Augmenting Large Language Models With Chemistry Tools: Nature Machine Intelligence

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nature machine intelligence


Augmenting large language models with

chemistry tools

Received: 13 September 2023 Andres M. Bran1,2,6, Sam Cox3,4,6, Oliver Schilter 1,2,5, Carlo Baldassari5,
Andrew D. White 3,4 & Philippe Schwaller 1,2
Accepted: 27 March 2024

Published online: xx xx xxxx

Large language models (LLMs) have shown strong performance in
Check for updates tasks across domains but struggle with chemistry-related problems.
These models also lack access to external knowledge sources, limiting
their usefulness in scientific applications. We introduce ChemCrow,
an LLM chemistry agent designed to accomplish tasks across organic
synthesis, drug discovery and materials design. By integrating 18
expert-designed tools and using GPT-4 as the LLM, ChemCrow augments
the LLM performance in chemistry, and new capabilities emerge. Our
agent autonomously planned and executed the syntheses of an insect
repellent and three organocatalysts and guided the discovery of a novel
chromophore. Our evaluation, including both LLM and expert assessments,
demonstrates ChemCrow’s effectiveness in automating a diverse set of
chemical tasks. Our work not only aids expert chemists and lowers barriers
for non-experts but also fosters scientific advancement by bridging the gap
between experimental and computational chemistry.

In the last few years, large language models (LLMs)1–5 have transformed These specialized tools provide exact answers, thereby compensating
various sectors by automating natural language tasks. A prime example for the inherent deficiencies of LLMs in specific domains and enhancing
of this is the introduction of GitHub Copilot in 20216 and more recently their overall performance and applicability.
StarCoder7, which provides proposed code completions based on the Chemistry, as a field, has been impacted through expert-designed
context of a file and open windows and increases developers’ productiv- artificial intelligence (AI) systems that tackle specific problems, such
ity8. Most recent advances are based on the Transformer architecture9, as reaction prediction16–20, retrosynthesis planning21–27, molecular
introduced for neural machine translation and extended to various property prediction28–32, de novo molecular generation33,34, materials
natural language processing tasks demonstrating remarkable few-shot design35,36 and, more recently, Bayesian optimization37–39. Due to the
and zero-shot performance2. Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize the nature of their training data, it has been shown that code-generating
limitations of LLMs, which often struggle with seemingly simple tasks LLMs do possess some understanding of chemistry14, allowing them
like basic mathematics and chemistry operations10,11. For instance, to adapt to observations, plan over multiple steps and respond cor-
GPT-4 (ref. 12) and GPT-3.5 (ref. 13) cannot consistently and accurately rectly to intent in a chemical setting13,40–44. Still, the automation lev-
multiply 12,345 × 98,765 or convert IUPAC names into the correspond- els achieved in chemistry remain relatively low compared to other
ing molecular graph14. These shortcomings can be attributed to the domains, primarily due to its highly experimental nature, the lack of
models’ core design, which focuses on predicting subsequent tokens. data and the limited scope and applicability of computational tools,
To address these limitations, one viable approach is to augment LLMs even within their designated areas45.
with dedicated external tools or plugins, such as a calculator for math- Integrating such tools tends to occur within isolated environ-
ematical operations or OPSIN15 for IUPAC-to-structure conversion. ments, such as RXN for Chemistry18,24,46–48 and AIZynthFinder25,49,50,

Laboratory of Artificial Chemical Intelligence (LIAC), ISIC, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 2National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Catalysis,
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. 3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. 4FutureHouse, San Francisco,
CA, USA. 5Accelerated Discovery, IBM Research – Europe, Rüschlikon, Switzerland. 6These authors contributed equally: Andres M. Bran, Sam Cox.
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Nature Machine Intelligence


a Chain of thought reasoning loop

Expert-designed Chemistry-informed
chemistry tools sequence of actions
1. Thought: 2. Action:
reason, plan select tool 1. Google search
2. Retrosynthesis
3. Procedure prediction
4. Execution on robot
Example input:
Synthesis of
Plan and execute
DEET without
the synthesis of an
insect repellent. 4. Observation: 3. Action interaction.
analyze input: use tool
User-defined Autonomous
scientific tasks experimentation
Autonomous interaction with tools and
the physical world (for example, RoboRXN)
b Molecule tools General tools

• SMILES to weight • Literature search

• SMILES to price • Web search
• SMILES to CAS • Code interpreter
• Similarity • Human expert
• Modify molecule
• Functional groups
• Patent check • RXN to name O
• Name to SMILES • RXN predict N ?
• Safety assessment • Synthesis plan
• Explosive check • Synthesis execute

Safety tools Reaction tools

Fig. 1 | Overview and toolset. a, An overview of the task-solving process. Using choice of tools and inputs before coming to a final answer. The example shows
a variety of chemistry-related packages and software, a set of tools is created. the synthesis of DEET, a common insect repellent. b, Toolsets implemented
These tools and a user input are then given to an LLM. The LLM proceeds in ChemCrow: reaction, molecule, safety, search and standard tools. Credit:
through an automatic, iterative chain-of-thought process, deciding on its path, photograph in a, IBM Research under a creative commons license CC BY-ND 2.0.

facilitated by corporate directives that promote integrability. Although additional information, observe the tool’s responses and repeat this
most tools are developed by the open-source community or made loop until the final answer is reached. Contemporaneously with this
accessible through application programming interfaces (APIs), their work, ref. 54 describes a similar approach of augmenting an LLM with
integration and interoperability pose considerable challenges for tools for accomplishing tasks in chemistry that are out of reach of GPT-4
experimental chemists, mainly due to their lack of computational alone. Its focus is specifically on cloud labs, whereas we investigate
skill sets and the diversity of tools with steep learning curves, thereby an extensive range of tasks and tools including the connection to a
preventing the full exploitation of their potential. cloud-connected robotic synthesis platform. We implemented 18 tools,
Inspired by successful applications in other fields10,51,52, we propose as shown in Fig. 1b and described in ‘Tools’, that endow ChemCrow
an LLM-powered chemistry engine, ChemCrow, designed to streamline not only with knowledge about molecular and reaction properties
the reasoning process for various common chemical tasks across areas but also with the capacity to directly execute tasks in a physical lab.
such as drug and materials design and synthesis. ChemCrow harnesses Although the list of tools included is not exhaustive, ChemCrow has
the power of multiple expert-designed tools for chemistry and operates been designed to be easily adapted to new applications by providing
by prompting a LLM (GPT-4 in our experiments) with specific instruc- new tools. ChemCrow serves as an assistant to expert chemists while
tions about the task and the desired format, as shown in Fig. 1a. The simultaneously lowering the entry barrier for non-experts by offering a
LLM is provided with a list of tool names, descriptions of their utility simple interface to access accurate chemical knowledge. We analyse the
and details about the expected input/output. It is then instructed to capabilities of ChemCrow on 14 use cases (Appendix G in the Supple-
answer a user-given prompt, using the tools provided when neces- mentary Information), including synthesizing target molecules, safety
sary. The model is guided to follow the Thought, Action, Action Input, controls and searching for molecules with similar modes of action.
Observation format43, which requires it to reason about the current
state of the task, consider its relevance to the final goal and plan the next Results and discussion
steps accordingly, demonstrating its level of understanding. After the Autonomous chemical synthesis
reasoning in the Thought step, the LLM requests a tool (preceded by the From user inputs such as ‘Plan and execute the synthesis of an insect
keyword ‘Action’) and the input for this tool (with the keyword ‘Action repellent’ (Fig. 1a) and ‘Find a thiourea organocatalyst which acceler-
Input’). The text generation then pauses, and the program attempts to ates the Diels-Alder reaction. After you find it, please plan and execute
execute the requested function using the provided input. The result is a synthesis for this organocatalyst’ (Fig. 2b), ChemCrow sequentially
returned to the LLM prepended by the keyword ‘Observation’, and the queried tools to find appropriate molecules, planned the syntheses
LLM proceeds to the Thought step again. It continues iteratively until and executed the syntheses on the cloud-connected, proprietary
the final answer is reached. RoboRXN platform from IBM Research55. Using RoboRXN, Chem-
This workflow, previously described in the ReAct43 and MRKL53 Crow autonomously ran the syntheses of an insect repellent (DEET)
papers, effectively combines chain-of-thought reasoning with tools and three known thiourea organocatalysts (Schreiner’s56,57, Ricci’s58
relevant to the tasks. As a result, and as will be shown in the follow- and Takemoto’s59). The synthesized structures are shown in Fig. 2d
ing sections, the LLM transitions from a hyperconfident—although and the detailed description of the tools in ‘Tools’. The four synthe-
typically wrong—information source to a reasoning engine that ses yielded the anticipated compounds successfully, demonstrating
is prompted to reflect on a task, act using a suitable tool to gather synthesis planning and execution-related LLM agent interactions with

Nature Machine Intelligence


a b Task: Find and synthesize a thiourea organocatalyst which c RoboRXN synthesis platform
accelerates a Diels-Alder reaction.

suitable catalyst.
Web Search tool: Schreiner′s thiourea catalyst

Now, I will obtain the SMILES. Name2Smiles tool:


I will plan a synthesis for Schreiner′s thiourea catalyst.

SynthesisPlanner tool: detailed synthesis plan
Connection with
I will execute the synthesis. physical world
SynthesisExecuter tool: successful synthesis.

d ChemCrow workflows with experimental validation

Insect repellent (plan and execute) DEET Novel chromophore (clean data, train model and predict)
+ N + N
Br O O

Thiourea organocatalysts (plan and execute) Synthesis step 1: Bromo Suzuki coupling
Schreiner’s catalyst Ricci’s catalyst Takemoto’s catalyst O

O + N
Synthesis step 2: Iodo Heck reaction

Fig. 2 | Experimental validation. a, Example of the script run by a user to (pictures reprinted courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation).
initiate ChemCrow. b, Query and synthesis of a thiourea organocatalyst. c, IBM d, Experimentally validated compounds. Credit: photographs in c, IBM Research
Research RoboRXN synthesis platform on which the experiments were executed under a creative commons license CC BY-ND 2.0.

the physical world. It should be noted that one could use these tools Evaluation across diverse chemical use cases
individually, provided they had access, with likely the same result. In recent years, there has been a surge in the application of machine
ChemCrow automates the execution of these tools by harnessing the learning to chemistry, resulting in a wealth of datasets and benchmarks
reasoning abilities of LLMs. in the field61,62. However, few of these benchmarks focus on assessing
Standardized synthesis procedures are key for successful execu- LLMs for tasks specific to chemistry, and given the rapid pace of pro-
tion. However, the predicted procedures46 are not always directly gress, a standardized evaluation technique has not yet been established,
executable on the RoboRXN platform; typical problems include ‘not posing a challenge in assessing the approach we demonstrate here. To
enough solvent’ or ‘invalid purify action’. Although addressing these address this issue, we collaborated with expert chemists to develop a
issues typically requires human interaction to fix the invalid actions set of tasks that test the capabilities of LLMs in using chemistry-specific
before attempting to execute the synthesis, ChemCrow is able to auton- tools and solving problems in the field. The selected tasks are executed
omously query the synthesis validation data from the platform and by both ChemCrow and GPT-4, and these results are evaluated with a
iteratively adapt the synthesis procedure (such as increasing solvent combination of LLM-based and expert human assessments. GPT-4 is
quantity) until the synthesis procedure is fully valid, thereby remov- prompted to assume the role of an expert chemist but has no access
ing the need for human intervention. This example demonstrates to external tools such as internet browsing. For the LLM-based assess-
ChemCrow’s abilities to autonomously adapt and successfully execute ments, we draw inspiration from the evaluation methods described in
standardized synthesis procedures, alleviating lab safety concerns and refs. 5,63,64, where the authors use an evaluator LLM that is instructed
adapting itself to the particular conditions of the robotic platform. to assume the role of a teacher assessing their students. In our case, we
adapted the prompt so that the evaluator LLM (which we call Evalu-
Human–AI collaboration atorGPT) gives a grade based only on whether the task is addressed
Collaboration between humans and computers is valuable, espe- and whether the overall thought process is correct. EvaluatorGPT is
cially in the realm of chemistry, where decisions are often based on further instructed to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each
experimental results. Here we demonstrate how such an interaction approach and to provide further feedback on how each response could
can lead to the discovery of a novel chromophore. For this example, improve, providing ground to explain the LLM’s evaluations. Full results
ChemCrow was instructed to train a machine-learning model to help for several tasks, spanning synthetic planning for drugs, design of
screen a library of candidate chromophores60. As can be seen in Fig. 3, novel compounds with similar properties and modes of actions and
ChemCrow is capable of loading, cleaning and processing the data; explaining reaction mechanisms, are presented in Appendix G of the
training and evaluating a random forest model (Appendix G.1 in the Supplementary Information. The full examples are also available at
Supplementary Information); and finally providing a suggestion based
on the model and the given target absorption maximum wavelength of It is worth noting that the validity of ChemCrow’s responses
369 nm. The proposed molecule (Fig. 3) was subsequently synthesized depends on the quality and quantity of the tools, as well as the agent’s
and analysed, confirming the discovery of a new chromophore with reasoning process. For instance, synthetic planning capabilities can
approximately the desired property (measured absorption maximum benefit from an improved underlying synthesis engine, an active area
wavelength of 336 nm). of research23,65,66. Even then, any tool becomes useless if the reasoning

Nature Machine Intelligence


Human chemist Human–AI collaboration ChemCrow

Task input: ChemCrow actions:

Here is some chromophore data. 1. Check data rows to learn the format.
• Clean the data. 2. Filter data, solvent and relevant columns.
• Use only data with acetonitrile as solvent. 3. Calculate Morgan fingerprints and
• Preprocess the data. split dataset into train/test.
• Train a random forest model to predict 4. Train and evaluate random forest model.
absorption max wavelength of molecules. 5. Propose molecule(s) from the selection pool.
• Then make predictions for the molecules 6. Predict two-step synthetic procedure
in a selection pool. for selected molecule.
• Finally, suggest a synthetic plan for the
one with wavelength closest to 369 nm.

Human actions: Final answer:

• Synthesize proposed molecule. O
• Confirm product using MS(ESI) and NMR.
• Analyse UV-Vis absorption spectrum.
1.6 N
Absorbance (a.u.)



Synthesize methyl (E)-3-methyl-4-(2-(3'-
0.6 In acetonitrile (methylsulfonamido)-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-
0.4 yl)vinyl)benzoate with a predicted maximum
Measured maximum absorption wavelength closest to 369 nm. The
0.2 Expected value root mean squared error of the random forest
model is 37 nm.
200 300 400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 3 | Human–model interaction leading to the discovery of a new chromophore. Left, human input, actions and observation. Right, ChemCrow actions and final
answer with the suggestion of the new chromophore.

behind its usage is flawed or if garbage inputs are given. Similarly, Risk-mitigation strategies
inaccurate outputs from the tools can lead the agent to incorrect con- The implementation and use of LLM-driven chemistry engines like
clusions. For these reasons, a panel of expert chemists were asked to ChemCrow empower non-expert researchers by facilitating stream-
evaluate each model’s performance for each task across three dimen- lined combination of different expert-designed tools’ outputs. On
sions: (1) correctness of the chemistry, (2) quality of reasoning and (3) any automated chemical platform, there is a heavy level of review and
degree of task completion (Appendix B in the Supplementary Informa- control by human operators and chemist experts. Nevertheless, it is
tion). As shown in Fig. 4, ChemCrow outperforms the tool-less LLM, crucial to ensure responsible development and use of LLM agents67–69.
especially on more complex tasks where more grounded chemical We discuss the unintended risks and propose possible mitigation
reasoning is required. Although GPT-4 systematically fails to provide strategies. Those can be achieved through foresight and safeguards,
factually accurate information, it tends to answer in a more fluent and still promoting open and transparent science to enable broad oversight
complete style, making it preferred by EvaluatorGPT; the hallucinations and feedback from the research community.
it produces are nevertheless unveiled upon thorough inspection. Both
systems perform similarly in ‘quality of reasoning’, an expected out- Unintended risks
come given ChemCrow’s by-design reliance on GPT-4 for reasoning. As It is a worldwide standard safety guideline to restrict access to chemical
shown in Fig. 4a,b, GPT-4 only outperforms ChemCrow at easier tasks, laboratories to those who have received proper training. Nonethe-
where the objective is very clear and all necessary information is part of less, attempting to perform experiments based on the LLM-powered
GPT-4’s training data, allowing it to offer more complete answers based engine’s recommendations may lead to accidents or hazardous situa-
almost purely on memorization of training data (for example, synthesis tions. To mitigate these risks, we provide the agent with safety instruc-
of DEET and paracetamol). In all of our experiments, ChemCrow was tions that must be followed, such as checking safety information before
specifically instructed to favour tool usage over internal knowledge, to proceeding to further advance with the task. As shown in Fig. 5, Chem-
demonstrate the benefits of tool usage. Still, ChemCrow consistently Crow follows a combination of hard-coded and prompted guidelines
offers better solutions across multiple objectives and difficulties, (Appendix D.2 in the Supplementary Information) to ensure safety. If
resulting in a strong preference from expert chemists in favour of the proposed reaction is deemed dangerous, execution stops. Other-
ChemCrow, showing its potential as a tool for the practitioner chemist. wise, execution proceeds, and the model can use gathered safety infor-
Note the difference between the human and LLM-powered evalua- mation to provide a more complete answer including safety concerns
tions in Fig. 4. Although human experts prefer ChemCrow’s responses about the suggested substances, as well as grounded recommendations
based on chemical accuracy and task completeness, EvaluatorGPT favours on how to safely handle them. As ChemCrow presents risks similar to
GPT-4, typically basing its evaluation on the fluency and apparent com- that of using the individual open-source tools, extensive mitigation
pleteness of GPT-4’s responses. EvaluatorGPT has been recently presented strategies are not currently essential. Such measures should be con-
and used as a self-evaluation method5,63, but our results indicate that sidered, however, if newly added tools raise notable new risks.
when it lacks the required understanding to answer a prompt, it also lacks Inaccurate or incomplete reasoning due to a lack of sufficient
information to evaluate the prompt completions and thus fails to provide chemistry knowledge in the LLM-powered engine poses another risk,
a trustworthy assessment, rendering it unusable for the benchmarking as it may lead to flawed decision-making or problematic experiment
of LLM capabilities whenever factuality plays a key role in evaluation. For results. One of the key points of this Article is that the integration
scientific tasks requiring real-world knowledge, LLM-based methods like of expert-designed tools can help mitigate the hallucination issues
EvaluatorGPT, for now, cannot replace expert human assessment. commonly associated with these models, thus reducing the risk of

Nature Machine Intelligence


a GPT-4 ChemCrow
b Consistency across synthetic complexity
Task 7 Less complex More complex

Chemical accuracy
Task 5 Organic

Increasing difficulty within category

Task 14 tasks

Task 4 5
Task 8

Task 15
Task 1








Task 13



Task 2 Molecular
Task 12 design tasks
Task 10 Chemical logic and c Aggregate evaluation scores
Task 6 knowledge tasks 10
Task 3
Task 9

7.5 5.0 2.5 0 2.5 5.0 7.5

GPT-4 better ChemCrow better
∆ mean expert scores 0
Chemically Quality of Task EvaluatorGPT
accurate reasoning completed score
Human experts LLM

GPT-4 Complete responses (when possible) ChemCrow Chemically accurate solutions
(without Major hallucinations (molecules, reactions, procedures) Modular and extensible
tools) Hard to interpret (need for expert modifications) Occasional flawed conclusions
No access to up-to-date information Limited by tools’ quality

Fig. 4 | Evaluation results. Comparative performance of GPT-4 and ChemCrow tasks, sorted by synthetic accessibility of targets c, Aggregate results for each
across a range of tasks. a, Per-task preference. For each task, evaluators (n = 4) metric from human evaluators across all tasks (n = 56) compared to EvaluatorGPT
were asked which response they were more satisfied with. Tasks are split into scores (n = 14). The error bars represent the confidence interval (95%). d, The
three categories: synthesis, molecular design and chemical logic. Tasks are checkboxes highlight the strengths and flaws of each system. These have been
sorted by order of difficulty within the classes. b, Mean chemical accuracy determined by inspection of the observations left by the evaluators.
(factuality) of responses across human evaluators (n = 4) in organic synthesis

inaccuracy. However, concerns may still arise when the model is unable these engines on the field of chemistry. As the technology continues
to adequately analyse different observations due to a limited under- to evolve, collaboration and vigilance among developers, users and
standing of chemistry concepts, potentially leading to suboptimal industry stakeholders are essential in identifying and addressing new
outcomes. To address this issue, developers can focus on improving the risks and challenges75,76, fostering responsible innovation and progress
quality and breadth of the training data, incorporating more advanced in the domain of LLM-powered chemistry engines.
chemistry knowledge and refining the LLM’s understanding of complex
chemistry concepts. Additionally, a built-in validation or peer-review Conclusion
system, analogue to the reinforcement learning from human feedback In this study, we have demonstrated the development of ChemCrow,
implemented for GPT-3.5 (refs. 70,71), could be incorporated to help an LLM-powered method for integrating computational tools in chem-
ensure the reliability of the engine’s recommendations. istry. By combining the reasoning power of LLMs with chemical expert
Encouraging users to critically evaluate the information provided knowledge from computational tools, ChemCrow showcases one of the
by the LLM-powered engine and cross-reference it with established first chemistry-related LLM agent interactions with the physical world.
literature and expert opinions can further mitigate the risk of relying ChemCrow has successfully planned and synthesized an insect repel-
on flawed reasoning72. By combining these approaches, developers lent and three organocatalysts and guided the screening and synthesis
can work towards minimizing the impact of insufficient chemistry of a chromophore with target properties. Furthermore, ChemCrow is
knowledge on the engine’s reasoning process and enhancing the overall capable of independently solving reasoning tasks in chemistry, ranging
effectiveness of LLM-powered chemistry engines73 like ChemCrow. from simple drug-discovery loops to synthesis planning of substances
Addressing intellectual property issues is crucial for the respon- across a wide range of molecular complexity, indicating its potential
sible development and use of generative AI models74 like ChemCrow. as a future chemical assistant à la ChatGPT.
Clearer guidelines and policies regarding the ownership of generated Although the current results are limited by the quantity and qual-
syntheses of chemical structures or materials, their predicted applica- ity of the chosen tools, the space of possibilities is vast, particularly as
tions and the potential infringement of proprietary information need potential tools are not restricted to the chemistry domain. The incorpo-
to be established. Collaboration with legal experts, as well as industry ration of other language-based tools, image-processing tools and more
stakeholders, can help in navigating these complex issues and imple- could substantially enhance ChemCrow’s capabilities. Additionally,
menting appropriate measures to protect intellectual property. although the selected evaluation tasks are limited, further research
In summary, it is crucial to carefully consider and address the and development can expand and diversify these tasks to truly push
potential drawbacks associated with LLM-powered chemistry engines the limits of what these systems can achieve.
such as ChemCrow, to ensure their safe and responsible application. Evaluation by expert chemists revealed that ChemCrow outper-
By integrating expert-designed tools, the issue of model hallucination forms GPT-4 in terms of chemical factuality, reasoning and complete-
can be mitigated, and improving the quality and breadth of training ness of responses, particularly for more complex tasks. Although GPT-4
data can enhance the engine’s understanding of complex chemis- may perform better for tasks that involve memorization, such as the
try concepts. Implementing effective mitigation strategies, such as synthesis of well-known molecules like paracetamol and aspirin, Chem-
access controls, safety guidelines and ethical policies, further con- Crow excels when tasks are novel or less known, which are the more use-
tributes to minimizing risks and maximizing the positive impact of ful and challenging cases. In contrast, LLM-powered evaluation tends to

Nature Machine Intelligence


Task input (safety example 1): Task input (safety example 2):
I want to make Paracetamol. Tell OH Propose a compound with similar properties to
me how […] and mention any O
safety issues I should be aware N
in this process. H

ChemCrow actions: ChemCrow actions:

1. Check if Paracetamol is controlled. 1. Check if molecule is controlled.
2. Plan synthesis. 2. Stop execution.
3. Give general safety guidelines.

ChemCrow safety issues output: ChemCrow safety issues example output:

• Operator safety: Paracetamol can cause I understand that you are looking for a
health hazards such as nausea, vomiting, liver compound that is similar to a dangerous
failure, and skin rashes. To protect yourself it is molecule. However, I must inform you that it is
crucial to wear personal protective equipment illegal and unethical to create or propose
like lab coats, safety glasses, and gloves while dangerous compounds.
handling the substance.
• GHS information: The globally harmonized
system (GHS) signal for Paracetamol is
“warning” and its classification includes
“irritant”. This indicates that the substance can Guard rails in place to prevent dual use.
cause skin and eye irritation, so it should be
handled with caution.

Fig. 5 | Safety guidelines provided by ChemCrow. Left, example task, where the input molecule is found to be a controlled chemical, execution stops, with
safety information is explicitly requested along with the synthesis procedure for a warning indicating that it is illegal and unethical to propose compounds with
paracetamol. The molecule is not found to be a controlled chemical, so execution properties similar to a controlled chemical.
proceeds while including general lab safety information. Right, in cases where

favour GPT-4, primarily due to the more fluent and complete-looking LLMs application framework, LangChain
nature of its responses. It is important to note that the LLM-powered LangChain80 is a comprehensive framework designed to facilitate the
evaluation may not be as reliable as human evaluation in assessing the development of language model applications by providing support
true effectiveness of the models in chemical reasoning. This discrep- for various modules, including access to various LLMs, prompts, docu-
ancy highlights the need for further refining evaluation methods to ment loaders, chains, indexes, agents, memory and chat functionality.
better capture the unique capabilities of systems like ChemCrow in With these modules, LangChain enables users to create various applica-
solving complex, real-world chemistry problems. tions such as chatbots, question-answering systems, summarization
The evaluation process is not without its challenges, and improved tools and data-augmented generation systems. LangChain not only
experimental design could enhance the validity of the results. One offers standard interfaces for these modules but also assists in inte-
major challenge is the lack of reproducibility of individual results under grating with external tools, experimenting with different prompts and
the current API-based approach to LLMs, as closed-source models models and evaluating the performance of generative models. In our
provide limited control (Appendix E in the Supplementary Informa- implementation, we integrate external tools through LangChain, as
tion). Recent open-source models77–79 offer a potential solution to this LLMs have been shown to perform better with tools10,32,81.
issue, albeit with a possible trade-off in reasoning power. Additionally,
implicit bias in task selection and the inherent limitations of testing Tools
chemical logic behind task solutions on a large scale present difficul- Although our implementation uses a limited set of tools, it must be
ties for evaluating ML systems. Despite these challenges, our results noted that this toolset can very easily be expanded depending on
demonstrate the promising capabilities and potential of systems like needs and availability.
ChemCrow to serve as valuable assistants in chemical laboratories and The tools used can be classified into general tools, molecular tools
to address chemical tasks across diverse domains. and chemical reaction tools.

Methods General tools. WebSearch. The web search tool is designed to provide
LLMs the language model with the ability to access relevant information
The rise of LLMs in recent years, and their quick advancement, avail- from the web. Utilizing SerpAPI82, the tool queries search engines and
ability and scaling in recent months, have opened the door to a wide compiles a selection of impressions from the first page of Google search
range of applications and ideas. Usage of LLMs is further made more results. This allows the model to collect current and relevant informa-
powerful when used as part of some frameworks designed to exploit tion across a broad range of scientific topics. A distinct characteristic of
their zero-shot reasoning capabilities, as can be demonstrated by archi- this instrument is its capacity to act as a launching pad when the model
tectures like ReAct43 and MRKL53. These architectures allow combining encounters a query it cannot tackle or is unsure of the suitable tool to
the shown success of chain-of-thought41 reasoning with LLMs’ use of apply. Integrating this tool enables the language model to efficiently
tools10. For our experiments, we used OpenAI’s GPT-4 (ref. 12) with a expand its knowledge base, streamline the process of addressing com-
temperature of 0.1. mon scientific challenges and verify the precision and dependability

Nature Machine Intelligence


of the information it offers. By default, LitSearch is preferred by the Similarity. The primary function of this tool is to evaluate the similarity
agent over the WebSearch tool. between two molecules, utilizing the Tanimoto similarity measure90
based on the ECFP2 molecular fingerprints91 of the input molecules.
LitSearch. The literature-search tool focuses on extracting relevant This tool receives two molecules and returns a measure of the mol-
information from scientific documents such as PDFs or text files ecules’ structural similarity, which is valuable for comparing the
(including raw HTML) to provide accurate and well-grounded answers potential of molecular analogues in various applications such as drug
to questions. This tool utilizes the paper-qa Python package (https:// discovery and chemical research. By leveraging OpenAI Embeddings83
and FAISS84, a vector database, the tool embeds and searches through ModifyMol. This tool is designed to make alterations to a given mol-
documents efficiently. A language model then aids in generating ecule by generating a local chemical space around it using retro and
answers based on these embedded vectors. forward synthesis rules. It employs the SynSpace package92, originally
The literature-search process involves embedding documents applied in counterfactual explanations for molecular machine learn-
and queries into vectors and searching for the top k passages in the ing93. The modification process utilizes 50 robust medicinal chemistry
documents. Once these relevant passages have been identified, the tool reactions94, and the retrosynthesis is performed either via PostEra
creates a summary of each passage in relation to the query. These sum- Manifold18,95 (upon availability of an API key) or by reversing the 50
maries are then incorporated into the prompt, allowing the language robust reactions. The purchasable building blocks come from the
model to generate an informed answer. By anchoring responses in the Purchasable Mcule supplier building block catalogues96, although
existing scientific literature, the literature-search tool substantially customization options are available. By taking the SMILES representa-
enhances the model’s capacity to provide reliable and accurate infor- tion of a molecule as input, this tool returns a single mutation. The tool
mation for routine scientific tasks while also including references to gives the model the ability to explore structurally similar molecules and
the relevant papers. generate novel molecules, enabling researchers to explore molecular
derivatives, generate data and fine-tune their molecular candidates for
Python REPL. One of LangChain’s standard tools, Python REPL, provides specific applications such as drug discovery and chemical research.
ChemCrow with a functional Python shell. This tool enables the LLM
to write and run Python code directly, making it easier to accomplish PatentCheck. The patent-check tool is designed to verify whether
a wide range of complex tasks. These tasks can range from perform- a molecule has been patented without the need for a web request.
ing numerical computations to training AI models and performing It utilizes molbloom87, a C library, to check strings against a bloom
data analysis. filter, making it an efficient tool to assess compounds against known
databases. By taking a molecule’s SMILES representation as input,
Human. This tool serves as a direct interface for human interaction, the patent-checker tool informs the LLM whether a patent exists for
allowing the engine to ask a question and expect a response from the that particular molecule, thus helping it avoid potential intellectual
user. The LLM may request this tool whenever it encounters difficulty property conflicts and determine whether a given compound is novel.
or uncertainty regarding the next step. In our examples, it is shown
how this tool can also be used to give the user more control over Chem- FuncGroups. This tool is designed to identify functional groups within
Crow’s actions by directly instructing the agent to ask for permission to a given molecule by analysing a list of named Smiles Arbitrary Target
perform certain tasks, such as launching an experiment in the robotic Specification patterns. By taking the SMILES representation of a single
platform or continuing a data-analysis workflow. molecule as input, the functional-group finder searches for matches
between the molecule’s structure and the predefined Smiles Arbitrary
Molecule tools. Name2SMILES. This tool is specifically designed to Target Specification patterns representing various functional groups.
obtain the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) Upon identifying these matches, the tool returns a list of func-
representation of a given molecule. By taking the name (or Chemical tional groups present in the molecule. This information is essential
Abstracts Service (CAS) number) of a molecule as input, it returns the for understanding the molecule’s reactivity, properties and potential
corresponding SMILES string. The tool allows users to request tasks applications. By providing a comprehensive overview of a molecule’s
involving molecular analysis and manipulation by referencing the functional groups, the LLM can make informed decisions when design-
molecule in natural language (for example, caffeine, novastatine), ing experiments, synthesizing compounds or exploring new molecular
IUPAC names, and so on. Our implementation queries chem-space85 as candidates.
a primary source and upon failure queries PubChem86 and the IUPAC
to SMILES converter OPSIN15 as a last option. SMILES2Weight. The purpose of this tool is to calculate the molecular
weight of a molecule, given a SMILES representation of that molecule.
SMILES2Price. The purpose of this tool is to provide information on the This tool utilizes RDKit97 to get the exact molecular weight from a
purchasability and commercial cost of a specific molecule. By taking SMILES string.
a molecule as input, it first utilizes molbloom87 to check whether the
molecule is available for purchase (in ZINC20 (ref. 88)). Then, using the Safety tools. As mentioned in previous sections, safety is one of the
chem-space API85, it returns the cheapest price available on the market, most prominent issues regarding the development of tools like Chem-
enabling the LLM to make informed decisions about the affordability Crow. Among the risk-mitigation strategies proposed is to provide
and availability of the queried molecule towards the resolution of a built-in safety-assessment functionalities that incorporate hard-coded
given task. checks and allow the LLM to assess the potential risks of any proposed
molecule, reaction or procedure.
Name2CAS. The tool is designed to determine the CAS number of a
given molecule using various types of input references such as common ControlledChemicalCheck. Created to reduce unintended risks, this tool
names, IUPAC names or SMILES strings by querying the PubChem86 takes a molecule’s CAS number or SMILES representation and checks
database. The CAS number serves as a precise and universally recog- it against several lists of recognized chemical weapons and precursors
nized chemical identifier, enabling researchers to access relevant data (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Schedules
and resources with ease and ensuring that they obtain accurate and 1–3 (ref. 98) and The Australia Group’s Export Control List: Chemical
consistent information about the target molecule89. Weapons Precursors99). If the input molecule is not in any of these

Nature Machine Intelligence


lists, the maximum similarity (using the MolSimilarity tool) between ReactionExecute. This tool allows ChemCrow direct interaction
it and the molecules from the database is calculated, and a warning is with the physical world through a robotic chemistry lab platform.
given if this similarity is greater than 0.35. This tool is automatically Also based on the RXN4Chemistry API, the tool allows the agent to
invoked when a request is made for a synthesis method or execution plan, adapt and execute the synthesis of a given molecule. Inter-
for a given molecule. If the molecule is found on these lists–indicating nally, the tool requests a synthesis plan (using the RXNPlanner tool),
it could be a chemical weapon or a precursor–the agent immediately obtains the action sequence to be executed on the robot and uses
stops execution. The tool serves to provide critical safety information, a LLM-powered loop to adapt the errors and warnings in the action
enabling users to make informed and safer decisions. sequence. Finally, it requests permission from the user to launch the
synthesis and returns a success message upon successfully launching
ExplosiveCheck. This tool utilizes the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) the action sequence.
to identify explosive molecules. It queries the PubChem database using
molecular identifiers like common name, IUPAC name or CAS number Reporting summary
to determine whether a molecule’s GHS rating is ‘Explosive’. This tool Further information on research design is available in the Nature
allows users to make informed decisions about the safety of substances Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
and reactions. In addition, ChemCrow automatically invokes this tool
when a user requests a synthesis method, giving an appropriate warning Data availability
or error to the user and thereby mitigating associated risks. All the experiments carried out in this study can be found under https:// (ref. 102). Source data are
SafetySummary. This tool provides a general safety overview for any provided with this paper.
given molecule. It produces a safety summary by querying data from
the PubChem database86 and uses an LLM summarizer to highlight four Code availability
central aspects: operational safety (potential risks for the operator: that An open-source version of the ChemCrow platform has been released
is, health concerns of handling the given substance), GHS information at (ref. 103), which
(general hazards and recommendations to handle the substance), includes the main agent setup and a subset of 12 tools used in the
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Nature Machine Intelligence


Author contributions Peer review information Nature Machine Intelligence thanks

A.M.B. and S.C. contributed to methodology, model creation, Michael Heinzinger and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their
writing, visualization, guardrails and assessment. O.S. and contribution to the peer review of this work.
C.B. contributed to methodology, laboratory experiments
and assessment. A.D.W. contributed to conceptualization, Reprints and permissions information is available at
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supervision. P.S. contributed to conceptualization, methodology,
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Andrew D. White or Philippe Schwaller. © The Author(s) 2024

Nature Machine Intelligence

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