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Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

© AFM, EDP Sciences 2019 Mechanics

https://doi.org/10.1051/meca/2019062 &Industry
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Determining optimal suspension system parameters for spring

fatigue life using design of experiment
Yat Sheng Kong1,2,*, Shahrum Abdullah1, Dieter Schramm2, and Salvinder Singh Karam Singh1
Centre for Integrated Design for Advanced Mechanical Systems (PRISMA), Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Departmental Chair of Mechatronics, University of Duisburg-Essen, 47057 Duisburg, Germany

Received: 4 October 2018 / Accepted: 28 September 2019

Abstract. This paper presents the optimization of spring fatigue life associated with suspension system
parameters using the design of experiment approach. The effects of suspension parameters on spring fatigue life
were analyzed because this process can improve spring fatigue life from a distinct perspective. A quarter car
model simulation was performed to obtain the force time histories for fatigue life prediction where the suspension
parameters were adjusted. Multiple input regression and interaction plots were conducted to identify the
interaction between these parameters. A full factorial experiment was performed to determine the optimal
suspension settings that would maximize the spring fatigue life. For the regression, a high R2 value of 0.9078 was
obtained, indicating good fitting. The established regression showed normality and homoscedasticity for
consistent prediction outcome. Reducing the spring stiffness and sprung mass while enhancing the damping
coefficient is therefore suggested to enhance fatigue life.
Keywords: Fatigue life / multiple input regression / design of experiment / automotive suspension /
finite element analysis

1 Introduction through strain data collection from various road conditions

because this type of loading is realistic [6]. The actual
Automobile springs are subjected to repeated cyclic loading loadings are important for warranty claims because the
during their operation. The spring fails when a crack is automotive suspension components should last at least five
initiated under cyclic loading, and this phenomenon is years [7]. Therefore, fatigue design and optimization of
known as fatigue failure. Hence, fatigue analysis is a main automotive suspension components is a crucial task.
concern during automotive suspension design. In automo- Buciumeanu et al. [8] performed an analysis of an
tive industry, durability analysis of components is usually automobile lower arm and proposed innovative component
conducted through simulations before experimental verifi- designs for fatigue life improvement, such as introducing
cation [1]. During the fatigue simulation and analyses, the washers or adding curvatures. Most fatigue optimization
geometry, material properties, and loadings are the main techniques of automotive components clearly depend on
key inputs to the fatigue life predictions [2]. Hence, a the structure. However, optimization of a component could
critical part of automotive component fatigue life assess- be conducted through analyzing the whole system and
ment is determining the load associated with the road interaction between parameters.
irregularities [3]. Unrealistic loadings lead to inaccurate To obtain the dynamic behavior effects of suspension
automotive design, given that the latter is based on the systems, a quarter car model is usually used either with a
former. measured [9] or artificial road profile [10]. For example,
Improper spring design leads to premature fatigue Kashyzadeh et al. [11] performed fatigue life prediction of
failure, which can catastrophic accidents [4]. Hence, the an automotive lower arm using quarter car model
spring design, especially in terms of fatigue, must be simulation with artificial road profile input. Saoudi et al.
determined before prototyping [5]. For durability analysis, [12] extracted force loading from a quarter car model to
the spring fatigue design process is usually conducted optimize the design of an automobile lower arm in terms of
fatigue using a strain energy model. Fatigue life predictions
of automotive components, such as knuckle [13], lower arm
* e-mail: [email protected] [14], and chassis [15], have also been performed using
2 Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

vehicle dynamic model simulations. Fatigue life prediction

of automotive components is widely assisted by simulations
because of increased convenience and efficiency.
The optimization of automotive components in terms of
fatigue was recently adopted to assist in component design,
and various approaches have been proposed to perform the
optimization process. Heo et al. [16] performed shape
optimization of a lower control arm using radial basis
function to replace design sensitivity analysis. Fang et al.
[17] performed multi-objective fatigue simulation of a truck
cab to improve fatigue life and design stability given
uncertainties. Song et al. [18] optimized the fatigue design
of an upper control arm using response surface method and
kriging metamodels. The fatigue life optimization of
automotive suspension components such as outer tie rods
[19] and connecting rods [20] have also been conducted
using shape optimization. Schäfer and Finke [21] performed
shape optimization of steel wheels by using design of
experiment (DoE). At present, the automotive component
analysis design process has shown an increasing utilization
trend in fatigue analysis using shape optimization. The
DoE approach can determine the factors affecting fatigue
life, but the application of DoE in fatigue analysis is
notably limited.
Thus, the objective of this study is to perform DoE
analysis of suspension parameters in determining the
spring fatigue life. We hypothesize that the fatigue life of
the automotive coil spring is correlated with the suspension
parameters, such as sprung mass, spring stiffness, damping
coefficients, and tire stiffness. To the best of the authors’
knowledge, no work has utilized the DoE approach to study
the relationships and effects of the abovementioned
suspension parameters on spring fatigue life. In this study, Fig. 1. Process flow for DoE analysis.
multivariate quadratic relationships are established to
predict the fatigue life of automotive coil springs using
suspension parameters. The authors believe that the Table 1. Levels of influencing parameters.
findings presented in this paper will extend the current
body of knowledge on the fatigue analysis of suspension Parameters Low (1) High (+1)
systems, particularly coil springs.
Tire stiffness 150 230
Spring stiffness 14,000 32,000
2 Methodology Damping coefficient 418 673
Sprung mass 250 350
DoE is the statistical approach used in this work to identify
the effects of suspension parameters on the spring fatigue
life and the settings of these parameters to optimize the
response. The process flow for DoE analysis is shown in fatigue life. For two levels of each factor, the design was
Figure 1. A full factorial analysis was initially performed to denoted as 2k full factorial design, where k is the number of
determine the suitable parameter range because the factors [23]. The full factorial method considered all the
number of parameters was not large [22]. In this analysis, interactions between the parameters and reduced variabil-
four suspension parameters, namely, spring stiffness, ity in the analysis. In this case, the number of factors was
damping coefficients, tire stiffness, and sprung mass, were four, and the replicate number was two, producing a total
used to optimize the spring fatigue life. The configuration of 32 runs. In addition, six data points in the center of
of the suspension system was drawn from a locally design were obtained. According to Montgomery [24], the
manufactured car for simulation in virtual environment. model is fitted with noise when conducting an experiment
The default values of the suspension system setting of the that has only one run at each test combination. In addition,
vehicle were as follows: 20,000 N/m spring stiffness, the pure error and lack of fit are neglected when the design
545.5 N s/m damping coefficient, 190,000 N/m tire stiff- has only a single replicate.
ness, and 250 kg quarter sprung mass. The proposed suspension parameter ranges are listed in
During the DoE analysis, full factorial with four Table 1. The tire stiffness range was defined according to
parameters was selected to examine the effects on spring different tire pressures, whereas the spring stiffness and
Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019) 3

Fig. 3. Solid meshed coil spring.

Table 2. Material cyclic properties for SAE 5160 carbon

steel [26].
Fig. 2. Quarter car model simulation: (a) block diagram view,
(b) 2D view. Property Value
Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 1584
damping were defined on the basis of the original value of Modulus of elasticity (GPa) 207
the actual suspension parameter [25]. The actual vehicle Yield strength (MPa) 1487
weight was 1200 kg when the vehicle was partially loaded Fatigue strength coefficient (MPa) 2063
[26]. Hence, the quarter weight of the vehicle was assumed Fatigue strength exponent –0.08
to be 300 kg, given that the weight was evenly distributed
Fatigue ductility coefficient –1.05
among the four wheels. To obtain the data for analysis, a
quarter car model was generated for fatigue load data Fatigue ductility exponent 9.56
extraction, and the simulation model is shown in Figure 2. Cyclic strain hardening exponent 0.05
An artificial road profile of class “C” according to ISO 8608 Cyclic strength coefficient (MPa) 1.940
was generated and used as input to the quarter car model Poisson ratio 0.27
simulation [27]. This quarter car model was generated Modulus of rigidity (GPa) 80
according to the equation of motion and consisted of two
degrees of freedom.
The quarter car model was run using transient analysis
for 90 s to extract the spring force time histories. The spring For the fatigue analysis, the Smith–Watson–Topper
force time histories were then extracted from the quarter (SWT) model was selected to perform the fatigue life
car model for fatigue life prediction. To perform fatigue life prediction because this model provides mean stress
analysis, finite element analysis (FEA) of the spring was correction effects with good accuracy when dealing with
performed, as shown in Figure 3. The coil spring was steel [29]. The SWT strain life model is defined as follows
meshed with a three-dimensional solid hexahedral element [29]:
consisting of 9225 nodes and 7168 elements. Furthermore,
linear static analysis was conducted to obtain the stress– ðs 0f Þ2
strain information. The stress–strain information of spring s max e ¼ ð2N f Þ2b þ s 0f e0f ð2N f Þbþc ; ð1Þ
and load time histories® were used®to predict the spring
fatigue life using nCode DesignLife , as shown in Figure 4. where e is the plastic strain, e0f is the fatigue ductility
In this analysis, strain–life (e-N) approach was used to coefficient, s 0f is the fatigue strength coefficient, b is the
predict the spring fatigue life because this technique is a fatigue strength exponent, c is the fatigue ductility
localized fatigue method with an acceptable safety factor exponent, s mean is the mean stress, and s max is the
for small components. The vibration signals were applied at maximum stress, E is modulus of elasticity and Nf is the
the center rigid at bottom of the spring. The automobile fatigue life. The required material cyclic properties are
coil spring was occasionally subjected to overloads, which listed in Table 2. Currently, the most widely used strain life
caused local yielding. Hence, strain–life approach was fatigue approaches are Coffin-Manson, Morrow and Smith-
suitable for automotive component fatigue analysis, Watson-Topper. The Smith-Watson-Topper model was
including the suspension elements [28]. suitable for ductility metals fatigue life prediction which
4 Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

® ®
Fig. 4. Setup of fatigue life prediction using nCode DesignLife .

Fig. 5. Simulated force signals for fatigue analysis.

considered mean stress effects [29]. Hence, the SWT model process determined the optimal suspension parameters
was selected to perform the fatigue life analysis. when the objective function to maximize the spring fatigue
To expand the datasets, the suspension parameters life was assigned the constraints, as listed in Table 1.
were adjusted according to the proposed frequency range of
1–1.5 Hz [30]. After the parameters were adjusted, the
simulation was re-run to obtain the force time histories 3 Results and discussions
because the dynamic behavior of the model was changed.
The force time histories were then used to predict the The preliminary analysis of this research aimed to generate
spring fatigue life. After all the required data were the spring fatigue life prediction according to different
obtained, a regression analysis was conducted to study suspension parameters. Hence, the force loading signals
the effects and interaction of the parameters toward the under the influence of the suspension parameters were
response. Subsequently, eight axial points and three center simulated from the quarter car model, as shown in Figure 5.
points were added, for a total of 49 runs. The optimization These force signals were used to predict fatigue life together
Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019) 5

Fig. 6. Fatigue life contour of original spring. Fig. 7. Pareto chart of standardized effects.

Fig. 8. Main effect plots for fatigue life.

with the FEA analysis of the spring and material cyclic Table 3. Percentage variations of suspension parameters
properties. An example of spring fatigue life contour where and interactions.
the localized fatigue life was obtained is shown in Figure 6.
A spring sensitivity analysis was performed to determine Factor Percentage variation (%)
the effects of different spring designs in terms of fatigue life.
The spring sensitivity analysis was performed through B 33.68
adjusting the spring bar diameter. C 15.46
A total of 49 datasets were used in this analysis to D 11.80
determine the optimal solution of the suspension param- BD 7.45
eters for spring fatigue life. All effects of suspension BB 5.96
parameters were analyzed using a Pareto chart because the
BC 4.00
goal was to maximize the spring fatigue life, as shown in
Figure 7. The parameters, namely, spring stiffness CD 2.34
(K_stiff), tire stiffness (T_stiff), damping coefficient
(C_damp), sprung mass (Mass), and interactions between
parameters, were then analyzed. According to Figure 6, the spring fatigue life. Hence, tire stiffness was excluded from
parameters B, C, D, BD, BB, BC, and CD were related to the regression analysis.
spring fatigue life at the 0.1 level of significance. The significance level of each parameter, explained by
Meanwhile, the parameters of AC and below (red dot variation percentage after the less significant parameter
line) did not show significant effects, indicating that the was removed, is shown in Table 3. The table shows that the
tire stiffness had minimal effect on spring fatigue life. A flat designated spring stiffness had the highest variation
line was also obtained for the spring fatigue and tire (33.68%) on the spring fatigue life because the fatigue life
stiffness plots [31], indicating no direct relationship of a spring depends on the geometry, which is derived on
between these two parameters as shown in Figure 8a. the basis of the spring stiffness. The relationship between
The changes in tire vertical stiffness were not linear to the spring stiffness and fatigue life, where the fatigue life of the
6 Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

Fig. 9. Response surface plot of fatigue life for different parameters: (a) spring stiffness and sprung mass, (b) spring stiffness and
damping coefficients, and (c) sprung mass and damping coefficients.

spring reduced with every increment of spring stiffness, is spring stiffness and sprung mass, a response surface plot for
plotted in Figure 8b. The second important parameter was fatigue life is shown in Figure 9. This condition could be
the damping coefficient, which also affected the spring explained using an interaction plot, which described how
fatigue life [32]. The reason was that the damper transforms the mean of fatigue life changed when the two other
shock from road excitations into heat and dissipates it. relevant factors were altered. In Figure 10, the interaction
Therefore, the damping properties play a critical role in plots for spring stiffness and sprung mass indicate that an
determining the fatigue behavior of automotive compo- increment in spring stiffness reduced the fatigue life. When
nents, including the spring. the sprung mass was increased, the fatigue life was further
The damping coefficients showed a positive increasing reduced, but the magnitude was small. The interaction of
relationship toward the spring fatigue life, as illustrated in spring stiffness and damping coefficient was then consid-
Figure 8c. Apart from spring stiffness and damping ered, as shown in Figure 9b. According to the interaction
coefficients, the sprung mass was an important parameter plot, increasing the damping could enhance the spring
which affected the spring fatigue life. Kamal and Rahman fatigue life where an apparent increment of spring fatigue
[33] proposed that the sprung mass changed the equilibri- life was illustrated. According to the damping coefficient
um position where the spring deformed to counter the road and sprung mass interaction plot, the enhancement of
disturbances. The effects of sprung mass were clear because fatigue life through increasing damping coefficient could be
it had direct effects on the spring which was designed to further improved using reduced sprung mass. Regarding
support heavy loads. When the sprung mass was high, the the design aspect, the interaction plots between parameters
load exerted on the spring was also high, thereby reducing provided important information when the combination
the spring fatigue life. Hence, a negative relationship for effects of parameters toward response were required.
spring fatigue life and sprung mass was obtained, as shown Subsequently, multiple regression modeling was per-
in Figure 8d. Subsequently, the interactions between formed for the parameters, with spring stiffness, damping
parameters toward spring fatigue life were also investigat- coefficients, and vehicle sprung mass as the independent
ed because the combination of every parameters led to variables and spring fatigue life as the dependent variable.
varying effects on spring fatigue life. The fatigue model was obtained as follows:
Table 3 shows that the interactions between spring
N f ¼ 17:25  0:00063  K _stiff þ 0:00438  C _damp
stiffness and sprung mass had only a small percentage of
variation. To further investigate the relationship between 0:04048  Mass þ 0:00002C _damp  Mass: ð2Þ
Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019) 7

Fig. 10. Interaction plots of parameters for fatigue life.

This regression was obtained using un-standardized

coefficients where the original units of the parameters were
applied. The unit for spring stiffness (K_stiff, T_stiff) is
N/m, damper damping coefficient (C_damp) is N s/m and
sprung mass (Mass) is kg. This process meant that an
increment in fatigue life led to a reduction of 0.00063 N/m
spring stiffness, 0.00438 N s/m damping coefficient,
0.04048 kg mass, and 0.00002 increment in interaction
effect of damping and sprung mass from a constant of 17.25.
The predicted fatigue life was with unit of blocks to failure
in natural logarithm. In this study, the obtained
coefficients for both quadratic spring stiffness (BB) and
spring-damping (BC) are approximately zero which caused
very minimum effects on the fatigue life. Hence, the fatigue
life model was presented with only the spring stiffness, Fig. 11. Normal probability plot for fatigue life.
damping, sprung mass and damping-sprung mass as
independent variables. standard deviation [38]. In this case, the high deviation
Initially, the full factorial with replicate was performed data point value was within one standard deviation.
to ensure the design was fully orthogonal. Subsequently, The residual of prediction was further examined using
quadratic model was fitted for suspension parameters and an error histogram, as shown in Figure 12. An apparent
fatigue life relationship. By cross-validation, the optimised point lay beyond the range of the predictions, and the point
fatigue life quadratic model was obtained [34]. The consisted of a high residual value of 1.5. Nevertheless, the
optimized suspension parameter was determined using standard deviation of the fatigue life was 1.6651, showing
steepest ascent algorithm [35]. The fitted regression was that the deviation was not extreme in affecting the
evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R2) value. predictions. In addition, only a single high deviation point
As proposed by Sivák and Ostertagová [36], the regression was observed, and the obtained R2 value of the regression
for fatigue fitted with R2 value above 0.90 was considered was high. To check the homoscedasticity of the generated
as very good. In this case, the R2 value was 0.9078, which regression, a scatter plot of the regression was plotted as
indicated that the data had good fit. When the linear shown in Figure 13. When the regression was homoscedas-
regression was applied, the datasets were assumed to be tic, the prediction outcomes were consistent and did not
linear. To investigate the normality of the datasets, a show any specific pattern. Figure 13 shows that the data
normal probability plot for the datasets was plotted, as points were evenly distributed along the zero line, which
shown in Figure 11. Figure 11 shows that the data points proposed equal variation. However, a deviation point (red
followed a straight diagonal line at the center. However, a dot) was detected from the scatter plot. In addition, the
data point lay far from the diagonal center line and was higher deviation point was reported in the error histogram.
thus a possible deviating point. The existence of an outlier According to the scatter plot and the histogram, the
point could lead to inaccurate prediction results [37]. regression exhibited normality and homoscedasticity;
Nevertheless, to determine whether a data is an outlier, the the regression was acceptable and produced consistent
value of the data was usually exceeded value of three predictions.
8 Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

Fig. 12. Error histogram for fatigue life response.

Fig. 13. Scatter plot of residuals.

The scatter plot was plotted into observation order to

determine non-random patterns, as shown in Figure 14. In
this figure, we examined the trends of the residuals for large
values and shifting of the mean. A large residual, which was
caused by the resonance of the suspension model, was
observed on the number order of 38. When the suspension
system resonated, added deflection and vibration were
introduced to the suspension system, thereby causing the
deviation [39]. Figure 14 shows that this plot also ensured
that the data had no increasing or cyclical trend, suggesting
that the error terms were independent; hence, the
generated regression assumption was satisfied.
After evaluating the regression, the next step was to Fig. 14. Residual versus observation plot.
determine the optimal settings of the suspension parameter
for spring fatigue design. To obtain the optimal suspension
parameter, the objective of optimization to maximize the settings were as follows: spring stiffness of 14,000 N/m,
spring fatigue life was assigned. According to this objective damping coefficient of 673 N s/m, and sprung mass of
function, the proposed optimal suspension parameter 250 kg. With this set of suspension parameter settings, the
Y.S. Kong et al.: Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019) 9

on spring fatigue life. A multiple-input regression was

conducted, and the R2 value was 0.9078. This value
indicated that more than 90% of the variability in the
fatigue life of the automotive coil spring was described by
the models. The regression showed normality and
homoscedasticity in a residual scatter plot and an error
histogram. The optimal suspension parameters that must
be set to obtain maximum spring fatigue life were obtained.
The spring stiffness and sprung mass must be minimized
while maximizing the damping coefficient.

The authors graciously acknowledge the financial support

provided by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia and
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Project no.: FRGS/1/2019/
TK03/UKM/01/3 and GUP-2018-077) for this research.


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Cite this article as: Y.S. Kong, S. Abdullah, D. Schramm, S.S.K. Singh, Determining optimal suspension system parameters for
spring fatigue life using design of experiment, Mechanics & Industry 20, 621 (2019)

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