Kartick - WK7 - Lit - (F3) - T2 Journal

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School of the Nations

Lesson Plan Template

Grade 9
Title of Unit Introduction to Poetry Grade Level

English Literature 1 week/ 3 periods

Subject Time Frame
Ms. Kartick.
Designer (s)
Date Developed 09/02/2023
Date Modified 19/02/2023

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Established Goals(Transfer of Knowledge)
Students will be able to independently use their learning to:

 Identify unique characteristics of the poetry genre.

 Determine elements of a poem.
 Read and analyze tone and mood in given poems.

Learning Outcomes(Established Goals)

What relevant goals will this unit address?
(Must come from curriculum – Ministry of Education, IGCSE, AS/AL)

 enjoy the experience of reading literature

School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Enduring Understandings(Meaning) Essential Questions(Meaning)
What understandings about the big ideas are desired?(what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?(open-ended
students to understand & be able to use several years from now) questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the
What misunderstandings are predictable? enduring understanding)

Students will understand that...

 What do poems look like?

 Poetry has a special structure with lines, stanzas, and rhythm.  What are the elements of the poem?
 Poetry is a form of expression.  Determine the tone and mood of the poem
 There are many different types of poetic devices.  What do you think the poem is about?

Knowledge (Acquisition) Skills(Acquisition)

What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills and/or
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre- behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their work in this
requisite knowledge that students will need for this unit. unit.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

 How to read and interpret the poem.  to listen to poems and retell meaning and details
 Students will know the components of poetry (rhyme,  Analyze the various elements of poetry, such as diction, tone,
 rhythm, stanzas, lines, syllables) form, genre, imagery.
 How to recognize poetry from a variety of cultures, languages  Read and discuss selected poem.
and historic periods.  Apply the principles of literary criticism to the analysis of poetry
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario
or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe your performance task
scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
Formative and summative assessments used throughout the unit to arrive at the outcomes.

Students will work in pairs when necessary to complete given task:

 Read and interpret poems.
 Recall details about the poem.

S – Standards & Criteria for Success

Attach rubric/mark scheme to Unit Plan
Create the rubric/mark scheme for the Performance Task

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the desired

 “Hand on the heart” self reflection (thumbs up, sideways, down)  Oral questions
 Check list of students contributing to group/class discussions
 Exit slips – “What have you learned? How does this poem make
you feel? What’s the difference?”
 - Discussions (whole class and small group)

Stage 3 – The Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Helpstudents to know Where the unit is going and What is expected. Help the teacher to know Where the students are coming from. (prior knowledge interest.
Hook all students and Hold their interest. Equip students, help them Experience the key ideas and Explore the issues. Provide opportunities to Rethink and
Revise their understandings and work. Allow students to Evaluate their work and its implications. Be Tailored to the different needs, interest and abilities of the
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
learners. (personalized). Be Organized to maximize initial sustained engagement as well as effective learning.

Summary of the Learning Plan (use the questions above to guide your reflection here)
 Brainstorm to test previous knowledge
 Teacher will guide students as read the poem
 Students will watch and observe video presentation

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you equip
them with needed skills and knowledge?
Lesson Title Lesson Activities Resources

Lesson 1
“Long distance II,” Introduction
Tony Harrison Teacher will tell students lesson topic and objectives.
Development Syllabus
Online Resources
Teacher will allow students to read poem quietly in pairs.

Teacher will discuss poem line by line with students.

Students will discuss poem line by line.

Students will annotate poem based on discussion.


Teacher will let students state what they learnt.

Teacher will recap main points of lesson.

School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Two Introduction Text
“Funeral Blues.” Teacher will tell students that they will be completing an assessment on “Funeral Syllabus
W.H Auden Blues.” Online Resources
Students will observe a video analysis of the poem.
Teacher made assessment

Teacher will share assessment with students and instruct them to complete

Students will complete assessment.

Teacher will mark responses and provide feedback.


Teacher will discuss with students answers to the assessment.

Students will share corrected responses on each question.

Lesson 3
“He never expected Introduction
much,” Thomas Hardy Teacher will tell students lesson topic and objectives.
Development Syllabus
Online Resources
Teacher will allow groups of students to read poem aloud.

Teacher will discuss poem line by line with class.

Teacher made resources
Students will make notes on what they discussed.
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template


Teacher will instruct students to create a thought shape on what they learnt and
felt about the lesson.

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: Students read and analyzed the poems with some difficulty. The comprehension passage
What went well in this lesson/unit? Why proved to be difficult for students to do on their own and an analysis was provided before
What challenges did I/we experience in this lesson/unit? Why? the start of the test.
What would we/I do differently?

Adaptive Dimension: The curriculum is too difficult for a third form level and needs to be reevaluated.
Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum content
(not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or the learning
environment to meet the learning needs and diversities of all my
What went well? Why?
What challenges did I/we experience?
What would we/I do differently?

Instructional Approaches: Yes. A mixture of lectures and students individual work was completed.
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student centered
instructional approaches?
Were students involved in the lessons?
Were the lessons presented clearly?
School of the Nations
Lesson Plan Template
What would we/I do differently?
Resource Based Learning: A list of 3W students who do not have texts was provided to the homeroom teacher. The
Do the students have access to various resources on an ongoing same has to be done with 3M & 3H.
What additional resources could we/I make available to students?
Other notes of reflection

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