TAEPDD401 Assessment Task 5 V2.0

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TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector

Assessment Task 5

Christopher Campbell USI Z672WVLPDH
TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector
Assessment Task 5

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TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector
Assessment Task 5

Assessment Task 5wvlpdh

This task requires you to apply strategies to identify and address learner special needs.

 Refer to the resource provided: filename Reasonable Adjustment Guide.

 Using information in the Guide, answer the following questions:
Disability and reasonable adjustment
What is the concept and role of reasonable adjustment in VET?

 increase the participation of all learners (especially those with disability)

 reduce the impact of disability on achieving a vocational qualification leading to


What 3 practices facilitate making reasonable adjustment?

 encouraging learner disclosure of disability

 gathering relevant supporting information (evidence of need)

 consulting with the learner, and/or their associate where applicable.

Are you permitted to require a learner to disclose their disability if they do not wish to do
so? YES/NO


If the learner discloses their disability to you, are you permitted to pass this information to
others within the RTO without seeking consent of the learner? YES/NO


Identify 4 possible options of adjustment for learners with low vision

 assistive technology such as magnifying devices to enlarge print or screen readers

 Braille examination papers (with tactile diagrams, maps)

 oral assessment or recorded questions

 a reader

LLN issues
Consider the qualification that you intend to train and describe the kinds of things they will
need to read in order to demonstrate competence.

Workshop manuals, Service Instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets

Developing World Class Teachers and Leaders

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TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector
Assessment Task 5

Think about your intended learner cohort. What proportion of them may need support to
develop their reading skills?

Given that the majority of apprentices are school leavers and the minimum requirement for
leaving school is to have finished Year 10 and be at least 17 years of age the majority of
the cohort should possess the ability to read to a level that will allow them to understand
the technical material they will encounter during their training.

There will still need to be allowances made for those who have completed their secondary
education but have difficulty reading but I anticipate this number to be a relatively small
percentage of students. Of course there are some who will have a vision impairment or
disability such as dyslexia etc that may need extra allowances.

The other group who may find this difficult could be mature age learners who left school
young but have decided to pursue further studies later in life.

Consider the qualification that you intend to train and describe the kinds of things they will
need to write in order to demonstrate competence.

In training for a Heavy Vehicle Apprenticeship the students will need to be able to
communicate effectively in writing to be able to fill out things like service reports, parts
requests, and build measurement documentation when building components such as
engines and transmissions

Think about your intended learner cohort. What proportion of them may need support to
develop their writing skills?

Again, given the leaving standards for High School Education the amount of students that
may need help developing their writing skills should be relatively small. I can envisage the
possibility of mature age students or those with learning difficulties being the main
exception to this.

Consider the qualification that you intend to train and describe the kinds of things they will
need to communicate orally in order to demonstrate competence.

When it comes to Oral communication in the workplace as a Heavy Vehicle Mechanic

students will need to be able to communicate with other mechanics and their supervisor
effectively to ensure they are able to work in a team on tasks that require more than one
person. There are many jobs in a heavy vehicle workshop that due to the heavy nature of
the machinery and parts that require two or more people.

Think about your intended learner cohort. What proportion of them may need support to
develop their oral communication skills?

In my experience in the trade most of the apprentices I encountered had fairly good verbal
communication skills. With most students having completed a minimum of Year 10, even if
their reading and writing skills needed some further development the vast majority of
apprentices had little to no trouble communicating verbally and those that did generally
developed the industry specific vocabulary needed in a short space of time during their
Consider the qualification that you intend to train and describe the kinds of things they will
need to calculate, measure or estimate in order to demonstrate competence.

Developing World Class Teachers and Leaders

PO Box 903 Coffs Harbour NSW Australia 2450 T: +61 2 6658 3999 E: [email protected] W: www.ittacademy.net.au
TAEPDD401 Assessment Task 5 Version 2.0 March 2023 Page 2
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TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector
Assessment Task 5

In the heavy vehicle mechanical apprenticeship students will need to be able to estimate
the quantity of various fluids that will be needed to carry out repairs in the field. They will
also need to be able to measure parts during the rebuilding of major engine and driveline
components using instruments such as vernier calipers, micrometers and dial gauges.

Think about your intended learner cohort. What proportion of them may need support to
develop their numeracy skills?

The numeracy side of this qualification can be quite in depth in some areas but generally
speaking a High School education is quite adequate. It is more in terms of training the
apprentices in the use of specialised measurement equipment that the extra training will
be needed. Once the students have a solid understanding of how to operate the
measuring equipment then the actual mathematical side of this is not all that complicated
and most students will be able to calculate the measurements effectively without too much

Refer to the information in your Learning Guide
What key things would you do in group training to apply best practice principles related to
learner diversity and inclusivity?

• Openly acknowledge the diversity of the group

• Explain the benefits of having a diverse group

different experiences of different perspectives

learning from one another
challenging preconceived ideas about minority groups

• Actively promote discussion and sharing of perspectives

• Set and (if necessary) enforce ground rules for respectful behaviour
• Identify the 3 D’s as unacceptable:

o Denote – putting individuals into a category (treat as an individual)

o Derogate – using derogatory language or behaviour (put-downs and exclusion)
o Devalues – patronising, sarcasm and put-downs

Conduct internet research and identify 5 benefits of having a culturally diverse workforce.

 Boosts Productivity. ...

 Various Perspectives. ...
 Improved Innovation. ...
 Faster Problem Solving. ...
 Improved Decision Making.

Developing World Class Teachers and Leaders

PO Box 903 Coffs Harbour NSW Australia 2450 T: +61 2 6658 3999 E: [email protected] W: www.ittacademy.net.au
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Note: © 2023 International Teacher Training Academy. Materials cannot be reproduced without the permission of the Director of ITTA

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