1.iterative Model

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Iterative Model

The iterative process model is a software development life cycle (SDLC)

approach in which the initial development work is conducted based on initial
requirements that are clearly defined, and subsequent features are added to this
base software product through iterations until the final system is completed.


1. Testing and debugging during smaller iteration is easy.

2. A Parallel development can plan.
3. It is easily acceptable to ever-changing needs of the project.
4. Risks are identified and resolved during iteration.
5. Limited time spent on documentation and extra time on designing.


1. It is not suitable for smaller projects.

2. More Resources may be required.
3. Design can be changed again and again because of imperfect requirements.
4. Requirement changes can cause over budget.
5. Project completion date not confirmed because of changing requirements.
V-Model also referred to as the Verification and Validation Model. In this, each phase of
SDLC must complete before the next phase starts. It follows a sequential design process
same as the waterfall model. Testing of the device is planned in parallel with a
corresponding stage of development.


1. Easy to Understand.
2. Testing Methods like planning, test designing happens well before coding.
3. This saves a lot of time. Hence a higher chance of success over the waterfall model.
4. Avoids the downward flow of the defects.
5. Works well for small plans where requirements are easily understood.

Disadvantage (Cons) of V-Model:

1. Very rigid and least flexible.
2. Not a good for a complex project.
3. Software is developed during the implementation stage, so no early prototypes of the
software are produced.
4. If any changes happen in the midway, then the test documents along with the required
documents, has to be updated.
RAD (Rapid Application Development)
RAD is a linear sequential software development process model that emphasizes a
concise development cycle using an element based construction approach. If the
requirements are well understood and described, and the project scope is a constraint,
the RAD process enables a development team to create a fully functional system within
a concise time period.

Advantage of RAD Model

o This model is flexible for change.
o In this model, changes are adoptable.
o Each phase in RAD brings highest priority functionality to the customer.
o It reduced development time.
o It increases the reusability of features.

Disadvantage of RAD Model

o It required highly skilled designers.
o All application is not compatible with RAD.
o For smaller projects, we cannot use the RAD model.
o On the high technical risk, it's not suitable.
o Required user involvement.
Incremental Model
Incremental Model is a process of software development where requirements divided
into multiple standalone modules of the software development cycle. In this model,
each module goes through the requirements, design, implementation and testing
phases. Every subsequent release of the module adds function to the previous release.
The process continues until the complete system achieved.

Advantage of Incremental Model

o Errors are easy to be recognized.
o Easier to test and debug
o More flexible.
o Simple to manage risk because it handled during its iteration.
o The Client gets important functionality early.

Disadvantage of Incremental Model

o Need for good planning
o Total Cost is high.
o Well defined module interfaces are needed.
Big Bang Model
In this model, developers do not follow any specific process. Development begins with
the necessary funds and efforts in the form of inputs. And the result may or may not be
as per the customer's requirement, because in this model, even the customer
requirements are not defined.

Advantage(Pros) of Big Bang Model:

1. There is no planning required.
2. Simple Model.
3. Few resources required.
4. Easy to manage.
5. Flexible for developers.

Disadvantage(Cons) of Big Bang Model:

1. There are high risk and uncertainty.
2. Not acceptable for a large project.
3. If requirements are not clear that can cause very expensive.

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