Communicative Grammar Games Guidelines

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Communicative Grammar Games

The Communicative Grammar Games are game-type 4. Immediately after instructions, do a demonstration
activities designed to provide extra controlled practice and make sure students understand what to do.
for students to interact in a more communicative way. The success of these activities depends on how well
• They are games because they have rules and a goal students know the purpose of the activity.
to achieve. 5. Divide the class into pairs or small groups, depending
• They are grammar games because each activity is on the type of interaction.
aimed at practicing a specific grammar point covered 6. Distribute copies and start the game.
in each unit of the Student’s Book.
• They are communicative because there is an Teacher’s role
information gap element in which students need While students perform the activity, monitor and
to talk to a partner or to other students in order to provide help as needed. Do not interrupt to correct
obtain the information they need to complete a task. any errors you hear. Remember that students need
to focus on achieving the task and not on grammar
Type of interaction accuracy. If a student cannot get his/her message
Depending on the game, some activities are played across, however, because of pronunciation or structural
in pairs, others in small groups, and yet others as problems, gently whisper the correct sentence or
a whole class. question for him/her to repeat. Take a notebook and
write down accuracy mistakes. Plan for a follow-up
Type of activities session in order to deal with these.
Activities for level 1 include guessing games, finding out Also remind students to use English at all times. Explain
about people or information, memorizing, assembling to them that part of the game is to use English because
models, matching pairs, asking for information and it is fun to do so. When students have finished the
collecting items. game, tell them that now they can revert to their native
language for a while.
When to use the Communicative Grammar Games
The Teacher’s Guide suggests a lesson in which to use What to expect from students
the Communicative Grammar Games. Alternatively, Levels 1 and 2 Young children can only learn short
you can use them whenever you find it most sentences or questions to repeat several times during
convenient. Keep in mind the following: the game. This type of drilling focuses on fluency
• The grammar point or vocabulary needs to have more than on accuracy. Drill the sentence or question
been presented and practiced; these games are not chorally, however, to achieve accuracy prior to the
a substitute for presentation activities found in the game. The Communicative Grammar Games for these
Student’s Book levels are designed to be done in a short time, or to
• These games do not work as five-minute activities or complete a task quickly. But if students find the task
end-of-the-week-relaxation games; there is a specific challenging, stop the activity and use it in a later
grammar objective, and time is needed for students class when they have gained more confidence in the
to achieve the task. grammar point being practiced.

What is needed
Follow this procedure:
1. Read the Teacher’s notes in advance to know how
many copies you need in your specific class.
Make sure you make the required sets.
2. Move chairs to create the space for the activities,
especially when doing a whole-class activity where
students have to walk around to find the information
needed. If this is not possible, have students work
with the people next to or near them. Make sure that
schoolbags are out of the way when students need to
walk around the classroom.
3. Give clear and concise instructions while you present
the materials. If needed, rephrase them in students’
native language. Also, ask volunteers to rephrase
them in their own words.

D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2014

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