GS8 - Pronun

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Write /ɔɪ/ or /ʊə/

boy choice point poor tourist sure oil individual

toy tournament avoid visual noise ensure join coin toilet
Odd one out

/n/ or /ŋ/

1. sun country sing knife 11. function strong uncle son

2. hand strong gong wing 12. knife donkey singer monkey
3. fun drink son wind 13. woman country tank connection
4. run again donkey noon 14. think shining ring thing
5. uncle monkey tank woman 15. anger snow online chin
6. night nut none monkey 16. lantern longevity language generous
7. uncle nap nine hand 17. pin nine nod ping
8. sun think fan phone 18. translate Spanish gong connect
9. bunny knife thank know 19. tongue gone king wing
10. painting winner column longevity 20. offerings wedding during thin


1. terrace staircase crop culture 15. general garden go get

2. gong general garden pig 16. adore fancy attract alive
3. costume ethnicity sticky folk 17. cancel ceiling calling cupboard
4. group gather village tiger 18. chemistry charge chunk child
5. music community livestock cement 19. knife know knee kill
6. culture decide music call 20. girl good giant go
7. offering long longevity think 21. unique mosquito mosque question
8. know talk walk like 22. architect children church armchair
9. nature tradition winter thank 23. hobby hour hotel hot
10. garden region gong background 24. calorie carve collage centre
11. studied played cried watched 25. browse account connect plough
12. enough young curious country 26. overlook bamboo igloo schoolwork
13. carnival command ceremony encourage 27. celebrationproduction competition question
14. performed worshipped prayed offered 28. minority compliment oblige socialize


1. traditional companion procession television 6. uniform election countable consonant

2. festival historian generous heritage 7. evaluation portfolio observation uncountable
3. baby balloon Iran remark 8. nation invitation competition conservation
4. doctor bully forum bamboo 9. command archway lantern incense
5. decision architect messenger indicate 10. procession carnival offering cutlery

lifestyle title tribal

climate prize

difference notice typical

fascinating native knit

unique various experience

influence communicate disagree

similar improve interact

surname fascinating waiter

making native

practice fascinating transport



I. Odd one out

1. loss protection pollution environment 23. unsafe made rain natural

2. carbon provide product concern 24. invitation man endangered related
3. volunteer contain common convenient 25. man face ancient unsafe
4. loss product protection volunteer 26. natural man passage endangered
5. non-living pollution pond coral 27. related contact habitat management
6. dugong toxic carbon common 28. campfire national face valuable
7. contest provide contact topic 29. awareness invitation organize announcement
8. global throw absorb ecosystem 30. agree natural amount avoid
9. organize role flow notice 31. away renewable passage substance
10. absorb organize offer move 32. marine absorb management coral
11. cover move other mother 33. part contact harmful participate
12. pond environment protection pollution 34. unsafe part made rain
13. carbon coral provide concern 35. invitation endangered any related
14. contain common dugong convenient 36. area face ancient endangered
15. loss product cover volunteer 37. natural coral man passage
16. non-living other pond coral 38. absorb habitat management contact
17. dugong toxic mother common 39. campfire marine national valuable
18. contest move contact topic 40. unsafe made rain part
19. global throw convenient ecosystem 41. invitation quality endangered related
20. role contain flow notice 42. carbon face ancient unsafe
21. absorb organize move offer 43. natural man passage area
22. cover other mother provide 44. marine absorb any coral

II. Choose the word with a different stressed syllable

1. leader global warming discuss 19. awareness importance resident announcement

2. species carbon agree footprint 20. serious volunteer habitat quality
3. product amount litter campfire 21. ecosystem billion invitation national
4. release harmful substance movement 22. area valuable heritage organization
5. wildlife cover device hectare 23. resident management protection rainwater
6. coral avoid dugong ancient 24. chemical pollution necessary organize
7. mission toxic provide common 25. endanger interested ecosystem billion
8. marine natural contact detail 26. leader global contest warming
9. discuss agree amount topic 27. species marine carbon footprint
10. release leader device avoid 28. product litter discuss campfire
11. provide marine global absorb 29. harmful agree substance movement
12. concern warming until result 30. discuss campfire agree amount
13. contain diverse unsafe footprint 31. release device harmful avoid
14. product effect title passage 32. substance provide marine absorb
15. household notice result warning 33. concern until movement result
16. protection pollution endanger area 34. awareness volunteer importance announcement
17. renewable surroundings valuable related 35. serious habitat quality organization
18. extinction heritage participate medicinal 36. extinction invitation participate medicinal
37. ecosystem billion surroundings national 38. area valuable heritage related

I. Odd one out

1. similar access affect shopaholic 22. offer costume complain minority

2. hang performance avoid allow 23. customer convenience low complain
3. similar access hang attract 24. customer offer convenience conditioning
4. popularity exactly access affect 25. open offer item Internet
5. way shopaholic display sale 26. wander open specific item
6. range age pay performance 27. offer item specific customer
7. similar popularity affect shopaholic 28. describe excitement convenient specific
8. avoid exactly allow performance 29. select affect reduce receive
9. access way hang attract 30. exactly expect excitement credit
10. range popularity exactly access 31. seller affect specialty expect
11. way access display sale 32. especially exactly decoration entertainment
12. range age pay hang 33. credit affect decoration excitement
13. bargain similar affect shopaholic 34. wander open service item
14. avoid allow card performance 35. exactly expect excitement service
15. access hang attract advantage 36. seller service affect specialty
16. exactly access popularity awesome 37. minority item similar price
17. way display sale advantage 38. wide fixed excitement describe
18. awesome range age pay 39. similar fixed minority convenient
19. open costume home low 40. display item discount specific
20. minority over open home 41. price credit service similar
21. costume customer minority product

II. Choose the word with a different stressed syllable

1. awesome display costume product 17. avoid awesome costume product

2. affect bargain item buyer 18. bargain allow item buyer
3. seller access complain offer 19. seller access describe offer
4. discount reduce reason wander 20. select discount reason wander
5. attract credit mainly service 21. credit receive mainly service
6. purchase complain discount credit 22. purchase bargain seller expect
7. display affect awesome complain 23. display item affect complain
8. reduce costume attract avoid 24. buyer reduce attract avoid
9. allow describe product select 25. allow describe access select
10. bargain receive expect affect 26. receive offer expect display
11. similar Internet minority customer 27. similar Internet specific customer
12. minority convenient similar specific 28. minority decoration convenient specific
13. especially Internet performance excitement 29. especially performance shopaholic excitement
14. advantage customer exactly performance 30. advantage exactly especially disadvantage
15. shopaholic similar decoration entertainment 31. decoration entertainment shopaholic performance
16. customer popularity disadvantage shopaholic 32. popularity excitement disadvantage entertainment
UNIT 9 I. Odd one out

1. natural disaster affect damage 32. suddenly interrupt circle instruction

2. volcanic pacific landslide ash 33. eruption customer fortunately thunderstorm
3. flashlight landslide away lamp 34. hurt emergency huge circle
4. matchbox candle plaster necessary 35. reduce work purchase earth
5. avoid battery blanket gather 36. huge rescue funnel costume
6. affect pacific away safe 37. reduce mud popularity huge
7. tornado necessary avoid affect 38. disaster violent wind volcanic
8. safe tornado shake towards 39. landslide liquid whistle victim
9. scale layer awful volcano 40. serious interrupt hide thick
10. towards awful shake walk 41. Pacific lightning resident liquid
11. water scale towards awful 42. violent circle landslide hide
12. matchbox candle plaster layer 43. lightning slight authority violently
13. volcano battery blanket gather 44. frightened victim flashlight hide
14. flashlight landslide water lamp 45. violent Pacific lightning frightened
15. storm violent tornado floor 46. landslide slight resident flashlight
16. towards cause towards fortunate 47. whistle circle interrupt resident
17. pour pot walk door 48. volcanic victim thick authority
18. storm cause floor local 49. disaster affect violent suddenly
19. towards cause volcanic fortunate 50. worker emergency rescue interrupt
20. property pour walk door 51. tremble thunder layer cover
21. volcanic property crop towards 52. property frightened resident disaster
22. storm towards move pour 53. affect rescue violent tremble
23. fortunate door walk cover 54. suddenly resident effect medicine
24. funnel pull suddenly eruption 55. strengthen necessary affect emergency
25. mud interrupt hurt thunderstorm 56. remember affect eruption believe
26. purchase product instruction customer 57. prepare remember rescue eruption
27. hurt purchase product earth 58. violent tremble frightened emergency
28. work suddenly emergency circle 59. suddenly resident strengthen rescue
29. huge earth rescue costume 60. effect thunder necessary tremble
30. work reduce popularity huge 61. medicine violent affect resident
31. funnel mud product emergency

II. Choose the word with a different stressed syllable

1. funnel affect damage landslide 8. local awful effect lightning

2. liquid earthquake towards rescue 9. measure victim frightened prepare
3. violent tornado remember volcanic 10. violent tornado suddenly fortunately
4. eruption suddenly emergency authority 11. resident medicine remember battery
5. volcano pacific tsunami fortunately 12. volcanic property thunderstorm serious
6. eruption resident tornado instruction 13. necessary violent resident eruption
7. believe worker whistle victim 14. avoid tremble flashlight whistle
15. matchbox affect candle plaster 22. volcano pacific property tsunami
16. blanket broadcast towards strengthen 23. eruption serious tornado instruction
17. believe gather power funnel 24. violent authority suddenly fortunately
18. affect towards funnel believe 25. resident medicine battery emergency
19. effect damage prepare avoid 26. volcano property thunderstorm serious
20. tornado medicine remember volcanic 27. necessary violent pacific resident
21. battery eruption emergency authority

UNIT 10 I. Odd one out

1. transmit translator face communication 21. respond commonly control comment

2. age replace barrier able 22. social product conference documentary
3. webcam tech-savvy paragraph tablet 23. hold social column focus
4. exactly distant absolutely language 24. emoji pronoun mostly remove
5. private barrier handle clarification 25. connect convenient conference absolutely
6. catch access instantly transmit 26. social of translator preposition
7. via adjust harm holography 27. politely possessive contain holography
8. attend partner machine instantly 28. automatic emoji customer ceremony
9. private abroad advanced message 29. correct introductory pronoun personal
10. ability image advantage disagree 30. connect technology ceremony webcam
11. distant any agenda paragraph 31. message possessive describe preposition
12. mark smartphone regardless hall 32. comment below exhibition agenda
13. bit tiny kid internet 33. tablet internet predict user
14. serious describe emoji instead 34. customer effective interview telepathy
15. live image ability instantly 35. telepathy device emoji express
16. instead via tiny device 36. reply respond telepathy prediction
17. time private image politely 37. effective interview regardless replace
18. type ability reply smiley 38. extent remove tablet predict
19. mind outline serious live 39. face tech-savvy translator communication
20. contact below technology holography 40. age replace access able

Stressed syllable

1. connect adjust contact device 13. machine user comment seller

2. express comment attend instead 14. product reply contact mostly
3. machine reply certain respond 15. able tiny respond mainly
4. abroad private suggest replace 16. abroad mention master column
5. focus extent contain remove 17. distant describe section outline
6. predict advanced master control 18. access image below partner
7. tablet social connect network 19. connect network adjust device
8. webcam adjust focus forehead 20. express attend forehead instead
9. device button smoothly person 21. person machine reply respond
10. language express private handle 22. abroad suggest handle replace
11. pigeon message attend smartphone 23. extent pigeon contain remove
12. smiley certain function instead 24. network tablet social instead
25. forehead webcam machine focus 37. politely possessive prediction documentary
26. person reply button smoothly 38. effective regardless introductory telepathy
27. handle language respond private 39. ability advantage unwanted interrupt
28. pigeon smartphone message abroad 40. preposition interrupt agenda
29. internet conference possessive serious automatic
30. disagree disadvantage exhibition clarification 41. disagree disadvantage exhibition announcement
31. absolutely effective carrier instantly 42. serious internet conference exactly
32. ability barrier commonly customer 43. connection disagree disadvantage exhibition
33. interview ceremony agenda person 44. instantly absolutely technology carrier
34. interrupt preposition automatic communication45. customer barrier convenient commonly
35. exactly connection general technology 46. interview ceremony holography person
36. paragraph convenient holography translation


Odd one out

1. face available interact essay 22. vending biometrics presence independent

2. motivate contact concentrate communicate 23. identity report correctly level
3. fantastic behave replace patient 24. definitely experiment biometrics emotional
4. mistake available behave antibiotic 25. develop video device period
5. interact contact brilliant fantastic 26. element serious independent report
6. antibiotic attendance access scanner 27. result benefit behave presence
7. machine tracking carry cancer 28. emotional repeat biometrics replace
8. traffic application avoid congratulation 29. period serious near bread
9. absent truancy platform manual 30. head feedback repeat agree
10. brilliant bartender attendance machine 31. real screen dead reason
11. avoid truancy available amount 32. contact comment document discover
12. via ability agree essay 33. antibiotic concentrate develop conference
13. Finland behave suitable embarrassed 34. comment solve concentrate regconition
14. interact discover conference frequently 35. platform motivate report sort
15. finger convenient absent effortless 36. develop regconition discover effortless
16. entertain document receive absent 37. complain pronoun communicate congratulation
17. frequently convenient experiment receive 38. connection introduce biometrics solution
18. epidemic connection develop lenses 39. period emotional effortless correctly
19. invent video comment essay 40. polonium pronoun discover biometrics
20. device access bartender recognition 41. motivate emotional polonium platform
21. chemical element experiment medicine 42. platform discover report sort

Stressed syllable

1. breakout contact invent helpful 9. complain discuss contact avoid

2. feedback device comment essay 10. amount believe within helpful
3. machine access scanner medicine 11. feedback increase report result
4. carry cancer complain pronoun 12. behave repeat comment agree
5. discuss traffic absent via 13. replace essay mistake invent
6. platform present avoid reason 14. brilliant document convenient bartender
7. Finland amount patient level 15. digital connection fingerprint conferencing
8. invent breakout device machine 16. invention area chemical element
17. radium available concentrate truancy 30. element antibiotic congratulation communication
18. motivate frequently fantastic period 31. introduce independent discovery application
19. effortless manual benefit discussion 32. entertain experiment epidemic independent
20. suitable develop definitely brilliant 33. solution ability concentrate identity
21. invention convenient connection document 34. correctly truancy emotional embarrassed
22. available bartender fantastic discussion 35. effortless manual attendance benefit
23. develop communicate digital discovery 36. suitable solution definitely brilliant
24. polonium experiment attendance conferencing 37. behave access repeat agree
25. area solution ability identity 38. replace mistake medicine invent
26. correctly chemical emotional embarrassed 39. platform present believe reason
27. interact antibiotic epidemic recognition 40. antibiotic communicate congratulation communication
28. introduce independent application congratulation 41. invent feedback comment essay
29. entertain epidemic independent communication 42. access scanner mistake medicine


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