PR Sannverse Railtech 10nov23
PR Sannverse Railtech 10nov23
PR Sannverse Railtech 10nov23
Detailed Rationale:
The revision of the ratings assigned to the bank facilities of Sannverse Railtech Private Limited
continue to derive strength from its experienced promoters in infrastructure sector, healthy
order book, improved financial risk profile & comfortable capital structure and debt protection.
However, the rating strengths are partially offset by exposure to competitive segment and
inherent risk in nature of business & tender-based nature of operations with intense
competition in the industry.
Key Rating Sensitivities:
Upward Factors:
- Growth in scale of operation with improvement in profit margins leading to
improvement in cash accruals on sustained basis.
- Increase in order book and timely execution of the same
Downward Factors:
- Decline in operating income and profitability.
- Substantial decline in execution of work orders.
- Stretch in the working capital cycle negatively impacting liquidity position.
Healthy Order book - The company has an unexecuted order book position Rs. 1654.21
Crore, thereby, giving medium term revenue visibility. However, the same is concentrated
towards contracts from state government departments.
Improved financial risk profile - The total operating income improved to Rs. 248.95 Cr. in
FY23 from that of Rs. 101.95 Cr. in FY22. Simultaneously, the EBITDA of the company
improved to Rs 24.93 Cr in FY23 from Rs 10.80 Cr in FY22 and the PAT of the company
stands improved to Rs 14.94 Crs in FY23 from Rs 6.44 Crs in FY22. The company has
achieved revenues in tune of Rs 200crs for a period from April 23 to September 23 as informed
by the management of the company.
Comfortable capital structure and debt protection metrics - The capital structure marked
by an overall gearing stood at 0.68 times as on March 31, 2023.The net worth of the company
stood at Rs.26.56 crore in FY 2023 as compared to Rs.11.77 crore in FY 2022. Interest service
coverage ratio (ISCR) is healthy and stood 12.39 times in FY2023 as against 8.48 times in FY
2022. The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) of the company also stood healthy at 5.05
times in FY2023.
Key Rating Weaknesses:
Exposure to competitive segment and Inherent risk in nature of business - Intense
rivalry, many participants, and low entry barriers are characteristics of the industry. For
government agencies, the corporation builds roads as part of its operations. Additionally, the
fierce competition in this market may lead to aggressive project bidding, which would affect
the company's profit margins. The primary business risks faced by the corporation in the sector
include economic fragility, regulatory risks in developing markets, delays in government
payments, project execution risk, and variable input costs.
Applicable Criteria:
Criteria of assigning Rating Outlook
Rating Methodology for Infrastructure Companies
Financial Ratios & Interpretation (Non-Financial Sector)
Liquidity – Adequate
About the Company
Sannverse Railtech Private Limited Erstwhile Known as Millennium Infra & Realty Projects
Private Limited. The name of the company has changed with effect from May 04, 2023 (as per
Certificate of Incorporation). Sannverse Railtech Pvt Ltd. (SRPL) operates in different sectors
including construction of Roadway, Railway, Water Supply, Power, Real estate and
Consultancy. Currently, the company caters to construction solutions to Roads, Buildings, and
Bridges, Dams & Irrigation projects. It executes projects for both Government and private
clients Pan-India. The company has considerable reliance on government contracts for
construction of new roads & repairing of the existing roads for the various state departments.
Financials: Standalone
(Rs. crore)
For the year ended/* 31-03-2022 31-03-2023
As On
Audited Audited
Total Operating Income 101.95 248.95
EBITDA 10.80 24.93
PAT 6.44 14.94
Total Debt 5.08 18.15
Tangible Net-worth 11.77 26.56
EBITDA Margin (%) 10.60 10.01
PAT Margin (%) 6.32 5.98
Overall Gearing Ratio (x) 0.43 0.68
*Classification as per Infomerics' standards
Rating History for last three years:
Sr. Name of Current Ratings Rating History for the past 3 years
No. Instrument/ (Year 2023-24)
Facilities Type Amount Rating Date(s) & Date(s) & Date(s) &
(Rs. Rating(s) Rating(s) Rating(s)
crore) assigned assigned assigned
in 2022-23 in 2021-22 in 2020-21
(Dec 23,
1. Long Term Long 55.00 IVR IVR BB+/ - -
Fund Based Term BBB- Stable
Bank Facilities /Stable
– Cash Credit
2. Long Term Long 40.00 IVR IVR BB+/ - -
Fund Based Term BBB- Stable
Bank Facilities /Stable
– Proposed
3. Short Term Short 37.50 IVR A3 IVR A4+ - -
Non-Fund Term
Based Facility
- Bank
4. Short Term Short 107.50 IVR A3 IVR A4+ - -
Fund Based Term
Bank Facilities
– Proposed
About Infomerics:
Infomerics Valuation and Rating Private Ltd (Infomerics) was founded in the year 1986 by a
team of highly experienced finance professionals for research and risk evaluation. Infomerics
commenced its activities as External Credit Assessment Institution after obtaining registration
from Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and accreditation from Reserve Bank of India
Adhering to best international practices and maintaining high degree of ethics, the team of
analysts at Infomerics deliver quality credit ratings. Infomerics evaluates wide range of debt
instruments which helps corporates access to financial markets and provides investors credit
ratings backed by in-depth research. The transparent, robust, and credible ratings have gained
the confidence of investors and the banks.
Infomerics has a pan India presence with Head Office in Delhi and Corporate Office at
Mumbai, with branches in major cities and representatives in several locations. Infomerics
also has international presence with credit rating operations in Nepal through its JV subsidiary.
For more information visit
Disclaimer: Infomerics ratings are based on information provided by the issuer on an ‘as is where is’ basis.
Infomerics credit ratings are an opinion on the credit risk of the issue / issuer and not a recommendation to buy,
hold or sell securities. Infomerics reserves the right to change or withdraw the credit ratings at any point in time.
Infomerics ratings are opinions on financial statements based on information provided by the management and
information obtained from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. The credit quality ratings are not
recommendations to sanction, renew, disburse or recall the concerned bank facilities or to buy, sell or hold any
security. We, however, do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information, which we
accepted and presumed to be free from misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. We are not responsible for
any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Most entities whose bank
facilities/instruments are rated by us have paid a credit rating fee, based on the amount and type of bank
facilities/instruments. In case of partnership/proprietary concerns/Association of Persons (AOPs), the rating
assigned by Infomerics is based on the capital deployed by the partners/proprietor/ AOPs and the financial strength
of the firm at present. The rating may undergo change in case of withdrawal of capital or the unsecured loans
brought in by the partners/proprietor/ AOPs in addition to the financial performance and other relevant factors.
Annexure 1: Details of Facilities:
Name of Facility Date of Coupon Maturity Size of Rating
Issuance Rate/ Date Facility Assigned/
IRR (Rs. crore) Outlook
Long Term Fund Based - - - 55.00 IVR BBB-
Bank Facilities – Cash /Stable
Long Term Fund Based - - - 40.00 IVR BBB-
Bank Facilities – /Stable
Short Term Non-Fund - - - 37.50 IVR A3
Based Facility - Bank
Short Term Fund Based - - - 107.50 IVR A3
Bank Facilities –
Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument: Infomerics has classified instruments