Test Descirption Template Zienty 1 Effectiveness Test

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Effectiveness Test

Explain briefly but precisely what this test will attempt to determine. Explain how the test will yield objective data regarding meeting at least one of the
design goals for your product.

This test determines how well the prototype functions as a shoe. Since the prototype is meant to reduce shoe waste, it is important to make sure it is just as
usable as a normal shoe so that it has just as much market appeal in order to get as many people to reduce the amount of shoe waste they generate as possible.
The test will include the wearer having to walk a set distance in the same amount of time as it takes with a normal shoe.

Pass/Fail Criteria
What are your benchmarks? Determine what would constitute a passing/failing mark or condition for this test. How should the device respond? How will you
know if the event occurs during testing?

Pass – The average time of five attempts to walk the set distance in the prototype is within 1 second of the time in a normal shoe.

Fail – The average time of five attempts to walk the set distance in the prototype is not within 1 second of the time in a normal shoe

List the tools, parts, and supporting devices that you will need to set up the equipment. Include any visual or audio equipment necessary to document this

Tools needed – scale, notepad, pencil, calculator, Timer, tape, and recording device.

Parts needed – completed prototype parts

Initial Conditions
Determine the conditions that must be in place prior to attempting this test. An example would be: The prototype is completed, the device is installed
properly, and power is provided to the unit.

For this test to function it must be in flat area, the prototype must be complete, it must have video recording set up, and prototype must be worn on foot.

Safety Concerns
Identify any potential dangers posed to people or property that could result from testing. Describe precautions that must be taken in order to ensure the safety
of the tester and others and to protect tools, equipment, fixtures, and the surrounding facility from damage.

Hazards Controls Completed (yes/no)

Falling over from slipping The bottom of the shoe has been given a Yes
material to better grip the floor.

Cuts and injuries from it breaking The tester would wear a sock while yes
performing the test in order to provide a
layer of protection. The design Also has
padding between the two parts to serve as
extra protection

Test Termination
Under what conditions would you have to stop your testing?
The test would have to be stopped if the person performing the test got hurt or if the shoe broke. Additionally, the test would have to be stopped if the distance
for the test was measured wrong.

Step by Step procedures

List the step-by-step process describing what needs to be done in order to run this test. Be very specific so that anyone could perform this test without
additional instruction.

Step 1: the tester gets tape and marks a 20ft distance on a flat surface.

Step 2: the tester puts on a pair of normal shoes and goes to one end of the marked section.

Step 3: the tester walks at a normal pace to the other end of the marked section and records the time it took.

Step 4: the tester returns to the end of the section where it started.

Step 5: repeat step 3 until there are 5 results and calculate the average time for a normal shoe.

Step 6: remove normal shoe and put on the prototype

Step 7: tester heads to end of the marked section and repeats step 3 till it has 5 results and then calculate the average time for the prototype.

Step 8: look at the times and see if the test was a success or failure.

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