Review Article Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate: Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery 2014 1 (4) 184-195

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Journal of Advanced Drug Delivery 2014; 1(4); 184-195
ISSN: 2348-3792
Review Article
Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

K. Haritha, L. Kalyani and A. Lakshmana Rao*

V. V. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gudlavalleru, 521 356, A.P., India.

Available online: August, 2014 [email protected]

Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical tree Theobroma
cacao. Chocolates are increasingly being seen as capable of promoting good health. As these are
ideally suited for inclusion in the food matrix of a chocolate bar, complementing the endogenous
flavanols, chocolate could be developed as the ideal nutraceutical-polypill delivery system,
enhancing health in the form of a tasty treat. Dark chocolate is majorly beneficial in
cardiovascular disease. The other health benefits of Dark chocolate includes as antioxidant,
improvement in endothelial function, vascular function, insulin sensitivity etc.

Key Words: Dark chocolate, Cocoa, Health, Diet.

INTRODUCTION milk and white varieties, with cocoa solids

Chocolate is a typically sweet, usually contributing to the brown coloration. There
brown, food preparation of Theobroma are several types of chocolate according to
cacao seeds, roasted and ground, often the proportion of cocoa used in a particular
flavored, as with vanilla1. It is made in the formulation3. Dark chocolate, also called
form of a liquid, paste or in a block or used black chocolate, is produced by adding fat
as a flavoring ingredient in other sweet and sugar to cocoa. It is chocolate with no
foods. Chocolate is a range of products milk or much less than milk chocolate. Dark
derived from cocoa (cacao), mixed with fat chocolate can be eaten as is, or used in
(i.e., cocoa butter) and finely powdered cooking, for which thicker, baking bars,
sugar to produce a solid confectionery2. usually with high cocoa percentages ranging
Chocolate most commonly comes in dark, from 70% to 99% are sold4. Dark is

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

synonymous with semisweet and extra dark theobromine than lower quality chocolate.
with bittersweet, although the ratio of cocoa Cocoa beans naturally contain
butter to solids may vary. approximately 300-1200 mg/ounce
Cocoa products can be very nutritious and theobromine.
the chocolate is the richest source of energy, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
protein, magnesium, calcium, iron and The most common form of cocoa butter has
riboflavin of varying amounts, essential for a melting point of around 34–38°C (93–
mental health and heart function5. The cocoa 101°F), rendering solid chocolate at room
seeds are rich in copper, sulphur and vitamin temperature that readily melts once inside
C. Dark chocolate is naturally rich in the mouth. Cocoa butter
flavonoids . These compounds are thought displays polymorphism, having α, γ, β' and β
to lower blood pressure and protect against crystals, with melting points of 17, 23, 26,
heart disease-among other things7. Recent and 35–37°C respectively. The production
studies conducted both in the U.S. and of chocolate typically uses only the β crystal
Europe seem to support chocolate’s for its high melting point. A uniform crystal
beneficial effects on the cardiovascular structure will result in smooth texture, sheen
system, encouraging chocolate and snap. Overheating cocoa butter converts
manufacturers to develop proprietary the structure to a less stable form that melts
methods of processing cocoa beans aimed below room temperature. Given time, it will
specifically at preserving flavonoid content8. naturally return to the most stable β crystal
Traditional roasting and fermentation form. Advantage is taken of this
methods are thought to destroy up to three- phenomenon in the polymorphic
quarters of these compounds . transformation theory of chocolate bloom. It
Different types of chocolate contain is based on the fact that bloomed chocolates
different amounts of theobromine. In are always found to contain the most stable
general, theobromine levels are higher in polymorph of cocoa butter. The Refractive
dark chocolates (approximately 10 g/kg) index of cocoa butter is 1.44556-1.44573. Its
than in milk chocolates (1-5 g/kg) . Higher Iodine value is 32.11-35.12, 35.575. Acid
quality chocolate tends to contain more value is 1.68. Saponification value is

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

191.214, 192.88-196.29. It has a Food that have beneficial effects on

energy value of 3, 770 kilojoules per 100g cardiovascular disease. In cocoa, the
(3.5oz). polyphenols of particular interest are
CHEMISTRY flavanols, a subclass of flavonoids, which
Cocoa contains more than 300 volatile are in turn a subclass of polyphenols. Cocoa
compounds, the most important components is more than 10% flavanol by weight.
are aliphatic esters, polyphenols, aromatic Flavonols can be monomeric in cocoa beans
carbonyls and theobromine, which also these are mainly (−)-epicatechin and (+)-
prevent rancidity of the fat11. The catechin, dimeric (consisting of 2 units of
pharmacologically active ingredients of epicatechin with differing linkages) or
cocoa seeds include amines, alkaloids polymeric (combinations of monomers and
theobromine (0.5% to 2.7%), caffeine chains of up to 10 units or more have been
(approximately 0.25% in cocoa), found)12. These polymers are known as
theophylline, fatty acids, polyphenols procyanidins13.
(including flavonoids), tyramine, MECHANISM
trigonelline, magnesium, phenylethylamine Cocoa has been reported to be a source of
and N-acylethanolamines. A standard natural antioxidants, the free radical
chocolate bar (40 to 50 g) contains scavengers that preserve cell membranes,
theobromine (86 to 240 mg) and caffeine (9 protect DNA, prevent the oxidation of low-
to 31 mg). The characteristically bitter taste density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that
of cocoa is generated by the reaction of leads to atherosclerosis and prevent plaque
diketopiperazines with theobromine during formation in arterial walls. The antioxidant
roasting. Theobromine is produced activity of cocoa has been attributed to the
commercially from cocoa husks. Cocoa procyanidins and their monomeric
butter contains triglyceride fatty acids precursors, epicatechin and catechin, which
consisting mainly of oleic, stearic and inhibit oxidation of LDL14. Dark chocolate
palmitic acids. It also contains myristic, and cocoa inhibit LDL oxidation and
arachidic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic, α- increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-
linolenic acids. Cocoa is rich in polyphenols cholesterol concentrations. Catechin and

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

Epicatechin has been found in cocoa. includes, alleviation of cardiovascular

Catechins are phytochemical compounds disease, protection against heart disease,
found in high concentrations in a variety of stroke prevention, alleviation of
plant-based foods and baverages. The hypertension (high blood pressure),
catechin content in dark chocolate is 12 regulation of blood sugar and insulin
mg/100 gm. The epicatechin content in dark dependence, reduced risk of type II diabetes,
chocolate is 41.5 mg/100 gm. The antioxidant protection, alleviation of cold
consumption of catechins has been and cough, reduced cancer risk, reduced risk
associated with a variety of beneficial of colon cancer, slowing aging, increased
effects including increased plasma immune function, slowing the progression of
antioxidant activity, bronchial artery AIDS, DNA repair and protection,
dilation, fat oxidation and resistance of LDL alzheimer’s protection, alleviation of
to oxidation15. Epicatechin seems to be a premenstrual syndrome, prevention of
major bioactive constituent of cocoa and alopecia18.
other flavonol-rich foods and baverages16. It For cardiovascular disease
has been shown to improve endothelial Research suggests that the chocolate, cocoa
function in animals and humans . In salt- and flavan-3-ols are used for the prevention
sensitive animal models of hypertension, of cardiovascular disease19. Consumption of
epicatechin lowers blood pressure and the foods rich in flavanols are also associated
associated end-organ damage. Nitric oxide with improved cardiovascular
seems to play a key role in the protection of outcomes, suggesting that this specific group
both hypertension and endothelial of flavonoids may have potent
dysfunction. The antioxidant capacity of cardioprotective qualities . Dark chocolate
dark chocolate is 13.1/ 100 g. may reduce the risk of atherosclerososis by
HEALTH BENEFITS OF DARK thickening and hardening of the arteries and
CHOCOLATE by restoring flexibility of the arteries and
Dark chocolate has recently been discovered preventing white blood cells from sticking to
to have a number of healthy benefits. The the blood vessel walls21. The possible
various health benefits of dark chocolate mechanism of these flavonoids may include

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

reducing the oxidative stress, increasing the then after 1 week ingestion of dark chocolate
endothelial prostacyclin release, enhancing (theobromine 6 mg/kg/day). Hence, the
the endothelial function22, increasing the results of these studies cannot be
sensitivity of insulin receptors, inhibiting the extrapolated to patients with any conditions
lipid oxidation and inhibiting angiotensin- or diseases or to the effects of chronic
converting enzyme . chocolate consumption.
For cardiometabolic disorder For endothelial and vascular function
In general the cardiometabolic disorders Dark chocolate induced a rapid and
exert a burden on people24. However, these significant improvement of endothelial and
are largely preventable. By systematic platelet function in healthy smokers 2-8
review and meta-analysis the cocoa products hours after ingestion28-30. Cigarette smokers
containing flavonol have a potential to exhibit increased atherogenic potential, as
prevent cardiometabolic disorders25,26. they consistently have endothelial and
As cardiorespiratory stimulant platelet dysfunction, which are associated
Theobromine, the primary alkaloid in cocoa, with an increased cardiovascular risk31.
is a weak CNS stimulant, with only one- These findings are mediated by the
tenth the cardiac effects of other antioxidant effect of polyphenol-rich dark
methylxanthines (e.g., caffeine, chocolate. Hypertension and excess body
theophylline). Theobromine has activity weight are important risk factors for
similar to that seen with caffeine (i.e., endothelial dysfunction. Recent evidence
increases in energy, motivation to work and suggests that high-polyphenol dark
alertness). Theobromine, when ingested in chocolate improves endothelial function and
the form of a large chocolate bar, did not lowers blood pressure in stage 1
cause any acute hemodynamic or hypertension32. Hence consumption of
electrophysiologic cardiac changes in young, chocolate bars resulted in reductions in
healthy adults27. Theobromine systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
pharmacokinetics were similar in healthy For blood sugar
men when measured after 14 days of Dark chocolate helps blood vessels healthy
abstention from all methylxanthines and and circulation unimpaired to protect against

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

type II diabetes. The flavonoids in dark can, however, help to suppress coughs.
chocolate also help to reduce insulin Theobromine works by suppressing the
resistance by helping cells to function activity of the vagus nerve, which causes
normally and regain the ability to use body's coughing and cures the cough.
insulin efficiently33. Dark chocolate also has As antioxidant
a low glycemic index and it won't cause Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants.
huge spikes in blood sugar levels. Antioxidants help against free radicals,
For brain which cause oxidative damage to cells37.
Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the Free radicals are implicated in the aging
brain as well as to the heart, so it can help to process and may be a cause of cancer, so
improve cognitive function . Dark eating antioxidant rich foods like dark
chocolate contains several chemical chocolate can protect the body from many
compounds that have a stimulant action and types of cancer and slow the signs of
positive effect on the mood and cognitive aging38.
health35. Chocolate contains As vitamins and minerals
phenylethylamine (PEA), PEA encourages Dark chocolate contains a number of natural
brain to release endorphins and feel alert. vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can
Dark chocolate also contains caffeine, a mild support the health. Dark chocolate contains
stimulant. However, dark chocolate contains proteins, saturated fat, calories, vitamins like
much less caffeine than coffee and hence vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin
ingredients of chocolate were used in mood B9, vitamin K, calcium, dietary fiber,
disorders36. magnesium, phosphorous, manganese,
For oral hygiene selenium, iron, potassium, copper and zinc.
Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which The copper and potassium in dark chocolate
has been shown to harden tooth enamel. help prevent against stroke and
That means that dark chocolate lowers the cardiovascular ailments. The iron in
risk of getting cavities in proper dental chocolate protects against iron deficiency
hygiene. Theobromine is also a mild anemia and the magnesium in chocolate
stimulant, though not as strong as caffeine. It

JADD, July – August 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4

A. Lakshmana Rao et al Address of Correspondence: [email protected]

helps prevent type II diabetes, high blood cellular proliferation by this compound is
pressure and heart disease. associated with the site-specific
In magnesium deficiency dephosphorylation or down-regulation of
In rats, the magnesium contained in cocoa several cell cycle regulatory proteins40.
has been shown to prevent and correct CONCLUSION
chronic magnesium deficiency. Low intakes Chocolate is a high calorie, high fat food.
of magnesium may be responsible for some Dark chocolate is naturally rich in
cardiovascular alterations as well as renal, flavonoids. These compounds are thought to
GI, neurological and muscular disorders. exhibit different therapeutic activities. The
The use of cocoa to treat or prevent major benefit of dark chocolate is in
magnesium deficiency in humans has not cardiovascular related disorders. The various
been explored39. other benefits of dark chocolate includes,
For cognitive performance alleviation of hypertension, regulation of
Free radical damage has been implicated as blood sugar, antioxidant protection etc.
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