Asq Fieldwork - Management Tools Awards Eligibility Guidelines-2022

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Airport Service Quality

Departures Main Programme


© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 1
Confidentiality of Fieldwork Guidelines Documentation

We would like to remind all members that ASQ Fieldwork guidelines, training and documentation provided by ACI, is
confidential. We would like to request all members not to share these materials outside of their organization, not to have
this publicly available and not to publish.

If you have any questions with respect to what can be publicized, please contact ACI. If your airport requires ACI’s
authorization on specific ASQ related communication, please contact [email protected].

ASQ survey data and fieldwork guidelines are

highly confidential to ACI and member airports.
We thank all members for complying and adhering to these rules.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 2
Table of Content

Introduction to the ASQ Departures Survey 5

1 Main programme annual cycle

Three components
Overview of the data collection process
Sampling 9

Provided by ACI 10
2 Sample plan
ASQ Departures survey

Fieldwork Preparation 17

3 Fieldwork agents
Planning the fieldwork
Sample plan review

Fieldwork Guidelines 21
When? 22

4 Who/Where?
Summary of Dos and DONTs
ASQ Field Agent Certification 30

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 3
Table of Content

Survey Management Tool (SMT) 31

List of available features 32
Login page 33
Sample Plan & Reallocation 34

5 SP Recalculation Request
Fieldwork Tracking
Summary 46
Users 47
Info – Custom Panel, Languages & Particularities 48
Optional Questions 51

ASQ APP (Data Collection) 52

Tablet: Technology & System requirements 53

6 The ASQ App

Installation process: App, Keyboards, Deactivation of some tablet features
Access the survey: Login, User Accounts & access process
Agent: Data Collection on Site 70
What if? 80

ASQ Awards Eligibility Criteria 82

7 Eligibility criteria
Data collection compliance tool

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 4
Section 1: Introduction to the ASQ Departures Survey

Programme provides the research tools and management

information to better understand passengers’ views and what they
want from an airport’s products and services

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 5
ASQ Departures Survey
Main programme annual cycle

Green Fieldwork Preparation: set up of tablets, set agents accounts, approve the
sample plan, review language selection, select airport particularities, select
optional questions (subscribers only)

Orange Fieldwork: data collection on site according to the sample plan

Red End of data collection and submit latest completed questionnaires
(ASQ surveys App will not be accessible after deadline)

Yellow Deliverables: quarterly database and reports released

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 6
ASQ Departures Survey
Three components

Three key components composing the ASQ Departures programme

To collect the passengers’ views with respect

to airport’s products and services while their
experience is still fresh in their mind.

Provide procedures, steps and tools

to ensure that each member part of
the programme is following the same
rigorous process
(Before-During-After of data

To evaluate passenger satisfaction and compare

progress with other participating airports
(Benchmarking tool, Awards)

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 7
ASQ Departures Survey
Overview of the data collection process

Online questionnaires are provided via the ASQ

Web App used for the data collection. Access is Please note that the schedule,
ASQ App location, and other details of
given by ACI to the participating airports who will
create the log ins for their agents. the fieldwork shall be kept
confidential in order to
ensure that behavioral bias
Quarterly targets are populated for each airport from airport staff is not
based on airline-destination pairs operating at introduced.
Sample Plan
airport. Fieldwork staff shall collect adhering to
target totals. *The current minimum
number of completed
questionnaires per quarter is

Data Data collection shall follow ACI

Collection fieldwork guidelines.

End of Data
Latest completed questionnaires shall be
Collection submitted before the quarterly deadlines.

Quality Participating airports are subject to

Control receive off site and on site audits.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 8
Population to sample

Researchers simply cannot collect data from every single passenger in most cases!

How did we approach this ?

Choose a smaller sample of passengers (subset) that

represent the larger group

Ensure the sample is truly representative of the

population in question

Researchers can then take their results and generalize

them about characteristics of a population

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 9
Section 2: Provided by ACI

Sample plan and ASQ Departures Survey

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 10
Sample plan

ACI receives flight status for each airport from data supplier.

Worldwide coverage of 96% 4000 airports

Q1, Q2,
Q3, Q4

900 airlines Extracted before

115 low-cost carriers each quarter

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 11
Sample plan
Target calculation

ACI calculates the quarterly targets using the airport specific information below

All Passenger Traffic type Flight Sample of passenger

Sample Plan

Month A quarterly sample

with quotas for

Hour (airline-destinations)
reflecting your airport


© 2018 ACI

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 12
Sample plan
Key features (1/2)

ACI creates a plan for each airport that outlines exactly which airline-destination pair at
your airport to collect surveys for and how many surveys (target).

This is called the sample plan.

Destination Total Expected FR NI S4 TP U2
▪ Sample plan covers all three
months of the quarter and all
operating days and hours at the
Destinations FNC Original 6
▪ Sample plans are split per
traffic type (Domestic,
International (incl. Charters /
▪ Sample plan outlines airline-
destination pairs (IATA codes)
to be surveyed and the
respective quotas.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 13
Sample Plan
Key Features (2/2)
Destination Total Expected FR NI S4 TP U2
Total Original 64 6 6 8 38 6
The destination nomenclature Total Target (Modified)
Expected Completion Rate
6 7 39
100% 100% 100%
FAO Original 7 7
used in the sample plan has Modified 7 100% 7
FNC Original 24 1 17 6

been set to use first stop HOR

100% 1 17

Modified 1 100% 1
unless the first stop is a OPO Original
19 100%

technical stop. See below PDL Original

9 100%
TER Original 4 1 3
Modified 4 100% 1 3

Destination on sample plan refers to first If passengers cannot disembark at first stop because
stop where passenger disembark. it is a technical stop. Sample plan considers next
stop where passenger disembark.
Departure Departure

First stop

First stop
(technical stop)

First stop/Final Final destination

First stop(not technical)

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 14
ASQ Departures Survey
Access via ASQ APP

The online survey is easily accessible via the ASQ Surveys APP

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 15
ASQ Departures Survey
The online survey is available in 50 languages

Albanian Arabic Basque Burmese - Myanmar Catalan

Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Croatian Czech Danish

Dutch English Estonian Persian (Farsi) Finnish

French Galician German Georgian Greek

Hebrew-Israel Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian

Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian

Macedonian Malay Malayalam Maltese Norwegian -

Polish Portuguese Portuguese Romanian Russian
Serbian Spanish Spanish (LAC) Swedish Tamil

Thai Telugu Turkish Urdu Vietnamese

 You have to select which languages you would like to offer in the App. They are all available,
but we recommend to select only the ones used most often to optimize the speed of the

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 16
Section 3: Fieldwork Preparation

Key checks before data collection

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 17
Fieldwork Agents

Select Fieldwork Agents who are..

▪ fluent in the main local language.

▪ have upper-intermediate knowledge of English.

▪ have previous experience in questionnaire collection and management.

▪ have outstanding communication skills.

▪ follow smart casual dress code or be wearing the participating airport’s uniform.

▪ carry a visible airport identification card.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 18
Planning the Fieldwork
Data collection timeline

Plan quarterly fieldwork to fulfil sampling requirements

▪ Data collection starts on the first day of the quarter (questionnaires completed before the start
of a quarter will not be accepted for the new quarter).

▪ The fieldwork shall be conducted evenly over all three months of a given quarter. Ideally, one
third of the airport’s interviews are collected per month. Due to the fact that the last month of the
quarter is cut short by the quarterly deadline , it is acceptable to collect 15% of the sample size in
the third month only.

▪ There is a minimum of two days of fieldwork per month, and a minimum of seven days for the
whole quarter.

▪ Every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday, shall be surveyed (at least one Monday,
Tuesday, …) during each quarter. Over the period of a quarter, on each of the seven weekdays,
at least 30 questionnaires have to be conducted.

▪ The fieldwork will cover operating hours of the airport to maximize the heterogeneity of departing
passengers and replicate the true distribution of departing passengers at any given airport.

▪ Collect no more than 10 completed surveys per single gate visit (If more than 10 as a target,
airports shall plan multiple visits).

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 19
Sample plan review
Verify quarterly targets

Review sample plan targets before starting fieldwork

Destination Total Expected FR NI S4 TP U2

Total Original 64 6 6 8 38 6
Total Target (Modified) 64 6 6 7 39 6 Airlines are operating at my airport?
Expected Completion Rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
FAO Original 7 7
Modified 7 100% 7
FNC Original 24 1 17 6

100% 1 17
Do I know about drastic changes
Modified 1 100% 1 in my flight schedule that should
OPO Original 19 6 5 8
Modified 19 100% 6 5 8 increase/decrease the quota?
PDL Original 9 7 2
Modified 9 100% 7 2
TER Original 4 1 3
Modified 4 100% 1 3
Are there direct flights not yet
Destinations are served by included in the plan?
the airlines?

In case you require to adjust your sample plan, please refer to pp. 38-41 for further explanation on the change

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 20
Section 4: Fieldwork Guidelines

Four key questions regarding data collection

When Who Where How

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 21
Arrival at the gate

Fieldwork agents shall :

❑ arrive at the gate for a selected flight at least:

▪ 30 minutes before the announced boarding time for narrow body flights (<230 seats);
▪ 45 minutes before the announced boarding time for wide body flights.

❑ space the data collection over the entire available waiting time before boarding
▪ to include in the sample those travellers who usually arrive at the gate early
▪ to include travellers that arrive at a time closer to the boarding call (e.g., passengers
spending time in business lounges).

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 22
Who / Where?
Randomized selection (1/8)

Field agents shall randomly select passengers

❑ Select a broad range of diverse passengers and avoid selecting more than one person in
a group traveling together(family, friends, etc)

Two techniques used to ensure randomizing passenger selection

1. Approaching every Xth passenger, taking into account that all parts of the gate area
need to be covered.

2. Identifying the seating area allocated to the gate studied; Follow the examples
provided on the next slides explaining a randomized data collection. The examples
take into consideration a data collection with 1 or 2 agents and a data collection with 1
or multiple tablets used.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 23
Who / Where?
Randomized selection with one or multiple tablets (1/3)

Please note there is NO minimum quota for collecting questionnaires. Agents may collect only 1, 2, 3 or more
surveys up to a maximum of 10 surveys per gate visit if required per sample plan.
© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 24
Who / Where?
Randomized selection with one or multiple tablets (1/3)

Please note there is NO minimum quota for collecting questionnaires. Agents may collect only 1, 2, 3 or more
surveys up to a maximum of 10 surveys per gate visit if required per sample plan.
© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 25
Who / Where?
Randomized selection with one or multiple tablets (1/3)

Please note there is NO minimum quota for collecting questionnaires. Agents may collect only 1, 2, 3 or more
surveys up to a maximum of 10 surveys per gate visit if required per sample plan.
© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 26
Data collection

Fieldwork agents shall:

introduce the survey to the passengers with a neutral, clear statement, for example. The
introduction text is provided agents on tablet. The introduction text can be selected in all available
languages. ASQ would like to reinforce that, as before, only passengers who are 16 years or older
are legally allowed to participate in the survey.

offer to the passenger the different language versions available; the objective is to provide the
version that most appropriately addresses the linguistic needs of the passenger; questionnaires in
the local languages, the language of the flight’s destination and English are basic requirement.

stay in the departure area while the passengers are filling in the survey in order to be available
for passengers’ questions. If the passenger is unclear about the meaning of an item, the agents
should not try to explain the meaning of the question or the item; it is the passenger’s
understanding that is relevant.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 27
Data collection

Fieldwork agents are not allowed to:

provide incentives to encourage passengers to participate in the ASQ survey.

complete the ASQ Questionnaire on behalf of the passengers: Once the tablet is handed
over to the passenger, all questions must be self-completed by the passenger at the gate
before boarding. It is not an interview.

influence passengers’ responses and scores in any way.

have more than two fieldwork agents collecting data per single gate visit.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 28
DOs and DONTs: Overview on important fieldwork aspects

Fieldwork agent Random selection of Survey set up and final
Time related aspects Support activities Neutral attitude
requirements participants submission

• Trained on the ASQ • Arrive at the gate in • Approach passengers • Bring enough tablets • Introduce the survey • Login into ASQ App
fieldwork guidelines time (narrow body that are sitting in to collect the target in a neutral way by
different parts of the • Before handing
before data flights: 30 and wide questionnaiers reading the exact
gate tablet to the
collection on Tablet body flights: / 45 introduction text
• Check for Tablet(s) passenger:
minutes before • Distribute the provided in survey
• Trained on the ASQ battery level
boarding) questionnaire to a - complete flight
app. Use demo • Avoid any coaching
• Check for Wi-Fi information
version of app for • Distribute broad range of of / influence on the
connectivity (if
training. questionnaires passengers(Don’t passenger - Select language of
evenly over time avoid older questionnaire and
• Fluent in local passengers) • Be available for • Don’t conduct an
keyboard needed by
language • Before boarding, clarification and to interview, ASQ
• Avoid distributing the passenger
collect the number receive back the questionnaire is self-
• Upper-intermediate two (or more)
of questionnaires completed by the • Once passenger
knowledge of English tablet from
according to your questionnaires to passenger returns tablet
• Smart casual dress sample plan (and passengers travelling
• Don’t provide gifts to - Enter passcode
code or airport’s never collect more together
the participants - Submit survey
uniform than 10
• Visible airport ID questionnaires per - Validate if surveys
pass gate visit) have synchronized
• Maximum of 2
fieldwork agents per
gate visit

Please note that this is a summary. ALL fieldwork rules and guidelines have to be applied.

Consult additional Best Practices for a Data

Collection in Period of Health Crisis here.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 29
ASQ Field Agent Certification

Objective: ACI wants to make sure every single agent collecting an ASQ questionnaire regardless where or when in
the world has the required knowledge.

Solution: We have created a certification addressed to the field agent(s) responsible for distributing and collecting
ASQ Departures questionnaires on tablet whilst passengers are at the departure gates.

What this means

• Readily accessible online training for agents - Train from anywhere/anytime

• Easy to use platform
• Free - Offered at no cost to ASQ participants
• Efficient training - Approximately 1.5 hour + exam
• Airports can register as many field agents as needed
• Certification valid for 2 years


Certification explains:
The English version of the
• Why field agent role is important course will be launched at
• How to get ready for data collection the end of January 2022.
• How to execute data collection
• How to handle unusual circumstances during data collection
• Assessment to measure agent’s understanding - Unlimited attempts

The ASQ Field Agent Certification Enrolment Guide with Step-by-Step instructions will be provided to each
member end of January 2022.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 30
Section 5: Survey Management Tool (SMT)

User friendly tool to access/manage and track fieldwork

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 31
SMT – Survey Management Tool
List of Available Features
The SMT is a tool to help airports manage all of their survey data collection for all
ASQ Programmes.

The SMT (Survey Management Tool) allows the users to:

✓ Have a look at the to-do list (i.e. sample plan)

and reallocate targets if necessary

✓ Request a change of targets when unexpected

changes in flight traffic occurs

✓ Monitor data collection advancement

(how many surveys were completed, remaining targets, etc.)

✓ Have a look at live survey results

(i.e. raw data of unweighted survey results)

✓ Monitor airport’s compliance with ASQ fieldwork

guidelines (feature to be releases in 2022)

✓ Create and manage airport user accounts

(both interviewer and manager roles)

✓ Specify airport particularities, select a custom

panel, choose desired survey languages

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 32
Login Page
Users and Page info

Secure login: Each user requires unique login credentials

Two types of access: Manager and Interviewer

• Manager is responsible for creating interviewer


• Manager has access to all services the SMT

tool provides whereas the interviewer/agent
account is limited to see the sample plan and
track the fieldwork.

• Password can be regenerated with “I forgot my


© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 33
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Purpose and Capabilities

Sample plan provides quarterly targets for each airport

Filters Functions


© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 34
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Targets Explained

A representative sample of departing traffic split by destination/airline pairs.

Sample plan is based on OAG Direct flights


The target is calculated based on theoretical

number of seats for each airline/destination
pair per traffic type.

This is referred to as the “Original ” target.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 35
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Total Original-Explained

Original targets for each destination and airline pair is combined to calculate the
“Total Original”.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 36
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Target Modified/Completion Rate

“Modified” refers to the changed original target due to reallocation.

If no value is entered in the modified cell, the

quota will remain the same as original target.

The completion rate is calculated by dividing


Any airport shall aim to obtain completion

rates of 100%, the number will be displayed in
red font-color if the completion rate is less than

No questionnaires can be created or deleted,

only reallocated.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 37
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Possible type of redistribution

When When
• At any time, once sample plan released • Before starting fieldwork or early as
possible during quarter

Two types of redistribution

Who Who
• Completed by airport • Requested by airport
• ACI will not need to approve these changes • Reviewed by ACI
• Sample plan recalculated by research

Where Where
• “Sample plan & Reallocation page” in SMT. • “Sample plan recalculation page” in SMT.

Why Why
• Destination(s) cancelled, • All Changes
Destination/Airline cancelled

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 38
Sample Plan & Reallocation
How to reallocate
1. To reallocate click on an airline or a destination code in the table.
2. Take away a target from one cell to add it to another cell in the pop-up window.
3. Click on Save.

Step 2



Step 3

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 39
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Reallocation Rules

1 Only applies to airline/destination pairs

with less than 4 questionnaires

2 User can reallocate quotas to:

• same destination but different airline

(move horizontally)

• same airline flying to another

destination (move vertically)

3 Completion rates for each airline/-

destination combination, airline total,
destination total shall be equal to or
greater than 85% per quarter (see
explanation on following slide)

4 Combinations and totals (airline or

destination) with target less than 4 are
exempt from rule 3.

Note: The airports adherence to

reallocations rules is measured quarterly
by ACI.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 40
Sample Plan & Reallocation
Explanation Completion Rates

When “airline-destination” combination, airline total, destination total

shall be equal to or greater than 85% per quarter.

reallocate to same same airline flying to

destination but different another destination(move
airline(move horizontally) vertically but in case total
but in case total of airline of airline ≥85% which is
≤ 85% which is not compliant

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 41
SP Recalculation Request
Process flow & Instructions (1/2)
Airports submits Airport receives
ACI reviews Sample plan New sample plan Airport receives
recalculation result of ACI
request recalculated in SMT notification
change review

Follow instructions to submit recalculation request

Choose the type of change you

want to inform about


Click on “Create Request”

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 42
SP Recalculation Request
Process flow & Instructions (2/2)

Enter flight details (e.g. traffic
type, IATA carrier & destination
code etc)

4 Press “Save Changes”

Do not forget to “SUBMIT” your request

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 43
Fieldwork Tracking
Monitor the fieldwork progression
Users can display the original, modified and completed targets with the available toggle buttons.

User can select a single filter or multiple filters

To download the
unweighted and raw
results (answers to your
completed surveys).

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 44
Users with a “Manager” account can view the survey completion of their own airport
as well as that of other airports in the programme.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 45

Monitor your compliance status in regards to ASQ fieldwork rules and your sample plan.

This page will be

launched within Q1 2022
in the SMT. ASQ will
inform all members once

This page tracks airport’s

compliance to the
usual ASQ guidelines.

Note: If data collection

flexibilities are
communicated by the
ASQ team, airports will
not be penalized for flags
observed on this
compliance page.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 46
Manager and Interviewer access
Users with a “Manager” account can create/modify other user accounts.
Two different accesses available: Manager and Interviewer roles. Interviewer has only access to the Home, Sample Plan and Fieldwork tracking
tabs. Interviewer will not be able to make changes to the Sample Plan.

3 Complete form

Click here

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 47

Use the “Info” tab to specify & review the important settings for your airport, that
will be reflected in your App (survey structure) and final reports (benchmark).

1. Select a Custom Panel

(Customized Airport group)
used for the group benchmark
section in your data and
reports [Max. 30 Airports can
be selected].
2. Specify the particularities at
your airport and define items
1 2 3 4 5 from the ASQ questionnaire
that do or do not apply at your
airport. The selection will
impact the display of questions
in the survey (Skip logic).
3. Select your choice of
4. View your airport’s terminal
names and airport size.
5. Optional: Provide any
attachments if necessary
(pictures, map of your airport).

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 48
Custom Panel

Select a Custom Panel (Customized Airport group) used for the benchmark section in your
data and reports.

1. Define filters for

traffic size and/or
2. Select an airport
from the Available list
and move it to the
Selected list
3. Press SAVE

Effective 2022, a maximum of 30 airports can be chosen to be part of your

custom panel.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 49
Particularities and Skip Logic

Specify the particularities at your airport and define items from the ASQ
questionnaire that do or do not apply at your airport.
The tablet environment has been improved to incorporate skip logics to ensure that respondents only see the questions
relevant to their experience.

With the skip logics, the questions will be presented according to respondents' answers and the airport’s particularities. The
implementation of skip logics therefore implies that airports must provide their particularities before the start of each quarter.

Categories for Particularities

• Airport traffic (Schengen)
• Connecting Flights
Switch toggle button to • Modes of transportation
“Off” if item does not • Check-in methods
• Border/passport control
• Parking
• Airport facilities
Ensure to save
your changes.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 50
Optional questions
ASQ Departures PLUS subscription
With a subscription to ASQ Departures PLUS, airport members can select up to five additional questions
from a pre-defined questions catalogue. The questions are strategically and seamlessly integrated in the
Departures survey. All questions will be available in the 50 languages covered by ASQ.

Note: This SMT page

is only visible and
available to
subscribers and will
otherwise remain
Connect with
[email protected] for
further information.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 51
Section 6: ASQ APP (Data Collection)

In this section…

✓ Tablet: system requirements

✓ The ASQ App: how to install, how to access the survey

✓ Data collection: overall flow

✓ Ending a data collection session

✓ What if?

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 52
Get the Most out of the Technology

To get the most out of the technologies and eliminate any undesirable
events, there are some key steps to follow:

• Use the right tablets to collect data

• Install the App on your tablet properly

• Agents must submit each survey once they are completed

• If working offline, make sure to connect to a Wi-Fi to transfer the data

• Each agent must use their own account

• Make sure to use your TEST account only when needed

This section provides all information to ensure optimal use of the tools.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 53
System Requirements for Tablets

Here are the system requirements to ensure optimal use of the App
Device: Apple or Android (preferably from a well-known brand)

Screen: 10.1” screen size (diagonal) is recommended

(at least 1024x768 (1x scaling) or 2048x1536 (2x scaling, aka retina))

Version: Most recent versions of iOS and Android available by Apple or Google
Android users: Must have the latest version of Chrome web browser

Networking: Wi-Fi or data plan (3G/4G) enabled depending on the level of

connectivity desired

Battery Life: 125% of the daily data-collection duration is recommended

ex: for an 8-hour shift, a 10-hour battery life is recommended)

Digital Infrastructure: VMWare Workplace ONE does not allow installation and use of ASQ
Surveys App

Using tablets that do not meet the minimum criteria can compromise the data collection and
the transfer of completed questionnaires to our server.
Using device with screen smaller than what is recommended can modify the respondent
experience, therefore may add a bias in your results.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 54
The ASQ App

The ACI ASQ Progressive Web App (PWA) will be used for the data collection.

 The App is accessible via the Web

browsers Chrome or Safari (no need
to go in App Store or Google Play).
 The App works in both offline or
online mode.
 The App works with Apple and
 Updates are made automatically, and
do not require any user implication.

Online/Offline mode:
The data is collected and stored on the device and
is synced automatically when online connectivity is

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Installation process

Steps to prepare your tablets for data collection
Step 1 – Install the App

Step 2 – Install keyboards

Step 3 – Deactivate some features

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Installation process
STEP 1 - Install the App (on an iPad )

1 2
From a Web browser Create the App icon on
on your tablet, access the home screen of your tablet.
the URL provided by

The ASQ icon
appears on
your Home

Do not collect data directly in the Web browser.

Access the survey through the App on your screen.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 57
Installation process
STEP 1 - Install the App (on an iPad – cont’d )
Only for iOS offline
iOS 12.1 introduced an issue in the Safari software Short video to watch if you are
which may impact the offline usage of the ASQ tablet planning to use iOS offline
application on iPad. In order to avoid issues while
using the application on the tablet, a few extra clicks
are needed:
Once you have added the App on your home screen
as explained in the previous slide:
• Open Safari again and close the ASQ app tab
• Close Safari
• Before accessing the application, go to
Settings: on the left, select Safari
• Then on the right side, select "Clear History and
Website Data“ - Click Clear
• Now click on the ASQ Survey app button. You can
now use the app online and offline.

To avoid offline problems, do not use Safari to access

the ASQ app. Only use the ASQ icon on the iPad

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 58
Installation process
STEP 1 - Install the App (on an Android)

1 2
From a Web browser Create the App icon on
on your tablet, access the home screen of your B
the URL provided by tablet.

The ASQ icon
appears on
your Home

Do not collect data directly in the Web browser.

Access the survey through the App on your screen.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 59
Installation process
STEP 2 - Install Keyboards
By now, you should have advised ACI ASQ of the
languages that you want to offer to your passengers.
To optimize the respondents experience and ensure
that they can type comments in their own languages,
you must install the keyboards on your tablet.

This step must be done at the same time as when

the App is installed, not during the data collection.

The process might be slightly different depending on your device, but here are the main steps to
add a language to your keyboard.

Add new Select the

Settings General Keyboard
keyboard languages

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 60
Installation process
STEP 3 – Deactivation of some tablet features
Devices are usually set up with basic features such as:
• Auto-Correction (to spellcheck words as you type)
• Enable predictive text (technology that suggests
words the user may want to insert)
Deactivate features since you do not want to create
any bias in the responses. For example, just by typing 1-
2 letters, the tool could suggest a word that a previous
passenger has entered.

• Auto-Translate on Google Chrome (Causes issues

on agent validation page)

Deactivate those feature since it causes a variety of

issues: the drop-down menu for Destination/Airlines will
not be in alphabetical order, missing destination/airline in
the dropdown menu and it will incorrectly provide
suggestions if you use the text box. Turning off auto-
translate is a necessary step to insure the ASQ data
collection applications functions correctly.

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Access the survey

Step 1 – Login and user account

Step 2 – User account

Step 3 – Access the survey

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 62
Access the survey
STEP 1 - Login

3 Access the survey by clicking

on the ASQ icon to use the 4 Login with your user account
provided by ACI ASQ.
App online or offline.

Note that you must absolutely login

while connected to a Wi-Fi. Then, if
you wan to collect offline, you can

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Access the survey
STEP 2 – User accounts

Here is the complete list of information we need to receive from

you (and you from us) in order to grant you access to the App.

The info you need. The info we need.

An ID and password for your The name of your

fieldwork manager(s). fieldwork manager(s).

An ID and password for each Your completed Info page on

of your interviewers. the SMT website. The
information we need includes:
1. Questionnaire language(s)
2. Your airport particularities
A test ID and password to 3. Your selection of airports to compare
conduct test interviews and train your results against (i.e. custom panel)
new interviewers.
(This data will be separate from your
official data collection)

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Access the survey
STEP 2 - USER vs. DEMO Account

• To track the fieldwork properly, each agent must

have a unique user account. What if you would like
to access the survey to explore it or to train a new
agent that will be assigned to this project?

• Each airport will be provided with a DEMO account.

When using this demo account, you can access the
survey at anytime and all answers will not be
recorded in your database, therefore, will not be
tracked in your fieldwork tracker.

• Make sure to use the DEMO account for training

only since collected data will be lost even if they are

• The DEMO version will show a test/demo airport

ZZZ and all entries are therefore not airport specific
but related to ZZZ only.

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Access the survey
STEP 3 – Access the survey

After entering the username and password:
start a new survey Menu
(see details
in next slide)

Make sure you

are logged with
the right account

Select the
View your counts of
If an agent has more than one airport associated to completed surveys &
their account, he/she simply has to select the how many were properly
airport in the list to start data collection. transferred to ASQ.
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Access the survey
STEP 3 – Access the survey – cont’d

Note that if you have sample

plans by terminal you must select
the terminal at which you are
collecting in order to begin.

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Access the survey
STEP 3 – Access the survey – cont’d
The App is easy to use. Main features are accessible in the Menu.


1) Home button: to go back to the home page of the App. Allows to start a new survey mid interview if respondent does
not wish to continue.
2) About: current version of the App, other parameters of the App.
3) Synchronize: force a synchronisation of all interviews, if desired. All interviews are automatically synched as soon as
an internet connection (Wi-Fi) is available.
4) Sign out: sign out of the current user session. Allows to change users or to logout after data collection.
5) Title (text) ACI ASQ Surveys: has the same function as the ‘Home button’ described at number 1.
6) Connectivity status icon: displays the connectivity status of the App. If the App has an Internet connection, the Wi-Fi
icon will be displayed. Otherwise, the Wi-Fi icon will display a bar crossing it sideways to signify an offline mode.

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STEP 3 – Access the survey (cont’d)
Working in offline mode

The App works in both offline or online mode. If you work in offline mode the following icon will be

 To use the offline mode you must log into your account while you have access to a Wi-Fi. Once
you signed in with success and reached the app Home Page you can disconnect the Wi-Fi or
join the area where the service will be interrupted.
o As long as the tablet is in offline mode a user can not be disconnected.
o All the interviews are stored locally on the device.

 Once the tablet detected a Wi-fi, the interviews will be automatically synchronized and sent to
our server.
o If the tablet is not connected long enough to the
Wi-Fi, the transfer will continue the next time
tablet detects a Wi-Fi. ZZZ airport
o To make sure the synchronization has
completed, you can access the Info page in the
App. Questionnaires with a checkmark have
been synchronized.
o The interviews will then be counted and
displayed on the SMT under the Fieldwork
Tracking tab.

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Step 1 – Setup & Introduction (Agent)

Step 2 – Survey & Validation (Passenger)

Step 3 – Survey Submission (Agent)

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Overall flow

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Setup & Introduction Survey & Validation Survey submission

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2019 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 71
Step 1 – set up & introduction

• Agent to sign in and select the programme:

• Agent to intercept a passenger and

introduce the questionnaire to the Note: Agent can choose
language for introduction
passenger with a neutral, clear statement.

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Step 1 – set up & introduction (cont’d)

• If passenger accepts, agent completes flight information section:

After entering
flight letters, only
numbers related
to airline will
show to facilitate
the entry.

After entering flight letters and

numbers, the corresponding
destination code will
automatically be populated.

Agent enters departure date &

time, traffic type, terminal and
gate number.

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Step 1 – set up & introduction (cont’d)

• Agent asks for the preferred survey language. The agent selects the
language and the right keyboard to support the language. Then, he
presses “Next”. A message appears asking to give the tablet to the

Language selection

50 languages
❷ are available.

In order to provide comments in

the selected language, the
keyboard needs to be modified:
❸ place the cursor in the text box,
and select the globe icon:

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Step 1 – set up & introduction (cont’d)

After language and keyboard selection, agent presses “Next”. A message appears
asking to give the tablet to the passenger.

❹ ❺ To optimize the experience, ask the

passenger to use the tablet vertically

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Step 2 – survey & validation

• Passenger answers all survey questions.

• As part of quality control: at the end of the survey, the passenger will have to
review the flight information entered in the beginning by the agent to confirm

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Step 2 – survey & validation (cont’d)

• Passenger receives notification to give

back tablet → no possibility for
passenger to continue as page is

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Step 3 – Survey submission

• To unblock: Agent to enter code “0000”

• Before hitting the SUBMIT button, a

notification will advise agent if
participant was eligible to answer survey
or not (→ age group below 16)

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Ending a data collection session

 When an agent has completed his/her shift, he has to connect the tablet to a Wi-Fi (if working offline). A
completed survey will automatically be synchronized (sent) to our database and can be tracked under
the info icon as seen below.

 Remember: Even if not yet connected to Wi-F, the surveys are always locally store on your tablet:

 You may at all time manage your fieldwork data collection by referring to the SMT (Survey Management
Tool) website’s Fieldwork Tracker – to ensure you are on target and what targets remain to be

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What if? (1 of 2)
A colleague's account remains open
when you access the app?
You do not want to complete interviews that will
be counted under a colleague account. On app
Home Page you can see the name of the agent
the account is linked to. If it's not your account
click on Not you? You will be signed out and ZZZ airport
redirected to the Login page.

You closed the Survey by mistake?

If you leave a started questionnaire by exiting
the app or pressing the menu button, no
worries. You will always have the possibility to
continue a started survey exactly where you
left off by clicking on Continue current survey.
You will not lose unfinished surveys.

You think that you have completed a survey, but when you want to start a new one,
you see the Continue button?
You should not see Continue current survey button if no survey has been interrupted after you started.
Make sure you have completed the agent section and press Submit. In doubt, press Continue current
survey to complete the survey and press Submit to reach the Done page.

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What if? (2 of 2)

A passenger gives back the tablet ❶

before the end of the survey?
If you want to terminate a survey, click on
ACI ASQ Surveys. You will be redirected
to Home Page where you will be able to
start another one.

start another survey, do not select “continue”.

❷ To
Click on the name of the programme ❸
A warning box will appear to make sure
that you really want to abandon the
“Departures” and start a new survey. survey and start a new one, click OK.

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The following slides list the ASQ awards eligibility criteria required before the
pandemic. ASQ team has and will continue to monitor/adapt ASQ awards
eligibility requirements considering the ongoing global impact of the
pandemic. Please refer to the ACI website and ASQ operational
communications to find current ASQ Awards criteria.

Section 7: ASQ Awards Eligibility Criteria

The prestigious annual ACI Airport Service Quality

(ASQ) Awards are presented to the top performing
airports around the world, who partake in the
ASQ main type survey programme.

© 2021 ACI ASQ Departures Main Programme Fieldwork Guide, Schedules and Management Tools - confidential 82
ASQ Awards
Eligibility criteria (1/4)

To be eligible for an ACI ASQ award, airport shall

1-Complete full calendar year of participation

2-Collect questionnaires following ACI provided quarterly sample plan
3-Comply fully with the Fieldwork Guide and Schedules

Complying with fieldwork guidelines will enable airports to satisfy at least the
minimum eligibility criteria stated in this section on the quarterly basis
for awards.

Criteria A- Self-completed criterion

Submitted ASQ questionnaires that have been self-completed by the passenger. In the event of a visual
inspection, no submitted questionnaire must present clear evidence of non-compliance to the self-
completion rule (e.g. of clear evidence: all questions filled by the agent, second ticking in rated
items/questionnaires etc.).

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ASQ Awards
Eligibility criteria (2/4)

Distribution Criteria

Criteria B- Minimum of 2 days per month criterion

Airport shall have distributed their fieldwork evenly over all three (3) months of a given quarter and have
surveyed a minimum of two (2) days each month of each quarter.

Criteria C- 10 questionnaires or less collected per gate visit criterion

Airport shall have collected a maximum of ten (10) questionnaires per gate visit.

The equivalent of 5% of the total gate visits where more than ten (10) questionnaires were collected will be

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ASQ Awards
Eligibility criteria (3/4)

Distribution Criteria

Criteria D- 100% completion per traffic type criterion

Airport shall have obtained a completion rate (proportion of completed questionnaire against the original
target) of 100%, per traffic type (domestic and international).

A completion rate of 95%, per traffic type (domestic and international) will be tolerated. If a traffic type
(domestic or international) accounts for ≤ 5 % of sample size, the requirement of 95% completion rate per
traffic type will not apply.

Criteria E- 7 weekdays criterion

Airport shall have distributed their fieldwork evenly over all three (3) months of a given quarter and have
surveyed at least once during the quarter, each day of the week (from Monday to Sunday) and collected at
least 30 questionnaires on each of the seven (7) days.

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ASQ Awards
Eligibility criteria (4/4)

Criteria F- Distribution of the sampling criterion

Airport shall have distributed their fieldwork evenly over all three (3) months of a given quarter.

Minimally, the airport shall have surveyed, each quarter, at least:
▪ 30% of the sample size collected on the 1st month
▪ 30% of the sample size collected on the 2nd month
▪ 10% of the sample size collected on the 3rd month

Criteria G- On-site audit criterion

In the event that an on-site audit has been performed at a given airport, the eligible airport shall have
obtained a PASS mark.

3 Minor fails or 1 Major fail results in a Failed audit.

Less than 3 minor fails or 0 major fail is a PASS result.

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Data collection compliance tool
Supporting excel based tool to track your eligibility

Access the Excel based compliance tool in your SharePoint training kit
provided by ACI ASQ

Track the collection of questionnaires for the elements below,…

Months, day AM/PM Quarter Sample Plan

and total Distribution Countdown Completed/Remaining

… while the quarter is in progress

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Data collection compliance tool
Distribution Tracker

Distribution criteria tracker: Measures airport’s compliance to ACI distribution

guidelines based on your data collection

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Data collection compliance tool
Quarter Countdown

Quarter Countdown: Tells user how days remaining for fieldwork by month
and weekday. Information needed to plan fieldwork.

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Data collection compliance tool
Sample plan Tracker

The tool uses your sample plan and number of questionnaires collected to
calculate completed and remaining targets.

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Data collection compliance tool
Data entry-To be completed

Manual entry of the flight information, date/time and number of

completed questionnaires is required to populate information in the

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How to get support from your ASQ team?

❑ You are new to your role in managing the ASQ programme?

❑ You can't get connected to the Survey Management Tool (SMT)?
❑ You need to obtain access to the SMT for yourself or another team member?
❑ You need training to use the tool or need help to navigate in it?

Contact the ASQ Help Desk

[email protected]

[Subject line: Include your three-letter IATA code

followed by the topic you need assistance with.]

* E.g. “XYZ – ASQ SPMT Connection Problems”. (XYZ=your airport code)

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