BDP 2008 English

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Bachelors Programme (b) Would you consider Milton’s sonnet ‘When I consider how my
light is spent’ a poem of complaint or a poem in praise of God ?
B. D. P. Give reasons for your answer.
Term End Examination – December, 2008
(c) Critically discuss Byron’s poem “There is a Pleasure in the
Elective Course Pathless woods”.
ENGLISH (d) Discuss the important images in Shelley’s To a Skylark and
First Paper show how they help you in your understanding of the poem.
(e) Discuss the theme of Yeats’s The Second Coming with
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100
reference to the symbols used in the poem.
Weightage of Marks : 70% (f) Bring out the element of irony in Sassoon’s poem They.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance (g) Why does Louis Bennett call his poem Colonization in
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect Reverse ? Give reasons for your answer.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. 3. Answer briefly any four of the following questions : 6×4=24
The weightage for each question has been (a) What is the difference between ‘blank verse’ and ‘free
indicated in the margin. verse’ ? Give reasons for your answer.
(b) Write a short note on the Spanserian stanja. What is its
1. Answer any two questions from the following : 20×2=40
metrical pattern ?
(a) With reference to sonnet numbers 18, 30 and 130 bring out the (c) What did the Augustan writers understand by the term
features of a Shakespearean sonnet. ‘imitation’ ?
(b) What is an ‘elegy’ ? Discuss Dryden’s To The Memory of Mr. (d) Comment on the allegorical framework in Dryden’s Absalom
Oldham as an elegy. and Achitophel.
(e) Write a paragraph on the role of the intellectuals in shaping
(c) In what ways is Victorian poetry an extension of romantic
modern poetry.
poetry ? Answer with reference to the poems in your syllabus.
(f) What is the basic difference between sex and gender ?
(d) Bring out the elements of modernism in T. S. Eliot’s The Love (g) Why does Auden refer to Brueghel’s painting ‘I carus’ in his
Song J. Alfred Prufrock. poem ‘Musee des Beaux Arts’ ?
(e) Critically analyse Blake’s Infant Joy and The Fly. (h) Scan the following lines and name the predominating metre :
For oft, when on my couch I lie
2. Answer any three of the following questions : 12×3=36
In vacant or in pensive mood,
(a) Discuss the poem ‘The God of Shepherds, Tityrus’, an extract They flash upon the inward eye
from Spenser’s The Shapherd’s Calendar, as a fine Which is the bliss of solitude ; .....
specimen of pastoral poetry. (i) Bring out with suitable examples the difference between an
P.T.O. antithesis and an epigram.


Bachelors Programme 2. Answer any three of the following questions : 12×3=36

B. D. P. (a) Write a note on the character of Godbole in A Passage To
Term End Examination – December, 2008
(b) Discuss how Arsat and his people would pass their time when
Elective Course
there was peace in the kingdom. (The Lagoon)
ENGLISH (c) Discuss the character of Donald Farfrae in The Mayor of
Second Paper Casterbridge.
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 (d) Discuss some of the characteristics of the essay, that you find
in Benson’s The Art of the Essayist.
Weightage of Marks : 70%
(e) Discuss the role of the Coffee Houses in the rise of the
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance Periodical Essay during the eighteenth century.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect (f) Discuss the episode of Darcy’s first proposal of marriage and
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. Elizabeth’s refusal in Pride and Prejudice.
The weightage for each question has been (g) Discuss the title of Forster’s A Passage To India.
indicated in the margin.
3. Answer any four of the following questions : 6×4=24
1. Answer any two of the following questions : 20×2=40 (a) Discuss the role of the white man in The Lagoon.
(a) Analyse the plot of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. (b) What role does the weather play in The Mayor of
(b) Examine the role of the rustics in The Mayor of Casterbridge ?
Casterbridge. (c) What is a novella ?
(c) Discuss the significance of the cave episode in Forsters A (d) Discuss the character of Biddy in Great Expectations.
Passage To India. (e) What does Benson say about the beginnings of the essay as a
(d) Discuss the romantic qualities of Lamb’s essay Dream literary form ?
Children : A Reverie. (f) What does Elizabeth learn about Darcy from the housekeeper
(e) Chances and coincidences play a significant role in the tragic at Pemberley ?
novels of Hardy. Discuss some of the chances and (g) How did Wilson finally die ? What does Maugham say about
coincidences which lead to the tragic end in The Mayor of his death ?
Casterbridge. (h) What do we learn about the Boss’s son in The Fly ?
(f) How does Dickens sketch the changes in Pip’s fortune and
character ?



Bachelors Programme (c) Show how Drayton’s sonnet ‘Since there’s no help ...’ hovers
B. D. P. between hopelessness and hope.
(d) Sum up Doctor Faustus’s speech to Helen and show how the
Term End Examination – December, 2008
address conveys hints of his doom.
Elective Course
(e) Critically analyse the ‘banquet scene’ in Shakespeare’s
ENGLISH Macbeth.
Third Paper (f) Comment on the significance of The Prince in the history of
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 Elijabethan and Jacobean writers.
(g) Point out the pastoral conventions in Milton’s Lycidas.
Weightage of Marks : 70%
3. Answer in brief any four of the following questions : 6×4=24
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
(a) Why do the souls in Donne’s The Good Morrow ‘watch not
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
one another out of fear’ ?
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
(b) Comment on the ‘ring’ episode in Shakespeare’s The
The weightage for each question has been
Merchant of Venice.
indicated in the margin.
(c) Why did Sidney’s Muse tell him ‘look into thy heart and write’.
1. Answer any two of the following questions : 20×2=40 (d) What is ‘Peripeteia’ and ‘Anagnorisis’ ?
(a) What do you understand by the term ‘Renaissance’ ? What (e) Why was the Fall of Constantinople important ?
were the causes of the ‘renaissance’ in Europe ? (f) Write short notes on (i) Euphues ; (ii) Arcadia.
(b) Write an essay on the major Sonnet-cycles in Italian and (g) What was Kyd’s contribution to the development of the
English Renaissance poetry. English drama ?
(c) Do you consider Lady Macbeth a tragic character ? Give
reasons for your answer.
(d) Who do you think is the ‘merchant’ in Shakespeare’s play The
Merchant of Venice ? Give reasons for your answer.
(e) Discuss any two of the following French writers of the
Renaissance : (i) Rabelaix, (ii) Montaigne, (iii) Ronsard.
2. Answer any three of the following questions : 12×3=36
(a) Make a comparative estimate of Donne and Herbert as
‘metaphysical’ poets.
(b) Write a brief essay on the theme of racial prejudice in
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

Bachelors Programme (c) Write a brief note on the picareque elements in Tom Jones.
B. D. P. (d) Describe and comment on the coronation of Shadwell in
Dryden’s Macflecnoe.
Term End Examination – December, 2008
(e) Describe after Pope, Belind’s cruise on the river Thames to
Elective Course
Hampton Court.
ENGLISH (f) Give an account of Steele’s recollection of the death of his
Fourth Paper father in Recollection of Adulthood.
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 (g) What does Goldsmith say about the past of “Sweet Auburn” in
The Deserted Village.
Weightage of Marks : 70%
(h) Summarise Gulliver’s experiences in the land of Lilliput.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
3. Answer any four of the following questions : 6×4=24
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
(a) Write a brief note on The Heroic Couplet.
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
(b) What picture of London do you get in Macflecnoe ?
The weightage for each question has been
(c) Sum up James Thomson’s description of winter in Seasons.
indicated in the margin.
(d) Write a brief note on Landscape poetry.
1. Answer any two of the following questions : 20×2=40 (e) Why was Gulliver disgusted with the food habits of the
(a) Describe the “proviso scene” in ‘The Way of the World’ and 4
2008 yahoos ?
comment on its significance. PUF (f) Give your impression of the character of Mrs. Hardcastle in
(b) Write a critical appreciation of Ode to Evening. She Stoops to Conquer.
(c) Examine Pope’s use of the Machinery of the Supernatural in (g) Write short notes on :
The Rape of the Lock. (i) Latitudinarians.
(d) Assess the character of Tony Lumpkin in She Stoops to (ii) Methodists.
Conquer. (h) Give a brief sketch of either Jenny Jones or Partridge.
(e) Write an essay on Tom Jones as a new type of hero. (i) Describe Belinda’s dream.
(f) What did the term Enlightenment mean in Eighteenth Century (j) Write a note on Deism.
Europe ? What was the major idea of its intellectual movement ?
2. Answer any three of the following questions : 12×3=36
(a) Write a brief note on some salient features of Pre-Romantic
(b) Examine the elegiac qualities of Gray’s Elegy Written in a
Country Charchyard.


2. Answer any three of the following : 12×3=36

Bachelors Programme (a) Who was Tithonus ? What gift was he endowed with ? What is
B. D. P. his response to this gift ?
(b) Who are Wamba and Gurth ? What role do they play in
Term End Examination – December, 2008
Ivanhoe ?
Elective Course
(c) What are the Pre-Raphaelite elements in Rossetti’s The
ENGLISH Blessed Damozel ? Answer with illustrative examples.
Fifth Paper (d) Write a note on characterisation in the novels of Scott. How
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 does he portray his heroes ?
Weightage of Marks : 70% (e) How does George Eliot contrast the characters of Silas and
Godfrey ?
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
(f) Describe how in The Superannuated Man Lamb plays about
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect
with the idea of Time — contrasting its nature before and after
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting.
The weightage for each question has been
(g) Tithonus has been called a dramatic monologue. Do you
indicated in the margin.
think the treatment is elegiac rather than dramatic ?
1. Answer any two of the following : 20×2=40 (h) Why, according to Carlyle, is one part of the world
(a) Show how Tintern Abbey reflects both Wordsworth’s spiritual overpopulated and the other underpopulated ? What does he
attitude towards Nature and his sensuous delight in the objects advocate as a solution ?
of Nature.
3. Answer any four of the following : 6×4=24
(b) Consider The Tiger and The Lamb as expressions of
(i) What form did Coleridge use in The Ancient Mariner ? Write
“Contrary states of the soul”.
a few lines on this form.
(c) Discuss the blend of playfulness and seriousness in Lamb’s
(ii) Describe the encounter between Richard I and Friar Tuck in
essay, The Superannuated Man.
(d) In what ways did the Industrial Revolution create a sense of
(iii) Why is Elizabeth Barret Browning’s Sonnet called Sonnets
alienation in the nineteenth century individual ?
from the Portuguese ?
(e) Write a critical appreciation of Elizabeth Baeret’s Sonnet
(iv) What does Lamb say about Sundays in The Superannuated
No. 1.
Man ?

(3) EEG-V

(v) Fill in the missing words —

Day after day, day after day
We stuck, nor —— nor motion
As —— as a painted ——
upon a painted ——.
(vi) What names did Lamb give to his dream children ? What was
their mother’s name in the essay ?
(vii) Explain the meaning of two of the following from their context
in Ode to a Nightingale.
(a) embalmed darkness (b) soft incense
(c) warm south (d) melodious plot.
(viii) What does the Duke particularly point out to the envoy at the
end of My Last Duchess ?

2. Answer any three questions : 12×3=36

(i) How does Brecht portray Mother Courage as a particular
Bachelors Programme human being within her time and class ?
(ii) Discuss the role of Mr. Ramsay and Mrs Ramsay in To the
B. D. P.
Lighthouse. How do their characters differ from each other ?
Term End Examination – December, 2008 (iii) What was the political background of Yeats’ poem Easter
Elective Course 1916 ?
ENGLISH (iv) What is the function of the songs in Mother Courage ?
Discuss with reference to all the songs in the play.
Sixth Paper
(v) In what ways does Mohan exploit Selui and trijs to exert his
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 hold over her ?
Weightage of Marks : 70% (vi) Write a note on the title of Destiny.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance (vii) Briefly describe the emergence of the psychological novel.
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect 3. Answer any four questions : 6×4=24
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. (i) What is the vision seen by Maurya in Riders to the Sea ?
The weightage for each question has been (ii) In Lady Lazarus who was Lazarus ? Why is he relevant to
indicated in the margin. the poem ?
(iii) What does Seamus Heaney mean by “responsible tristia” ?
1. Answer any two questions : 20×2=40 (iv) What is the meaning of the phrase “white man’s burden” ?
(a) Write a brief essay on the impact of modernism on the theme (v) Prelude IV refers to “ancient women”. Who are they ? What
and content of the novel with reference to any two novelists in do they do in the poem ?
your syllabus. (vi) Write a note on “epic theatre”.
(vii) Why is Shaw’s play called “The Dark Lady of the Sonnets”. Is
(b) Analyse the imagery in Auden’s On this Island.
the play really about the “Dark Lady” ?
(c) Write a critical appreciation of either Lady Lazarus or Daddy. (viii) Who or what is a “wood kerne” ? Why does Heaney identify
(d) Show how in Destiny British imperialism and racism continue himself with one ?
to exist even though colonial rule is at an end. (ix) Explain the allusion in the lines —
(e) Analyse Yeats’ response to the Easter Rising of 1916 as seen Out of the ash
in his poem Easter 1916. I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air
(Lady Lazarus’ —Plath)



3. Write notes on any two of the following : 3×2=6

Bachelors Programme (i) Cardinal vowels ; (ii) Front vowels ; (iii) Semi-vowels ;
B. D. P. (iv) Phonemes ; (v) Labio-dental fricatives ; (vi) Syllabic
consonants ; (vii) Nasal consonants.
Term End Examination – December, 2008
Elective Course 4. Write the phonemic transcription of any four of the following
words : 1×4=4
ENGLISH bird ; beauty ; doubt ; year ; they ; march ; hot ; lamb ; said.
Seventh Paper 5. Identify and explain the figures of speech in any one of the following
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 passages. 10
Weightage of Marks : 70% (a) Milton ! Thou shouldst be living at this hour :
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance England hath need of thee : She is a fen
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect of stagnant waters : alter, sword and pen,
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. Fireside, the heroic wealth of halland bower,
The weightage for each question has been Have forfeited their ancient English dower
indicated in the margin. Of inward happiness.
1. Answer any two of the following questions : 15×2=30
(b) The glories of our blood and state
(a) Show with illustrative references how new words are formed
Are shadows, not substantial things’,
in English from native resources through some regular
There is no armour against fate ;
processes of word formation.
Death lays his icy hand on kings :
(b) Discuss the extent and nature of the French influence on the
Sceptre and Crown
English language. Must teemble down,
(c) Discuss the impact of the Bible on the English language. And in the dust be equal made
(d) Write notes on any two of the following : With the poor crooked scythe and spade.
(i) Johnsonse (ii) homonym verbs (iii) hybridism.
6. Write the substance of the following poem & a critical note on its
(e) Write notes on any two of the following (i) Forms in-ing ; language, metre, images. 20+10
(ii) Pre-Christian latin loan words ; (iii) Malapropism.
My days among the Dead are past ;
2. Write brief philological word notes on any five of the following : Around me I behold,
2×5=10 Where’er these casual eyes are cast,
trusteeship ; admiral ; cherry ; egg ; villain ; bridal ; yankee ; The mighty minds of old :
handbook ; brethren ; debt. P.T.O.


My never-failing friends are they, 5 Or,

With whom I converse day by day.
(b) The tortoise here and elephant unite
Transformed to combs, the speckled and the white,
With them I take delight in weal
Here files of pins extend their shining rows
And seek relief in woe ;
Puffs, powders, patches, Bibles, billet-doux.
And while I understand and feel
How much to them I owe, 10
My cheeks have often been bedew’d
With tears of thoughtful gratitude.

My thoughts are with the Dead ; with them

I live in long-past years,
Their virtues love, their faults condemn, 15
Partake their hopes and fears,
And from their lessons, seek and find
Instruction with an humble mind.

My hopes are with the Dead ; anon

My place with them will be, 20
And I with them shall travel on
through all Futurity ;
Yet leaving here a name, I trust,
That will not perish in the dust.
7. Scan any one of the following passages and indicate the
predominant metrical scheme with variations, if any. 10
(a) Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note
As his corpse to the rampart we hurried ;
Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot
O’er the grave where our hero we buried.


Bachelors Programme and these “stagnant materials” that almost all sections of Indian
society and all organs of the Indian state has become morally sick
B. D. P.
and are malfunctioning. I am convinced that unless the Indian mind
Term End Examination – December, 2008
is regenerated and the Indian soul freed of its impurities, the country
Elective Course
will continue to have an irresponsible citizenry, selfish leadership
ENGLISH and corrupt politics.
Eighth Paper Sometimes, I am driven to think that our problems are so
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100 formidable, so deeprooted, that nothing short of a revolution will
Weightage of Marks : 70% do. But India’s history and heritage show that its ethos is more in
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in the tune with renaissance than revolution.
answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, untidy There is a fundamental difference between revolution and
work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for each renaissance. The former comes like a storm, a tornado that
question has been indicated in the margin. sweeps everything before it ~ old values, old attitudes, old
institutions and old edifices. It dynamites the past. But it destroys
1. Write an essay on any one of the following topics : 40
more than it constructs, and extracts a very heavy price. What is
(a) The Art of the Essay.
worse, more often than not, it enthrones a God that may turn out to
(b) Plays are meant for performance.
be false. It has often happened that “the scrupulous, the just, the
(c) Environmental pollution.
virtuous, the noble do not remain the leader of the revolution; they
(d) The Historical Novel.
become its victims”.
(e) Gender Discrimination in India.
A renaissance, on the other hand, is like a fresh breeze that
(f) Media in the 21st Century.
flows gently into a dark and suffocating night, and begins to
2. Write the substance of the following passage and add a critical remove its dust and haze, giving birth to clear dawn ~ a dawn that
comment on its theme and style. 20+10=30 is new but not unconnected with the dawns that are now resting in
During my long years in public life, one common perception has the lap of history.
come to the fore : there is too much iron in the Indian soul and its In late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, India
mind has been badly clogged by the stagnant material that it has experienced a renaissance that was at the root of its successful
collected during the long period of degeneration that its civilisation struggle for freedom. But it lost its verve and vitality in the post-
has undergone. I have noticed that it is on account of this “iron” 1947 period. The social and cultural order that was undergoing a


new impulse of reform and regeneration was neglected. The A woman in Tanzania is a muck-shifting, field-hoeing, child-
leaders were obsessed with politics and its power. The Gandhian breeding cooking machine, with no say at all. ‘The women who
attempt to inject noble strands of Indian culture in the task of all- listen and remain silent’, I was told, ‘are the ones whose opinions
round national reconstruction of the country was virtually thrown we most respect’. She may also become a collector’s item for a
into the dustbin of history. polygamous husband. The several wives of a Sukuma husband
None of the leaders of any stature of the post-1947 period seldom live under the same roof. More commonly they are housed
pondered over the fact that a social order that was dominated by at a distance from one another to prevent them from meeting.
the forces of obscurantism, casteism and general ignorance could However polygamy is an expensive indulgence as the price of
produce only a weak and venal political order. brides is high. A dowry costs thirty to forty cows – depending on
In the absence of healthy social and cultural roots and with a the bride as well as the cows. A wife, after all, is a child-bearer
poisoned bloodstream flowing in its veins, the body politic of India and as such represents a commodity of high worth. She is sold by
was bound to develop deformities and give rise to a number of her father with a legal cattle-back guarantee: no babies no deal.
chronic ailments. The root of it is that a man needs insurance and investment.
And this is exactly what has happened. Every component of Risk is a dominant fact of life around which African civilization
the state machinery is getting out of joint and exposing the system has evolved. The Sukumas insure by having children. According
to the grave risk of total collapse. to their ancient religion, those children in Mwamashele represent
The outward facade may not look in an alarmingly bad shape, their parents’ key to life everlasting; but more practically, daughters,
but the signals emanating from the inner recesses are ominous. in addition, fetch in dowries while sons represent the only pension
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : to which a peasant can aspire. Even children, however, are subject
to risk. One third of the babies die before the age of two. So fertile
Mwamashele village in Tanzania is a tiny settlement of the Sukuma
brides have a price on their heads.
tribe. It has two resources : people and land. The people have no
illusions about their poverty and yet have hope and plans. And On the other hand the Sukumas have developed a
there is a fertile, if eroding, land with a little water beneath it and a complementary insurance policy – cattle. The Sukuma’s cow would
relentless sun overhead. They grow enough cereals to subsist on make a British farmer weep. It is a stunted, hump-backed creature
and some cotton for pin money and they keep great herds of scraggy that neither produces milk nor is bred for beef. Its stringy flesh is
cows. These are their assets. It is when you want to build something not eaten until the animal expires upon the ground. Its hide is not
that you realize what is missing. There is no stone, clay, lime or tanned for lack of water. Yet it tramps in great herds across the
metal ore; no cement or plastics—let alone cash to buy them. Savannah, steadily overgrazing the land. Why is this ? Because

when the crops are devoured by locusts or rotten with mould,

consumed in storage by rats or parched to nothing by the
indomitable sun, the cow remains – mangy and lean perhaps, but
on the hoof.
The poor world is not unlike a chess player who has to start the
game with half his pieces missing from the board. The Sukumas
play not to win but to survive.

Questions : 5×6=30
(a) What are Mwamashele’s assets ? What is missing there ?
(b) What is polygamy ? Why is it expensive in Mwamashele ?
(c) What do you learn about a woman’s position in Sukuma
society ?
(d) Why is the cow of great value to the Sukumas ?
(e) What is the Sukumas’ attitude towards children ?
(f) Explain the meaning of the following expressions in the
(i) insure by having children. (ii) no illusions about their

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