Introduction To Perturbation Methods: Mark H - Holmes

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Mark H .


Introduction to
Perturbation Methods

With 88 Illustrations

New York Berlin Heidelberg London Paris
Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest

Series Preface vi

Preface vii

Chapter 1: Introduction to Asymptotic Approximations 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Taylor's Theorem and l'Hospital's Rule 3
1.3 Order Symbols 4
1.4 Asymptotic Approximations 7
1.4.1 Asymptotic Expansions 9
1.4.2 Accuracy versus Convergence of an Asymptotic
Series 12
1.4.3 Manipulating Asymptotic Expansions 14
1.5 Asymptotic Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental
Equations 18
1.6 Introduction to the Asymptotic Solution of Differential
Equations 26
1.7 Uniformity 37
1.8 Symbolic Computing 43

Chapter 2: Matched Asymptotic Expansions 47

2.1 Introduction 47
2.2 Introductory Example 48
2.3 Examples with Multiple Boundary Layers 62
xii Contents

2.4 Interior Layers 68

2.5 Corner Layers 77
2.6 Partial Differential Equations 84
2.7 Difference Equations 98

Chapter 3: Multiple Scales 105

3.1 Introduction 105
3.2 Introductory Example 106
3.3 Slowly Varying Coefficients 117
3.4 Forced Motion Near Resonance 123
3.5 Boundary Layers 132
3.6 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations 134
3.7 Linear Wave Propagation 139
3.8 Nonlinear Waves 142
3.9 Difference Equations 153

Chapter 4: The W K B and Related Methods 161

4.1 Introduction 161
4.2 Introductory Example 162
4.3 Turning Points 173
4.4 Wave Propagation and Energy Methods 185
4.5 Wave Propagation and Slender Body Approximations . . . 190
4.6 Ray Methods 197
4.7 Parabolic Approximations 207
4.8 Discrete WKB Method 212

Chapter 5: The Method of Homogenization 223

5.1 Introduction 223
5.2 Introductory Example 224
5.3 Multidimensional Problem: Periodic Substructure 234
5.4 Porous Flow 241

Chapter 6: Introduction to Bifurcation and Stability 249

6.1 Introduction 249
6.2 Introductory Example 249
6.3 Analysis of a Bifurcation Point 251
6.4 Linearized Stability 255
6.5 Relaxation Dynamics 264
6.6 An Example Involving a Nonlinear Partial Differential
Equation 271
6.7 Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions 281
6.8 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations 287
Contents xiii

Appendix A I : Solution and Properties of Transition

Layer Equations 297
Al.l Airy Functions 297
AI.2 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 299
A1.3 Higher-Order Turning Points 302

Appendix A2: Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals 305

A2.1 Introduction 305
A2.2 Watson's Lemma 306
A2.3 Laplace's Approximation 306
A2.4 Stationary Phase Approximation 306

Appendix A3: Numerical Solution of Nonlinear

Boundary-Value Problems 309
A3.1 Introduction 309
A3.2 Examples 310
A3.3 Computer Code 311

References 313

Index 331

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