Gs8-Final 2 Grammar Review

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UNIT 7-9


1. When they (arrive) ……..we will have lunch.
2. We (clean) ……up the beach as soon as it stops raining.
3. Don’t forget to turn off the lights before you (go) …..out.
4. You have to show your ticket when you (get) ……on the train.
5. I (wait) ……..for you here until you get back.


Choose the correct form.

1. Tomorrow the sun rises / is rising at 6.44 and it sets / is setting at 18.33.
2. I don't do anything / am not doing anything tonight. I want to relax.
3. What time do you meet / are you meeting John on Sunday?
4. This year the school ends / is ending on 28 June.
5. After the reconstruction the supermarket opens / is opening on Monday again.
6. I can't help you. I see / am seeing the doctor this afternoon.
7. We've already booked our holiday. We go / are going to Rome in May.
8. Could you meet us at the airport tomorrow morning? The plane lands / is landing at 10.15.
9. The piano concert doesn't start / is not starting at 8 o'clock. It is cancelled.
10. Do you have / Are you having your birthday party this week or next week? I forgot.

Use the Present simple or the Present continuous to complete the sentences.
1. We (sometimes, be) ……………………busy at the 5. There (be) ……………………a bus to town every
weekend. 10 minutes.
2. He (always, help) ……………………with the 6. We (have) ……………………a party on Friday
housework when he can. night.
3. They (not, usually, go) …………………… 7. Our school year (end) ……………………next
swimming on Mondays. Friday.
4. He (rarely, be) ……………………home on Friday


1. The film (start) ……………………at 10am. 6. The supermarket (open) ……………………from
2. I’m hungry. I (eat) ……………………some nuts. 8am to 10pm.
3. What would you like to drink? I (have) 7. I’m tired. I (not, go) ……………………to the
……………………some lemonade, please. cinema with them.
4. Our history class (be) ……………………at 9am. 8. The train (not, leave) …………………… till 12.
5. (The sale, start) ……………………………… on


1. We (not, have) ……………………any test last week.
2. I (surf) ……………………the net at that time.
3. It was Sunday night, the moon (be) ……………………bright in the sky and we (walk) ……………………
along the river.
4. We (talk) ……………………when we (hear) ……………………a loud noise behind us.
5. We (look) ……………………back and (see) ……………………fireworks in the sky.
6. While he (read) ……………………at a café, it (start) ……………………to snow.
7. The weather (be) …………beautiful. The sun (shine) ……………………and the birds (sing)
……………………in the tree.
8. What you (do) …………………… at 8pm last night?
I (read) …………………… in my bedroom.
9. He (sit) ……………………in his backyard when he (see) ……………………Kate walking by.
10. While we (watch) …………………… TV suddenly the phone (ring) …………………….
11. We (have) ……………………dinner then (go) ……………………to the cinema.
12. I (meet) ……………………Lucy yesterday evening. She (shop) ……………………at the supermarket when I
(see) ……………………her.
13. I (sleep) ……………………when Peter (come) …………………….

UNIT 10-12

1. He was ……….work at the time. 14. It’s raining. We’ll have to go.…….
2. They were sitting ……….each other, playing chess. 15. My birthday is very ………..Christmas.
3. She was sitting ……….a tree, making a toy. 16. I stood …… the corridor, looking through the
4. I’ll be ready ……….10 minutes. window.
5. I’ve worked here ……….a long time. 17. We sailed ………..the Golden Gate Bridge.
6. My class starts at 6. So I’ll be back ……….that time. 18. These people go from house …… selling
7. I think the weather here will be different ……….the goods.
future. 19. Pour half a pint of milk …….. a
8. I found this ……….the Internet. small pan and warm it gently.
9. ……….ten year’s time, smartphones will be much 20. The kids were playing …….the street.
thinner. 21. Her car was locked and the keys were …….
10. ……….the time you come back, we will have left. 22. When we got up, it was still dark ……..
11. I must finish my homework ……..10pm. 23. I’m sure they live somewhere ………here.
12. Tomorrow we’re going on holiday. We will be away 24. In summer, we often slept ………..the stars.
……….seven days. 25. She stood up and walked ……..the window.
13. He lives in a country …….Africa. 26. We dived ………the sea.

1. She’s a friend of (I) ………. 8. (they) …….flat is noisy. (we) ………is quiet.
2. She’s one of (I) ………friends. 9. I gave him the book. It’s not (I) ………book any
3. (he) ………car is different from (she) ………. more.
4. (we) ……… hobbies are not like our (our friends) 10. (He) ………brother is tall. (She) ……… is short.
………………. 11. (she) ……… dream is different from (you) ……….
5. (I)……’s car is red. (I) ……….is blue. 12. (Tom) ………bike is more expensive than (his
6. (she) …….parents are strict. (we) ………are not. friends). ………
7. (he) ……..trousers are too short. (her) ………. dress 13. (we) ……… parents are busier than (their). ………
is too long. 14. (I) ………dog loves (it) ………new toys.

1. ‘I have something to show you,' I said to her.
I told her ………………………………………………
2. ‘Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,' she said.
She said that ………………………………………………
3. I'm going away tomorrow, mother,' he said.
He told his mother that ………………………………………………
4. 'We have a lift but very often it doesn't work,' they said.
They said that ………………………………………………
5. 'We like working on Sundays because we get double pay,' explained the builders.
The builders explained that ……………………………………………………………………………………
6. He said, ‘I am quite a good cook and I do all my own washing and mending too.‘
He said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. 'You can keep that one if you like, Joan,' he said. I've got plenty of others.‘
He told Joan that ………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. He said, 'What is happening?'
He asked ………………………………………………
9. 'Who is going to live in the big house?' said one of the men.
One of the men asked………………………………………………
10. 'What will happen to his racehorses?' asked someone else.
Someone else asked ………………………………………………
11. Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?' said my aunt.
My aunt asked ………………………………………………
12. 'Do puppies travel free?' asked a dog owner.
A dog owner asked ………………………………………………
13. 'Can I bring my dog into the compartment with me?' she asked.
She asked ………………………………………………
14. 'Does this train stop at York?' asked Bill.
Bill asked ………………………………………………
15. 'Can I telephone from inter-city trains?' said the businessman.
The businessman asked ………………………………………………
16. 'Does the 2.40 have a restaurant car?' he enquired.
He asked ………………………………………………
17. 'Can I get coffee on the train?' asked my aunt.
My aunt asked if ………………………………………………
18. What food do you like best?
He asked me ………………………………………………
19. Do you have any coins?
He asked me ………………………………………………
20. What does John live?
He asked me ………………………………………………
21. Does she know your name?
He asked me ………………………………………………
22. 'Why are you looking through the keyhole?' I said.
I asked him ………………………………………………
23. Why don’t you like candies?
He asked me ………………………………………………
24. What does John live?
He asked me ………………………………………………

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