the ability to include future pay and benefit
BU.239 increases/decreases (e.g., position step increases, contract provisions) Critical
in budget projections based on effective dates.
The system has the ability to budget premium earnings and other pays
BU.240 (e.g., overtime, shift differential, longevity, hazardous duty) for each Critical
position control number.
They system has the ability to budget for vacant positions, including
BU.241 Critical
premium earnings, benefits, and other pays.
The system has the ability to recalculate position budget forecast based
BU.242 on employment actions and salary/benefit changes with appropriate Critical
review and approvals.
The system has the ability to have a position control file to ensure that
new employees are linked to authorized pay and position and to ensure
BU.243 that employment does not exceed authorized levels and adopted budget Critical
The system has the ability to establish and track information for each
BU.244 Critical
position including historical data.
The system has the ability to provide a user-defined convention for the
BU.245 Critical
position control number.
The system has the ability to automatically or manually assign position
BU.246 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain an unlimited number of positions.
BU.247 Critical
The system has the ability to make mass changes on employee data
BU.248 Critical
based on reorganizations (reassign departments or divisions.)
The system has the ability to initiate mass changes (which may require
workflow) on employee data based on MOU or other position changes
BU.249 that impact the benefits and/or pay components associated with the Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to perform mass changes on
BU.250 pay lines including positive and negative values, earnings, deductions, Critical
and taxes.
The system has the ability to designate a specific salary structure (based
BU.251 on pay schedule tables) for each position class including grade, step, Critical
and min/max range.
The system has the ability to assign a job code and associated
BU.252 Critical
information as the default to a position with effective dating.
The system has the ability to enter position start and end dates for each
BU.253 unique position ID, retain historical data and reason for position Critical
The system has the ability to designate positions as classified or
BU.254 Desired
BU.255 The system has the ability to reclassify positions (with workflow). Critical
The system has the ability to provide versioning control to view the
BU.256 chronological history of a position including current and prior titles and Critical
pay grades.
The system has the ability to provide for history (including audit trail) of
BU.257 all changes to positions and job changes (including change reason). Critical

The system has the ability to define reporting relationships for each
BU.258 position control number for the purposes of creating organizational Critical
charts and sending e-mail or online notices.
The system has the ability to define reporting relationships for each
position control number, and allow for employees transferred into a new
BU.259 position to automatically be assigned into a pre-determined reporting Critical
The system has the ability to define reporting relationships for each
position control number, and allow for employees that report up to a
BU.260 supervisor to be aligned to a new supervisor should the current Critical
incumbent separate/transfer/change positions.
The system has the ability to generate organizational charts, where
BU.261 Critical
employees and/or positions may be shown.
The system has the ability to compile and automatically update
BU.262 Critical
organization charts.
The system has the ability to print an organizational chart for a selected
BU.263 portion of the organization, where employees and/or positions may be Critical
The system has the ability to produce point-in-time organizational charts
BU.264 Critical
(including historical and future dated versions).
The system has the ability to allow users to generate future-dated/"what
BU.265 Critical
if" scenario organizational charts.
The system has the ability to override the default supervisor assigned for
BU.266 workflow approvals to position control record modifications. Critical

The system has the ability to track the following position information:

BU.267 Multiple organizational levels; Critical

BU.268 Pay grade and step plan (Police/Fire); Critical
BU.269 Pay schedule; Critical
BU.270 Position Number; Critical
BU.271 Position Type (full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal, on call); Critical
BU.272 Assignment; Critical
BU.273 Job Classification Code; Critical
BU.274 Job Classification Title; Critical
BU.275 Date Filled; Critical
BU.276 Date Vacated; Critical
BU.277 Comments; Critical
BU.278 Date established or approved; Critical
BU.279 Budgeted Cost; Critical
BU.280 Budgeted Salary Cost; Critical
BU.281 Budgeted Benefit Cost; Critical
BU.282 Budgeted Additional Pay; Critical
BU.283 Retirement Class; Critical
BU.284 Group Class for Benefits; Critical
BU.285 Actual Cost; Critical
BU.286 Actual Hours; Critical
BU.287 Actual Salary Cost; Critical
BU.288 Actual Benefit Cost; Critical
BU.289 Actual Additional Pay; Critical
Worker's Compensation SOC (Standard Occupational Classification)
BU.290 Critical
Safety sensitive type (e.g., CDL, Other, Driving, Non-Driving, Federal,
BU.291 Critical
other user-defined);
BU.292 Type of license (user-defined); Critical
BU.293 Endorsements (user-defined); Critical
BU.294 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE, user-defined); Critical
BU.295 FLSA Status; Critical
BU.296 EEO Function: Critical
BU.297 EEO Category: Critical
Work Location (e.g., building, mail stop, cube and other locations);
BU.298 Critical

BU.299 Primary Supervisor; Critical

BU.300 Secondary Supervisors; Critical
Funding Source Codes (chart of accounts code, e.g., fund and
BU.301 Critical
BU.302 End Date; Critical
BU.303 Status (e.g., active, inactive, frozen, pending); Critical
BU.304 Assigned assets/County property (e.g., cell phone); Critical
BU.305 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to effective date (including future date)
BU.306 changes to positions, job codes, jobs and other position/job related Critical
The system has the ability to query all job descriptions for words or
BU.307 Critical
portion of a word.
The system has the ability to make mass changes to multiple job
BU.308 Critical
descriptions at one-time, with appropriate security permissions.
The system has the ability to upload a supporting document to multiple
BU.309 Critical
job/positions at one-time
The system has the ability to attach documents to position control
BU.310 Critical
The system has the ability to assign a funding source and/or project
BU.311 Critical
number and/or grant number to each employee.
The system has the ability to assign multiple funding sources to each
BU.312 Critical
employee or position.
The system has the ability to track positions as contingent positions
BU.313 Critical
based on grant funding.
The system has the ability to track grant start and end dates and tie the
BU.314 Critical
information into the position funded status.
The system has the ability to provide position control at the department
BU.315 Critical
level with inquiry and print capability.
The system has the ability to initiate and track position change requests
BU.316 by department (e.g., reclassification, reorganization) with workflow. Critical

The system has the ability to identify position status:

BU.317 Budgeted; Critical
BU.318 Allocated; Critical
BU.319 Unfunded; Critical
BU.320 Over hire; Critical
BU.321 Under filled; Critical
BU.322 Encumbered; Critical
BU.323 Vacant; Critical
BU.324 Held; Critical
BU.325 Reduction in Force (RIF); Critical
BU.326 Active; Critical
BU.327 Frozen; Critical
BU.328 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track authorized positions by exempt vs.
BU.329 Critical
The system has the ability to track positions by FTE or salary range
BU.330 Critical
(e.g., budget by FTE or budget by salary range).
The system has the ability to track less than full FTE position control.
BU.331 Critical
The system has the ability to track part-time, temporary, contract, and
BU.332 Critical
seasonal positions (positions without benefits).
The system has the ability to assign multiple employees to a single
BU.333 Critical
position with warning messages (e.g., over hire scenario).
BU.334 The system has the ability to track part-time positions with benefits. Critical
The system has the ability to assign employees to multiple positions
BU.335 Critical
including one primary and one or more secondary jobs.
The system has the ability to allow employees to be assigned to and
paid from multiple positions in different funds, organizational units,
BU.336 classes, statuses, etc., with appropriate security permissions. Critical

The system has the ability to drill-down from a filled position to the
BU.337 Critical
employee detail.
The system has the ability to under fill positions based on position
BU.338 Critical
management authority.
The system has the ability to identify background check requirements at
BU.339 Critical
the position level.
The system has the ability to identify certifications (e.g., HIPAA, CJIS).
BU.340 Critical
The system has the ability to identify drug test and other test
BU.341 Critical
requirements at the position level.
The system is integrated with the County's payroll application, enabling
BU.342 the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the budget in real- Critical
The system is integrated with the County's payroll application, enabling
the inclusion of payroll and personnel information into the budget based
BU.343 on a snapshot of payroll and personnel information (e.g., as-of date Critical
The system has the ability to provide payroll and benefit information by
BU.344 Critical
position and/or by employee, for budgeting purposes.
The system has the ability to project and report on end of year accruals
BU.345 Critical
(e.g., payroll).
The system has the ability to generate a report showing the following
data: salary and benefits by fund, department/division, civil service
BU.346 classification, entity, activity, account, grant, project, program, and Critical
The system has the ability to generate a report of all active, approved
BU.347 Critical
The system has the ability to generate a report of vacant positions and
BU.348 Critical
associated savings for the current fiscal year.
The system has the ability to produce a variety of salary reports,
including reports on scenarios, including those that may have one or
BU.349 more elements that affect salaries and benefits (e.g., COLA or benefit Critical
The system has the ability to generate a position history report that
BU.350 Critical
shows position and salary changes for multiple years.
Outcome Based Budgeting
The system has the ability to accommodate and track performance
BU.351 measures and outcome based budgeting, and be fully integrated with Desired
the financial system and other modules.
The system has the ability to store text that relates to performance and
BU.352 Desired
outcome based measures.
The system has the ability to import data from other County systems for
BU.353 Desired
the purposes of outcome-based budgeting.
The system has the ability to track statistical data for a specific GL
BU.354 Desired
account, project number, or grant number.
The system has the ability to create reports based on user-defined
BU.355 Desired
The system has the ability to provide a budget model or framework for
BU.356 forecasting purposes (including operations, personnel, and capital) for a Critical
minimum of the current year plus five future years.
The system has the ability to provide forecasting capabilities that use
BU.357 Critical
real-time data and information.
The system has the ability to provide salary and benefit forecasting
BU.358 capabilities based on the import of real-time data from the payroll Critical
The system has the ability to provide budget trending and forecasting
BU.359 including
Straight but
line not limited to:
projection; Critical
BU.360 Trend analysis; Critical
BU.361 Percentage based on last year actual; Critical
BU.362 Percentage based on last year budgeted; Critical
Monthly budget based on prior year actual trend data for a particular
month; Critical
BU.364 Last year actual for the remainder of the current fiscal year; and Critical
BU.365 Rolling averages for the previous 12 months Critical
BU.366 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to provide salary and benefit forecasting
capabilities based on the import from the payroll application including:
BU.367 Number of positions; Critical
BU.368 Number of pay periods; Critical
Multiple types of pay as identified by the County (e.g., skill pay,
BU.369 Critical
assignment pay);
BU.370 Current salary ranges; Critical
Mid-year pay adjustments at the individual employee/position level
BU.371 Critical
(e.g., anniversary based step increases);
Mid-year pay adjustments that apply universally (e.g., Cost of Living
BU.372 Critical
Adjustment increases);
BU.373 Incentives and overtime; Critical
BU.374 Comp time; Critical
BU.375 Longevity; Critical
BU.376 Holiday pay days; Critical
BU.377 Shift differential; Critical
BU.378 Retro pay; Critical
BU.379 Lead pay; Critical
BU.380 Fringe benefit changes (e.g., 401k, etc.); Critical
BU.381 Type of position; Critical
BU.382 Position code; Critical
BU.383 Employee ID; Critical
BU.384 Overtime expenses; and Critical
BU.385 Employee Group Critical
BU.386 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to drill-down to salary and benefit budget and
BU.387 Critical
actual details by person/position.
The system has the ability to accommodate automated expenditure analysis of
multiple budget elements including:
BU.388 Expenditures and revenues to date; Critical
BU.389 Pre-encumbrances; Critical
BU.390 Encumbrances; Critical
BU.391 Outstanding invoices; Critical
BU.392 Outstanding payments; Critical
BU.393 Equipment replacement schedules; Critical
BU.394 Balance available to spend; Critical
BU.395 Estimate of expenditures to year end; Critical
BU.396 Expected total expenditures for the year; Critical
BU.397 Estimate of revenues to year end; Critical
BU.398 Estimated total revenues for the year; Critical
BU.399 Collected revenue; and Critical
BU.400 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to create budget projections based on current
BU.401 Critical
actuals with or without multipliers or seasonality.
The system has the ability to allow multiple users to build and save
BU.402 Critical
budget forecasting scenarios.
The system has the ability to allow at least 99 budget forecasting models
BU.403 Critical
to be saved per year, system-wide.
The system has the ability to limit the number of versions that can be
BU.404 Critical
created and saved by user.
The system has the ability to purge forecasting projections either at the
BU.405 Critical
time of budget adoption or other event, or by a user.
The system has the ability to have certain line items within budget
BU.406 forecasting projections to be established County-wide (e.g., a new Critical
pension rate that will be applicable in all forecasting projects).
The system has the ability to enter and store notes and comments
BU.407 and/or attach supporting documentation to each budget forecast model. Critical

The system has the ability to allow budget forecasts/models to be

BU.408 Critical
The system has the ability to provide long-term operating forecasting
BU.409 Critical
capabilities for a minimum of five years in the future.
The system has the ability to provide "what if" scenario projections for
BU.410 Critical
the budget.
The system has the ability to allow system-wide changes to a particular
budget line item/category occurring across departments or divisions
BU.411 (e.g., 10% decrease in fuel cost across all County departments or Critical
division budgets).

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Accounts Receivable and Cash Receipts
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide an Accounts Receivable (AR)
module that is integrated with all other system modules, including (but
AR.1 not limited to) General Ledger, Contracts, Budgeting, Projects, and Critical
AR.2 The system has the ability to allow multiple AR control accounts. Critical
The system has the ability to identify each transaction by a reference
AR.3 Critical
number that is sequentially generated automatically.
The system has the ability to validate GL account numbers on import
AR.4 and will either reject or suspend batches not balancing on either item or Critical
dollar totals or not matching a GL account.
The system has the ability to allow direct entry of invoices, cash receipts,
AR.5 Critical
or adjustment transactions.
The system has the ability to provide an audit trail for changes made to
AR.6 Critical
AR records.
The system has the ability to generate a report of individual AR records
AR.7 against the corresponding account balances on the customer master file, Critical
as an internal control.
The system has the ability to report any exceptions on the accounts
AR.8 Critical
receivable master file.
The system has the ability to produce summary and/or detail general
AR.9 ledger and sub-ledger journals, one for every accounts receivable Critical
The system has the ability to provide for decentralized data entry of
AR.10 billing information and an electronic approval process for submission of Critical
The system has the ability to handle NSF check processing and to add
AR.11 Critical
user-defined fees to an account.
The system has the ability to allow inter-department receivables to be
AR.12 Critical
The system has the ability to generate charges between County
AR.13 departments (e.g., one County department billing another, such as a Critical
Police charge-back to Parks for OT).
The system has the ability to provide workflow approval process to
AR.14 Critical
support interdepartmental billing.
The system has the ability to provide user-defined payment terms such
AR.15 as net 30, net 45, and other user-defined due date payment terms. Critical

The system has the ability to provide user-defined customer statements

AR.16 Critical
and/or invoices.
The system has the ability to provide recurring billing capabilities (e.g.,
AR.17 for lease payments, cell phone tower rental payments, retiree health Critical
insurance premiums).
The system has the ability to allow authorized users to query and view
AR.18 Critical
receivable information and report by user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to allow receivables, payments, and deposits
AR.19 to be entered only once into the system and appear in the general ledger Critical
and sub ledger in real time.
The system has the ability to view, track, and sort receivables by user-
AR.20 defined criteria, including but not limited to accounting codes, customers, Critical
and activities.
The system has ability to process ACH credit card payments from the
AR.21 Critical
County's bank (as specified on the interfaces tab).
The system has ability to establish customers with an ACH payment
AR.22 preference for purposes of automatic direct debit from bank accounts or Critical
via automatic charge to credit card accounts.
The system has the ability to void bills/invoices, and automatically create
AR.23 a reversal on the charge, including a description/comment field for Critical
recording the reason for the void, with workflow approvals.
The system has the ability to print a batch listing showing every item in a
AR.24 Critical
particular batch upon request.
The system has the ability to produce an accounts receivable journal
AR.25 listing of all activity posted to the accounts receivable master file. Critical

The system has the ability to print an accounts receivable exception

AR.26 Critical
report listing all accounts with credit balances.
The system has the ability to view transaction history of the GL balance
AR.27 Critical
The system has the ability to provide a management summary or key
indicator report, indicating a summary of accounts receivable activity for
AR.28 the period, including bad debt ratio, and percent of current accounts. Critical

The system has the ability to allow user-defined queries such as by

AR.29 customer name, type, past due date, past due amount, past due time Critical
and by amount owed.
AR.30 The system has the ability to allow queries against all receivable files. Critical
The system has the ability to display individual transactions and groups
AR.31 Critical
of transactions based on the criteria entered by the user.
The system has the ability to provide a library of predefined reports to be
AR.32 Critical
used by County staff.
The system has the ability to sort line items on the accounts receivable
journal listing of all activities posted to the accounts receivable master
AR.33 file by batch, line number, invoice number, or customer number. Critical

The system has the ability to support Check Clearing for the 21st
AR.34 Critical
Century Act (Check-21) functionality.
The system has the ability to print user-defined
AR.35 Critical
endorsements/validations on payment stubs/checks.
AR.36 The system has the ability to perform wild card searches. Critical
Customer Management
The system has the ability to automatically assign a number to a
AR.37 Critical
customer by user-defined rules.
The system has the ability to allow a specific customer number, type,
AR.38 Critical
and/or category to be assigned to a new or existing customer.
The system has the ability to maintain a customer file with the following
AR.39 Name; Critical
AR.40 DBA (Doing Business As) Names; Critical
AR.41 Multiple billing addresses; Critical
AR.42 Location (for a property/item billed against); Critical
AR.43 Multiple phone numbers; Critical
AR.44 Multiple email addresses; Critical
AR.45 Multiple fax numbers; Critical
AR.46 Last account activity; Critical
AR.47 Tax ID numbers; Critical
AR.48 Drivers license number; Critical
AR.49 Date of birth; Critical
AR.50 Balance due; Critical
AR.51 Year-to-date payments; Critical
AR.52 Payment arrangements; Critical
AR.53 Late payment penalty and interest charges, year-to-date; Critical
AR.54 Late payment penalty and interest charges, total; Critical
AR.55 Bad check status; Critical
AR.56 Statement cycle; Critical
AR.57 Link to vendor file; Critical
AR.58 Comments/notes; and Critical
AR.59 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a single screen to view all
information related to a customer with multiple tabs on the screen (e.g.,
AR.60 not requiring the need to go to multiple screens for all information). Critical

The systems has the ability to warn a user if a previous/existing/current

AR.61 charge exists for the same amount on the same customer account, with Critical
the ability to review the existing charge (e.g., trying to prevent duplicate
bills for the same service/charge).
The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all changes to the
AR.62 Critical
customer file.
The system has the ability to provide a customer information field
AR.63 allowing on-line entry and maintenance of narrative text that is viewable Critical
by all users.
AR.64 The system has the ability to mask customer information. Critical
The system has the ability to view customer information by fund,
AR.65 Critical
department, project segment or other GL account segments.
The system has the ability to provide an account performance inquiry
screen that shows customer transaction history about each customer
AR.66 account. Information should be displayed in a user-friendly, consolidated Critical
manner, allowing AR users to easily view the status, activity and
comprehensive history of a customer account.
The system has the ability to query the account performance inquiry
AR.67 screen by date range, invoice number, dollar amount, and other user- Critical
defined criteria.
The system has the ability to deactivate a customer and warn if the
AR.68 customer has an outstanding balance, but keep the customer history. Critical

The system has the ability to reactivate a deactivated customer, e.g., not
AR.69 Critical
having to create a new customer.
The system has the ability to track customers that have a prior NSF
AR.70 check (insufficient funds) and warn the cashier at the time of customer Critical
The system has the ability to maintain a contact log to record conversations
and correspondence with customers and maintains, at a minimum, the
following information:
AR.71 Contact person (employee name); Critical
AR.72 Date and time of contact; Critical
AR.73 Means of contact (e.g., phone, email, etc.); Critical
AR.74 Nature of the contact; Critical
AR.75 Information collected as a result of contact; Critical
AR.76 Action item as a result of contact; and Critical
AR.77 Follow up flag to indicate follow up is needed. Critical
The system has the ability to set up customers using categories and sub
AR.78 Critical
The system has the ability to flag customers that have filed bankruptcy.
AR.79 Critical
The system has the ability to flag customers with County-defined codes
AR.80 Critical
(e.g., delinquency, property lien, etc.)
The system has the ability to allow for County-defined miscellaneous
AR.81 Critical
The system has the ability to produce bills, statements, invoices, NSF
AR.82 notifications, notice of court action and other user-defined documents for Critical
corresponding (e.g., mailing and emailing) to customers.

The system has the ability to support multiple methods for calculating invoice
amounts including but not limited to:
AR.83 Flat fee; Critical
AR.84 Percentage; and Critical
AR.85 Table based. Critical
The system has the ability to allow County staff to determine if invoices
AR.86 for the same customer should be combined onto the same invoice or Critical
kept as separate invoices.
The system has the ability to manage separate billing cycles by
AR.87 Critical
department, receivable, and customer type.
The system has the ability to allocate payments based upon user-
AR.88 Critical
defined criteria.
The system has the ability to prioritize allocation of payments based
AR.89 Critical
upon user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to automatically bill recurring invoices based
AR.90 on user-defined billing schedules, with approval workflow capabilities. Critical

The system has the ability to import invoices (and validate GL account
AR.91 numbers) produced by MS Excel to allow centralized collection and Critical
payment processing functions.
The system has the ability to alert the user and suspend a batch upon
AR.92 Critical
The system has the ability to allow the viewing of all outstanding invoices
AR.93 Critical
when applying payments to a customer account.
The system provides ability to apply payments to a customer's balance
AR.94 forward or to specific open items (e.g., unpaid invoices). Critical

The system has the ability to allow customers to pre-pay for anticipated
AR.95 Critical
future invoices and automatically apply those payments.
The system has the ability to use laser-printed and/or pre-printed stock
AR.96 Critical
forms for invoices.
The system has the ability to produce PDF images of invoices
AR.97 automatically when printing as opposed to scanning the printed version Critical
of the invoice image.
The system has the ability to allow batch entry of the same charge to
AR.98 Critical
multiple customers.

AR.99 The system has the ability to default County-defined fields upon batch Critical
entry. (e.g., payment type code, customer type, cash account, etc.).
The system has the ability to automatically assign sequential and unique
AR.100 Critical
numbers to invoices.
The system has the ability to reprint or regenerate bills, statements, and
AR.101 invoices at any point in time with the information current at the time of Critical
original generation.
The system has the ability to support a workflow process, with user-
AR.102 Critical
defined approvals, for the creation of bills and invoices.
The system has the ability to support a workflow process, with user-
AR.103 Critical
defined approvals, for the creation of statements.
The system has the ability to support the reprinting of bills, statements,
AR.104 Critical
and invoices.
AR.105 The system has the ability to monitor paid and outstanding invoices. Critical
The system has the ability to automatically generate and email invoices
AR.106 Critical
based on user-defined criteria (e.g., date).
The system has the ability to generate an alert for email delivery failures.
AR.107 Critical
The system has the ability to provide at least 500 characters for billing
AR.108 Critical
description for each item to be billed at time of billing entry.
The system has the ability to provide a customer contact listing, showing
AR.109 name, phone number, and other contact information by customer. Critical

The system has the ability to provide a complete listing of the customer
AR.110 master file by type, which shows each data element in every record. Critical

Delinquency Tracking
The system has the ability to compute user-defined dollar amount or
AR.111 percentage to levy late charges for customers not paying within a Critical
designated period of time.
The system has the ability to enter a user-defined net payment date to
AR.112 levy late charges for customers not paying within a designated period of Critical
The system has the ability to age receivables according to but not limited
AR.113 Critical
to: due date, invoice date, or user-definable time periods.
The system has the ability to support collections in compliance with
AR.114 Critical
federal and state policies.
The system has the ability to generate accounts receivable aging
AR.115 reports, showing a line item on the aging report for each invoice posted Critical
to the accounts receivable master file.
The system has the ability to generate accounts receivable aging reports
AR.116 for both summary by customer and detail within customer by invoice. Critical

The system has the ability to provide user-defined calculations for the
AR.117 Critical
allowance of un-collectable accounts.
The system has the ability to automatically prepare general and sub-
AR.118 ledger journal entries by allowance for un-collectable accounts with Critical
appropriate workflow routines.
The system has the ability to produce a listing of late customer accounts,
AR.119 Critical
where "late" can be user-defined.
The system has the ability to set finance charge rates dependent on type
AR.120 of service being billed for finance charges. Critical
The system has the ability to produce user-defined aging reports with at
AR.121 least six aging periods (e.g., current, 30, 60, 90, 120, over 120 days). Critical

The system has the ability to automatically compute and assess a user-
AR.122 defined late fee when the invoice is past due with the ability to turn this Critical
feature on or off.
AR.123 The system has the ability to reverse finance charges. Critical
The system has the ability to send reminder notices (via mail and/or
AR.124 email) at user-defined intervals (e.g., 30, 60, and 90 days) when the Critical
invoice is past due.
Cash Receipts
The system has the ability to include cash receipt functionality that is
AR.125 Critical
integrated with all other system modules.
The system has the ability to query other core system modules or other
AR.126 Critical
third party County systems for balance amount due.
The system has the ability to accept payment for transactions with no
AR.127 corresponding accounts receivable or bill already entered in the system; Critical
cash is held as unapplied.
The system has the ability to temporarily allow or disallow certain
AR.128 Critical
payment tender types by customer.
The system has the ability to accept the following types of transactions for
AR.129 Electronic fund transfers (EFT); Critical
AR.130 Automated clearing house (ACH)/EDI; Critical
AR.131 e-Check; Critical
AR.132 Lockbox; Critical
AR.133 Credit card; Critical
AR.134 Payments through County website; Critical
AR.135 Direct debit; Critical
AR.136 Cash; Critical
AR.137 Check; Critical
AR.138 Other electronic receipts. Critical
The system has the ability to automatically prepare general and sub-
AR.139 ledger journal entries by department for cash receipts with appropriate Critical
workflow approvals.
The system has the ability to produce a cash receipt when bills are paid
AR.140 Critical
in person (at County offices).
The system has the ability to record type of payment (e.g., check, money
AR.141 Critical
order, cash, credit card) and a unique reference number.
The system has the ability to produce a receipt when bills are paid
AR.142 Critical
(regardless of the payment method).
AR.143 The system has the ability to support online (web-based) payments. Critical
The system has the ability to allow customers to maintain County
defined information (contact information, etc.) and make payments
AR.144 through a customer self-service web portal and/or via a mobile Critical
The system has the ability to restrict online payments by customers
AR.145 Critical
flagged as “cash only".
The system has the ability to flag a customer as “cash only” payment
AR.146 and allow a credit card payment but not an electronic check or bank draft Critical
The system has the ability for the customer to enroll in a County defined
AR.147 Critical
payment plan.
The system has the ability for the customer to receive a bill via email,
AR.148 Critical
mail or both.

The system has the ability to send an Email and/or Text to the customer
AR.149 Critical
when a one-time or recurring payment has been processed.

The system has the ability to Email and/or Text a reminder to the
AR.150 Critical
customer that a bill is due.
The system has the ability to allow the customer to make a payment in
AR.151 Critical
response to an Email and/or Text.
The system has the ability to notify the customer of a failed payment via
AR.152 Critical
Email and/or Text.
The system has the ability to maintain cash receipting transaction detail
AR.153 Critical
for a user-defined period of time.
The system has the ability to mask credit card numbers on receipts.
AR.154 Critical

The system has the ability to accept, at a minimum, MasterCard, Visa,

AR.155 and Discover. Please detail any other merchant cards accepted in the Critical
Comments field.

AR.156 The system meets PCI DSS v3-2 for processing of credit card payments. Critical

The system has the ability for customers to select the desired bill to pay
AR.157 Critical
and make a partial payment when more than one bill is outstanding.

The system has the ability to capture check and e-Check detail, including (but
not limited to) Check
AR.158 the following:
numbers; Critical
AR.159 Customer Account number; Critical
AR.160 Routing number; Critical
AR.161 Phone number; Critical
AR.162 Address; Critical
AR.163 Check date; Critical
AR.164 Scanned image of the check front and back; Critical
AR.165 Drivers license number; and Critical
AR.166 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to alert the cashier of previous bad checks
AR.167 (NSFs), detected through a match on customer and/or account detail. Critical

The system has the ability to import returned check detail from electronic
AR.168 Critical
bank files.
The system has the ability to maintain returned check detail, including (but not
limited to) the following:
AR.169 Check number; Critical
AR.170 Payer Name; Critical
AR.171 Customer name; Critical
AR.172 Address detail; Critical
AR.173 Transaction number; Critical
AR.174 Date of original transaction; Critical
AR.175 Penalty and/or fee; Critical
AR.176 Remittance amount; Critical
AR.177 Remittance date; Critical
AR.178 Invoice/account number; Critical
AR.179 Original receipt number; Critical
AR.180 Reason for return; Critical
AR.181 Comment field; and Critical
The system has the ability to provide an audit log indicating whether
AR.182 Critical
transactions have been manually adjusted.
The system has the ability to accommodate multiple payments for
AR.183 Critical
multiple bills (e.g., land records and animal license).
The system will flag bills that have been sent to a collection agency for
AR.184 Critical
The system has the ability to import detail-level receipt information from
AR.185 third-party systems and validate the appropriate GL account numbers. Critical

The system has the ability to schedule the posting of third-party payment
AR.186 Critical
transactions (e.g., lockbox payments).
The system has the ability to produce a cash receipt, including, but not limited
to, the following information:
AR.187 Entity; Critical
AR.188 Phone number; Critical
AR.189 Receipt location; Critical
AR.190 Customer name; Critical
AR.191 Amount paid; Critical
AR.192 Tender type; Critical
AR.193 Balance forward; Critical
AR.194 Other balances due, by type Critical
AR.195 Time; Critical
AR.196 Cashier; Critical
AR.197 Payment description detail (parking permit, utility bill, etc.); Critical
AR.198 Other user-defined fields. Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to modify a cash receipt
AR.199 Critical
template without vendor assistance or incurred cost.
The system has the ability to utilize electronic workflow functionality to
AR.200 Critical
facilitate the refund process.
The system has the ability to generate a reimbursement request to the
AR.201 appropriate customer if there is a credit standing on the account. Critical

The system has the ability to allow approved refunds using a workflow
AR.202 Critical
approval process.
The system has the ability to automatically initiate the refund process
according to user-defined rules, including (but not limited to) the following:

AR.203 Greater than/equal to a user-defined minimum amount; Critical

AR.204 Refund type and day; Critical
AR.205 Upon approval of a customer-submitted refund request; Critical
AR.206 By account status; and Critical
AR.207 Other, user-defined criteria. Critical
AR.208 The system has the ability to track refunds due. Critical
The system has the ability to automatically identify/alert for overpayment
AR.209 Critical
of a bill at the time of payment.
The system has the ability to alert the user that customer has other
AR.210 Critical
outstanding receivables.
The system has the ability to automatically deny a refund if the original
AR.211 Critical
remittance is a bad check or ACH failure.
The system has the ability to automatically flag a refund as invalid (due
AR.212 to bad check or ACH failure) and generate a customer letter describing Critical
refund refusal reason.
The system has the ability to include multiple refunds (multiple types of
AR.213 Critical
refunds) on one check.
AR.214 The system has the ability to issue refunds through the AP module. Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to record reason for the refund,
AR.215 and associate the refund with the appropriate account as appropriate. Critical

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Fixed Assets
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Fixed Assets module that is
FA.1 integrated with all other system modules including (but not limited to) Critical
General Ledger, Budgeting, Purchasing, and Accounts Payable.
FA.2 The system has the ability to allow the user to select the general ledger Critical
account based on the type of asset created.
FA.3 The system has the ability to allow a review of asset journal entries prior Critical
to posting to the general ledger.
FA.4 The system has the ability to transfer the CIP cost in order to create a Critical
general ledger journal entry based on asset type.

FA.5 The system has the ability to accumulate capital expenditures for multi- Critical
year construction projects that have not been placed in service.
FA.6 The system has the ability to track capitalized and/or non-capitalized Desired
The system has the ability to maintain and track non-depreciated assets
FA.7 Critical
(e.g., land and other non-capital).
FA.8 The system has the ability to track assets funded by grants. Critical

FA.9 Critical
The system has the ability to track assets purchased through lease.
The system has the ability to modify valuation due to improvements,
FA.10 Critical
damage or replacements to the asset.
The system has the ability to automatically account for fixed assets, at
FA.11 the time of purchase order or requisition entry, based on account Critical
number selected, with workflow approvals.
The system has the ability to allow a user to manually flag a fixed asset
FA.12 at the time of purchasing or requisition with the ability to turn this feature Critical
on or off.
The system has the ability to set a user-defined threshold dollar amount,
FA.13 for County-defined accounts, for a purchase to be considered a fixed Critical
asset with the ability to turn this feature on or off.
The system has the ability to set a standard currency type (e.g., USD)
FA.14 for all assets, with the ability to modify the currency type for an individual Critical
FA.15 The system has the ability to declassify or un-declare a fixed asset. Critical
The system has the ability to transfer data from the purchase order to
FA.16 Critical
the fixed asset record.
The system has the ability to capitalize and depreciate assets according
FA.17 Critical
to user-defined rules.
The system has the ability to record, recognize, and capitalize assets
FA.18 that are subsidized by third-party entities for the County, such as the Critical
federal or state government.
The system has the ability to calculate valuation for capital assets (e.g.,
FA.19 Critical
donated artwork) based on user-defined rules.
FA.20 The system has the ability to record cost at acquisition. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain salvage values for capital assets.
FA.21 Critical
The system has the ability to calculate replacement costs of the capital
FA.22 Desired
assets based on user-defined rules.
The system has the ability to automatically update the capital assets
FA.23 Critical
system from AP entry with appropriate review and approval.
FA.24 The system has the ability to add fixed assets manually. Critical
The system has the ability to allow authorized users read-only access to
FA.25 fixed asset information via a decentralized, online interface. Critical

The system has the ability to store original purchase order number,
FA.26 invoice number, original check number and original vendor information. Critical

The system has the ability to drill-down into linked POs, invoices, checks
FA.27 Critical
and vendor file information.
The system has the ability to drill-down into asset history (e.g., additions,
FA.28 Critical
transfers, adjustments).
The system has the ability to track equipment and devices which are not
considered fixed assets (e.g., items of value less than $5,000 that the
FA.29 County would like to track, such as power tools or tablets, or grant Desired
funded items).
The system has the ability to track equipment and devices, based upon
FA.30 Critical
a County-defined acquisition value.
The system has the ability to flag capital outlay at the time of invoice
FA.31 payment in order to reduce the amount of data entry required in the set- Critical
up of asset records.
The system has the ability to query information or generate reports on
fixed assets by user-defined criteria such as by general ledger account
FA.32 Critical
code segment, date range, location, activity, departments, and asset
The system has the ability to report fixed asset expenditures against a
FA.33 Critical
capital budget.
The system has the ability to monitor, or report on assets based on
FA.34 department, category code, or other descriptions such as serial number Critical
or replacement year.
FA.35 The system has the ability to report on disposal date and value. Critical
The system has the ability to output listings of assets by any system-
FA.36 defined field, such as location, category, department, and value. Critical

The system has the ability to run reports of asset items assigned to
FA.37 Critical
employee, departments, division, and by date range.
The system has the ability to report on assets based on funding source.
FA.38 Critical
The system has the ability to generate reports on period additions,
FA.39 transfers, disposals, and depreciation by asset, type, and general ledger Critical
account code.
The system has the ability to provide GASB and CAFR compliant
FA.40 Critical
The system has the ability to generate valuation report on all of County's
FA.41 Critical
capital assets.
The system has the ability to report on actions taken on an asset to track
FA.42 Critical
its full location and assignment history.
The system has the ability to generate a single report of both fixed asset
and inventory data including unit number, unit cost, asset number,
FA.43 current and accumulated depreciation, and date of purchase. Critical

The system has the ability to allow departments outside Finance to

FA.44 update capital assets records in the future ERP system with workflow Desired
Asset Entry and Tracking
The system has the ability to allow for at least 100,000 different active
FA.45 Critical
parent assets.
The system has the ability to allow for at least 200,000 different active
FA.46 Critical
child assets.
FA.47 The system has the ability to support at least 300,000 assets. Critical
The system has the ability to be in full compliance with all GASB
FA.48 Critical
requirements (e.g., contributed capital, capitalized interest).
The system has the ability to detect duplicate serial numbers in the same
FA.49 Critical
asset type.
The system has the ability to deactivate and reactivate a capital asset.
FA.50 Critical
The system has the ability to indicate a parent and/or child asset as
FA.51 Critical
The system has the ability to automatically expire all child related assets
FA.52 once the parent asset has been expired with the ability to turn this Critical
feature on or off.
FA.53 The system has the ability to manage linked assets. Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate the following asset disposal
FA.54 Public Auction; Critical
FA.55 Sale; Critical
FA.56 Donate; Critical
FA.57 Junk process; Critical
FA.58 Transfer process; Critical
FA.59 Parts tear-down; Critical
FA.60 Trade-in; Critical
FA.61 Fire/flood; Critical
FA.62 Vehicle accident; Critical
FA.63 Recycle/Salvage; Critical
FA.64 Lost; and Critical
FA.65 Other user-defined criteria. Critical
The system has the ability to adjust the asset cost of a new purchase
FA.66 Critical
with an asset trade-in.
The system has the ability to customize workflow routines for each asset
FA.67 Critical
disposal process listed above.
The system has the ability to record County-defined information at the
FA.68 time of asset disposal related to the asset (e.g., condition of asset, Critical
mileage, Board approval, etc.)
The system has the ability to automatically assign unique asset
FA.69 Critical
The system has the ability to copy an existing asset record as a starting
FA.70 Critical
point for the entry of a new asset.
The system has the ability to store at least 9 templates for use when
FA.71 Critical
entering new assets.

The system has the ability to set department, division, fund and type
FA.72 Critical
classifications for each asset (e.g., governmental, proprietary, etc.).

The system has the ability to establish asset groups (e.g., Government
FA.73 Critical
Activities and Business-Type Activities).
The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined classes within
FA.74 Critical
each asset category.
The system has the ability to accommodate at least 99 different asset
FA.75 Critical
classes within each category.
The system has the ability to allow an administrator to configure
FA.76 additional asset categories and classes that allow the same functionality Critical
as other asset categories and classes.
The system has the ability to establish the following categories and classes of
FA.77 Buildings and improvements; Critical
FA.78 Improvements other than buildings; Critical
FA.79 Machinery and equipment; Critical
FA.80 Land; Critical
FA.81 Land improvements; Critical
FA.82 Infrastructure; Critical
FA.83 Vehicles; Critical
FA.84 Intangibles (e.g., software, water rights, easements, mining rights); Critical
FA.85 Streets and sidewalks; Critical
FA.86 Construction in progress; Critical
FA.87 Gravel Roads; Critical
FA.88 Right-of-Way; and Critical
FA.89 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain the following asset information:
FA.90 Asset number; Critical
FA.91 Property tag number; Critical
FA.92 Description; Critical
FA.93 GL Asset account number; Critical
FA.94 GL Accumulated depreciation number; Critical
FA.95 GL Depreciation expense number; Critical
FA.96 Asset type; Critical
FA.97 Grant number; Critical
FA.98 Grant agency; Critical
FA.99 Grant year; Critical
FA.100 Type of grant; Critical
FA.101 Project number; Critical
FA.102 Asset ownership; Critical
FA.103 Responsible party; Critical
FA.104 Custodian; Critical
FA.105 Acquisition date; Critical
FA.106 Acquisition type; Critical
FA.107 In-service date; Critical
FA.108 Condition; Critical
FA.109 Status (e.g., inactive); Critical
FA.110 Initial unit cost/value; Critical
FA.111 Value basis; Critical
FA.112 Vendor Name; Critical
FA.113 Vendor number; Critical
FA.114 Manufacturer name; Critical
FA.115 Model year; Critical
FA.116 Model; Critical
FA.117 Serial number; Critical
FA.118 Vehicle identification number (VIN); Critical
FA.119 Vehicle ID; Critical
FA.120 License plate number; Critical
FA.121 Insurance; Critical
FA.122 Warranty; Critical
FA.123 Location; Critical
FA.124 Site; Critical
FA.125 Building; Critical
FA.126 Location; Critical
FA.127 Parcel ID; Critical
FA.128 GIS geocode; Critical
FA.129 Original vendor information; Critical
FA.130 Original purchase order number; Critical
FA.131 Invoice number; Critical
FA.132 Invoice date; Critical
FA.133 Original check date; Critical
FA.134 Original check number; Critical
Disposal information (e.g., disposal date, method of disposal, cost,
FA.135 Critical
reason, proceeds, GL account number etc.).;
Asset transfer information (e.g., transfer date, cost, reason, proceeds
FA.136 Critical
FA.137 Primary asset information (e.g., "parent" in parent-child); Critical
FA.138 Source of funds, multiple (e.g., grant for half of purchase); Critical
FA.139 Estimated useful life; Critical
FA.140 Estimated replacement cost; Critical
FA.141 Depreciation expense and accumulated; Critical
FA.142 Depreciation method and convention; Critical
FA.143 Maintenance contract including end date; and Critical
FA.144 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to allow for either standard tracking or
FA.145 Critical
tracking by method of linking parent-child relationships.
The system has the ability to mass transfer assets from one
FA.146 Critical
organization/department code to another.
The system has the ability to import from third-party software uploading
FA.147 asset information en masse with appropriate review and approval. Critical

The system has the ability to allow the transfer of an asset from one
FA.148 Critical
department or fund to another.
The system has the ability to capture depreciation balance at the date of
FA.149 Critical
transfer or disposal.
The system has the ability to report depreciation, sortable by existing
FA.150 fields such as by asset, type, general ledger account code or any other Critical
field in the asset record.
FA.151 The system has the ability to default to straight line depreciation. Critical
The system has the ability to allow the reversal of changes made based
FA.152 Critical
on depreciation.
The system has the ability to allow a user to configure the date of
FA.153 depreciation calculation (e.g., half year in the year of Critical
acquisition/disposal, half month, etc.)
The system has the ability to set standard and user-controlled
FA.154 depreciation methods with the ability to change the standard method. Critical

The system has the ability to calculate "back" depreciation to original

FA.155 Critical
acquisition date.
The system has the ability to recalculate depreciation based on changes
FA.156 made to asset criteria (including changes made to original acquisition Critical
The system has the ability to update or change depreciation information
FA.157 Desired
for a group of assets.
The system has the ability to link to a depreciation expense account.
FA.158 Critical
The system has the ability to provide depreciation calculation results for
FA.159 Critical
user-defined periods of time.
The system has the ability to provide an automatic calculation of
FA.160 Critical
depreciation changes at period end.
The system has the ability to automatically flag an asset when it is time
FA.161 Critical
to retire it from the system based on useful life.
The system has the ability to automatically archive retired and/or sold
FA.162 Critical
assets on a scheduled or user-defined basis.
FA.163 The system has the ability to attach multiple file types to an asset record. Critical

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Project Accounting and Grant Management
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Project Accounting and Grant
Management module(s) that is integrated with all other system modules
PG.1 including (but not limited to) General Ledger, Budgeting, Accounts Critical
Receivable, Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Projects, and Payroll.

PG.2 The system has the ability to accommodate grant accounting. Critical
PG.3 The system has the ability to provide for multi-year grants. Critical
The system has the ability to allow multiple grants to roll into one project,
PG.4 Critical
with the ability to track each grant separately.
PG.5 The system has the ability to provide unique identifiers to grants. Critical
The system has the ability to link County-defined grant numbers with
PG.6 Critical
issuing agency grant numbers.
The system has the ability to interface (import/export) with third-party
PG.7 grant management software systems (e.g., external agency systems). Desired

The system has the ability to track passwords associated with external
PG.8 Desired
grant systems.
The system has the ability to duplicate pre-existing grants to establish
PG.9 Critical
templates for new grants.
The system has the ability to allow files or images to be attached to a
PG.10 Critical
grant file.
The system has the ability to generate a repository/library of all
PG.11 documentation related to a grant that is all accessible from a single Critical
PG.12 The system has the ability to maintain the grantor's closeout date. Critical
The system has the ability to retain grant information for up to ten years
PG.13 Critical
after the close of a grant.
The system has the ability to export all documentation for a specific
PG.14 Critical
grant to electronic format (e.g., during an audit).
The system has the ability to allow grants to be established with multiple
PG.15 funding sources, with the ability to track funding sources separately. Critical

The system has the ability to track the receipt and use of program
PG.16 Critical
income in detail prior to reimbursement.
The system has the ability to track reimbursements and link to the initial
PG.17 Critical
The system has the ability to track the use of multi-year deferred
PG.18 Critical
revenue prior to reimbursement.
The system has the ability to utilize workflow for the grant management
PG.19 process that has the capability to flow across other system Critical
PG.20 The system has the ability to link a vendor to a grant and/or project. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain all grant related information in
PG.21 Critical
accordance with County, State, and Federal retention schedules.
The system has the ability to support multi-year projects, at least 20
PG.22 Critical
years in length.
The system has the ability to support parent/child relationships for
PG.23 Critical
projects and sub-projects.
The system has the ability to allow multiple user-defined project status
PG.24 Critical
codes (e.g., proposed, active, etc.).
The system has the ability to accommodate at least 100 different project
PG.25 Critical
The system has the ability to allow a user to establish project templates
PG.26 (e.g., "simple" templates to "complex" templates and for specific project Critical
The system has the ability to store an unlimited number of project
PG.27 Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate projects occurring across
PG.28 multiple funds and departments, down to a specific GL number. Critical

The system has the ability to accommodate projects occurring across a

PG.29 minimum of ten funds or funding sources that include grants. Critical

The system has the ability to provide project forecasting capabilities, for
PG.30 a minimum of six years (e.g., current, plus five years). Critical

The system has the ability to provide free form text for project
PG.31 Critical
The system has the ability to provide a workflow routine to assist in the
PG.32 annual process of determining fiscal year expenses for each project. Critical

PG.33 The system has the ability to attach files to project descriptions. Critical
The system has the ability to have user-defined cost allocation codes.
PG.34 Critical
The system has the ability to link projects to external agency project
PG.35 Critical
The system has the ability to generate export files for the purpose of
PG.36 Critical
uploading data to third-party applications (e.g., State or Federal).
The system has the ability to accommodate the upload of information
PG.37 Critical
from third-party systems (e.g., MS Excel files).
The system has the ability to store general project information including:
PG.38 A 50-character short description; Critical
PG.39 A 256-character long description; Critical
PG.40 Project name; Critical
PG.41 Original budgets; Critical
PG.42 Current/amended budgets; Critical
PG.43 Year-to-date budget; Critical
PG.44 Life-to-date budget; Critical
PG.45 Project file number or CIP number; Critical
PG.46 Contract number (multiple); Critical
PG.47 Grantor number; Critical
PG.48 Department; Critical
PG.49 Division; Critical
PG.50 Program code; Critical
PG.51 County Project Manager(s); Critical
County staff performing work effort towards project (e.g., list of
PG.52 Critical
names and roles);
PG.53 Time spent by collective County staff towards project; Critical
PG.54 Time spent by County staff person towards project; Critical
PG.55 Pre-encumbrances; Critical
PG.56 Encumbrances; Critical
PG.57 Year-to-date Encumbrances; Critical
PG.58 Year-to-date Expenditures; Critical
PG.59 Year-to-date Revenues; Critical
PG.60 Life-to-date Encumbrances; Critical
PG.61 Life-to-date Expenditures; Critical
PG.62 Life-to-date Revenues; Critical
PG.63 Expenditures; Critical
PG.64 Receivables; Critical
PG.65 Revenues; Critical
PG.66 Penalties; Critical
PG.67 Expenditure and cash flow schedule based on funding deadlines; Critical
PG.68 Retainage percentage; Critical
PG.69 Retainage amount; Critical
PG.70 Retainage withheld to date; Critical
PG.71 Retainage paid to date; Critical
PG.72 Scope changes (e.g., change orders, schedule extension); Critical
PG.73 Board Order Number(s) and Date(s) (multiple for amendments); Critical
PG.74 Council district of activity, if applicable;
PG.75 Status of cooperative projects; Critical
PG.76 Funding account strings; Critical
PG.77 Expenditure account strings; Critical
PG.78 Purchase order number; Critical
PG.79 Vendors; Critical
PG.80 Other user-defined information. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a comments field on projects,
PG.81 Critical
allowing for a minimum of 500 characters.
The system has the ability to control project budgets by project revenues
PG.82 Critical
from a project.
The system has the ability to track time spent by employees towards a
PG.83 Critical
The system has the ability to retrieve and apply labor rates from the
PG.84 Critical
payroll module that account for salaries and benefits.
The system has the ability to allow a user to manually edit labor rates
PG.85 Critical
and values charged to a project.
The system has the ability to track project dates including:
PG.86 Planned start date; Critical
PG.87 Actual start date; Critical
PG.88 Phase; Critical
PG.89 Milestone(s); Critical
PG.90 Current vs. planned percentage of completion (at any point); Critical
PG.91 Current vs. expiration of funding deadlines; Critical
PG.92 Planned completion date; Critical
PG.93 Actual completion date; Critical
PG.94 Acceptance date; Critical
PG.95 Other user-defined information; and Critical
PG.96 Destruction date based on grant type record retention schedule. Critical
The system has the ability to support multiple status, including active
PG.97 Critical
and inactive.
The system has the ability to track and change multiple funding sources.
PG.98 Critical
The system has the ability to track expenditures based on the debt that
PG.99 Critical
was issued as well as the year that the debt was issued.
The system has the ability to flag capital vs. non capital projects and all
PG.100 Critical
associated expenditures.
The system has the ability to track multiple funding sources when bonds
PG.101 Critical
are issued in multiple years for a project.
The system has the ability to transfer funding sources from one project
PG.102 to another project if the project is complete and under budget pending Critical
workflow approval.
The system has the ability to apply overhead to grants and/or projects.
PG.103 Critical
The system has the ability to track the funding sources for each project,
the amount of expenditures that have been charged to the project that
PG.104 are to be paid by multiple funding sources, and any budget transfers that Critical
have moved the funding sources from one project to another.

The system has the ability to carry forward information at year-end for
PG.105 Critical
multi-year projects.
The system has the ability to allow "default" values to be established for
PG.106 Critical
setting up new projects.
The system has the ability to track non-financial resources on the project
PG.107 Critical
(e.g., work in kind, unfunded work) at the project level.
The system has the ability to maintain information prior to a change on
PG.108 Critical
project and/or grant.
The system has the ability to retain historical information for all projects
PG.109 Critical
for up to 10 years after the project close.
The system has the ability to close projects either partially or completely.
PG.110 Critical
The system has the ability to allow the closing of multiple projects at the
PG.111 Critical
same time (e.g., related projects).
The system has the ability to allow the closing of a "child" project without
PG.112 Critical
having to close the "parent" project.
The system has the ability to automatically close the "child" project(s)
PG.113 when a "parent" project is closed, with a notification provided to the user Critical
prior to executing the closure.
PG.114 The system has the ability to re-open a closed project. Critical
PG.115 The system has the ability to generate reports for all grant history. Critical
The system has the ability to generate reports for multiple grants that are
PG.116 not in sequential series (e.g., report by year, category etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to generate a report of all active and inactive
PG.117 Critical
The system has the ability to allow grant reports to be configured and
PG.118 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain a calendar or scheduling of
PG.119 Critical
required grant reports.
The system has the ability to accommodate at least 100 different grant
PG.120 Critical
report schedules.
The system has the ability to generate all state and federally required
PG.121 Critical
The system has the ability to generate the following Reports:
PG.122 Single Audit Report (SEFA); Critical
PG.123 State, local, and other (SOFA); Critical
PG.124 Federal financial report for grant reimbursements (SF 425). Critical
The system has the ability to query on all data fields in the grant management
PG.125in order to provide
Grant a user-defined
reimbursement budget; query screen including but not Critical
PG.126 Total budget; Critical
PG.127 Encumbrances; Critical
PG.128 Pre-encumbrances; Critical
PG.129 Expenditures; Critical
PG.130 Revenues; Critical
PG.131 Amount billed budget; Critical
PG.132 Amount obligated; Critical
PG.133 Metrics associated with a grant; and Critical
PG.134 Other user-defined information. Critical
The system has the ability to report on specific activity of a grant within a
PG.135 Critical
user-defined date range.
The system has the ability to generate the following reports:
PG.136 Expenditures and revenues; Critical
PG.137 Sources of revenues; Critical
PG.138 Reimbursed costs; Critical
PG.139 Reimbursed costs by percentage detail Critical
PG.140 Budget to actual costs; Critical
PG.141 Projected vs. actual budget; Critical
PG.142 Grants trial balance; Critical
PG.143 Pending approval grant funding; Critical
PG.144 Quarterly cash balance; Critical
PG.145 De-obligated amount; Critical
PG.146 Obligated amount; Critical
PG.147 Program income Desired
PG.148 Monthly cash balance; and Critical
PG.149 Calculation of interest based on average daily cash balance. Critical
The system has the ability to generate project accounting reports from specific
date ranges forProject
PG.150 information
and name; Critical
PG.151 Type; Critical
PG.152 Departments; Critical
PG.153 Division; Critical
PG.154 Program code; Critical
PG.155 Bond issue date; Critical
PG.156 Council district; Critical
PG.157 Funding source expiration dates; Critical
PG.158 Fund; Critical
PG.159 Year or user-defined date range; Critical
PG.160 Funding source; and Critical
PG.161 Other user-defined information. Critical
For all items generated by date range, the system has the ability to allow
PG.162 a user to enter the accounting period (e.g., fiscal year and month) versus Critical
the actual dates.
The system has the ability to generate expenditure reports on all of the
PG.163 Critical
above criteria by date ranges.
The system has the ability to provide drill-down capability to see
PG.164 Critical
attachments to records.
The system has the ability to report on resource time towards projects.
PG.165 Critical
The system has the ability to report on the County's portion of any
PG.166 Critical
cooperative grant or project records.
The system has the ability to generate monthly, quarterly, and annual
PG.167 Critical
activity reports by grant or project on-demand.
The system has the ability to allow modification to the detail level of
PG.168 Critical
report parameters.
The system has the ability to track/monitor fiscal year-specific bond
PG.169 Critical
funds across projects.
The system has the ability to create dashboard presentation of project
PG.170 status including expenditures, revenues, percent complete, phase, and Critical
other user-defined criteria.
Grant Applications
The system has the ability to track grant application information including:
PG.171 Grant number; Critical
PG.172 CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance) number; Critical
PG.173 Grant name; Critical
PG.174 Grant description; Critical
PG.175 user-defined Grant category (e.g., Federal, State, etc.); Critical
PG.176 user-defined Grant status; Critical
PG.177 Grantor; Critical
PG.178 Pass-through entity name; Critical
PG.179 Pass-through entity number; Critical
PG.180 Multiple grantor contacts, with the ability to identify as primary; Critical
PG.181 Grantor contact name; Critical
PG.182 Grantor contact address; Critical
PG.183 Grantor contact email address; Critical
PG.184 Date of application submission; Critical
PG.185 Date of application approval or denial; Critical
PG.186 Date of submission to Board of Commissioners; Critical
PG.187 Date of Board of Commissioners action; Critical
PG.188 Board of Commissioners resolution number and date; Critical
PG.189 Original grant approval amount; Critical
PG.190 Revised grant approval amount; Critical
PG.191 Grant budget; Critical
Grant amendments (e.g., budget reallocations, line item revisions,
PG.192 Critical
scope changes);
PG.193 Grant fiscal and calendar years; Critical
PG.194 Grant initiation date; Critical
PG.195 Grant expiration date; Critical
PG.196 Grant obligation date; Critical
PG.197 Grant extension date; Critical
PG.198 Retention requirements; Critical
PG.199 Responsible department(s) (minimum of 10 departments); Critical
PG.200 Department contact name (minimum of 10 departments); Critical
PG.201 Award date; Critical
PG.202 Contract number; Critical
PG.203 Contract award date; Critical
PG.204 Order number; Critical
PG.205 Original request amount; Critical
PG.206 Matching amount; Critical
PG.207 Matching percentage; Critical
PG.208 Subcontractors; Critical
PG.209 Award amount; and Critical
PG.210 Other user-defined information. Critical
The system has the ability to attach documents to the grant applications.
PG.211 Critical
The system has the ability to record information related to local approval
PG.212 dates (Board of Commissioners approving, approval date, etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to convert stored application data into a new
PG.213 Critical
grant upon approval.
The system has the ability to support configurable workflow routines to
PG.214 Critical
support the grant application process.
The system has the ability to retroactively link revenue or expenditures
PG.215 to any type of grant identifier without losing detail information about Critical
transaction history.
Grant Tracking

PG.216 The system has the ability to track all grants (e.g., HUD, Department of Critical
Housing and Urban Development).
The system has the ability to allocate grant funding by user-defined
PG.217 Critical
criteria (e.g., CDBG restrictions on public service allocations).
The system has the ability to maintain a grant budget that is different
PG.218 Critical
and separate from all other budgets.
The system has the ability to link individual grant budgets to the County
PG.219 Desired
budget based on user preference.
The system has the ability to generate any indirect costs associated with
PG.220 Critical
a grant.
The system has the ability to support at least 99 different user-defined
PG.221 Critical
types of grant categories.
The system has the ability to support the configuration of different
PG.222 Critical
requirements by grant category.
The system has the ability to link grants to projects, in 1-to-1
PG.223 relationships, in 1-to-many relationships, and many-to-1 relationships. Critical

The system has the ability to record all grant activity in the general
PG.224 Critical
ledger and/or the project ledger.
The system has the ability to track compliance of the grant through a
PG.225 Critical
County-defined checklist by individual grant.
The system has the ability to view and track all assets acquired through
PG.226 Critical
grant funding as indicated through the capital asset module.
The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined performance
PG.227 Critical
metrics associated with a project or grant.
The system has the ability to allow project and/or grant metrics to be
PG.228 Critical
The system has the ability to track grant activity by active fiscal year and
PG.229 all years within the grant contract. (e.g., across multiple fiscal years) Critical

The system has the ability to track grant activity over the life of the grant.
PG.230 Critical
The system has the ability to track notes associated with each grant or
PG.231 Critical
The system has the ability to provide notifications or alerts for remaining
PG.232 Critical
grant balances or percent complete.
The system has the ability to record grant expenditure and revenue
PG.233 including:
Multiple funding sources; Critical
PG.234 Allowable expenditures; Critical
PG.235 Nature of grant (direct or pass-through); Critical
PG.236 Grant project name; Critical
PG.237 Grant department name; Critical
PG.238 Grant project number; Critical
PG.239 Program number (e.g., CFDA number); Critical
PG.240 Fund; Critical
PG.241 Location; Critical
PG.242 Multiple departments; Critical
PG.243 Program code; Critical
PG.244 Division; Critical
PG.245 General ledger account numbers; Critical
PG.246 Purchase orders and encumbrances related to a specific grant; Critical
PG.247 Grant status codes (e.g., active, inactive and user-defined); Critical
PG.248 Work order; Critical
PG.249 Project/Project Number; Critical
Pass-through identifying number (e.g., multiple sub-recipients, DUNS
PG.250 Critical
PG.251 Pass-through identifying agency (e.g., YWCA); Critical
Pass-through identifying activity (e.g., Meals on Wheels, facility
PG.252 Critical
PG.253 Pass-through amount; Critical
PG.254 Grantor; and Critical
PG.255 Other user-defined information. Critical
The system has the ability to restrict grant expenditures not within grant
PG.256 Critical
The system has the ability to place a temporary hold on grant
PG.257 expenditures based on grantor or individual grant (e.g., federal funding Critical
The system has the ability to allow restriction on grant expenditures to
PG.258 Critical
be overridden.
PG.259 The system has the ability to suspend a grant prior to completion. Critical
The system has the ability to assign payroll expenses to a grant through
PG.260 Critical
integration with the County's payroll module.
The system has the ability to limit the application of payroll expense to
PG.261 Critical
The system has the ability to allow remaining funding to be setup as a
PG.262 Critical
new grant or grant program.
The system has the ability to allow the transfer of grant funding between
PG.263 Critical
County departments.
Grant Reimbursements
The system has the ability to support the process of reimbursement
PG.264 Critical
requests for grants that are initially funded by the County.
The system has the ability to track all reimbursement requests through
PG.265 Critical
the life of the grant.
The system has the ability to track the value of reimbursement requests
PG.266 Critical
to ensure the number does not exceed a grant limit.
The system has the ability to allow "checklists" to be established and
PG.267 modified during the life of the grant to track the necessary Critical
documentation related to a reimbursement request.
The system has the ability to allow workflow routines to be established to
PG.268 Critical
manage the reimbursement request process.
The system has the ability to trigger notifications based on established
PG.269 timelines associated with the reimbursement request process. Critical

The system has the ability to limit the reimbursement request to

PG.270 Critical
prescribed internal processes based on an established timeline.
The system has the ability to submit electronic check images and/or
PG.271 payment method images (EFT, ACH, etc.) as part of the reimbursement Critical
request process.
The system has the ability to electronically store the "final" documents
PG.272 Critical
associated with a submitted reimbursement request.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Time Entry
Req # Description of Requirement Critical Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Time Entry module that is
integrated with all other system modules such as the General Ledger,
TE.1 Budget, Project Accounting, Grant Management, Payroll, Benefits, and Critical
Human Resources.
The system has the ability to provide audit trail reporting of all data
TE.2 Critical
entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time and workstation.
The system has the ability to interface in real-time, with the employee
TE.3 on-boarding module to populate data elements for the first pay period. Critical

The system shall provide the ability to enter time in the following ways:
TE.4 Web-based, employee-self service portal; Critical
TE.5 Manual entry at a workstation; Critical
TE.6 Batch entry at a work station; Critical
TE.7 Mobile device; Critical
TE.8 File import from scheduling software(s); Critical
TE.9 File import from MS Excel spreadsheet; Critical
TE.10 Time clock entry; and Critical
TE.11 Other user-defined. Critical
TE.12 The system has the ability to enter and view time via a mobile app. Critical
The system has the ability to support the concurrent use of different
TE.13 Critical
types of devices for time entry.
The system has the ability to perform data validation at all of the
following intervals: during entry, upon completion of all time entries, upon
TE.14 submission of timesheet by the individual employee, and upon timesheet Critical
The system has the ability to display a complete list of error messages
TE.15 Critical
for an entry (e.g., not only the first error).
The system has the ability to allow corrections to be made to postings
TE.16 Critical
suspended due to validation errors.
The system has the ability to enforce full edit/validation rules for all
TE.17 Critical
The system has the ability to provide edits to ensure that timesheet entry
TE.18 is completed and required approvals have been received before Critical
submitting to automated payroll processing.
The system has the ability to allow end users to configure audit and
TE.19 Critical
entry rules to align with County business needs.
The system has the ability to handle schedule/department/job changes
TE.20 retroactive to reported time being entered prior to submission. Critical

The system has the ability to track activity codes (or project codes, or
TE.21 Critical
grant codes) for time entry purposes.
The system has the ability to display employee accrual balances on time
TE.22 Critical
entry screen to consolidate and simplify time entry.
The system has the ability to show accrual balances in real time in the
TE.23 Critical
employee timecard.
The system has the ability to provide the option to restrict entries by
TE.24 Critical
inactive/terminated employees.
The system has the ability to record employee’s approval of a timesheet.
TE.25 Critical
The system has the ability to designate a back-up for employees that are
TE.26 unable to enter or approve their time (e.g., due to sick leave). Critical

The system has the ability to secure the timesheet data from any
TE.27 Critical
updates or changes after a designated sign-off.
The system has the ability to allow staff to make edits to the timesheet
TE.28 Critical
data after sign-off, with workflow approvals.
The system has the ability to provide warning notifications or hard stops
to employees, supervisors, and timekeepers to prevent duplicate time
TE.29 from being entered in the system (e.g., cannot submit time twice). Critical

The system has the ability to route timesheets to County-identified users

TE.30 Critical
based on the time entry codes entered.
The system has the ability to import time entry from the interfaces
TE.31 Critical
identified in the interfaces tab.
The system has the ability for an employee to record time for multiple
TE.32 Critical
positions as a result of a mid-period transfer.
The system has the ability to restrict time reporting codes entered by
TE.33 employees either at the individual employee level and/or for the Critical
employee's group.
The system has the ability to restrict time reporting codes to be entered
TE.34 Critical
by staff (e.g., FMLA, worker's comp).
The system has the ability to allow staff to upload documentation in
TE.35 Critical
support of time entries (e.g., travel expense reimbursements).
The system has the ability to require online approval of time by
TE.36 Critical
The system has the ability to process and approve timesheets and time
TE.37 Critical
reports in a decentralized and electronic format.
The system has the ability to route (through workflow) timecards to
TE.38 multiple managers for review, edit, and approval (e.g., in instances Critical
where employee has worked for multiple managers).
The system has the ability to allow management review of timecards on
TE.39 Critical
the detail and summary levels.
The system has the ability to notify employees and/or a supervisor of
TE.40 Critical
rejected timecard (via workflow).
The system has the ability to provide reminders to employees to
TE.41 Critical
complete time entry.
The system has the ability to notify approvers of timecards pending
TE.42 Critical
The system has the ability to notify employees or managers (approvers)
of timecard errors, timecard revisions to prior periods, or when they have
TE.43 not submitted or approved timesheets. The system must be able to send Critical
additional e-mail alerts escalating the issue to higher level individuals or
designated backup individuals.
The system has the ability to allow a supervisor or other time
TE.44 reviewer/approver to view the status of submitted/un-submitted time Critical
sheets for all of their direct reports.
The system has the ability to allow employees to submit leave requests.
TE.45 Critical
The system has the ability to validate leave requested or leave time
TE.46 Critical
entered by staff.
The system has the ability to notify employees of rejected leave
TE.47 Critical
The system has the ability to designate a back-up for leave request
TE.48 Critical
approval (e.g., when approving manager is not available).
The system has the ability to require electronic signatures for time
TE.49 Critical
The system has the ability to allow approval of extra hours to occur prior
TE.50 to the work being performed and/or after the work has been performed. Critical

The system has the ability to enforce requiring preapproval of extra

TE.51 hours to occur prior to when the work has been performed, with the Critical
ability to turn this feature on or off.
The system has the ability to hold data entered on-line in a suspense or
TE.52 pending file until approved electronically and released for processing. Critical

The system has the ability to allow employees to enter time on demand.
TE.53 Critical
The system has the ability to allow employees to edit the current period
TE.54 time after manager approval, requiring the manager to reapprove any Critical
The system has the ability to allow managers to edit employee timecards
TE.55 Critical
in the current period without employee intervention.
The system has the ability to allow managers to perform mass edits on
TE.56 Critical
employee timecards.
The system has the ability to notify employees of any edits to their
TE.57 Critical
reported time.
The system has the ability to default a standard number of hours per pay
TE.58 Critical
period for exempt employees.
The system has the ability to reduce generated standard hours by
TE.59 Critical
exception time for exempt employees (e.g., vacation, sick).
The system has the ability to store time and attendance history data,
TE.60 Employee name; Critical
TE.61 Employee ID number; Critical
TE.62 Employee Position; Critical
TE.63 Work group; Critical
TE.64 Dates; Critical
Time/leave, including time and type (e.g., overtime, vacation, etc.);
TE.65 Critical
Time entry location;
TE.66 Critical

TE.67 Swing shift/Shift differentials/Out-of-class pays Critical

TE.68 Program code; and Critical
TE.69 Manager approval history. Critical
The system has the ability to store time and attendance history for a
TE.70 Critical
County-defined period of time with the ability to archive data.
The system has the ability to accommodate Fair Labor Standards Act
TE.71 Critical
(FLSA) laws based on the County's current pay codes.
The system should adhere to all current and future local, State, and
TE.72 Critical
Federal laws.
The system has the ability to capture additional information associated
TE.73 with time entry, such as projects, cost center, department ID, program, Critical
activity code, and tasks.
The system has the ability to link labor distribution to Project
TE.74 Critical
Management, Grant Management, etc.
The system has the ability to validate labor distribution field values
TE.75 Critical
through an integrated link to the source module.
The system has the ability to support multiple timesheet layouts that include:
Exempt view where only exception time (e.g., time off) is entered;
TE.76 Critical
Hourly format where hours worked are reported in elapsed hours;
TE.77 Critical
Schedule-based view (e.g., by two-week pay period, 28-day cycle).
TE.78 Critical
The system has the ability to allow time to be entered based on County-
TE.79 defined rules including daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and semi-monthly. Critical

The system has the ability to default the schedule for time entry
TE.80 Critical
The system has the ability to default the defined pay period for time
TE.81 Critical
The system has the ability to provide an alert when the employee is
TE.82 Critical
reaching or has reached minimum or maximum banks of accruals.
TE.83 The system has the ability to generate timecards for a pay year. Critical
The system has the ability to allow entry for timecards for current plus at
TE.84 Critical
least 5 additional (future) pay periods.
The system has the ability to allow immediate time entry for employees
TE.85 Critical
newly entered into the employee master.
The system has the ability to configure the time entry hierarchy for
TE.86 Critical
The system has the ability for an employee to enter all time for all time
TE.87 Critical
worked and all time off.
The system has the ability to print a timecard from the system for manual
TE.88 Critical
time tracking.
The system has the ability to print a range of timecards by employee
TE.89 Critical
group, time period, or other user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to provide assistance (e.g., FAQ, contextual
TE.90 assistance, etc.) for time entry to aid in the entry process. Critical

The system has the ability to use a single data source for report
TE.91 Critical
The system has the ability to generate "canned" reports that users may
TE.92 Critical
run with limited options of input values.
The system has the ability to generate user-defined reports on any time
TE.93 Critical
entry field and/or combination of fields.
The system shall provide role-based security on running and viewing
TE.94 Critical
The system has the ability to import data from reports into standard
TE.95 Critical
applications for spreadsheet comparison, graphing, etc.
The system has the ability to report on the following fields:
TE.96 Location; Critical
TE.97 Department; Critical
TE.98 Division; Critical
TE.99 Program code; Critical
TE.100 Cost center; Critical
TE.101 Team; Critical
TE.102 Job; Critical
TE.103 Grant; Critical
TE.104 Activity; Critical
TE.105 Leave type; Critical
TE.106 Part-time FTE; Critical
TE.107 Benefit FTE; Critical
TE.108 Hours paid by individual; Critical
TE.109 Hours entered (by type or pay type); Critical
TE.110 Position; Critical
TE.111 Event; Critical
TE.112 Work group; Critical
TE.113 Group Bargaining Unit(s) Critical
TE.114 Shift; Critical
TE.115 Time errors; Critical
TE.116 Employee status; and Critical
TE.117 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a report that details prior periods'
TE.118 Critical
adjustments and corrections.
The system has the ability to provide an error and warning report, listing
TE.119 discrepancies with time entry for all employees for the pay period as Critical
defined by the Payroll Administrator.
The system has the ability to generate a year-to-date report of time
TE.120 worked by employee (e.g., fiscal year-to-date, calendar year-to-date, Critical
quarter-to-date, or other user-defined).
The system has the ability to generate an electronic copy of any
TE.121 Critical
previous timecard.
The system has the ability to provide a report filtered by location that
TE.122 identifies the total number of hours worked per employee in a pay period Critical
or by year.
The system has the ability to generate a report of part-time employee
TE.123 hours worked on a year-to-date basis to monitor for hours worked Critical
exceeding user-defined parameters.
Project and Grant Time Entry
The system has the ability to separate exception based and non-
exception based time entry in order to accommodate for the varying
TE.124 types of employees at the County and to better track projects and Critical
The system has the ability to charge time into project accounting on a
TE.125 fixed percentage, fixed dollar, and allocation formula to each project or Critical
other user-defined options.
The system has the ability to charge time into project accounting on a
TE.126 Critical
hours by day basis to each project.
The system has the ability to track time towards projects or grants based
TE.127 Critical
upon the specific pay code at the time it was worked.

The system has the ability to provide a drop-down of project

codes/names that an employee is eligible to enter time against, avoiding
TE.128 Critical
the need to manually enter each project code/name with the ability to
filter by user-defined parameters (e.g., department, division).

The system has the ability for an employee to select favorites for
TE.129 Critical
projects and/or grants against which time was worked.
The system has the ability to support the entry of time by a single
TE.130 Critical
employee against a minimum of 99 projects per pay period.
Leave Time Accrual and Use
The system has the ability to capture and track leave for multiple leave types,
TE.131 Vacation (used and unused); Critical
TE.132 Sick leave (used and unused); Critical
TE.133 Sick used over base hours Critical
TE.134 Sick leave - donations (vacation donated into a sick leave bank); Critical
TE.135 Compensatory time (used and unused); Critical
TE.136 Flexible Earned Time (PTO); Critical
TE.137 Workers' compensation (paid and unpaid); Critical
TE.138 Injury leave; Critical
TE.139 Holiday; Critical
TE.140 Commissioners' Holiday (e.g., extra day); Critical
TE.141 Floating holidays; Critical
TE.142 Personal days; Critical
TE.143 FMLA leave; Critical
TE.144 FMLA-Comp Time; Critical
TE.145 FMLA-FET; Critical
TE.146 FMLA-Floating Holiday; Critical
TE.147 FMLA-PEL; Critical
TE.148 FMLA-Sick Leave; and Critical
TE.149 FMLA-Vacation Critical
TE.150 Medical leave; Critical
TE.151 Leave without pay (with benefits); Critical
TE.152 Leave without pay (without benefits); Critical
TE.153 Military leave (paid and unpaid); Critical
TE.154 Funeral/bereavement leave; Critical
TE.155 Professional/educational leave; Critical
TE.156 Administrative leave (paid and unpaid); Critical
TE.157 Jury duty/witness duty; Critical
TE.158 Short term disability; Critical
TE.159 Long term disability; Critical
TE.160 Sick incentive; Critical
TE.161 Transitional duty (e.g., light duty); Critical
TE.162 K-9 Off Duty Care; Critical
TE.163 Advance Pay; Critical
TE.164 Covid19; Critical
TE.165 Covid19 Caretaker; Critical
TE.166 Covid19 School Closure Leave; Critical
TE.167 Covid19 Sick Leave; Critical
TE.168 Covid19 Sick Leave Payout; Critical
TE.169 Covid19 Sick Leave Tracker; Critical
TE.170 CT Used/Sold Hours; Critical
TE.171 DDA Hours No Pay; Critical
TE.172 Delete CH Balance; Critical
TE.173 Education without pay; Critical
TE.174 FET to PEL; Critical
TE.175 FET Transferred to CIS Pool; Critical
TE.176 FET Used/Sold Hours; Critical
TE.177 Flex Hours No Pay; Critical
TE.178 Vacation to FET; Critical
TE.179 Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA); Critical
TE.180 PEL; Critical
TE.181 PEL Payout; Critical
TE.182 Seasonal Flex Time; Critical
TE.183 Suspended without pay; Critical
TE.184 Training Hours (paid and unpaid); and Critical
TE.185 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain leave accrual schedules,
TE.186 Critical
containing leave type and accrual rates.
The system has the ability to configure leave accruals according to
TE.187 Critical
employee type.
The system has the ability to limit leave time earned by employee and by
TE.188 Critical
user-defined groups (maximums).
The system has the ability to track all types of leaves in user-defined
TE.189 Critical
The system has the ability to account for all leave time at varying accrual
TE.190 Critical
The system has the ability to define and assign leave accrual schedules
by job class and FLSA (or other user-defined classification), with
TE.191 override capability at the individual employee level. Critical

The system has the ability to accommodate partial leave accrual for part-
TE.192 Critical
time employees based on actual time worked.
The system has the ability to accrue sick and vacation time at the end of
TE.193 a user specified period (e.g., day, week, pay period, or month). Critical

The system has the ability to capture and maintain breaks in service.
TE.194 Critical
The system has the ability to track and maintain shared leave detail
TE.195 including (but not limited to) donating employee, receiving employee, Critical
leave balances.
The system has the ability to accommodate cumulative (rollover) and
TE.196 Critical
non-cumulative (use-it-or-lose-it) leave accruals.
The system has the ability to set a maximum for cumulative (rollover)
TE.197 Critical
leave accruals.
The system has the ability to allow for establishing County-defined
TE.198 business rules for leave roll-overs (e.g., unused personal day Critical
automatically rolls into vacation day).
The system has the ability to temporarily suspend leave accrual (e.g.,
TE.199 Critical
during unpaid leave).
The system has the ability to require that accruals be configured to
TE.200 accrue on any frequency, including (but not limited to) daily, each Critical
holiday, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly, semi-
annually, annually.
The system has the ability to project future balances based on debits
TE.201 Desired
and credits of leave time.
The system has the ability to provide daily balances in real-time of
TE.202 Critical
available employee comp and leave time.
The system has the ability to provide a view/query into prior leave
TE.203 accrual balances as of a certain past date or prior pay period (e.g., look- Critical
back to see leave balance as of two months ago)
The system has the ability to calculate liability for unused earned leave
TE.204 Critical
at regular intervals and on demand.
The system has the ability to allow a system-generated flag to be
TE.205 configured for the expiration of a certain leave type (e.g., alert appears Critical
at 60-days prior, 30-days prior, etc.).
The system has the ability to alert managers/supervisors on leave usage
TE.206 Critical
The system has the ability to override maximum leave balances based
TE.207 Critical
on leave type.
The system has the ability to add, edit, or delete leave events in the
TE.208 Critical
current pay period and/or in any previous pay period.
Attendance Tracking

TE.209 The system has the ability to compare absence time with scheduled Critical
work time to detect absence conditions.
The system has the ability to process mass absences at the County,
TE.210 Department, Division or other user-defined level. Critical

The system has the ability to track and detect certain absence conditions
TE.211 Critical
(undocumented leave or comp time used).
TE.212 The system has the ability to flag various attendance conditions, Critical
including in early, in late, out early, out late, and unexcused absences.
The system has the ability to coordinate usage of County specific
absence types with regulated leave types when appropriate (e.g., when
TE.213 sick time is taken that is also an FMLA event, eligibility for both is Critical
reduced either simultaneously or consecutively, as per County policies).

TE.214 The system has the ability to provide numerous canned reports related Critical
to all aspects of absence tracking.
Time Off Requests
The system has the ability to provide a web-interface for time off request
TE.215 submittal by employees (vacation time, comp time, planned sick time, Critical
holiday special).
TE.216 The system has the ability to send leave balances to a County time Critical
The system has the ability to display leave accrual rates, codes,
TE.217 maximum balances and history to employee as time is being entered Critical
with data as of the prior pay period.
The system has the ability to validate leave balances real-time (based on
TE.218 Critical
the actuals from the previous period) at the point of entry.
The system has the ability to perform workflow functions for electronic leave
TE.219approval, including:
Request submittal; Critical
TE.220 Manager(s)/Supervisor(s) review/decision; Critical
TE.221 Request status monitoring; Critical
TE.222 Notification of request approval/decline; Critical
TE.223 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to set limits and qualifying conditions on use
TE.224 Critical
of leave time.

TE.225 The system has the ability to project an employee’s leave balance, Critical
considering any future accruals and existing requests.

TE.226 The system has the ability to provide proper levels of data encryption for Critical
data that is considered private to the employee and/or subject to HIPAA.
The system has the ability to show the employee and supervisor whether
TE.227 the time off requested will actually be available at the future date, when Critical
considering all other approved time off and any other accrued time off in
the meantime that is scheduled to occur.
The system has the ability to notify user of attempt to submit leave
TE.228 Critical
request where accrued time is less than requested time.
The system has the ability to restrict or allow sick and vacation leave to
TE.229 Critical
be used only after it is earned.
The system has the ability to send an alert/notification to employee and
TE.230 supervisor when accrual maximum/minimum for leave time/s is Critical
The system has the ability to allow real-time access to accumulated sick
TE.231 Critical
and vacation time.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Payroll module that is integrated
with all other system modules such as Budget, Project Accounting, Grant
PR.1 Management, Benefits, Time Entry and Human Resources. Critical

The system has the ability to integrate the Payroll application with the
PR.2 Critical
General Ledger to make payroll journal entries.
PR.3 The system has the ability to integrate payroll with position tracking. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain a user-defined range of prior
PR.4 Critical
years’ payment related details and totals.
PR.5 The system has ability to track and report employees on any pay code. Critical

The system has the ability to track and monitor part-time and temporary
PR.6 employees to maintain compliance with Affordable Care Act (ACA) Critical
The system has the ability to allow continuous updating of employee
PR.7 personnel and job records in such a manner as not to interfere with Critical
payroll processing.
The system has the ability to maintain and/or archive payroll history,
PR.8 including earnings, deductions, taxes and other related supporting Critical
information for a minimum of thirty (30) years.
The system has the ability to allow former employees limited access to
PR.9 Critical
payroll information online.
The system has the ability to allow users to make changes to employees'
PR.10 information (e.g., taxes, general deductions, retirement, garnishments), Critical
with appropriate security permissions
The system has the ability to allow users (e.g., payroll staff) to view
PR.11 Critical
paystub and W-2 history on individual employees.
The system has the ability to allow individual employees to view full
PR.12 Critical
paystub and W-2 history through an employee self-service portal.
The system has the ability to provide for complete security and
PR.13 Critical
restrictions to access all payroll related data.

The system has the ability to use a single data source for report
PR.14 Critical

The system has the ability to create custom reports using external
PR.15 Critical
Report Writer.
The system has the ability to generate "canned" reports that users may
PR.16 Critical
run with limited options of input values.
The system shall provide role-based security on running and viewing
PR.17 Critical
The system has the ability to import data from reports into standard
PR.18 Critical
applications for spreadsheet comparison, graphing, etc.
PR.19 The system shall provide the ability to generate a report of all Payroll Critical
The systemactivity
has(e.g., a complete
the ability auditintegrity
to provide trail). reports to ensure data and
PR.20 Critical
transactions are accurate.
The system has the ability to produce a report showing Medicare wages,
PR.21 Critical
by individual and in total.
The system has the ability to generate a report with a user-defined look
PR.22 back date/time for such purposes as average hours per week, benefit Critical
eligibility, etc.
The system has the ability to schedule reports at a user-defined
PR.23 Critical
date/time and frequency.
The system has the ability to produce earnings and withholdings and Medicare
total reports, including associated taxes, for the following periods:

PR.24 Fiscal Year; Critical

PR.25 Calendar Year; Critical
PR.26 Policy Year (e.g., Worker's Compensation); and Critical
PR.27 User-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to produce the following standard reports:
PR.28 Annual, compensatory, sick leave accrual report for CAFR;
PR.29 Annual/sick leave report; Critical
PR.30 Arrears report; Critical
PR.31 Birthday reports; Critical
PR.32 Census report/file; Critical
PR.33 Check register; Critical
PR.34 Child support report/file; Critical
PR.35 Current, quarterly, & year-to-date balancing reports; Critical
PR.36 Deduction registers by deduction code; Critical
Department earnings report by calendar year, fiscal year, quarterly,
PR.37 Critical
Department earnings/benefit report by calendar year, fiscal year,
PR.38 Critical
quarterly, month;
PR.39 Employee history; Critical
PR.40 Employee pay stub reprint; Critical
PR.41 Exceptions; Critical
PR.42 Federal 941 report; Critical
PR.43 FEMA Emergency time/benefits report; Critical
PR.44 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) count by department/division; Critical
PR.45 Leave balance reports; Critical
PR.46 Leave usage reports; Critical
PR.47 Longevity report; Critical
PR.48 Manual issue check; Critical
PR.49 Mid-pay period changes report; Critical
PR.50 Overtime liability reports; Critical
PR.51 Overtime hours; Critical
PR.52 Hours not worked; Critical
PR.53 Hours lost due to work related injury or illness; Critical
PR.54 Lost time injury rate; Critical
Payroll adjustment register showing all changes to employee payroll
PR.55 Critical
PR.56 Payroll comparison report (year-over-year comparison) Critical
PR.57 Payroll costs (including County and employee contribution); Critical
PR.58 Payroll register; Critical
PR.59 Quarterly and annual payroll control register; Critical
PR.60 Quarterly withholding summary; Critical
PR.61 Retirement report; Critical
PR.62 Retroactive pay; Critical
PR.63 Salary changes; Critical
PR.64 Termination reports; Critical
PR.65 Turnover reports; Critical
PR.66 Vacancy reports; Critical
PR.67 W-2 transmittal report; Critical
PR.68 W-3 summary report; Critical
PR.69 Workers Compensation report. Critical
The system has the ability to execute reports that combine performance
PR.70 Critical
evaluations with employees eligible for pay increases.
The system has the ability to generate employee benefit letters including
PR.71 total annual compensation (including wages paid and all benefits). Critical

The system has the ability to generate an FLSA cycle report to be run
PR.72 every cycle that lists all shift information worked by each employee Critical
including any overtime.
The system has the ability to export salary data to a .csv format for open
PR.73 Critical
data requirements.
Pay Calendars and Groups
The system has the ability to maintain a payroll calendar, an off-cycle
PR.74 Critical
payroll calendar, and a holiday payroll calendar.
The system has the ability to accommodate pay period end date in one
PR.75 Critical
calendar year and pay check date in another calendar year.
The system has the ability to process payroll on optional user-selected
frequencies, for example:
PR.76 Weekly; Desired
PR.77 Bi-weekly; Critical
PR.78 Semi-monthly; Critical
PR.79 Monthly; Desired
PR.80 On-demand (e.g., terminations, corrections); Critical
PR.81 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to produce a salaried payroll, supplemental
PR.82 Critical
payroll, and hourly payroll.
The system has the ability to accommodate multiple payroll schedules.
PR.83 Critical
The system has the ability to specify employees to be paid by defined
PR.84 pay groups. Critical

The system has the ability to process multiple pay groups per cycle
PR.85 Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate various pay statuses (e.g.,
PR.86 biweekly, monthly, hourly, fee, salaried, uncompensated, etc.). Critical

PR.87 The system has the ability to support retro pay adjustments. Critical
The system has the ability to support multiple positions for individual
PR.88 Critical
Tax Administration
The system has the ability to allow for an extra withholding tax deduction
PR.89 Critical
in any amount at the option of the employee.
The system has the ability to provide options to prevent Federal Tax
PR.90 and/or Medicare/Social Security Taxes from being withheld on an Critical
employee-by-employee basis (e.g., Fire sworn, section 218).
The system has the ability to allow the option to manually adjust taxable
PR.91 earnings for W-2 processing with the ability to provide a full audit trail. Critical

The system has the ability to withhold tax for a particular pay check
PR.92 using one-time override, flat rate, federal tax tables or any combination Critical
of these, based on pay codes.
The system has the ability to maintain separate taxable wages for the
PR.93 Federal Income; Critical
PR.94 Social Security; Critical
PR.95 Earned Income Tax Credit; Critical
PR.96 Medicare; Critical
PR.97 Additional Medicare. Critical
The vendor will ensure software is always updated to be compliant with
PR.98 Critical
all Federal taxing requirements.
The vendor will ensure software is always updated to be compliant with
PR.99 Critical
all State taxing requirements.
The system has the ability to support separate tax tables for special pay
PR.100 Critical
calculations (e.g., flat tax).
The system has the ability to adjust calendar YTD Medicare Taxes
PR.101 withheld based on Calendar YTD Wages paid in regard to current Critical
Medicare rate less Medicare Tax previously withheld if applicable.
The system has the ability to maintain YTD running total by pay period.
PR.102 Critical
The system has the ability to define special taxation rules by earnings
PR.103 code (e.g., supplemental tax rates, cumulative, annualized, etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to comply with Federal payroll tax reporting
PR.104 Critical
The system has the ability to produce W-2 forms in electronic and paper
PR.105 Critical
The system has the ability to present/view W-2s via the employee self-
PR.106 Critical
service portal by a user.
The system has the ability to provide history of tax status, W-4 and A-4
PR.107 Critical
The system has the ability to track reportable earnings and deductions
PR.108 Critical
for W-2s.
The system has the ability to manually adjust taxable earnings for W-2
PR.109 Critical
The system has the ability to provide the W-2 file print sorted by user-
PR.110 defined criteria (e.g., alpha by last name, by department/location, or Critical
employee number).
PR.111 The system has the ability to generate Audit Reports of W-2 Data. Critical
The system has the ability to generate Audit Report of W-2 Transmission
PR.112 Critical
The system has the ability to generate a W-2c File for Transmission to
PR.113 Critical
PR.114 The system has the ability to print W-2s on blank paper. Critical
The system has the ability to provide reprint of W-2s by individual
PR.115 Critical
The system has the ability to produce amended W-2s for multiple years.
PR.116 Critical
The system has the ability to store W-2 information and reprint W-2s for
PR.117 Critical
a minimum of seven (7) years.
The system has the ability to generate Federal Tax Summary Report by
PR.118 Critical
Pay Period.
The system has the ability to track taxable earnings on both a quarterly
PR.119 Critical
and annual basis.
The system has the ability to generate Quarterly Federal Tax Summary
PR.120 Critical
Payment Edit and Processing

The system has the ability to edit and verify the labor distribution prior to
PR.121 Critical
the actual payroll check production with appropriate authorization.

The system has the ability to establish base payrolls and process time
PR.122 record data for exception pay employees on a weekly, bi-weekly, or Critical
monthly basis or any user-defined combination thereof.
The system has the ability to validate payroll run against:
PR.123 Deductions; Critical
PR.124 Tax information; Critical
PR.125 Accruals; Critical
PR.126 Input for new employees; Critical
PR.127 Changes for current employees; Critical
Balance of total rate, hours, over-time rate, over-time hours,
PR.128 Critical
exception hours;
PR.129 Balance of vacation and sick used; Critical
PR.130 Exceptions; Critical
PR.131 Department; Critical
PR.132 Garnishments; Critical
PR.133 Other user-defined data. Critical
The system has the ability to process multiple payroll runs by type including:
PR.134 Regular Run; Critical
PR.135 Supplemental Run; Critical
PR.136 Longevity Pay Run; Desired
The system has the ability to create checks which are not regular payroll
PR.137 but which will be added to the regular payroll run (e.g., longevity, retro, Critical
The system has the ability to automatically calculate and pay out final
PR.138 pays and retro pays, with the ability to reference past salary tables Critical

The system has the ability to process multiple payroll runs for verification
PR.139 prior to posting, for each payroll run type. Critical

The system has the ability to process fiscal year end when date falls mid
PR.140 Critical
payroll period, with accrual to prior year/new year.
The system has the ability to process payroll accruals based on a user-
PR.141 Critical
defined effective date.
The system has the ability to project and report on end of year accruals
PR.142 Critical
(e.g., payroll).
The system has the ability to allocate costs per fiscal year and funding
PR.143 Critical
sources within defined fiscal periods.
The system has the ability to pay an employee at more than one rate
PR.144 Critical
based on job assignment (e.g., out-of-class pay).
The system has the ability to change an employee hour cycle within a
PR.145 Critical
pay period cycle.
The system has the ability to validate beginning balances against ending
PR.146 Critical
balances from last run, prior to payroll processing.
The system has the ability to produce accounting transactions as a result
PR.147 Critical
of all payroll activity.
The system has the ability to provide audit trail reporting of all data
PR.148 Critical
entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time, and location.
The system has the ability to generate the following pre-payroll proof reports:
PR.149 Hours Proof Report; Critical
PR.150 Accrual Exception Report; Critical
Accrual Audit Report;
PR.151 Critical

PR.152 Calculations Error Listing; Critical

Messages Report Prior to Payroll (e.g., changes to employee
PR.153 records, payroll records that need to be updated, uncollected Critical
amounts, and reaching accrual limits);
PR.154 Benefit Errors; Critical
PR.155 Time Setup Errors; Critical
PR.156 Contribution limits for 401k and 457 and 457 Roth plans; Critical
PR.157 HSA limits; Critical
PR.158 Negative/Zero checks; Critical
PR.159 Preliminary Payroll Register; and Critical
PR.160 Other user-defined reports; Critical
The system has the ability to generate the following post-payroll proof reports:

PR.161 Check and Advice Register; Critical

PR.162 Payroll Summary; Critical
PR.163 Quarterly Reports; Critical
PR.164 GL Reports; Critical
PR.165 Transmittal Reports Critical
PR.166 Retirement report Critical
PR.167 Add Pay Register; Critical
PR.168 Tax Register; Critical
PR.169 Deduction Register; Critical
Messages Report After Payroll (e.g., remaining changes to employee
PR.170 records, payroll records that need to be updated, uncollected Critical
amounts, and reaching accrual limits);
PR.171 Grand Totals Report; and Critical
PR.172 Other user-defined reports. Critical
Payment Calculations
The system has the ability to calculate salary employee effective date
PR.173 step increases, as a result of actions changes (e.g., promotions, Critical
demotions, acting appointments, and other actions).
The system has the ability to automatically adjust calculations for mid-
PR.174 Critical
pay period salary and employment actions.
The system has the ability for one employee to be paid by more than
PR.175 Critical
one position.
The system has the ability to calculate pay for multiple positions for one
employee that transfers during a pay period, including when an
PR.176 employee transfers from Police/Fire to General Government (which Critical
results in a change in earning codes).
The system has the ability to calculate the appropriate benefit
PR.177 deductions for an employee that transfers positions during a pay period. Critical

The system has the ability to calculate leave accruals on employees in

PR.178 more than one position, as a result of a transfer during a pay period. Critical

The system has the ability to automatically calculate gross pay from
PR.179 multiple user-defined components such as base pay, longevity, Critical
educational incentive pay, shift differential, etc.
The system has the ability to process negative pay amounts that reduce
PR.180 Critical
current net pay for both pay and deductions.
The system has the ability to re-calculate payroll for changed hours,
PR.181 Critical
rates, earnings codes, one-time overrides, etc.
The system has the ability to provide multiple formulas for complex
PR.182 earning and deduction codes (e.g., overtime weighted average, premium Critical
overtime calculations based on standby pay).
The system has the ability to calculate/verify overtime and shift differential
consistent with FLSA rules, including:
Overtime calculations for employees in more than one position that
PR.183 are in more than one position as a result of a mid-period transfer; Critical

PR.184 Overtime across multiple cost centers; Critical

PR.185 Overtime by FLSA period; Critical
PR.186 Overtime accrued while receiving out-of-class pay. Critical
Overtime calculations for industry standard fire department 28-day
PR.187 Desired
PR.188 Overtime calculations for other user-defined rules. Critical
The system has the ability to calculate overtime on hours worked when
PR.189 Critical
employee has worked hours in multiple programs.
PR.190 The system has the ability to compute shift and overtime premium. Critical
The system has the ability to provide for multiple methods of calculating
PR.191 overtime pay, such as time-and-a-half, double-time, and premium pay. Critical
These calculations are user-defined and maintained.
The system has the ability to process partial deductions (if an
PR.192 Critical
employee's pay is insufficient) and track arrears.
PR.193 The system has the ability to calculate deductions based on net pay. Critical
The system has the ability to update all employee and employer
PR.194 Critical
accumulations automatically.
The system has the ability for leave to accrue automatically based on
PR.195 Critical
defined business rules.
The system has the ability to track Trade Time leave (e.g., flex time
PR.196 Critical
within/during the week).
The system has the ability for employees to use accrued vacation and
PR.197 sick leave (employees cannot use leave time accrued in the current Critical
payroll period).
The system has the ability for employees to use comp time leave
PR.198 (employees can use leave time accrued in the current payroll period). Critical

The system has the ability to calculate accrual balances based on user-
PR.199 Critical
defined rules/priority.
The system has the ability to run initial payroll for review prior to the final pay
run, including the following metrics/reporting:
PR.200 Adjustments; Critical
PR.201 Recalculation; Critical
PR.202 Exceptions; Critical
PR.203 Hours by type; Critical
PR.204 Earnings by type; Critical
PR.205 Employee tax liabilities; Critical
PR.206 Employee deduction amount; Critical
PR.207 Employer contribution amount; Critical
PR.208 Deductions not taken and set-up in arrears; Critical
PR.209 Employer portion of all taxes; Critical
PR.210 Any user specified chart of account field or combination of fields; Critical
Totals by employee, project, cost center, division, department, total
PR.211 Critical
PR.212 Other, user-defined. Critical
Pay Distribution and Direct Deposit
The system has the ability to print checks from system without use of
PR.213 Critical
additional software.
The system has the ability to print employee payment checks including
PR.214 Critical
bank MICR line and address bar codes.
The system has the ability to print a check on a blank sheet so that print
PR.215 Critical
includes watermarks, security features, and signatures.
The system has the ability to sort and print checks by user-defined
PR.216 Critical
The system has the ability to check for minimum check amounts to avoid
PR.217 Critical
zero payments.
The system has the ability to reissue a new check number while
PR.218 Critical
maintaining details of the old check number.
The system has the ability to provide a Pay Check Stub that displays the
following information:
User-defined Employee Profile (e.g., job title, annual salary,
PR.219 Critical
Current Pay (pay code/description, rate - both hourly and FLSA rate,
PR.220 Critical
PR.221 Gross wages; Critical
PR.222 Deferred compensation; Critical
PR.223 Direct-deposit accounts (minimum of 10); Critical
PR.224 Group insurance; Critical
PR.225 Medicare; Critical
PR.226 Additional Medicare; Critical
PR.227 FICA; Critical
PR.228 Federal tax; Critical
PR.229 Net pay; Critical
PR.230 Other deductions and amounts; Critical
PR.231 Other leave hours balances (multiple categories); Critical
PR.232 Leave hours beginning and end balance; Critical
PR.233 Leave taken (e.g., vacation, sick, comp); Critical
PR.234 Adjusted leave; Critical
PR.235 Accrued leave; Critical
PR.236 Taxable/non-taxable earnings; Critical
PR.237 Taxable/non-taxable, before tax/after tax deductions; Critical
PR.238 Total deductions; Critical
PR.239 Workers’ comp (injury leave); Critical
PR.240 YTD Pay; Critical
PR.241 YTD Taxes; Critical
User-defined paycheck message field by employee
PR.242 Critical
group/department/other user-defined;
The system has the ability to identify whether any of the items in the list
PR.243 Critical
above are employee paid or employer paid.
The system has the ability to allow for standardized or user-defined
PR.244 Critical
sorting of deductions and benefits.
The system has the ability to include/print Oregon-specific statutes (and
PR.245 Critical
changes to the statutes) on paychecks and advices.
The system has the ability to print unlimited pay codes on the paper
PR.246 Critical
check stub or advice.
The system has the ability to print leave accrual rate, leave taken in
PR.247 hours or days, and leave remaining on paychecks and advices for all Critical
leave categories.
The system has the ability to reverse a direct deposit entry in the event
PR.248 Critical
of an error, within the federally allowed time period.
The system has the ability to generate and track stop payments and
PR.249 Critical
reversal requests.
The system has the ability to provide the capability for automated check
PR.250 Critical
and direct deposit reconciliation.
The system has the ability to print or present user-defined information on
PR.251 employee pay stubs, including free form text messages. Critical

The system has the ability to comply with industry standards of service
PR.252 Critical
The system has the ability to define at least ten (10) direct deposit
PR.253 Critical
accounts for each employee.
The system has the ability to calculate a "net pay" deduction for direct
PR.254 Critical
The system has the ability to allow an employee to elect whether a
percentage or fixed dollar amount is direct deposited into one or more
PR.255 accounts (e.g., deposit $1,000 into a checking account and the balance Critical
into a savings account, or, deposit 50% into checking and 50% into
The system has the ability to generate prenote memos and email them
PR.256 Desired
to certain staff as a source of notification.
The system has the ability to set a defined amount for direct deposit and
PR.257 the option to have the remaining amount printed to a physical check. Critical

The system has the ability to turn off direct deposit for certain employee
PR.258 payroll checks where the employee usually has direct deposit. Critical

The system has the ability to allow for individual County users to
define/elect which direct deposits any special pay (e.g., one-time or off-
PR.259 cycle incentive or other pay) will be deposited into. This may deviate Critical
from the standard direct deposit elections the employee has in place for
regular pay.
PR.260 The system has the ability to track changes made to direct deposits. Critical
The system has the ability to create multiple direct deposit files (e.g.,
PR.261 Critical
ACH and prepaid debit card).
The system has the ability to present/view paystubs via the employee
PR.262 Critical
self-service portal.
The system has the ability to interface with the AP module to support the
PR.263 Critical
processing of payroll liabilities.
The system has the ability to report by pay period for personnel expense
PR.264 Critical
(e.g., 1 of the 26).

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Human Resources, Personnel Management, and Employee Relations
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide an employee central/master file
HRE.1 that is the single source of employee records in which all other system Critical
modules interact with.
The system integrates with the Payroll and Financial modules, including
HRE.2 (but not limited to) the following: Payroll, General Ledger, Project Critical
Accounting, Grant Management, Time Entry and Budget.
The system has the ability to provide audit trail reporting of all data
HRE.3 Critical
entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time and workstation.
The system has the ability to establish workflow rules by department or
HRE.4 Critical
employee group.
The system has the ability to provide workflow functionality to support Human
Resources Management processes, including (but not limited to) the following:

HRE.5 Personnel Actions; Critical

HRE.6 New Hire On-Boarding; Critical
HRE.7 Promotions or Job Changes; Critical
HRE.8 Employee Termination Activities; Critical
HRE.9 Employee Leave Requests; Critical
HRE.10 Discipline; Critical
HRE.11 Employee Complaints; Desired
HRE.12 Grievances; and Desired
HRE.13 Performance Management. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain an Activity Log to record conversations
and correspondence with employees and maintains, at a minimum, the
following information:
HRE.14 Contact person; Desired
HRE.15 Date and time of contact; Desired
HRE.16 Means of contact (e.g., phone, email, etc.); Desired
HRE.17 Nature of the contact; and Desired
HRE.18 Information collected as a result of contact. Desired
The system has the ability to track reasonable accommodations,
HRE.19 Critical
accommodation requests, and interaction under the ADA.
The system has the ability to create user modified letter templates to
HRE.20 Critical
support the interactive process under the ADA.
The system has the ability to classify and filter correspondence Activity
HRE.21 Log entries by type of activity (as defined by user, e.g., PA, grievance, Critical
discipline, benefits, etc.).
HRE.22 The system has the ability to limit user access to Activity Log data. Critical
The system has the ability to generate a customizable
HRE.23 Critical
announcement/notification to all system users.
The system has the ability to issue mass communications to all
HRE.24 Critical
employees via e-mail and/or text.
The system has the ability to create custom reports using an internal
HRE.25 Critical
Report Writer.
The system has the ability to generate "canned" reports that users may
HRE.26 Critical
run with limited options of input values.
The system has the ability to provide point-in-time (any user-specific
HRE.27 Critical
date or date range) for various reporting.
The system has the ability to provide historical reporting (e.g., job
HRE.28 Critical
history, etc.).
The system has the ability to schedule reports at a user-defined
HRE.29 Critical
date/time and frequency.

The system has the ability to provide a management level dashboard

HRE.30 that allows users to perform analysis and view metrics at the employee, Critical
division, department, program, and organizational level.

The system has the ability to generate all Human Resources and Risk
Management reporting necessary and required to meet external
mandates (including County/Local, State, Federal). These should include
HRE.31 the generation of all reports and forms that comply with EEOC, OSHA, Critical
Department of Labor, Military Status, and FLSA standards and

The system has the ability to generate all benefits reporting necessary
and required to meet external mandates (including County/Local, State,
HRE.32 Federal). These should include the generation of all reports and forms Critical
that comply with FMLA, IRS, and ACA standards and regulations.

The system has the ability to export data from reports into standard
HRE.33 applications (including MS Excel and Tableau) for spreadsheet Critical
comparison, graphing, etc.

HRE.34 The system has the ability to generate new hire reporting. Critical

The system has the ability to provide online view and reporting of
employee's total compensation package including but not limited to:
HRE.35 benefits, employee and employer contributions, base pay, add pay, Critical
accruals, FLSA status, and overtime.
The system has the ability to alert when the funding of a grant will end
HRE.36 Critical
that is currently funding a position.
The system has the ability to track and report current and historical
HRE.37 benefit costs including (but not limited to): employer cost; employee cost; Critical
and total premiums/contributions.
The system has the ability to report compensation trends and costs.
HRE.38 Critical
HRE.39 The system has the ability to report on vacancy requirements. Critical
The system has the ability to update in real time workflow rules based on
HRE.40 Critical
changes to employee status.
Employee Central/Master File Data
The system has the ability to set up an employee master file for each
HRE.41 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain all employee file change history.
HRE.42 Critical

The system has the ability to maintain employee master file for the following
types of employees:
HRE.43 Regular full-time; Critical
HRE.44 Regular part-time; Critical
HRE.45 Extra Help; Critical
HRE.46 Temp full-time employees; Critical
HRE.47 Temp part-time employees; Critical
HRE.48 Regular and full-time contractors; Critical
HRE.49 Contract employees; Critical
HRE.50 Elected officials; Critical
HRE.51 Statutory employees; Critical
HRE.52 Seasonal employees; Critical
HRE.53 On-call employees; Critical
HRE.54 Extra Help; Critical
HRE.55 Retirees; Critical
HRE.56 Paid interns; Critical
HRE.57 Unpaid interns; Critical
HRE.58 Volunteers; and Critical
HRE.59 other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain a unique employee number for
HRE.60 each person regardless of their employment status within the system Critical
(e.g., termination, reinstatement, retirement).
The system has the ability to maintain and track at a minimum the following
employee data, with effective dating, for each employee:
HRE.61 Employee Number; Critical
HRE.62 Last Name; Critical
HRE.63 First Name; Critical
HRE.64 Middle Name; Critical
HRE.65 Name Suffix; Critical
HRE.66 Preferred Name; Critical
HRE.67 Maiden/Former Name/Aliases/Nicknames; Critical
HRE.68 Gender; Critical
HRE.69 Race/Ethnicity; Critical
HRE.70 Gender identity; Critical
HRE.71 Preferred pronoun(s); Critical
HRE.72 Social Security number; Critical
HRE.73 Date of Birth; Critical
HRE.74 Marital Status; Critical
HRE.75 If married, identify if spouse works for the County; Critical
HRE.76 Relationship with other County employees; Critical
HRE.77 If relationship, employee name and position; Critical
Background check results (State, Federal), with access limited by
HRE.78 Critical
security roles;
HRE.79 Department assigned number (e.g., DPSST number) Critical
HRE.80 Badge Number (e.g., officer badge); Critical
HRE.81 Multiple Telephone Numbers; Critical
HRE.82 Mobile Phone; Critical
HRE.83 Work Phone; Critical
HRE.84 Multiple Addresses (including mailing address); Critical
HRE.85 Multiple E-Mail Addresses; Critical
HRE.86 Seniority Date for County (years of service); Critical
HRE.87 Seniority Date for Collective Bargaining Units; Critical
HRE.88 Multiple Employee Event Dates (e.g., hire, full-time, etc.) Critical
HRE.89 Citizenship; Critical
HRE.90 Military Status and Branch; Critical
HRE.91 Veteran Status (user-defined list of values); Critical
HRE.92 Retired (Y/N); Critical
HRE.93 W-4 and Indicators; Critical
HRE.94 Medical certification expiration date; Critical
HRE.95 Drivers License Class (multiple user-defined); Critical
HRE.96 Drivers License Expiration Date; Critical
HRE.97 Drivers License Issue Date; Critical
HRE.98 Drivers License Number; Critical
HRE.99 Drivers License Restrictions; Critical
HRE.100 Drivers License State; Critical
HRE.101 Drivers License Endorsements; Critical
HRE.102 Multiple Emergency Contacts; Critical
Equipment issued to employees (e.g., phone, laptop, keys) and asset
HRE.103 Critical
tag numbers where applicable;
HRE.104 Certifications and Licenses; Critical
HRE.105 Immigration Status (I9); Critical
HRE.106 Work status expiration date (e.g., I9); Critical
HRE.107 Associated salary and benefit GL accounts; and Critical
Notification to track upcoming expirations of Work status expiration date
HRE.108 Critical
(e.g., I9);
The system has the ability to preclude employees from user-defined
actions/processes based on employee status (e.g., employee on FMLA
HRE.109 will not accrue leave, an employee with an expired CDL license would Critical
not receive incentive pay etc.).
The system has the ability to allow an unlimited number of employee file
HRE.110 Critical
user-defined fields.
The system has the ability to allow certain positions or individual
employees to view and edit only certain information, and to similarly
HRE.111 allow managers to access and view only certain employees' (e.g., direct Critical
reports) information.
The system has the ability to provide online inquiry to user-defined
HRE.112 portions of the personnel master file by employee number, by employee Critical
name, or user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to approve temporary access to an employee
HRE.113 file or other records by department (e.g., if a department needs to hire Critical
from another department and needs access to performance reviews).
The system has the ability to flag certain sections of employee personnel
HRE.114 Critical
files as confidential based on user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to flag certain employees personnel files as
confidential based upon unit/division/department/program (e.g.,
HRE.115 undercover employees in law enforcement, or relatives of law Critical
enforcement officers).
The system has the ability to scan and store employee images (photos).
HRE.116 Critical
The system has the ability to archive and easily retrieve on-line
employee records based on County retention requirements after
HRE.117 retirement/termination, with various time periods based upon the records Critical
(e.g., audit records, asset records, etc.).

The system has the ability to provide automated record purge

HRE.118 functionality, based on County-defined criteria and record retention Critical
HRE.119 The system has the ability to specifically mark records to prevent Critical
deletion based on standard record retention policies.
The system has the ability to define multiple working titles for a position
HRE.120 with effective dating (where changes require workflow approvals). Critical

The system has the ability to notify a supervisor/manager when a new

HRE.121 Critical
employee file is created.
Job Classification Tables
The system has the ability to track the following job classification information:
HRE.122 Pay grade and step plan; Critical
HRE.123 Pay schedule; Critical
HRE.124 Position Type (classified, unclassified, reduced hours); Critical
HRE.125 Job Classification Code; Critical
HRE.126 Job Classification Title; Critical
Subject to shift work (e.g., shift differential or classification of
HRE.127 Critical
HRE.128 Date established or approved; Critical
HRE.129 EEO Function; Critical
HRE.130 EEO Category; Critical
HRE.131 Management level; Critical
HRE.132 Workers Compensation code; Critical
HRE.133 Hazardous pay code; Critical
Employee category (e.g., overtime, comp time, straight time, or
HRE.134 Critical
either, etc.);
HRE.135 FLSA Status; and Critical
Multiple safety sensitive position flags, per position (County drug
HRE.136 testing eligibility and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory Critical
HRE.137 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to store job descriptions, with controls in place
HRE.138 Critical
to limit edits, and to maintain historical job descriptions.
The system has the ability to integrate or link job descriptions with HR
HRE.139 system modules/functional areas (e.g. Performance Management, Critical
Compensation Management, ESS).
The system has the ability to maintain minimum qualifications for each
HRE.140 Critical
The system has the ability to turn off wage progression and turn it back
HRE.141 Critical
The system has the ability to forecast suggested wage progression
HRE.142 Critical
Personnel Actions
The system has the ability to support decentralized Personnel Actions
HRE.143 (P.A.s), whereby end-users initiate P.A.s within the system (including at Critical
the department level and from within HR).
The system has the ability to provide an electronic Personnel Action form that
includes the following features:
Dynamic form that guides the user through required fields and
HRE.144 screens (e.g., the type of PA selected determines the information Critical
user must provide on the form);

HRE.145 Dynamic help functionality to guide end-users through PA process Critical

(e.g., the type of PA determines the help information provided);
Integrated data (e.g., employee data populates when employee ID
HRE.146 Critical
HRE.147 Required fields; Critical
HRE.148 Multi-directional workflow processing/approvals; Critical
HRE.149 Electronic signature; Critical
Configurable workflow approvals (e.g., department director approval
HRE.150 Critical
may be required in some departments but not others);
HRE.151 Printable form - blank PA; Critical
HRE.152 Printable form - completed PA; Critical
HRE.153 Accommodates attachments; Critical
HRE.154 PA description field containing at least 255 characters. Critical
The system has the ability to print a PA on more than one page, and not
HRE.155 Critical
truncate fields or comments.
HRE.156 The system has the ability to copy an existing PA. Critical
The system has the ability to pre-populate a personnel action (or a pre-
HRE.157 defined PA template) with data or attributes from an employee's master Critical
HR file (e.g., job title, hire date, etc.) for the employee selected on the
personnel action.
The system has the ability to set up and establish rules, workflows, and track
changes for the following Personnel Actions:
HRE.158 New Hire; Critical
HRE.159 Transfer; Critical
HRE.160 Promotion; Critical
HRE.161 Rehire; Critical
HRE.162 Reclassification; Critical
HRE.163 Name changes; Critical
HRE.164 Retirement; Critical
HRE.165 Disability retirement; Critical
HRE.166 Separation (voluntary); Critical
HRE.167 Dismissal (involuntary); Critical
HRE.168 Indefinite suspension; Critical
HRE.169 Reduction in Workforce (RIF); Critical
HRE.170 Multiple probationary periods (introductory period and others); Critical
HRE.171 Transition on/off Modified Duty; Critical
HRE.172 Demotion; Critical
HRE.173 Discipline; Critical
HRE.174 Multiple Longevity Types (e.g., duration of time in current position); Critical
Compensation changes to base salary (with a user-defined list of
HRE.175 comp increases/decreases types - e.g., across the board, equity Critical
adjustments, merit increases, comp decrease, step increases);
Add pays not included in base (e.g., uniform allowances, bilingual
HRE.176 Critical
pay, assignment pay);
HRE.177 Inactivation of position; Critical
HRE.178 Reactivation of position; Critical
HRE.179 Multiple types of service years; Critical
HRE.180 Various other one-time payments (per user-defined list); Critical
HRE.181 Non-cash compensation (e.g., accrual); Critical
HRE.182 Standard hours change (e.g., 30-hr to 40-hr, 52-hr to 40-hr); Critical
Leaves (per user-defined list - e.g., FMLA, military, LWOP,
HRE.183 Critical
administrative leave); and
HRE.184 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to prevent additional changes to an employee
HRE.185 Critical
record if a personnel action is in workflow.
The system has the ability to make personnel actions effective in the
HRE.186 Critical
middle of a pay period (per user-defined business rules)
The system has the ability to prompt a user to complete a personnel
HRE.187 Critical
action when a position is vacated.
The system has the ability to establish and track expiration dates and
HRE.188 Critical
notifications related to job status.
The system has the ability to display all personnel actions within a
HRE.189 Critical
department to an approver.
The system has the ability to send an alert to a user when a temporary
HRE.190 Critical
employee is near the end of his/her contract.
The system has the ability to hold personnel actions submitted after a
HRE.191 specific date and time from taking effect until after the current payroll run Critical
is conducted.
The system has the ability to maintain an audit log of all personnel-
HRE.192 Critical
related transactions and activity.
The system has the ability to maintain a record of all personnel-related
HRE.193 transactions and activity, and provides the ability to view and/or print any Critical
electronic approval or action that has been taken.
The system has the ability to track position history for each employee.
HRE.194 Critical
The system has the ability to display employee history across positions
HRE.195 Critical
(current and past).
The system has the ability to transfer an employee to a different
HRE.196 department/division/program or payroll group without re-entering the Critical
entire employee file.
The system has the ability to default specified Job Code data (e.g., pay
grade, schedule, probation period, leave types, pay types, civil service
HRE.197 classification) to new position and employee record, with ability for Critical
default values to be overridden by the user.
The system has the ability to automatically update an employee's
HRE.198 Critical
accruals when a job change results in accrual plan changes.
The system has the ability to process personnel transactions for multiple
HRE.199 Critical
organizational units (mass changes).
The system has the ability to allow users to configure assignment of
HRE.200 employee IDs when entering more than one new hire (resulting in the ID Critical
showing seniority/order of hire).
The system has the ability to accept retroactive changes to any element
of a personnel record, ensuring all forward-calculations are made
HRE.201 appropriately (including retroactive calculations of pay - including the Critical
appropriate pay rate/table, leave accrual, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide a date-based personnel system
that allows "personnel/employee actions" to be automatically triggered
HRE.202 based upon effective dates (e.g., anniversary step-increase). Critical

The system has the ability to provide a notification to manager(s) or

HRE.203 (other designated role/end-user) in advance of change (e.g., step Critical
increase, end of assignment pay, probationary period, temporary light-
duty end-date, incentive pay).
The system has the ability to establish personnel action workflow rules
HRE.204 Critical
by department or employee group.
The system has the ability to establish personnel action workflow rules
HRE.205 Critical
by personnel action reason/type.
The system has the ability to provide workflow for approval processes at
HRE.206 multiple approval levels with date/time/ID stamp for electronic signature. Critical

The system has the ability to provide all personnel transaction

HRE.207 processing (new hire, term, etc.) across multiple functional areas so that Critical
a single process includes employment, payroll, benefits, etc.
The system has the ability to automate personnel record, compensation,
and benefits information updates to be automatically applied within the
HRE.208 appropriate file records based on successful completion an approval of Critical
related workflow processes.
The system has the ability to provide checklists for employee hire and
HRE.209 termination process to ensure all steps are completed (checklist should Critical
include policy and agreement documents).
The system has the ability to automatically initiate onboarding
notifications and/or workflow processes for new hires with specific
HRE.210 considerations/elements depending on the position (e.g., executive table Critical
would not require a shovel).
The system has the ability to automatically initiate termination
notifications and/or workflow processes for separated employees (e.g.,,
HRE.211 County system access, physical access, equipment collection, final Critical
The system has the ability to support user-defined
HRE.212 Critical
onboarding/termination checklists.
The system has the ability to manually assign or automatically generate
HRE.213 Critical
an employee number.
The system has the ability to provide a report of pending personnel
HRE.214 Critical
Employee Relations
The system has the ability to record and track various employee-related
HRE.215 issues (e.g., disciplinary actions, counseling, grievances) in an Activity Critical
Log that is maintained by the HR department.
The system has the ability to record and track disciplinary actions (and
maintain history) including information on incidents causing the action,
HRE.216 steps taken in resolution, and the personnel involved (captured by Critical
The system has the ability to capture user-entered narrative for each
HRE.217 Critical
step of the disciplinary process.
The system has the ability to tie employee relations cases to the
HRE.218 Critical
employee master file.
The system has the ability to allow supervisors to keep a journal of
HRE.219 employee discipline and accomplishments throughout the year that Critical
would then be accessible when completing the performance review.
The system has the ability to allow a supervisor to view prior discipline
HRE.220 Critical
The system has the ability to track when the County was notified of a
HRE.221 Critical
disciplinary action.
The system has the ability to permit County staff to assign various levels
of access for a supervisor to view current/prior discipline action/status
HRE.222 (e.g., see some but not all discipline steps/actions, or only certain types). Critical

The system has the ability to restrict the ability for a former/previous
HRE.223 supervisor to view employee discipline action, upon transfer/other move Critical
to a new supervisor.
The system has the ability to capture a variety of disciplinary actions and
levels of disciplinary sanctions, with appropriate workflow approvals
HRE.224 (e.g., various CBAs, non-represented employees, etc.). Critical

The system has the ability to capture disciplinary case data including the
following fields:
Multiple incident/category types (per user-defined list, with ability to
HRE.225 Critical
select more than one for a single entry)
HRE.226 Incident date/s; Critical
HRE.227 Incident number; Critical
HRE.228 Date action taken; Critical
HRE.229 Date County notified; Critical
HRE.230 Date Employee notified; Critical
HRE.231 Department; Critical
HRE.232 Supervisor; Critical
HRE.233 Related employees; Critical
HRE.234 Open comment field; Critical
HRE.235 Ability to attach documents; Critical
HRE.236 Action taken; Critical
HRE.237 Close date; Critical
HRE.238 Follow-up steps (e.g., six month/annual follow-up with employee); Critical
HRE.239 Multiple Appeal steps with the associated date/s; Critical
HRE.240 Multiple Appeal decisions with associated date/s; Critical
Incident determination per appeal step (e.g.,, substantiated,
HRE.241 Critical
unsubstantiated, undetermined);
HRE.242 Discipline determination; Critical
HRE.243 Current status (active, inactive, on leave, etc.); Critical
HRE.244 HR contact; Critical
HRE.245 Disciplinary action purge flag; Critical
HRE.246 Disciplinary action purge date; and Critical
HRE.247 Other user-defined fields. Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate user-defined discipline
HRE.248 steps/levels. Critical

HRE.249 The system has the ability to query incidents based on all fields. Critical
The system has the ability to generate alerts about incident patterns
HRE.250 based on user-defined logic/criteria (e.g., by issue, by employee, by Critical
The system has the ability to purge files of disciplinary actions after a
HRE.251 Critical
user-defined period.
The system has the ability to archive files of disciplinary actions after a
HRE.252 Critical
user-defined period.
The system has the ability to maintain historical disciplinary action detail,
including (but not limited to): employee, date, type of incident, follow-up
HRE.253 action, with an option to disaffiliate the employee from the action. Critical

The system has the ability to calculate deadlines for the discipline
HRE.254 Critical
process based on County-defined thresholds.
The system has the ability to classify disciplinary records as formal and
HRE.255 Critical
informal, with the ability to report on only one of these types.
The system has the ability to allow employees to complete online entry
HRE.256 of a grievance, with the ability to select the personnel policy being Desired
grieved from a list.
The system has the ability to produce an error message if the grievance
HRE.257 date entered falls outside the statute of limitations, with the ability to turn Critical
this feature on or off.
The system has the ability to record and track a multi-step grievance process,
including the following information through multiple iterations:

HRE.258 Grievance number; Critical

HRE.259 Date grievance occurred; Critical
HRE.260 Date grievance filed; Critical
HRE.261 Step 1 (2, 3, etc.) Scheduled Date for each step; Critical
Step 1 (2, 3, etc.) Decision Issued at each step (e.g., denied, upheld,
HRE.262 Critical
reduced, settled, reversed);
HRE.263 Date grievance closed; Critical
HRE.264 Date declared inactive; Critical
HRE.265 Hearing officer/Department Head (at each step); Critical
HRE.266 Mediator (at each step); Critical
HRE.267 Grievance committee members (at each step); Critical
HRE.268 Supervisor (at each step); Critical
HRE.269 Department head (at each step); Critical
HRE.270 County Manager (at each step); Critical
HRE.271 Prevailing party; Critical
HRE.272 Outcome; Critical
HRE.273 Cost of mediation; Critical
HRE.274 Cost of arbitration; Critical
HRE.275 Date of mediation; Critical
HRE.276 Date of arbitration; Critical
HRE.277 Any other associated costs; Critical
HRE.278 Total cost; Critical
HRE.279 Unlimited notes and/or text entry; Critical
HRE.280 Related case number; Critical
HRE.281 Ability to attach documents; and Critical
HRE.282 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track all activities associated with the
HRE.283 Critical
management of the grievance.
The system has the ability to archive and/or purge files of grievances
HRE.284 Critical
after a user-defined period.

The system has the ability to provide dashboard displays for certain data
HRE.285 to report such things as number of accidents, employees on leave, or Critical
other information that user departments may want to regularly view.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

ployee Relations
Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res

N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A

Benefits Administration
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
The system has the ability to provide a Benefits module that is integrated
with all other system modules such as the General Ledger, Budget,
BEN.1 Project Accounting, Grant Management, Payroll, Time Entry and Human Critical

The system has the ability to provide proper levels of data encryption for
BEN.2 defined data fields that are considered private to the employee and/or Critical
subject to HIPAA.
The system has the ability to provide audit trail reporting of all data
BEN.3 Critical
entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time and workstation.
The system has the ability to create multiple benefits plans, by County-
BEN.4 Critical
defined designations (e.g., civil service classification).
The system has the ability to configure benefits eligibility according to
BEN.5 Critical
civil service classification.
The system has the ability to configure leave accruals according to civil
BEN.6 Critical
service classification.
The system has the ability to configure benefits eligibility according to
BEN.7 Critical
employee type.
The system has the ability to configure leave accruals according to
BEN.8 Critical
employee type.
The system has the ability to provide for a Benefits-specific new
BEN.9 employee orientation checklist that can be customized by and for each Critical
department, job class, and status (temporary or permanent).
The system has the ability to capture and track information regarding
BEN.10 HIPAA notices and certificates of credible coverage of Medicare Part A Critical
through D.
BEN.11 The system has the ability to establish multiple eligibility rules. Critical
BEN.12 The system has the ability to restrict enrollment in a specific plan. Critical
BEN.13 The system has the ability to establish benefit eligibility based on Critical
BEN.14 The system has the ability to calculate imputed income. Critical
The system has the ability to calculate premium amounts based on user-
BEN.15 Critical
defined tables.
The system has the ability to maintain coverage and deduction detail by
BEN.16 Critical
The system has the ability to start and stop any deductions at any given
BEN.17 Critical
time (including a future date).
The system has the ability to suspend benefits and reinstate based upon
BEN.18 Critical
user-defined criteria (e.g., military leave).
BEN.19 The system has the ability to restrict certain benefits-related entry based Critical
system has characteristics (e.g., deductions
the ability to capture of Health,
and maintain part-time
Dental, and
BEN.20 employees). Critical
other insurance ID numbers.
The system has the ability to identify type of coverage (e.g., single, 2-
BEN.21 Critical
person, family).
The system has the ability to track benefits eligibility and attach / scan in
BEN.22 Critical
associated documentation.
The system has the ability to notify employees of benefit eligibility dates.
BEN.23 Critical
The system has the ability to allow user to override employee benefits
BEN.24 Critical
and leave eligibility dates.
The system has the ability to provide a weighted average cost for
BEN.25 benefits (average cost) report. Critical

The system has the ability to track the following:

BEN.26 Coverage effective dates; Critical
BEN.27 Coverage history; Critical
BEN.28 Coverage at a point in time (e.g., three months for a specific year); Critical
BEN.29 Name change history; Critical
BEN.30 Dependent information; Critical
BEN.31 Beneficiary information; Critical
BEN.32 Years of service. Critical
BEN.33 Cumulative years of service. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain premium and deduction amounts for
BEN.34benefit plansInsurance;
Health including but not limited to: Critical
BEN.35 Dental Insurance; Critical
BEN.36 Vision Insurance; Critical
BEN.37 Life Insurance; Critical
Flexible spending accounts for medical and child care reimbursement
BEN.38 Critical
BEN.39 Health Savings Accounts (H.S.A.s); Critical
BEN.40 Non-County benefit providers Critical
BEN.41 Long term disability; Critical
BEN.42 Short term disability; Critical
BEN.43 Supplemental Benefit Plan; Critical
BEN.44 457 Plans; and Critical
BEN.45 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to produce and/or email a benefits
confirmation (for current comparison to next year), including plan,
BEN.46 coverage, dependent coverage, employee ID number, SSN, and Critical
detailed changes from prior year elections.
The system has the ability to indicate a date stamp via workflow to HR
BEN.47 Critical
for final approval on requested changes.
The system has the ability to have two years open for benefits
BEN.48 Critical
enrollments and closeouts for administrative functions.
The system has the ability to establish the appropriate tax ramifications
BEN.49 Critical
for the deferred compensation amounts.
BEN.50 The system has the ability to manually adjust benefit withholdings. Critical
The system has the ability to support pre and post tax payroll deductions
BEN.51 Critical
and benefits.
The system has the ability to automatically produce payroll deductions
BEN.52 Critical
based on benefit plan enrollments.
The system has the ability to recalculate life insurance amounts and
costs to be recalculated for all employees at any time during the year
BEN.53 based on changed age, salary, coverage, and/or plan cost parameters. Critical

The system has the ability to automatically calculate long/short term

BEN.54 Critical
disability premiums and deductions based on salary amounts.
The system has the ability to maintain benefit coverage for employees
BEN.55 Critical
on leave who elect to pay for his or her own coverage.
The system has the ability to integrate with the County's accounts
payable and accounts receivable systems for the purpose of billing for
BEN.56 benefits (including employees on long-term leave or retirees), leave Critical
related expenses, and COBRA related expenses
BEN.57 The system has the ability to collect benefits in arrears. Critical
The system has the ability to efficiently process exit benefit payments.
BEN.58 Critical
The system has the ability to support multiple types of donated leave
BEN.59 Critical
The system has the ability to track full-time equivalent (FTE) employee
BEN.60 information for compliance with Affordable Care Act regulations. Critical

The system has the ability to apply a subsidy or incentive to premiums.

BEN.61 Critical
The system has the ability to generate Annual Enrollment Retiree
BEN.62 notification letters and send them to retirees based on benefit enrollment Critical
The system has the ability to report benefit trends and costs for
BEN.63 Critical
employees and retirees.
The system has the ability to produce reports reflecting eligible
BEN.64 Critical
employees and retirees not enrolled in benefit plans.
The system has the ability to produce a warning/error report of
BEN.65 employees with no benefit deductions due to low or no paycheck prior to Critical
running payroll.
The system has the ability to provide all employees and retirees with
BEN.66 Critical
annual benefit confirmation statements.
The system has the ability to create Form 1094 that can be electronically
BEN.67 Critical
transmitted to IRS.
The system has the ability to create and automatically fill Form 1095-C
BEN.68 for distribution to employees, and can be electronically transmitted to Critical
The system has the ability to provide a report showing changes in
BEN.69 Critical
benefit elections, by employee, benefit, and / or plan year.
Eligibility and Enrollment
The system has the ability to maintain benefit eligibility data including:
BEN.70 Length of service; Critical
BEN.71 Age; Critical
BEN.72 Marital status; Critical
Dependent information for multiple dependents (including name,
BEN.73 Critical
SSN, address, other contact information);
Spouse and Dependent Information - with the ability for contact
BEN.74 Critical
information to be different for each party;
Spouse and Dependent Information - Dependent/Beneficiary
BEN.75 Critical
Indicator (Dependent, Beneficiary, Both, etc.);
Employee status (active, retired, leave of absence, suspension,
BEN.76 termination, FMLA, Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) military leave, Critical
Terminate benefits and associated deductions and reinstate upon
BEN.77 Critical
Terminate benefits and associated deductions at the end of the
BEN.78 Critical
employee's last working month.
Hours worked by various search criteria (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, pay
BEN.79 Critical
period, annually); and
BEN.80 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track rolling military leave based on a one
BEN.81 year fiscal year for the Uniformed Services Employment and Critical
Reemployment Act (USERRA).

BEN.82 Critical
The system has the ability to track multiple types of user-defined leave.
BEN.83 The system has the ability to prompt (although not required) for a SSN Critical
when adding benefit(s) for dependent(s).
The system has the ability to provide tracking for death of employees,
BEN.84 Critical
retirees, or dependents.
The system has the ability to allow mass updates of employee plan
BEN.85 Critical
The system has the ability to allow online update of benefits on an
BEN.86 individual employee basis, with the ability to provide notification of Critical
approval/finalization of workflow.
The system has the ability to generate summary statements by
BEN.87 Critical
employee and employer contributions.
The system has the ability to validate that the employee is eligible for the
BEN.88 Critical
plan selected.
The system has the ability to determine coverage and deduction
BEN.89 amounts for the employee using parameters stored in the benefit plan Critical
structure tables.
The system has the ability to create a computer-generated application
BEN.90 Critical
packet for distribution (e.g., PDF).
The system has the ability to produce letters, emails, and other
BEN.91 Critical
notifications to employees announcing open enrollment.
The system has the ability to produce confirmation letters indicating the
BEN.92 Critical
employee's current participation levels in all benefit plans.
The system has the ability to provide employee self-service for benefit
BEN.93 plan open enrollment, new hire benefits enrollment, and other benefits Critical
The system has the ability to interface with the employee self-service
module for benefit plan open enrollment, new hire benefits enrollment,
BEN.94 other benefit changes, and to allow employees to see previous years Critical
benefit election data.
The system has the ability to retroactively enroll employees in plans, and
BEN.95 automatically impact payroll to compute the proper pay adjustments and Critical
The system has the ability to retroactively enroll dependents in plans,
BEN.96 and automatically impact payroll to compute the proper pay adjustments Critical
and deductions.
The system has the ability to enter new enrollment data for a future date
BEN.97 without changing the current elections until the date of the new Critical
enrollment period begins.
BEN.98 The system has the ability to identify court-ordered dependents. Critical
The system has the ability to restrict the removal of court-ordered
BEN.99 Critical
dependent from an employee's benefits master (add/delete lock).
The system has the ability to attach documentation to court-ordered
BEN.100 Critical
dependent record.
The system has the ability to compile, process, and electronically
BEN.101 transfer enrollment information to vendors according to 834 Carrier Critical
Guidelines HIPAA Compliance.
The system has the ability to provide turn-over reporting, based on user-
BEN.102 Critical
defined reasoning (e.g., voluntary, by position, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide a variety of ad hoc query and
BEN.103 reporting capabilities when determining eligibility status or individuals Critical
with qualifying coverage, and when researching disputes.
The system has the ability to provide a report on employee dependents
BEN.104 Critical
who age-out of benefits.
COBRA Administration
The system has the ability to track COBRA eligibility based upon
BEN.105 Critical
County-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to track and maintain COBRA benefits, including:

BEN.106 Expiration dates; Critical

BEN.107 Employee cost; Critical
BEN.108 Elected coverage; Critical
BEN.109 Payment history; Critical
BEN.110 Notification and response dates; Critical
BEN.111 Qualifying event; Critical
BEN.112 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track relevant COBRA information by
BEN.113 Critical
The system has the ability to maintain the date an employee goes on
BEN.114 Critical
COBRA benefit and COBRA code.
The system has the ability to print the cost of COBRA coverage for
BEN.115 Critical
active or retired employees.
The system has the ability to set COBRA termination dates by individual
BEN.116 Critical
The system has the ability to automatically send notification to COBRA
BEN.117 Critical
enrollees when coverage is going to expire.
BEN.118 The system has the ability to store COBRA dependent history data. Critical
The system has the ability to notify third party administrator regarding
BEN.119 Critical
COBRA eligible participants.
The system has the ability to support tracking of COBRA related laws, to
include, but not limited to:

BEN.120 Maintenance of COBRA qualifying events and event dates; Critical

BEN.121 Automatic date calculations; Critical
BEN.122 Forms; Critical
BEN.123 Correspondence; Critical
BEN.124 COBRA reports; Critical
BEN.125 Notifications; Critical
BEN.126 Billings (and separate billings by plan); Critical
Initiation of COBRA processing when an individual’s coverage is
BEN.127 Critical
terminated due to a COBRA qualifying event.
Leave Administration
The system has the ability to track FMLA, OFLA, workers compensation,
BEN.128 military leave, and other County-defined leaves of absence based upon Critical
County-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to track and maintain FMLA, workers compensation,
military leave, and other County-defined leave of absence information,

BEN.129 Employee department; Critical

BEN.130 Date of first notification; Critical
BEN.131 Date of medical certification; Critical
Date of medical re-certification, allowing more than one recertification
BEN.132 date and associated with medical re-certification sequence number; Critical

BEN.133 Medical re-certification sequence number; Critical

BEN.134 FMLA Calculation based on user-defined criteria for a work week; Critical
BEN.135 OFLAA Calculation based on user-defined criteria for a work week; Critical
BEN.136 History of previous leaves; Critical
BEN.137 Leave Type - medical, family, child, other; Critical
BEN.138 Leave Type - continuous or intermittent; Critical
BEN.139 Approval Date; Critical
BEN.140 Follow up flag/date based on calculated date (user-defined); and Critical
BEN.141 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to generate the following notification types:
BEN.142 Rights and Responsibilities; Critical
BEN.143 Designation Form; Critical
BEN.144 Approval/Denial; Critical
BEN.145 Request for Information and; Critical
BEN.146 Other forms as required. Critical
The system has the ability to provide a set of qualifying questions for
BEN.147 leave requests that collects information necessary to determine if the Critical
leave can be approved under any qualified leave program (via user-
defined workflow).

BEN.148 The system has the ability to allow letters, forms and other documents to Critical
be incorporated into the leave request approval workflow.
The system has the ability to automatically track FMLA, OFLA, and
BEN.149 Critical
military leave based on Federal and user-defined requirements.
The system has the ability to track leave used and leave available based
BEN.150 on variables including but not limited to hire date, length of service, and Critical
hours previously taken.

The system has the ability to track FMLA and/or OFLA for intermittent as
BEN.151 Critical
well as continuous FMLA and/or OFLA cases.
The system has the ability to track FMLA and/or OFLA against any of the
BEN.152 Critical
four (4) year definitions permitted.
The system has the ability to track all FMLA, OFLA, and/or other leave
BEN.153 Critical
absences that are open at once.
The system has the ability to support the reclassification of prior period
BEN.154 time off to FMLA and/or OFLA, with a full audit trail and automatic Critical
update of all balances and applicable pay calculations.
The system has the ability to calculate FMLA and/or OFLA, and other
BEN.155 County-defined leaves of absence termination dates by individual Critical
The system has the ability to allow a system-generated flag to be
BEN.156 configured for the expiration of a certain leave type (e.g., alert appears Critical
at 60-days prior, 30-days prior, etc.).
The system has the ability to automatically send a user-defined
BEN.157 Critical
notification to employees when leave is going to expire.
The system has the ability to support the reclassification of prior period
BEN.158 time off to FMLA, OFLA, and/or other County-defined leave types, with a Critical
full audit trail and automatic update of all balances and applicable pay

BEN.159 The system has the ability to track FMLA and OFLA separately but Critical
process them concurrently.
The system has the ability to support tracking of FMLA, workers
compensation, military leave, and other County-defined leaves of absence in
accordance with applicable laws, to include, but not limited to:

BEN.160 Maintenance of qualifying events and event dates; Critical

BEN.161 Automatic date calculations; Critical
BEN.162 Forms; Critical
BEN.163 Correspondence; Critical
BEN.164 Reports; and Critical
BEN.165 Notifications. Critical
The system has the ability to produce billing notice for employees on
BEN.166 Critical
leave of absence.
Unemployment Claims Management
The system has the ability to track the following Unemployment Compensation
BEN.167 Date claimed filed; Desired
BEN.168 Date and response to commission; Desired
Attach documents provided (any documents provided to
BEN.169 Desired
BEN.170 Hearing date(s); Desired
Employee Name, employee number, employment status,
BEN.171 Desired
BEN.172 Maximum liability amount; Desired
BEN.173 Reason for separation; Desired
BEN.174 SSN; Desired
BEN.175 Percentage County liability. Desired
BEN.176 Other, user-defined. Desired
The system has the ability to automate the claims process, including the
BEN.177 Desired
ability to route claims to the appropriate staff for review.
Affordable Care Act Tracking
The system has the ability to utilize active employee counts during the
BEN.178 previous calendar year to determine Applicable Larger Employer (ALE) Critical
status for ACA requirements (currently at least 50 employees on
average for a 12-month period).
The system has the ability to include both full-time and full-time-
BEN.179 Critical
equivalent in determining ALE status.

BEN.180 The system has the ability to round down to the nearest whole number if Critical
average number of employee counts is not a whole number.
The system has the ability to report on the following employee types:
BEN.181 Full-time; Critical
BEN.182 Seasonal; Critical
BEN.183 Variable; Critical
BEN.184 Part-time; Critical
BEN.185 COBRA participants; Critical
The system has the ability to determine full-time employee population subject
to ACA requirements by the following determinations:
Average of 30 hours per week worked in a defined 12 month / 52
BEN.186 Critical
week time period; and
Average of 130 hours per month worked in a defined 12 month / 52
BEN.187 Critical
week time period.
The system has the ability to provide calculation tools to classify
employees as seasonal based upon a pattern of work and less than a
BEN.188 six months of work at a full-time level, for the purposes of eligibility Critical
The system has the ability to support the "monthly measurement" and/or
BEN.189 "look back measurement" methods of determining ACA requirements. Critical

The system has the ability to track breaks in service for employees
BEN.190 Critical
subject to ACA for the purposes of eligibility determinations.
The system has the ability to support the following periods for ACA eligibility
BEN.191 Measurement (initial and standard); Critical
BEN.192 Administrative (initial and standard); Critical
BEN.193 Stability (initial and standard). Critical
The system has the ability to support a limit for the amount of time of
BEN.194 each period (e.g., an eligibility measurement period of up to 12 months). Critical

The system has the ability to limit the amount of time of each period
BEN.195 based upon a previous period (e.g., stability cannot exceed Critical
The system has the ability to exclude employees in certain periods from
BEN.196 Critical
ACA requirements and reporting.
The system has the ability to provide notification of expiring periods at
BEN.197 Critical
user-defined intervals.
The system has the ability to track whether employees have been
BEN.198 Critical
offered qualifying coverage.
The system has the ability to track employee election or decline of
BEN.199 Critical
qualifying coverage.
The system has the ability to link supporting documentation to track
BEN.200 Critical
employee election or decline of qualifying coverage.
The system has the ability to calculate the percentage of eligible
BEN.201 Critical
employees that were offered qualifying coverage.
The system has the ability to track by month during the year if employee
BEN.202 Critical
was offered coverage and if employee elected coverage.
The system has the ability to provide tools to determine qualifying coverage
based on the prescribed affordability "safe harbors," including:

Cost of single employee coverage as compared to federal poverty

BEN.203 Critical
line at current calculation;
BEN.204 W2 wages (box 1) multiplied by current calculation; and Critical
BEN.205 Rate of pay multiplied by current calculation. Critical
The system has the ability to determine and track any employee and
BEN.206 Critical
dependents covered under self-insurance from the employer.
The system has the ability to determine the months any employee and
BEN.207 dependents were covered under self-insurance from the employer. Critical

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Response Indicators: When providing responses to the requirements in Instruction
Attachment B, proposers shall use the following response indicators:
Standard: Feature/Function is included in the current software release and
Respondents are encouraged, but not required
will be implemented by the planned phase go-live date as part of the proposal
S in the Comments column to further demonstra
from Vendors in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the

Future: Feature/Function will be available in a future software release

If a response indicator of “F” is provided for a r
available to the County by October 1, 2021, at which point it will be
F future software release, the Respondent shall
implemented in accordance with agreed-upon configuration planning with the
version as well as the time the release will be

Customization: Feature/Function is not included in the current software

If a response indicator of “C” is provided for a
release, and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However,
C through a custom modification, the Responden
this feature could be provided with custom modifications. All related
customization costs should be indicated in Attachment C1 – Cost Worksheet.

If a response indicator of “T” is provided for a r

Third Party: Feature/Function is not included in the current software release, integration with a third-party system, the Resp
and is not planned to be a part of a future software release. However, this feature party system and include a cost proposal to se
could be provided with integration with a third-party system. This system system is a part of the proposal, the third-party
should be specified. requirements with a clear notation that the res
N No: Feature/Function cannot be provided. N/A
Learning and Performance Management
Req # Description of Requirement Criticality Response
General Requirements
The system has the ability to provide a Learning Management module
that is integrated with other system modules, including (but not limited
LPM.1 to) Human Resources, Payroll, Purchasing, Employee Self Service Critical
(ESS), and Performance Management.

LPM.2 The system has the ability to support and manage a blended learning Critical
environment (e.g., online, classroom/instructor-led, events, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide an employee self-service
LPM.3 dashboard that is easy to navigate, allowing users to see completion Critical
requirements visually, upload documentation for approval, etc.

The system has the ability to provide local government course content,
including (but not limited to) the following:
LPM.4 Back Safety; Critical
LPM.5 Defensive Driving; Critical
LPM.6 Drug Free Workplace; Critical
LPM.7 DOT Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing Training for Supervisors; Critical
LPM.8 FMLA Compliance; Critical
LPM.9 HIPAA Compliance; Critical
LPM.10 Anger & Stress Management; Critical
LPM.11 Customer Service; Desired
LPM.12 Diversity in the Workplace; Critical
LPM.13 Ethics/Compliance; Critical
LPM.14 Sexual Harassment Prevention; Critical
LPM.15 Workplace Discrimination Prevention; Critical
LPM.16 Telephone Skills/Etiquette; Desired
LPM.17 Employee Right to Know/Safety Data Sheets; Critical
LPM.18 Workplace Violence; Critical
LPM.19 Respiratory Fit (Safety/CPR); Critical
LPM.20 Email Skills; Desired
LPM.21 Cash/credit card handling (PCI - Payment Card Industry); and Critical
LPM.22 Other user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to allow users to add, modify, or remove
LPM.23 Critical
training content/courses.
The system has the ability to allow for primary administrators along with
LPM.24 Critical
functional and/or departmental administrators.
LPM.25 The system supports ADA section 508 compliance. Critical
The system has the ability to allow for the configuration of the LMS user
interface and resources (e.g.,, course catalog) according to unique
LPM.26 organizational structures, or other criteria (e.g.,, department, role, job Critical
titles, functional groups, etc.).
Course Content/Course Development
The system has the ability to allow content development through built-in
LPM.27 development tools and templates for creating text, graphic, interactive Critical
elements and standards-based output.
The system has the ability to allow for the import of custom e-learning
LPM.28 courses and learning content directly into the system, including ability to Critical
track participation through the system.
The system has the ability to allow for the import of third-party e-learning
LPM.29 courses and learning content directly into the system, including ability to Critical
track participation through the system.
The system has the ability to allow for links to third-party courses and
LPM.30 learning content, including ability to track participation through the Critical
The system has the ability to support versioning for distributing and
LPM.31 Critical
tracking e-learning courses.
The system has the ability to support the creation/upload of tutorials in a
LPM.32 variety of formats (pdf, jpeg, mpeg, etc.), up to 50GB in size. Critical

The system has the ability to support learning content that is not
LPM.33 Critical
standards-compliant (e.g., PowerPoint, pdf, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide user-friendly templates and
workflows for creating, editing, and updating courses and classes (e.g.,,
LPM.34 assign subjects, curriculum, audiences, prerequisites, competencies, Critical
completion dates, expiration date).
The system has the ability to allow launching e-learning courses directly
LPM.35 Critical
from an email.
The system has the ability to allow assignment of categories to the
LPM.36 Critical
course catalog structure.
The system has the ability to allow the grouping of courses and learning
LPM.37 Critical
content in a learning track.
The system has the ability to allow courses and learning content to be
LPM.38 Critical
assigned to multiple learning tracks.
The system has the ability to support assigning courses to multiple
LPM.39 groups that can be defined based on department, role, job titles, Critical
functional groups, etc.
The system has the ability to enable an automatic adjustment of catalog
LPM.40 content based on learner's organizational changes (e.g.,, group, Critical
position, department), with ability to override.
The system has the ability to allow users to filter/view course catalog
LPM.41 Critical
content (including view all available courses).
The system has the ability to allow users to view all courses available
LPM.42 within the catalog by department, competency requirements, learning Critical
track, etc.
The system has the ability to allow users to view all courses available
LPM.43 within the catalog, limiting course participation by the user or position. Critical

The system has the ability to support multiple keyword search when
LPM.44 Critical
searching/viewing course catalog.
Classroom Management
The system has the ability to support classroom management (creating
LPM.45 classrooms and assigning courses, instructors if applicable, locations Critical
and resources).
The system has the ability to provide a calendar of County provided
LPM.46 training opportunities, which includes descriptions of class, cost, time, Critical
date, place, and instructor.
The system provides the ability to allow online employee enrollment for
LPM.47 County-provided course opportunities, including workflow for Critical
supervisors' approval or denial.
The system has the ability to support self-service registration as well as
LPM.48 manager/ administrator-initiated individual and batch registration. Critical

The system provides the ability to allow for posting of and/or registration
LPM.49 for external training classes through Employee Self Service (ESS). Critical

The system has the ability to email a calendar invite for registered
LPM.50 Critical
The system has the ability to provide customizable, system-generated e-
mail alerts and/or messages to employees, managers, and/or
LPM.51 administrators based on pre-defined events (e.g.,, course reminders, Critical
course registration approval, past due notices, etc.).
The system has the ability to support the use of forms and custom
LPM.52 workflows for approval processes external to training requirements (e.g.,, Critical
manager approval).
The system has the ability to allow for the management of waitlists,
LPM.53 Critical
cancellations, and email notifications for course availability.
The system provides the ability to support demand forecasting (ability to
LPM.54 allow users to express interest in a session or event even if none is Critical
presently scheduled or those scheduled are full).
The system has the ability to enable prerequisite management (required,
LPM.55 recommended, enforcement processes, administrator override), linked to Critical
enrollment in the course.
The system has the ability to allow for the customization and printing of
LPM.56 Critical
class roster sign-in sheets based off registration.
The system has the ability to set and track deadlines and requirements
LPM.57 Critical
for individual course assignments and learning tracks.
The system has the ability to report on multiple statuses such as course
LPM.58 Critical
participation, completion, past-due, etc.
The system has the ability to support notification and viewing of
LPM.59 certification/course requirements expiring in a configurable timeframe Critical
(e.g.,, 30, 60, 90 days, etc.) as defined by administrator.
The system has the ability to assign certification and mandatory training
LPM.60 to employees and notify supervisor & employee of a need for Critical
certification/training though workflow notifications.
The system has the ability to provide notification to supervisor if
LPM.61 mandatory training is not completed within a user-specified period of Critical
The system has the ability to allow for both required and elective training
LPM.62 Critical
within a learning track.
The system has the ability to allow for the creating of “preset
LPM.63 coursework” for new hires at multiple levels (enterprise, departmental, Critical
The system has the ability to support display of user's required and
LPM.64 Critical
recommended courses.
The system has the ability to allow for setting or configuring course
LPM.65 registration restrictions and approval mechanisms, including manager Critical
The system has the ability to support cancellation of registration by an
LPM.66 Critical
The system has the ability to allow for management of course capacity at
the administrator level for each class/course independently. This could
LPM.67 be to limit or to override and add at the admin level. Critical

The system has the ability to manage number of participants by

department with override availability based on appropriate security
LPM.68 permissions (e.g., no more than two participants from any one Critical
department in a 12 seat class).
The system has the ability to support virtual classroom (e.g.,, WebEx,
LPM.69 Critical
Adobe Connect) courses and classes.
The system has the ability to support scheduling and tracking of virtual
LPM.70 classroom events (e.g., enrollments, rosters, updated rosters, costs, Critical
The system has the ability to automatically update rosters based on
LPM.71 Critical
virtual classroom attendance.
The system has the ability to specify equipment required for class
LPM.72 Critical
participation (e.g.,, reminder to bring laptop, vehicle, weapon, etc.).
The system provides the ability to support offline downloading of course
LPM.73 data (e.g., mobile device, computer) and synchronize data at a later Critical
Assessment/Results Management
The system has the ability to support making tests or surveys required to
LPM.74 Critical
complete a course.
The system has the ability to support making evaluation completion a
LPM.75 Critical
requirement for course completion.
The system has the ability to provide courses with pre & post-tests that
LPM.76 Critical
offer interactive questions.
The system has the ability to enable question randomization (per
LPM.77 individual/per course), including distractors and core questions that Critical
remain on test.
The system has the ability to support testing for mastery of a subject;
that is, if score is less than a set percentage, refer student back to
LPM.78 content not mastered and randomly generate a new test from question Critical
bank as many times as necessary until student scores that set score.
The system has the ability to allow the creation of a test/assessment
LPM.79 Critical
question bank.
The system has the ability to support bookmarks of learner’s progress.
LPM.80 Critical
The system has the ability to provide courses with learning resources
LPM.81 Critical
(e.g.,, participant guide, glossary, etc.).
The system has the ability for the County to supplement learning
LPM.82 Critical
resources as attachments.
The system has the ability to support printing of customizable (by
LPM.83 Critical
course) course certificate upon completion.
The system has the ability to allow learner to provide course feedback,
LPM.84 Critical
instructor feedback and content feedback.
The system has the ability to record attendance of an attendee at a
LPM.85 training session (lesson, class, course, program/curriculum, or outside Critical
training) in hours and minutes.
The system has the ability to automatically update employee profile with
LPM.86 appropriate training credits, and hours after an employee completes a Critical
The system has the ability to initiate notifications (with the ability to
define who receives notification) when employees have successfully
LPM.87 completed training/certification linked to conditions of employment (e.g.,, Critical
incentive certifications, water license, Police certifications).
The system has the ability to initiate notifications (with the ability to
define who receives notification) when employees have not successfully
LPM.88 completed training/certification linked to conditions of employment (e.g.,, Critical
incentive certifications, water license, Police certifications).

The system has the ability to allow for the upload of class syllabus and
LPM.89 certifications from external learning/training at employee, multi- Critical
employee, functional, and department level.
The system has the ability to assign courses, on a user-defined
LPM.90 Critical
schedule, to all or a group of County employees.
The system has the ability allow for the import of historical records from
LPM.91 Critical
multiple systems in a one-time conversion.
The system has the ability allow for the import of historical records from
LPM.92 Critical
a third party system as a repeating scheduled process.
The system has the ability to allow managers to view learning data for all
LPM.93 direct reports and all departmental employees in a variety of report Critical
The system has the ability to store, track and retrieve employee learning
LPM.94 Critical
profiles, transcripts, and activity/transaction history.
The system has the ability to track employee progress toward earning a
LPM.95 Critical
The system has the ability to retrieve course profiles, transcripts, and
LPM.96 Critical
activity/transaction history.
The system has the ability to search by filters (e.g.,, time, department
LPM.97 Critical
roles, employees, etc.).
The system has the ability to provide the display of analytics data in a
LPM.98 Critical
graphical dashboard format.
The system has the ability to monitor, analyze, and report on the
LPM.99 Critical
completion of employee assigned courses.
Training and Certifications
The system has the ability to track HR Department, vendor, and
LPM.100 Critical
department delivered training.
The system has the ability to track all training provided to employees
LPM.101 Critical
allowing supervisors access to this information.
The system has the ability to allow employees to request approval for
LPM.102 and/or register for training which is external to the County (e.g., vendor- Critical
lead training).
The system has the ability to allow employees to register for and request
LPM.103 Critical
approval for County training.
The system has the ability to initiate notifications (per user-defined
criteria) when employees have successfully completed a County-defined
LPM.104 criteria for training, education, and learning initiatives (e.g., safety, Critical
wellness, supervisor training).
The system has the ability to initiate notifications (per user-defined
criteria) when employees have not successfully completed a County-
LPM.105 defined criteria for training, education, and learning initiatives (e.g., Critical
safety, wellness, supervisor training).
The system has the ability to have the Performance Management
module updated when an employee has successfully completed a
training or received a certification, allowing the successful completion to
LPM.106 Critical
be contemplated/reviewed during the appropriate review period under
which the completion occurred.

The system has the ability to initiate notifications when employees have
LPM.107 successfully completed training/certification linked to employee pay (e.g., Critical
incentive certifications, Police certifications).
The system has the ability to initiate notifications when employees have
LPM.108 not successfully completed training/certification linked to employee pay Critical
(e.g., incentive certifications, Police certifications).
The system has the ability to restrict end-user system access in
accordance with user-defined training requirements (e.g., PD clearance
LPM.109 may be required to view some employee training information). Critical

The system has the ability to review current training and certifications of
LPM.110 employees and recommend employee training plans that relate to their Critical
specific position or job function.
The system has the ability to assign and track mandatory training by job
LPM.111 Critical
code and position.
LPM.112 The system has the ability to track training hours. Critical
The system has the ability to support entry of tuition reimbursement
LPM.113 requests with workflow approval, including a running total of credit hours Critical
and cost per year.
The system has the ability to provide reporting on tuition reimbursement
LPM.114 Critical
The system has the ability to update in real time workflow rules based on
LPM.115 Critical
need of training requirements.
The system has the ability to track training, including test scores and grades,
LPM.116 Skills, including those identified by pre and post testing; Critical
LPM.117 Certifications (including incentive certifications); Critical
LPM.118 Licenses; Critical
LPM.119 Internal; Critical
LPM.120 External; Critical
LPM.121 Education; and Critical
LPM.122 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to track individual training history by work unit,
LPM.123 Critical
division, department, role, and supervisor.
The system has the ability to track training by CEU's (continuing
LPM.124 education units), CPE (continuing professional education), CLE Critical
(continuing legal education), etc.
The system has the ability to track required certifications and licenses,
including (but not limited) to the following functions:
Enter applicable certification and licensure standards for state and
LPM.125 federal reporting; Critical

Indicate expiration dates of an employee's licenses or certifications;

LPM.126 Critical
Link required certifications and licensures to job classification or
LPM.127 Critical
The system has the ability to provide automated notification to employee
and supervisor/manager of mandatory training, certifications and
licenses that are set to expire within specified parameters established by
LPM.128 the County and/or department (e.g.,, notification of certification expiration Critical
3 months in advance so time is available for re-certification, etc.)

The system has the ability to track employees' annual acknowledgement

LPM.129 of receipt/awareness of employee policy handbook and Critical
County/Department policies.
The system has the ability to attach training and certification documents
LPM.130 Critical
to the employee file.
The system has the ability to track classes and courses needed for
LPM.131 Critical
career / job progression planning.
The system has the ability to track career paths and track achievement
LPM.132 Critical
of licenses and certifications.
The system has the ability to track and maintain employee
LPM.133 Critical
The system has the ability to provide career development curriculum.
LPM.134 Critical
The system has the ability to support online training functionality, including
(but not limitedLinks/integration
LPM.135 to) the following:
with external online training systems; Critical
LPM.136 Development of internal training; and Critical
LPM.137 Upload of external training modules for use by County employees. Critical
LPM.138 The system has the ability to report on and project training costs. Critical
The system has the ability to report total hours and cost of training by:
LPM.139 Employee; Critical
LPM.140 Year; Critical
LPM.141 Department; Critical
LPM.142 Training Course; Critical
LPM.143 Cost to receive certification/license; and Critical
LPM.144 Other, user-defined. Critical
The system has the ability to record and report on employee skills and
LPM.145 Critical
competencies, including history.

The system has the ability to report all required and optional training, licenses,
certifications, and other related reports by:
LPM.146 Employee; Critical
LPM.147 Year; Critical
LPM.148 Department; Critical
LPM.149 Training Course; Critical
LPM.150 Training source (e.g., web-based external training); and Critical
LPM.151 Other, user-defined. Critical
Performance Management
The system has the ability to provide a Performance Management
module that is integrated with other system modules, including
LPM.152 Employee Relations, Learning Management, Human Resources, and Critical
The system has the ability to provide audit trail reporting of all data
LPM.153 Critical
entries, changes and deletions by user, date, time.
The system has the ability to allow for the entry and maintenance of employee
performance reviews (orientation period and on-going) on the following
LPM.154 Due date (e.g., date of hire, promotion date, fiscal year-end); Critical
LPM.155 End of orientation/probation; Critical
LPM.156 Extended orientation/probation; Critical
LPM.157 Training periods (Public Safety); Critical
LPM.158 Performance improvement plans; Critical
LPM.159 Promotional orientation period (e.g., probationary); Critical
LPM.160 Other user-defined event. Critical
The system has the ability to track multiple orientation (probation)
LPM.161 periods and performance review schedules separately by position and Critical
The system has the ability to track orientation (probation) periods of
LPM.162 differing lengths including initial, extended, department transfer, Critical
promotion, demotion and job code.
The system has the ability to provide multi-step workflow for review and
LPM.163 approval of performance evaluations, with the ability to restart the Critical
workflow if changes are necessary.
The system has the ability to provide the user a view of prior evaluations
LPM.164 Critical
and copy prior comments into the current evaluation.
The system has the ability to provide self-, peer- or “360" evaluation
LPM.165 Critical
The system has the ability to create a variety of electronic performance
LPM.166 Critical
evaluation templates.
The system has the ability to record a variety of performance ratings
LPM.167 (e.g.,, alpha and numeric scales) and performance rating analyses (e.g.,, Critical
by division, supervisor).
The system has the ability to allow an evaluator to rate multiple
LPM.168 employees from a single screen, or batch rate employees with the same Desired
job competencies.
The system has the ability to allow a user to override performance
LPM.169 Critical
ratings, with appropriate security permissions.
The system has the ability to allow the County to limit user visibility of
LPM.170 Critical
performance ratings based on effective date.
The system has the ability to allow the evaluators to view a summary of
LPM.171 all ratings for an employee before submitting it to the approval workflow. Critical
The system has the ability to accommodate review schedules and notify
LPM.172 Critical
employees and supervisors of evaluation due dates.
The system has the ability to associate core competencies with a
LPM.173 Critical
specific job or department.
The system has the ability to trigger e-mail notification to employees of
LPM.174 Critical
upcoming self-evaluation due.
The system has the ability to allow authorized users to override
LPM.175 Critical
performance review dates.
The system has the ability to accommodate multiple milestone dates in a
LPM.176 performance review and development plan schedules (e.g., planning, Critical
quarterly, midterm, end-of-term).
The system has the ability to trigger e-mail notification for an evaluation
LPM.177 based on a user-definable amount of time prior to due date. Critical

The system has the ability to electronically notify supervisors of overdue

LPM.178 Critical
performance management milestones.
The system has the ability to provide email notification to departments
LPM.179 (per user-defined workflow) for personnel evaluations not received or Critical
past due.
The system has the ability to provide email notification to employee
LPM.180 Critical
when evaluation has been completed and approved.
The system has the ability to provide supervisors with list of their
LPM.181 Critical
employees and projected review date.
The system has the ability to integrate employee performance review
documentation with employee development and training information
LPM.182 (including employees' development plans and learning management Critical
assigned courses).
The system has the ability to allow viewing of salary information
LPM.183 (including position in range) at any point during the performance review. Critical

The system has the ability to provide for more than one supervisor to
complete evaluation for same time period when employee works in a job
LPM.184 with multiple supervisors and/or when employee changed positions Critical
during that time period.
The system has the ability to provide user-defined performance weighted
LPM.185 Critical
scoring manually or automatically.
The system has the ability to attach documents to the performance
LPM.186 Critical
The system has the ability to allow employees to document their
LPM.187 Critical
responses to performance reviews.
The system has the ability to allow employees to set and track goals for
LPM.188 Critical
performance reviews.
The system has the ability to allow employees to select from a list of
LPM.189 Critical
County defined goals and competencies.
The system has the ability to support a performance review template that
LPM.190 pre-populates employee goals and essential job functions based on job Critical
type and other user-defined criteria.
The system has the ability to have finalization of performance review to
LPM.191 automatically generate an action to an employee record (e.g., change Critical
the next review date).
The system has the ability to have finalization of performance review to
LPM.192 automatically generate a Personnel Action as required, based on user- Critical
defined rules (e.g.,, probationary period end).
The system has the ability to allow users to override a performance/step
LPM.193 increase due to disciplinary action with the ability to turn this feature Critical
The system has the ability to generate a printable copy of employee
LPM.194 performance reviews that is accessible to the employee. Critical
The system has the ability to maintain history of all performance
evaluations for active employees according to a user-defined employee
LPM.195 file retention rules or other user-defined periods that may be shorter. Critical

The system has the ability for department leaders to request access to
LPM.196 Critical
view full history based on HR approval via workflow.
The system has the ability to maintain history of all performance
evaluations for inactive employees according to a user-defined
LPM.197 employee file retention rules or other user-defined periods that may be Critical
The system has the ability to create cascading goals from the
LPM.198 Critical
organization level down to the employee level.
The system has the ability to create County defined compliance reports.
LPM.199 Critical

The system has the ability to record and manage performance review
LPM.200 Critical
The system has the ability to allow employees to view past performance
LPM.201 Critical
management reports.
The system has the ability to accommodate pay rules and terms as
LPM.202 Critical
defined by the County.
The system has the ability to provide Equal Employment Opportunity
LPM.203 Critical
Commission (EEOC) reporting and analysis.
The system has the ability to create and manage Individual Development Plans
(IDP) for individuals or groups, including the ability to:
Assign training requirements (other than certifications and licensures)
LPM.204 Critical
to job classifications and/or job titles;
Assign training requirements (other than certifications and licensures)
LPM.205 Critical
for completing probation and/or for promotion;
Capture employee information related to education, including (but not
limited to) highest level of education attained, degree level, field of
LPM.206 degree, date of degree, schools attended, number of Critical
semester/quarter hours;
Capture training and development goals from performance appraisal
LPM.207 reviews to include in individual employee learning plans; Critical

Capture training and development goals from performance appraisal

LPM.208 reviews in aggregate form to determine department and overall Critical
training and development needs; and
Capture training and development goals from employees' IDPs to be
LPM.209 Critical
included in their individual performance appraisal.

encouraged, but not required, to provide additional information

olumn to further demonstrate the system’s ability to meet the

ator of “F” is provided for a requirement that will be met in a

ease, the Respondent shall indicate the planned release
the time the release will be generally available.

ator of “C” is provided for a requirement that will be met

modification, the Respondent shall indicate the cost of such a

ator of “T” is provided for a requirement that will be met by

hird-party system, the Respondent shall identify this third-
nclude a cost proposal to secure this system. If the third-party
the proposal, the third-party shall respond to the appropriate
a clear notation that the responses are provided by the third-

Data Conversion
Quantity of Data
Req # Data Conversion Object Source

1 General Ledger Account Balances GEMS 1997-Present

2 General Ledger Account Balances GEMS 1997-Present
3 Budget History GEMS Up to two years
4 Budget History GEMS Up to two years
5 Personnel Action History GEMS 1997-Present

6 Personnel Action History GEMS 1997-Present

7 Employee Files GEMS 1997-Present

8 Employee Files GEMS 1997-Present

9 Vendor File GEMS 1997-Present

10 Vendor File GEMS 1997-Present
11 Employee Pay History GEMS 1997-Present
12 Employee Pay History GEMS 1997-Present
MS Access
13 Training and Certificate History 2016-Present
MS Access
14 Training and Certificate History 2016-Present
15 Capital Assets GEMS 1997-Present
16 Accounts Payable History GEMS 1997-Present
Data Conversion
Quantity of Data Vendor Standard Conversion Scope
Vendor Cost to
Needed in Future Criticality (Please outline standard scope of conversions for the
Response Convert objects identified)
One Year Critical
Three Years Desired
One Year Critical
Three Years Desired
All Active Employees
for Five Years
All Active Employee
All Active Employee
All Active/Historical
Employee History
All Vendors previous
three years
All Vendors Desired
All Active Employees
for Five Years
SEND Desired
Three Years Critical

All History Desired

All Active Assets (855
All History Desired
Vendor Comments
A list of potential information exchanges for the future software environment has been developed and presented in this tab. In several inst
intended replacements of existing third-party systems may be adjusted if functionality in the future selected system is not adequate. As a resu

Also known as a bridge, an interface is where two or more separate software products
communicate under limited capacity. An interface will often use a standard file format such as Integration
XML to move information from one system to another. Some interfaces are separate programs A system where the different products or mod
that can be configured and deployed with a range of systems (e.g. Microsoft BizTalk). one solution. In an integration, the systems sh
Examples of common Interface mechanisms include Application Program Interface (API) and
web services.

The ways in which the proposed system, and the systems id

SEND: The Selected system

RECEIVE: The Selected system
BOTH: The Selected system will need to b

Req # System/Interface Vendor Version Type of Integration

1 Data Analytics Tableau 2020.2.3 SEND

Finance: FMS
Harris Computer Systems 715A.5
(GEMS) HR/Payroll:
HRMS 685.6

Clerk Helion:
3 Payment Processing Helion Software Inc RECEIVE
Dog Control:

4 Payment Processing Accela RECEIVE

Project Accounting and Integrated Road

5 v9.0 SEND
Management Information System (IRIS)

RTA 00485
RTA Fleet Management
6 Fleet Management version RECEIVE

7 P-Card Management Bank of America Website RECEIVE

8 Positive Pay US Bank NA SEND

9 Check Reconciliation US Bank NA RECEIVE

10 Scheduling Management InTime v3.11.8 RECEIVE

11 Recruiting and On-Boarding NEOGOV 13.1 RECEIVE
Potential Interfaces

esented in this tab. In several instances, integration/interfacing/data transfer items presented in this list may not be required if the proposed software system
system is not adequate. As a result, the following list of potential interfaces for vendors to respond to so that the future applications environment may be co

Data transfer/exchange
A specialized interface where data is extracted from one application, usually
here the different products or modules are tightly connected to function as placed in a specified location, such as a folder on a shared network drive. An
n. In an integration, the systems share the same code and database. imports the data. The file transfer process between the applications can be m
the applications when to export or import the data. The transfer process may

posed system, and the systems identified below, may interact in terms of passing information back and forth, are as follows:

SEND: The Selected system will only need to SEND data to the third party application.
RECEIVE: The Selected system will only need to RECEIVE date from the third party application.
The Selected system will need to both SEND and RECEIVE information to/from the third party application.

Other organizations
Reason for Integration Vendor Response where interface has
been developed
Send: The ERP system should send financial and
budgeting data to Tableau.

Receive: The new ERP system should receive payroll

information from the legacy ERP system for purposes of
updating the GL, until the County has fully transitioned to
the new system. The ERP system should receive
deduction, benefit, and accrual information from the
legacy payroll system for purposes of creating payments.

Receive: The ERP system should receive cash receipting

transactions from Helion.

Receive: The ERP system should receive cash receipting

transactions from Accela.

Send: The ERP system should have the ability to send

project cost data to IRIS.

Receive: The ERP system should receive purchasing,

fixed asset, and GL data from RTA.

Receive: The ERP system should receive P-card charges

into the AP module to enable the ability to perform 1099
reporting and analyze expenses by Vendor.

Send: The future ERP system needs to send a positive

pay file to US Bank.
Receive: The future ERP system should receive check
reconcilation file from US Bank.
Receive: The ERP system should scheduling and
employee data from InTime.
Receive: The ERP system should receive on-boarding
and employee data from NEOGOV.
equired if the proposed software system can provide needed functionality. Conversely
re applications environment may be considered. The types of information exchanges are:

extracted from one application, usually as a data export using a specified file format, and
s a folder on a shared network drive. Another application retrieves the file, reads and
cess between the applications can be manual or automated using a scheduler to direct
port the data. The transfer process may be scheduled to occur as needed.


Method of Integration (API, XML, HTTP, Vendor Cost to

file import/export routine, etc.) Comments Develop

Standard - File Export

Standard - File Import/Export

Standard - Interface/API

Standard - Other (Explain in comments)

Custom Integration (Explain in comments)

Existing Interface Developed (Explain in comments)

Further Analysis Required (Explain in comments)

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