Weathering and Mass Wasting

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Dr. Tom Ouna, Karatina University


Earth’s geomorphological processes are never ending activities. The landforms are formed due to
various endogenous and exogenous processes. The endogenous processes are generated by the
internal forces of the earth. They are the tectonic processes like earthquakes, deformation, volcanic
eruptions, metamorphism and sea-floor spreading. The exogenous processes are activated by the
geological agents acting on the surface like running water, moving glaciers, blowing wind and
washing sea waves. In addition to these, there are some natural geomorphic processes acting on the
surface of the earth. They are the weathering and mass-wasting processes. These two processes are
very active on the surface of the earth. They are responsible for many morphological modifications
of rock bodies existing on land. Among these, mass-wasting is a unique geomorphological process
destabilizing the surface rocks and soil mass. Gravity pulls rocks, soils and debris on a downward
slope naturally without any chemical change. This downward movement is called as mass -
movement or mass-wasting. Landslides, mudflows and rockfalls, all belong to this category of
geomorphic processes.

Mass-wasting may lead to severe natural disasters affecting the life and building structures in
different places. Understanding of mass-wasting will certainly help to mitigate the impacts of these
hazards and plan the development activities.

In this episode, the following aspects of mass-wasting are highlighted:




The term mass-wasting is used for a broad categories of processes whereby the earth’s surface
materials are pulled down on a slope by the force of gravity.

Mass wasting is a geomorphic process by which soil, regolith, and rock move down a slope under
the force of gravity. It is also called as mass-movement. It happens on a standing rock body or
regolith. It is closely related to weathering, which is the breakdown of minerals or rocks at or near
Earth's surface through physical, chemical, or biological processes. It is also related to erosion
because the transport of material is done through a variety of agents like wind or flowing water.

There are two forces involved in a mass standing on a slope. One is the driving force and the other one
if the resisting force. The standing mass has the driving force due to its weight. The slope and
substratum have the resisting force. When the driving force exceeds the resisting force, then the
mass becomes unstable and move down or fall. When the gravitational force acting on a slope
exceeds its resisting force, failure of slope occurs in holding the mass. The slope material's strength
and cohesion and the amount of internal friction between material help in maintaining the slope's
stability. These are collectively known as the slope's shear strength. The steepest angle that a
cohesionless slope can maintain the mass without losing its stability is known as its angle of repose.
When a slope possesses this angle, its shear strength perfectly counterbalances the force of gravity
acting upon it and the mass will not leave. When the angle of repose is more, with a little trigger or
disturbance, the mass moves down rapidly.

Mass wasting may occur at a very slow rate, particularly in areas that are very dry or those areas
that receive sufficient rainfall such that vegetation has stabilised the surface. It may also occur at
very high speed, such as in rock slides or landslides, with disastrous impacts. Varieties of mass
wasting happens based on the type of mass involved, type of movement involved and the type of
effect they create on a region. These movements are classified according to the speed and force of
the process, from extremely slow creep to very rapid, dramatic slide or fall.

Factors that change the potential of mass wasting include:

a) change in the slope angle;
b) weakening of the material by weathering;
c) increased water content;
d) changes in the vegetation cover; and
e) overloading.

Mass-wasting occurs on both on terrestrial slopes and submarine slopes. Inside the seas and oceans
also such mass-movements happen. Mass-movement have also been observed in Mars, Venus, and
Jupiter's moon Io.

Examples of rapid mass wasting include landslides and avalanches, which can be the cause
of widespread death and destruction when they occur in populated areas.

Water plays a typical role in mass-movements.

Water can increase or decrease the stability of a slope depending on the amount present not only on
the overlying mass but also on the slope. Water may to create a slippery phase on the slope.

Small amounts of water can strengthen soils because the surface tension of water gives the soil a
lot of cohesion. This allows the soil to resist erosion better than if it were dry.

If too much water is present the water may act as a lubricant, accelerating the erosion process and
resulting in different types of mass wasting like mudflows and landslides.

A good example of this is to think of a sand castle, which may collapse at any time. Water must be
mixed with sand in order to form the castle to keep its shape. If too much water is added the sand
washes away, if not enough water is added, the sand falls and can not keep its shape.


Types of mass movement are distinguished based on how the soil, regolith or rock moves
downslope as a whole.

The process involves two major factors as type of mass and type of movement. The type of mass
involved may be bedrocks or soils.

The type of movement may be a fall, slide, flow or creep.

Type of mass involved

Bedrock Soils
Types of movement involved
Falls Rockfall Soilfall
Slides Slums , slides and glides Slums , slides and glides
Flows Fragment flow Earthflow, debris flow,
Complex Complex type of movements

In addition to these, sub-categories of mass-movements are classified based on the type of

movement involved as

a) Planar movement or
b) Rotational movement.

Types of mass wasting include creep, slides, flows, topples, and falls, each with its own
characteristic features, and taking place over timescales from seconds to years.

The down-slope movement of material, whether it be bedrock, regolith, or a mixture of these,

is commonly referred to as a landslide.

Under a complex situation, all of these processes generally grade into one another, so classification
of such complex processes is very difficult.

Ultimately the classification results into the following types of mass movements:
a) Creeps
b) Slides
c) Slumps
d) Flows
e) Falls.

Creeps : Creep is a long term mass-wasting process on a downhill. In this process, the
combination of small movements of soil or rock occurs in different directions over time. Creep is
directed by gravity gradually downslope.

The steeper the slope, the faster the creep. The creep makes trees and other shrubs bend and curve
to reach the sun light.

These often trigger landslides because the dirt underneath is not very strong.

The trees most of the time die out because of lack of water and sun, and these rarely happen in wet

Caused by freezing then thawing, or hot then cold temperature, it causes surface soils to move
up then down.

Creep happens at a rate that is not noticeable to the naked eye, and it also happens in the
tropical regions.

Slides : Slides are sudden downhill movement of masses of rock or sediment or soils.

Slides are also called Translational Slides, as they involve only straight movement along a direction.

Rock slides and debris slides result when rocks or debris slide down a pre-existing surface, such
as a bedding plane, foliation surface, or joint surface.

Piles of talus are common at the base of a rock slide or debris slide.

Slides differ from slumps in that there is no rotation of the sliding rock mass along a curved


Where the mass movement has a well-defined zone or plane of sliding, it is called a landslide.

This includes rock slides and slumps.


The term slump refers to a slipping of coherent rock material along the curved surface of a decline.

Slumps are also called as Rotational Slides due to the type of movement involved. These are special
category slides wherein the downward rotation of rock or regolith occurs along a concave-upward
curved surface.

The upper surface of each slump block remains relatively undisturbed, as do the individual blocks.
Slumps leave arcuate scars or depressions on the hill slope.

Slumps may be isolated or may occur in large complexes covering thousands of square meters.
They often happen due to human activities. Slumps are common along the roads where slopes have
been oversteepened during construction.

They are also common along the river banks and sea coasts, where erosion has under-cut the

Heavy rains, tectonic disturbances, tremors and earthquakes can also trigger slumps.


Movement of soil and regolith resembling like a fluid behavior is called as a flow.

These include avalanches, mudflows, debris flows, earth flow, lahars and sturzstroms.

Water, air and ice are often involved in enabling this fluidlike motion of the material.

Sediment Flows

Sediment flows occur when sufficient force is applied to rocks and regolith that they begin to flow
down slope.

A sediment flow is a mixture of rock, and/or regolith with some water or air. They can be broken
into two types depending on the amount of water present as Slurry flows and granular flows.

Slurry Flows- are sediment flows that contain between about 20 and 40% water. As the water
content increases above 40%, the slurry flows grade into streams. Slurry flows are considered as
water-saturated flows.

Granular Flows - are sediment flows that contain between 0 and 20% water. Granular flows are
possible with little or no water. Fluid-like behavior is given to these flows by mixing with air.
Granular flows are not saturated with water.

Each of these classes of sediment flows can be further subdivided on the basis of the velocity
at which flowage occurs.
The Slurry Flows are further classified into:
a) Solifluction
b) Debris flows and
c) Mudflows.

Solifluction is a flowage of soil mass at rates measured on the order of centimeters per year of
regolith containing water.

Solifluction produces distinctive lobes on the hill slopes. These occur in areas where the soil
remains saturated with water for long periods of time.

Debris Flows occur at higher velocities than solifluction. The velocities may range between 1
meter/hr to 100 meters/hr.

It often results due to heavy rains causing saturation of the soil and regolith with water.

They sometimes start with slumps and then flow down hill forming lobes with an irregular surface
consisting of ridges and furrows.

Mudflows are very diffent type of mass-movements. These are a highly fluid, high velocity mixture
of sediment and water that has a consistency ranging between soup-like and wet concrete.

They move at velocities greater than 1 km/hr and tend to travel along valley floors.

These usually result due to heavy rains in areas where there is an abundance of
unconsolidated sediment that can be picked up by the streams.

Thus after a heavy rain streams can turn into mudflows as they pick up more and more
loose sediments on the way.

Mudflows can travel for long distances over gently sloping stream beds. Because of their high
velocity and long distance of travel they are potentially very dangerous types of mass-movements.

Mudflows can also result from volcanic eruptions that cause melting of snow or ice on the slopes of
volcanoes, or draining of crater lakes on volcanoes.

Volcanic mudflows are often referred to as lahars. Some lahars can be quite hot, if they are
generated as a result of eruptions of hot tephra.

Granular Flows are yet another type of mass-movements.

Creep is a very slow, usually continuous movement of regolith down slope. Creep occurs on
almost all slopes, but the rates vary.

Evidence for creep is often seen in bent trees, offsets in roads and fences, and inclined utility poles.

Earthflows are usually associated with heavy rains and move at velocities between several cm/yr
and 100s of m/day.

They usually remain active for long periods of time. They generally tend to be narrow tongue-like
features that begin at a scarp or small cliff.

Grain Flows usually form in relatively dry material, such as a sand dune, on a steep slope. A small
disturbance sends the dry unconsolidated grains moving rapidly down slope.

Debris Avalanches are yet another type of mass -movement. These are very high velocity flows
of large volume mixtures of rock and regolith that result from complete collapse of a
mountainous slope.

They move down slope and then can travel for considerable distances along relatively gentle slopes.
They are often triggered by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.


Topples are unique instances when huge blocks of rock pivot and fall away from a slope.

Falls are major categories of mass-wasting. A fall, including rockfall, is where regolith cascades
down a slope, but is not of sufficient volume or viscosity to behave as a flow.

Falls are promoted in rocks which are characterised by presence of vertical cracks or joints.

Falls also occur due the undercutting action of water as well as undercutting of waves near coastal
regions. They usually occur at very steep slopes such as a cliff or escarpments.

The rock material may be loosened by tremors or earthquakes, rain, plant-root wedging and
expanding ice.

The accumulation of rock material that has fallen down will reside at the base of the structure. It is
known as talus.

Falls are further c ategoried into two types as rockfalls or debris falls. Rock falls occur when a piece
of rock on a steep slope becomes dislodged and falls down the slope. Debris falls are similar, except
they involve a mixture of soil, regolith, vegetation, and rocks.

A rock fall may be a single rock or a mass of rocks, and the falling rocks can dislodge other rocks as
they collide with the cliff.

Because this process involves the free fall of material, falls commonly occur where there are steep
cliffs. At the base of most cliffs we get the accumulation of fallen material called as talus.


Mass-wasting is a geomorphic process happening due to a triggering mechanism.

Soil and regolith remain on a hillslope only while the gravitational forces are unable to overcome
the frictional forces keeping the material in place. They are stable and the factor is called as Slope

Other Factors that reduce the frictional resistance relative to the downslope forces initiate the mass
–movement. They are:
 seismic shaking
 increased overburden from structures
 increased soil moisture and infiltration of water
 reduction of roots holding the soil to bedrock
undercutting of the slope by excavation or erosion
weathering by frost heave
bioturbation .

Mass wasting is fully related to gravity.

Creep, slides, and flows all of these processes share one thing in common, namely, that they are
caused by the incessant downward pull of gravity , which moves all loose slope material

Gravity-driven mass wasting processes are a subset of larger set of processes that
transport weathered and unweathered earth materials.

The trigger for mass-movement may come due to micro-seismic activities, tectonic dislocations and
shaking of the ground by neo-tectonic forces. Such incidences may be common in places where
there is an active fault on a hill slope.

Active faults will always create the trigger. Even if the movement is very small, the effect will be
more. Huge volume of mass existing on a hill slope will be moved down within a fraction of a second
after trigger. It is the most dangerous situation which is not known and unpredictable by any
normal methods. Continuous seismological observations using seismometers and earth stations
may help in monitoring the situations.

The second triggering mechanism is the increase in the weight by a overburden. It may be a new
structure created on the slope involving a heavy weight. Sometimes cutting the slopes for laying
roads and dumping the excavated mass on another slope may increase the weight.

Water has hydraulic pressure. When water enters into the soil, it fills the pore spaces of soils and
weathered zones. Due to this accumulation of water molecules on the regolith and soils, the weight
increases. It also starts moving down through the pores. Water can create slippery phases between
the bedrock and the overburden.

The mass-movement may occur after any slow and steady rainfall. Throughout the world, the
water-induced mass-movements are more in number. Rainfall is the major triggering mechanism.

Removal of trees may affect the binding mechanism between overburden and the bedrock. Roots of
trees have the ability to keep the mass in-tact on a slope.

Growth of trees is a slow and steady natural process and hence it never triggers a mass-movement,
but does the opposite. It binds the mass with the bedrock.

Due to incidences like forest fires, such unexpected conditions arise.

Erosion is a major triggering mechanism. It forcefully removes the mass down a slope. Sometimes,
the under-cutting action of flowing water along a slope, may move the surrounding rockbodies and
regolith downwards.

Similarly, cutting of slopes for highways or constructions may also lead to this situation.

Weathering is another process enacting mas-movements. Weathering has the ability to disintegrate
the overburden and decompose the mass both physically and chemically.

These physical disintegration processes may loosen the mass. Once the compactness is disturbed,
then the other factors like water saturation takes a lead role to move the mass. Though weathering
is a slow process, it induces the mass to move even on a gentle slope.

Root wedging is a different process. Through cracks and fractures, the roots penetrate and
destabilize the rock block below. Such actions may encourage rockfalls and debrisfalls.

Bioturbation is yet another factor for mass-wasting. The role played by microorganisms may loosen
the compactness of the mass on a slope.


The major factors responsible for mass-movements are:

a) Shear strength of mass
b) Slope of the land
c) Weathering and climate
d) Water content of the mass
e) Vegetation
f) Overloading
g) Geology and structure
h) Thickness of the soil cover
i) Triggering mechanism.

When the gravitational force acting on a slope exceeds its resisting force, slope failure (mass
wasting) occurs. The resisting forces helping to maintain slope stability include the slope material's
strength and cohesion, the amount of internal friction between grains, and any external support of
the slope. These factors collectively define a slope's shear strength.

Opposing a slope's shear strength is the force of gravity. Gravity operates vertically but has a
component acting parallel to slope, thereby causing instability.

All slopes are in a state of dynamic equilibrium, which means that they are constantly adjusting
to new conditions. The greater a slope's angle, the greater the chance for mass wasting.

A number of processes can oversteepen a slope. One of the most common is undercutting by
stream or wave action. This removes the slope's base, increases the slope angle, and thereby
increases the gravitational force acting parallel to the slope.

Excavations for road cuts and hillside building sites are another major cause of slope failure.
Grading the slope too steeply, or cutting into its side, increases the stress in rock or soil until it is
no longer strong enough to remain at the steeper angle and mass wasting ensues.

Weathering and Climate are important factors.

Mass wasting is more likely to occur in loose or poorly consolidated slope material than in solid
bedrock. As soon as solid rock is exposed at the Earth's surface, weathering begins to disintegrate
and decompose it, thereby reducing its shear strength and increasing its susceptibility to mass
wasting. The deeper the weathering zone extends, the greater the likelihood of some type of mass

Water Content is a factor. The amount of water in rock or soil influences slope stability. Large
quantities of water from melting snow or heavy storms greatly increase the likelihood of slope
failure. The additional weight that water adds to a slope can be enough to cause mass movement.

Vegetation affects slope stability in several ways. By absorbing the water from a rainstorm,
vegetation decreases water saturation of a slope's material and the resultant loss of shear
strength that frequently leads to mass wasting.

The removal of vegetation by either natural or human activity is a major cause of many mass

Overloading is almost always the result of human activity and typically results from
dumping, filling, or piling up of material.

The additional weight created by overloading increases the water pressure within the material,
which in turn decreases its shear strength, thereby weakening the slope material.

Geology and Slope Stability are to be considered. The relationship between topography and the
geology of an area is important in determining slope stability. If the rocks underlying a slope dip in
the same direction as the slope, mass wasting is more likely to occur than if the rocks are
horizontal or dip in the opposite direction.

Triggering Mechanisms

The most common triggering mechanisms are strong vibrations from earthquakes and
excessive amounts of water from a winter snow melt or a heavy rainstorm.

Volcanic eruptions, explosions, and even loud claps of thunder may also be enough to trigger a
landslide if the slope is sufficiently unstable.

Many avalanches, which are rapid movements of snow and ice down steep mountain slopes, are
triggered by the sound of a loud gunshot, a sonic boom from a super sonic airplane, or, in rare cases,
even a person's shout.


Mass-wasting is an important part of the erosional process, as it moves material from higher
elevations to lower elevations where transporting agents like streams and glaciers can then pick
up the material and move it to even lower elevations.

Mass- wasting processes are occurring continuously on all slopes; some act very slowly,
others occur very suddenly, often with disastrous results.

Any perceptible down slope movement of rock or regolith is often referred to in general terms as
a landslide. Landslides, however, can be classified in a much more detailed way that reflects the
mechanisms responsible for the movement and the velocity at which the movement occurs.

As human populations expand and occupy more and more of the land surface, mass -wasting
processes become more likely to affect humans. The table below shows the impact of mass-wasting
processes on human life over the last century.

Rapid mass wasting events such as massive landslides or debris flows are typically triggered
by events that destabilize material that resides on steep slopes. Such events include earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, rain or melting snow, and poorly planned landscape alterations by humans
(e.g. road cuts or developments that require the removal of material at the bases of slopes).

The impacts of mass-wasting could be seen only on the hill stations and roads along the Ghat
sections. Landslides are serious hazards along these roads. Frequent maintenance of these roads
become an expensive affair for any government.

Knowledge about the relationships between local geology and mass -wasting processes can lead
to better planning of a region that can reduce the vulnerability of such natural hazards.


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