ATT MT-2.0 Rev. 1 Procedure

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

Table of Contents
Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Page No. Purpose and Scope ....................................................... 2 References .................................................................... 2 Personnel Qualifications ................................................ 2 Magnetic Particle Equipment and Materials ................... 2 Surface Preparation ....................................................... 4 Examination Procedure ................................................. 5 Examination Coverage .................................................. 5 Magnetizing Field Adequacy .......................................... 5 Magnetizing Technique ................................................. 6 Particle Application ........................................................ 7 Evaluation of Indications ................................................ 7 Acceptance Criteria ....................................................... 8 Demagnetization ........................................................... 8 Post Cleaning ................................................................ 9 Figure 1 ......................................................................... 9 Figure 2 and 3 ............................................................. 10 Visual Acceptance Criteria ........................................... 11 NDE Report ................................................................. 12

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Procedure No. ATT-MT-2.0 Page 1 of 13

Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 This procedure establishes the process requirements for Yoke and Prod Magnetic Particle Examination, using dry non-fluorescent particles per the requirements of AWS D1.1. This procedure will be used in conjunction with applicable client specifications.



REFERENCES 2.1 2.2 ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code, Steel, current edition. ATT NDE-QC-1 Qualification and Certification Procedure for Nondestructive Examination Personnel, current revision. ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination, current edition.



PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION 3.1 Personnel performing Magnetic Particle Examinations (MT) shall be certified to at least Level I (MT) in accordance with procedure ATT NDEQC-1 Qualification and Certification Procedure for Nondestructive Examination Personnel. Only individuals qualified for NDT Level I and working under the NDT Level II or individuals qualified for NDT Level II may perform Magnetic Particle Examinations. Interpretation and evaluation of Magnetic Particle examination results shall be accomplished by personnel certified as MT Level II or certified Level III who is also qualified for MT Level II.



MAGNETIC PARTICLE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The MT Level III will document approval of any equipment or materials used as an equivalent to that specified in this procedure.

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


MAGNETIC PARTICLE EQUIPMENT 4.1.1 Yoke type - Parker Research Corporation, Model DA-200, A.C./D.C. Contour Probe; Magnaflux Corporation, Models Y-5, Y-6, or Y-7 A.C./D.C. Yokes or equivalent. 4.1.2 Portable Unit - Magnaflux Corporation, Model P910, 1000 Amp. A.C./D.C.; Econospect Corporation, Model M-27D, 1000 Amp. A.C./D.C.; Econospect Corporation, Model M-27, 1000 Amp. D.C. or equivalent.


FERROMAGNETIC PARTICLES 4.2.1 Dry visible powder - Magnaflux Corporation, 8A Red, 1 Gray, 3A Black or equivalent.


EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION 4.3.1 Each piece of magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at least every 6 months, or whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electrical repair, periodic overhaul, or damage. If equipment has not been in use for 6 months or more, the equipment must be calibrated prior to use. Caution When measuring half-wave rectified AC, the direct current reading of a conventional DC test meter reading must be doubled. 4.3.2 The accuracy of the units meter will be verified by test equipment traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST). Comparative readings will be taken for at least three different current outputs levels encompassing the usable range. 4.3.3 The units meter reading shall not deviate by more than + 10% of full scale, relative to the actual current value as shown by the test meter. 4.3.4 The magnetizing force of yokes will be checked at least once every six months, or whenever a yoke has been damaged. If a yoke has

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

not been in use for a six month period or more, a check must be done prior to use. NOTE Weights such as Parker Research model number TB10 or TB10S may be used to verify the magnetizing force of yokes. 4.3.5 Each alternating current electromagnetic yoke must have a lifting power of at least 10 lb. at the maximum pole spacing to be used. 4.3.6 Each direct current or permanent magnetic yoke must have a lifting power of at least 40 lb. at the maximum pole spacing to be used. 4.3.7 Each weight will be weighed with a scale from a reputable manufacturer and stenciled with the applicable nominal weight prior to first use. A weight need only be verified again if damaged in a manner that could have caused a potential loss of material. 5.0 SURFACE PREPARATION Satisfactory results are usually obtained when the surfaces are in the as-welded condition. If the surface is unusually non-uniform or a very rough weld deposit is present, surface conditioning may be required on any questionable areas. Prior to Magnetic Particle Examination the weld and the HAZ shall be visually examined and conform to the Visual Examination criteria of AWS D1.1, current edition.

Note When testing local areas, such as welds, the areas adjacent to the weld to be examined, as agreed by the contracting parties, must also be cleaned to the extent necessary to permit detection of indications. 5.1 The surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1 inch shall be clean, dry, and free of contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, loose rust, loose mill scale, lint, thick paint, welding flux/slag, weld spatter, and other extraneous matter that might restrict particle movement.

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


5.1.1 Thin nonconductive coatings, such as paint, up to 2 mils in thickness need not be removed except at all points of electrical contact. If a nonconductive coating greater than 2 mils in left on an area to be examined it must be demonstrated that a minimum discontinuity size can be detected through the maximum thickness applied. 5.1.2 Conductive coatings, such as heavy mill scale, can mask discontinuities. It must be demonstrated that the discontinuities can be detected through such coatings. 5.1.3 Cleaning may be accomplished by detergents, organic solvents, vapor degreasing, sand or grit blasting. Surface temperature shall not exceed 6000 F while performing magnetic particle examinations with dry powder.

5.3 Magnetic particle examination of welds in all steels may begin immediately after the completed welds have cooled to ambient temperature except for welds made in ASTM A514 and A517 steels. Magnetic particle examination for final acceptance of welds in these materials shall not be performed in less than 48 hours after completion of the welds. 6.0 EXAMINATION PROCEDURE 6.1 Examinations shall be performed with the continuous method; that is, the magnetizing current remains on while the ferromagnetic particles are being applied and while excess ferromagnetic particles are removed. Examination may be accomplished with the use of the Prod method (Figure 1), inducing a circular field into the specimen under test, or by the Yoke method (Figure 2), inducing a longitudinal field into the specimen under test. Dry particles shall be selected that will give adequate contrast between indication formation and specimen background. The intensity of the visible light at the surface of the part/work shall be a minimum of 100 foot candles. Procedure No. ATT-MT-2.0 Page 5 of 13




Revision 0 3/02/10

Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


EXAMINATION COVERAGE 7.1 All examinations will be conducted with sufficient overlap of inspection zones to assure 100% coverage of the total area of interest. At least two separate examinations will be performed on each area. 7.2.1 During the second examination, the lines of magnetic flux will be approximately perpendicular to those used during the first examination. 7.2.2 A different technique for the magnetization may be used for the second examination.



MAGNETIZING FIELD ADEQUACY 8.1 The adequacy and direction of the magnetizing field will be verified with a Magnetic Particle Field Indicator (Pie Gauge) (Figure 3).

8.1.1 When using the field indicator, a suitable flux or field strength is indicated when a clearly defined line of magnetic particles forms across the copper face of the indicator when the magnetic particles are applied simultaneously with the magnetizing force. 8.1.2 When a clearly defined line of particles is not formed, or is not formed in the desired direction, the magnetizing technique shall be changed or adjusted. 9.0 MAGNETIZING TECHNIQUE 9.1 PROD METHOD Caution Extreme care should be taken to maintain clean prod tips, to minimize heating at the point of contact and to prevent arc burns and local overheating on the surface being examined since this may cause adverse effects on material properties. 9.1.1 Direct or rectified magnetizing current shall be used

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

9.1.2 The current shall be 100 (minimum) amp/in. to 125 (maximum) amp/in. of prod spacing for sections .75 in. thick or greater. For sections less than .75 in. thick, the current shall be 90 amp/in. to 110 amp/in. of prod spacing. 9.1.3 Prod spacing shall not exceed 8.0 inches or be less than 3.0 inches. 9.1.4 If the area of examination exceeds a width of one quarter of the prod spacing, measured from a centerline connecting the prod centers, the magnetic field intensities shall be verified, with a pie gauge, at the edges of the area being examined. 9.1.5 The prod tips shall be kept clean and dressed. 9.1.6 The open circuit voltage of the magnetizing current shall not exceed 25 volts. 9.2 YOKE TECHNIQUE NOTE Except for materials .25 inch or less in thickness, alternating current yokes are superior to direct current magnetic yokes of equal lifting power for the detection of surface discontinuities. 9.2.1 This technique will only be applied to detect discontinuities that are open to the surface. 9.2.2 Alternating or direct current electromagnetic yokes shall be used. 10.0 PARTICLE APPLICATION Note Dry particles shall not be applied to a wet surface; they will have limited mobility. Neither shall they be applied where there is excessive wind. 10.1 Apply the dry powder in such a manner that a light uniform, dustlike coating settles upon the surface of the part/piece while it is being magnetized. The preferred application technique will

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


suspend the particles in air in such a manner that they reach the part surface in a uniform cloud. While the magnetizing current is present, care must be exercised to prevent the removal of particles attracted by a leakage field that may prove to be a relevant indication of a discontinuity.


EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS 11.1 Relevant indications are produced by leakage fields which are the result of discontinuities. 11.1.1 Linear indications are indications in which the length is more than three times there width. 11.1.2 Round indications are indications which are circular or elliptical with the length less then three times there width. 11.1.3 An indication of a discontinuity may be larger than the discontinuity that causes it; however, the size of the indication and not the size of the discontinuity is the basis of acceptance or rejection. All indications will be evaluated in terms of the appropriate acceptance standards (paragraph 12.0) A Report of Nondestructive Testing Magnetic Particle Examination shall be used to record examination parameters and results (attached). The customer will be provided with a copy of this report which shall include as a minimum; 11.3.1 Customer name, contract or job number, and report date. 11.3.2 Signature and certification level of magnetic particle examiner. 11.3.3 Vessel, tank, part, or weld number(s) examined. 11.3.4 Extent of examination. 11.3.5 Magnetizing technique used (i.e., yoke). 11.3.6 Magnetizing equipment manufacturer, model number, serial number, and due date of calibration or verification of yoke lifting power. 11.3.7 Type of ferromagnetic particles used (manufacturer, color, wet, dry, and batch number). 11.3.8 Magnetizing current (type and amperage). Procedure No. ATT-MT-2.0 Page 8 of 13



Revision 0 3/02/10

Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

11.3.9 When required, demagnetization. 11.3.10 Interpretation of each magnetic particle indication, noting relevant and significant nonrelievant indications. 11.3.11 Evaluation of each relevant magnetic particle indication noting acceptance or rejection. 11.3.12 Reference to this procedure and the appropriate acceptance standard. 11.3.13 Post-examination cleaning performed. 12.00 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 12.1 Welds that are subject to magnetic particle examination shall be evaluated on the basis of the requirements for visual examination (attached).


DEMAGNETIZATION Caution A part may retain a strong residual field after having been circular magnetized and exhibit little or no external evidence of this field. Therefore, the circular magnetization should be conducted before the longitudinal magnetization if complete demagnetization is required. 13.1 A strong residual magnetic field in a part to be arc welded could interfere with the welding process. Residual fields may also interfere with later magnetic particle examinations. Demagnetization is required only if specified on drawings, purchase order, contracts or by the customer. When required, an acceptable level of residual magnetization and the measuring method shall be specified.


Demagnetization with Alternating Current Yokes for local areas may be accomplished by placing the yoke contacts on the surface, moving them around the area, and slowly withdrawing the yoke while the magnetizing current is applied.

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POST CLEANING Procedure No. ATT-MT-2.0 Page 9 of 13

Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0


Post-test cleaning is necessary where magnetic particle materials could interfere with subsequent processing or with service requirements. Post-test cleaning methods may include the use of compressed air to blow off unwanted particles, brushing off of the particles, flushing with solvent, or other post-examination cleaning methods may be used if they will not interfere with subsequent requirements.


M ag ne t iz ng i C u r ren t M ag ne t iz ng i C u r ren t

T es t P e ce i

M ag ne t ic F ed i l

Figure 1 Prod method of magnetization

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

T es t P e ce i

M ag ne t c i F ed i l

Figure 2 Yoke method of magnetization

34 "o1" / t

8 Low C a r on S ee lP e S e c ton s b t i i F u r a ce B r zed T oge he rand n a t C oppe rP a ed l t

1 3 2M a x /

N on e rr u s H and e f o l and T r n on s u i

Figure 3 Magnetic Field Indicator

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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0

Visual Acceptance Criteria

Discontinuity Category and Criteria Statically Loaded Nontubular Connections Cyclically Loaded Nontubular Connections Tubular Connection s (All Loads)

(1) Crack Prohibition The weld shall have no cracks. (2) Weld/Base-Metal Fusion Through fusion shall exist between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and base material. (3) Crater Cross Section All craters shall be filled to the full cross section of the weld, except for the ends of intermittent fillet welds outside of their effective length. (4) Weld Profiles Weld profiles shall be in conformance with Table 1 (5) Time of Inspection Visual examination of welds in all steels may begin immediately after completed welds have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 and A517 steel shall be based on visual inspection performed not less than 48 hours after completion of the weld. (6) Underrun A fillet weld in any single continuos weld shall be permitted to underrun the normal fillet size specified by 1/16 in. without correction, provided that the undersize portion of the weld does not exceed 10% of the length of the weld. On web-to-flange welds on girders, no underrun is permitted at the ends for a length equal to twice the width of the flange. (7) Undercut (A) For material less than 1 in. thick, undercut shall not exceed 1/32 in., except that a maximum 1/16 in. is permitted for an accumulated length of 2 in. in any 12 in. of weld. For material equal to or greater than 1 in. thick, undercut shall not exceed 1/16 in for any length of weld. (B) In primary members, undercut shall be no more than 0.01 in. deep when the weld is transverse to tensile stress under any design loading condition. Undercut shall be no more than 1.32 in. deep for all other cases. (8) Porosity (A) Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress shall have no visible piping porosity. For all other groove welds and for fillet welds, the sum of the visible piping porosity 1/32 in. or greater in diameter shall not exceed 3/8 in. in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed 3/4 in. in any 12 in. length of weld. (B) The frequency of piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one in each 4 in. of weld length and the maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. Exception: for fillet welds connecting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8 in. in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed 3/4 in in any 12 in. length of weld..




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Attest Inspection, LLC


11515 Carson Avenue, Pearland, Texas

AWS Magnetic Particle Testing Examination Procedure

Procedure No. ATT-MT-2 Rev 0
(C) Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove welds, the frequency of piping porosity shall not exceed one in 4 in. of length and maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in. 1. An X indicates applicability for the connection type.

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