Earth Science

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Explain how rocks

and soil move

downslope due to
the direct action of
Mass movements
- Downslope movement of rock or soil by the
force of gravity is one of the most common ways
by which the surface of the Earth is shaped over
time. These mass movements may be very rapid
or imperceptibly slow. Mass movements are
practically unstoppable once they are in motion
and can damage or destroy roads, railroads,
buildings, and houses in their paths. Because they
require some topographic relief to get started,
mass movements are most common in
mountainous or hilly terrain.
Types of mass movement:
Types of mass movement are distinguished based
on how the soil, regolith or rock moves downslope
as a whole

1. Creeps 5. falls
2. Landslides
3. Flows
4. slump
1. Creeps –
Soil creep is a long term process. The
combination of small movements of soil or rock in
different directions over time are directed by gravity
gradually downslope. The steeper the slope, the
faster the creep. The creep makes trees and shrubs
curve to maintain their perpendicularity, and they can
trigger landslides if they lose their root footing. The
surface soil can migrate under the influence of cycles
of freezing and thawing, or hot and cold
temperatures, inching its way towards the bottom of
the slope forming terracotta's. This happens at a rate
that is not noticeable to the naked eye.
• Example of creeps
2. Landslides
-A landslide, also called a landslip, is a
rapid movement of a large mass of earth and
rocks down a hill or a mountainside. Little or no
flowage of the materials occurs on a given slope
until heavy rain and resultant lubrication by the
same rainwater facilitate the movement of the
materials, causing a landslide to occur. The
common forms of landslides are slump, debris
slide, rock slide, rock fall, debris fall and
3. Flows
-Movement of soil and regolith that more
resembles fluid behavior is called a flow. These
include avalanches, mudflows, debris flows,
earth flow, lahars and sturzstroms. Water, air
and ice are often involved in enabling fluid like
motion of the material.
Flows example
4. Slump
-A slipping of coherent rock material along
the curved surface of a decline. Slumps involve a
mass of soil or other material sliding along a
curved surface (shaped like a spoon). It forms a
small, crescent-shaped cliff, or abrupt scarp at
the top end of the slope. There can be more
than one scarp down the slope.
-A fall, including rock fall, occurs where regolith
cascades down a slope, but is not of sufficient
volume or viscosity to behave as a flow. Falls are
promoted in rocks which are characterized by
presence of vertical cracks. Falls can result from
undercutting by running water as well as from
undercutting by waves. They usually occur at very
steep slopes such as a cliff face. The rock material
may be loosened by earthquakes, rain, plant-root
wedging, and expanding ice, among other things.
The accumulation of rock material that has fallen and
resides at the base of the structure is known as talus.
why the Earth’s interior is hot?
- The primary contributors to heat in the core
are the decay of radioactive elements, leftover
heat from planetary formation, and heat released
as the liquid outer core solidifies near its
boundary with the inner core.
Thank you

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