Dse 2

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A H -V/E nglis h/D S E' 2 / 2 0

B.A. sth Semester (Honours) Examinationr 20L9
Subject: English
Paper: DSE-2
(Partition Literature)
Full Marks: 60
Time: 3 Hours

The.figures in the margin indicate full marks'

in their ownwords
Candidates are required to Sive their answers
as far as Practicable'

1. Answer any ten of the following questions:

The Shadow Lines, published? In which

year did it receive the
(a) In which year was the novel,
SahitYa Akademi Award?

(b) When, and where, was Tha'mma born?

up woman?
(c) What was the narator's first impression of Ila as a grown
as 'our ruin' as referred to by Tridib'
(d) Explain the significance of the victoria Memorial

(e) How did Tridib die?

(0 Briefly comment on the character of Jethamoshai'

last working
(g) comment on the farewell ceremony which the school arranged on Tha'mma's


what circumstances?
(h) when did Tridib and May first start exchanging letters and under

(i) Comment on the Character of Pramatha'

on the margin'
() Comment on how the character of Bhushan stays

(k) Why did Alam stay back with Anantashekhar's family?

e'Toba Tek Singh" put in the asylum in the first place?
(1) Why were the lunatics in Manto's

on the occasion of Indian

(m) comment on the reaction of the Anglo-Indian lunatics

even though she hasn,t had food for four days.,,- Explain.
(n) Jyoti,s ..belly remains big

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AH-V/English/DSE-2/20 e)
2. Answer any four of the following questions, 5 x4=20
(a) what does Ila mean when she says
that she wants to be 'free,? what is the
between her perception of freedom and rha,mma,s
perception of freedom ? z+3=5
(b) what is the significance of the 'upside-Down
House, in The shadow Lines?
(c) Comment on the sub-continental partition
as the cause of conflicted identities in Ghosh,s
The Shadow Lines.

(d) comment on Manik Bandopadhyay's depiction

of Kolkara as a cit1, in .,The Final solution,,.
(e) comment on Manto's choice of a runatic
as the protagonist of Toba Tek singh.
(0 what role does 'nostalgia' play in palit's story,
'Aram,s own House.,?
3. Answer any two of the folrowirg questions:
(a) comment on the titre of Khushwant
singh,s narrative Train to pakistart.
(b) Analyse the role of women in Khushwant
singh,s Train to pakisrart.
(c) compare the characters of the narrator
and Ila while reflectin-e on their respective
understanding of borders and countries
in Ghosh,s The shadott.Lires.
(d) critically anaryse the theme of partition in Ghosh,s
The srtadotr Lines.

comment on the importance of the Parsi perception
of independence, as depicted in Bapsi
Sidhwa's lce-Candy Man.

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