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Knee Exercises

Level 2
Patient Information

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapy Services

The Patient Information Leaflets page on the Trust website is available on the link:
https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/patient-information-leaflets or scan the QR code.

Author ID: GE
Leaflet Ref: Tpy 020
Version: 2
Leaflet title: Knee Exercises Level 2
Date Produced: December 2023
Expiry Date: December 2025
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and while every precaution was taken in
selecting these exercises, they do not come without risks. If you have any concerns
regarding injury, or whether or not you should do the exercises, then you should
consult your General Practitioner (GP) or Physiotherapist prior before doing any of
the exercises shown here.

It is quite normal to feel some discomfort following exercise, but it is important that
this discomfort eases within 2 hours of finishing the exercise and doesn’t have an
overall negative effect on your symptoms.

The exercise plans shown here are designed to be used as a guide and a point of
reference, they are not exhaustive and can be modified and progressed under the
supervision of your physiotherapist.

Aim to do the exercise plan 3 to 4 times per week, with at least 1 day off in between to
allow for recovery.

Each exercise is repeated a number of times (for example, 5 or 10 times) to build up

strength and flexibility. The repetitions make a ‘set’.

The number of repetitions is a guide and can be increased or decreased according to pain
levels. If the exercise causes pain that lasts for more than 2 hours after finishing the
exercise, then decrease the repetitions.

Complete each exercise slowly and in a controlled manner, you should take your time and
not rush. Take 30 seconds rest in between each set.

Contact the Physio department if you find the exercises are making your pain worse
Contact Information
Leigh Health Centre
Telephone: 0300 707 1597
[email protected]

Platt Bridge Health Centre

Telephone: 0300 707 1772
[email protected]

Wigan Health Centre, Boston House

Telephone: 0300 707 1113
[email protected]

Therapy Department- Wrightington Hospital

Telephone: 01257 256305
[email protected]

Knee Exercises Level 2 Page 2 of 7

Knee Level 2 – Exercises 1 to 8
1. Chair Squat

Stand tall in front of a chair.

Squat down as if you were sitting down (push pelvis

back). Briefly touch the chair with your bottom and
stand back up. Don't sit down fully.

Note: Keep hips, knees and toes aligned.

Repeat 10 times.
Sets 3

2. Forward Lunges

Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

Take one long step forward and squat down so that

your rear knee touches the floor (or as close as you
can within pain limits) and your hip is fully
Keep the shin of the front leg and your trunk upright.

Stand back up pushing through your heel, bringing

your front foot back to the starting position.

Note: Keep hips, knees and toes aligned in both

legs throughout the movement.

Repeat 10 times for each leg

Sets 3

Knee Exercises Level 2 Page 3 of 7

3. Squat

Stand tall with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

Your toes should be pointing forward or turned a few
degrees outwards. Keep your chest up and your
spine and neck in a neutral/flat position (as shown).

Squat down by sitting back and bring your arms

forward. Push back up through the heels, keep your
chest up, and straighten your hips to return to the
standing position.

• Keep your hips, knees and toes aligned and
don't let your lower back bend.
• Keep your weight evenly distributed on your
whole foot.
• The depth of the squat should be as low as is
comfortable, don't force yourself to go so low
that it is painful.

Repeat 10 times.
Sets 3

4. Deadlift

Stand tall, with your legs hip-width apart and a weight

on the floor between your feet and a little in front of
you. The weight could be a bag filled with household
objects such as tins/cans.

Push your hips backwards and tilt your trunk forward

as you grasp the weight with both hands. Your spine
and neck should stay in neutral/flat position and the
forward bend should come from your hips.

Lift the weight up by straightening your hips. Use

your buttocks and hamstrings to help you lift the
weight. Keep your abdominals tight to avoid
excessively extending your lower back.

Note: The weight should be lifted straight up and

down central between your legs, not off to one

Repeat 10 times.
Sets 3

Knee Exercises Level 2 Page 4 of 7

5. Glute Walk

Stand tall, with an exercise or loop band around your

legs (slightly above or under the knee joint, below the
knee makes the exercise slightly more challenging).
The exercise bands can be easily bought online by
searching for Resistance/Exercise bands.

Take a hip-width stance so that the band tightens

and then squat down. In this position, step out with
one leg to the side then return to the starting position.
Make sure you keep the band tight at all times.

Maintain the squat position throughout the movement

and don’t allow the tension to come off the band.

Repeat 10 times in each direction

Sets 3

6. Step Up

Stand tall behind a step/bottom stair.

Place your whole foot on the step and step up.
Keep the weight on that same foot and slowly control
the return movement when lowering the opposite foot
back to the floor, don’t allow yourself to step off

Repeat 10 times.
Sets 3

7. Single Leg Balance with Toe Pointing

Stand straight.

Take your balance on one leg at a time and imagine

that your standing leg is the centre of a clock face.

With the leg that is lifted, point the toes, and tap the
floor at three points on the "clock" 12, 3, 6, 9. That is,
in front, to the side and behind the standing leg.

You can make the “clock” as small or large as you

feel able to maintain your balance.

Keep your weight over the standing leg, the lifted leg
should only tap the floor at each point.

Repeat 5 times for each leg

Knee Exercises Level 2 Page 5 of 7

8. Hip Lift

Lie on your back, with your lower legs lifted on a

sturdy chair.

Activate your abdominals by tightening your buttocks,

and then lift your pelvis up off the floor by
straightening your hips.

Return to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat 10 times.
Sets 3

Knee Exercises Level 2 Page 6 of 7

Comments, Compliments or Complaints
The Patient Relations/Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Department provides
confidential on the spot advice, information and support to patients, relatives, friends, and

Contact Us
Tel: 01942 822376 (Monday to Friday 9am until 4pm)

The Patient Relations/PALS Manager

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Albert Edward Infirmary
Wigan Lane

Ask 3 Questions
Become more involved in decisions about your healthcare. You may be
asked to make choices about your treatment. To begin with, try to make
sure you get the answers to three key questions:
1. What are my options?
2. What are the positives and negatives of each option for me?
3. How do I get support to help me make a decision that is right for me?

How We Use Your Information

For details on how we collect, use, and store the information we hold about you, please see
patient information leaflet, Ref. Corp 006 How we use your information, this can be found on
the Patient Information Leaflets page on the Trust website, see details on the front cover.

This leaflet is also available in audio, large print, Braille, and other languages upon request.
For more information, please ask in the department/ward.

© Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the
copyright owner.

Call 111 first when it’s less urgent than 999.

Phone: 0808 802 1212

Text: 81212

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