Judicial Review Is Not Available To Enforce Private Law Rights, Such As Those Arising From A Loan Agreement. Judicial Revie
Judicial Review Is Not Available To Enforce Private Law Rights, Such As Those Arising From A Loan Agreement. Judicial Revie
Judicial Review Is Not Available To Enforce Private Law Rights, Such As Those Arising From A Loan Agreement. Judicial Revie
Legal Alerts
First Alert
In Greater Busoga Sugarcane Growers
Co-operatives Union vs. Uganda Judicial review is not available
Development Corporation & Ors. to enforce private law rights,
(Miscellaneous Application No. 129 of such as those arising from a
2024), the court found that the dispute loan agreement. Judicial review
over the loan repayment was a private is intended to address issues of
matter between the applicant and the public law, ensuring that public
4th respondent and did not involve any bodies act within the law and
public law issues that would warrant their statutory mandates.
judicial review. Matters involving the
enforcement of private
Additionally, the court highlighted the
contractual rights, even when
importance of suing the correct legal
entity, in this instance, the Uganda
one of the parties is a public
Development Corporation rather than body, should be pursued
individual office holders within the through ordinary legal actions
corporation. and not through judicial review.
Second Alert