Handout 1

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Oral Communication (HS-201)

Week 1 (Handout 1)

Maheen Tufail Dahraj

Lecturer & Ph.D. Scholar (Applied Linguistics)
Department of Humanities
NED University of Engg. & Tech. Karachi
Why Oral Communication?
Direct Medium of Communication

Time Saving

Immediate Feedback

Powerful Means of Persuasion and Control

Reliable Source of Information

Maintain Secrecy
Foundations for Oral Communication

1. Definition Of Communication
2. Forms of Human Communication
3. Types of Communication

Communication is imparting or exchanging information, ideas or feelings

as it involves systematic and continuous process of conveying messages
(facts, ideas, attitudes, and opinions) from one person to another so that
they are understood. It is a two-way process in which a speaker must have
a listener and a writer must have a reader with whom to share his/her
thoughts. It can vary from one-person communication (in which you talk
to yourself) to communication with millions (as in public speaking, mass
communication, and computer-mediated communication).
Forms of Human Communication

1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Interviewing
4. Small Group Communication
5. Organizational Communication
6. Public Speaking
7. Computer Mediated Communication
8. Mass Communication
1. Intrapersonal Communication

Intrapersonal communication is communication you have with yourself.

Through intrapersonal communication you talk with, learn about, and judge
yourself. You persuade yourself of this or that, reason about possible
decisions to make, and rehearse messages that you plan to send to others. In
intrapersonal communication, you might, for example, consider how you
did in an interview and what you could have done differently. You might
conclude you did a pretty good job but that you need to be more assertive
when discussing salary. Increasing your self-awareness, your mindfulness,
and your ability to think critically about all types of messages will aid you
greatly in improving your own intrapersonal communication.
2. Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is communication between two persons or

among a small group of persons. Most often, the communication
emphasized in the study of interpersonal communication is communication
of a continuing personal (rather than temporary and impersonal) nature;
it’s communication between or among intimates or those involved in close
relationships—friends, family, and coworkers, for example. These
relationships are interdependent, meaning that the actions of one person
have some impact on the other person; whatever one person does
influences the other person. Sometimes interpersonal communication is
pleasant, but sometimes it erupts into conflict—making each person’s
communication especially significant for the other.
3. Interviewing

Interviewing is communication that proceeds by question and answer.

Through interviewing you learn about others and what they know; you
counsel or get counseling from others; or you get or don’t get the job you
want and ultimately the career you’re preparing for in college. Today much
interviewing (especially initial interviews) takes place through e-mail and
(video) phone conferencing. Many of the skills for interviewing are the
same skills noted for interpersonal and small group communication
4. Small Group Communication

Small group communication is communication among members of groups

of about five to ten people. Small group communication serves relationship
needs such as those for companionship, affection, or support as well as task
needs such as balancing the family budget, electing a new chairperson, or
designing a new ad campaign. Through small group communication you
interact with others, solve problems, develop new ideas, and share
knowledge and experiences. You live your work and social life largely in
groups, from school orientation meetings to executive board meetings;
from informal social groups to formal meetings discussing issues of local
or international concern. You also may live a good part of your life through
social media and social networking (for example, Facebook, Google+, and
LinkedIn) where you interact with a wide variety of people, many of
whom are from widely different cultures.
5. Organizational Communication

Organizational communication is communication that takes place within

an organization among members of the organization. Conferencing
with colleagues, working in teams, talking with a supervisor, or
giving employees directions are just a few examples of organizational
communication. The study of organizational communication offers
guidelines for improving your own formal and informal communication in
an organizational setting.
6. Public Speaking

Public speaking, also termed public communication or presentational

speaking, is communication between a speaker and an audience, which
may range in size from several people to hundreds, thousands, and even
millions. Through public communication, others inform and persuade you.
And you, in turn, inform and persuade others—to act, to buy, or to think in
a particular way. Much as you can address large audiences face-to-face,
you also can address such audiences electronically and through the mass
media. Through forums, blogs, or social media, for example, you can post a
“speech” for anyone to read and then read their reactions to your message.
And with the help of the more traditional mass media of radio and
television, you can address audiences in the hundreds of millions as they sit
alone or in small groups scattered throughout the world.
7. Mass Communication

Mass communication is communication from one source to many

receivers, who may be scattered throughout the world. Mass
communication takes place via at least the following media outlets:
newspapers, magazines, television, radio, film, and video.
8. Computer Mediated Communication
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is a general term that includes all
forms of communication between people that take place through some computer,
electronic, or Internet connection, for example, e-mail, texting, blogging, instant
messaging, tweeting, networking on LinkedIn, or connecting on social network
sites such as Facebook or Instagram. All of these computer-mediated forms, like
their face-to-face counterparts, are used both socially and in the world of business.
Some CMC (such as e-mail or blogging) is asynchronous, meaning that it does not
take place in real time. You may send your message today, but the receiver may
not read it for a week and may take another week to respond. Consequently, much
of the spontaneity created by face-to-face real-time communication is lost in
asynchronous communication. You may, for example, be very enthusiastic about
a topic when you send your e-mail or post on your blog but practically forget it by
the time someone responds. Other forms of CMC (such as tweeting, posting on
social network sites, online forums, and instant messaging) are often
synchronous—they occur at the same time and are similar to phone
Types of Human Communication

1. Verbal Communication
2. Nonverbal Communication
3. Technological Communication
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication refers to the use of symbols in the form of
spoken and written words to transmit messages.


Oral communication is the process of Written communication involves any

verbally transmitting information and type of message that makes use of the
ideas from one individual or group to written words. It is the most effective
another. Oral communication can be and useful mode of formal
either formal or informal. communication.
Face-to-face meetings Emails
• Personal discussions, business meetings

Presentations Letters/Reports
• Public presentations such as speeches,
lectures and conferences.
Telephone calls Memos, Agenda, Notes
• Informal conversations
Teleconferences or videoconferences Minutes of the meeting

Interviews Project Management Plans

Non-Verbal Communication

Nonverbal communication refers to the use of symbols other than

words to transmit messages.

 Gestures
 Body language
 Facial expressions
 Voice
 Appearance
 Other environmental forces
Technological Communication

Technological communication includes any form of communication

that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:

 Communicating by technical or specialized topics

 Communicating by using technology
 Providing instructions about how to do or complete a technical task

Computer Applications
Web Pages
Help Files
Social Media Sites

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