Anatomy MCQs Batch 2 - CPK

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The ridge of roughened surface on the posterior surface of the shaft of the femur, to which muscles
are attached is called?

A. Gerdy tubercle

B. Linea aspera

C. Greater Trochanter

D. Intertrochanteric crest

Ans B

2. Deltoid muscle is innervated by ____

A. Radial nerve

B. Axillary nerve

C. Suprascapular nerve

D. None

Ans B

3. Common interosseous artery mostly arises from ___

A. Ulnar artery

B. Radial artery

C. Brachial artery

D. None

Ans A

4. Princepes policis is found on the lateral side of the deep Palmer arch true/false


5. Common peroneal nerve can be easily injured at the point where it crosses the neck of fibular

Ans True

6. The following are closely related to the soleus muscle except

A. Gastrocnemius

B. Plantaris

C. Vastus lateralis

D. None

And C

7. The anconeus is found in the anterior compartment of the arm True /False

Ans False

8. The following are adductors of the thigh except

A. Adductor longus

B. Adductor brevis

C. Adductor Magnus

D. Vastus lateralis

Ans D

9. The brachioradialis inserts on ulnar tuberosity true/ False

Ans False

10. With reference to nerve supply, pick out the odd one

A. Vastus Intermedius
B. Pectineus

C. Semitendinosus

D. Sartorius

Ans C

11. Suprascapular nerve gives a twig that supplies the shoulder joint True/False

Ans True

12. The longest bone of the lower limb is

A. Femur

B. Tibia

C. Fibula

D. Pubis

Ans A

13. One of the following courses superficial to the flexor retinaculum

A. Palmer branch of median nerve

B. Median nerve

C. tendon of flexor digitorum

D. None

Ans A

14. Which of the following is not correct (Hip Joint)

A. It is a ball and socket synovial joint

B. It is formed by acetabulum and the head of the femur

C. It forms a connection between the pelvic girdle and the lower limb

D. The tibialis anterior muscle acts on the joint

Ans D

15. The carrying angle is larger in females than males, True/False

Ans True

16. The deformity of the hip, whereby the angle between the head and the shaft of the femur is reduced
to less than 120 degrees is called?

A. Coxa Vara

B. Coxa Valga

C. Sciatica

D. Non of the above

Ans A

17. cancer of one great can easily metastasize to the opposite breast via

A. Inguinal lymph nodes

B. Apical group of axillary lymph nodes

C. Parasternal lymph node

D. Posterior axillary nodes

Ans C

18. All of the following can flex the thigh at the hip joint except

A . Sartorius

B. Semitendinosus
C. Pectineus

D. Vastus lateralis

Ans B

19. The following participate in elbow anastomosis except

A. Anterior ulnar recurrent artery

B. Radial recurrent artery

C. Interosseous recurrent artery

D. Princepes policis artery

Ans D

20. Which of these is not a boundary of the femoral triangle

A. Inguinal ligament

B. Adductor longus

C. Iliopsoas

D. Semimembranosus

Ans C

21. The following are involved in venous drainage of the upper limb except

A. Basilic vein

B. Cephalic vein

C. Saphenous vein

D. None

Ans C
22. Which of the following pair of veins drains the skin of the lower limb?

A. Cephalic and basilic veins

B. Great and small saphenous veins

C. Umbilical and Para umbilical veins

D. Femoral and Anterior tibial veins

Ans B

23. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket type of joint True / false

Ans True

24. These are part of the pars anserinus except

A. Pectneus

B. Gracilis

C. Semitendinosus

D. Semimembranosus

Ans A

25. The muscles of the posterior thigh are innervated by

A. Femoral nerve

B. Obturator nerve

C. Sciatic nerve

D. Ilioinguinal nerve

Ans C
26. The commonest site of fracture of the FEMUR in automobile accident is-----

A. Neck

B. Shaft

C. Condyle

D. Head

Ans B

27. Care is taken during intramuscular injections at the upper arm to avoid injury to one of the following

A. Ulnar nerve

B. Axillary nerve

C. Median nerve

D. None

Ans B

28. The shallow depression on the posterior surface of the knee is called

A. Cubital fossa

B. Adductor hiatus

C. Adductor canal

D. Popliteal fossa

Ans D.

29.The shoulder joint can easily be dislocated upwards true/false

Ans F
30. The gap between the adductor magnus muscle and the femur that allows the passage of the
femoral vessels is called the

A. Adductor hiatus

B. Addutor canal

C. Popliteal fossa

D. Femoral triangle

Ans A

31 Concerning the fibularis longus, the following are true except

A. It is innervated by the superficial peroneal nerve

B. It is in the lateral compartment of the leg

C. It is an evertor of the foot

D. It is on the medial compartment of the leg

Ans D

32. The following participate in supination except

A. Biceps brachi

B. Supinator

C. Teres major

D. None

And C

33. Anterior and posterior tibial arteries are branches of

A. Femoral artery

B. Popliteal artery
C. Genicular artery

D. Peroneal artery

Ans B

34. One of these provide cutaneous innervation to lateral part of the upoer end of the arm

A. Saphenous nerve

B. Median nerve

C. Axillary nerve

D. Cutaneous nerve

Ans C

35. The aponeurotic tunnel in the middle third of the thigh, extending from the apex of the femoral
triangle is called?

A. Adductor canal

B. Adductor hiatus

C. Femoral triangle

D. Popliteal fossa

Ans A

36. Which of the following is a medial rotator of the hip

A. Gluteus Maximus

B. Gluteus medius

C. Obturator internus

D. Superior gamelli

Ans B
37. One of the following is not clinically related to cubital fossa

A. Intravenous injections

B. Auscultation (blood pressure measurement)

C. Intramuscular injections

D. None of the above

Ans C

38. The lower limb is

A. Innervated by the cranial nerves

B. Innervated by the lumbo sacral plexus

C. Supplied by the brachial plexus

D. Non of the above

Ans B

39. One of these is absent in the upper extremity

A. Brachial artery

B. Great saphenous vein

C. Ulnar nerve

D. Palmaris brevis

Ans B

40. Which of the following is not a bone of the foot

A. Anvil

B. Calcaneus

C. Cuneiform
D. Navicular

Ans A

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