Final ICTFL Shimbergenova Kamila XT2-1929

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Final assessment on ICTFL

Final Exam paper

Integrated Course of Teaching Foreign Languages
(Chet tili o’qitishning integrallashgan kursi)

Year 4 students

Group: XT-1929 Gained score_____

Student name: Shimbergenova Kamila

Task 1. Choose any song for making a 45-minute lesson plan for practicing
grammar. Consider the following while selecting the song:
 Cultural appropriacy
 Age appropriacy
 It should aid to practice grammar
Make a lesson plan. You are supposed to create the song related pre-, while,
and post-activities.
Criteria of evaluation
 The aim of the lesson should be specific, measurable, and achievable
 The stages of the lesson should be logically connected
 Each stage should be explained in detail.
 Timing

Teacher`s full name: Kamila Shimbergenova
Subject: English
Topic: World of songs
Level: A1
Target skills: Grammar, Listening, Speaking.
1. Practical- using speaking and grammar to be able to use different world classes correctly and
appropriately. Being able to use adjectives creatively and cooperatively in sentences;
2. Educative- using appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk an increased range of
general and curricular topics.
3. Developmental- students will be acquainted with the lesson goals with the help of the teacher;
students will carefully study and learn the comparative adjectives with the help of teacher.
4. Upbringing- pupils will insert new words into a song and perform it towards the classroom.

Outcomes of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about comparative forms
of adjectives; pupils will be able to construct sentences using adjectives.

Lesson Topic: “World of songs”

Course Type: practice Time: 45 min

Lesson Outline and Steps:

 Warm up, singing the song ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger‘ by Daft Punk
 Introduction to the vocabulary and grammar
 Watch the video about adjectives.
( )
2. While- task
 Task on comparative adjectives. Filling the gaps.
3. Post - task
 Quiz
 Singing 3 songs and complete the missing parts.
 Summary
 Home assignment
Lesson Objectives: Learning Outcomes:
 To engage the whole class in a warm- By the end of the lesson the SS will…
up activity  be able to use topic grammar in their
 To help students express opinions. speech, share their opinions and give
 To check students topic based feedback to each other.
knowledge  be able to perform the language by using
 To improve students listening skills learned material.
by singing songs.
 To analyze and discuss the main
points of topic after watching video
 To help students develop listening
and speaking skills
 To read and write about the given
Materials used:
Speakers, laptop, handouts, overhead projector, videos, whiteboard markers
Assessment criteria
Assessment: total 5 points for the lesson
5 – excellent (doing the tasks without errors , participating actively, understanding
spoken English without errors)
4 – good (doing the tasks with 1 or mistakes , participating almost actively,
understanding spoken English with few errors)
3 – satisfactory (doing the tasks with 3- 4 mistakes, participating poorly,
understanding spoken English fairly)
Alternative Assessment:
1 - for participating actively during the lesson;
1 – for working in the group actively.

Activity 1. Sing a song and find adjectives in it.
Activity 2. Change the adjective into the comparative form and fill in the blank
space to make a comparative sentence.

1. America is _________________ than England. (big)

2. Craig is _________________ than Stuart. (tall)

3. A sports car is _________________ than a motorbike. (expensive)

4. I am _________________ than you. (strong)

5. Dolphins are _________________ than rabbits. (intelligent)

6. Gold is _________________ than silver. (heavy)

7. The moon is _________________ than Earth. (small)

8. A motorbike is _________________ than a cheetah. (fast)

9. The sun is _________________ than lava. (hot)

10. Light is _________________ than sound. (quick)

11. The weather in Korea is _________________ than England. (warm)

12. I am _________________ than you. (young)

13. You are _________________ than me. (old)

14. The Nile river is _________________ than the Thames river. (long)

15. Science is _________________ than math. (interesting)

Activity 3

Read the question and write your answer using comparatives.

Activity 4
Make 10 sentences by using comparative adjectives and try to find songs to this
Task 2. Choose one of the classroom activities from the box. Write about the
ways of adapting it for different age learners. Fill the table.

1. “Find someone who…” 2. Toss the ball games 3. Bingo 4. Charades 5.

Picture description 5. Jeopardy
(write the name of the Young learners Teenagers Adults
activity here)

The stage of the Pupils will be Teenager students Adult students will
lesson given bingo cards will be given shout the word
with several sheets of words “BINGO”,
questions on it. and pictures with everyone returns
which they will and the one must
work. introduce the
people or words,
which is written on
his/her sheet.
Aim of the task This method might This method can This method may
amend the pupils’ motivate teenagers wander around the
creativity and to study in a fun room and improve
quickness. It also and active way. their rapidity.
aims to improve
their vocabulary.
The skill (subskill) Young learners or Teenagers can Adults can
to be practiced kids can learn improve increase their
about teamwork, vocabulary, knowledge by this
patience, mental translation or activity, especially
skills. As well, it speaking skills by this task can bring
can bring positivity this activity. motivation, create
which inspires friendly and
young kids. competitive
atmosphere and
finally boosts the
cognitive skills,
Interaction pattern Team working Individual working Individual/ Small
Group working
A detailed Teacher should Teacher should Students should
explanation of the print out some sets create a bingo take cards from the
procedure of cards and hand sheet and hand out teacher`s table and
(How does the out them to it to each student. find a person`s
teacher instruct? learners. After that, Each sheet should name or a word
What do the they should read have a word or an and describe it.
students do?) the statements or image. The They should use
questions on them learner’s task is to correct grammar
and answer them define the words or rules and
as quickly as they pictures into the adjectives if
can find by saying categories. If needed. Moreover,
the word Bingo. needed, they others will try to
should translate the find and if
words into their someone said the
mother tongues. right answer, the
person reading the
question should
say Bingo by
looking at this
Assumptions They will improve They can increase They can learn
(how will students their reading and hand-eye how to describe a
benefit from this speaking skills. coordination and person or a thing
task) They might also socials skills. They and can learn the
work as a team can maintain their words that they
with others and cognitive abilities don’t know from
improve relations and focus. other students.
with each other.

Task 3. Write your opinion on the given issue. Write 150-200 words.

How can teachers cope with rebellious teenagers in the classroom? What are the
ways of overcoming this problem?

Over the past decades, we have heard about teenagers going against their teachers
or even their parents and it is going to be difficult to control them. Most people
believe that this is temporary and it will pass when they grow up although others
think that they need to be dealt with and corrected so that it does not get worse in
the future.

On the one hand, when students rebel, the usual reaction of teacher is to fight back.
Such moments sometimes generate resentment and a sense of rivalry over who will
win and vice versa. The reason for that might be a desire for attention or
homesickness. However, every problem has its solution. For example, establishing
the order of how students enter the classroom, ask questions, do their work and
communicate in class is the first step to effective teaching. Without observing these
norms, even your most creative lesson will fail. As well, it’s important for your
students to see their teacher as the adult in the room. Even when you feel frustrated
and angry, try to avoid an emotional response.

On the other hand, rebelliousness in adolescence can lead to serious harm to

themselves, too. This can lead to the fact that many teenagers will be ashamed of
their own interests. They reject activities that used to give them pleasure and that
helped to increase their self-esteem. Rebellion can turn into self-destructive

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