The Deborah Mantle - Christy Johnston
The Deborah Mantle - Christy Johnston
The Deborah Mantle - Christy Johnston
Releasing Prophetic Solutions
© Copyright 2023–Christy Johnston
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When the MeToo movement marched in DC—and in cities across the earth
—I was deeply troubled. I knew that some of the vehement tenors of that
march were justifiable because of the pain, oppression, and injustice
inflicted upon women from the beginning of time. However, the collective
bitterness and rage seemed to have been driven by a source beyond the
natural realm. It was as if I could see the chariots of the goddess and hosts
of darkness marching in the heavens above. Was it a heralding of the end-
time eschatological movement of female rebellion—which is how Derek
Prince understood the coming forth of the woman of wickedness as
described in Zech 5:11—harsh bigoted words, or prophecy?
This I know, the MeToo leadership gang of five refused to allow pro-life
feminists to speak on stage. The platform of rebellion demands the right to
shed the innocent blood of the unborn under the guise of “My body. My
That movement took place immediately after a profound, prophetic
encounter that we experienced in an Awaken the Dawn envisioning meeting
in Virginia. About fifty of us were present when the Holy Spirit interrupted
the agenda with a two-hour whirlwind of prophecy regarding the coming of
a million women to the DC Mall to pray for America. It would be the last
stand to save the nation! The revelation was that the gathering would be
inspired by Psalm 68—Deborah’s Psalm—describing Deborah’s march to
victory against the overwhelming armies of Sisera (Judges 4-5). The
mobilization: “The Lord gives the command; great is the company of the
women who proclaim it,” (Psalm 68:11).
Do you see it? A great showdown is upon us. The beautiful battling
Bride of Christ—Deborah the prophetess and true mother in America—will
arise in spiritual and ideological conflict against the false mother spirit who
seeks to destroy women and her offspring—as seen in Revelation 12:1-5.
This book, The Deborah Mantle, has been written by a true Aussie
prophetess and mother who was transported to America by a word from
God—it is a clarion call and biblical instructive war manual to the
“Daughters of a New American Revolution!” Oh, but the book is more than
words; there is a huge difference between giving a prophetic word and
being the embodiment of that prophetic word.
Christy Johnson—like Deborah—is the loving and honoring WIFE of
her husband Nate. She’s a MOTHER of three beautiful children, a
PROPHETESS, and a dreamer of dreams, who has groaned in deep seasons
of fasting and travail. Christy has mobilized united prayer for revival and
the ending of abortion and has challenged a school system’s ideologies to
protect her daughters—“Don’t mess with my child!” She has stirred tens of
thousands on her social media platforms with fearless challenges to the
current cultural tide threatening to sweep away the West. She is wrapped in
the mantle of Deborah and is now, through this book, throwing that mantle
over an ever-increasing army of women warring for the soul of the nations
alongside their Baraks.
“Village life ceased in Israel. It ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah,
arose as a mother in Israel. When new gods were chosen, then war came to
the gates.” (Judges 5:7-8 NKJV)
Not unlike the crisis in the days of Deborah, in 1973 with the ruling of
Roe v. Wade, America chose new gods: the gods that our fathers did not
know—the gods that demanded blood. War came to the gates! Fifty years
later, God raised up a mother and judge who—like Deborah and like a
modern-day Jael—brought the gavel down and drove the spike into the
temple of Roe. Her name is Amy Coney Barrett—the United States
Supreme Court Justice, who arose and became the swing vote ending Roe v.
Wade. She may have saved a nation. Christy John-son’s strong voice—with
a great host of women—was echoing in the earth the shattering sound of
that gavel coming down.
In the sixties, once again, we chose new gods and war came to our city
gates. The cultural revolution—fueled by the Vietnam War, student protests,
the sexual and drug revolution, the generation divide, Berkeley, the Black
Panthers, etc.—tore at the fabric and foundations of a nation. But once
again Deborah arose, a true mother in America. I was made aware of one of
our great Christian leaders who researched the history of revivals in
America. He found that a prayer movement preceded every revival except
one: the Jesus Movement of the 1970s, where tens of thousands of youth
were saved. This man asked the Lord, “Why was there no prayer movement
that preceded that great awakening?” The Lord answered, saying, “Oh, I
had my prayer movement!” Churches were losing their kids to the rebellion
of the 1960s. Millions were turning from the Lord and being swept into the
godless lifestyles of the cultural upheaval. Then a mother arose—millions
of moms fell to their knees and began to cry to the Lord in desperation for
their lost and dying children. Suddenly, God answered their cries with a
love and salvation song that has not been heard since. Shortly after the
Beatles said, “We are more famous than Jesus,” Jesus was on the front
cover of Time magazine. God is the one who brings sudden reversals and
sovereign comebacks called revivals. Never count Him out.
IT’S TIME again for Deborah to arise when the spiritual, cultural,
sexual, and political crises in the nation reach far beyond the crises of our
past. Esther must arise into the high places of government and education.
Deborah must arise into leadership for law and justice, for adoption and
foster care. Jael must drive the stake of truth into the destructive
philosophies snaking even into our elementary schools. Businesswomen
like Dorcas must fund the Jesus revolution. Lydia must be found turning her
home into hubs of prayer. We are believing for 250,000 women prayer hubs
where they would begin wrestling for their children, taking communion,
and taking their place on the stage of history—they will be the first
responders when Deborah calls for a million women on the Mall to gather
in prayer.
Then I said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “The
work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each
other along the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us
there. Our God will fight for us!” (Nehemiah 4:19-20 NIV).
Recently, Christy posted this quote by Charles Spurgeon: “I would
rather speak five words out of the Bible than 50,000 words of the
philosophers.” This book in your hand is not just a rallying cry, it is an in-
depth biblical word study of the story of Deborah. Immerse yourself in
these words. The Bible clearly states, “These things happened to them as
examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the
culmination of the ages has come” (1 Corinthians 10:11 NIV). The writer
of the book of Judges was careful to include the story of Deborah so that
women and men who face the greatest rage against Christ and His
followers, the greatest assaults against the truth, and persecutions with
troubles at the end of the age, will be warned and rise up in unity, courage,
and strategic spiritual warfare to overcome the powers of darkness. The
writer of this book re-echoes once again the ancient theme and the ancient
song of Deborah for such a time as this:
‘Awake, awake, O Deborah! Awake, awake, sing a song! Arise, O
Barak, and take hold of your captives, O son of Abinoam!’ (Judges 5:12
Can you feel it? The tension of the age, the growing resistance to God and
all that is right and true. There is a war on your doorstep—it’s not lingering
in the distance, it’s not in a foreign country, it has arrived at your door. Not
a physical war filled with guns, machinery, and nuclear weapons. This war I
speak of is a war of words and thoughts, a Trojan horse disguised to appear
like a gift of love and acceptance. It is nothing more than an invasive army
of destruction hidden behind cleverly articulated words designed to tear
apart the very fabric of God’s design of family and legacy. This is a war on
the generations of tomorrow. You might not see any physical battle being
waged at the threshold of your home, but if you were to peel back the
curtain of the natural realm and see into the second heaven, you would see a
vicious clash in the heavenlies. It is a spiritual conflict that you have been
born into and are called to engage in. Can you feel it?
This war has been unleashed against the family—a war on our children,
in which hell-inspired indoctrinations have been spreading and infiltrating
schools, high schools, and universities. If the enemy hasn’t been able to kill
our children in the womb, he’s been attempting to kill their image in Christ
by way of their young minds. There is a remarkable anointing upon
Generation Z and Generation Alpha to usher in a great outpouring of the
Lord, and the enemy knows it. There has been an increased war against
women—an attack on our wombs, the fruit of our wombs, and an attack
against our God-given identity as daughters and mothers. We have
ideologies being pushed that blur the lines between man and woman, and
men are being told that masculinity is a modern-day evil. Human trafficking
has increased and things like pedophilia, which was once considered evil,
are being slowly accepted as an identity. Demon-filled theories are running
But God has an answer. Deborah. In Judges 5:7 (NKJV), the prophetess
and judge Deborah sang these words as a prophetic war cry over her people:
“Village life ceased, it ceased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, arose a
mother in Israel.” The New International Version puts it like this:
“Villagers in Israel would not fight; they held back until I, Deborah, arose,
until I arose, a mother in Israel.”
The collision of light and darkness is evident all around. Maybe this war
has caused you to question, “Is there any hope for my future and the future
of my children?” The answer is a resounding yes. This is no call to fear, but
a call to attention, for your name has been chosen for the front lines,
daughter. You are being anointed to stand up and fight, and you are not
alone—there is an army gathering upon the horizon. It is an army of God’s
daughters coming to claim their inheritance. I feel the ground shaking as
they march together in unison, sending shock waves into the enemy’s camp,
for they come to retrieve their territory. I can see their eyes burning with a
fierce passion for their Beloved; they are moving in response to His call.
His call is one of urgency, like a drum beating with the sounds of war,
whose notes are echoing out across the four corners of the earth. His voice
calls out to His daughters: “Rise up, My daughters, rise up! I am releasing
the mantles of Deborah and Esther to rest upon you in this hour. This is
your moment. I am giving your enemies into your hands.” In one hand, they
carry the sword of the Spirit; in the other, they hold the Blood of the Lamb.
They are moving to the sound of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is
roaring behind them. They have come to rebuild the ancient ruins, to repair
the cities destroyed, to revive and redeem the devastations of many
Daughter, can you hear the call of the Beloved for the hour at hand?
“Rise up, Deborah, and take the giants down.”
Part One
How many dreams have you written off as “just a dream” when it was
the voice of God giving you heavenly coordinates, divine timing, and
instruction? I encourage you, pay attention to your dreams, because they are
often warnings, instructions, and directions from the Lord.
Boarding our flight on the tenth of March 2020 was a bizarre
experience. You must remember, when I had had this dream in September
of 2019 news of COVID-19 was yet to break into the world domain. By the
time we left in March, the pandemic had reached the height of fear as panic
swept across the earth and held a global audience spellbound. News of this
virus spreading into every country had rapidly increased by the day and the
headlines out of Australia had caused mass panic and upheaval—so much
so that we were being told to cancel travel plans and hunker down. Despite
this, we just knew we had to follow the voice of God in the dream. The
airport was the quietest I had ever seen it, and I could feel the presence of
an eerie fog filled with terror invading every square inch of the atmosphere.
People were acting erratically, and I had never seen the public so afraid to
talk to one another until now. Even the customs officers were more harsh,
distant, and abrupt than usual. It was a disturbing feeling to be leaving the
comfort and safety of home during what felt like a worldwide war zone. As
we settled into our seats on our plane, preparing for takeoff to San
Francisco, panic and grief began to wash over me like a flood. I looked at
our two little girls sitting next to me, headsets on, settled in contentedly
watching a movie with their snack boxes in their laps that I had packed for
them earlier, blissfully unaware of the hysteria that surrounded them, and I
couldn’t help but feel the uncertainty of what we were doing.
I looked over at Nate, sitting in the aisle seat opposite me, as tears
poured down my face, and he knew exactly what I was thinking: Have we
missed it? Are we doing the right thing? Are we putting our children in
danger? He looked at me assuredly and mouthed the words to me, “Trust
Him!” As we turned onto the runway with the engines beginning to roar and
we accelerated for takeoff, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit rest upon
me like a blanket just as I felt the gravitational force of takeoff. I could hear
the whisper of His voice above the noise of the engines, and as the wheels
of our plane lifted off the ground, I heard Him say, “I am with you.”
Tears continued to stream down my face, and despite the fear, I
whispered back, “I trust You. I’m following You.”
We would be one of the last flights leaving Australia, and one of the last
Australian flights landing in the United States for over two years. Days
later, the borders of our country would be locked down, and our returning
flights would be cancelled. As the dream had revealed, March 10 was
circled, and every date thereafter was crossed off. It wouldn’t be until
months later that we would recognize the impact this one act of obedience
would have upon our lives. We thought we would be back in just a few
short months, but we wouldn’t return for 20 long months.
Are you in a place right now where you are feeling the pressing fear of
culture around you? It may no longer be a natural virus that’s concerning
you, but a plague of deception and godlessness that’s now invading hearts
and minds all over the earth. Are you seeing this rising trend of opposition
to God that is causing you to fear the future? Are you wondering, “Have I
missed it? Are my children or my family in danger?” I have a promise for
you today: “She is clothed with strength and honor, and she laughs without
fear of the future” (see Proverbs 31:25).
This is the Father’s promise over you, daughter. You are one who is
clothed in strength and honor. These two words in this verse illustrate a
spiritual clothing, like royal robes adorning your shoulders. Strength and
honor speak of your spiritual authority. It is the strength of the Father that
will carry you. The word honor can be translated into “glory,” for it is His
glory that will illuminate the darkness. You do not have to fear the future,
for there are spiritual anointings and tools He has given you to walk into the
days ahead with joy and delight. We are on a spiritual runway right now,
about to accelerate into a higher realm, another dimension, where the Spirit
of the Lord is longing to pour Himself out like never before upon those who
will listen. He is looking for a people who, through their own fears and
tears, will cry out, “I trust You. I don’t know what this is going to look like,
but I trust You.”
Are you listening? Are you willing to lean into the whisper of His voice
above the noise of all that surrounds you? Are you ready to go where He
leads? He’s looking for those He can rest His anointing upon, and in this
hour I sense He is longing to cloak a company of His daughters with the
mantle of Deborah—a mantle that invokes insight, courage, and victory.
Daughter, it’s you He is looking to anoint. All that’s required of you is to
say, “Here I am, Lord. I trust You.”
Manasseh failed to do what would ensure peace and freedom for their
people for generations to come. Interestingly, some 700 years later Israel
installed a king by the same name who followed in the same footsteps.
Allow me to show you how. Manasseh was the king of Judah during 687-
643 BC, and his name gives us a clue to what he was anointed to fulfill
during his reign. His name means, “God has made me entirely forget my
troubles.” Names in biblical history were given to speak of the calling of
God upon their lives, and it is evident that Manasseh was appointed to drive
out the forces of darkness before him, which would lead the people into a
habitation where they would forget their troubles. Instead, he failed to do
so. He permitted their enemies to dwell among them, shunning his
responsibility. The reputation of his reign became the opposite of what God
intended for him—he yielded to idols, led the Israelites astray, and left the
people vulnerable to the enemies within.
This leads us to the meanings of the enemy inhabitants that Manasseh
permitted to remain. Collectively, their names mean “a wandering invasion
of troops that devours the people in the habitation of tranquility.” God’s
design for His people is to dwell in tranquility, but when we permit enemies
to dwell within our midst, we allow a wandering invasion of troops that will
devour the people. The tribe of Ephraim too was destined to drive out the
enemies before them, and their name also speaks of the promise of God
upon their life to do so. Their name means “fruitful.” They were called to
produce fruitfulness in their conquest. Instead, they permitted their enemies
to dwell among them in Gezer, which means “a dividing sentence.” In
Judges 2:1-5 (ESV) the Lord sent His angel to deliver this message to the
These words stand out to me: “you have not obeyed my voice.” The
Hebrew word for voice is the word qol, and in Strong’s Concordance
(which, by the way, we will use a lot throughout this book to explain deeper
meanings in scripture) qol is described as a loud outcry, a roaring sound,
growling, crying, and a voice like the sound of a thunderbolt, among other
definitions. This tells us that God was not quiet in His instruction to His
people, and yet still His people refused to listen to His voice and follow His
direction, even when they possibly thought His sentence was too harsh or
didn’t make sense. It’s amazing that their neglect to listen to His voice
resulted in the weeping of their own voices. For this word, qol, also means
weeping and wailing. This is also the definition of Bochim, the place where
they sacrificed to the Lord upon recognition of their failure. When we don’t
follow the voice of God, it will eventually lead us into a humbling place of
weeping conviction and repentance.
Is it possible that we are seeing a similar story unfold before our own
eyes in today’s world? I don’t know about you, but I feel we are in this
place of Bochim right now. God has called us, His people, to drive out the
forces of darkness in our own lands and territories. Instead of following His
voice, we have feared the voice of the enemy above His and allowed a
darkness to dwell among us. We have accepted destructive ideologies in the
name of love and have tolerated the enemy’s plans rather than confronting
them. Our enemy may not be a physical army of troops (and I pray we will
never have to face a physical war), but in many ways our enemy and the
war we face is an invisible one, a wandering army of thoughts—an invasion
of ideologies that have devoured the people and divided our habitations of
tranquility. By not confronting these demons of thought when they were in
their infancy, we have permitted a dividing sentence upon the people.
Division has invaded the hearts and minds of the world. Perhaps you have
noticed a trend in these divisive doctrines. Schools of thought that are
cleverly voiced by the enemy to deconstruct God’s original design are
captivating this generation. The enemy cannot create; he can only imitate
and divide. Today, we have armies of thought invading the creation of God
in every aspect of His design. From the godless belief that the child in the
womb is not human or worthy of protection, to the acceptance and even
glorification of gender dysphoria. The voice of the enemy has grown loud.
King David wrote of the voice of the enemy using this same word, qol,
and his response to the sound of the enemy’s noise was one we can learn
from in this hour. He said in Psalm 55:2-7 (NKJV):
Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and
moan noisily, because of the voice of the enemy, because of the
oppression of the wicked; for they bring down trouble upon me,
and in wrath they hate me. My heart is severely pained within
me, and the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fearfulness
and trembling have come upon me, and horror has
overwhelmed me. So I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I
would fly away and be at rest. Indeed, I would wander far off,
and remain in the wilderness.”
Did you notice the voice of the enemy was drowning out the voice of
the Father for David in these verses? David said, “I am distraught at the
voice of the enemy.” I want you to take a moment to reread these verses and
consider the effect the voice of the enemy had on David. Rather than
making God bigger than his situation, he made the voice of the enemy
louder than anything else, which caused him to want to retreat. Fear and
trembling gripped him. Does that sound anything like today to you?
Ever since 2020 arrived, fear and trembling has gripped the earth, sound
reason has flown out the window, and insanity has instead prevailed over
many. Take note of this tactic, because I want you to familiarize yourself
with the voice of God again, if you haven’t already. It is the voice of God
that first calls you; it is His voice that anoints you and equips you for the
hour at hand. Just as it was God’s voice that birthed creation, it was His
voice that communed with Adam in the garden. Yet in a moment of destiny
like this one, the enemy will use the only tool in his arsenal that he has, and
it’s his own voice interlaced with lies. His methods have not changed since
Eden. He has no weapons other than his voice, so he will use the
whisperings of his voice to pressure you into fear or apathy, which leads to
stagnation. If satan can’t stop God from anointing you in this hour with the
mantle of Deborah, threatened as he is by what this mantle means for him,
he will attempt to lull you into a state of sluggish fear and inaction.
This idleness always follows the voice of intimidation. He will whisper
to you through the enormity of the evil that surrounds you and begin to
have you question your role in it all. “Who do you think you are?” he will
whisper. “Do you really think you have what it takes to change all of this?
Are you sure God called you to this?” Just as he did with Adam and Eve
when he questioned the Voice, he will do with you. I want you alert to this
strategy as you read through this book. As you come to learn the revelation
of what the mantle of Deborah truly is, the voice of the enemy will try to
convince you that you are not ready. I’m here to tell you today, you are.
Amazingly, qol can also be translated to mean all of the following:
“news, noise, outcry, proclamation, public, report, screamed, shout.” I want
to highlight a few of these definitions, particularly news, noise, outcry,
public, report. Does this sound familiar? The voice of the enemy often
comes through the sound of the news. Notice how “noisy” your social
media newsfeeds are. Notice the public outcries and shouts against anyone
who stands for righteousness. Notice the reporting that roars loudly against
those speaking the truth. Does “cancel culture” sound familiar in these
definitions? It is the qol of the enemy—a public outcry because of news and
noise. Qol is also the same word used to describe the voice of God in the
Garden of Eden. However, there is a strategic context in this word that I
want you to see. In Genesis 3:8, we find Adam and Eve hiding from God.
They had just committed the first sin after listening to the voice of the
enemy, and now they hear the voice of the Lord looking for them.
And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden
in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves
from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the
garden (Genesis 3:8 KJV).
“They heard the voice of the Lord God.” Notice that the voice of God
sounds different when it is perceived through the voice of the enemy. Adam
and Eve were hiding from the Lord because they were afraid of Him. Why?
They had listened to the voice of the serpent—the noise, report, and sound
of the enemy was louder in their ears than the true voice of their Creator.
Now, through the muffled distortion of sin, God’s voice suddenly sounded
terrifying, not reassuring. Had they recognized the difference in voices to
begin with, perhaps they never would have eaten the fruit, but because they
questioned the voice of the Lord, His voice was no longer a comfort but a
Interestingly, we have a world today responding to the voice of God in
the same way. Truth is perceived as a threat and lies are perceived as love,
all because the world has questioned the voice of their Creator, God. Pay
close attention to this tactic of the enemy in the way he used his voice in the
Garden of Eden, for his tactics remain the same today. He said to Eve, “Did
God really say?” Under this guise of questioning, God’s voice is perceived
as a threat. However, the Lord has released an antidote into this generation
that will drown out the noise and the public outcry provoked by the enemy,
and it is the song of Deborah and Barak. The mantle of Deborah is more
than just an anointing that will rest upon one person; it is a mantle that the
Lord is causing to rest upon an entire generation of laid-down daughters
who are in love with their King.
Are you feeling the restlessness David spoke of? Is there a frustration
you are sensing deep in your spirit that you just can’t shake? Are you seeing
the daily swirls of news and it is causing an agitation in the depths of your
soul that you just can’t move from? This restlessness is similar to the
feeling a mother gets in the days leading up to the birth of her child. Her
tummy is full; there is no more room left for growth; this baby must come
out one way or another. If you are feeling this, it means the Lord is indeed
calling you to this mantle, which also means you are being equipped for it.
God did not design a woman with the ability to grow a baby without the
capacity to birth the baby. In the same way, you are being adorned with this
mantle. He is anointing you and fashioning you with the tools you will need
to walk in it. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this book is in your
hands for a reason. You, daughter, are called to this mantle. God will often
allow you to feel the vast disparity between what should be and what is,
because He is looking to awaken you to this anointing. He has called you to
fill that void; He has called you to prophesy the difference. He will permit
the agitation within your spirit to awaken you to the battle around you.
Ultimately, this is an invitation into victory, but as the saying goes, “There
is no victory without first a battle.”
I do have a gentle warning for you in this—the unrest within you will
only continue to grow until you respond. The more you try to run from it,
the more it will increase. This is a holy disquiet; it is the wrestle of the Holy
Spirit within your own spirit that is calling you higher into this appointment
of destiny. It’s His voice that tethers your heart to His, calling you, inviting
you, and summoning you to answer the call and receive the anointing of the
mantle of Deborah for the generations around you. If that feels a little
daunting, I don’t want you to close the book and make like an ostrich,
diving your head in the sand. (Trust me, I’ve had many of those moments
when I’ve longed to do just that.) I believe you have picked up this book
because the Lord wants to fill your arsenal with the tools you will need for
the days ahead. In the same way He has divinely designed the body of a
woman to carry and birth new life, He has designed and equipped His
daughters to carry and birth supernatural new life. I hear Him saying to you
today, “You are not alone, I am with you, and I have strengthened you for
this hour at hand. I have called you to this moment of time because I have
given you what you need to bring about My victory.”
The Hebrew word for song is dabar, which means “to speak, assert,
boast, command, counseled, directed, declare, passed sentence, preach,
proclaim, repeated, spoken, said, sing, speak fluently, statement, subdue,
threaten, utter.”
God’s remedy for the toxicity of satan’s lying voice in the atmosphere
of culture is His voice spoken through you, His daughters. But I want you to
notice the profound difference in the meanings of the words in this song
where they also speak of the voice. This song tells a much different story.
The words counseled, directed, repeated, and were spoken. These give us a
hint into the victory that God is longing to take you into, and it all starts
with following His voice. Deborah and Barak were counseled and directed
by the voice of God into battle, as a result, they repeated what He spoke,
and His song became their song. Barak’s name amazingly means “lightning
strike.” I find that profound given one of the meanings of the Hebrew word
voice, qol, is defined as a thunderbolt. God’s voice counteracts and strikes
the voice of the enemy. I strongly believe the Holy Spirit is looking for a
company of daughters and sons alike who are committed to repeat what He
says, to sing what He sings, and to declare and utter His voice into an
atmosphere filled with lies. He is looking for you, daughter, to dismantle
the lies spoken over a generation and to declare the truth of who He has
called them to be. When your ears are attuned to His voice, you walk in
authority to set the captives free. You proclaim the promise and repeat what
God has said until it breaks the mind-blinding spirits off this generation.
It’s the roaring voice of God speaking fluently through you that will
subdue the enemy under your feet. It’s the growling voice of God that
threatens the enemy as you utter the name of the King of kings, Jesus.
Daughter, this is your hour to awaken, to break out in song and lead the
captives out of captivity, to bring the prodigals home and point them to
Jesus. Deborah’s mantle is an anointing of courage; it sets her apart from
the tribe of Manasseh, who simply permitted the existence of invading
enemies. Her anointing is to rightly divide the word of truth and execute
justice on behalf of God’s people. It requires her to be sitting in the
presence of the Lord and receiving His instruction. She doesn’t stand alone;
she partners with others to bring about the fulfilment of victory. She charges
onto the battlefield unafraid, and in a time when everyone else is retreating,
she is advancing. She doesn’t sit idly by while the culture around her
crumbles; she engages with the realm of heaven and stirs armies to
attention, leading and guiding them down the mountain into a direct assault
on the enemy’s camp. She tears down the altars and raises up the banner of
righteousness for the sake of her children, her family, and her nation. The
Deborah mantle resembles that of John the Baptist, whose mission was to
prepare the way of the Lord. Hers is an anointing that cries out, “Make way,
prepare the way of the Lord,” as she drives out the demon forces of
wickedness and makes straight the path of the King.
This, daughter, is the hour to which you have been called, and you are
being anointed with the Deborah mantle. Are you awake? Are you ready?
Deborah’s Arsenal
I encourage you to take a moment to read through this reflection of
Deborah’s weapons that I have provided for you at the end of each chapter.
Grab your journal and write down notes; take the time to allow these keys
to sink deep into your spirit. These are keys taken directly from her story
that will equip you as you carry this mantle.
Chapter Two
I was rocking my baby to sleep. Just months old, she was snuggled up like a
tiny football on my chest with her head resting upon my shoulder as I
slowly paced up and down the room. She was finally settling after a
morning of fussiness. This being my third baby, I wasn’t in a rush,
intentionally embracing every moment of baby life, even the difficult
moments, knowing just how fleeting that time is. As I gently patted her
back, swaying back and forth and watching her eyelids droop, my gaze
turned outside.
Our bedroom at the time was overlooking a spring landscape of
blossoming trees, and I could just see the melting snow-capped peaks of
Mount Lassen in the near distance. We had been living in Redding, a town
in northern California, for almost a year now (all from following that initial
dream in March of 2020), and those mountain views never grew old, always
alluring and drawing me into prayer. Nature does that for me; I find it to be
an invitation to talk to the One whose hands formed it all—our Creator. So
as I continued to gaze at the snowy mountain and sway, I began talking to
the Lord when, suddenly, I felt a sick feeling forming in the pit of my
Ava had been born in January of 2021, a time of extreme tumult in the
United States, and by April it was no different. I suddenly felt my emotions
being swept out of this tender moment with her and the Lord as my mind
began to race with reminders of the chaos that surrounded us in the world.
My thoughts were filled with worst-case scenarios. It wasn’t just the
political upheaval; it was the constant news cycle of change, crisis,
governmental heavy-handedness, and restrictions, all mixed with this
thought: We’re never going back to normal following the COVID crisis. I
held this sweet little baby in my arms and wondered quietly to the Lord,
Will she ever know the world we knew before now? Will she ever know the
freedom of traveling as we once did as a family? Will she ever be able to
meet our family back in Australia? Will she have any kind of future? My
spirit was grieving, and fear was trying to grip my heart into hopelessness.
Perhaps you’re reading this 20 years from the time I am writing, and
you already know the other side of our future. However, in that moment of
time, it truly felt that things would never return to any kind of normalcy, let
alone a future filled with hope for my children. There was endless talk of
intense restrictions, limitations, and freedoms being taken away. However,
it was also the ongoing barrage of exposure—all kinds of evil were being
brought into the light, and it was weighing heavy on my heart and mind as
well. During all this political and cultural shaking, ideologies were also
swirling and still are to this day. Unchangeable truths were being brought
into the public square of social media and mocked mercilessly.
We have known these things would come. Scripture warned us of these
days we are now living. Romans 1:25 (NIV) foretold us, “They exchanged
the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things
rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.” Yet the warning of
this reality taking place did not make things any easier for me, especially as
I was holding this defenseless newborn. There was also the threat of the
growing agitation against Christianity swirling in my mind, and even the
struggles within our own Christian family of brothers and sisters in Christ.
It felt like a tug of war in which we watched fellow brothers and sisters fall
to the whims of worldly doctrines, which was particularly difficult for my
heart and mind to comprehend. Since the Holy Spirit led us into full-time
ministry in 2016, Nate and I have led thousands of students through our
online community and school called Grow. We have witnessed God move
in countless lives through this little idea that God gave me in August of
2016 to lead others into growth in their relationship with Jesus. Our hearts
were to launch others into their own destinies, to be their cheerleaders
where we felt we had none, and it has been our greatest joy to lead.
The year 2020 arrived like an earthquake, and the year that followed
was like the aftershocks. We were also being tested in our leadership. As
any other minister in the Body of Christ could testify, those two initial years
tested us all in our foundations. How would we respond to certain issues?
How would we lead through the storms? Would we find ourselves shaken,
or would we dig ourselves deeper into our root system of Christ? While I
know we made mistakes and didn’t do things perfectly, I can say with clear
conviction that I know those shakings only further anchored our faith in
Jesus and His Word. Add to all of this, pregnancy and a new baby, all while
being forcefully isolated from family due to the lockdowns, and you can
understand my feelings of anxiety. Every facet of life felt shaky, and I think
I can assume that we were all feeling it, learning, perhaps for the first time
—and if not for the first time, at least in a new way—what it meant to be
firmly planted on the Rock. Maybe you can relate to this bewilderment and
overwhelming feeling I speak of. The rapid rate at which life, culture,
ideologies, and chaos have increased since 2020 is unlike anything any of
us have experienced in recent history.
As I gazed outside and beyond to the mountain before me, I felt as
though I was standing directly in front of that mountain and it was towering
—not beautifully, as it naturally appeared, but menacingly above me,
taunting me, mocking me with thoughts of anguish, especially over the
future of my children and their generation. I broke down quietly in tears so
as not to wake my now-settled baby. It was then, with tears streaming down
my face, that I felt a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit. “Ask Me what I’m
thinking,” I heard Him say.
So I asked, “What do You say to this mountain? What are Your plans
for my children? What do You say about everything that is swirling right
Right then, as though He was standing there with me, looking out at the
mountain together, with His hand on my shoulder, I heard His whisper:
“Christy, you don’t need to fear tomorrow. You’re raising the future of
tomorrow in your arms. Tomorrow fears you.” I broke down again, this
time in relief, realizing that it was the Father and I together who determine
what tomorrow will look like for my children and my children’s children.
Not the enemy.
Perhaps today, in many ways you are feeling the same as I did in that
moment. Is fear gripping you as you look at the shaking of worldly systems
and the clashing of ideologies? Are you wondering what kind of future your
children or grandchildren will have? I know there are many who are reading
this book too who don’t have physical children, but maybe you are
wondering, Where does hope fit into it all? Do you feel weighed down by
grief from the increase of evil? Are you seeing and feeling the taunts of the
wicked pressing in on all sides of culture and life? Is the daily assault on
truth and the Gospel overwhelming you? It may appear that village life is
ceasing all around. The culture as you knew it and the sense of security
found in familiar truths and realities mixed with old habitual comforts may
be crumbling all around. I want to encourage you with this same message
from the Father, “You don’t have to fear tomorrow—tomorrow fears you.”
The question is not, “Will your children have a future?” The question is,
“Will you pass on the battles of today into their futures tomorrow?”
Cultural Metamorphosis
When my daughter Charlotte was just five years old, I was in the process of
enrolling her into a public school that had a wonderful reputation in our
area. I was at the very end of the enrolment process when I had a check in
my spirit to ask about a program that was cunningly named “Safe Schools.”
This program had been recently introduced into Australian schools across
the nation, though not every school had yet adopted it into their curriculum.
This eight million dollar program, federally funded by our Australian
government, was a façade of safety, but hidden deceptively behind it’s
comforting name was a pit of grotesque gender ideologies and sexualized
content being taught to children as young as six, encouraging young girls to
bind their chests and young boys to wear dresses. It was anything but safe.
I was so happy with every other detail about this school—the teachers
were lovely, the school was in a beautiful location surrounded by Australian
bushland, the education they offered was wonderful, with a range of
different extracurricular activities. I was ready to go ahead and sign the
paperwork, except for this niggle in my spirit that told me otherwise.
Nowhere in any of the enrolment forms did I find information or parental
consent about this program, so I had assumed that it had not yet been
introduced by this particular school. Yet I couldn’t ignore the urge in my
spirit that I needed to ask further. If I had not listened to that all-familiar
prompting of the Holy Spirit, I likely wouldn’t have ever known it was
being taught to my daughter until, perhaps, the damage had been done. It
was only because I had known of this program’s existence that I decided to
arrange an appointment with the principal to ensure it was not being taught
at this school.
During our appointment, the principal led me outside to sit under the
violet umbrella of a Jacaranda tree while Charlotte played on the
playground equipment close by. “We’re very excited to welcome you,” she
started out.
“We are excited too,” I replied. “I just wanted to ask about a program I
have heard about and wanted to know if it has been introduced here—a
program called Safe Schools,” I queried.
The principal’s eyes lit up in delight as she began telling me how proud
she was to be one of the first schools in our state of Queensland to introduce
it. My heart sank. I had been doing some of my own research about the
program itself and what I had found was extremely alarming. However, I
wanted to address some of my concerns with her directly. “I’ve heard that
parents aren’t even notified of their children being taught this program. Is
this true? Do you ask for our permission to teach this content?”
She stumbled, “Well, not exactly.”
I questioned further, “Well, what it is precisely? Are you teaching young
boys and girls that their gender is fluid?”
“Oh yes, of course,” she replied, not yet cluing on to my growing
agitation. She continued, “We already have one child in our classes who
was born in a boy’s body but identifies as a girl. In fact, ‘she’ will be in
your daughter’s class. It’s a wonderful way to teach acceptance,” she
finished, triumphantly.
I looked at her sternly, making my position clear as I emphasized his
male biology: “And will this boy be in the same bathrooms as my daughter?
How about when they are changing for swimming classes? Will he be in
there with all the little girls?”
Finally understanding my opposition, the principal grew flustered.
“Why yes, she will participate in every girl activity because she is a girl!”
She was bitterly exasperated.
“You and I have a problem,” I added. “You evidently believe that
affirming gender confusion in a five-year-old child, who can’t even yet tie
their own shoelaces properly, is somehow a step forward in our society. I
call that foolishness. The problem you are subjecting these children to,
based on acceptance, is a lifetime of identity crisis, and I would define that
as child abuse. I will have nothing to do with a school that puts my daughter
into a predicament where she must share a bathroom with a boy, let alone
getting changed in front of him and vice versa. I won’t be enrolling my
daughter into your school after all.” I immediately grabbed the paperwork
out of her hands, called for Charlotte and walked away, leaving the
principal aghast, her jaw dropped in a look of shock and disgust at my
Today, some six years on, I have only seen this indoctrination of gender
ideologies grow more rapidly. To quote a journalist, “The speed with which
modern society has adapted to accommodate the world’s vast spectrum of
gender and sexual identities may be the most important cultural
metamorphosis of our time,” wrote Jenna Wortham in The New York Times.1
I want you to think on what Jenna is truly saying here. The swift upending
of a foundational truth like the biological gender you were born with, the
identity God created you in, is an apparent “important cultural
metamorphosis.” The irony is, a metamorphosis is the phase in which a
caterpillar turns into a state of mush within the cocoon. To be more
scientifically precise, the caterpillar digests itself and, during its
transformation, becomes a liquid soup of enzymes. Merriam-Webster’s
dictionary defines the term like this: “the change of physical form,
structure, or substance especially by supernatural means.” What is
happening in our society is not just an attack on the natural identity of
children and adolescents but a supernatural attack to break down the
identity of man and woman, made in the image of God. It’s an attack on
God. It is, in fact, the rise of the anti-Christ spirit that will continue to
aggressively oppose every facet of our God-given identities and design.
This is why it is imperative that in this hour of fierce opposition, we are not
only secure in our identity in Christ but armed with the mantles needed for
this specific moment in history.
Our culture today is attempting to digest and devour fundamental truths
with the ambition to reinvent God’s primary design. It is indeed in a state of
“metamorphosis,” a position the Body of Christ cannot continue to remain
silent on. It is, as I write, a supernatural condition of dysphoria and mush. It
is no mistake that the terminology gender dysphoria is used to describe the
current shift away from God’s foundational design. Gender dysphoria is
described by Webster’s dictionary as “a distressed state arising from
conflict between a person’s gender identity and the sex the person has or
was identified as having at birth.” The difference between the caterpillar
and this state of dysphoria is that God designed the caterpillar to enter the
cocoon and emerge a butterfly. He did not, however, design humans to
break down the foundations of what He created and attempt to redesign
ourselves apart from Him. The result is conflict, distress, and angst.
If you look closely at the origins of these ideologies—not just the push
for gender transitioning, but every other issue our society faces today—you
will see plainly that they are a direct mockery of the Blood of Jesus. Notice
how gender ideologies, for example, promise a rebirth. In fact, that is the
exact phrasing I came across when researching “childhood gender
transformation” from multiple clinics offering gender-altering surgeries to
minors. They promise children a “gender rebirth.” It is first and foremost a
contemptuous imitation to spit on the Blood of Jesus, to mock those who
are born again by His sacrifice. Today, the anti-Christ spirit is alluring an
unsuspecting generation with promises to be “born again”—only, aside
from Christ, there will be no emerging out of this cocoon as a beautiful
butterfly. Rather, they will emerge from this cocoon of goo and find that
they are not flying with the wings of free identity that culture sold to them.
They will find themselves chained in a worm-like state of depression,
anxiety, and crisis.
Without fierce opposition to these destructive ideas, generations years
from now will perhaps be the most broken of all generations before them.
Our culture is playing with deadly fire, and it’s time that the Church fiercely
engages in the fight. There is but one answer for this crisis, and His name is
Jesus. Only He can transform for His glory that which has been turned into
chaos, and we owe Him all to pursue the generations of today and bring the
lost home. By remaining silent, we do Jesus a disservice, for it is by His
Blood that all things are made right again. Only He can transform that
which is broken and cause this generation to emerge from this cocoon of
mush into the most glorious display of His beauty. This is His plan, but it
will take an army of fierce mothers rising up to say, “Village life may be
ceasing, but I will arise as a mother.”
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord
rises upon you (Isaiah 60:1 NIV).
Deborah’s Arsenal
1. Jenna Wortham, “When Everyone Can Be ‘Queer,’ Is
Anyone?” New York Times, July 12, 2016,
Chapter Three
Sunday nights were themed “end times” nights at our church growing up.
One of the pastors on staff was the eschatology orator, and every Sunday
evening, immediately following worship, he would solemnly approach the
pulpit laden with notes about the last days and a prepared power point.
Sharing with fiery passion mixed with a heavy sprinkling of fear, he read
from varying verses that supported his viewpoint and painted the picture of
devastating days to come. I cannot begin to tell you how disturbing this
teaching was to my 15-year-old self. Still young in my teenage years, I was
beginning to dream of what my life might be like, and at the forefront of
those dreams was my desire to one day marry and have children. So you
can imagine the effect these fire-and-brimstone messages had on me. I
specifically remember one sermon about the mark of the beast and how, as
he saw it, it was beginning to be implemented all around the world in, of all
places, grocery stores. The pastor then drew our attention to the slideshow
he had prepared and began to show us photographs of apparent guillotines
that were supposedly being readied in the docks of grocery stores, in
preparation for our beheadings there. Grim, I know.
Suffice to say, I went home and cried myself to sleep that night. I
vividly remember praying to the Lord, “Of course I want You to return, but
please can You let me live a little before You do? I really want to get
married and have children. I want a chance to live a life for You.” While it’s
somewhat comedic (perhaps not really) to look back on now, those skewed
sermons dimmed my ability to dream with God about the days to come,
freezing my heart in fear. What’s more, we later discovered that a woman in
our church at the time, a mother of three, was so affected by these sermons
that she felt called to spend every waking hour—literally, 18 hours a day—
locked away in her bedroom preparing for the return of the Lord. While that
may sound like a holy assignment, she failed to recognize another important
holy assignment right in front of her—her children. She neglected the
practical and emotional needs of her own offspring, and they then had to
learn to fend for themselves as young as eight years old. We later learned of
the situation, and we were told that when she did come out of her bedroom,
she did so begrudgingly, which was evidently felt by her children. Today,
none of her three children are walking with the Lord because in their eyes
God stole their mother from them. Her marriage sadly fell apart, and the last
I heard she lives alone without any family around her.
I’ve often thought of her story throughout the years, because in many
ways I feel it reflects the Body of Christ’s ill-conceived response to the last
days and the assignment right in front of them—a broken world in
desperate need of Jesus. I refuse to subscribe to a theology that cloaks us in
fear so much that we end up hiding ourselves away while the world goes to
hell. Instead, I stand on what Jesus shared in the parable of the talents. In
Luke 19:13 (KJV) He said, “Occupy till I come.” Additionally, through His
first miracle of turning water to wine, His wedding-feast sign and wonder
pointed to these last days when the wine of the last hours will be greater and
richer than the wine of the former.
To quote the author and philosopher Thomas Paine, “If there must be
trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”1 I feel Thomas’
sentiments in this quote entirely reflect my own. I am what you would call
an introvert of introverts. I love my space; I don’t need a thousand friends
or a schedule filled with social gatherings; I don’t need my name in lights,
and, truth be told, I would prefer to be hidden and unknown. Grateful as I
am for influence, it is a never-ending conflict within the natural personality
God has given me, which is a preference for anonymity and quiet. However,
my preference for peace has been overridden by the calling and mantle of
Deborah as it invokes a righteous response within me in this age to which
we have been called. I see the threat of the armies on the horizon. Closer
they march upon the boundaries of my children and my children’s children.
Nearer they draw, not laden with swords and spears but with thoughts and
contemplations. Perhaps the most insidious army of all time, for a physical
army, as daunting as it might be, would be easier to bear, for I could
physically see their approach. We could prepare for a physical army with
tactical understanding and combat them with machines and weaponry,
enlisting armed forces and a country’s unified strength. We could hide our
children in underground barricades. As terrifying as the situation is, an
army of physical force can be seen.
This, however, is a warfare of the mind, one that we need different tools
and spiritual weapons for, as well as divine insight, that we might
apprehend this military made up of carnal speculations. So if peace must be
sacrificed in my time so that my children can one day live in peace, so be it.
I’ll settle for peace in eternity instead and focus my days on occupying until
He comes, for I wholeheartedly believe that the wine of the latter days will
be greater than the wine of the former. We are living in days when He is
longing to pour out His Spirit as never before.
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without
self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong,
haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a
form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people
turn away!
It’s any wonder that the world is resisting the message of the Cross in
this hour? Their hearts have grown cold as they worship the idol of self.
The Word of God is a goad to them because it is the call to surrender, lay
down self, and serve the words of the Shepherd alone. It is painful for them
as they continue to resist, because try as they may, self can never rule over
the one true King. I do believe, however, that in the coming days we are
going to see many Saul-to-Paul transformations. Those who have
persecuted the Church will be led onto their own roads of Damascus.
Damascus means “alertness” and “trade of blood.” I believe that as we
continue to speak with the goad of His Word, it will awaken those in
slumber to a state of alertness, and they will trade in their sins for the Blood
of the Lamb. We are truly living in amazing days.
So circling back to Shamgar, these two verses about the goad, together
with the account of Shamgar, highlight to us something profound about our
foundational role in carrying the mantle of Deborah in this hour. The Word
of God is our weaponry in a time when words are being used as weapons
against God, His design, and His people. When there is a war on definitions
and an attempt to redefine fundamental truths, meanings, and identities, it is
the truth of His Word spoken with love that will break the stubborn
resistance of the Sauls of our day. Notice that Saul lost his sight on the way
to Damascus. In the same way, our world has lost their sight. Jesus is
essentially saying to them today, “You are fighting against My Word and
My testimony. It’s going to be uncomfortable and painful for you to
continue to resist.” The message of the Gospel is initially agonizing for
them to hear, but that does not mean we are to stop sharing the truth.
Without it there is no guide, there is no path into the light, and there are
only wayward paths that lead the lost to eternal destruction.
Deborah’s mantle will carry this foundational weapon of the goad of the
Gospel into the fiercest battles of today. Shamgar’s battle saw him defeat
600 men. Amazingly, the number 600 in biblical history represents the
weapons of war. This key weapon of our warfare is just as Ecclesiastes
12:11 describes it—it is like a nail that firmly hammers the sin of the world
to the tree, just as Jesus was nailed in our place. Shamgar’s weapon is the
foundational bedrock of Deborah’s victory, and the Word is the same
foundational bedrock upon which we will win the victories of our day. Like
the transformative nail that Martin Luther hammered to the door with his
“95 Theses,” the Word set into motion a cataclysmic reformation. Today,
the Word of God will nail down the truth to this generation. It will set into
motion a cataclysmic reformation that will redirect a lost and broken world
back to the safe and narrow path of truth. His Word is the sword, the goad,
the nail, the weapon of our warfare, the answer, and the song that will set
the precedent for the mantle of Deborah to drive out the enemies within,
making way for the King of Glory. This, daughter, is the very foundation of
your assignment in these last days—to know the Word, proclaim the Word,
and nail it to every lie. Don’t hide it; proclaim it loudly for all to see.
And Jael went out to meet Sisera, and said unto him, Turn in,
my lord, turn in to me; fear not. And when he had turned in
unto her into the tent, she covered him with a mantle (Judges
4:18 KJV).
This was a significant moment in the battle. It is key to note that this
pivotal event happened when the mantle was used. While we will dig
further into Jael’s profound narrative later, I want to show you why the
mantle is important and how it applies to you as you carry it into the
battlefields of today. Let’s start at the most notable reference of the word
mantle, mentioned throughout 1 and 2 Kings with Elijah and Elisha. We’re
beginning with 1 Kings 19:13 (NIV):
When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak [mantle] over his face
and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice
said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
Now for some context. Elijah had just destroyed the altars of Baal,
mercilessly mocked the idols, ruthlessly killed the prophets of Baal, and
courageously displayed God’s power to a people who had been led astray
by a godless queen. This ungodly queen, Jezebel, had raged over the loss of
her prophets and set a menacing bounty on Elijah’s head. Instead of
remaining steadfast in his incredible victory, the mighty prophet ran for his
life and ended up hiding in a cave. However, in this cave of intimidation
and isolation where he exiled himself in fear, we see a significant mention
of the mantle or, as it is mostly translated here, “cloak.” I must first
highlight what he did with the cloak as soon as he heard the voice of God:
“he pulled the cloak [mantle] over his face.”
The word for cloak here is the Hebrew word addereth, and it means
“glory, a cloak, a garment, mantle, a robe.” Despite Elijah’s cowardice in
this instance, God’s voice came to him. Remember how we talked about
following the voice in Chapter One? In moments of great opposition, there
is an invitation to move into greater victories. Yet at these thresholds of
victory, you will likely be met with a spirit of intimidation as you move to
take the land. I love the way Kris Vallotton says it:
The dogs of doom stand at the doors of your destiny. When you
hear them barking you know you are near your promise land.
Most people retreat in fear instead of crossing over and
capturing their land. Fear is often disguised as wisdom or
stewardship but it is a Trojan Horse sent in to steal your
destiny. Fear is not your friend!2
When I was on that plane on the runway back in Chapter One, I could
feel those dogs of doom barking at my destiny. It was the last place I
wanted to be. I wanted to stop the plane, run back to the house that we had
just packed up, and jump under my bed for comfort and go to sleep.
However, as I leaned into His voice, like when Elijah wrapped himself in
the glory, His voice, too, covered over my spirit like a cloak of His presence
that comforted me. He strengthened me with courage as the plane hurled
down the runway. You see, when we are covered by the glory, it is His
presence that compels us to come out and go forward. It is His glory that
goes before us and prepares the way for us; it is His glory that strengthens
us when we feel weak and intimidated by the growling lies of the enemy.
We cannot fight these battles without His glory. We will not find victory
without Him. We need every ounce of God’s glory to consume us, to cover
us, and to wrap around us. This is not something we can do on our own.
Elijah covered his face in the glory of the mantle because it was his eyes
and ears—what he was seeing, perceiving, and listening to—that were in
need of truth the most.
Second Kings 1:8 (ESV) gives us a description of what a mantle looked
like in ancient Bible times. It says:
Deborah’s Arsenal
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word
of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, ‘Not by might, nor by
power, but by my spirit,’ saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all
the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power
may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength
(Philippians 4:13 NLT).
You are mantled with God’s courage, mighty one, so come out of hiding
and don’t stay there another day!
1. Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. I.
2. Kris Vallotton, Facebook post, May 10, 2010,
3. Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch, Keil and Delitzsch
Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament (1857-1878),
Part Two
Recently, I was listening to a friend share on social media how she, her
husband, and their children had just moved to “tornado alley” in the Unites
States. For those of us in Australia, storms are a normal part of life here. In
fact, most of us Aussies love a good summer storm. You see those
enormous clouds roll in on a hot afternoon, the breeze begins to cool the
day down, and the roar of thunder can be heard echoing in the near
distance. I love watching the lightning crack through the sky and the smell
of rain as it gets closer; however, tornados are something of a foreign
mystery to us. We do get some pretty fierce storms, though, so we often
must be prepared for severe hail and flash flooding in low-lying areas. Even
so, we tend to just ride out the storms and hope for the best. Australian
culture has this mentality of “She’ll be right, mate,” which in essence is
saying, “It will all work out in the end.” We prepare, but we are often hit
with so many storms that we tend to take it all in our stride. You’ve
probably seen viral videos of Aussies riding what we call “boogie boards,”
or bodyboards, down flooded storm drains, or men sitting on the roadside
with a beer in hand and a sign saying “Splash us” in the hopes cars will
swerve into the flooded waters on the roadside and smother them in water.
That said, we aren’t foolish either, and when we know a particularly bad
storm is on its way or, worse, a hurricane is closing in, we prepare as best
we can. However, I don’t think we would quite know what to do with a
tornado or if our “she’ll be right” mentality would work so well in this
scenario. Listening to my friend share of how the tornado alarms went off
around her home sounded like a bad nightmare. She realized how under-
prepared she was with small children and no secure place to hide in their
home. Her house at the time had no basement, so she cowered with her
children in the bathtub, praying that the tornado would not get close to
them. Thankfully, it didn’t.
As I listened to her story, I wondered what could be done for protection
ahead of time, and out of curiosity I decided to research storm shelters. In
my search, I came across a YouTube advertisement for a tornado-proof
shelter that can be securely sealed into the foundations of a home, usually
fortified in the garage. Even if everything else around the home gets lifted
into the raging winds, the storm shelter will remain secure. This shelter
looked like a big safe, large enough to fit a small family and a few food and
water supplies. In the video, the makers of this storm shelter were
displaying all kinds of test scenarios that they were subjecting the shelter to.
They were dropping heavy objects onto the shelter—tons of bricks, cars,
you name it. They were blasting it with bombs and eruptions, surrounding it
with manipulated gale force winds to replicate a tornado, and even firing
close range gunshots at it. Despite all the pressures around it, the storm
shelter remained unscathed and unmoved, without so much as a scratch
affecting the outside of it let alone an ounce of damage to the inside. As I
watched in awe, I heard a quiet whisper from the Holy Spirit. He said,
“That’s what the secret place of My presence looks like. That is where you
need to remain in the days to come.”
Tornados of Thought
Have you noticed an increase in the swirl of words in recent days?
Suddenly everything has a name—everyone has a label, whether good or
bad, and these labels have become weapons in and of themselves. You and I
are living in days when we are surrounded by dangerous “thought tornados”
on every side, and unless we are choosing to spend time in the secret place
of God’s presence daily, it’s going to be very difficult to navigate your way
through these storms of manipulated lies. Without the safety of His shelter,
you’ll find yourself and your family hiding in the bathtub at the last minute,
so to speak, probably with a helmet strapped on, waiting, hoping to not get
sucked up in the violent winds of rage.
It seems that every way we turn in this unusual hour, there are swirls of
tornado-like winds filled with twisted and ungodly ideologies landing upon
hearts and minds. Each of these swirls is separately spiraling out of control
in chaos and confusion. They are sucking many up with a lure of
information, and once they hook you in, you’re swept up in their
destruction. What may seem like harmless words are in fact spiritual
weapons to indoctrinate and destroy God’s image-bearers—you and I, His
people—and to break down God’s design of nations and family. We were
made in God’s likeness, so it’s no wonder that the enemy’s number-one
tactic is to go after identity from every conceivable angle. We have tornados
like anti-choice attempting to vilify those who fight to protect God’s image-
bearers in unborn babies, tornados of anti-Israel, tornados of race wars,
tornados of political wars, tornados of gender confusion, tornados of wars
against nations themselves, tornados against freedom, and much more—all
swirling across unsuspecting minds, each carrying their own weather
systems of thought and speech, each deciphering on their own terms what is
right and what is wrong.
Words like anti-choice or religious extremist are being weaponized to
hide these enemy tactics from God’s people. These tornados of thought are
being manipulated by the enemy to silence us and mask us into submission.
Many Christians have become too fearful to speak out on these topics for
fear of these tornados descending upon them through the winds of echo
chambers—mouths who have been caught up in these lies, who viciously
and violently attack those who speak truth. These wind words have been
tossed into the sea of humanity like bait, attracting all sorts of vicious sea
creatures. One such creature is Leviathan, and another is Jezebel (more
about her later, though). These are demonic principalities that are behind all
these word wars.
The vicious vitriol of online hate and speech is fueled by the fire of
Leviathan’s mouth. How do I know this? His fruit is everywhere. Scripture
mentions Leviathan several times, and I want to show you the importance
of understanding what we are facing so that you will, in turn, discern the
importance of being secured in the shelter of the secret place for the sake of
you and your family. The world is experiencing a war of fast-moving,
destructive, and hyper-speed storms of wind words. If you don’t agree with
the predetermined narrative of each of these tornados, they will attempt to
tear through and destroy every form of morality. These vicious storms of
the sea are devouring every unsuspecting ship in their path to magnify their
power and repeat their wind words. Take note of how these wind words
jump from ship to ship or house to house, repeating the same words again
and again. Take abortion, for example. We know that the baby in the womb
is a unique, individual human being. However, the wind words of “my
body, my choice” have landed upon and sucked into their vortex any
common sense. When Leviathan lands, women and men alike in its path
repeat and throw around this phrase to justify the inhumane murder of
killing their own children. These phrases are the venom of Leviathan.
Without protection, without the shelter of the secret place of the Most
High, you are going to find yourself questioning these same thoughts
without the understanding of God’s wisdom and truth. Sadly, far too many
Christians have been sucked up into these thought tornados. The downfall
of Roe v. Wade was evidence of that. Not every Christian spends time in the
secret place, even leaders. I recently conducted a survey of my Instagram
followers and found that out of the thousands who responded, less than 10
percent spend time with God in the secret place daily, even if it’s less than
ten minutes. That’s alarming. This is no time for that Aussie mindset of
“she’ll be right, mate.” We cannot afford to wait for a thought storm to hit
us before we rush to find shelter. We must find ourselves in the shelter of
His secret place daily. If you are a mother with young children, this may
mean you let that basket of washing go unfolded for ten minutes while your
baby naps, so that you can open your Bible and rest your soul in His shelter.
If you are holding down two jobs, it might mean downloading an audio
Bible app and listening to the Word as you commute between jobs or back
home again. We must intentionally be seeking God in this hour, or the
devourer will seek you out first. Psalm 91:1 must be our mantra for every
waking moment of our lives:
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in
the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1 NLT).
Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook or press down his
tongue with a cord? Can you put a rope in his nose or pierce
his jaw with a hook? Will he make many pleas to you? Will he
speak to you soft words? Will he make a covenant with you to
take him for your servant forever? Will you play with him as
with a bird, or will you put him on a leash for your girls? (Job
41:1-5 ESV)
Lay your hands on him; remember the battle—you will not do it
again! Behold, the hope of a man is false; he is laid low even at
the sight of him. No one is so fierce that he dares to stir him up.
Who then is he who can stand before me? Who has first given
to me, that I should repay him? Whatever is under the whole
heaven is mine (Job 41:8-11 ESV).
Who can strip off his outer garment? Who would come near
him with a bridle? Who can open the doors of his face? Around
his teeth is terror. His back is made of rows of shields, shut up
closely as with a seal. One is so near to another that no air can
come between them. They are joined one to another; they clasp
each other and cannot be separated. His sneezings flash forth
light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn. Out of his
mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his
nostrils comes forth smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning
rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from
his mouth. In his neck abides strength, and terror dances before
him. The folds of his flesh stick together, firmly cast on him and
immovable. His heart is hard as a stone, hard as the lower
millstone. When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid; at
the crashing they are beside themselves. Though the sword
reaches him, it does not avail, nor the spear, the dart, or the
javelin. He counts iron as straw, and bronze as rotten wood.
The arrow cannot make him flee; for him, sling stones are
turned to stubble. Clubs are counted as stubble; he laughs at
the rattle of javelins. His underparts are like sharp potsherds;
he spreads himself like a threshing sledge on the mire. He
makes the deep boil like a pot; he makes the sea like a pot of
ointment (Job 41:13-31 ESV).
On earth there is not his like, a creature without fear. He sees
everything that is high; he is king over all the sons of pride
(Job 41:33-34 ESV).
The name Leviathan comes from the Hebrew word Livyatan, which is
derived from a root that means “to twist, to turn, to coil, and also wind.” It
additionally means, “the joiner” or “to put one and one together” or “logic
of thought.” Isn’t it interesting that it is a creature of the wind, just like
those tornados of thought I mentioned earlier? Leviathan uses thoughts and
ideologies to twist, turn, and coil against God and all that He is and stands
for. Leviathan joins “thought” with a lie, causing logic to twist and coil
against the infallible truth. Have you ever seen how a crocodile kills its
prey? It clenches down with its mighty jaws upon its unsuspecting victim
and then pulls them into a death roll. The death roll is used to dismember its
prey as well as to disorient them, making them dizzy so they can’t escape.
Leviathan has a similar tactic. Through means of the endless news cycles
and a barrage of tornados of ideologies and thought, naïve victims are being
death rolled into submission to his thoughts and ways, disorienting them
from the truth. You will know you have been bitten by Leviathan if you are
feeling this sense of “swirling” and disorientation. During the years of 2020
and 2021 especially, his wind words were unleashed as I have never seen
them before. The vicious arguing, confusion, and disillusionment was
evidence of his poisonous jaws.
Notice that Job’s description begins with the weapon of Leviathan’s
tongue. It is his sword, and he uses it to strike a blow with his ideologies.
The chapter then ends with the power of his strength, which is hidden in the
high places (idols) through the pride in the hearts of men. Pride is the
undergirding of his strength, and you will notice today that pride is often
mentioned as a virtue when it is, in fact, the very opposite. Job describes
Leviathan like a dragon with a heavy coat of armor that no one can defeat.
However, there is only one who can defeat him, and His name is Jesus, and
there is hope for you and me as we find ourselves hidden in His shelter.
This doesn’t mean we are to retreat into a place of fear; it means that our
hearts and minds are covered and protected from the barrage of his tornado
winds and lies. It means that you will see with clarity what is truth and what
is a lie. It means that you will discern with Holy Spirit wisdom how to
speak the truth, and you will be protected as you do. However, we have a
weapon he cannot conquer, and that is the secret place of God’s presence.
Leviathan is mentioned again in Psalm 74, and this verse is very telling
of God’s strength and power over him. Let’s read:
Deborah was both a prophet and a wife. Even though scripture does not
specifically tell us if she was a physical mother of children, given the
Hebrew culture of her day that highly valued women as mothers, we can
likely assume she was also a physical mother of children as well as a
mother to Israel. This description of her speaks of her devotion to God in
her calling as a prophet, her role and commitment to her husband and
family, and finally her nurturing nature as a mother to the people of Israel.
Her husband’s name, Lappidoth, means “torches and flames.” Some have
used this meaning to give Deborah the analogy of a “woman of a fiery
spirit.” I like that description for you and me—“women of fiery spirits.” I
also see the meaning of her husband’s name to describe him as leading with
a torch in the dark of night. He is the picture of Jesus here—together, hand
in hand, he navigates her through life’s darks storms as he holds the torch
leading the way. I realize many women reading this book won’t have a
physical husband by their sides. Perhaps your husband passed or you were
left and betrayed by the man you loved and trusted. I want to encourage you
here, Jesus is your Lappidoth—He is your torch and flame. As you cleave
yourself to Him, He is the one who will guide you on the right paths with
the flame of His Spirit.
What I love about Deborah is she is divinely balanced. What I mean by
that is, she carried each of her roles with grace. Our world today tells a
woman that to be successful she has to murder her children, begrudge men,
and do whatever she can to get to the top. In a recent documentary on
Marilyn Monroe, it was shared how she stood in the crowds of adoring fans
and, with tears streaming down her face, whispered to herself, “For this,
you killed your children.” Feminism has been one of those destructive
tornadoes of ideology that has convinced women to destroy the very gift
God gave them as bearers of life and murder their own infants. I understand
that there are women reading this book who have gone through with an
abortion or even multiple abortions. I want you to hear my words loud and
clear. I am not casting shame upon you when I speak of these things. I am
merely bringing light to the hidden darkness that has been unspoken for far
too long—and where there is light, there is freedom to be found. I pray you
would hear the words of Jesus over you right now: “Daughter, your sins are
forgiven. Go and sin no more.” The enemy has snared a generation of
women into the lie of abortion—that it is their right to murder their own
young. Then, when they have followed through with that lie, he has cast
them down into shame, guilt, and condemnation. No more, daughter, are
you to wear these clothes of condemnation, for Jesus is robing you with this
mantle of Deborah. It is a mantle of restoration, vindication, and justice.
You will slay these principalities by His Blood and by the Word of your
testimony. Your baby prays for you in heaven as a part of the great cloud of
witnesses. I see you speaking to the tornado words of feminism that have
shackled other women, and I see you breaking them free by your testimony.
It’s time to step into your freedom.
Feminism has left a wake of destruction, much like the path of a
tornado, over a generation of women, reducing them into murderers of their
own children, angry, vile-hat wearing, men-despising echo chambers of
vicious thought and speech. This is not who you are. You are called to be a
daughter of the Most High, echoing His truth, applied with His love.
Whatever your story, God is anointing you, daughter, with the mantle of
Deborah in this hour and positioning you with strategy for the days ahead.
Deborah wore the mantle of her two roles with grace, which is what God is
calling you to. A daughter who is hidden in the secret place of His heart, a
daughter who is given grace by Him to hold the multiple roles He has called
you to, you will carry them with His ease. It may not always be easy, but
there will always be sufficient grace to glean from Him.
She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and
Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went
up to her to have their disputes decided.
Let’s first look at the Hebrew words used for “held court,” which is also
translated to say “she would sit” under the palm. It is the Hebrew word
yashab (Strong’s H3427)—this word means, literally, “to dwell, abide and
convene, to inhabit and sit in peace; to be married to, to remain, to be a
resident of.” Do you see how this links in with the strategy of the secret
place? What is the secret place then? It is the habitation of God’s dwelling;
it is where He invites you and me to convene with Him, talk with Him, and
make room for Him in our days.
I mentioned earlier that you need to find those small daily increments of
time to read your Bible, but I also want to highlight to you that the secret
place is the place you remain throughout your day. Don’t leave there. You
may not be physically lying on the floor in His presence all day long, but
your position is one that continues to convene with Him throughout the day.
When you are working or tending to your children or cooking dinner or
studying at college, your mind is fixed and stayed on Him. “How do I do
that?” you might ask me. Through repetition. When you wake up in the
morning, before opening your phone or checking the news, turn your heart
toward Him.
With saying that, be careful of what your eyes are looking at throughout
the day. Are you watching horror movies? Because that is an easy way to
unseat you from that position of peace. Are you reading the newsfeeds on
your social media all day long? Again, you’ll find yourself in that
windswept place of fear rather than by the calming streams of His presence.
The definition of abide means to “continue for a long time, to endure.” It is
the practice of being in His presence that keeps you protected from the
onslaught of lies that will surround you in culture. It is this habitual choice
to keep in constant communion with your Creator, God, that will enable
you, like Deborah, to discern with truth the disputes that you see swirling
all around you.
This was Deborah’s first and most important strategy—to dwell in the
presence of God—and it is this very position that poised her for victory. I’ll
address the significance of the palm tree in just a moment, but first I want to
highlight the meanings of Ramah, Bethel, and Ephraim. Notice that
Deborah was “dwelling” under the palm tree between Ramah and Bethel.
Ramah means “high and exalted.” This may be somewhat of a rabbit trail
here, but I want you to consider with me something important that was
mentioned about Leviathan. Do you remember in Job 41:31 how it told of
Leviathan’s position, his strategy? It tells us that “he sees everything that is
high” and he is “king over all the sons of pride.” This is an interesting
parallel here, because we find Deborah sitting between a place called
Ramah, meaning “high and exalted” or “lofty place,” and Bethel. This tells
me that she was weighing the high and exalted places when she held court.
Now Bethel, on the other hand, means “house of God.” Deborah was
weighing and balancing disputes, much like a scales of justice, and
discerning between what was a high and lofty lie on one side and what was
truth according to the house of God on the other. Had she not been
positioned in peace in the secret place under the palm tree, she would not
have been able to discern what was right, what was true, and what was
deserving of Godly justice.
Deborah was also positioned in the hill country of Ephraim, which
means “to be fruitful.” Again, looping back to an earlier mention in Chapter
One, you may remember how God assigned the tribe of Ephraim to cast out
the enemy inhabitants and they failed to do so, rejecting the prophetic
promise upon their life “to be fruitful.” Deborah however, was positioned in
the hill country of fruitfulness as a divine messenger of recompense for
what was lost in previous years. This is important to take note of. It paints a
beautiful picture of the fulfillment of God’s promises despite the failure of
others. The Lord always will find a way to see that which He has promised
brought into fulfilment.
Perhaps you have failed to follow His calling in years gone by, and you
are wondering, Will I ever see that promise fulfilled despite my failure? The
answer is yes. As you surrender to the secret place, God is positioning you
in the hill country of “fruitfulness” to see the promise fulfilled.
On the walls all around the temple, in both the inner and outer
rooms, he carved cherubim, palm trees and open flowers. …
For the entrance to the inner sanctuary he made doors out of
olive wood that were one fifth of the width of the sanctuary.
And on the two olive-wood doors he carved cherubim, palm
trees and open flowers, and overlaid the cherubim and palm
trees with hammered gold.
The palm tree is a prophetic allegory of the doors to the inner sanctuary
and the walls that lined the temple. As we now know, under the covenant of
the New Testament through Jesus’ Blood you and I have become the living
temples of the Holy Spirit. Lining the walls of our temples are the
cherubim, a picture of angelic protection; the palm trees, a picture of
salvation; and the open flowers, speaking of a sweet fragrance and
fruitfulness in Christ. The doors to the inner sanctuary were also lined with
all three of these pictures, which again speaks of the doors to your heart,
covered and protected by angels, and your salvation found in Christ Jesus.
It is the entrance of your inner sanctuary, your secret place of communion
with God.
The fact that Deborah sat under the palm tree in between the high and
lofty places and the house of God tells us that her salvation, her communion
with God in the secret place, was a guard against the evil that she sat in the
middle of. Daughter, you don’t need to fear the darkness that surrounds you
—the darkness fears you.
Deborah’s Arsenal
Chapter Five
Nate and I and our girls were in Sydney, Australia, this past week, and
while we were there an Australian rugby Grand Final Premiership was
taking place just a few suburbs away from where we were staying. The
streets were filled with crowds wearing their team colors, and people were
shouting and reveling in excitement as the game drew closer. It feels kind of
strange to be writing about sports as I’m not the committed type of a
sporting fan. I’ve been to a handful of games in my life—a Dallas Stars ice
hockey game, an LA Lakers basketball game, and an Anaheim Angels
baseball game, and that is it. All merely for the novelty of it. I enjoyed the
electric atmosphere but never walked away with the sporting bug, so to
speak. Australians are die-hard sporting fans, so it’s almost offensive to my
countrymen to have never even been to an Aussie game, but it is what it is.
I did play a lot of sports in school, but faithfully following a team has just
never been something that has been on my radar. It is extremely rare for me
to watch a game on television too. However, being in the electric
atmosphere in Sydney during this premiership, I was intrigued by it all, so I
turned on the television when we got back to our hotel room to find out
more about it. I came to discover this wasn’t just a normal Grand Final
either. One of the teams that was in the lineup, known as the Parramatta
Eels, hadn’t been in a Grand Final since 2001, which they had lost. No
wonder the atmosphere was so charged. This was a huge deal for the Eels
fans. They had faithfully followed their team through loss and
disappointment for years, and now they were poised to finally, hopefully,
claim a victory.
After putting our littlest daughter to bed, Nate and I tuned in to watch
the game later that night. My natural inclination was to cheer for the Eels as
the underdog. As little as my affections are for any sporting game, I was
hoping to see a victory for them. We had missed the first half of the final
while putting Ava to bed, so we tuned in quite late, and my heart sank when
I saw the scoreboard (not a lot, I’ll add, but a little out of empathy). The
opposing team was already light years ahead, having scored around 21 tries
(if a “try” is even what it’s called—I’m sure someone reading this is
annoyed at my incorrect phrasing), with the Eels not even making a single
try yet. Even as inexperienced with sporting games as I am, I knew that it
was difficult for the Eels to win at this point. Nate and I watched the
remainder of the game as the Eels desperately tried to hold on to the ball
and make a try, or a touchdown, or whatever it is called. Each time they
made it to the end of the field, though, they were tackled ruthlessly by the
opposing team and they would lose the ball, securing only a few tries. You
could see the defeat and desperation in their eyes, as they all knew the game
was all but lost.
The one thing that stood out to me was the fact that they continued to
lose the ball, it was almost as though the ball was covered in slippery butter
and they just couldn’t seem to hold on to it. In fact, one of the main news
headlines about their ultimate defeat read, “They dropped the ball.” In
reading this article, something else stood out to me. Sports commentators
remarked that the team made two odd decisions in the lead-up to the game.
The opposing team made time to train in the stadium where the Grand Final
was to be held; the Eels, however, did not. They chose to continue their
training in their regular training grounds of comfort and familiarity. The
other point that was mentioned was that on the day of the final, the team did
not bus together into the Grand Final stadium; instead, they each took their
own separate cars to make their way there, driving in alone. The sports
commentator added, “That’s where they first dropped the ball—they treated
this game like any other game.” It wasn’t even in the stadium where they
lost the game—it was in the preparation.
Now, I recognize we are not playing in a game; the battle we are
engaged in is serious spiritual warfare as opposed to rambunctious play.
However, the lessons that can be drawn from their defeat remind me of
something I shared about in my first book, Releasing Prophetic Solutions.
In my late 20s, desperate for direction about my flailing and struggling
spiritual and prayer life, I happened to stumble across a book by Beni
Johnson called The Happy Intercessor. I remember that title standing out to
me because I knew I was called to prayer, but I was miserable in it. I didn’t
enjoy prayer at all; I found myself weighed down with the worries and cares
of the world, and I avoided conversations with God as a result. I wasn’t
prepared for the battles I was engaged in. You could say I was a lot like the
Eels in my prayer life—prayer was like that slippery ball that I was
desperately trying to keep a hold of but kept failing to score any victories
with. I felt all but defeated. The words happy and intercessor put together
sounded more like an oxymoron, but that book would become one of the
more defining books of my life, aside from the Bible, of course.
Before we highlight the importance of Beni’s point, I want to take a
moment to honor the wonderful life of Beni John-son and the mark she left
on my own life. Though I knew her personally only briefly, the impact of
her full life of prayer was cataclysmic upon my own. Her teachings on
prayer and intercession were like that of Deborah to me. She charged where
no one else was, paved new territory, sat under the palm tree in the secret
place with the Lord, and as a result boldly led a generation of both men and
women to take down the giants in their own lands. I am so thankful for her
words that continue to echo into eternity. I’m not sure I would even be
writing this book if it were not for the paths she bravely forged that lit up
the way for others, like me, to walk upon. I have no doubt her mission in
prayer continues from the heavenly advantage she is now sitting in. So from
the bottom of my heart, thank you, Beni. Thank you for your life laid down
in love to Jesus and your time with Him in the secret place. Your fruit
continues to blossom in the lives of others, mine included, like a ripple
effect. I am forever grateful.
I shared this paragraph in the first chapter of my first book, and I feel
this point is poignant enough to make mention of again. Beni wrote in her
We’re going to camp around this verse for a moment. While it may not
appear at face value to contain any kind of strategy, it does indeed reveal
insight into the divine scheme that the Lord gave Deborah. We’re going to
break down this verse strategy by strategy.
Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded you, “Go,
gather your men at Mount Tabor.”
Did you see it? “Has not the Lord, the God of Israel commanded you?”
Barak, like our Australian rugby team, had dropped the ball of God’s
promise of victory before he even got onto the field. Was it out of fear?
Most likely. Yet despite his wavering fears, God strengthened him by
bringing Deborah alongside of him. The Lord had already given him this
command, and like the slippery hands of the Eels, he had dropped it. I
wonder, though, how long had Barak been sitting on this command? It
could have been days, months, or even years. Regardless, it reveals the
faithfulness of God to complete what He started and bring deliverance to
His people despite any irrational fears that may freeze us for a moment.
I want to pose this same question to you today—have you dropped your
ball? Has not the Lord already commanded you? Have you dropped your
authority? Have you been sitting on a prophetic word and not known what
to do with it? Or have you been frozen in fear? I believe there is an
anointing that comes with this mantle of Deborah to break you out of any
irrational (or even rational) fear and raise you up in courage again. I hear
the Holy Spirit reminding you today, “Pick it up again, daughter. Pick up
what I have given you. I am faithful to finish what was started in you, but
you must pick it up.”
Once you do pick up what He has commanded you, how do you engage
in this battle? How can you discern the terrain we are in? Unlike Deborah,
ours is not a battle in which we can physically lead our enemies to a
physical war of drawn swords, arrows, and spears, for the warfare we are
facing today is largely spiritual. How then do we fight a spiritual battle in a
natural world? We find the answer to this question 2 Corinthians 10:4-6
(ESV). These verses hold for us our offensive battle plan:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in
God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments
and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of
God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of
Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your
obedience is fulfilled.
Deborah’s Arsenal
1. Beni Johnson, The Happy Intercessor (Shippensburg, PA:
Destiny Image Publishers, 2009), 39-40.
Chapter Six
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the
dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid
low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the
heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will
sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights
of Mount Zaphon.”
And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the
Lord and served the Baals. And they abandoned the Lord, the
God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of
Egypt. They went after other gods, from among the gods of the
peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them. And
they provoked the Lord to anger. They abandoned the Lord and
served the Baals and the Ashtaroth.
The Israelites lived in this cycle in which they would worship these
idols, God’s anger would arise toward them, He would hand them over into
the hands of an oppressor, they would cry out to Him for help, He would
rescue them, and they would momentarily turn their hearts back toward
Him before stumbling back, eyes wide open, into idol worship again.
By the time we get to Deborah’s account, we find this same cycle on
repeat. In Judges 4:1 (ESV), we are told, “And the people of Israel again
did what was evil in the sight of the Lord after Ehud died.” God raised up
judges like Deborah, Gideon, and Samson who were appointed by Him to
destroy these high places, call for repentance, and realign the hearts of
God’s people back toward the Lord. Their roles weren’t easy ones, but they
were necessary to restore peace in the land and rightful worship to the Lord.
Today, as we carry the mantle of Deborah, we face a similar wrestle.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in
God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments
and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of
God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of
Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your
obedience is fulfilled.
The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; the world and
all it contains, You have established them. The north and the
south, You have created them; Tabor and Hermon shout for joy
at Your name. You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty,
Your right hand is exalted.
You will notice how these verses mention the high place: “the heavens
are Yours”! Both north and south, the high places of the earth, belong to the
Creator. You might have noticed, too, the name of Deborah’s mountain,
Tabor. “Tabor and Hermon shout for joy at your name.” This speaks of
taking these high and lofty arguments and setting them against the name of
Jesus, over whom they cannot prevail. Verse 13 then speaks of the strength
of His arm—His right hand is a prophetic picture of victory in battle. Where
God is exalted, He fights our battles for us and destroys every exaltation
that has come against us. You might remember that Tabor means “to purify
and clarify.” Well, it also means “a high place,” which leads us to the next
strategy of Deborah’s.
Following on from the next verses in Deborah’s account, we know that she
had just summoned Barak and instructed him to take their 10,000 men to
Mount Tabor to prepare and purify the high place there. We learned how
strategic this move was, and considering the importance of high places
gives even deeper insight into her acute strategy. Deborah and Barak were
facing a powerful enemy from within by the name of Jabin, king of Canaan,
who reigned in Hazor and the commander of his army, Sisera, who lived in
Harosheth-hagoyim (see Judges 4:2-3). Jabin and Sisera together had
cruelly oppressed God’s people for 20 years. Even though this oppression
came because of the Israelites’ own sin through the worship of these idols,
God’s deliverance and mercy once again were rising to meet them in their
distress. First, however, Deborah knew the high places had to be purified,
which was why Tabor carried such prophetic significance for this moment.
As you can expect from me by now, the names and meanings of Israel’s
enemies and the locations in which they lived are integral to understanding
the battle Deborah faced and, in turn, the one we face today.
The king of Canaan, Jabin, means “discerner.” Now, Jabin reigned in
Hazor, which means a “castle or a village.” Remember how names were
given in biblical times to represent divine destiny? This tells us that Jabin
was called to be a good king over Israel who discerned right from wrong,
good from evil. Unfortunately, however, like the kings before him he failed
to step into his divine calling, and instead he became a counterfeit of what
he was called to do. His discernment was deceived, and he partnered with
evil rather than against it. It’s amazing to see that the place he reigned in,
Hazor, means both a castle and a village. It reminds us of the “village life
ceasing” from Deborah’s song. Village life in Israel became heavily
oppressed because they had given themselves over to a high place, which
turned their village into a stronghold or a castle. High with its walls and
strong with its gates, they were locked in rather than having freedom to
move, and they needed a rescuer to come and destroy its foundations.
Now, the commander of his army was Sisera; his name means
“meditations” and “keen and swift.” Sisera lived in Harosheth-hagoyim,
which means “silencer of the Gentiles” and “carving of the nations.” Sisera
represents the meditations of the mind, the high places of thoughts, the
strongholds of contemplations. Sisera is a prophetic allegory for the exact
same enemy we are in contention with in our world today. The meditations
of Sisera are the arguments, the high and lofty thoughts that set themselves
up against our God. These meditations of thought and knowledge are the
high places that hide themselves within the hearts of men and women as
What is fascinating is where Sisera lived—Harosheth-hagoyim. The
meditations of idol thoughts gave Sisera permission to “silence the
Gentiles,” which points to you and me, the Gentiles of Christianity. Think
of the prophetic symbolism of masking in the past few years. It speaks of
fear and silencing a voice—masking and holding captive the mouths of you
and me, who are meant to be casting down these strongholds with our
voices. Sisera’s meditations have keenly and swiftly captivated the world.
What could “carving the nations” mean though? It speaks of division, of
carving idolatrous thoughts, lies, and speech into foundational truths. Sisera
is no enemy to be messed with lightly. This enemy must be opposed with
fierce courage and divine instruction.
Truth or Lies?
As I end this chapter, I want to briefly share a very personal story of mine.
After my second child Sophie was born, I went through a season of burnout
as I was adjusting to raising two children under three. What I didn’t know
was that the enemy was about to hit me hard in the areas of many lies I had
built my life and identity on. One day as I was with the girls as Nate
worked, it felt like a dark cloud descended over my head—a dark cloud of
lies about my life, my worth, and my ability as a mother, just to name a few.
I felt trapped and unable to function, so I called Nate and desperately asked
him to come home. When he arrived home, he said it was like I was
tormented, which I can see now that I was. Every day I would wake up fine
until at some point that dark cloud would descend, and I would have to
worship and pray my way out of it. I soon discovered that as I read the truth
of the Word of God over myself, the cloud would lift quicker. What was
happening? I was in a war over the truth of my identity, and the lies that the
enemy had planted in my life were starting to become loosed as I spoke the
truth of who I was. It wasn’t an easy path. It shook our family and we went
through the fire, but one night almost a year after that battle began I
received my complete freedom.
This is our charge—to ascend to the high places and take down what
has been exalted. Whether in your own life or in your sphere of influence,
you have been given an amazing invitation to partner with heaven to set the
record straight. It’s time to ascend, mighty daughter, and take the high
Deborah’s Arsenal
Part Three
“When it rains, it pours.” Have you ever heard this phrase or even said it
yourself? It is a commonly used idiom for when a bad situation arises and
usually other bad things take place all at the exact same time. Have you
ever faced a circumstance when everything seems to hit you all at once? If
you’re alive and breathing, you probably have. Say, for example, your
alarm fails to go off for work in the morning and you wake up late and rush
to get ready, only to discover you have a flat tire in your car and a dead
battery as well. “When it rains, it pours.”
Sometimes life will throw everything at us simultaneously when we’re
off guard. Now, not everything that happens to you will be sent from the
enemy—sometimes it’s just “life.” However, there are times when you
know in your spirit, “This is an attack.” There are too many unusual and
disruptive things happening all at once for this to just be a coincidence, and
it can often feel as though you are living that very phrase: “When it rains, it
pours.” We’ve had times in our own lives when we have been struggling
under the weight of multitudes of circumstances and I have looked at Nate
and said, “I feel like I’m drowning. I need to come up for air.” In those
times, however, I have had to learn how to not find my breath in good
circumstances but in the strength and stability of the One who holds me
despite them and through them. I love what Bill Johnson says, “If you find
yourself in the valley of the shadow of death, keep walking.” In other
words, don’t stay there—keep taking steps of faith; keep moving until the
faithful hand of Jesus guides you safely out.
I would like to propose to you that from here on out we’re going to flip
the meaning of that phrase. I would like to suggest that from now on,
“When it rains, it pours,” is speaking of a downpour of God, rushing in like
a flood to drown out your enemies that are threatening to suffocate you.
You might be facing such opposition today—situations that are all too
difficult to bear, a myriad of problems that you can’t figure out—whether it
be loss, disappointment, delay, or betrayal. Know this: He who holds all of
creation holds you. If you will lean in and quiet your anxious heart, rest
your weary head against the faithful beat of His heart, you will find peace
and courage amid your storms. I am reminded of this verse in Isaiah 59:19
(NIV), “From the west, people will fear the name of the Lord, and from the
rising of the sun, they will revere his glory. For he will come like a pent-up
flood that the breath of the Lord drives along.”
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this one verse because
it has been wrongly translated or, rather, given incorrect grammar in a
critical junction of the verse. Many people are more familiar with this verse
like this: “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against him” (KJV).
Numerous biblical scholars have pointed out the incorrect placement of
the comma here, concluding that original manuscripts of this scripture read
like this: “When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against him.”
That one little comma changes the entire meaning of this verse. Instead
of the flood being attributed to the enemy, the flood is instead correctly
attributed to God. Therefore, in our little phrase, “When it rains, it pours,”
we are going to flip its meaning to attribute the flood to God. You’ll see
how very soon.
Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, I will go, but if you
will not go with me, I will not go.” And she said, “I will surely
go with you. Nevertheless, the road on which you are going will
not lead to your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the
hand of a woman.” Then Deborah arose and went with Barak
to Kedesh.
How many times have you had conversations like this with the Lord in
which you have said, “I just need confirmation. I need to know that You are
with me.” I love that Deborah did not rebuke Barak for feeling a sense of
unease. Instead, she rose to immediately go with him. Despite his
trepidations, Barak is listed among the greats of faith in Hebrews 11:32.
That’s just like our beautiful God, isn’t it? Where we remember Barak for
his moment of fear and trembling, God remembers Barak for his great faith
in action. Where you remember your moments of fear and anxiety, God
remembers the moments when you stood up in courage despite your
trembling knees. I am intrigued, though—why did Deborah and Barak
detour to Kedesh? I thought the Lord’s instruction was to rally the troops at
Mount Tabor, yet it seems they took a little detour and stopped at Kedesh
first on their way to the battle.
As with all of Deborah’s story, nothing written here is by mistake.
Kedesh means “to be holy and consecrated.” It also means “sacred place”
and “sanctuary.” They diverted to Kedesh before Mount Tabor because they
needed to be holy and set apart to the Lord before going into battle. It’s
possible they offered a sacrifice here. It’s not written in the Bible that they
did, but given the history of the small city of Kedesh, which was known as
a place of refuge, it is highly probable that they went there to give thanks to
the Lord ahead of the battle as a declaration that He was their refuge in the
midst of the coming storm. They also called their troops to Kedesh as well,
knowing that the key to winning this war was found in consecration.
Consecrate comes from the Hebrew word qadash and it means, “to be
holy, to prepare, to purify” (Strong’s H6942). Why was this necessary? It’s
important to remember, as we read this account of Deborah, that we are
reading her story through the lens of the New Testament—in our New
Covenant with Jesus, Yeshua. So I believe their offbeat path to Kedesh was
a prophetic foreshadow of Deborah and Barak first setting themselves apart,
purifying and cleansing themselves from what was behind, and communing
with God in His sanctuary. I believe this was a prophetic picture of fasting
and prayer.
Someone who has really taught me a lot about the power of fasting
through his life is Lou Engle. If there’s a crisis or injustice in the world, you
can be sure that Lou has stood in prayer and fasted over it at some point. In
2017 while we were at the Dallas prophetic summit, Nate bumped into Lou
and had a conversation about fasting. Nate asked Lou for some advice for
our generation, to which he responded by beginning to sway back and forth
and with a passionate plea: “I pray that your generation would separate
themselves to a lifestyle of fasting and prayer!”
Fasting is a lifestyle of consecration to the Lord—a call that goes
beyond Sunday worship and YouTube sermons and calls forth God’s
daughters out of mediocrity into the place of partnership and devotion that
shifts the nations. This is the consecration you are called to and the place of
strength that is your refuge for your journey.
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not
be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31 ESV).
When the Lord first called me to pray to see the end of abortion—
specifically, to pray to see the fall of Roe v. Wade—it was some 12 years
ago now. Waiting on God to see the final fulfilment of that prayer was no
easy task. (It was mere months ago at the time of this writing. I still find
myself in awe.) Watching, waiting, anticipating as, from a distance, I could
see the strength of our foes, and I had to continually find myself waiting on
the Lord for renewed strength. It is that battle, though, that has strengthened
me for others.
Now, Deborah and Barak and their troops waited, and in their waiting
their enemies were alerted to their position. Judges 4:12-13 (ESV) says,
“When Sisera was told that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to
Mount Tabor, Sisera called out all his chariots, 900 chariots of iron, and all
the men who were with him, from Harosheth-hagoyim to the river Kishon.”
It’s interesting, really, that Sisera was not told of their movements when
they went to Kedesh. Ten thousand men moving together is no small sight
to behold, yet it wasn’t then that he was alerted—it was when they were
waiting atop Mount Tabor that he was told. It’s almost as if God purposely
allowed it that way. He wanted to lure him in, and like a moth to a flame
Sisera came.
Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say
to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not!
Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the
recompense of God. He will come and save you.” Then the eyes
of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf
unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the
tongue of the mute sing for joy. For waters break forth in the
wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall
become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the
haunt of jackals, where they lie down, the grass shall become
reeds and rushes.
I love the fruit that comes from trusting in God: “the eyes of the blind
will be opened, the ears of the deaf unstopped.” The blind and the deaf are
indeed speaking of the natural inabilities to see and hear, but they are also a
prophetic allegory for opening the eyes and ears of the spiritually blind—
those who are blinded by the god of this world. When your hand and heart
are strengthened in the Lord, it makes way for God to move, as opposed to
your fear becoming a stumbling block that inhibits what He is wanting to
Then, in verses 6-7, we see something amazing happens. Miraculous
waters gush forth in the wilderness, and streams pour out in the desert.
Consider with me for a moment just what a miracle this is implying. Here in
Australia, we are known for our “sun-drenched” land—18 percent of our
entire land mass is made up entirely of desert, yet some 35 percent of our
land rarely receives any rain. It is so dry that it is practically considered
desert too. That’s a huge portion of dry land when you take into account the
sheer size of Australia. Now imagine how miraculous it would be if there
were sudden rainfalls that caused streams to flow where there were once
endless plains of barren, dry ground. This is what happens to a dry and
thirsty land when God’s sons and daughters strengthen themselves in Him
—a cataclysmic chain reaction takes place. He responds with the rain of His
glory, He washes away the invading enemies, He causes those who were
blind and deaf to see and hear, and He pours out rivers of living water for
the parched and weary. This is what God wants to do through you, daughter,
and we’re about to see how this is what God was about to do through
Deborah and Barak. You might be asking, practically speaking, “How do I
do this? Do I strengthen myself in the Lord?” We find another key hidden in
Judges 5:11, written in Deborah’s song.
They repeated God’s words, His promises, and what He had done in the
past. They rehearsed the voice of the Lord. Notice they did this at the
watering places, which suggests, prophetically, that it was in their places of
greatest thirst and dire need that they rehearsed who God was and what He
had done. Worship is a profound battle key in warfare—to remind yourself
and repeat who God is and what He has done. This gave Deborah and Barak
the upper hand in a battle that naturally appeared all but lost. This
positioned them for victory before the battle even began.
“Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has delivered Sisera
into your hand. Has not the Lord gone out before you?” So
Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men
following him. And the Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots
and all his army with the edge of the sword before Barak; and
Sisera alighted from his chariot and fled away on foot (Judges
4:14-15 NKJV).
Now to give you some perspective, as Barak and his men came down
the mountain, the Lord routed the battle to a nearby town, tiny in size,
called Taanach, which was located alongside the waters of Megiddo, as
depicted in Judges 5:19 (ESV): “The kings came, they fought; then fought
the kings of Canaan, at Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo; they got no
spoils of silver.” These two battle locations, as small and insignificant as
they may appear, held profound significance for the victory over this
menacing army. The tiny town of Taanach, merely 14 acres large, means
“He that humbles, He that answers.” The Lord led the enormous numbers of
Barak’s army into a small space to display the sheer greatness of His
abilities. God chooses to use the weak things to shame the strong (see 1
Corinthians 1:27). He led them into a place of humbling where they would
first begin to witness the battle turning away from their favor as the Lord
began to answer His people. Then, by the waters of Megiddo, He routed
them once more. Megiddo means “the place of multitudes” and “exposure.”
The Lord led the multitudes of His enemies into a land of exposure before
they died by the sword there. Finally, what remained of the iron chariots,
Sisera’s impressive strength, his pride, and his faith in himself was in the
end led down to the river Kishon. Kishon means “the place of snaring, a
hard and sore place.” There, the Lord sent a mighty, torrential rain that
would cause the river to swell and, as Judges 5:21 (ESV) describes: “The
torrent Kishon swept them away, the ancient torrent, the torrent Kishon.”
The Lord laid a trap for the enemies of Israel and washed them away.
“When it rains, it pours.” The Lord used their very pride and trust in
themselves and laid a trap to snare them through their own arrogance.
Today, the Lord is doing the same through you and me. The snare of our
enemy is his own pride. As you and I humble ourselves before the Lord and
worship Him in the midst of raging armies that threaten to destroy us on
every side, the Lord shall lift up a standard against them. Now, just to
reiterate, I am speaking of spiritual enemy forces. Though it often does feel
as though we are waging war against humans, we need to keep our eyes on
the things above. We need to keep our eyes engaged on who God is and
what He has promised. As we do, we will see the demon forces that have
entrapped and enslaved entire generations before us ensnared and washed
away in the rivers of His living water. We will see generations set free from
the enemies of thought; we will see the blind receive their sight again, and
the deaf will be able to hear. They will all look and say, “I see Him, I see
the King of Glory” as the chains of their captivity will be broken.
We are not waging war against people—we are waging war for their
freedom, for their salvation. When you remember who your enemy is, it
won’t be as difficult to drown out the noise of satan’s threats and taunts.
You’ll remember this isn’t personal—this is eternal. You will be able to say
with confidence, “When it rains, it pours,” knowing that the Lord is about
to pour out His Spirit as never before upon a generation of sons and
daughters alike. They are mantled with Deborah’s anointing to drive out
enemy forces before them and watch as the torrents of His outpouring wash
them away. This, daughter, is the hour to dig your heels in and remind
yourself of what God has said. This, daughter, is the hour of victory as God
exposes the multitudes of thought and ideologies that have kept our
generations spellbound. This is the hour of cleansing and purification.
“When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift
up a standard against him.”
Deborah’s Arsenal
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word
of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by
power, but by my spirit,’ saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6
Notice that the Lord is reiterating that the might and strength of man
holds nothing compared to His Spirit. His Holy Spirit is where your power
lies. If you don’t have a relationship with Him yet, I encourage you to get
yourself a copy of the book Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn.
This book was revolutionary for my husband and me in understanding the
person of the Holy Spirit.
Your charge is to cultivate your relationship with the person of the Holy
Spirit, and I can promise you this—your life will never be the same. You
will see the power of His strength overcoming every battle in your life,
leading you and guiding you through every valley and up to the
Chapter Eight
Turn Aside
Here in Australia, we have a cultural mindset known as “tall poppy
syndrome” that stems back to our convict roots as a nation. I’ve written
about this in my first book, but I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to share
this again. You might be familiar with it, or if you’re Australian you will
know exactly what I am speaking about. Tall poppy syndrome is a cultural
phenomenon in Australia that refers to the mass mindset here. Poppy
flowers grow together, and one should not rise above the other. If a poppy
gets too tall, it is to be cut down to size, usually by harsh words and
condemnation, and sometimes through sarcasm. Nate and I have found
ourselves butting against this mentality more often than we would like. We
have noticed it particularly in moments of warfare, when we know God is
calling us out onto a battlefield to confront or take down a giant. In those
moments, the tall poppy syndrome will rear its nasty head. It comes through
the voices of friends, family, and even those in ministry. We’ve had ministry
leaders in Australia under the influence of this mindset—which I have come
to understand is a deceptive spirit—tell us that we need to restrain
ourselves. They have said, “Don’t be so bold, tone yourselves down a little,
you’re coming on too strong.”
What I once thought was unique to Australia alone is, in fact, a spiritual
mind battle that occurs in defining moments of your destiny regardless of
your physical location. This spirit sees you moving onto the battlefield to
take back territory that God has called you to, and it tries to cut you down
before you get there. I shared a quote at the beginning of this chapter by
Kris Vallotton that I want you to read again in light of this mentality:
The dogs of doom stand at the doors of your destiny. When you
hear them barking you know you are near your promise land.
Most people retreat in fear instead of crossing over and
capturing their land. Fear is often disguised as wisdom or
stewardship but it is a Trojan Horse sent in to steal your
destiny. Fear is not your friend. —KRIS VALLOTTON
Eliab was moving in this tall poppy syndrome and rose to cut him
down. David responded, “Now what have I done? … Can’t I even speak?”
(1 Samuel 17:29 NIV). This implies that David had been confronted with
this mentality before, it wasn’t the first time, and because it wasn’t his “first
rodeo,” so to speak, he had obviously learned what to do. In 1 Samuel 17:30
(NIV) it says, “He then turned away to someone else and brought up the
same matter, and the men answered him as before.”
If David had not turned away from his brother’s accusations, the historic
story between him and Goliath would likely never have taken place and
consequently been told throughout the ages.
But Sisera fled away on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of
Heber the Kenite, for there was peace between Jabin the king
of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite.
Why is this important? Heber was at peace with Jabin, the king who had
cruelly and harshly oppressed the Israelites for 20 long years. It appears that
Heber’s separation did not lead him closer to the Lord, but further from
Him. Maybe he listened to the wrong voices? To be at peace with an enemy
meant that there was some form of alliance here. Did the isolation cause
him to discern incorrectly? There is a key for us to learn here, especially if
you are going through a similar season—make sure it’s leading you closer
to Jesus, not further from Him.
So where does that leave Jael? While scripture does tell us that the
peace agreement extended to Heber’s entire household, Jael’s actions tell us
that there was conflict within her for her husband’s alliance. I am not
suggesting going against your husband here; what I am saying is Jael chose
conviction to the Lord over man’s alliances.
And Jael came out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Turn aside,
my lord; turn aside to me; do not be afraid.” So he turned
aside to her into the tent, and she covered him with a rug
(Judges 4:18 ESV).
Consider what was at stake for Jael. She would have been familiar with
the evil and violent workings of this king, for he was famous for his cruelty,
yet peace for her household meant agreement with evil. To directly oppose
King Jabin would most likely have jeopardized her husband and her entire
family and, in all probability, put their own lives on the line. Kings in Jael’s
day did not hesitate to hang on the gallows those who opposed them or cut
them down by the sword. I’m certain that all this was on her mind when the
king’s strongest ally showed up right on the doorstep of her tent. Was there
conflict within her? Possibly, but she knew what was at stake. Jael had to
turn aside from her own fears—fears of what her husband might say, fears
of what it might cost her and her family. She had to turn aside from them,
and then turn to the Lord. She said to Sisera, “Turn aside. Turn aside to
me.” This was a “turn aside” moment for Jael. She had to turn aside from
the possible tormenting fears and then ask all of Israel’s fiercest enemy to
turn aside to her, face to face. This was calculated.
The Hebrew word used for turn aside in this text is the word sur, and it
means “to behead, to abolish, to depose of, to strip away, to turn aside off
one’s course” (Strong’s H5493). Why did Sisera not recognize what she
was really saying here? The answer is hidden within the deep trenches of
his pride. Proverbs 16:18 (ESV) says, “Pride goes before destruction, a
haughty spirit before a fall.” And Proverbs 16:9 (ESV) says, “The heart of
man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Pride blinded him
from seeing the trap that lay before him. Could it be that the haughtiness of
Sisera’s heart was the very thing that led him to Jael? Did pride guide his
steps there? I believe so. Exhausted from the gaping wounds of a bruised
ego, Sisera was in shock, bewildered at the unexpected loss of his powerful
army (which he cowardly deserted, by the way). Sisera stumbled into the
tent of a woman, the least likely threat on his radar. I can picture him
mumbling under his breath, “What could a woman do to me?” Little did he
know, God uses the least likely to carry out His plans and to annihilate the
prideful and powerful. God is not concerned with the world’s perceptions
on what a powerful warrior is; He looks at the heart. Within Jael’s heart, He
saw a woman who would choose Him in a consequential moment for Israel.
God saw Jael and Jael turned to Him. The Lord chooses the humble in spirit
to rest His mighty power upon.
Daughter, have people told you that you are not enough? Have friends
discouraged you from stepping into the calling that you know God has
anointed you for? Have loved ones kept you in the trenches when you
belong on the battlefield? If the harsh words of loved ones and friends have
held you in the trenches—if accusations, assumptions, condemnations, and
fear of man have held you restrained from the battle to which you have
been called—it’s time to turn aside. If you feel as though you have never
conquered the disputed territory you were called to, it’s time turn aside to
the Lord and move in the direction of His voice and His voice alone. What
is it He has said? What giant has He called you to confront head-on? What
enemy are you appointed to throw down? What territory has God anointed
you to take back? Because if you stay in the trenches, you’ll die there. You
were not called to be a trench soldier, hiding within the barricades of
accusations, bitten with condemnation, suffering from the scum of tall
poppy syndrome, and dying from the shelling of the fear of man. You,
daughter, have been anointed, appointed, and called, before you were even
born, to run onto battlefields armed with the Spirit of God, to take down the
giants that lay before you. Now is the time to come up higher, daughter,
come out from there. It is your time to occupy the territory that the enemy
has laid waste to and drive a nail into his coffin.
Deborah’s Arsenal
Find the words of God that destroy the lies and accusations coming
against you, and every time you hear those lies remind satan of God’s truth
over you—that you stand in the name of the Lord and what He has said
about you. You have a choice today to bend to accusations of the naysayers
or to move forward regardless of how foolish you look—trusting in who
you are in Christ. The Lord is saying over you today, “Don’t look at them,
look at Me. Don’t be moved by their words, be moved by what I say over
Chapter Nine
“What of Jael? Did she have to use a tent peg to kill her
enemy? Couldn’t she just have turned him over to the
authorities while he slept? Possibly, but she didn’t. God
was okay with her choice, and a song was composed to
declare her valor.”
—LISA BEVERE, Lioness Arising
The words used for “come with me,” spoken twice in this verse, are two
separate Hebrew words. The first is bo, and it means “to enter into, to
advance, to attack” (Strong’s H935). The second is the Hebrew word eth,
and it means “to enter into, come close to, be near and together to”
(Strong’s H854). Given these definitions, this verse reads, “Now you are
ready, My bride, to enter into, advance, and attack with me as we climb the
highest peaks together. Be near to Me as, together, we go through the
archway of trust.” The Passion Translation translates the original words
“the crest of Amana” into “the archway of trust.” Amana comes from one of
the Hebrew words for “faith.” It can also be translated to mean “a place of
security.” This beautiful verse paints the picture of you walking with Jesus
in oneness and closeness with Him. Through faith in Him and where He is
guiding you, He leads you to traverse the rocky cliff faces into a place of
Then we read, “We will look down from the crest of the glistening
mounts and from the summit of our sublime sanctuary.” The New King
James version translates this portion of the verse like this: “Look from the
top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from
the mountains of the leopards.”
The Hebrew word for look is the word shur; it means “to watch
stealthily, to lie in wait” (Strong’s H7789). This verse strategically tells us,
prophetically, where we will be positioned when we are following Jesus as
He navigates us through difficult terrain, “from the top of Senir and
Hermon.” Senir means “breastplate” or “coat of mail,” which illustrates
your heart being covered from the flaming arrows that are flying through in
this age. Hermon has a myriad of intriguing definitions. It means “sacred
mountain,” “mountain of snow” (pointing to the cleansing Blood of Jesus),
“high mountain” and “fishing for people.” That last definition is gripping.
Let’s paraphrase the latter part of this verse with these definitions added.
No, I am not adding to scripture—I am merely wanting you to see the full
picture of what Solomon wrote here through the definitions of the very
words he used, so bear with me as I paraphrase for the sake of full clarity:
“Watch stealthily and lie in wait with Me from the top of the mountain
of faith, from the heights. You will have a coat of armor, and on My sacred
mountain, the mountain of My Blood, a high mountain, we will together
fish for people from the lions’ dens and the mountains of leopards”
I wholeheartedly believe that God is anointing a company of daughters
in this hour to climb with Him in faith, like Jael, to trust the steps He guides
you in so that you can climb the high places. You will be covered as you go,
safe in a place of security, hidden from the enemy’s eyes. There you will
watch in stealth, fully alert and fully awake to his plans. From the safety of
this secure place, you will fish for people, rescuing them by the Blood of
the Lamb out of the snare of the enemy’s lair. Jael is the picture of you,
daughter. She reads as an invitation to come out and enter into this archway
of trust and faith. Sometimes, that can look like blind faith, especially when
all you can see is just the step right in front of you. It can feel precarious
and even dangerous at times to follow Him without knowing what’s ahead,
but you can be assured of this, daughter, that where He leads you will lead
to safety and promise. The mantle of Deborah requires of us a surrender to
go where to He leads, to embrace the unknown, the unpopular paths, and
trust that He has made your steps surefooted for the hour at hand.
When true believers mix into themselves things like false doctrines,
they lose their purity. This will eventually lead to their spiritual lives being
worthless and hollow. It’s always been an interesting thing to me how Lot’s
infamous wife “looked back.” When the Lord gave Lot and his family
explicit instructions to look forward and not look back on the burning cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s wife couldn’t help herself. It showed that
the affections of her heart were set on the world, and in doing so she
became a dead, ineffective pillar of salt—salt that had lost its taste, which
Jesus speaks of in Matthew 5:13 (NLT):
You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost
its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out
and trampled underfoot as worthless.
Jesus wasn’t talking about condiments for food; He was talking about
preservation. When a follower of Christ turns and sets their affections on
the world, they become, sadly, like Lot’s wife—a pillar of salt. Interesting
to look at, but nothing of substance. Jesus Himself gave this stern warning
in regard to this very concept. He simply and profoundly stated,
“Remember Lot’s wife!” (Luke 17:32 NIV). He then went on to say,
“Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life
will preserve it” (Luke 17:33 NIV). Notice He mentioned the word preserve
here again. The salt of the Word of God preserves our own lives first—but
it does come with a cost. We must first lay down all of our affections for the
world, and sometimes that can mean the need to be loved and adored by
others. The world and those who have given themselves to mixture—
mixtures of truth and half lies, compromise with the scriptures—they will
hate you for it. The salt of the Word then preserves the world from moral
decay. When sprinkled, it is like salt on a wound—painful to receive, but
Sadly, we have a lot of mixture in the Body of Christ whereby salt has
lost its taste. We have presumed (and used a “measure” of scripture to
affirm this belief ) that to be the love of Jesus to the world we must be
accepted by them. That is neither the true love of Jesus nor the true Gospel.
That’s worldly acceptance. Every single time the people began to “accept”
Jesus, He confronted them with uncomfortable truths. He was sprinkling
salt upon them to see whether they would accept Him or reject Him. Almost
every single time, they hated Him for it. Why? Jesus was not interested in
the comfort of their opinions; He was after their hearts. He knew that if He
catered to their comforts and what they deemed acceptable and loving, then
He would have to compromise for them in every single one of their man-
made ideologies. Am I saying that Jesus was not loving? Absolutely not.
What I am saying is, His version of love and truth does not and never will
look like the compromising versions of love and truth in the world.
If we are bowing to what is culturally acceptable, we are bowing to
these very demonic ideologies cleverly disguised by the serpent himself,
and in doing so we are leading an entire generation to hell, all in the name
of love. That sounds harsh, I know, but what’s worse? Saying and doing
nothing and thinking that I’m loving my neighbor by hiding behind my
walls of cultural acceptance in a time of delusion and fear? No thanks.
Right now, the world needs the salt of Christ in you to be shaken over these
ideologies, giants, high places, and enemies of thought. The world needs the
likes of those who will stand up and say, “My generation is being led to hell
by a mixture of truth, by ideologies and meditations (the meaning of
Sisera’s name), and I won’t stand for it. I am here to be the salt and the
light. I would prefer that your mind is offended, even for a moment, in
order that your heart may see the light.”
Considering the mountain goat and her need for salt, it is such an
incredible analogy that God has written here within Jael. The mountain
goat’s drive for salt leads her to the mountain peaks—ironically, the very
place she needs to be to wage war against the lion’s den and the leopard’s
lair. Jael is the salt that instinctually lures the predator, Sisera, to follow her
to the highest peaks. Like the predator that he is, he follows, not realizing
the dangers that await him there, but ah, Jael is well-versed on these rocky
crags. She knows the cost, and her desire for righteous justice awakens the
lion of God within her. It is the hammer of His Word—the salt—that drives
down the nail. Daughter, if your drive for truth and righteous justice has led
you here, don’t mix your salt with the world—keep it pure in the Word and
sprinkle it over every social wound you can find, for it is the salt that heals,
which our world and our future generations so desperately need.
Deborah’s Arsenal
Your Charge: Choose the Holy Path over the Popular Path
Have you been able to discern the counterfeit from the genuine in this
season? Have you seen the rapid increase of culture-mixed standards
infiltrating the Church? Has it felt easier at times to either say nothing or
just go along with the narratives? How has it felt in your spirit to do that?
In your journal write down three areas of mixture you have seen in the
Church in the last few years. How can you be salt in those situations? How
can you restore God’s truth and values amid these areas of compromise?
On the other hand, if you are unable to distinguish where there has been
mixture, your charge is going to look a little different. I want you to make it
your daily habit to read through the Gospels and the letters to the churches
in the New Testament. As you read the words of Jesus and the letters of the
apostles, consider how they handled opposition and cultural relevance. Did
they cater to offense or stand in direct opposition to people’s offenses?
What was Jesus’ standard when facing the culture of His day? Did He bow
to their ideas to appease their emotions?
Asking questions like this will help you discern what truth is and what
is watered-down truth in today’s culture. You can write down any thoughts
or teaching you see that you have questions over, then find out what the
Word of God says about it. Does it hold to God’s standard of truth or does it
only a hold a measure of truth and is, therefore, mixture?
This task may seem daunting, but it is the one you are called to—to stay
to the holy road and not allow the enemy to lure you off course. Stay at the
feet of Jesus—which will often lead you up the mountainous rocky paths
(notice Jesus often went up the mountains in His prayer time). It is the road
less traveled, but you will be able to discern the true salt from salt that has
lost its taste. Then you will disperse godly wisdom to those around you—
leading them, too, upon the narrow road of safety.
1. Tikva Frymer-Kensky, “Yael: Bible,” The Shalvi/Hyman
Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Evaluations of Yael’s
Actions, June 23, 2021,
2. Staff, “What Did Jesus Mean By ‘You Are the Salt of the
Earth’?”, December 19, 2019,
Chapter Ten
There are giants in this age that God has solely appointed for women to take
down. That might sound like a feministic point of view, but hear me when I
say it is the furthest thing from worldly feminism. Modern-day feminism
has built a foundation upon what appears to be a godly value—that women
are to be regarded equal to men in society. While as a mother of three
daughters I wholeheartedly agree with that value as it stands alone—that
God created women as equal—I cannot adhere to the doctrines that
feminism has built a high place upon. Feminism has built a construct of
social justice upon a half truth. Since its rise in the sexual revolution of the
’60s, feminism preaches to its followers that women can replace men, that
masculinity is toxic, and that motherhood is a downfall. I say this all the
time—check the origins. In other words, find out where an idea was
founded. If it is not founded in the Word of God with sound biblical
teaching, you likely have for yourself the constructs of a “high place.” For
example, securing the right for women to vote was surely a good thing,
right? Of course, women should be allowed to vote, but feminism did not
want to stop there. Feminism wanted to move into every arena and demand
sole propriety of every realm. Don’t get me wrong, there are issues with
men who treat women as objects and abuse them, but feminism has been
possibly the most destructive of ideologies because of its deconstruction of
the family unit. It has swiftly moved to destroy the foundational fabric of
society and has turned many women from their God-given gift as nurturers
into destroyers of life.
Just like any other “social justice” issue that finds solutions for
injustices apart from God, these movements always veer grossly off the
path of their original intent. Women in the feminist movement have placed
themselves above God, above man, and above anyone who stands in the
path of their whimsical fantasy of “progressivism.” Even if that person
standing in their path happens to be the surprise of their own unborn child,
they will willingly sacrifice that child, and anyone else, in the name of
equality and advancement. It’s a high place complete with the blood
sacrifice of the innocent. It is in direct opposition to the Blood sacrifice of
Jesus, who sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world. Feminism, by
contrast, sacrifices the blood of the innocent for their own sins.
God created male and female with equal inherent value, yet attempting
to establish equality without God does not end in equality—it creates a
myriad of darker, more sinister injustices, because justice according to man
will always swing the scales beyond balance. Feminism has become a high
place that falls desperately short of God’s solution for His daughters. Does
God value His daughters equally to His sons? Absolutely. Lisa Bevere says
it well, “Men and women are equal, but they are not interchangeable. God
made them both for a reason.” God doesn’t look upon His daughters with
disdain because they are not males; He adores the way He designed His
daughters. In the same manner, He treasures the unique design of His sons.
Male and female are complements to one another, not interchangeable
between each other. Modern-day feminism would beg to differ and argue
that women should be equal to if not above men. Modern-day feminism
sees motherhood as a burden rather than a gift. They believe that the option
of sacrificing one’s child to the god of self is the height of empowerment.
Feminists hold up their grotesque banners in the streets touting the “right”
to murder their children in the womb. Meanwhile, these are the same
feminists who are handing over their positions to transgender biological
males in the name of “acceptance” and “progressivism.”
The transgender movement has become yet another high place in which
men are proclaiming they are females simply because of a “feeling,” and
vice versa. Womanhood is not a feeling but is appointed at conception, an
assignment by God that cannot be interchanged on a whim. What is
extremely alarming is not only the rise of feminism, but the destruction of
childhood as a result. These progressive movements and high places are
swiftly moving with warped ideologies to invade and destroy the family
unit that God designed. If fathers and mothers alike don’t arise now, society
stands at the point of collapse, for we cannot sustain community without
God’s construct of family. We cannot create legacy without children, and
children cannot bear the burden of indoctrination. How can we bear fruit if
men are pretending to be women, women are killing their offspring, and if
not in the womb, giving them over to confusion as adults? The answer
cannot be found in this world but in God alone.
I am reminded of this plea spoken by the Lord through David, “Who
will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against
evildoers?” (Psalm 94:16 NIV). The Lord’s solution for the destructive
waves that feminism has left upon society is His daughters, clothed in the
mantle of Deborah, armed in righteousness and truth. It is His daughters
who will tear down this high and lofty place. This will take courage, but if
you don’t speak, then who will? My friends, we are in a spiritual war. This
will take grit and resolve to rise and speak out against the evils of our day.
If you don’t rise up, then what will it take for you to stand? At what point of
evil will you say enough is enough?
We cannot get lost in the fear of man in this hour, for a divisive wedge
has been engaged within the Body of Christ, and it is this wedge that says,
“If you confront these issues, you are taking sides in politics.” Can I just
say, enough with that lie! The enemy has disempowered a sleeping Church
for far too long. The mantle of Deborah is governmental, and if you are
afraid of offending your friends and family by standing in the truth because
of the fear of “politics,” I’m not going to lie—this battle will take you out.
You’re going to have to decide to shake off that fear now and realize that
this is a moment to which you have been called. At the end of the day, are
you pleasing God or man?
That is a question that drives me. Am I more concerned with what my
friend thinks than what God has called me to say? Deborah was not afraid
to engage in the politics of her day; she charged forward, unafraid. She and
Barak together forcefully opposed the king, the government of their day.
Notice it was man and woman together. Imagine what would be said of
Deborah and even Barak if they lived in our time. “They are too
conservative. They shouldn’t be engaging in politics; that’s not what the
Church is meant to do. Deborah isn’t loving enough. She should be praying
for her enemies rather than fighting against them. Barak shouldn’t be
slaying anyone; how evil of him. Deborah’s opposition to the king does not
represent Jesus. Deborah is a woman; she should stay silent. Deborah is too
divisive.” Need I go on? Sound familiar?
Daughter, I pray you would rise in the courage and the strength of His
might. If you are confused by the narratives of our day and where you
should stand, find out their origins and then test them against the Word of
God. If an origin is founded by man and upon a lie, then you have every
right to stand in the truth of the Word and call it down. One surefire way to
tell if an origin is a high place or not, is to ask this question: “Is the world in
agreement with this idea?” If you are aligning with ideas and concepts that
are largely accepted by the world, I can almost certainly tell you that is an
idea that is not accepted by God. It might have a glimmer of truth to it, but
it is a half-truth. Look for the lie, for you will always find it. Don’t associate
with half-truths; plant yourself in inherent truths. One way to tell if you are
called to tear down a particular high place is to find the lies that irritate you
the most. Do you hate the lie of abortion? Do you hate the lies being spread
to your children? Once you know what high places you are called to, it will
be easier to tear them down. Are you ready to slay some giants?
Truth Offends
Many Christians lose their resolve in the face of offense. For fear of
offending someone, they refuse to speak and declare what is true. It has
become the mindset of many that to offend is not to love, but that couldn’t
be further from the truth. Jesus was never concerned with offense—He
offended the religious and the unsaved alike merely by speaking truth. In
fact, He offended them so much that they nailed Him to the Cross.
However, the Cross was not the only time their offense drove them wild
with hate for Him. We find multiple accounts before the Cross in which the
crowds lusted to silence Him and even attempted to kill Him. Remember
when Jesus fed the five thousand? No sooner had their tummies been filled
with hearty bread and delicious fish than they were driven away in offense
mere hours later. What did Jesus say to them that was so offensive? “Eat
My flesh, drink My Blood.”
Of course, it’s clear to us now what He meant, because in hindsight you
and I know that Jesus was referring to the communion of His Blood, but
they didn’t know that then. The Jews had a very strong set of rules and
regulations—set for them, mind you, by God Himself. Within those rules
were strict guidelines for food. So Jesus’ statement came across as literal
cannibalism. Read this dialogue in John 6:26-42 (NIV) between Jesus and
those who had just eaten their fill of the loaves and fishes.
Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me,
not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate
the loaves and had your fill. Do not work for food that spoils,
but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man
will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of
Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one
he has sent.”
So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may
see it and believe you? What will you do? Our ancestors ate
the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them
bread from heaven to eat.’”
Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who
has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who
gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is
the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the
“Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.”
Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to
me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never
be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do
not believe. All those the Father gives me will come to me, and
whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come
down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him
who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I
shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up
at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks
to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will
raise them up at the last day.”
At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he
said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” They said,
“Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother
we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”
What was Jesus doing here? Why was He not concerned with losing
followers? Unlike many ministries, churches, and even pastors today—who
would rather share messages that tickle the ears than lose followers on
social media or congregation members—Jesus wasn’t concerned with a loss
of followers. He was marking out the territory of the New Covenant that He
was building, territory that would come through His own Blood poured out
on the Cross. Notice He said “very truly” twice. In Greek, that word is
amen (Strong’s G281). You may not know it, but every time you say amen,
you are expressing and affirming your acknowledgement of the truth. You
are saying, in essence, “Yes, yes, this is true.” Amen in Greek means “most
assured truth, certain truth, so let it be, very”—which is “truly, confidently
in truth.” Jesus was affirming truth, and it was the truth that drove away
many of the disciples who had just witnessed the miracle of the feeding of
the five thousand—and whose tummies were still filled with said miracle.
This is an hour when we cannot be more concerned with the feelings of
people, which flow and ebb as quickly as the tide, than with pleasing the
Lord by establishing His truth. It is not a lie or a half-truth that is going to
set our generations free, it is not an idea or a fantasy, it is the whole truth
and nothing but the truth. Jesus is truth—there is no lie in Him. It is the
proclamation of inherent truth in every matter of society that will set the
generations free. Not the idea of loving them in delusion.
Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in my word,
you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will
set you free” (John 8:31-32 ESV). Jesus spoke these words not long after
the feeding of the five thousand. In fact, between chapters 6 and 8 of John,
you will find numerous accounts in the feeding of the five thousand in
which Jesus is establishing Himself in truth as the New Covenant and there
is a wrestling with the people. His words create division (see John 7:40-42).
This is confronting because much of the modern-day, seeker-sensitive
church movement is built upon “loving” their congregations. Does that
mean we should not be loving people? Absolutely not—of course we are to
be driven by the love of Jesus. However, the stark difference is His love
does not hide the truth. The love of Jesus does not conceal a lie.
In John 8:31, Jesus knew His time was drawing closer to the Cross, and
His words were sharp and telling, laser focused on the mission before Him.
I have had many Christians tell me that speaking truth is divisive and I
should be more loving. Listen, there is no love in telling a lie, or even in
silence. You can say you love all you like, but if your love is not speaking
the truth, you are essentially hugging your friends as they fall into the abyss
of hell. True love sees the impending danger and warns of it. Today, our
generations are being led to the slaughter, literally and spiritually, under the
guise of “love.” How cunning of the enemy. He has used a virtue of God—
love—and convinced a generation to fall into hell by that name. See the
half-truth there? This where many fall short of understanding what is truly
happening in our society. They, like Adam and Eve, have been lured in by
the question, “Did God actually say…?” God never said that speaking truth
was hating your neighbor; in fact, hiding the truth is the very epitome of
1. The Mantle
And he turned aside to her into the tent; and she covered him
with a mantle (Judges 4:18 BST).
When Sisera first entered Jael’s tent, she covered him with a mantle.
Why is this important? Do you remember what Sisera’s name means?
Meditations. This represents the battlefield of the mind, where thoughts and
ideologies build their high places above God. This mantle she covered him
with prophetically points to the Deborah mantle that God has anointed you
to carry today. She covered the meditations of the mind with the truth of
God’s Word. The word used for covered is the Hebrew word kasha, and it
means to literally “cover over, make a covering, conceal, and overwhelm”
(Strong’s H3680). God is anointing you in this hour, daughter, to cover and
overwhelm the lies with the mantle of Deborah, which is the truth of the
Word of God.
It reminds me of the quote by St. Augustine, “The truth is like a lion,
you don’t have to defend it, let it loose, it will defend itself.” Unfortunately,
far too many within the Body of Christ are hesitant to let the truth loose;
therefore, they are giving lies free jurisdiction to reign. We must cover over
and overwhelm the lies with the inherent truth.
2. The Milk
Why did she give him milk? And what could milk possibly mean for us
today during the intense warfare we face? It seems kind of counter-
productive, does it not? Milk in scripture represents God’s Word for the
spiritually immature. Peter described milk as a drink for the spiritually
So why did Jael give Sisera milk? It speaks of sharing the truth in a
relatable way for those who are spiritually immature. We need to convey
deep messages with simplicity. The Gospel need not be over-complicated,
but we must simply and profoundly speak the truth so that those who are
willing to let go of all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander will be
freed of the meditations of the principality of Sisera and be able to drink the
pure Gospel and be filled to contentment like a newborn baby.
By contrast, for those who refuse to adhere to truth—the milk of the
Word of God—the Word of truth will cause them to get sleepy, much like a
newborn, and they will be lulled into their own deceit. Which is exactly
what we see happen to Sisera. He was lulled into a state of “milk
drunkenness,” blinded to perceive God’s next move. When we witnessed
the downfall of Roe v. Wade, no one could have predicted that this almost
50-year contract with death would be brought down under the most pro-
death administration in America’s history. This reminds me of the
principality of Sisera—they were lulled into a state of delusion by their own
pride, believing that by their own power they could reinstate this death
decree. Instead, the simple, inherent truth that God values the pre-born child
in the womb was the very milk that blinded them and continues to. At
exactly 10:10 am a decree went out to all the land—a stone into the head of
this giant. John 10:10 (AMP) says; “The thief comes only in order to steal
and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in
abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” Could it be any clearer that God’s
word prevailed over this lie. His declaration rippled out to the Nations as he
declared, “choose life, that thou and thy seed may live.” (Deuteronomy
30:19, KJV)
How do we minister the milk of the Word today? By speaking the
constant, simple, profound, biblical truths of the Word of God to a lost and
waning generation. By sharing “Jesus loves you and died for you” loudly
and clearly from every conceivable vantage point that we have. By
declaring His value for every human being. By speaking the unadulterated,
guileless, and undeceitful Word of truth. By refusing to mix this pure milk
with the meditations of our day. The pure milk of the Word will draw in
those whose hearts are truly thirsty for the truth, and it will set them free.
Paul speaks of the milk of the Word in Hebrews:
In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need
someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all
over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on
milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching
about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by
constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from
evil (Hebrews 5:12-14 NIV).
But when Sisera fell asleep from exhaustion, Jael quietly crept
up to him with a hammer and tent peg in her hand. Then she
drove the tent peg through his temple and into the ground, and
so he died (Judges 4:21 NLT).
Enlarge the site of your tent [to make room for more children];
stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare them;
lengthen your tent ropes and make your pegs (stakes) firm [in
the ground].
Just then Barak came by in pursuit of Sisera, and Jael went out
to meet him. “Come,” she said, “I will show you the man
you’re looking for.” So he went in with her, and there lay Sisera
with the tent peg through his temple—dead.
So what are the weapons of our warfare in the spirit? We know that the
Word of God is our weapon. The scriptures aren’t just telling a nice story:
“The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV). The Blood of Jesus is our weapon.
Communion is our weapon. When we face these principalities, high places,
and strongholds in our day, we have the power and the authority to tear
them down by the Blood of the Lamb.
When I shared this principle in my previous book, I received a
testimony some months later from a woman who read it. She told of how
she took the Blood of Jesus and prayed it over her children’s school. Every
day, when she would drop her children off at school, she would march out
at the front fence and plead His Blood before going home. She would
declare promises of protection in the Word, like Psalm 91, and declare that
no plan or assignment of the enemy could come near her children or their
school. Within weeks of doing this, an active shooter approached her child’s
school at midday, armed with multiple guns. His intent was to go on a
killing spree. However, something caused him to freeze right at the
entrance, at the very gate where she had been praying. Because he froze,
security guards spotted him in time and tackled him to the ground.
She sent me articles and shared her amazement at how God had moved
on her behalf as a direct result of her authoritative prayers. When you know
your authority, the enemy can’t stop you. When you are declaring the Word
of God; you are driving that hammer and tent peg deep into the ground and
establishing your territory; you’re smashing a mighty blow through the high
places and strongholds of our day. The weapons we fight with are not
natural, but they are supernatural.
Notice in the 2 Corinthians verses that it says, “We demolish arguments
and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” This
is the grounds of our warfare today. Arguments and pretensions are the high
places of our day. The Greek word used for arguments is logismos, and it
means “a reasoning, a thought, conception, an idea” (Strong’s G3053).
“Pretension” is the Greek word hupsoma, and it means “a height that is
lifted up, a lofty thing” (Strong’s G5313). Do you see it? The “wind words”
we are encountering on every front, the confusion of thoughts and speech,
the ideologies that are taking the world captive are all high places.
How do we discern the difference between a high place of the enemy
and a high place of God? Look for the ideas and concepts that set
themselves against God and the foundations He created. For example, the
high place of abortion sets itself against the creation of God—the baby in
the womb—by saying that the pre-born baby is not human or is a parasite
that must be removed. We tear down the high places by exposing them to
the truth of the Word of God. The weapon against this ideology is Psalm
139:13-14 (NIV):
Find the lie and expose it to the truth. We tear down these high and lofty
thoughts and ideas, we tear down Sisera, by hammering the Word directly
through his meditations.
Finally, the scripture tells us to “take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV). How do we do that, though?
How do take a thought captive? By subduing, surrounding, and ensnaring it
with the truth. Remember how Barak and Deborah were led by God to
ensnare Sisera and his armies at the waters of ensnaring? When you speak
the truth of His Word over a lie, the Lord will do the rest. He will send out
His army of warring angels to fight on your behalf. This principle can be
applied for the massive giants you see in culture or any high place or lie that
has set itself as a stronghold in your own mind.
Just as Deborah prophesied, God gave this enemy into the hands of a
woman. Today, I prophesy there are high places that God has given into the
hands of His daughters to tear down. You, daughter, are anointed by Him to
carry the mantle of Deborah. By driving the tent peg down with the hammer
of the Word directly into and through the meditations and high and lofty
thoughts of the world, you will see these ideologies torn down. You are
establishing new territory to make room for more children. This is about
legacy. I’m not just referring to physical children; I’m referring to the
prodigals who will come home as you make room for them under the tent of
Deborah’s Arsenal
Part Four
Now that we have the spiritual elements of our battle plan clear, you might
be asking, “What should I do in the natural?” The years of 2020 and 2021
were more or less an education on where we as the Body of Christ stand on
moral issues. In the wake of the pandemic, these two years erupted into a
myriad of other issues. One such issue was the sudden disclosure of
sexualized books and curricula that had been covertly introduced into
schools. Programs displaying explicit content that even an adult should not
be subjected to were being covertly taught to children, without their
parents’ knowledge or consent, some as young as five. This is where the
rubber meets the road, so to speak. Where do we stand as Christians when
demon-inspired ideas are being introduced to our innocent children? Do we
stand back and hope for the best in fear of what might people say? What if
others conclude that you are engaging in the taboo territory of politics by
intercepting these ideologies? In his book Ekklesia, Ed Silvoso describes
engaging in cultural battles as moving “from the pew to the city square.” He
Has the Church reduced our commission of “go into all the world”
merely to a number of programs of good deeds? Have we failed to
implement the vital, transformative power of the Gospel into every realm of
society? Why are we more largely concerned with church programs that
benefit the church alone, rather than engaging in social issues that benefit
the communities around us? We were never meant to be islands unto
ourselves. The Church of Acts illustrates to us how we are meant to engage
in the culture around us, not hide from it. Ed goes on to write:
They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the
word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as
to shrink from death.
The Greek word used for testimony is the word marturia (Strong’s
G3141). This is a legal term, speaking of giving sound witness in a court
trial. It literally means “to give witness to, to testify against.” It is speaking
of a witness standing on trial before a courtroom, declaring what they have
seen and known to be true. This testimony of what we know to be true,
found in Jesus—who is the Word (see John 1:1)—is our weapon to triumph
over the enemy. By declaring truth over every single lie, we are hammering
into the temple of the enemy the testimony of Jesus. This word, marturia, is
mentioned throughout the New Testament in constant reference to speaking
what is right and what is true. In Paul’s letter to Titus, he writes speaking of
correcting false teachers:
Not everyone who says they are for Jesus is willing to speak His
testimony of pure, undefiled truth. May we hold fast to the truth in this
hour, for it is evidently clear that in the last days many will fall away from
Him for the fear of man, for being more concerned with what people think
than what God says.
Just to be clear, I don’t say this to condemn anyone for being afraid of
stepping out. I think it’s normal to wrestle with our voice as we learn to use
it, but the final frontier in the heart of man is the fear of man and a test we
all have to endure in our journey to being a Deborah for the times. Do you
feel that wrestle often? How do you overcome it? Have you yet to push
through the torrent of opinions and judgments? Here’s a small key before
we move on—pray for the fear of the Lord to encompass you, but don’t
blame me for what happens next. When the fear of the Lord falls on you,
the fear of man leaves, and what has been bottled up inside you comes out
with force.
Then down marched the remnant of the noble; the people of the
Lord marched down for me against the mighty (Judges 5:13
The word for marched is radah in Hebrew. It means “to have dominion,
to rule, to dominate” (Strong’s H7287). This can also mean “to subjugate, to
tread down, to reign over, prevail against.” This speaks of God’s daughters
marching against these ideologies, acutely hearing His voice, and speaking
forth His voice over these deceptive high places of our day—those that may
appear strong and mighty. I am reminded of Elijah in this verse; after
having killed and defeated the prophets of Baal, the voice of Jezebel sent
Elijah into isolation from her intimidation. Hiding away in a cave, he cried
out to the Lord, “I alone am left” (1 Kings 19:10 NKJV), but the Lord
gently reminded Him, “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all
whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed
him” (1 Kings 19:18 NKJV).
Perhaps you have been feeling a little like Elijah—alone in this fight. I
am here to remind you today that you are far from alone. God has reserved
a remnant of His daughters who refuse to bow down to the idols of our day.
A remnant of daughters whose mouths will not touch these ungodly
ideologies. Daughter, God has reserved you as His remnant. There is a
remnant arising in this hour—a company of daughters bearing the mantle of
Deborah, set apart for God’s glory. A remnant who refuse to bow to the
narratives of our day. They will tear down every high place, they will break
down every wall, for they are on a rescue mission of the ages—to bring the
prodigals home and make way for the King of Glory.
Deborah’s Arsenal
1. Ed Silvoso, Ekklesia (Bloomington, MN: Chosen Books,
2017), 139.
2. Ibid., 139-140.
3. Ibid., 140.
Chapter Twelve
The Lord gives the word; the women who announce the
news are a great host: “The kings of the armies—they
flee, they flee!” The women at home divide the spoil.
—PSALM 68:11-12 ESV
Then down marched the remnant of the noble; the people of the
Lord marched down for me against the mighty (Judges 5:13
Deborahs, Arise
I can hear the gates of hell shrieking at the sound of this approaching army
—they cannot stop what is coming. Here they come; can you hear them?
God’s daughters of Zion, a mighty army of beauty and strength. They are
coming over the mountains like a mother bear with resolution in her eyes to
protect her young, to restore the family, redeem the unborn, retrieve the lost,
and bring the prodigals home. They are coming to pour out the sweet
fragrance of Jesus into the earth. Here they come—warriors and nurturers,
soldiers and protectors. They are fierceness, love, and strength combined.
God is calling to you, dear daughters. A charge to arise as mothers over
the land and territory you have been assigned. You are the spiritual
protectors, nurtures, and defenders over your families. Village life as we
have known it has been ceasing, but watch as God’s Deborahs arise. Like a
cloak spreading across the nations, this divine calling from heaven is resting
upon a generation of daughters; they will courageously and fearlessly push
back the darkness and expose it to the light.
God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and
the warring women of Zion deliver its message (Psalm 68:11
Now you are ready, my bride, to come with me as we climb the
highest peaks together (Song of Songs 4:8 TPT).
Together we will wage war in the lion’s den and the leopard’s lair!
I hear the Lord saying in this hour, “Deborah, Deborah, rise up!” There
is a breaker anointing in your shout. There is a potency on what God is
speaking through His mighty warrior-daughters across the earth in this hour.
I see the Lion of Judah both smiling and roaring in fierceness behind you
today. Beloved daughters, you are called, purposed, and equipped to slay
demonic principalities, restoring His righteousness to the land. He is with
you. Now is the time, now is your hour. Take down the giants in the land.
Deborah’s Arsenal
1. John Paul Jackson, Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit (Flower
Mound, TX: Streams Creative House, 2002).
2. Ibid.
I wanted to finally share this small portion of a prophetic word I wrote and
shared on September 18, 2017, about Deborah. As you read the final words
in this book—and close its pages—know that the God of Angel Armies is
releasing upon you this mantle; He is writing this story upon the very pages
of your life. Not to glorify Deborah—or any one woman—but to glorify the
name of Jesus in all the earth. This mantle of Deborah is not, after all, about
Deborah—it’s all about Him. Deborah’s mantle is merely a tool that the
Father is using to glorify His Son. As His daughters answer the call of this
charge, all that will be left and seen is Jesus.
The Lord is shouting this over every daughter, “Up! Mighty daughter!
Up!” Your King is calling you out from the shadows and calling you into
His marvelous light to establish justice and redemption to all generations.
If you take anything away from this book, let it be Judges 4:14 as your
charge. May you go and release the name of Jesus, stripping down
principalities and declaring His righteousness over all unrighteousness—
may you tear down the works of darkness and rebuild the ancient ruins of
many generations. May you say as Deborah did, “I arose, a mother!” I want
to leave you with one final charge for the days to come. This charge comes
from another mantle—Esther’s. Like Judges 4:14, this scripture calls every
daughter to attention, I leave this with you as you go:
For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will
arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your
father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had
the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty
for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]? (Esther
4:14 AMP)
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Deborah, the Old Testament judge and prophetess, was filled with Holy Spirit revelation,
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