The Pick Up Artist - A Quick and Easy Guide

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Welcome to the book that will give you the tools that will change your relationships with

women for
the rest of your life.
Some men are born with the these tools and techniques embedded into their psyche. Others have to
learn them and become the man that women desire.
One thing I would like to make clear is that this book will not change who you are. A lot of men avoid
books like these claiming that they would like women to like them for who they are and not some
manufactured male that I told you to be!
The fact of the matter is that it is extremely difficult to attract the initial attention of a woman. Most
women of quality are so used to being approached by men on a daily basis that they have a defence
mechanism embedded into them that does not allow them to be seduced, no matter what you are like
once they get to know you.
I have studied the art of the pick up for over 10 years and this is a collection of my findings. These
techniques actually work!!
My one request is that you use your new found power to have fulfilling relationships and not to
manipulate and hurt women. Your world is about to be blown open and your possibilities and how far
you want to take this is infinite.

Thank you for your purchase,

Ronaldo De Vasconcelos
Seduction Notes

Topic 1- Body Language

• words are only 7% of communication

• voice tone, voice pitch and rhythm are 38% of body language

• signs of flirting- looking down, glancing and looking back down

• universal expressions- happiness, sadness, contempt, surprise, disgust, anger and fear.

• the higher the pitch of your voice, the lower your credibility

• positive facial expressions are important- smiling is a huge factor

• Your demeanour should always be

- wide stance -chest out -shoulders back
-hands by your side
-never rigid
-calm, cool. controlled
-care-free and confident

• body language is direct communication- a universal language, the most important part of

Specific To Interaction with Women:

• women are ten times better then men at communicating and receiving body language

• your objective is NOT to:- seek approval, be nice or be friendly

• your objective is ATTRACTION

• independence is an attractive quality- portray independence through your body language

• examples of excellent body language- Clarke Gable, James Dean, Paul Newman, Marlon
Brando and John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever

• the pecking order

- creates itself in society
-high social status is vital

• women are attracted to men with a higher social status to themselves- never let her think she
has higher status then you do- NEVER care what other people think.

• TAKE UP SPACE- shows that you are a dominant alpha male

• NEVER, NEVER, NEVER her seek approval- do not: lean in, pretend to laugh, make yourself

• be a sexual threat- the situation in which a woman feels attraction for a man. Every time she
has these urges she must deal with the worry that is hard wired into her brain, the fear that she
may have to raise your child by herself

• self image is important

- like yourself
-give no-one special treatment
-act like you are successful with women

• the human version of the peacock showing its feathers to an attractive mate
- strong, secure eye contact
-dominant and confident posture/walk
-slower movements and gestures
• The Human Mating Sequence:
1- Eye Contact 2- Verbal Contact- side to side- then face to face 3- Hand to Arm and Hand to
Shoulder Contact
4- Mouth to Mouth Contact
5- Hand to Genital Contact
6- Mouth to Genital Contact
7- Consumation

• be conscious of body language until it becomes unconscious

• don’t follow-always lead- NEVER follow, be followed- leave her to follow you

• keep composure- never seem self-conscious, insecure, nervous or worried

• eye communication
- do not break first
-this shows dominance

• if a woman looks at you with wide pupils she is trying to take in things about you. Small
pupils= lack of interest

• insincere smile= a no eye smile

• darting eyes indicate a lack of interest

• hold her gaze a little too long

• if she is attracted to you she will be- self conscious, insecure, fidgeting or seeking approval

• if she feels attracted her posture will be: chest pushed out, back arched, hair toss, rolling hips,
sexually suggestive stance, on display.

• first eye contact should be intense

• women in a relationship will have routine behaviour. single women will have; exaggerated
body language, banter and will engage with you.

• first meeting
- maintain position
-let her follow you
-have her come to you- in terms of body language
-have her follow you- in terms of body language

• don’t move…..see if she moves towards you- if she is interested in you, she will.

• touching
- never too soon
-never grab
-make it seem natural, not forced
- don’t make an issue of it
-never pat
-lead her gently (back/elbow)
- hold her hand (on shaking) hold her hand slightly longer
- be playful, push, poke (the ribs)
-look how she responds

• don’t ask her for her name, when she asks you your name turn the question on her

• when you shake her hand say: “that’s an interesting handshake, you can tell a lot about
someone from their handshake.”- this will intrigue her.

• any physical threat- walk between her and the threat- she will notice and feel that you are
protecting her.

• don’t ask her to move- MOVE HER- always physically lead

• The Phases of Courtship

-attract her
-campaign of comfort
-mutual seduction
• meet to sex- usually takes 4 to 7 hours (including telephone calls etc.)

• be aware of her zone of comfort:

-beside her is the preferred beginning point
-head to head confrontation is uncomfortable
-do not invade her personal space
-”the over the shoulder technique”

• be seen with other women. you will be seen as more trust worthy (pre-selection). This raises
your value and gets intrigued.

• NEVER telegraph too much interest

• use the “body rock”- act like you are about to leave at any minute. “I can only stay a second,
my friends are waiting.”- this is called a time constraint/ non-threatening.

• 97% of women like to be approached with a smile

• Tell her too appreciate the time she spends with you, other women would love to be in her

• don’t face the set with your body at first

• point your feet away from your target

• voice tonality
• deep, powerful
• from the diaphram
• be emotionally expressive with your voice
• speak slowly and clearly
• eliminate um, em, like from your vocabulary
• women are programmed to respond to a man with a loud voice- more alpha

• social proof-try not to be seen walking around on your own- she will assume you have no

• wear interesting items\ accessories to initiate chat- id she is intrigued she will use it to spark
up conversation.

• 3 second rule
-from seeing to approaching
-NEVER use situational openers- too obvious e.g. “nice shoes” etc.

• The NEG Theory-

-Eg. we’ll never get along
-throw in NEGS while conversing with other people -while talking to her friend- “is she always like
this?” Keep talking
- “sorry I’m taken”
- very effective method- demonstrates higher value and is dismissive
-Shotgun Negs - where’s your off button
-conveys non-neediness, eliminates you as a sexual threat
- Tease Negs -conveys cocky, playful attitude
-Sniper Neg -directly to the target
- wipe your nose
-Effective Negs -not sure if I want to get to know you. why? your too nice
-I’m a model. what a hand model?
- Is your hair naturally _____? oh that’s a shame
-throw and go. throw and go.
-never wait for a reaction- reaction seeking behaviour is DLV

• Indicators of Interest
- asking for your name
-leaning in
-test- pull her in, if she comes, she’s interested
-playing with her hair
-look for 3 I.O.I’s before showing her one
-story telling, mirroring, licking lips are all strong I.O.I’s
-reinitiating conversation, giggling, touching, hair toss, smile, proximity, disagrees but laughs,
- don’t jump on her as soon as you get IOI’s

• Indicators of Disinterest
-avoids- eye contact, calls etc
-pretends not to hear you
-doesn’t give real responses
-hot girls are used to snobbing men- you have to be good at snubbing them back

• The Comfort Test

- start three minutes in
-work up the steps
- if she gives signs of discomfort, start all over again from step one
-always as a subtext- never mentioned

• The Steps of the Comfort Test-

1- Hand Holding (3 minutes in)
2- Elbow in Elbow
3- Hand Holding
4- Kissing
5- Neck Biting

• give her affection- then take it away- she will feel insecure then work to get your affection back

• Last Minute Resistance

- every girl goes through this
-hard wired into their programming
-get over it by using the freeze out
-when she resists say- “I understand” and begin to put your pants back on. This will reduce her LMR.

• always act confident, self assured and strong- NEVER WEAK.

• actions reflect thought- think confident- there is no distinction between the body and the mind

• always be self aware and also be aware of hints she may be giving you about how she feels. Is
she uncomfortable?? girls always gives cues - move in closer or leave completely.

• always step slightly into her personal space with confidence- sexual undertones- good for one
night stands.
• The Lick-Lick Technique- when talking to her, look at her lips then lick your lips, then look
back into her eyes, look at her body do the same etc. This is extremely powerful- works on all
women. Bite your lip also.

• If you must be bold, be sensual.

• women love to be teased- it increases their attraction.

• TIP- act like you own wherever you are.

• NEVER, NEVER, NEVER- lean in, be stiff, misuse eye contact, be a wallflower, have a weak
handshake, crack your knuckles, look around too much.

• ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS- laugh and act like your enjoying yourself, keep your head up,
take up space. have your legs more then shoulder width apart and walk with purpose (like you
own the place)

• Look and point- “was that a dirty look?”

• supercharged body language- high fives, cheers

- physical involvement
-exaggerated wink from across the room

• hold attention of the group ask group questions- get them all involved-ask them all for their
• girls are attracted to initiative -never hesitate and be aggressive
• start talking at an angle-work towards face to face conversation-women prefer this type of
• when putting your arm around a woman
-possessively and protectively
-be strong, lead with the arm and not the hand
• always lead when holding hands
• sitting with woman
- turn seats into each-other
-lean back
• sitting on laps
-don’t put your hands all over
-lean back
• pretend you are on camera at all times-stay conscious of your body language-a 7 day
• talk to a girl about the last man she rejected
• arriving in the club -enter….stop….look around….point….smile….walk in
• do not buy drinks for girls
• biggest cause of attraction- higher value (or the appearance of higher value)
• make everything you do seem natural-do not seem like you are trying to impress other people.
Find a balance between self-monitoring and letting go.
• girls never want to appear easy to get.
• pinging
-a woman’s signal
-squeeze her hand…does she squeeze back
• never show emotional reaction to a girl
• have fun-be playful-women will want to talk to you.

The Annihilation Method

• Clichés
-just be yourself
-be confident- true, but too non-specific
• objective is to get from unconscious incompetence, to conscious incompetence to unconscious
• try to get feedback from women- “when did you realise you were attracted to me?”-find out
what your doing right
• learn from your failures- get better each time, always learn from your mistakes
• hang out with people who you perceive as better with women then you (e.g. G)
• your success ratio should increase- if it doesn’t then you should stop- you are doing something
• new behaviour- try it on and see if it fits
• money, cars, houses do not matter-its all about inner game- it is the confidence that these things
bring that really matter.
• have vocal awareness- be loud, be clear and don’t stumble
• the points system:
-lower quality women need 6 points
-average women need 8 points
-high quality might need 18 points
-any one attribute can get you a maximum of 5 points (e.g. worlds richest man only gets 5 points, he
will need some points of humour and intelligence.)
• status is more important to women then looks.
• The Eight Trates (LASVEGAS) which women find attractive:
-Looks- well groomed, stand out
-Adaptability-times to act in a certain way
-Strength- the ability to protect and make her feel safe- decisive
-Value- standing out from the crowd
-Emotional Connection-commonalities, compassion and sensitivity
-Goals- ambitions and goals are an aphrodisiac for women- combined with potential
-Authenticity-be congruent-be complicated, have dualities in your personality
-Self Worth- non-neediness, always feel worthy

• Strength
-make the decisions
-don’t ask what she wants
-don’t change your opinion to cater to her
-don’t seek her approval
-know your environment
-display your value through story telling
• calibration- knowing when to move to the next step e.g. if she already shows value toward you
there is no need to build up too much value- know when to cut the thread.
• code read- e.g. the method used by psychics, “I get the feeling you’ve been hurt before”- girls
will either love it or hate it.
• watch body language- learn to read rooms instantly- take everything in.
• openers- ask for advice with correct body language- “do you think it’s ok to stay in touch with
your ex- girlfriend- burn letters etc.
- “we were just talking- who do you think is better then lying- men or women?”
- “I’m looking to buy a girl that I know a cashmere sweater- I don’t know her size would it be better
to buy it too big or too small?”
• ALWAYS use a time constraint e.g. “quick question” or “I can only stay a minute”
• question must appear spontaneous
• Deploying Stealth Openers
-be the exception to the rule-ignore the obvious-do not use situational openers.
-hold your drink by your side on approach
-always approach with an equal or higher energy level
-DHV -demonstration of higher value
-talk about successful friends- shows your value
-opener has only one purpose- to start a conversation
-use the body rock- about to leave
-never lean in- talk louder
-”if I wasn’t gay you’d be soooo mine”
-Pebbles -thrown to keep her attention- never wait for a reaction
- OMG openers
-OMG you look exactly like my ex
-OMG you have the same shoes I bought my sister for her birthday
-OMG do you work in the AIB bank?
-OMG did you see those to girls fighting inside?
-find two openers that work for you
-girlfriend kisses her friends is that cheating?
-always root- the reason I’m asking is……
-seem to be walking passed…then stop, do the body rock and use your opener.
- note to self- never date this girl
-hey just because I’m talking to you doesn’t mean I’m gonna put out
-lets take it slow, I don’t wanna get hurt
-put her on the points system-get 9 points and you can buy we a drink
-we’re engaged-we’re married-we’re breaking up
-I love that dress. Congratulations.
-throw her a compliment followed by a NEG- push and pull- “nice to bad your not my type” -I eat
girls like you for breakfast
-your hands are wet/dry- (with the handshake)

• NEVER try to kiss before making physical contact

• kiss close
-do you want to kiss me?
-answer maybe- well lets find out
-answer no- oh you looked like you had something on your mind
• smell her perfume- is she comfortable with you being close
• its all about the structure, not the words
• Social Hypnosis
-communicating with her subconscious
-thoughts are important- they can always tell what you are thinking
-when she’s talking-think about how beautiful she is
-show complete interest-show strength-there’s nothing more attractive
-do not let your eyes waver
-breathe from your stomach
-push yourself socially- don’t be afraid to be a dick
-always have good body posture- it effects peoples subconscious perception of you.


• pick up is an art
• you are either a pick up artist or an average chump
• a year and a half to mastery (5 approaches- 5 numbers)
• conveying motive lowers your value
• purpose of life- survival and replication
• women are wired to recognise attractiveness on social value
• its all about your survival and replication value
• be with others with high S and R value
• replication is a means of continued survival
• three points to convey
-pre-selected by women
• convey these by storytelling in your set= conveying attributes through a story is known as
• never say “nice meeting you”- you’re the prize
• people are more likely to give 50c to a rich man with a hundred euro note looking for change
in the phone booth then to a bum asking for 50c on the ground- why? perception
• the boyfriend lock out -counter it- disqualify yourself- “your not my type”- “too bad I’m gay”
• always give false time constraints
• Last Minute Resistance
-all her primal brain wants to know is stick around
-begin pair bond ten minutes in
-make her believe your brain has been hijacked
• buying gifts does not trigger desire- but food does- feed her- she will be attracted through her
mental wiring
• courtship to sex- 4-7 hours (7 hours is average)- also lowers her LMR
• phone call game
-how long to you wait? as long as you want
-focus on location - not getting her number
-“never let the line slack”
-mention private joke
-stories to tell- write a list
-ring her- don’t make a plan- tell her something came up then hang up- don’t call back
-ALL you can do on the phone is build comfort
-the paper tear technique
-meet to number- 30-40 minutes
• make a self improvement and a sticking point file- “Seduction Goals”
• approach anxiety- everyone feels it, IT DOES NOT RELATE TO THE MODERN WORLD
but the fear never goes away, it is hard wired into us.
• men who have been pre-selected by other women will seem more attractive
• emotion always over-rides logic in the human mind

• Rewiring Her Attraction Circuitry

• emotions are more encompassing for women compared to men
• never try to convince her on a logical level
• what women say they like is usually not reality
• use emotional simulation instead of rational discourse
• simulate her with a range of feelings, both negative and positive
• the peacock theory
-wearing attention grabbing clothes
-demonstrates higher value- unaffected by those sniggering with lower value
-if she mentions an item of clothing that you are wearing reply, “No your attracted to me”
• never brag about exploits- women will know that sex with you will carry social consequences
• The anti-slut defensive
-women do not want to be perceived or made feel like a slut
-be aware of your proximity when kissing
• never ask directly for sex- women do not want to feel responsible- instead ask her to go for a
walk, or to step outside
• Act on Moxie
-”inventive courage”
-always lead the interaction
-do not let her steer the interaction towards boring topics- she’ll feel bored and blame you
-lead her- phase to phase- change venue
• women will attempt to test your self confidence by giving a token of resistance- try to continue
past this test- if you can’t take her crap, how are you going to protect her against other peoples?
• Congruence Test
-number one emotional priority for women- safety and security
-she may not be consciously aware that she is testing you
-right answer=attracted to you after the test and vice versa
-women will test until they find your boundaries
-if there is no resistance, she will keep pushing- do not let her, she will grow bored
• you must have investment in the attraction before you leave her
• make her chase you….
• forms of investment
-emotional- make her emotionally vulnerable
-effort- there is no value to something that comes easily
• discomfort/confrontation
-positive/open attitude
-don’t make a big deal of things
-never whinge or complain
-don’t let her know she upset you
• fun and simulation
-once safety is secured
-be fun/playful
-be a challenge
-keep her coming back for more
• Rating Women
-6-10 scale
-interaction based on perceived social status
-women of different ratings respond differently
-rapport seeking may work with girls of low value
-with 10’s- be cocky, confident and challenging, a 7 may react badly to this
-the mystery method is designed to work with the best looking women
• the cat theory
-push a cat off- it will jump back on your lap
-you want to hold them- they want to be put back down
-always be slightly out of reach
-never be easily acquired
• “I have a boyfriend”
-if you hear this, you have telegraphed too much interest
-if she is attracted, she will not mention her boyfriend
-a girl will tell you she has a boyfriend when she is not attracted
-reasons-she has a boyfriend and has chosen to stick with this relationship, she wants you to
understand her situation pushing the blame onto you to up progress, she doesn’t want to look like
someone who cannot attract a man
-do not appear phased if she says this
-telegraphing too much interest too soon

• Rules and Structure of the Game

-the game must be played in the real world
-you will only get good through repeated practice in the field- until it becomes natural
-never obsess about one woman
-it is much easier to seduce a fresh target
-everything you learn you must naturalise

• go onto the field to improve calibration and improve skills set

• the one who releases himself from emotional attachment in a situation is often the one that
realises his desired outcome.

• the structure of a sexual relationship

-Courtship- 3 stages- pick up. mid-game and end game.
-Sexual Relations
-Break Up

• Pre-selection
-if a woman thinks that other women are sexually attracted to you, she will instantly feel attracted to
-tip- wear women’s perfume, if they smell it tell them you are wearing nothing.
-tip- lipstick mark on your collar

• The M3 Model
-three steps
2-build comfort
-pick up= attract mid-game=build comfort endgame=seduce
-if she is comfortable being alone with you, you have built sufficient comfort you sexual relations in
the end game stage.
-never seek comfort too soon, it may result in getting stuck in the friend zone.
-M3 Sequencing Mistakes- do not get the sequence in the wrong order, it will not work.
- starting at the end-seduction before attraction.
-sexual energy without comfort- she will not find you sexually attractive until you have built a degree
of comfort.
-seduction with speed will work on girls who are socially inexperienced and those who have been
known to have one night stands.

• Telegraphing Sexual Interest

- e.g. “Nice boots”….”I have a boyfriend”
-this obstacle is found by trying to build comfort before attraction.

The Player
-The Three Play Traps
1-Failure to Justify Mutual Attraction- do not let her know you chose her based on her looks.
-IOI’s indicate when to go from attraction to comfort stage.
-make her earn your IOI’s- be a difficult conquest.
2- Disregard of Comfort-
your seduction should never feel uncomfortable. Comfort must be built.
-comfort building 4-10 hours
• one night of petting in exchange for countless nights of sex????
• do not get to caught up with building comfort you will end up in the friend zone
3-Escaping the Friendship Zone
-convey that you are a potential romantic suitor in the first 25 minutes.
- no IOI within 25 min- she’s not interested
-disappear and return new man- with higher value
-very difficult- a fresh new target
• Gaming Location
-seduction requires changes in location
-3 places-meeting, comfort building and sex location
• 9 Phases or the M3 Model
1. Open- male opens a set
2. Female to Male Interest- DHV followed by lack of interest in the target
3. Male to Female Interest-awards females IOI’s with his own IOI’s
4. Conversation-friendly chat, develop comfort and rapport
5. Connection-both feel that “it is on”- chemistry
6. Intimacy-heavy making out occurs
7. Foreplay-physical escalation towards sex
8. LMR
9. Sex- several times before it can be known as a sexual relationship
• The Open
• approaching and crossing a social boundary without conveying neediness
• attractive women are usually in groups to protect them from approaches
• shy girls- proximity IOI- she stands facing you within 5-8 feet
• the more sets you get through in a night, the higher your status will become in the club- nobody
knows who you know and who you don’t know- you are becoming socially proofed in the venue.
• don’t be picky in opening sets, get talking to as many women as possible
• Openers
• Mystery: They were fighting over this guy. I talked to him
afterward. His name was Glen, That's a deal-breaker name. Glen. So
they were pulling each other's hair and one of the girls' boobs pops out,
Normally I'm all for seeing a ripe one, but this was a "saggy-baggy booby"... you know, from
National Geographic.

• The Five Oceans Opener:

“Hey guys I know this is going to be the weirdest question you get asked all night, but I need
some help. On the drive over here on the radio, they were doing that are you smarter than a 5th
grader thing and asked a question, not ONE person could answer it correctly, and I didn’t hear
the final answer, and it’s driving me crazy not knowing, like when you hear a song and can’t
remember who sings it, but anyways, what are the names of the five oceans?”
“I know I know, it’s stupid, but I could only think of four.” With this tactic, ripping on how stupid
the question is before anyone else can, it is now out there and once I started pre-emptively
ripping on it, no one said it was a dumb question. I also added the song part, because everyone
knows how annoying that feeling is, and then can relate to my problem

• In the venue tips

• don’t buy her a drink
• don’t hold your drink by your chest
• be enthusiastic- don’t try to look cool or tough you will just look bored
• avoid the dance floor- stay in the quieter parts of the club
• guys who stand around trying to look cool are not competition
• game a girl as a pawn- use her to help open your next set- she will also lower the protection
shield of the next set
• be able to deliver canned material congruently. however never let canned material become a
• you must develop your own material long-term
• expression
• always be animated- concentrate on facial expressions and voice tonality
• high energy levels make it easier to hook in sets
• false time constraints
• you have not demonstrated value by opening a set
• they must know you are only staying a short while- this will
• ease their tolerance of you
• "You know what... if I didn't have to go right now—which I
do—I would..."
• "I can only stay a sec, I'm here with friends, so check this
• "I've only got a minute, so I've got to tell you about..."
• body rocking- physically demonstrating that you are about to leave the set
• those who re-act the least are often those perceived as those who have the highest social status

• DHV -conveying higher value

-being with other girls is a DHV- pre-selection
-trying to impress is a DLV
-tell fun, interesting stories
-examples -supporter/ protector stories
-unaffected, socially intelligent
-emotional simulation
-being socially in demand

• Group Theory -women are often in groups

-when together, girls group think
-girls look at each other to validate choices
-make group mentality work in your favour
-if you constantly get IOI’s from her, you have mastered A2

• Seated Sets
• with standing you have less physical comfort then seated targets
• this portrays the set is more important then you
• Open Set, False Time Constraint, Talk as you sit down, stack to next routine whilst standing to
leave, sit down and continue talking.

• Multiple Conversation Threads

• each topic of conversation= one thread
• visit and revisit threads
• always change thread before you run out
• NEVER change the thread early- it will be seen as an indicator of interest
• MCT- will give a strong feeling of familiarity
• you must contribute 90% of conversation before you DHV
• 3-5 conversation threads is perfect
• Cutting Threads- any mention of b/f, sad feeling- cut the thread and introduce a new thread to
replace it. never let her control the conversation
• always ask friends how do they know each other at some point- good conversation and
provides useful information
• storytelling
• tell short stories early in the set
• describe in terms of sensation and emotion
• lock in props
• dismissively overly ask her to mind something
• prevents her from leaving after a neg

• The Spin Manoeuvre, Adapted to Steal her Spot

• reach your hand out
• spin her and take her spot on the wall
• make her feel she is chasing you
• psychologically- “the power position”

• lock into target 3-5 minutes into the set

• role playing
• invent playful scenario
• helps create shared conspiracy
• build comfort

• false disqualifiers
• disarms and demonstrates value
• examples - it would never work between us
-we’re not going to get along
-I’m not bf material- but he is
• Approaching a Single
• you must DHV directly
• “I wanted to find out if there’s more to you then meets the eye”
• stack with a less direct opener

• The Two Set

• always win over the obstacle first
• ignore the target
• when she tries to give imput - NEG- tell her to wait a second and don’t interrupt
• spend 5-8 minutes with the obstacle
• when the friend likes you switch the attention to the target
• compliment target- never physical, always personality
• “I’m gonna borrow your friend for a second”

• Pawning
• for high quality women
• you must demonstrate pre-selection
• open set with a 10 by seducing 7/8’s and having them on your arm

• don’t be afraid to merge sets

• A3- Male to Female Interest
• attraction does not get the girl
• bait her into demonstrating value of her own
• continue this
• frame control
• frame=underlying meaning
• people come to assumptions in relation to what you say
• Hoop Theory
• girl may give fake IOI/IOD to get you to; chase her, panic that she doesn’t like you,
• ignore these- NEG her- ignore her- grab her hoop= e.g. “buy me a drink”

• Role Reversal Lines

• don’t think that just cause your……
• are you always this forward??
• I don’t usually do this on the first night
• you want me for my body
• I don’t even know you
• lets just be friends

• Screen Her
• how old are you? (disqualify)
• do not make her feel screened
• are you passionate??
• what are your three best qualities?

• let her know you have standards…….

• Intermittence
• deliver IOI’s by reward
• throw in IOD’s also
• push-pull dynamic is simulating

• Kino Escalation
• makes the progression to sex feel natural for the girl
• 30 instances of kino before approach to sex
• first- to create playfulness
• never miss a window for kino escalation:
• arm in arm
• hand touching
• embracing (then from behind)
• kiss lips
• kiss neck
• hand on knee
• sitting on lap
• hand on ass
• non-standard touching
• hand touching is not hand holding
• instead- handshake, thumb arresting etc.
• don’t let it persist to the point of discomfort
• don’t be wimpy about touching, display dominance
• physically lead her
• take her step by step
• tiny steps- “go like this”, then put your hand out
• one step forward, two steps back
• take one step forward, any hesitation, take two steps back
• work forwards once again
• 2 steps back creates more discomfort- the target will more then likely comply the second time

• Create Tension, the Push Her Away

• it’s the mans job to both escalate and resist
• this will condition her to chase you
• once tension is created= push her away (“get off me”) or back turn/IOD
• she doesn’t feel like your trying to get something if your pushing her away
• after a while- pull her back
• mix signals- drag her in and tell her this will never work- but stroke her at the same time
• use IOI’s, IOD’s, false disqualifiers, role playing, stories etc.

PUA Training Audio Programme

• NEVER seem desperate, its possibly the worst thing you can do
• Opinion openers get 90% of peoples attention
- Who do you think lies more??
-Pink shirts. Gay or OK?
• open three sets to get warmed upped, warm up with ugly girls, they are easy to talk to.
• Bitch Shield
- she is so used to getting hit on.
-ignore the best looking one
• ask questions to the group, ignore the hot one, she will be intrigued.
• always justify your answer
• be ready to switch to your second conversation piece- comment on someone’s clothes that are
around you
• “are you a hairdresser?”
• ask a girl to get you a glass of water.
• limit your drinking.
• “your like a bunch of sexual predators, and you’re the leader?”
• the name routine: say a great way of learning peoples names, associate me with someone you
already know.
• don’t shake hands, try to get her to kiss your cheek
• what’s your age?
-old enough to be your brother
-too young for you
• what do you do?
-joke- dustbin man, cleaner
-whatever she says, tell her your ex girlfriend did that and then say, if your half as annoying as she is
we’re not gonna get on.
• do not be looking around, not having fun
• don’t hold your drink by your chest.
• never pay initial attention to the target
• once she shows interest
-begin to qualify her
-question her about her life
-find things about her and show interest and reward her with IOI’s.
-when I first saw you I thought you looked a bit boring, but your actually an interesting person
-show her you are willing to walk away. turn away from conversation, withdraw attention, she will
reinitiate conversation and want you more.
• initiate kino escalation
• push her away- neg kino
• hug technique- tell her that was a rubbish hug. tell her you need to line up the chakras
• have a stare
• look at a girl like you own her soul
• communicate DHV spikes through storytelling. this will convince her of your value.
• false disqualifiers -you’re adorable, it’s a pity your not my type
• lower her social value by not hitting on her and raise your social value by DHVing
• wait for IOI’s - she is not used to not being hit on
• give her the impression that her looks alone are not enough. ask her about herself.
• move her
• false barriers
-false reasons why its not going to happen
-IOI then throw a disqualifier
-e.g. your interesting, it’s a shame your not my type
• you will eventually develop an instinct for this
• isolate the target, bounce to another location or open a new set
• emotional investment-get her to reveal secrets, creates a bond and helps your cause, try not to
get too serious. always remain playful.
• cold reading can be very effective- study it
• kino escalation is absolutely vital
• act like a jerk, be wild
• you must be the person that they cannot contain
• always go for it, never ask always tell
• act like you’re busy, act like you have a life

PUA Summit
• “you look like your _______ but really your _________. I know cause I’m the same way.
• a subconscious touch relaxes women, makes you out to be fun and playful
• take it step by step. you will be good after a year. consistently work on your game.
• “do you wanna be my 9th girlfriend?”
• 1,000 sets- do a thousands sets and you will be competent
• always open sets, even to be seen by other girls- pre-selection.
• Try and give her your number. if she’s interested she will call back.
• theory and execution, theory and execution
• skill set is developing instinct, once you get it its like riding a bike.
• assign yourself high social status- if you’re a ten. nobody is a social threat
• take your identity and TURN IT UP
• never stare at girls, make eye contact, don’t hover, don’t over neg, never be timid, be decisive,
always take the lead,.
• girls look for; demeanour, social value
• don’t be afraid to push the boundaries, women want attention.
• act like a rock star and you’ll get treated like one
• they will deny you if you’re demonstrating high value
• get girls to comply with you in the first few minutes to break resistance
• always be happy, positive
• give her an excuse to come back to your place
• women are looking for is not what you would expect
• don’t be yourself means- don’t try to be something you aren’t
• anything you can’t walk away from owns you
• have quick interactions with people get to know everyone in the room
• build comfort be different, interest, do not do the a.f.c shit
• LMR- tell her your not going to sleep with her on the first night, it’s a rule of yours
• two skills you MUST have: -get out of the game- take breaks, have a balance
-solve the problem, not the symptom
• start talking to everyone. NOT JUST HOT WOMEN.
• make friends where-ever you go
• its about creating a lifestyle.
• hungry and horny does not work.
• don’t rush over to a woman
• never appear weak or give your power away to a woman

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