PR Faridabad Steel 24jan23
PR Faridabad Steel 24jan23
PR Faridabad Steel 24jan23
Detailed Rationale
The rating revision of Faridabad Steel Mongers Private Limited considers the significant
improvement in scale of operations, better overall financial risk profile, continuous healthy
performance in FY22 & 9MFY23. Further rating continues to derive comfort from experienced
management, comfortable net worth & financial risk profile. However, these rating strengths
remain constrained by vulnerability to fluctuations in input prices; fragmented and competitive
industry & very thin profitability margins.
Upward Factors
List of Key Rating Drivers with Detailed Description
Key Rating Strengths
More than 2 decades of experience of promoters in the trading business of iron & steel
products and long-term relationships with key customers support the business profile.
• Improvement in scale of operations & absolute margins:
Over the past three financial years, (FY20-FY22) total operating income of FSMPL has
increased by a CAGR of ~18.64%. Due to Covid-19, there is a decline in the top line at Rs.
622.53 crore in FY20. As the demand of steel has risen, the company was able to achieve the
top line of Rs. 655.79 crore in FY21 and subsequently Rs. 1039.45 crore in FY22.The EBITDA
has also improved marginally from Rs. 11.32 Crores in FY21 to Rs. 14.38 Crores in FY22.
• Comfortable net worth & financial risk profile:
With consistent accretion of profits to reserves, the long-term debt to equity ratio remained
comfortable at 0.24x in FY22 and overall gearing stands at 2.24 in FY22 as compared to 2.46
in FY21. The Company has satisfactory tangible net worth base and it improved to Rs. 34.47
Crores in FY22 from Rs. 29.63 Crores in FY21 due to accretion of profit to reserves. The debt
protection indicators of the company remained satisfactory and further improved such as
interest coverage improved from 1.69x in FY21 to 2.36x in FY22. The DSCR improved
significantly to 2.06x in FY22 from 1.51x in FY21.
Key Rating Weaknesses
The steel industry in India is characterised by intense competition and fragmentation, with the
presence of many units, because of low entry barriers. This restricts the ability of players to
pass on any increase in the raw material prices to customers. Therefore, any sharp increase
in input prices is likely to have a significant impact on the profitability of the companies
operating in the sector.
• Very Thin Profitability Margins:
The traders of steel products are essentially price-takers in the market, which directly exposes
their cash flows and profitability to volatility in the input prices. EBITDA in terms of margin
percentage, it has remained fairly consistent from 1.73% in FY21 to 1.38% in FY22. The Profit
after Tax (PAT) improved from Rs. 3.02 Crores in FY21 to Rs. 4.75 Crores in FY22. While in
percentage terms, it has remained consistent from 0.46% in the last two fiscal years.
Analytical Approach: Standalone Approach
Applicable Criteria:
Liquidity – Adequate
The gross cash accruals stood comfortable Rs. 6.78 Cr. against a repayment obligation of Rs.
0.11Cr in FY22. The company also has an adequate current ratio of 1.29 in FY22. Liquidity is
expected to remain Adequate. The company is expected to generate cash accruals in the
range of Rs. 7.39 crore to Rs. 9.62 crore in FY23-FY25 as against the repayment of Rs. 0.22
crore to Rs. 1.76 crore indicating sufficient repaying capability. The average fund-based
utilisation remained high at ~90.32% during the past 11 months ended November 2022.
and accordingly gets higher bulk discount from others, this helps in maintaining margins and
creating market price for smaller players.
Financials (Standalone):
(Rs. crore)
For the year ended*/As on 31-03-2021 31-03-2022
Audited Audited
Total Operating Income 655.53 1039.45
EBITDA 11.32 14.38
PAT 3.02 4.75
Total Debt 71.16 75.37
Adjusted Tangible Net worth 31.36 36.19
EBITDA Margin (%) 1.73 1.38
PAT Margin (%) 0.46 0.46
Overall Gearing Ratio (x) 2.27 2.08
*Classification as per Infomerics’ standards
Status of non-cooperation with previous CRA: The other CRA BWR has moved to Issuer
not Cooperating category on 17.12.2021 due to non-submission of information and has been
in the INC category ever since.
Any other information: Nil
About Infomerics:
Infomerics was founded in the year 1986 by a team of highly experienced and knowledgeable
finance professionals. Subsequently, after obtaining Securities Exchange Board of India
registration and RBI accreditation and the activities of the company are extended to External
Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI). Adhering to best International Practices and maintaining
high degree of ethics, the team of knowledgeable analytical professionals deliver credible
evaluation of rating. Infomerics evaluates wide range of debt instruments which helps
corporates open horizons to raise capital and provides investors enlightened investment
opportunities. The transparent, robust and credible rating has gained the confidence of
Investors and Banks. Infomerics has a pan India presence with Head Office in Delhi, branches
4 in major cities and representatives in several locations. For more information visit
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of the firm at present. The rating may undergo change in case of withdrawal of capital or the unsecured loans
brought in by the partners/proprietor/ AOPs in addition to the financial performance and other relevant factors.
Annexure 1: Details of Facilities
Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument: Infomerics has classified instruments
rated by it on the basis of complexity and a note thereon is available at