Bash and Git Exercise
Bash and Git Exercise
Bash and Git Exercise
Questions on Bash:
Complete the following questions using bash script on your terminal/GitBash
1. Use the terminal/GitBash to navigate to your “Evangadi” folder location that you have
on your Desktop
2. In your “Evangadi” folder, create a folder called “BashPractice”
3. In your “BashPractice” folder, create another folder called “BashTest”
4. In your “BashPractice”folder, create a text file called my “myTextFile.txt”
5. Add the text "Hello bash" in the “myTextFile.txt” file using the "echo" command
6. Rename the “myTextFile.txt” file name to “myTextPractice.txt”
7. Change the permission of“myTextPractice.txt” file to 776
8. Delete the “BashTest” folder along with the text file inside it
Questions on Git
1. Creating a repository, cloning and making changes to it locally and pushing it to
a. If you have not already created a GitHub account, create one by clicking the link
b. Create a new repository called “gitPractice” on your github account
c. Clone that project on your on your “Evangadi” folder using the Github desktop
i. Download GitHub Desktop from here if you have not already downloaded
and installed it
d. Create a new folder called "Pages" inside the “gitPractice” project you just
e. Create a new file called "index.html" inside the "Pages" folder
f. Add an HTML boilerplate in your "index.html, and give it a title of your choice
in the <title> tag
g. Commit the changes you have just made so far to your “gitPractice” folder
h. Push the changes to GitHub
2. Forking a project from GitHub, making change to the forked project and sending a
pull request to merge the new change
a. Here is a link to a sample repo on evangadi’s GitHub account
b. Clone the repository to your local computer in your “Evangadi” folder
c. In the project that you just cloned, add a new HTML file and give your first name
as the name of the HTML file. For example: If your name is Abebe, name the
HTML file as “abebe.html”
d. Add an HTML boilerplate in the HTML file. Also, provide your name as the title
of the HTML in the <title> tag
e. Commit the changes you have just made so far to the project
f. Push the changes to the repo you forked
g. Send a pull request from your github account
● Note: The pull request button can be found at the top of your repository