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Joint further consultation on enhancements to the OTC

derivatives reporting regime for Hong Kong to mandate –

(1) the use of Unique Transaction Identifier, (2) the use of
Unique Product Identifier and (3) the reporting of Critical
Data Elements
Joint consultation conclusions on revising the list of
designated jurisdictions for the masking relief

March 2024

Personal Information Collection Statement ............................................................................iii
Executive summary....................................................................................................................1
Mandating the use of UTI .......................................................................................................1
Mandating the use of UPI .......................................................................................................1
Mandating the reporting of CDE ............................................................................................2
Mandating the adoption of ISO 20022 Standard ...................................................................2
Conclusions on revising the list of designated jurisdictions for the masking relief .........2
Timeline for submitting comments........................................................................................2
Conclusions and further consultation on mandating the use of UTI......................................4
Proposed implementation timeline and interim measure ....................................................4
Proposed requirements for reporting UTI .............................................................................5
Proposed responsibility for generating UTI ..........................................................................6
Proposed approaches to UTI .................................................................................................9
Proposed structure and format of UTI...................................................................................9
Responsibility to provide or obtain UTI in a timely manner ................................................9
Consultation on mandating the use of UPI.............................................................................11
Proposed structure and format of UPI ................................................................................11
Proposed approaches to the implementation of UPI .........................................................12
Consultation on mandating the reporting of CDE ..................................................................13
Proposed approaches to CDE .............................................................................................13
Proposed implementation timeline......................................................................................16
Proposed treatment of live legacy transactions and other transitional issues ................ 17
Consultation on adoption of the ISO 20022 Standard ...........................................................19
Conclusions on revising the list of designated jurisdictions for the masking relief ........... 20
The way forward .......................................................................................................................22
Appendix A – List of respondents...........................................................................................23
Appendix B – List of proposed data elements for reporting .................................................24
Appendix C – Jurisdictions in the SFC designated list gazetted on 7 July 2015 ................. 25


In line with the Group of 20 (G20) commitment to reform over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives
markets, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Securities and Futures
Commission (SFC) have been working with the Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region and relevant stakeholders on implementing a regulatory regime for the
OTC derivatives market in Hong Kong.

OTC derivatives reporting is an important component of the OTC derivatives regulatory regime.
We have implemented two phases of mandatory reporting, covering OTC derivatives
transactions in five key asset classes — interest rates, foreign exchange, credit, commodities
and equities. The use of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) has also been mandated and is applicable to
all entities on the reporting entity’s side of a transaction.

To facilitate the aggregation of OTC derivatives data through standardisation and harmonisation
of data elements, the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and the International
Organization of Securities Commissions (CPMI-IOSCO) published a technical guidance (UTI
Technical Guidance) on the harmonisation of the unique transaction identifier (UTI) in February
2017, a technical guidance (UPI Technical Guidance) on the harmonisation of the unique
product identifier (UPI) in September 2017, and three versions of technical guidance (CDE
Technical Guidance) on the harmonisation of critical OTC derivatives data elements (other than
the unique transaction identifier and unique product identifier) (CDE) in April 2018, September
2021 and September 2023. These technical guidances set out the approaches, definitions and
characteristics of key reportable data elements (ie, the UTI, UPI and CDE) for authorities to
consider in implementing their respective OTC derivatives reporting regimes.

To align with global developments, the HKMA and the SFC issued a joint consultation paper in
April 2019 (2019 Consultation Paper) on mandating the use of UTI in Hong Kong and other
proposals. We received a total of 15 submissions with mixed and divergent views. A list of
respondents is set out in Appendix A. This prompted discussions on how UTI should be
implemented in Hong Kong and globally. Nevertheless, there was insufficient consensus
internationally and among market participants at that time.

Over the past four years, we have seen active international discussions promoted by the
Committee on Derivatives Identifiers and Data Elements (CDIDE) 1 , and controversial issues
being resolved with the joint efforts of regulators and market participants worldwide. Major
jurisdictions have been making progress, including launching and concluding related
consultations as well as implementing UTI, UPI and CDE. We believe the time is ripe for us to
conclude and further consult on the UTI framework in this paper.

In addition, we set out in this paper our proposal on mandating the use of UPI, the reporting of
CDE and the adoption of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 20022 standard
for the reporting obligation in Hong Kong. Furthermore, this paper provides conclusions to our
consultation on revising the list of designated jurisdictions for the masking relief set out in the
2019 Consultation Paper. This paper should be read together with the 2019 Consultation Paper
and all comments received, which can be viewed on the websites of the HKMA and the SFC.

1 CDIDE is a standing working group under the Regulatory Oversight Committee of the Global Legal Entity Identifier
Foundation for matters relating to the implementation and adoption of UTI, UPI and CDE.

We take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time and effort to submit comments to
the 2019 Consultation Paper. Your feedback has been most useful in helping us finalise various
aspects of our regime.

For the further consultation in this paper, we invite interested parties to submit written comments
on the proposals to either the HKMA or the SFC on or before 17 May 2024. Comments may be
submitted by any of the following methods –

By online submission at: http://www.sfc.hk/edistributionWeb/gateway/EN/consultation/

By email to: fss@hkma.gov.hk or otcconsult@sfc.hk
By fax to: (852) 2878 7297 or (852) 2521 7917
By post to one of the following:

Financial Stability Surveillance Division Supervision of Markets Division

Hong Kong Monetary Authority Securities and Futures Commission
55/F Two International Finance Centre 54/F, One Island East
8 Finance Street, Central 18 Westlands Road
Hong Kong Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Persons submitting comments on behalf of an organisation should provide details of the

organisation whose views they represent.

Please note that the names of respondents and the contents of their submissions may be
published by the HKMA and the SFC on their respective websites and in other documents
to be published by them. In this connection, please read the Personal Information
Collection Statement attached to this consultation paper.

If you do not wish your name or submission to be published by the HKMA and the SFC,
please state that you wish your name, your submission or both to be withheld from
publication when you make your submission.

22 March 2024

Personal Information Collection Statement

1. This Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS) is made in accordance with the
guidelines issued by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. The PICS sets out the
purposes for which your Personal Data 2 will be used following collection, what you are
agreeing to with respect to the HKMA’s and the SFC’s use of your Personal Data and
your rights under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (PDPO).

Purpose of collection

2. The personal data provided in your submission in response to this consultation paper
may be used by the HKMA or the SFC for one or more of the following purposes –

(a) to administer –

(i) the provisions of the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155) and guidelines
published pursuant to the powers vested in the HKMA; and

(ii) the relevant provisions 3 and codes and guidelines published pursuant to
the powers vested in the SFC;

(b) to perform statutory functions under the provisions of the Banking Ordinance (Cap.
155), the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) and relevant provisions;

(c) for research and statistical purposes; or

(d) for other purposes permitted by law.

Transfer of personal data

3. Personal data may be disclosed by the HKMA or the SFC to members of the public in
Hong Kong and elsewhere as part of this public consultation. The names of persons who
submit comments on this consultation paper, together with the whole or any part of their
submissions, may be disclosed to members of the public. This will be done by publishing
this information on the HKMA and the SFC websites and in documents to be published by
the HKMA and the SFC during the consultation period or at its conclusion.

Access to data

4. You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data in
accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Your right of access includes the right to
obtain a copy of your personal data provided in your submission on this consultation

2 Personal data means personal information as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486).
3 The term “relevant provisions” is defined in section 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance
(Cap. 571) and refers to the provisions of that Ordinance together with certain provisions in the Companies (Winding
Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32), the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) and the Anti-Money
Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Financial Institutions) Ordinance (Cap. 615).

paper. The HKMA and the SFC have the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing
any data access request.


5. Personal data provided to the HKMA and the SFC in response to this consultation paper
will be retained for such period as may be necessary for the proper discharge of their


6. Any enquiries regarding the personal data provided in your submission on this
consultation paper, requests for access to personal data or correction of personal data
should be addressed in writing to –


Personal Data Privacy Officer Data Privacy Officer

Hong Kong Monetary Authority Securities and Futures Commission
55/F Two International Finance Centre 54/F One Island East
8 Finance Street 18 Westlands Road
Central, Hong Kong Hong Kong

7. A copy of the Privacy Policy Statement adopted by the HKMA and the SFC is available
upon request.

Executive summary

1. To keep up with international developments and ensure our OTC derivatives

reporting regime stays relevant and appropriate as the markets evolve, we wish to
consult the market on the following four proposals for the OTC derivatives reporting
obligation (items (a) to (d)) and provide conclusions to our proposal on the masking
relief (item (e)):

(a) Mandating the use of UTI;

(b) Mandating the use of UPI;
(c) Mandating the reporting of CDE;
(d) Mandating the adoption of the ISO 20022 standard; and
(e) Maintaining the current list of designated jurisdictions for the masking relief.

Mandating the use of UTI

2. Based on the industry’s feedback received from the 2019 Consultation Paper, the
HKMA and the SFC have been monitoring international developments on UTI and
maintaining a close dialogue with the industry to refine the proposal on UTI
implementation in Hong Kong. This paper sets out our conclusions and further
consultation on UTI implementation. Considering the feedback on the 2019
Consultation Paper and the latest international developments of UTI implementation,
we propose to implement the mandatory use of UTI in Hong Kong on 29 September
2025 (implementation date). To support reporting entities in transitioning to UTI,
they may continue to report the existing trade identifiers of Unique Swap Identifier
(USI) and Unique Trade ID (TID) as per the current reporting requirements, or report
the UTI voluntarily, until the implementation date.

3. In the meantime, we conclude that the use of UTI will be mandated for the reporting
of new trades (including their subsequent life-cycle events and valuation) that take
place on or after the implementation date, and that we will fully adopt the UTI
Technical Guidance in the approaches to as well as the format, structure and
generation logic of UTI. The proposed steps to generate UTI are based on the
waterfall of factors as set out in the UTI Technical Guidance (TG Waterfall) and
paragraph 25 of this paper. In addition, we propose to accept the use of interim-UTI
to the extent as set out in paragraphs 29-32 of this paper where a reporting entity
does not receive a UTI from the UTI generating entity in sufficient time for reporting.
We also propose that live legacy transactions with remaining maturity of more than
one year as at the implementation date will need to be re-reported in the Hong Kong
Trade Repository (HKTR) in a new data format.

Mandating the use of UPI

4. We propose that reporting entities should provide the UPI for the underlying
derivatives of each submitted reportable transaction to the HKTR on a mandatory

basis from 29 September 2025. We also propose to fully adopt the UPI Technical
Guidance and the ISO 4914 standard for the structure and format of UPI.

Mandating the reporting of CDE

5. The HKMA and the SFC propose to adopt the CDE Technical Guidance as far as
practicable. Our approach to implementing it is to adopt a scope that serves our
regulatory purposes while maximising the data elements common to other
jurisdictions and minimising the data elements unique to Hong Kong. Where certain
data fields are not covered by the CDE Technical Guidance but are also required to
be reported in other jurisdictions, we intend to align the definitions with those used by
other jurisdictions as closely as practicable to facilitate global data aggregation and
reporting. Our proposed data elements are set out in Appendix B. We propose that
they replace the current set of data fields upon the implementation of CDE in Hong
Kong from 29 September 2025.

Mandating the adoption of ISO 20022 Standard

6. The HKMA and the SFC recognise the need and benefits of a single global standard
for OTC derivatives reporting, and have been collaborating with international peer
regulators on the harmonisation of reporting requirements in relation to UTI, UPI and
CDE. Adopting the ISO 20022 XML message standard will be a critical step for the
harmonisation work. The HKMA and the SFC propose to adopt the ISO 20022 XML
message format (i) for OTC derivatives reporting to the HKTR and (ii) at the same
time when we implement the UTI, UPI and CDE in a “big bang” approach on the
implementation date.

Conclusions on revising the list of designated jurisdictions for the masking


7. Under Rules 26(1) of the Securities and Futures (OTC Derivative Transactions –
Reporting and Record Keeping Obligations) Rules (Reporting Rules), the masking
relief enables reporting entities to mask the counterparty information when they
report a transaction to the HKTR if they encounter reporting barriers in a jurisdiction
that is designated by the SFC (Designated List). In 2019, we consulted the industry
on revising the Designated List in view of the publication of the Follow-up Report on
Trade Reporting Legal Barriers issued by the Financial Stability Board (FSB). As
there is still uncertainty on whether reporting barriers remain for certain jurisdictions,
especially non-FSB jurisdictions, this paper sets out our conclusion that no change
will be made to the current Designated List for the masking relief. This will not cause
any detrimental effect on our effort to minimise masked trades as our masking relief
was cast in a way which prevents abuse when actual legal or regulatory reporting
barriers no longer exist.

Timeline for submitting comments

8. Our proposals to enhance the existing reporting regime are largely in line with those
requirements imposed in other major jurisdictions. Therefore, we believe market
participants will have anticipated the substance of our proposals.

9. In view of the above, we propose to allow eight weeks for the submission of
comments on the proposals. Comments should be submitted to the HKMA or the
SFC in writing no later than 17 May 2024.

Conclusions and further consultation on mandating the use of UTI

10. To improve the transparency of OTC derivatives markets, the existing reporting
requirements set out in the Supplementary Reporting Instructions for OTC Derivative
Transactions (SRI) published by the HKMA specify that, if available, the USI
reportable under the US mandatory reporting requirements and the TID reportable
under the European Union (EU) mandatory reporting requirements must be reported
as the identifying references for a transaction submitted to the HKTR.

11. We proposed to adopt UTI as an international standard in the 2019 Consultation

Paper. We further proposed an implementation timeline of April 2020 for transactions
that have neither a USI nor TID, and an interim measure to continue to accept USI
and TID as trade identifiers until six months after both the US and the EU have
adopted an international standard for UTI. At that time, we proposed to adopt a full
implementation of UTI in Hong Kong. The proposals aimed to address the issue that
transactions that did not involve the EU and US counterparties so far did not have a
unique trade identifier.

12. Subsequent to our 2019 consultation on mandating the use of UTI for reporting
obligation, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) proposed adopting the UTI in
December 2022 and April 2024 respectively. As many OTC derivatives transactions
are cross-border in nature, involving reporting requirements in multiple jurisdictions,
the HKMA and the SFC have been working closely with the Monetary Authority of
Singapore, Australian Securities & Investments Commission and the Japan Financial
Services Agency on a coordinated implementation plan for UTI in the Asia-Pacific
(APAC) region to ensure a smooth UTI adoption in Hong Kong.

Proposed implementation timeline and interim measure

13. We received many useful feedback and opinions on the proposed implementation
timeline and interim measure in the 2019 Consultation Paper. Market participants
strongly supported aligning Hong Kong’s reporting requirements with international
standards. Interim usage of USI and TID was also well supported so that market
participants could continue to observe the UTI implementation proposals in the US
and the EU. Upon our subsequent engagements with the industry, market
participants also expressed concerns on implementing UTI before the ISO 20022
standard is finalised, and they wished to focus their resources on the US and the EU
implementation first, and then implement UTI in the APAC region.

14. Given that the US and the EU did not have clear implementation timelines for UTI
adoption at that time and that market participants did not wish that the APAC
jurisdictions front-run the US and the EU on UTI implementation, we have been
monitoring international developments and maintaining a close dialogue with the
industry to refine the proposal for UTI implementation in Hong Kong.

15. Now with the CFTC and ESMA UTI implementation timelines announced in
December 2022 and April 2024, we propose that reporting entities should provide the

UTI for each submitted reportable transaction to the HKTR on a mandatory basis
from 29 September 2025. The proposed implementation timeline has taken into
account that major jurisdictions will implement UTI this year 4 , and that an
international industry association has requested a staggered implementation of at
least six months for Hong Kong after Australia and Singapore’s joint implementation.

16. In addition, the implementation of UTI, together with UPI, CDE and the ISO 20022
standard, will constitute a major revamp of the OTC derivatives reporting
requirements in Hong Kong. This will involve an extensive system change for both
the HKTR and market participants. The proposed timeline should provide sufficient
time for relevant parties to allocate adequate resources for the necessary system
change. In the meantime, the HKMA and the SFC will continue to utilise the OTC
derivatives data currently submitted to the HKTR for regulatory purposes until the
implementation date.

Question 1

The HKMA and the SFC are seeking views on the proposal to mandate the use of
UTI in submitting transactions to the HKTR from 29 September 2025. If you foresee
any operational difficulties in meeting the implementation timeline, please provide
specific details.

17. Considering our currently proposed timeline, an interim measure or grace period to
allow for the interim use of USI and TID upon the UTI implementation in Hong Kong
is no longer needed 5. On the other hand, to support reporting entities in transitioning
to the UTI, they may continue to report the existing trade identifiers of USI and TID as
per the current reporting requirements, or report UTI voluntarily 6, from now until the
implementation date.

Proposed requirements for reporting UTI

18. Because of the cross-border nature of OTC derivatives transactions, pursuant to

other jurisdictions’ reporting requirements, reporting entities may generate and
submit UTI to the HKTR even before their mandatory use is implemented in Hong
Kong. Reporting entities may do so as voluntary reporting. Starting from 29
September 2025, each transaction submitted to the HKTR must be identified by a
single UTI based on the international standard.

19. In the 2019 Consultation Paper, we proposed that reporting entities can use the UTI
generated in accordance with relevant overseas requirements, which are also

In 2024, Japan will implement UTI on 1 April, the EU on 29 April, the UK on 30 September, and both Australia
and Singapore on 21 October.
5 By the time of Hong Kong’s implementation, major jurisdictions should have already implemented the
mandatory use of UTI, and therefore USI and TID will no longer be in use, except in legacy trades.
6 The HKTR has revised its reporting templates from 19 December 2022 to include, among others, the “Global
UTI” data field to cater to market participants’ needs to include the UTI information in a transaction to be
submitted to the HKTR during the transition towards UTI mandatory reporting.

consistent with the structure and format set out in the UTI Technical Guidance, to
meet the proposed Hong Kong UTI requirements. We have received no objection to
this proposal. UTI may be generated in Hong Kong, pursuant to Hong Kong’s
reporting requirements, or elsewhere, pursuant to the reporting requirements of other
jurisdictions. In both scenarios, UTI based on the international standard will be
equally accepted in Hong Kong.

20. To reduce the compliance burden for reporting entities, we proposed in the 2019
Consultation Paper to mandate the use of UTI only for the reporting of new trades
(including their subsequent life-cycle events and valuation) that take place on or after
the mandatory use of UTI is implemented on 29 September 2025. Thus, reporting
entities are not required to use a UTI when reporting life-cycle events and valuation
for trades that were submitted prior to the implementation date (or legacy
transactions), even if the events take place on or after that date 7. The exception is
when the life-cycle event requires a new UTI to be used as set out in the UTI
Technical Guidance. We have received no objection to this proposal and will proceed
to require UTI only for reporting new trades (including their subsequent life-cycle
events and valuation).

21. To support the mandatory use of UTI, we proposed in the 2019 Consultation Paper to
adopt two data fields for the reporting of the UTI and Prior UTI, namely the “Global
UTI” and “Prior global UTI”. The data field “Global UTI” is for reporting the value of a
UTI in a structure and format consistent with the UTI Technical Guidance, while the
data field “Prior global UTI” is for reporting the UTI of a prior related transaction under
a central clearing scenario. We received no objection to this proposal. The two data
fields have been developed and included in the HKTR reporting templates for
voluntary reporting since December 2022.

22. As mentioned in the 2019 Consultation Paper, to prepare for the implementation of
the mandatory use of UTI, relevant requirements in the SRI and, where appropriate,
the Frequently Asked Questions, technical specifications for reporting and the
gazetted data fields for mandatory reporting will be updated after the consultation
conclusions on the use of UPI, CDE and the ISO 20022 standard and further
consultation conclusions on UTI are published.

Proposed responsibility for generating UTI

23. To avoid the risk of multiple UTIs being generated for the same reportable OTC
derivatives transaction, only one entity should be responsible for generating the UTI.
In this regard, the UTI Technical Guidance sets out the TG Waterfall for authorities to
consider in allocating the responsibility for UTI generation while acknowledging that
not all factors would be relevant for all jurisdictions.

24. In the 2019 Consultation Paper, we proposed introducing some flexibility to the TG
Waterfall in that counterparties may bilaterally agree on whom would generate the
UTI; and if a bilateral agreement could not be reached, the TG Waterfall be followed.

7 In some cases, re-reporting of a legacy trade may be needed even though a UTI is not required. For details,
please refer to the CDE proposals in this paper.

Although there is general support for the adoption of the TG Waterfall, there were
mixed views on whether the flexibility of a bilateral agreement should be put in place
before the TG Waterfall. Some respondents considered this would create
unnecessary uncertainty, complexity and potential fragmentation in the UTI
generation logic, and would pose operational difficulties for reporting entities with a
large counterparty base. In contrast, another respondent agreed that the bilateral
agreement mechanism would allow for flexible approaches at financial institutions’

25. We have considered the industry’s feedback and had subsequent discussions with
market participants. Taking into account the latest UTI developments (eg, a bilateral
agreement before the TG Waterfall is not implemented by other major jurisdictions),
we now do not propose to provide the flexibility for bilateral agreements. We would
like to further consult the market and propose that reporting entities shall adopt the
steps (a)–(e) below to determine the entity responsible for generating the UTI. These
steps are based on the TG Waterfall and are largely equivalent to those adopted by
other major jurisdictions, eg, the final EU REFIT rules published by ESMA. We
recognise a harmonised UTI generation logic is crucial to ensure seamless pairing
and sharing of UTI and reduce complexity for reporting entities with multiple reporting
obligations. The proposed steps are:

(a) for cleared OTC derivatives transactions other than OTC derivatives
transactions between two central counterparties (CCPs), the UTI shall be
generated at the point of clearing by the CCP for clearing members. A
different UTI shall be generated by a clearing member for its counterparty for
a trade in which the CCP is not a counterparty;

(b) for OTC derivatives transactions which are centrally executed but not
centrally cleared, the UTI shall be generated by the venue of execution for its

(c) for OTC derivatives transactions other than those referred to in points (a) and
(b), where either counterparty is subject to the reporting requirements in a
jurisdiction outside Hong Kong 8, the UTI shall be generated pursuant to the
rules of the jurisdiction of the counterparty that must first comply with those
reporting requirements.

Where the counterparty subject to reporting must first comply with Hong
Kong’s reporting requirements, the following entities shall be responsible for
generating the UTI:

(i) for OTC derivatives transactions that were centrally confirmed by

electronic means, the trade confirmation platform at the point of

8 In determining whether a counterparty is subject to the reporting requirements in a jurisdiction outside Hong
Kong in the UTI generation logic, the nexus element of a “conducted in Hong Kong” transaction as set out in
Rule 4 of the Reporting Rules should be disregarded, ie, only the counterparty’s reporting requirements should
be considered.

(ii) for all other OTC derivatives transactions, the counterparties shall
agree on the entity responsible for generating the UTI. Where the
counterparties fail to agree, the counterparty whose LEI 9 is first based
on sorting the identifiers of the counterparties with the characters of
the identifier reversed shall be responsible for the generation 10.

Where the applicable laws of the relevant jurisdiction outside Hong Kong
provide for the same reporting deadline as the one applicable to the
counterparty subject to Hong Kong’s reporting requirements, the
counterparties shall agree on the entity responsible for generating the UTI.

Where the counterparties fail to agree, and the OTC derivatives transaction
was centrally confirmed by electronic means, the UTI shall be generated by
the trade confirmation platform at the point of confirmation.

If the UTI cannot be generated by the trade confirmation platform at the point
of confirmation, and the details of the OTC derivatives transaction have to be
reported to a single trade repository, that trade repository shall be responsible
for generating the UTI.

If the UTI cannot be generated by the trade repository to which the details of
the OTC derivatives transaction have been reported, the counterparty whose
LEI 11 is first based on sorting the identifiers of the counterparties with the
characters reversed shall be responsible for UTI generation;

(d) for OTC derivatives transactions other than those referred to in points (a), (b)
and (c), that were centrally confirmed by electronic means, the UTI shall be
generated by the trade confirmation platform at the point of confirmation;

(e) for all OTC derivatives transactions other than those referred to in points (a)
to (d), the following shall apply:

(i) where reporting counterparties 12 conclude an OTC derivatives

transaction with non-reporting counterparties, the reporting
counterparties shall generate the UTI;

(ii) for all OTC derivatives transactions other than those referred to in
point (i), the counterparties shall agree on the entity responsible for
generating the UTI. Where the counterparties fail to agree, the
counterparty whose LEI 13 is first based on sorting the identifiers of the

9 If Trade Party 2 does not have an LEI, Trade Party 1 should generate the UTI.
10 To avoid any prefix of an LEI determining which entity to generate the UTI, a direct comparison of the
characters of the counterparties’ LEI is not adopted. Instead, a more random way of comparison by comparing
the reverse order of such characters is adopted.
11 If Trade Party 2 does not have an LEI, Trade Party 1 should generate the UTI.
12 In determining whether a counterparty is a reporting counterparty in the UTI generation logic, the nexus

element of a “conducted in Hong Kong” transaction as set out in Rule 4 of the Reporting Rules should be
disregarded, ie, only the counterparty’s reporting obligation should be considered.
13 If Trade Party 2 does not have an LEI, Trade Party 1 should generate the UTI.

counterparties with the characters of the identifier reversed shall be
responsible for UTI generation.

Question 2

Do you have any comments or concerns about the proposed steps for
counterparties to determine the entity responsible for UTI generation? If you
foresee any operational difficulties in implementing the proposals, please provide
specific details.

Proposed approaches to UTI

26. In the 2019 Consultation Paper, we proposed to fully adopt the characteristics and
approaches to UTI as set out in the UTI Technical Guidance, including situations
where the same UTI should be kept or a different UTI should be generated. We
received support from market participants on aligning our approaches to UTI with that
in the UTI Technical Guidance. We will therefore adopt the approaches to UTI as

Proposed structure and format of UTI

27. In the 2019 Consultation Paper, we proposed to fully adopt the structure and format
of UTI as set out in the UTI Technical Guidance, including how UTI should be
constructed and the maximum number of characters forming UTI. We received
support from market participants on aligning the structure and format of UTI with
those in the UTI Technical Guidance. We will therefore adopt the structure and format
of UTI as proposed.

28. In August 2020, the ISO published the data standard for UTI, and the structure and
format of UTI are specified in ISO 23897 14. We have accommodated the ISO 23897
standard for the UTI format in implementing UTI.

Responsibility to provide or obtain UTI in a timely manner

29. The UTI Technical Guidance sets out that UTI must be generated, shared and
paired 15 (to the extent necessary) with other entities in time for all applicable
reporting obligations. The HKMA and the SFC generally expect UTI to be generated
in a timely manner for all relevant entities to comply with their reporting deadlines,
pursuant to the reporting requirements of Hong Kong or other jurisdictions. To
facilitate the timely identification of the entity generating the UTI, we encourage the
entity responsible for generating the UTI (which may or may not be a reporting entity)

14 ISO 23897:2020 Financial services — Unique transaction identifier (UTI)

15 The shared and paired UTI would help facilitate the linking and matching arrangements in the upcoming UTI


to inform its counterparties or clients whether it will generate a UTI or delegate
another party to generate a UTI.

30. Where a reporting entity is responsible for generating the UTI, it should make
reasonable efforts to provide the UTI in a timely manner to any entity who requests
for the UTI to comply with relevant reporting requirements.

31. If a reporting entity is not the entity responsible for generating the UTI, it should make
reasonable efforts to obtain the UTI in a timely manner, whether from the UTI
generating entity or a counterparty to the OTC derivatives transaction, in order to
comply with the reporting requirements. We expect reporting entities to establish
internal policies and arrangements to obtain UTI in a timely manner.

32. In the event that the reporting entity does not receive a UTI from the UTI generating
entity in sufficient time for reporting, we propose that the reporting entity should
generate its own UTI 16 (in a format based on the UTI Technical Guidance) as an
interim-UTI for reporting purposes and continue to make reasonable efforts to obtain
the UTI from the UTI generating entity. Where the reporting entity subsequently
obtains the UTI, it should report the UTI no later than two business days after
obtaining the UTI.

Question 3

Do you have any comments or concerns about the proposals to require reporting
entities to:

(a) make reasonable efforts to provide or obtain a UTI in a timely manner;

(b) report an interim-UTI where it is unable to obtain the UTI despite having made
reasonable efforts; and

(c) subsequently report the UTI within two business days after obtaining the UTI?

If you foresee any operational difficulties in implementing the proposals or have

other comments, please provide specific details.

16 If it is not technically feasible for a reporting entity to generate the UTI, it may report an internally generated
code as an interim-UTI.

Consultation on mandating the use of UPI

33. The UPI is one of the international harmonised standards for reporting financial
transaction data, for which the CPMI-IOSCO has developed the UPI Technical
Guidance. The UPI aims to denote a specific OTC derivatives product reported to a
trade repository to facilitate global data aggregation in the OTC derivatives market.

34. The UPI is a 12-character reference code to uniquely identify an OTC derivatives
product reported to trade repositories. Each UPI code is mapped to a set of reference
data elements with specific values that together describe the product. The
combination of the UPI code, UPI reference data and the process of a UPI service
provider assigning a UPI code to a particular set of reference data represents the UPI

35. UPI service provider(s) provide for the timely issuance of UPI codes and maintain the
associated reference data in the UPI Reference Data Library, which is accessible to
authorities and market participants. Authorities and market participants may locate
the UPI code in the reference data library with the UPI reference data elements and
values that pertain to a particular product for reporting to trade repositories.

36. Examples of reference data stored in the UPI Reference Data Library include each
OTC derivatives product’s asset class, currency pair, delivery type, instrument type,
option style, option type, underlying asset type and underlier ID.

37. In May 2019, the FSB designated the Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) 17 as the
service provider for the UPI System 18. As the sole issuer of UPI codes, the DSB is
also the operator of the UPI Reference Data Library. In the fourth quarter of 2023, the
DSB launched the UPI Service for OTC derivatives products to facilitate the reporting
and aggregation of data on OTC derivatives transactions globally.

Proposed structure and format of UPI

38. The key characteristics of the UPI as set out in the UPI Technical Guidance satisfy
the various principles that are necessary for a unique identifier that identifies an OTC
derivatives product, including its uniqueness, consistency, clarity, jurisdiction
neutrality, ease of assignment / retrieval / query and adaptability. To harmonise with
the international standard, we propose to fully adopt the UPI Technical Guidance for
the structure and format of UPI.

17 DSB is a subsidiary of the Association of National Numbering Agencies, which is a global numbering agency
for OTC derivatives serving the needs of market participants through the allocation of globally recognised and
adopted ISO standards, such as International Securities Identification Number (ISIN), the Classification of
Financial Instruments (CFI) and Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN), for identifying, classifying and
describing financial instruments.
18 FSB designated DSB as the Unique Product Identifier (UPI) Service Provider:


39. In November 2021, the ISO published the data standard for UPI, and the structure
and format of UPI are specified in ISO 4914 19. We also propose to fully adopt the
ISO 4914 standard for the UPI format in the HKTR reporting templates.

Proposed approaches to the implementation of UPI

40. We propose that reporting entities should provide the UPI for the derivatives of each
submitted reportable transaction to the HKTR on a mandatory basis from 29
September 2025. However, as the UPI service is a new set-up, we will keep in view
the developments of the UPI System and align our practice with other regulators’ by
maintaining certain product-related data fields in the reporting requirements. We will
consider removing those product-related data fields at a later stage if the information
is also available in the UPI system.

Question 4

The HKMA and the SFC are seeking views on the proposed approaches to the

(a) the proposal to fully adopt the UPI Technical Guidance and the ISO 4914
standard for the structure and format of UPI to be implemented in Hong Kong;

(b) the proposal to mandate the use of the UPI for the underlying derivatives of
each submitted reportable transaction to the HKTR from 29 September 2025.

If you foresee any operational difficulties in meeting the implementation timeline or

have other comments, please provide specific details.

19 ISO 4914:2021 Financial services — Unique product identifier (UPI) (https://www.iso.org/standard/80506.html).

Consultation on mandating the reporting of CDE

41. The CDE is a set of derivatives transaction data elements (other than UTI and UPI)
and formats and, where relevant, allowable values. It is intended to be the universe
of data elements for regulators to draw from to form their individual data sets. For
each data element, the CDE Technical Guidance sets out a definition, an existing
industry standard (if applicable), a format and the allowable values. Standardisation
allows market participants to gain a better understanding of data requirements, and
the adoption of CDE promotes transparency in OTC derivatives transactions and
facilitates data aggregation across data sets.

42. Adopting data elements from the CDE Technical Guidance for reporting will be
beneficial to regulators and reporting entities in:

(a) expanding the data set for important data elements not under the current
reporting requirements;

(b) transforming data elements which are unique to Hong Kong’s existing
reporting requirements into the internationally-aligned standard;

(c) simplifying the process for entities that report under Hong Kong’s
requirements as well as other jurisdictions’ as the content in the transaction
reports may not be significantly different across jurisdictions; and

(d) standardising the definitions of data elements, formats and allowable values
to reduce ambiguity and complexity for reporting entities as well as improve
the conformance and consistency in data values reported.

Proposed approaches to CDE

43. The HKMA and the SFC propose to adopt the CDE Technical Guidance as far as
practicable. Our approach to implementing this technical guidance is to adopt a
scope that serves our regulatory purposes while maximising the data elements that
are common to other jurisdictions and minimising the data elements that are unique
to Hong Kong.

44. The HKMA and the SFC propose to revamp the existing data fields to align with the
definitions of and reporting requirements for data elements specified in the CDE
Technical Guidance as closely as possible. Where there are data fields not covered
by the CDE Technical Guidance but are also required to be reported in other
jurisdictions, we intend to align the definitions with those used by other jurisdictions
as closely as practicable to facilitate global data aggregation and reporting.

45. The data elements we propose for Hong Kong’s reporting requirements are set out in
Appendix B. They will replace the current set of data fields upon the implementation
of CDE in Hong Kong. Appendix B contains data elements which are:

(a) sourced from the CDE Technical Guidance;

(b) sourced from other jurisdictions’ requirements; and

(c) administrative data fields which facilitate the HKTR’s operation and are
currently required for reporting.

46. For each CDE, the CDE Technical Guidance sets out a definition, existing industry
standard (if applicable), format and the allowable values for the data element. For
data elements sourced from other jurisdictions that are not CDEs, those sources also
set out the definitions, formats and allowable values. For the data elements that are
existing administrative data fields, we propose using the definitions, formats and
allowable values under existing reporting requirements.

47. The proposed major changes to the existing data elements include:

(a) Adoption of data elements related to collateral and margins specified in the
CDE Technical Guidance;

(b) Adoption of data elements related to lifecycle events specified by the CDE
Technical Guidance;

(c) Substitution of asset class- or product-specific data elements with more

generic, cross-asset class elements along with the implementation of UPI;

(d) Removal of a number of Party Type- and Party Name-related sub-fields to

align with the CDE Technical Guidance and requirements proposed in other
jurisdictions 20.

Question 5

The HKMA and the SFC are seeking comments on the proposed data elements
and their definitions, formats and allowable values as set out in Appendix B. If there
are data elements that you consider should be excluded or modified, or that you
foresee any operational difficulties in implementing the proposal, please provide
specific details and elaborate on the rationale.

Question 6

Do you consider there are other data elements that the HKMA and the SFC should
include in Appendix B? If so, please suggest the data elements together with the
purposes, definitions, formats and allowable values of the suggested data

20 LEI is proposed as the entity identifier to identify all entities involved in OTC derivatives transactions in the
CDE Technical Guidance.

Data elements related to the direction of the transaction (corresponding to data fields
no.9 to 11 of Appendix B)

48. The CDE Technical Guidance has identified two ways to report information related to
the direction (ie, buyer, seller, payer or receiver) of the trade: (1) to report the
direction of the trade from the reporting entity’s perspective 21, or (2) to report the
identifier of the counterparty for each direction. The HKMA and the SFC propose to
adopt the former by reporting the direction of the trade from the reporting entity’s
perspective, which is the common approach adopted by ESMA and some APAC
jurisdictions 22.

Data elements related to collateral & margin (corresponding to data fields no.37 to 55,
156 to 158 and no. 192 of Appendix B)

49. In addition to the proposed data element “Collateral portfolio code” (data field no. 38
of Appendix B), which is specified in the CDE Technical Guidance, we propose to
adopt two additional collateral portfolio codes “Initial margin collateral portfolio code”
and “Variation margin collateral portfolio code” (data fields no. 156 and 158 of
Appendix B), which are required by the CFTC and also proposed by some APAC
jurisdictions 23 . We learnt from the industry’s consultation feedback from other
jurisdictions that each OTC derivatives transaction may be treated differently for the
purposes of margining in accordance with a collateral agreement between the
parties, and also the separation of initial margin and variation margin would make
reporting easier as the amounts may be recorded separately in the reporting entities’
systems. As such, we intend to mandate the “Initial margin collateral portfolio code”
and “Variation margin collateral portfolio code”, if applicable, for the identification of
collateral portfolios. The HKMA and the SFC will update relevant requirements in the
SRI to give further guidance on how to report collateral when there is no collateral
portfolio or only a single collateral portfolio.

Data elements related to lifecycle events (corresponding to data fields no.136 to 139
of Appendix B)

50. The set of data elements related to lifecycle events includes “Action Type”, “Event
type”, “Event timestamp” and “Event identifier”, and are included in the Revised CDE
Technical Guidance – version 3 released by the Regulatory Oversight Committee in
September 2023. It provides a harmonised approach for reporting entities to report
lifecycle events and allows regulators to track the history of material lifecycle events
and amendments made to reported transactions for better transparency in the OTC
derivatives market. While the reporting methodologies related to lifecycle events exist
in various forms across different jurisdictions at present, a lack of uniformity limits the
value for aggregation of data.

51. The HKMA and the SFC propose to adopt the CDE data elements related to the
lifecycle events as set out in the Revised CDE Technical Guidance – version 3 for
Hong Kong’s reporting requirements. These data elements enhance a better

21 In the case of a reporting entity acting as an agent in relation to the OTC derivatives transaction, this refers to
the perspective of the counterparty to the transaction that the reporting entity is acting for.
22 Australia, Japan and Singapore also adopt the first approach.
23 Australia and Japan also require two collateral portfolio codes.

understanding of the lifecycle of an OTC derivatives transaction, including what
action is applied (Action type), what event is causing such action (Event type) and
when a given lifecycle event takes place (Event timestamp). In the case of many-to-
many relations, such as a compression or credit event, an Event identifier allows
regulators to link multiple OTC derivatives transactions pertaining to the same event,
when they cannot be linked by other transaction identifiers, such as the “Prior UTI”.

Data elements related to barrier strike values and secondary transaction identifier
(corresponding to data fields no.201 to 203 of Appendix B)

52. We are aware that proposals are being made by some authorities to the CDIDE for
including in the ISO message standard 3 additional data fields, namely “Lower or
only barrier”, “Upper barrier” and “Secondary transaction identifier”. The purposes are
to facilitate the reporting of strike values for barrier options and accommodate market
participants’ request to have a data field for the internal client code. We understand
that the CDIDE process related to these three additional data fields will be completed
soon, we consider that these data fields suit our regulatory needs and propose to
adopt them in the format to be set out in the ISO message standard.

Question 7

The HKMA and the SFC are seeking comments on the proposals regarding the
above data elements for Hong Kong’s reporting requirements. If you foresee any
operational difficulties in implementing the proposal or have other comments,
please provide specific details.

Proposed implementation timeline

53. Regulators across jurisdictions are making changes to their OTC derivatives
reporting regimes to implement the UTI, UPI and CDE technical guidances. It could
be resource-intensive for reporting entities with global operations to simultaneously
implement changes to their systems and processes across different jurisdictions. To
allow reporting entities sufficient time to prepare for implementation, and to maintain
a simple “big bang” approach to roll out UTI, UPI and CDE in one go, the HKMA and
the SFC intend to implement the reporting requirements as set out in Appendix B on
29 September 2025.

54. Having considered the implementation dates in major jurisdictions such as the US,
EU, UK, Japan, Australia and Singapore, and having considered the time needed for
system upgrades, the proposed implementation date for Hong Kong will mitigate
conflicts with the preparation and implementation of similar data harmonisation
exercises put forward by these jurisdictions. This gives market participants more than
18 months from the issuance of this paper (and we expect more than 12 months from
the issuance of the conclusions to this paper) to prepare for implementation in Hong

Question 8

Do you foresee any difficulties in implementing the list of proposed data elements
specified in Appendix B for OTC derivatives trade reporting on the implementation
date? If so, please specify the data field(s) and provide specific details and

Proposed treatment of live legacy transactions and other transitional issues

55. For live legacy transactions, ie, transactions entered into prior to the implementation
date of the proposed reporting requirements but have not yet matured, been
terminated, quitted or withdrawn, the HKMA and the SFC propose to require the re-
reporting of live legacy transactions (other than UTIs and UPIs) and adopt the
proposed reporting requirements (ie, in the new reporting format) only if the
transaction has remaining maturity of more than one year as at the implementation
date. We propose that reporting entities be provided six months from the
implementation date to report those live legacy transactions as they may need time
to gather the information required under the proposed reporting requirements. This
approach strikes a balance between the regulators’ surveillance needs for the new
data set in respect of long-dated transactions and market participants’ compliance
burden in re-reporting legacy transactions. Our proposal is in line with that adopted
by other major APAC jurisdictions. The HKMA and the SFC will update relevant
requirements in the SRI to provide further guidance to the industry.

56. Once the live legacy transaction is re-reported (whether on the last day of the six-
month transition period or before that), any amendments to the transaction will need
to be reported in the new reporting format within two business days.

57. For live legacy transactions with maturity of more than one year from the
implementation date (ie, live legacy transactions required to be re-reported), before
the transaction is re-reported, where there is an update of content 24 to any of the
existing required data fields in the six-month transition period, reporting entities are
required to continue to report such updates using the pre-implementation reporting
templates (ie, the existing reporting templates for submitting trades to the HKTR
before the implementation of UTI, UPI and CDE) within two business days.

58. For live legacy transactions maturing within one year from the implementation date
(ie, live legacy transactions not required to be re-reported), where there is an update
of content to any of the existing required data fields after the implementation date,
reporting entities are required to continue to report such updates in the pre-
implementation reporting templates until the transactions mature, are terminated,
quitted or withdrawn.

Irrespective of whether such an update is a lifecycle event, error amendment or a backload of a transaction.

59. For completeness, “dead” legacy transactions (ie, transactions entered into prior to
the implementation date but have matured, been terminated, quitted or withdrawn
before that date) are not required to be re-reported to the HKTR in the new reporting

Question 9

Do you have any comments or concerns on the below?

(a) The proposed approach of requiring re-reporting of live legacy transactions with
maturity of more than one year as at the implementation date, and providing a
six-month transition period for these reportable legacy transactions to be re-
reported; and

(b) Are there any particular data fields that a reporting entity may find challenging in
re-reporting a legacy transaction? If so, please specify the data field(s) and
provide specific details.

Consultation on adoption of the ISO 20022 Standard

60. ISO 20022 is an agreed framework and methodology used by the global financial
industry to create consistent message standards across business processes. It can
assist in standardising the reporting of OTC derivatives transactions internationally.
For reporting entities with multi-jurisdictional reporting requirements and trade
repositories and providers of reporting services operating in multiple jurisdictions, we
see significant benefits in forming, transmitting and receiving OTC derivatives
transaction information based on a common form of message.

61. As set out in the CPMI-IOSCO Governance Arrangements for Critical OTC
Derivatives Data Elements (Other Than UTI and UPI) published in October 2019,
CDE data elements will be included in the ISO 20022 data dictionary and an ISO
20022 XML message format has been developed for OTC derivatives reporting 25.
The standard was required by the US and EU authorities for OTC derivatives
reporting and was proposed to be adopted by some APAC authorities.

62. The HKMA and the SFC have been collaborating with a number of international peer
regulators and are seeking to harmonise, to the extent practicable, with other
jurisdictions in relation to the UTI, UPI and CDE requirements for OTC derivatives
reporting. Adopting the ISO 20022 XML message standard would be another
harmonising step.

63. The HKMA and the SFC recognise the need and benefits of a single global standard
for OTC derivatives reporting in the long run and propose to adopt the ISO 20022
XML message format (i) for OTC derivatives reporting to the HKTR and (ii) at the
same time as we implement UTI, UPI and CDE in a “big bang” approach on 29
September 2025. The proposed implementation date will provide sufficient time for
market participants to make necessary system changes to enable the adoption and
usage of the ISO 20022 message standard 26.

Question 10

The HKMA and the SFC are seeking comments on the adoption of the ISO 20022
XML message standard for OTC derivatives reporting to the HKTR and on
implementing ISO 20022 XML message standard at the same time when we
implement the UTI, UPI and CDE. If you foresee any operational difficulties in
implementing the proposals, please provide specific details.

25 Governance Arrangements for Critical OTC Derivatives Data Elements (Other Than UTI and UPI):
26 In order to accommodate the corresponding revamp, certain functions in respect of the HKTR system reports

and user interface will be rolled out at a later date under the ISO implementation.

Conclusions on revising the list of designated jurisdictions for the
masking relief

64. When the first phase of OTC derivatives reporting took effect in July 2015, we
introduced a masking relief to deal with situations where a reporting entity is
prevented from reporting certain information identifying the counterparty
(Counterparty Information) to the HKMA via the HKTR due to a conflicting
confidentiality obligation (or other requirements) under the laws of another jurisdiction.
The current masking relief under Rule 26(1) of the Reporting Rules enables reporting
entities to mask the Counterparty Information when they report a transaction to the
HKMA via the HKTR if both of the following preconditions are fulfilled:

(a) The submission of Counterparty Information is prohibited under the laws of, or
by an authority or regulatory organisation in, a jurisdiction; and

(b) This jurisdiction is designated by the SFC (on the Designated List).

65. The purpose of the masking relief is to give some degree of flexibility to reporting
entities who face an actual legal or regulatory prohibition of reporting Counterparty
Information. It was cast in a way that when a jurisdiction in the Designated List
removes its prohibition (ie, the first precondition in paragraph 64(a) is no longer
satisfied), the reporting entities can no longer rely on the masking relief in respect of
that jurisdiction. The current Designated List was gazetted on 7 July 2015 and
consists of 18 jurisdictions (Appendix C).

66. Over the past few years, many regulators across the globe have worked towards
removing legal prohibitions that may prevent the reporting of Counterparty
Information to trade repositories. The FSB issued a report 27 in 2018 to review the
related progress and re-categorise a number of jurisdictions as having either
reporting barriers which are curable by standing consent or no such barriers. In view
of the FSB report and as a housekeeping exercise, we proposed in the 2019
Consultation Paper to review the Designated List by removing some jurisdictions
from the list.

67. We received mixed feedback on this matter in the 2019 Consultation Paper. Out of
the 15 responses to this consultation, two respondents expressly supported the
proposal. However, one respondent asserted that one of the non-FSB jurisdictions
that we proposed to remove from the Designated List had only removed reporting
barriers in respect of reporting to trade repositories in a certain region, but reporting
barrier still existed when reporting was made to trade repositories outside of that
region, such as the HKTR.

68. An international industry association expressed concerns on behalf of its members

about the lack of official and formal clarity from specific APAC jurisdictions on
whether any legal or regulatory prohibition to reporting remains.

27 See the FSB’s Trade reporting legal barriers: Follow-up of 2015 peer review recommendations issued in

November 2018: https://www.fsb.org/wp-content/uploads/P191118-4.pdf.

69. We recognise that there is still uncertainty on whether reporting barriers remain for
certain jurisdictions, especially non-FSB jurisdictions, which were not covered
extensively in the FSB’s 2018 report. As stated before, our masking relief was cast in
a way that would prevent abuse when actual legal or regulatory prohibition no longer
exists, even when the relevant jurisdiction remains on the Designated List. In other
words, maintaining the status quo in the Designated List would not cause any
detrimental effect on our effort to minimise masked trades. In fact, the volume of
trades submitted to the HKTR with masked Counterparty Information is currently

70. In the meantime, we fully acknowledge the amount of work and resources market
participants will need for the UTI, UPI, CDE and the ISO 20022 standard to be
implemented globally in the upcoming harmonisation exercise. In view of all these
factors, we will not make any changes to the Designated List at this time.

71. That said, we wish to remind reporting entities that the Designated List is not
intended to enable them to automatically mask Counterparty Information when
transacting with counterparties from any of those jurisdictions. Rather, they should
carry out reasonable due diligence to ensure that the first precondition for the
masking relief (ie, actual legal or regulatory prohibition) is still valid.

The way forward

72. The HKMA and the SFC continue to ensure that our OTC derivatives reporting
regime remains relevant and up-to-date. The proposals in this paper have been
developed in response to the global call for OTC derivatives data harmonisation and
similar reform efforts in other major markets. We believe our proposals strike the right
balance between the need for transparency in the OTC derivatives market and
addressing market concerns. As always, we welcome market views on the proposals.
Interested parties are invited to submit written comments on our proposals to either
the HKMA or the SFC on or before 17 May 2024. Please refer to the Foreword for the
methods of submission.

Appendix A – List of respondents
(In alphabetical order)
Respondent has no objection to publication of name and content of submission
1. CME Group

2. Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation

3. Global Financial Markets Association

4. Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation

5. Hong Kong Bar Association

6. IHS Markit (merged with S&P Global)

7. International Swaps and Derivatives Association

8. Japanese Bankers Association

9. Private Wealth Management Association

10. The DTC Association

11. The Hong Kong Association of Banks

12. The Law Society of Hong Kong

Respondent requested submission to be published on a “no-name” basis

One submission

Respondent requested that both name and submission to be withheld from

Two submissions

Appendix B – List of proposed data elements for reporting

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM
1 Effective date Unadjusted date at which obligations under the OTC derivative transaction come into effect, as included in the ISO 8601     
confirmation, if applicable. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

If the effective date is not specified as part of the terms of the contract, the counterparties shall report in this field the date
of execution of the derivative.

2 Expiration date Unadjusted date at which obligations under the OTC derivative transaction stop being effective, as included in the ISO 8601     
confirmation, if applicable. Early termination does not affect this data element. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

3 Early termination date Effective date of the early termination (expiry) of the reported transaction, if applicable. ISO 8601     
This data element is applicable if the termination of the transaction occurs prior to its maturity due to an ex-interim decision YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.
of a counterparty (or counterparties). Examples of early terminations (expiry) are: negotiated early termination; early
termination under an optional early termination provision (“mutual put”); novation; offsetting (netting) transaction; option
exercise; compression; early termination clause specified in the original contract which is a callable swap (bought
embedded option); mutual credit break.

4 Reporting timestamp Date and time of the submission of the report as reported to the trade repository. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.

5 Execution timestamp Date and time a transaction was originally executed, resulting in the generation of a new UTI. This data element remains ISO 8601     
unchanged throughout the life of the UTI. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.

6 Counterparty 1 Identifier of the counterparty to an OTC derivative transaction. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     

LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

7 Counterparty 2 Identifier of the second counterparty to an OTC derivative transaction. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
Char(20) for an LEI code
Varchar(72) natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity).

LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

For natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity): LEI of the reporting counterparty followed by a unique
identifier assigned and maintained consistently by the reporting counterparty for that natural person(s) for regulatory reporting purpose.

8 Counterparty 2 identifier type indicator Indicator of whether LEI was used to identify the Counterparty 2. Boolean:     
true, for Legal entities
false, for natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity)

9 Direction 1 Indicator of whether the counterparty 1 is the buyer or the seller as determined at the time of the transaction, if applicable. Char(4)     

Allowable values:
BYER = buyer
SLLR = seller

10 Direction 2 - Leg 1 Indicator of whether the counterparty 1 is the payer or the receiver of leg 1 as determined at the time of the conclusion of Char(4)     
the derivative, if applicable.
Allowable values:
MAKE = payer
TAKE = receiver

11 Direction 2 - Leg 2 Indicator of whether the counterparty 1 is the payer or the receiver of leg 2 as determined at the time of the conclusion of Char(4)     
the derivative, if applicable.
Allowable values:
MAKE = payer
TAKE = receiver

12 Cleared Indicator of whether the transaction has been cleared, or is intended to be cleared, by a central counterparty. Char(1)     

Allowable values:
Y= yes, centrally cleared, for beta and gamma transactions.
N= no, not centrally cleared.
I= intent to clear, for alpha transactions that are planned to be submitted to clearing.

13 Central counterparty Identifier of the central counterparty that cleared the transaction, if applicable. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
This data element is not applicable if the value of the data element “Cleared” is “N” (“No, not centrally cleared”) or “I” Char(20)
(“Intent to clear”).
LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

14 Clearing member Identifier of the clearing member through which a derivative transaction was cleared at a central counterparty, if applicable. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
This data element is applicable to cleared transactions under both the agency clearing model and the principal clearing
model. LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).
• In the case of the principal clearing model, the clearing member is identified as clearing member and also as a
counterparty in both transactions resulting from clearing: (i) in the transaction between the central counterparty and the
clearing member; and (ii) in the transaction between the clearing member and the counterparty to the original alpha
• In the case of the agency clearing model, the clearing member is identified as clearing member but not as the
counterparty to transactions resulting from clearing. Under this model, the counterparties are the central counterparty and
the client.

This data element is not applicable if the value of the data element “Cleared” is “N” (“No, not centrally cleared”) or “I”
(“Intent to clear”).

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

15 Platform identifier Identifier of the trading facility (eg exchange, multilateral trading facility, swap execution facility) on which the transaction ISO 10383 Segment Market Identifier Code (MIC)     
was executed, if applicable. Char(4)

Allowable values:
ISO 10383 segment MIC code.
If no trading facility was involved in the transaction:
XOFF, for transactions in listed instruments
XXXX, for transactions in instruments that are not listed in any venue
BILT, if the reporting counterparty cannot determine whether the instrument is listed or not, as per jurisdictional requirements.

16 Confirmed For new reportable transactions (as defined by the CPMI-IOSCO Technical Guidance: Harmonisation of the Unique ISO 20022: SecuritiesTradeStatus/TradeConfirmationStatus     
Transaction Identifier), whether the Legally binding terms of an OTC derivatives contract were documented and agreed Char(4)
upon (confirmed) or not (unconfirmed). If documented and agreed, whether such confirmation was done: NCNF = unconfirmed
• via a shared confirmation facility or platform, or a private/bilateral electronic system (electronic); ECNF = electronic
• via a human-readable written document, such as fax, paper or manually processed e-mails (non- electronic). YCNF = non-electronic

17 Final contractual settlement date Unadjusted date as per the contract, by which all transfer of cash or assets should take place and the counterparties ISO 8601     
should no longer have any outstanding obligations to each other under that contract, if applicable. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

For products that may not have a final contractual settlement date (eg American options), this data element reflects the
date by which the transfer of cash or asset would take place if termination were to occur on the expiration date.

18 Settlement currency - Leg 1 Currency for the cash settlement of the transaction when applicable. ISO 4217     
For multicurrency products that do not net, the settlement currency of the leg 1.
This data element is not applicable for physically settled products (eg physically settled swaptions). Char(3)

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

19 Settlement currency - Leg 2 Currency for the cash settlement of the transaction when applicable. ISO 4217     
For multicurrency products that do not net, the settlement currency of the leg 2.
This data element is not applicable for physically settled products (eg physically settled swaptions). Char(3)

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

20 Settlement location Place of settlement of the transaction as stipulated in the contract, if applicable. This data element is only applicable for ISO 3166     
transactions that involve an offshore currency (i.e. a currency which is not included in the ISO 4217 currency list, for
example CNH). Char(2)

ISO country code

21 Fixed rate day count convention - Leg 1 Where applicable: day count convention of leg 1 (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day ISO 20022: Interest Calculation/Day Count Basis     
count method) that determines how interest payments are calculated. It is used to compute the year fraction of the Char(4)
calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation period divided by the number of days in the year.
Allowable values:
A001 = IC30360ISDAor30360AmericanBasicRule
A002 = IC30365
A003 = IC30Actual
A004 = Actual360
A005 = Actual365Fixed
A006 = ActualActualICMA
A007 = IC30E360orEuroBondBasismodel1
A008 = ActualActualISDA
A009 = Actual365LorActuActubasisRule
A010 = ActualActualAFB
A011 = IC30360ICMAor30360basicrule
A012 = IC30E2360orEurobondbasismodel2
A013 = IC30E3360orEurobondbasismodel3
A014 = Actual365NL
A015 = ActualActualUltimo
A016 = IC30EPlus360
A017 = Actual364
A018 = Business252
A019 = Actual360NL
A020 = 1/1
NARR = Narrative

22 Floating rate day count convention - Leg 1 Where applicable: day count convention (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day count ISO 20022: Interest Calculation/Day Count Basis     
method) that determines how interest payments for the floating rate of leg 1 are calculated. It is used to compute the year Char(4)
fraction of the calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation period divided by the number of days
in the year. Allowable values:
A001 = IC30360ISDAor30360AmericanBasicRule
A002 = IC30365
A003 = IC30Actual
A004 = Actual360
A005 = Actual365Fixed
A006 = ActualActualICMA
A007 = IC30E360orEuroBondBasismodel1
A008 = ActualActualISDA
A009 = Actual365LorActuActubasisRule
A010 = ActualActualAFB
A011 = IC30360ICMAor30360basicrule
A012 = IC30E2360orEurobondbasismodel2
A013 = IC30E3360orEurobondbasismodel3
A014 = Actual365NL
A015 = ActualActualUltimo
A016 = IC30EPlus360
A017 = Actual364
A018 = Business252
A019 = Actual360NL
A020 = 1/1
NARR = Narrative

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

23 Fixed rate day count convention - Leg 2 Where applicable: day count convention of leg 2 (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day ISO 20022: Interest Calculation/Day Count Basis     
count method) that determines how interest payments are calculated. It is used to compute the year fraction of the Char(4)
calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation
period divided by the number of days in the year. Allowable values:
A001 = IC30360ISDAor30360AmericanBasicRule
A002 = IC30365
A003 = IC30Actual
A004 = Actual360
A005 = Actual365Fixed
A006 = ActualActualICMA
A007 = IC30E360orEuroBondBasismodel1
A008 = ActualActualISDA
A009 = Actual365LorActuActubasisRule
A010 = ActualActualAFB
A011 = IC30360ICMAor30360basicrule
A012 = IC30E2360orEurobondbasismodel2
A013 = IC30E3360orEurobondbasismodel3
A014 = Actual365NL
A015 = ActualActualUltimo
A016 = IC30EPlus360
A017 = Actual364
A018 = Business252
A019 = Actual360NL
A020 = 1/1
NARR = Narrative

24 Floating rate day count convention - Leg 2 Where applicable: day count convention (often also referred to as day count fraction or day count basis or day count ISO 20022: Interest Calculation/Day Count Basis     
method) that determines how interest payments for the floating rate of leg 2 are calculated. It is used to compute the year Char(4)
fraction of the calculation period, and indicates the number of days in the calculation period divided by the number of days
in the year. Allowable values:
A001 = IC30360ISDAor30360AmericanBasicRule
A002 = IC30365
A003 = IC30Actual
A004 = Actual360
A005 = Actual365Fixed
A006 = ActualActualICMA
A007 = IC30E360orEuroBondBasismodel1
A008 = ActualActualISDA
A009 = Actual365LorActuActubasisRule
A010 = ActualActualAFB
A011 = IC30360ICMAor30360basicrule
A012 = IC30E2360orEurobondbasismodel2
A013 = IC30E3360orEurobondbasismodel3
A014 = Actual365NL
A015 = ActualActualUltimo
A016 = IC30EPlus360
A017 = Actual364
A018 = Business252
A019 = Actual360NL
A020 = 1/1
NARR = Narrative

25 Fixed rate payment frequency period - Leg 1 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments, eg day, week, month, year or term of the stream for ISO 20022: InterestCalculation/PaymentFrequency     
the fixed rate of leg 1. Char(4)

Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

26 Floating rate payment frequency period - Leg 1 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments, eg day, week, month, year or term of the stream for ISO 20022: InterestCalculation/PaymentFrequency     
the floating rate of leg 1. Char(4)

Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

27 Fixed rate payment frequency period - Leg 1 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments, eg day, week, month, year or term of the stream for ISO 20022: InterestCalculation/PaymentFrequency     
the fixed rate of leg 2. Char(4)

Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

28 Floating rate payment frequency period - Leg 2 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments, eg day, week, month, year or term of the stream for ISO 20022: InterestCalculation/PaymentFrequency     
the floating rate of leg 2. Char(4)

Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

29 Fixed rate payment frequency period multiplier - Leg 1 Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
which periodic payment dates occur for the fixed rate of leg 1. Any value greater than or equal to zero.
For example, a transaction with payments occurring every two months is represented with a payment frequency period of
“MNTH” (monthly) and a payment frequency period multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment
frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is "EXPI", then the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the
payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period is “DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

30 Floating rate payment frequency period multiplier - Leg Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
1 which periodic payment dates occur for the floating rate of leg 1. For example, a transaction with payments occurring every Any value greater than or equal to zero.
two months is represented with a payment frequency period of “MNTH” (monthly) and a payment frequency period
multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is "EXPI", then
the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period is
“DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

31 Fixed rate payment frequency period multiplier - Leg 2 Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
which periodic payment dates occur for the fixed rate of leg 2. For example, a transaction with payments occurring every Any value greater than or equal to zero.
two months is represented with a payment frequency period of “MNTH” (monthly) and a payment frequency period
multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is "EXPI", then
the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period is
“DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

32 Floating rate payment frequency period multiplier - Leg Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
2 which periodic payment dates occur for the floating rate of leg 2. For example, a transaction Any value greater than or equal to zero.
with payments occurring every two months is represented with a payment frequency period of “MNTH” (monthly) and a
payment frequency period multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is "EXPI", then
the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period is
“DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

33 Valuation amount Current value of the outstanding contract. without applying any valuation adjustments (i.e. any XVA adjustment such as Num(25,5)     
CVA, DVA, etc). Any value.

Valuation amount is expressed as the exit cost of the contract or components of the contract, i.e. the price that would be
received to sell the contract (in the market in an orderly transaction at the valuation date).

34 Valuation currency Currency in which the valuation amount is denominated. ISO 4217     


Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

35 Valuation timestamp Date and time of the last valuation marked to market, provided by the central counterparty or calculated using the current or ISO 8601     
last available market price of the inputs. If for example a currency exchange rate is the basis for a transaction’s valuation, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.
then the valuation timestamp reflects the moment in time that exchange rate was current.

36 Valuation method Source and method used for the valuation of the transaction by the reporting counterparty. Char(4)     
If at least one valuation input is used that is classified as mark-to-model in the below table, then the whole valuation is
classified as mark-to-model. Allowable values:
If only inputs are used that are classified as mark-to-market in the table below, then the whole valuation is classified as MTMA = mark-to-market
mark-to-market. MTMO = mark-to-model
CCPV = central counterparty’s valuation

37 Collateral portfolio indicator Indicator of whether the collateralisation was performed on a portfolio basis, if applicable. By “on a portfolio basis”, it is Boolean     
meant a set of transactions that are margined together (either on a net or a gross basis) contrary to the scenario where the
margin is calculated and posted for each individual transaction separately. Allowable values:
true, if collateralised on a portfolio basis
false, if not part of a portfolio

38 Collateral portfolio code If collateral is reported on a portfolio basis, unique code assigned by the reporting counterparty to the portfolio, if applicable. ISO 20022 Portfolio/Identification     
This data element is not applicable if the collateralisation was performed on a transaction level basis, or if there is no Varchar(52)
collateral agreement or if no collateral is posted or received. Up to 52 alphanumerical characters.

39 Initial margin posted by the counterparty 1 (pre- Monetary value of initial margin that has been posted by the reporting counterparty, including any margin that is in transit ISO 20022: MarginCall/InitialMargin     
haircut) and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional requirements, if applicable. Num(25,5)
Any value greater than or equal to zero.
If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the initial margin posted relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the initial margin posted relates to such single transaction.

This refers to the total current value of the initial margin, rather than to its daily change. The data element refers both to
uncleared and centrally cleared transactions.

For centrally cleared transactions, the data element does not include default fund contributions, nor collateral posted
against liquidity provisions to the central counterparty, i.e. committed credit lines.

If the initial margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single currency
chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one
total value.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

40 Initial margin posted by the counterparty 1 (post- Monetary value of initial margin that has been posted by the reporting counterparty, including any margin that is in transit ISO 20022: MarginCall/InitialMargin     
haircut) and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional requirements, if applicable. Num(25,5)
Any value greater than or equal to zero.
If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the initial margin posted relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the initial margin posted relates to such single transaction.

This refers to the total current value of the initial margin after application of the haircut (if applicable), rather than to its daily

The data element refers both to uncleared and centrally cleared transactions. For centrally cleared transactions, the data
element does not include default fund contributions, nor collateral posted against liquidity provisions to the central
counterparty, i.e. committed credit lines.

If the initial margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single currency
chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

41 Currency of initial margin posted Currency in which the initial margin posted is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the initial margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those currencies into
which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of posted initial margins. Char(3)

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

42 Initial margin collected by the counterparty 1 (pre- Monetary value of initial margin that has been collected by the reporting counterparty, including any margin that is in transit ISO 20022: MarginCall/InitialMargin     
haircut) and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional requirements, if applicable. Num(25,5)
Any value greater than or equal to zero.
If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the initial margin collected relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the initial margin collected relates to such single transaction.

This refers to the total current value of the initial margin, rather than to its daily change. The data element refers both to
uncleared and centrally cleared transactions. For centrally cleared transactions, the data element does not include
collateral collected by the central counterparty as part of its investment activity.

If the initial margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single currency
chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

43 Initial margin collected by the counterparty 1 (post- Monetary value of initial margin that has been collected by the reporting counterparty, including any margin that is in transit ISO 20022: MarginCall/InitialMargin     
haircut) and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional requirements. Num(25,5)
If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the initial margin collected relates to the whole portfolio; if the Any value greater than or equal to zero.
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the initial margin collected relates to such single transaction.
This refers to the total current value of the initial margin after application of the haircut (if applicable), rather than to its daily
The data element refers both to uncleared and centrally cleared transactions. For centrally cleared transactions, the data
element does not include collateral collected by the central counterparty as part of its investment activity.
If the initial margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single currency
chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

44 Currency of initial margin collected Currency in which the initial margin collected is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the initial margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those currencies Char(3)
into which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of collected initial margins.
Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

45 Variation margin posted by the counterparty 1 (pre- Monetary value of the variation margin posted by the reporting counterparty (including the cash-settled one), and including ISO 20022: MarginCall/VariationMargin     
haircut) any margin that is in transit and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional Num(25,5)
requirements, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

Contingent variation margin is not included.

If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the variation margin posted relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the variation margin posted relates to such single transaction.

This data element refers to the total current value of the variation margin, cumulated since the first reporting of variation
margins posted for the portfolio/transaction.

If the variation margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single
currency chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

46 Variation margin posted by the counterparty 1 (post- Monetary value of the variation margin posted by the reporting counterparty (including the cash-settled one), and including ISO 20022: MarginCall/VariationMargin     
haircut) any margin that is in transit and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the jurisdictional Num(25,5)
requirements, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

Contingent variation margin is not included.

If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the variation margin posted relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the variation margin posted relates to such single transaction.

This data element refers to the total current value of the variation margin after application of the haircut (if applicable),
cumulated since the first reporting of posted variation margins for the portfolio/transaction.

If the variation margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single
currency chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

47 Currency of variation margin posted Currency in which the variation margin posted is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the variation margin posted is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those currencies Char(3)
into which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of posted variation margins.
Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

48 Variation margin collected by the counterparty 1 (pre- Monetary value of the variation margin collected by the reporting counterparty (including the cash- settled one), and ISO 20022: MarginCall/VariationMargin     
haircut) including any margin that is in transit and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the Num(25,5)
jurisdictional requirements, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

Contingent variation margin is not included.

If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the variation margin collected relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the variation margin collected relates to such single transaction.

This refers to the total current value of the variation margin, cumulated since the first reporting of collected variation
margins for the portfolio/transaction.

If the variation margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single
currency chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

49 Variation margin collected by the counterparty 1 (post- Monetary value of the variation margin collected by the reporting counterparty (including the cash- settled one), and ISO 20022: MarginCall/VariationMargin     
haircut) including any margin that is in transit and pending settlement unless inclusion of such margin is not allowed under the Num(25,5)
jurisdictional requirements, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

Contingent variation margin is not included.

If the collateralisation is performed at portfolio level, the variation margin collected relates to the whole portfolio; if the
collateralisation is performed for single transactions, the variation margin collected relates to such single transaction.

This refers to the total current value of the variation margin collected after application of the haircut (if applicable),
cumulated since the first reporting of collected variation margins for the portfolio/transaction.

If the variation margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, those amounts are converted into a single
currency chosen by the reporting counterparty and reported as one total value.

50 Currency of variation margin collected Currency in which the variation margin collected is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the variation margin collected is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those
currencies into which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of collected variation margins. Char(3)

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

51 Excess collateral posted by the counterparty 1 Monetary value of any additional collateral posted by the reporting counterparty separate and independent from initial and Num(25,5)     
variation margin. This refers to the total current value of the excess collateral before application of the haircut (if Any value greater than or equal to zero.
applicable), rather than to its daily change.

Any initial or variation margin amount posted that exceeds the required initial margin or required variation margin, is
reported as part of the initial margin posted or variation margin posted respectively rather than included as excess
collateral posted.

For centrally cleared transactions, excess collateral is reported only to the extent it can be assigned to a specific portfolio
or transaction.

52 Currency of excess collateral posted Currency in which the excess collateral posted is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the excess collateral posted is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those currencies Char(3)
into which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of posted excess collateral.
Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

53 Excess collateral collected by the counterparty 1 Monetary value of any additional collateral collected by the reporting counterparty separate and independent from initial and Num(25,5)     
variation margin. This data element refers to the total current value of the excess collateral before application of the haircut Any value greater than or equal to zero.
(if applicable), rather than to its daily change.

Any initial or variation margin amount collected that exceeds the required initial margin or required variation margin, is
reported as part of the initial margin collected or variation margin collected respectively, rather than included as excess
collateral collected.

For centrally cleared transactions excess collateral is reported only to the extent it can be assigned to a specific portfolio or

54 Currency of excess collateral collected Currency in which the excess collateral collected is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
If the excess collateral is denominated in more than one currency, this data element reflects one of those currencies into Char(3)
which the reporting counterparty has chosen to convert all the values of collected excess collateral.
Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

55 Collateralisation category Indicator of whether a collateral agreement (or collateral agreements) between the counterparties exists Char(4)     
(uncollateralised/partially collateralised/one-way collateralised/fully collateralised), if applicable. This data element is
provided for each transaction or each portfolio, depending on whether the collateralisation is performed at the transaction Allowable values:
or portfolio level, and is applicable to both cleared and uncleared transactions. UNCL = Uncollateralised
There is no collateral agreement between the counterparties or the collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that no collateral (neither initial margin nor variation margin) has to be posted
with respect to the derivative transaction.

PRC1 = Partially collateralised: Counterparty 1 only

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the reporting counterparty regularly posts only variation margin and that the other counterparty does not post any margin with respect to
the derivative transaction.

PRC2 = Partially collateralised: Counterparty 2 only

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the other counterparty regularly posts only variation margin and that the reporting counterparty does not post any margin with respect to
the derivative transaction.

PRCL = Partially collateralised

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that both counterparties regularly post only variation margin with respect to the derivative transaction.

OWC1 = One-way collateralised: Counterparty 1 only

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the reporting counterparty posts the initial margin and regularly posts variation margin and that the other counterparty does not post any
margin with respect to the derivative transaction.

OWC2 = One-way collateralised: Counterparty 2 only

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the other counterparty posts the initial margin and regularly posts variation margin and that the reporting counterparty does not post any
margin with respect to the derivative transaction.

OWP1 = One-way/partially collateralised: Counterparty 1

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the reporting counterparty posts the initial margin and regularly posts variation margin and that the other counterparty regularly posts only
variation margin.

OWP2 = One- way/partially collateralised: Counterparty 2

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that the other counterparty posts the initial margin and regularly posts variation margin and that the reporting counterparty regularly posts only
variation margin.

FLCL = Fully collateralised

The collateral agreement(s) between the counterparties stipulates that both counterparties post initial margin and regularly post variation margin with respect to the derivative transaction.

56 Price Price specified in the OTC derivative transaction, if applicable. It does not include fees, taxes or commissions, if applicable. ISO 20022: Price/Amount     
For commodity fixed/float swaps and similar products with periodic payments, this data element refers to the fixed price of the fixed Num(18,13), if Price notation = 1
Num(11,10), if Price notation = 3
For commodity and equity forwards and similar products, this data element refers to the forward price of the underlying or reference
asset. Any value, if Price notation = 1
Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Price notation = 3
For equity swaps, portfolios swaps, and similar products, this data element refers to the initial price of the underlying or reference asset.

For contracts for difference and similar products, this data element refers to the initial price of the underlier.

This data element is not applicable to:

• Interest rate swaps and forward rate agreements, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Fixed rate and
Spread may be interpreted as the price of the transaction.
• Interest rate options and interest rate swaptions, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Strike price and
Option premium may be interpreted as the price of the transaction.
• Commodity basis swaps, as it is understood that the information included in the data element Spread may be interpreted as the price of
the transaction.
• Foreign exchange swaps, forwards and options, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Exchange rate,
Strike price, and Option premium may be interpreted as the price of the transaction.
• Equity options, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Strike price and Option premium may be
interpreted as the price of the transaction.
• Credit default swaps and credit total return swaps, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Fixed rate,
Spread and Upfront payment (Other payment type: Upfront payment) may be interpreted as the price of the transaction.
• Commodity options, as it is understood that the information included in the data elements Strike price and Option premium may be
interpreted as the price of the transaction.

Where the price is not known when a new transaction is reported, the price is updated as it becomes available.
For transactions that are part of a package, this data element contains the price of the component transaction where applicable.

57 Price currency Currency in which the price is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     
Price currency is only applicable if Price notation = 1.

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

58 Price notation Manner in which the price is expressed, if applicable. Char(1)     

Allowable values:
1 = monetary amount
3 = decimal

59 Price unit of measure Unit of measure in which the price is expressed, if applicable. ISO 20022: Price/UnitOfMeasure     

Allowable values:
ISO 20022: approved external UnitOfMeasureCode codeset

60 Price schedule - Unadjusted effective date of the price Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with prices varying throughout the life of the transaction: Unadjusted ISO 8601     
effective date of the price. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.

Price schedule is only applicable if the price varies per schedule.

61 Price schedule - Unadjusted end date of the price Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with prices varying throughout the life of the transaction: Unadjusted end ISO 8601     
date of the price. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period).

Price schedule is only applicable if the price varies per schedule.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

62 Price schedule - Price in effect between the Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with prices varying throughout the life of the transaction: Price in effect 2.54.3: ISO 20022: Price/Amount     
unadjusted effective date and unadjusted end date between the unadjusted effective date and unadjusted end date inclusive.
inclusive Num(18,13), if Price notation = 1
Price schedule is only applicable if the price varies per schedule. Num(11,10), if Price notation = 3

Any value greater than zero, if Price notation = 1

Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Price notation = 3

Repeatable for each price.

63 Fixed rate - Leg 1 Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with periodic payments, per annum rate of the fixed rate of leg 1. ISO 20022: Interest/Rate     
Num(11,10), if Fixed rate notation = 2

Positive and negative values expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Fixed rate notation = 2

64 Fixed rate - Leg 2 Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with periodic payments, per annum rate of the fixed rate of leg 2. ISO 20022: Interest/Rate     

Num(11,10), if Fixed rate notation = 2

Positive and negative values expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Fixed rate notation = 2

65 Fixed rate notation - Leg 1 Where applicable: manner in which the fixed rate is expressed for leg 1 Char(1)     
Allowable values:
2 = decimal

66 Fixed rate notation - Leg 2 Where applicable: manner in which the fixed rate is expressed for leg 2 Char(1)     
Allowable values:
2 = decimal

67 Spread - Leg 1 An indication of the spread of leg 1, Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with periodic payments (eg interest ISO 20022: Spread/SpreadRate or ISO 20022: Spread/PriceOffset or ISO 20022: Spread/BasisPointSpread     
rate fixed/float swaps, interest rate basis swaps, commodity swaps),
• spread on the individual floating leg(s) index reference price, in the case where there is a spread on a floating leg(s). Num(18,13), if Spread notation = 1
• difference between the reference prices of the two floating leg indexes. Num(11,10), if Spread notation = 3
Num(5), if Spread notation = 4

Any value, if Spread notation = 1

Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Spread notation = 3
Any integer value expressed in basis points (eg 257 instead of 2.57%), if Spread notation = 4

68 Spread - Leg 2 An indication of the spread of leg 2, Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions with periodic payments (e.g. interest ISO 20022: Spread/SpreadRate or ISO 20022: Spread/PriceOffset or ISO 20022: Spread/BasisPointSpread     
rate fixed/float swaps, interest rate basis swaps, commodity swaps),
• spread on the individual floating leg(s) index reference price, in the case where there is a Num(18,13), if Spread notation = 1
spread on a floating leg(s). Num(11,10), if Spread notation = 3
• difference between the reference prices of the two floating leg indexes. Num(5), if Spread notation = 4

Any value, if Spread notation = 1

Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Spread notation = 3
Any integer value expressed in basis points (eg 257 instead of 2.57%), if Spread notation = 4

69 Spread currency - Leg 1 Where applicable: currency in which the spread of leg 1 is denominated. ISO 4217     
This data element is only applicable if Spread notation = 1.

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

70 Spread currency - Leg 2 Where applicable: currency in which the spread of leg 2 is denominated. ISO 4217     
This data element is only applicable if Spread notation = 1.

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

71 Spread notation - Leg 1 Where applicable: manner in which the spread is expressed for leg 1. Char(1)     
Allowable values:
1 = monetary amount
3 = decimal
4 = basis points

72 Spread notation - Leg 2 Where applicable: manner in which the spread is expressed for leg 2. Char(1)     

Allowable values:
1 = monetary amount
3 = decimal
4 = basis points

73 Strike price Where applicable: ISO 20022: Option/Strike Price     

• For options other than FX options, swaptions and similar products, price at which the owner of an option can buy or sell
the underlying asset of the option. Num(18,13), if Strike price notation = 1
• For foreign exchange options, exchange rate at which the option can be exercised, expressed as the rate of exchange Num(11,10), if Strike price notation = 3
from converting the unit currency into the quoted currency. In the example 0.9426 USD/EUR, USD is the unit currency and
EUR is the quoted currency; USD 1 = EUR 0.9426.Where the strike price is not known when a new transaction is reported, Any value (eg USD 6.39) expressed as 6.39, for equity options, commodity options, foreign exchange options and similar products, if Strike price notation = 1.
the strike price is updated as it becomes available.
• For volatility and variance swaps and similar products the volatility strike price is reported in this data element. Any value expressed as decimals (eg 0.021 instead of 2.1%), for interest rate options, interest rate and credit swaptions quoted in spread, and similar products, if Strike price notation = 3.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

74 Strike price currency/currency pair Where applicable: ISO 4217     

For equity options, commodity options, and similar products, currency in which the strike price is denominated.
For foreign exchange options: Currency pair and order in which the strike price is expressed. It is expressed as unit Char(3)
currency/quoted currency. For foreign exchange options: Char(3)/Char(3); [Unit currency/Quoted currency] without restricting the currency pair ordering
Strike price currency/currency pair is only applicable if Strike price notation = 1.
Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

75 Strike price notation Manner in which the Strike price is expressed, if applicable. Char(1)     
Allowable values:
1 = monetary amount
3 = decimal

76 Strike price schedule - Unadjusted effective date of Where applicable: for options, swaptions and similar products with strike prices varying throughout the life of the ISO 8601     
the strike price transaction: Unadjusted effective date of the strike price. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.

Strike price schedule is only applicable if the strike price varies per schedule.

77 Strike price schedule - Unadjusted end date of the Where applicable: for options, swaptions and similar products with strike prices varying throughout the life of the ISO 8601     
strike price transaction: Unadjusted end date of the strike price. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period).

Strike price schedule is only applicable if the strike price varies per schedule.

78 Strike price schedule - Strike price in effect between Where applicable: for options, swaptions and similar products with strike prices varying throughout the life of the ISO 20022 Option/Strike Price     
the unadjusted effective date and unadjusted end date transaction: Strike price in effect between the unadjusted effective date and unadjusted end date inclusive.
inclusive Num(18,13), if Strike price notation = 1
Strike price schedule is only applicable if the strike price varies per schedule. Num(11,10), if Strike price notation = 3

Any value greater than zero:

- Any value (eg USD 6.39) expressed as 6.39, for equity options, commodity options, foreign exchange options and similar products if Strike price notation = 1.

- Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.021 instead of 2.1%), for interest rate options, interest rate and credit swaptions quoted in spread, and similar products, if Strike price notation = 3.

Repeatable for each strike price.

79 Option premium amount For options and swaptions of all asset classes, monetary amount paid by the option buyer. This data element is not Num(25,5)     
applicable if the instrument is not an option or does not embed any optionality, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

80 Option premium currency For options and swaptions of all asset classes, currency in which the option premium amount is denominated. This data ISO 4217     
element is not applicable if the instrument is not an option or does not embed any optionality, if applicable.

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

81 Option premium payment date Unadjusted date on which the option premium is paid, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

82 First exercise date First unadjusted date during the exercise period in which an option can be exercised, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.
For European-style options, this date is same as the Expiration date.
For American-style options, the first possible exercise date is the unadjusted date included in the execution timestamp.
For knock-in options, where the first exercise date is not known when a new transaction is reported, the first exercise date
is updated as it becomes available.

This data element is not applicable if the instrument is not an option or does not embed any optionality.

83 Exchange rate Exchange rate between the two different currencies specified in the OTC derivative transaction agreed by the ISO 20022 CurrencyExchange/ExchangeRate     
counterparties at the inception of the transaction, expressed as the rate of exchange from converting the unit currency into Num(18,13)
the quoted currency, if applicable. Any value greater than zero.

84 Exchange rate basis Currency pair and order in which the exchange rate is denominated, expressed as unit currency/quoted currency, if Char(3)/Char(3); [Unit currency/Quoted currency], without restricting the currency pair ordering (i.e. the exchange rate basis may be USD/EUR or EUR/USD).     
applicable. Any pair of currencies included in ISO 4217.

In the example 0.9426 USD/EUR, USD is the unit currency and EUR is the quoted currency, USD 1 = EUR 0.9426.

85 Notional amount - Leg 1 Where applicable: Notional amount of leg 1. ISO 20022: Derivative/NotionalCurrencyAndAmount     

- for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts, amount specified in the contract. Num(25,5)

- for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts: Any value (Negative values are only allowed for commodity derivatives when applies).
(1) Equity options and similar products: Product of the strike price and the number of shares or index units
(2) Equity forwards and similar products: Product of the forward price and the number of shares or index units
(3) Equity dividend swaps and similar products: Product of the period fixed strike and the number of shares or index units.
(4) Equity swaps, portfolio swaps and similar products: Product of the initial price and the number of shares or index units.
(5) Equity variance swaps and similar products: Variance amount.
(6) Equity volatility swaps and similar products: Vega notional amount
(7) Equity CFDs and similar products: Product of the initial price and the number of shares or index units
(8) Commodity options and similar products: Product of the strike price and the total notional quantity
(9) Commodity forwards and similar products: Product of the forward price and the total notional quantity
(10) Commodity fixed/float swaps and similar products: Product of the fixed price and the total notional quantity
(11) Commodity basis swaps and similar products: Product of the last available spot price at the time of the transaction of
the underlying asset of the leg with no spread and the total notional quantity of the leg with no spread
(12) Commodity swaptions and similar products: Notional amount of the underlying contract
(13) Commodity CFDs and similar products: Product of the initial price and the total notional quantity

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

Notes to the conversion table for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts:
Note 1: for transactions where the quantity unit of measure differs from the price unit of measure, the price or total quantity
is converted to a unified unit of measure.
Note 2: if applicable to the transaction, the notional amount reflects any multipliers and option entitlements.
Note 3: for basket-type contracts, the notional amount of the transaction is the sum of the notional amounts of each
constituent of the basket.

In addition:
For OTC derivative transactions with a notional amount schedule, the initial notional amount, agreed by the counterparties
at the inception of the transaction, is reported in this data element.
For OTC foreign exchange options, in addition to this data element, the amounts are reported using the data elements Call
amount and Put amount. For amendments or lifecycle events, the resulting outstanding notional amount is reported; (steps
in notional amount schedules are not considered to be amendments or lifecycle events);
Where the notional amount is not known when a new transaction is reported, the notional amount is updated as it becomes

86 Notional amount - Leg 2 Where applicable: Notional amount of leg 2. ISO 20022: Derivative/NotionalCurrencyAndAmount     
- for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts, amount specified in the contract. Num(25,5)

- for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts: Any value (Negative values are only allowed for commodity derivatives when applies).
(1) Equity options and similar products: Product of the strike price and the number of shares or index units
(2) Equity forwards and similar products: Product of the forward price and the number of shares or index units
(3) Equity dividend swaps and similar products: Product of the period fixed strike and the number of shares or index units.
(4) Equity swaps, portfolio swaps and similar products: Product of the initial price and the number of shares or index units.
(5) Equity variance swaps and similar products: Variance amount.
(6) Equity volatility swaps and similar products: Vega notional amount
(7) Equity CFDs and similar products: Product of the initial price and the number of shares or index units
(8) Commodity options and similar products: Product of the strike price and the total notional quantity
(9) Commodity forwards and similar products: Product of the forward price and the total notional quantity
(10) Commodity fixed/float swaps and similar products: Product of the fixed price and the total notional quantity
(11) Commodity basis swaps and similar products: Product of the last available spot price at the time of the transaction of
the underlying asset of the leg with no spread and the total notional quantity of the leg with no spread
(12) Commodity swaptions and similar products: Notional amount of the underlying contract
(13) Commodity CFDs and similar products: Product of the initial price and the total notional quantity

Notes to the conversion table for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts:
Note 1: for transactions where the quantity unit of measure differs from the price unit of measure, the price or total quantity
is converted to a unified unit of measure.
Note 2: if applicable to the transaction, the notional amount reflects any multipliers and option entitlements.
Note 3: for basket-type contracts, the notional amount of the transaction is the sum of the notional amounts of each
constituent of the basket.

In addition:
For OTC derivative transactions with a notional amount schedule, the initial notional amount, agreed by the counterparties
at the inception of the transaction, is reported in this data element.
For OTC foreign exchange options, in addition to this data element, the amounts are reported using the data elements Call
amount and Put amount. For amendments or lifecycle events, the resulting outstanding notional amount is reported; (steps
in notional amount schedules are not considered to be amendments or lifecycle events);
Where the notional amount is not known when a new transaction is reported, the notional amount is updated as it becomes

87 Delta The ratio of the change in the price of an OTC derivative transaction to the change in the price of the underlier if applicable. Num(25,5)     
Any value

88 Call amount For foreign exchange options, the monetary amount that the option gives the right to buy, if applicable. ISO 20022: CurrencyOption/CallAmount     
Any value greater than zero.

89 Put amount For foreign exchange options, the monetary amount that the option gives the right to sell, if applicable. ISO 20022: CurrencyOption/PutAmount     
Any value greater than zero.

90 Notional currency - Leg 1 Where applicable: the currency in which the notional amount of leg 1 is denominated. ISO 4217     

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

91 Notional currency - Leg 2 Where applicable: the currency in which the notional amount of leg 2 is denominated. ISO 4217     

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

92 Call currency For foreign exchange options, the currency in which the Call amount is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     


Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

93 Put currency For foreign exchange options, the currency in which the Put amount is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     


Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

94 Quantity unit of measure - Leg 1 Where applicable: unit of measure in which the Total notional quantity and the Notional quantity schedules are expressed ISO 20022: ProductQuantity/UnitOfMeasure     
of leg 1. Char(4)

Allowable values:
ISO 20022: approved external UnitOfMeasureCode codeset

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

95 Quantity unit of measure - Leg 2 Where applicable: unit of measure in which the Total notional quantity and the Notional quantity schedules are expressed ISO 20022: ProductQuantity/UnitOfMeasure     
of leg 2. Char(4)

Allowable values:
ISO 20022: approved external UnitOfMeasureCode codeset

96 Notional amount schedule - Unadjusted date on which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 8601     
the associated notional amount becomes effective - Unadjusted date on which the associated notional amount becomes effective of leg 1. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
Leg 1
The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-

97 Notional amount schedule - Unadjusted date on which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 8601     
the associated notional amount becomes effective - Unadjusted date on which the associated notional amount becomes effective of leg 2. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
Leg 2
The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-

98 Notional amount schedule - Unadjusted end date of Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 8601     
the notional amount - Leg 1 Unadjusted end date of the notional amount of leg 1 YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period)

The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-

99 Notional amount schedule - Unadjusted end date of Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 8601     
the notional amount - Leg 2 Unadjusted end date of the notional amount of leg 2 YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period)

The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-

100 Notional amount schedule - Notional amount which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 20022: Derivative/NotionalCurrencyAndAmount     
becomes effective on the associated unadjusted Notional amount which becomes effective on the associated unadjusted effective date of leg 1. Num(25,5)
effective date - Leg 1 Any value
The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
schedule. Repeatable for each notional amount.
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-
dependent. The currency of the varying notional amounts in the schedule is reported in Notional currency.

101 Notional amount schedule - Notional amount which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in monetary amounts with a notional amount schedule: ISO 20022: Derivative/NotionalCurrencyAndAmount     
becomes effective on the associated unadjusted Notional amount which becomes effective on the associated unadjusted effective date of leg 2. Num(25,5)
effective date - Leg 2 Any value
The initial notional amount and associated unadjusted effective and end date are reported as the first values of the
schedule. Repeatable for each notional amount.
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional amounts that are condition- or event-
dependent. The currency of the varying notional amounts in the schedule is reported in Notional currency.

102 Total notional quantity - Leg 1 Where applicable: aggregate Notional quantity of the underlying asset for the term of the transaction of leg 1, if applicable. Num(25,5)     
Any value greater than or equal to zero.
Where the Total notional quantity is not known when a new transaction is reported, the Total notional quantity is updated as
it becomes available.

103 Total notional quantity - Leg 2 Where applicable: aggregate Notional quantity of the underlying asset for the term of the transaction of leg 2, if applicable. Num(25,5)     
Any value greater than or equal to zero.
Where the Total notional quantity is not known when a new transaction is reported, the Total notional quantity is updated as
it becomes available.

104 Notional quantity schedule - Unadjusted date on which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: ISO 8601     
the associated notional quantity becomes effective - Unadjusted date on which the associated notional quantity becomes effective of leg 1. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
Leg 1
The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

105 Notional quantity schedule - Unadjusted date on which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: ISO 8601     
the associated notional quantity becomes effective - Unadjusted date on which the associated notional quantity becomes effective of leg 2. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
Leg 2
The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

106 Notional quantity schedule - Unadjusted end date of Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: ISO 8601     
the notional quantity - Leg 1 Unadjusted end date of the notional quantity of leg 1. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period)

The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

107 Notional quantity schedule - Unadjusted end date of Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: ISO 8601     
the notional quantity - Leg 2 Unadjusted end date of the notional quantity of leg 2. YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC, repeatable for each date.
(not applicable if the unadjusted end date of a given schedule’s period is back-to-back with the unadjusted effective date of
the subsequent period)

The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

108 Notional quantity schedule - Notional quantity which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: Num(25,5)     
becomes effective on the associated unadjusted Notional quantity which becomes effective on the associated unadjusted effective date of leg 1. Any value greater than or equal to zero.
effective date - Leg 1
The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the Repeatable for each notional quantity.
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

109 Notional quantity schedule - Notional quantity which Where applicable: for OTC derivative transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with a Notional quantity schedule: Num(25,5)     
becomes effective on the associated unadjusted Notional quantity which becomes effective on the associated unadjusted effective date of leg 2. Any value greater than or equal to zero.
effective date - Leg 2
The initial notional quantity and associated unadjusted effective and end date are be reported as the first values of the Repeatable for each notional quantity.
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with notional quantities that are condition- or event-

110 CDS index attachment point Defined lower point at which the level of losses in the underlying portfolio reduces the notional of a tranche. For example, ISO 20022: Tranche/AttachmentPoint     
the notional in a tranche with an attachment point of 3% will be reduced after 3% of losses in the portfolio have occurred. Num(11,10)
This data element is not applicable if the transaction is not a CDS tranche transaction (index or custom basket). Any value between 0 and 1 (including 0 and 1), expressed as decimal (e.g. 0.05 instead of 5%).

111 CDS index detachment point Defined point beyond which losses in the underlying portfolio no longer reduce the notional of a tranche. For example, the ISO 20022: Tranche/AttachmentPoint     
notional in a tranche with an attachment point of 3% and a detachment point of 6% will be reduced after there have been Num(11,10)
3% of losses in the portfolio. 6% losses in the portfolio deplete the notional of the tranche. This data element is not Any value between 0 and 1 (including 0 and 1), expressed as decimal (e.g. 0.05 instead of 5%).
applicable if the transaction is not a CDS tranche transaction (index or custom basket).

112 Other payment amount Payment amounts with corresponding payment types to accommodate requirements of transaction descriptions from Num(25,5)     
different asset classes, if applicable. Any value greater than or equal to zero.

Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

113 Other payment type Type of Other payment amount, if applicable. Char(4)     
Option premium payment is not included as a payment type as premiums for option are reported using the option premium
dedicated data element. Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

Allowable values:
UFRO = Upfront Payment, i.e. the initial payment made by one of the counterparties either to bring a transaction to fair value or for any other reason that may be the cause of an off-market transaction

UWIN = Unwind or Full termination, i.e. the final settlement payment made when a transaction is unwound prior to its end date; Payments that may result due to full termination of derivative transaction(s)

PEXH = Principal Exchange, i.e. Exchange of notional values for cross- currency swaps

114 Other payment currency Currency in which Other payment amount is denominated, if applicable. ISO 4217     

Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

Allowable values:
Currencies included in ISO 4217

115 Other payment date Unadjusted date on which the other payment amount is paid, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

116 Other payment payer Identifier of the payer of Other payment amount, if applicable. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
Char(20), for an LEI code
Varchar(72), for natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity).

Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

Allowable values:
LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

For natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity): LEI of the reporting counterparty followed by a unique
identifier assigned and maintained consistently by the reporting counterparty for that natural person(s) for regulatory reporting purpose.

117 Other payment receiver Identifier of the receiver of Other payment amount, if applicable. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
Char(20), for an LEI code
Varchar(72), for natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity).

Repeatable in the case of multiple payments

Allowable values:
LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

For natural persons who are acting as private individuals (not eligible for an LEI per the ROC Statement - Individuals Acting in a Business Capacity): LEI of the reporting counterparty followed by a unique
identifier assigned and maintained consistently by the reporting counterparty for that natural person(s) for regulatory reporting purpose.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

118 Package identifier Where applicable: identifier (determined by the Reporting Party) in order to connect Varchar(35)     
- two or more transactions that are reported separately by the reporting counterparty, but that are negotiated together as Up to 35 alphanumerical characters.
the product of a single economic agreement.
- two or more reports pertaining to the same transaction whenever jurisdictional reporting requirement does not allow the
transaction to be reported with a single report to TRs.
A package may include reportable and non-reportable transactions.

This data element is not applicable

- if no package is involved, or
- to allocations

Where the package identifier is not known when a new transaction is reported, the package identifier is updated as it
becomes available.

119 Package transaction price Where applicable: traded price of the entire package in which the reported derivative transaction is a component. This data ISO 20022: Price/Amount     
element is not applicable if Num(18,13), if Package transaction price notation = 1
- no package is involved, or Num(11,10), if Package transaction price notation = 3
- package transaction spread is used
Prices and related data elements of the transactions (Price currency, Price notation, Price unit of measure) that represent Any value, if Package transaction price notation = 1
individual components of the package are reported when available. Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), if Package transaction price notation = 3
The package transaction price may not be known when a new transaction is reported but may be updated later.

120 Package transaction price currency Where applicable: currency in which the Package transaction price is denominated. ISO 4217     
This data element is not applicable if Char(3)
- no package is involved, or
- Package transaction spread is used, or Allowable values:
- Package transaction price notation = 3 Currencies included in ISO 4217

121 Package transaction price notation Where applicable: manner in which the Package transaction price is expressed. Char(1)     
This data element is not applicable if Allowable values:
- no package is involved, or 1 = monetary amount
- Package transaction spread is used 3 = decimal

122 Package transaction spread Where applicable: traded price of the entire package in which the reported derivative transaction is a component of a ISO 20022: Spread/SpreadRate or ISO 20022: Spread/PriceOffset or ISO 20022: Spread: BasisPointSpread     
package transaction.
Package transaction price when the price of the package is expressed as a spread, difference between two reference Num(18,13), if Package transaction spread notation = 1
prices. Num(11,10), if Package transaction spread notation = 3
Num(5), if Package transaction spread notation = 4
This data element is not applicable if
- no package is involved, or Any value, if Package transaction spread notation = 1
- Package transaction price is used Any value expressed as decimal (eg 0.0257 instead of 2.57%), Package spread price notation = 3
Any integer value expressed in basis points (eg 257 instead of 2.57%), if Package transaction spread notation = 4
Spread and related data elements of the transactions (spread currency, Spread notation) that represent individual
components of the package are reported when available.
Package transaction spread may not be known when a new transaction is reported but may be updated later.

123 Package transaction spread currency Where applicable: currency in which the Package transaction spread is denominated. ISO 4217     

This data element is not applicable if Char(3)

- no package is involved, or
- Package transaction price is used, or Allowable values:
- Package transaction spread notation = 3 or = 4 Currencies included in ISO 4217

124 Package transaction spread notation Where applicable: manner in which the Package transaction spread is expressed. Char(1)     

This data element is not applicable if Allowable values:

• no package is involved, or 1 = monetary amount
• Package transaction price is used 3 = decimal
4 = basis points

125 Prior UTI (for one-to-one and one-to-many relations Where applicable: UTI assigned to the predecessor transaction that has given rise to the reported transaction due to a ISO 23897 Unique transaction identifier     
between transactions) lifecycle event, in a one-to-one relation between transactions (eg in the case of a novation, when a transaction is Varchar(52)
terminated, and a new transaction is generated) or in a one- to-many relation between transactions (eg in clearing or if a Up to 52 alphanumeric characters
transaction is split into several different transactions).
This data element is not applicable when reporting many-to-one and many-to-many relations between transactions (eg in
the case of a compression).

126 Custom basket code Where applicable: if the OTC derivative transaction is based on a custom basket, unique code assigned by the structurer of Varchar(72)     
the custom basket to link its constituents. This data element is not applicable if no custom basket is involved or no unique ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code of the basket structurer followed by a unique identifier up to 52 alphanumeric characters.
code has been assigned to it.

127 Basket constituent identifier An identifier that represents a constituent of an underlying custom basket,in line with the Underlier ID within the ISO 4914 Varchar(350)     
UPI reference data elements, as maintained by the UPI Service Provider or in line with an identifier that would be reported An identifier that can be used to determine an asset, index or benchmark included in a basket
as an Underlier ID (Other) where the UPI Underlier ID is ‘OTHER’. This data element is not applicable if no custom basket Up to 350 alphanumeric characters.
is involved.
Repeatable in the case of multiple basket constituents

128 Basket constituent unit of measure Where applicable: unit of measure in which the number of units of a particular custom basket constituent is expressed. This ISO 20022: ProductQuantity/Unit Of Measure Code     
data element is not applicable if no custom basket is involved. Char(4)
ISO 20022: approved external UnitOfMeasureCode codeset

Repeatable in the case of multiple basket constituents

129 Basket constituent number of units Where applicable: the number of units of a particular constituent in a custom basket. This data element is not applicable if Num(18,13)     
no custom basket is involved. Any value greater than zero.

Repeatable in the case of multiple basket constituents

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

130 Basket constituent identifier source Where applicable: the origin, or publisher, of the associated Basket constituent identifier, in line with the Underlier ID source Varchar(350)     
within the ISO 4914 UPI reference data elements as maintained by the UPI Service Provider or in line with the allowable The origin, or publisher, of the associated basket constituent identifier.
value that would be reported as an Underlier ID (Other) source where the UPI Underlier ID is ‘OTHER’. This data element Up to 350 alphanumeric characters.
is not applicable if no custom basket is involved.
Repeatable in the case of multiple basket constituents

131 Underlier ID (OTHER) Where applicable: the asset(s), index (indices) or benchmark underlying a contract or, in the case of a foreign exchange Varchar(350)     
derivative, identification of index. An identifier that can be used to determine the asset(s), index (indices) or benchmark underlying a contract.
This data element is applicable when the value of Underlier ID is submitted as ‘OTHER’ to the UPI service provider. Up to 350 alphanumeric characters.

132 Underlier ID (OTHER) source Where applicable: the origin, or publisher, of the associated Underlier ID (Other). Varchar(350)     
This data element is applicable when the value of Underlier ID source is submitted as ‘OTHER’ to the UPI service provider. The origin, or publisher, of the associated Underlier ID.
Up to 350 alphanumeric characters.

133 Underlying asset trading platform identifier Where applicable: for a platform (e.g. exchange) traded underlying asset, the platform on which the asset is traded. ISO 10383 Segment Market Identifier Code (MIC)     
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with custom basket constituents. Char(4)
ISO 10383 Segment Market identifier codes.

134 Underlying asset price source Where applicable: for an underlying asset or benchmark not traded on a platform, the source of the price used to determine Varchar(50)     
the value or level of the asset or benchmark. Up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
This data element is not applicable to OTC derivative transactions with custom basket constituents.

135 Crypto asset underlying indicator Where applicable: indicator of whether the underlying of the derivative is crypto asset. This element should be reported as Boolean     
‘true’ if any of the underlyings is a crypto asset (immediate or ultimate underlying as well as where the derivative is based
on a mix of crypto assets and other underlyings). Allowable values:
true, if underlying is crypto asset
false, if underlying is not crypto asset

136 Action type Type of action taken on the transaction or type of end-of-day reporting. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
NEWT = New
The creation of the first transaction resulting in the generation of a new UTI.

MODI = Modify
A modification of the terms of a previously reported transaction due to a newly negotiated modification (amendment) or a filling in of not available missing information (e.g., post price transaction). It does not include correction of a
previously reported transaction.

CORR = Correct
A correction of erroneous data of a previously reported transaction.

EROR = Error
A cancellation of a wrongly submitted entire transaction in case it never came into existence or was not subject to the reporting requirements under the applicable law of a given jurisdiction, or a cancellation of a duplicate report.

TERM = Terminate
A termination of a previously reported transaction.

REVI = Revive
An action that reinstates a reported transaction that was reported with action type “Error” or terminated by mistake or expired due to an incorrectly reported Expiration date.

PRTO = Transfer out

A transfer of a transaction from one reporting agent to another reporting agent (change of reporting agent).

VALU = Valuation
An update of a valuation of a transaction. There will be no corresponding Event type.

MARU = Collateral/Margin update

An update to collateral margin data. There will be no corresponding Event type.

137 Event type Explanation or reason for the action being taken on the transaction. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
TRAD = Trade
Creation or modification of a transaction.

NOVA = Novation/Step-in
A novation or step-in legally moves part or all of the financial risks of a transaction from a transferor to a transferee and has the effect of terminating/modifying the original transaction so that it is either
terminated or its notional is modified.

COMP = Post trade risk reduction exercise

Compressions and other post trade risk reduction exercises generally have the effect either of terminating or modifying (i.e., reducing the notional value) a set of existing transactions and/or of creating a set of
new transaction(s). These processes result in largely the same exposure of market risk that existed prior to the event for the counterparty.

ETRM = Early termination

Termination of an existing transaction prior to expiration date.

CLRG = Clearing
Central clearing is a process where a central counterparty (CCP) interposes itself between counterparties to transactions, becoming the buyer to every seller and the seller to every buyer and thereby ensuring
the performance of open transactions. It has the effect of terminating an existing transaction between the buyer and the seller.

EXER = Exercise
The full or partial exercise of an option or swaption by one counterparty of the transaction.

ALOC = Allocation
The process by which portions of a single transaction (or multiple transactions) are allocated to one or multiple different counterparties and reported as new transactions.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

CLAL = Clearing & Allocation

A simultaneous clearing and allocation event in a central counterparty (CCP).

CREV = Credit event

An event that results in a modification or a termination of a previously submitted credit transaction. Applies only to credit derivatives.

PTNG = Transfer
The process by which a transaction is transferred to another reporting agent that has the effect of the closing of the transaction reported by one reporting agent and opening of the same transaction using the
same UTI by a different agent.

CORP = Corporate event

The process by which a corporate action is taken on equity underlying that impacts the transactions on that equity.

UPDT = Update
Update of an outstanding transaction performed in order to ensure its conformity with the amended reporting requirements.

138 Event timestamp Date and time of occurrence of the event. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.
In the case of a modification agreed for a future date, this data element should reflect the date, the modification occurs
(becomes effective) and not when it was negotiated.

In the case of a correction, this data element should reflect the date and time as of when the correction is applicable.

In the case of a clearing event, this data element should reflect the recorded date and time when the alpha transaction is
accepted by the central counterparty (CCP) for clearing.

In the case of collateral update, the date and time for which the information contained in the report is provided.

139 Event identifier Where applicable: Unique identifier to link transactions entering into and resulting from an event, which may be, but is not Varchar(52)     
limited to, compression or other post trade risk reduction exercises, credit event, etc. The unique identifier may be assigned ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code of the entity assigning the event identifier followed by a unique identifier up to 32 characters.
by the reporting counterparty or a service provider or CCP providing the service.

140 Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) The unique transaction identifier as described in the Technical Guidance on the Harmonization of the Unique Transaction ISO 23897 - Unique transaction identifier     
Identifier published by the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures and Board of International Organization of Varchar(52)
Securities Commissions in February 2017. Up to 52 alphanumeric characters, only the he upper-case alphabetic characters A–Z and the digits 0–9 are allowed

141 Unique Product Identifier (UPI) A unique set of characters that represents a particular OTC derivative. ISO 4914 - Unique product identifier     
UPI code in accordance with the ISO standard implemented pursuant to the FSB governance arrangements for the UPI

142 Notional quantity - Leg 1 Where applicable, Notional quantity of leg 1. Num(25,5)     
For swap transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with fixed notional quantity for each schedule period (i.e., 50 Any value greater than or equal to zero.
barrels per month).

The frequency is reported in Quantity frequency and the unit of measure is reported in Quantity unit of measure.

143 Notional quantity - Leg 2 Where applicable, Notional quantity of leg 2. Num(25,5)     
For swap transactions negotiated in non-monetary amounts with fixed notional quantity for each schedule period (i.e., 50 Any value greater than or equal to zero.
barrels per month).

The frequency is reported in Quantity frequency and the unit of measure is reported in Quantity unit of measure.

144 Quantity frequency - Leg 1 The rate at which the quantity is quoted on the leg 1 of the swap transaction. e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, if Char(4)     
Allowable values:
HOUL = Hourly
DAIL = Daily
WEEK = Weekly
MNTH = Monthly
ONDE = OnDemand
YEAR = Yearly
EXPI = End of term
ADHO = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular

145 Quantity frequency - Leg 2 The rate at which the quantity is quoted on the leg 2 of the swap transaction. e.g., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, if Char(4)     
Allowable values:
HOUL = Hourly
DAIL = Daily
WEEK = Weekly
MNTH = Monthly
ONDE = OnDemand
YEAR = Yearly
EXPI = End of term
ADHO = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular

146 Quantity frequency multiplier - Leg 1 The number of time units for the Quantity frequency of leg 1, if applicable. Num(3,0)     
Any value greater than or equal to zero.

147 Quantity frequency multiplier - Leg 2 The number of time units for the Quantity frequency of leg 2, if applicable. Num(3,0)     
Any value greater than or equal to zero.

148 Fixing date - Leg 1 Describes the specific date when a non-deliverable forward as well as various types of FX OTC options such as cash- ISO 8601     
settled options that will "fix" against a particular exchange rate, which will be used to compute the ultimate cash settlement YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.
of leg 1, if applicable.

149 Fixing date - Leg 2 Describes the specific date when a non-deliverable forward as well as various types of FX OTC options such as cash- ISO 8601     
settled options that will "fix" against a particular exchange rate, which will be used to compute the ultimate cash settlement YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.
of leg 2, if applicable.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

150 Floating rate reset frequency period - Leg 1 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments resets, e.g. day, week, month, year or term of the Char(4)     
stream for the floating rate of leg 1.
Allowable values:
DAIL = Daily
WEEK = Weekly
MNTH = Monthly
YEAR = Yearly
ADHO = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = Payment at term

151 Floating rate reset frequency period - Leg 2 Where applicable: time unit associated with the frequency of payments resets, e.g. day, week, month, year or term of the Char(4)     
stream for the floating rate of leg 2.
Allowable values:
DAIL = Daily
WEEK = Weekly
MNTH = Monthly
YEAR = Yearly
ADHO = Ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = Payment at term

152 Floating rate reset frequency multiplier - Leg 1 Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
which periodic payment resets dates occur for the floating rate of leg 1. For example, a transaction with payments occurring Any value greater than or equal to zero.
every two months is represented with a payment frequency period of “MNTH” (monthly) and a payment frequency period
multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is “TERM”,
then the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period
is “DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

153 Floating rate reset frequency multiplier - Leg 2 Where applicable: number of time units (as expressed by the payment frequency period) that determines the frequency at Num(3,0)     
which periodic payment resets dates occur for the floating rate of leg 2. For example, a transaction with payments occurring Any value greater than or equal to zero.
every two months is represented with a payment frequency period of “MNTH” (monthly) and a payment frequency period
multiplier of 2.
This data element is not applicable if the payment frequency period is “ADHO”. If payment frequency period is “TERM”,
then the payment frequency period multiplier is 1. If the payment frequency is intraday, then the payment frequency period
is “DAIL” and the payment frequency multiplier is 0.

154 Index factor The index version factor or percent, expressed as a decimal value, that multiplied by the Notional amount yields the Num(11,10)     
notional amount covered by the seller of protection for credit default swap, if applicable. Any value between 0 and 1 (including 0 and 1), expressed as decimal (e.g.0.05 instead of 5%).

155 Embedded option type Type of option or optional provision embedded in a contract, if applicable. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
MDET = Mandatory early termination
OPET = Optional early termination
CANC = Cancellable
EXTD = Extendible
OTHR = Other

156 Initial margin collateral portfolio code If collateral is reported on a portfolio basis, a unique code assigned by the reporting counterparty to the portfolio that tracks Varchar(52)     
the aggregate initial margin of a set of open swap transactions, if applicable. Up to 52 alphanumeric characters.

This data element is not applicable if the collateralisation was performed on a transaction level basis, or if there is no
collateral agreement, or if no collateral is posted or received or if only one collateral portfolio of amounts of margin that
does not distinguish between margin that is initial margin and margin that is variation margin.

157 Portfolio containing non-reportable component If collateral is reported on a portfolio basis, indicator of whether the collateral portfolio includes swap transactions exempt Boolean     
indicator from reporting., if applicable.
Allowable values:
true: for collateral portfolio contains one or more nonreported transactions; or
false: for collateral portfolio does not contain one or more non-reported transactions

158 Variation margin collateral portfolio code If collateral is reported on a portfolio basis, a unique code assigned by the reporting counterparty to the portfolio that tracks Varchar(52)     
the aggregate variation margin related to a set of open swap transactions, if applicable. Up to 52 alphanumeric characters.

This data element is not applicable if the collateralisation was performed on a transaction level basis, or if there is no
collateral agreement, or if no collateral is posted or received or if only one collateral portfolio of amounts of margin that
does not distinguish between margin that is initial margin and margin that is variation margin.

159 Submitting Party In the case where the entity responsible for reporting has delegated the submission of the report to a third party or to the ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
other counterparty, this entity has to be identified in this field by a unique code. Otherwise the entity responsible for Char(20)
reporting should be identified in this field.
LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

160 Entity responsible for reporting Identification code of the Reporting Party who has the obligation to report the transaction. ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     

161 Country of the counterparty 2 The code of country where the registered office of the other counterparty is located or country of residence in case that the ISO 3166 - 2 character country code     
other counterparty is a natural person.

162 Broker ID If a broker acted as intermediary for the Reporting Entity in relation to the Reportable Transaction, without becoming a ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)     
counterparty to the OTC Derivative the subject of the Reportable Transaction, the current LEI of the broker. Char(20)

LEI code that is included in the LEI data as published by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF, www.gleif.org/).

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

163 Contract type Each reported contract shall be classified according to its type, if applicable. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
CFDS = Financial contracts for difference
FRAS = Forward rate agreements
FUTR = Futures
FORW = Forwards
OPTN = Option
SPDB = Spreadbet
SWAP = Swap
SWPT = Swaption
OTHR = Other

164 Asset Class Each reported contract shall be classified according to the asset class it is based on, if applicable. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
CRDT - Credit
CURR - Currency
EQUI - Equity
INTR - Interest Rate
COMM - Commodity

165 Underlying identification type The type of relevant underlying identifier, if applicable. Char(1)     
Allowable values:
B = Basket
X = Index

166 Underlying identification The direct underlying shall be identified by using a unique identification for this underlying based on its type. For Credit For underlying identification type I: ISO 6166 ISIN 12 character alphanumeric code     
Default Swaps, the ISIN of the reference obligation should be provided, if applicable. For underlying identification type X: ISO 6166 ISIN if available

167 Name of the underlying index The full name of the underlying index as assigned by the index provider, if applicable. Varchar(50)     
Up to 50 alphanumeric characters. Special characters are allowed if they form part of the full name of the index.

168 Clearing timestamp Time and date when clearing took place, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.

169 Delivery type Indicates whether the contract is settled physically or in cash, if applicable. Char(4)     

Allowable values:
CASH = Cash
PHYS = Physical
OPTL = Optional for counterparty or when determined by a third party

170 Identifier of the floating rate - Leg 1 Where applicable: an identifier of the interest rates used which are reset at predetermined intervals by reference to a If the floating rate has an ISIN, the ISIN code for that rate.     
market reference rate of leg 1.

171 Indicator of the floating rate - Leg 1 An indication of the interest rate of leg 1, where available. Char(4)     
The indication of the floating rate index.

EUCH = EuroSwiss
PFAN = Pfandbriefe
TREA = Treasury
FUSW = Future SWAP
EFFR = Effective Federal Funds Rate
OBFR = Overnight Bank Funding Rate

172 Name of the floating rate - Leg 1 The full name of the interest rate as assigned by the index provider of leg 1, if applicable. Varchar(50)     
Up to 50 alphanumeric characters. Special characters are allowed if they form part of the full name of the index.

173 Floating rate reference period - Leg 1 – time period Time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 1, if applicable. Char(4)     

Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

174 Floating rate reference period - Leg 1 – multiplier Multiplier of the time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 1, if applicable. Num(3,0)     
Any integer value greater than or equal to zero up to 3 numeric characters.

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

175 Identifier of the floating rate - Leg 2 Where applicable: an identifier of the interest rates used which are reset at predetermined intervals by reference to a If the floating rate has an ISIN, the ISIN code for that rate.     
market reference rate of leg 2.

176 Indicator of the floating rate - Leg 2 An indication of the interest rate of leg 2, where available. Char(4)     
The indication of the floating rate index.

EUCH = EuroSwiss
PFAN = Pfandbriefe
TREA = Treasury
FUSW = Future SWAP
EFFR = Effective Federal Funds Rate
OBFR = Overnight Bank Funding Rate

177 Name of the floating rate - Leg 2 The full name of the interest rate as assigned by the index provider of leg 2, if applicable. Varchar(50)     
Up to 50 alphanumeric characters. Special characters are allowed if they form part of the full name of the index.

178 Floating rate reference period - Leg 2 – time period Time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 2, if applicable. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
DAIL = daily
WEEK = weekly
MNTH = monthly
YEAR = yearly
ADHO = ad hoc which applies when payments are irregular
EXPI = payment at term

179 Floating rate reference period - Leg 2 – multiplier Multiplier of the time period describing the reference period for the floating rate of leg 2, if applicable. Num(3,0)     
Any integer value greater than or equal to zero up to 3 numeric characters.

180 Forward exchange rate Forward exchange rate as agreed between the counterparties in the contractual agreement It shall be expressed as a price Num(18,13)     
of base currency in the quoted currency, if applicable. Any value greater than zero up to 18 numeric digits including up to 13 decimal places. The decimal mark is not counted as a numeric character. If populated, it shall be represented by a dot.

181 Base product Base product as specified in the classification of commodities in Table 4 of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) Only values in the ‘Base product’ column of the classification of commodities derivatives table are allowed.     

182 Sub-product Sub-product as specified in the classification of commodities in Table 4 of the Annex to Implementing Regulation (EU) Only values in the ‘Sub — product’ column of the classification of commodities     
2022/1860. derivatives table are allowed.
This field requires a specific base product in field.

183 Further sub-product Further sub product as specified in the classification of commodities in Table 4 of the Annex to Implementing Regulation Only values in the ‘Further sub — product’ of the classification of commodities     
(EU) 2022/1860. derivatives table are allowed.
This field requires a specific sub product in field.

184 Option type Indication as to whether the derivative contract is a call (right to purchase a specific underlying asset) or a put (right to sell Char(4)     
a specific underlying asset) or whether it cannot be determined whether it is a call or a put at the time of execution of the
derivative contract, if applicable. Allowable values:
In case of swaptions it shall be: PUTO = Put
- “Put”, in case of receiver swaption, in which the buyer has the right to enter into a swap as a fixed-rate receiver. CALL = Call
-“Call”, in case of payer swaption, in which the buyer has the right to enter into a swap as a fixed-rate payer. In case of OTHR = where it cannot be determined whether it is a call or a put
Caps and Floors it shall be:
-“Put”, in case of a Floor.
-“Call”, in case of a Cap.

185 Option style Indicates whether the option may be exercised only at a fixed date (European), a series of pre-specified dates (Bermudan) Char(4)     
or at any time during the life of the contract (American), if applicable.
Allowable values:
AMER = American
BERM = Bermudan
EURO = European

186 Maturity date of the underlying In case of swaptions, maturity date of the underlying swap, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DD, based on UTC.

187 Seniority Indicates the seniority of the debt security, or debt basket or index underlying a derivative, if applicable. Char(4)     
Allowable values:
SNDB = Senior, such as Senior Unsecured Debt (Corporate/Financial), Foreign Currency Sovereign Debt (Government)

SBOD = Subordinated, such as Subordinated or Lower Tier 2 Debt (Banks), Junior Subordinated or Upper Tier 2 Debt (Banks),

OTHR = Other, such as Preference Shares or Tier 1 Capital (Banks) or other credit derivatives

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

188 Reference entity Identification of the underlying reference entity, if applicable. ISO 3166: 2 character country code,     
ISO 3166-2: 2 character country code followed by dash "-" and up to 3 alphanumeric character country subdivision code,
ISO 17442 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 20 alphanumeric character code

189 Series The series number of the composition of the index if applicable. Num(5,0)     
Any integer value greater than or equal to zero up to 5 numeric characters.

190 Series Version A new version of a series is issued if one of the constituents defaults and the index has to be reweighted to account for the Num(5,0)     
new number of total constituents within the index, if applicable. Any integer value greater than or equal to zero up to 5 numeric characters.

191 Indicator of the underlying index An indication of the underlying index, where available. Char(4)     
The indication of the floating rate index.

EUCH = EuroSwiss
PFAN = Pfandbriefe
TREA = Treasury
FUSW = Future SWAP
EFFR = Effective Federal Funds Rate
OBFR = Overnight Bank Funding Rate

192 Collateral timestamp Date and time as of which the values of the margins are reported, if applicable. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.

193 Trading capacity Identifies the trading capacity of the seller. Allowable values:     
AGEN = Agent (Trading as Agent on behalf of a customer)
PRIN = Principal (Trading as Principal)

194 Swap Link ID A linking element used to link the Near Leg and Far Leg of an FX Swap, if applicable. Varchar(100)     

195 Trader location Location of the trading desk or trader responsible for the decision of entering into or execution of the transaction. ISO 3166 - 2 character country code     

196 Booking location Location of the trade party or the branch/office of the trade party to which the transaction is booked. ISO 3166 - 2 character country code     

197 Intragroup Indicates whether the contract was entered into as an intragroup transaction. Boolean     
Usage: When absent, default value is false. Allowable values:
true : contract entered into as an intragroup transaction
false : contract not entered into as an intragroup transaction

198 Nature of the counterparty 1 Indicate if the counterparty 1 is a CCP, a financial, non-financial counterparty or other type of counterparty. F = Financial Counterparty     
N = Non-Financial Counterparty
C = Central Counterparty
O = Other

199 Nature of the counterparty 2 Indicate if the counterparty 2 is a CCP, a financial, non-financial counterparty or other type of counterparty. F = Financial Counterparty     
N = Non-Financial Counterparty
C = Central Counterparty
O = Other

200 Non-standardized term indicator indicates whether the derivative transaction has one or more additional terms or provisions that materially affect the price of Boolean     
the transaction.
Allowable values:

201 Secondary transaction identifier For internal client code, if applicable. Subject to ISO message standard     

202 Lower or only barrier To facilitate the reporting of strike values for barrier options, if applicable. Subject to ISO message standard     

203 Upper barrier To facilitate the reporting of strike values for barrier options, if applicable. Subject to ISO message standard     

204 Business message identifier An unique user file reference assigned by the Submitting Party on request file Varchar(35)     

Appendix B to the Consultation Paper - List of Proposed Data Elements Data element applicable to asset class
Row no. Data Element Name Definition of Data Element Format and allowable values IR FX EQ CD CM

205 Message definition identifier The Message Definition Identifier of the Business Message instance with which this Business Application Header instance Varchar(35)     
is associated.
Allowable values are:

206 Business service To indicate whether the request is used for Reporting service. Varchar(35)     
Allowable values are:

207 Creation date Date and time when this Business Message (header) was created. ISO 8601     
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, based on UTC.

208 Number records Indicates the number of trade action in the request file. Num(4,0)     
Any value greater than zero.

209 Technical record identification Unique identifier of a trade action used as part of error management and status advice message. Varchar(140)     

Appendix C – Jurisdictions in the SFC designated list gazetted on 7
July 2015

FSB member jurisdictions Non-FSB member jurisdictions

1. Argentina 1. Algeria
2. France 2. Austria
3. India 3. Bahrain
4. Indonesia 4. Belgium
5. People’s Republic of China 5. Hungary
6. Singapore 6. Israel
7. South Korea 7. Luxembourg
8. Switzerland 8. Pakistan
9. Samoa
10. Taiwan, China


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