Talking About Rules Activities Promoting Classroom Dynamics Group Form - 55925

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Complete the sentences with CAN/CAN’T or HAVE/HAS TO. Pay attention to meaning!

I’m sorry! You ………………. use A football player ……….. head A basketball
your mobile in the classroom. A student ………. ask a the ball into the net and player……… .............use a
You ………………… ………go question during the lecture score a goal. He ….. .………be a racket to shoot the ball into
outside to use it. but he/she ………..………. raise good player to do that. the hoop. He …………..
his hand. throw the ball.

Students …..………. come to A tennis player ……….. throw

school for an exam without Tourists ………. take photos the ball . He …………..hit it
A good student ……….. be
revising. They ……………... be in the museum. They ………. with a racket.
late for class. He/she …..
prepared and confident. ……..leave their cameras at ………….. be punctual.
the front desk.

We …………. make faces in No one ……….park in areas You………. listen to music

the classroom. We ………….. You ………. eat or drink in not marked for parking. when you get home, but you
be respectful and polite. the classroom. You ……….. Drivers ……………be attentive. ………… do the classwork when
wait for the break. you are here.

You ……………. go to bed

Your brother ....... invite Students ………... talk to
A player …….…… throw the earlier because you …………….
his rock group to play at the each other during a test.
ball in bowling. He ……………. sleep in the classroom.
party, but he ………….…. stop They ……………………………. pay
roll the ball.
singing now. attention to the questions.

The students ……..…….. send All the children ……………..

me their report by email, You …….. forget to hand in pray before they go to bed. We ………….. help you now.
but they ……………………… your homework. I ……….. They …….…… sleep without Unfortunately, it’s too
remember to do it today. check it before you leave. praying. late. We ……………………. go.

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