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Assignment Cover Sheet

Student Name: Mr. Asibul Hasan

Student Number: 743374
Course: Diploma in HR management
Assignment No: 1

Human Resource Department do:

Ask any employee what an HR department is, and you’ll get an answer that primarily deals with the most
uncomfortable aspects of work: HR violations, layoffs, and firing. But the truth is that human resources is there
to support employees. It’s quite literally a resource for humans.
Here are some of the tasks your HR department is busy completing every day.
1. Recruit candidates
2. Hire the right employees
3. Process payroll
4. Conduct disciplinary actions
5. Update policies
6. Maintain employee records
7. Conduct benefit analysis

The Objectives of HRM:

The objectives of HRM are the goals of an organization. Individual or group activities are then organized in a
way that will achieve those objectives or goals. Organizations and companies aim to secure and manage
certain resources, including human resources, to achieve the specified goals.
Human resources must therefore be managed in a way that uses their resources to achieve the
organizational objectives/goals. Essentially, the objectives of HRM come from and contribute to the
achievement of organizational objectives.
1. To establish and use a workforce that is able and motivated in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
2. To create the desired organizational structure and working relationships among all the members of the
3. To integrate individuals and/or groups within the company by matching their goals with those of the
4. To ensure individuals and groups have the right opportunities to develop and grow with the organization.
5. To use the company’s human resources in the most effective way to achieve organizational
6. To ensure wages are fair and adequate and provide incentives and benefits, thereby satisfying both
individuals and groups; also, to develop ways of allowing recognition for challenging work, prestige, security
and status.
7. To maintain continuous high employee morale and good human relations by establishing
and improving conditions and facilities within the organization.
8. To improve the human assets by providing appropriate training programmers on a continuous basis.
9. To try to effect socio-economic change in areas such as unemployment, under-employment and inequality
by distributing income and wealth. In this way, society might benefit. Additional employment opportunities for
women and the disadvantaged will also have a positive impact.
10. To offer opportunities for expression.
11. To ensure that the organizational leadership works in a fair, acceptable and efficient manner.
12. To ensure a good working atmosphere and employment stability by having proper facilities and working

The benefits of clear recruitment process:

The growth and the complexity of the talent market has changed the expectations of employees and employers

alike. According to research, 70% of employers say that their expectations of the value employees bring are

constantly growing, while a similar percentage report that employee expectations of employers are also rising.
These changes in addition to the increasing acceptance of freelance work and rapid changes in technology

make it harder for companies to hire the best talent. The value of proactive hiring services using social, mobile,

robotics, and analytics tools to drive long-term recruiting strategy is becoming increasingly apparent. As a

result, enterprises today see the role RPOs as a strategic relationship.

The role evolving:

HR professional’s today work alongside management to direct and influence company culture, employee
engagement, and significant company changes. As a result of growing technology and a more diverse
workforce, the HR role has evolved into a more revered position.

Outline the ethics of HRM as relating to the organization:

Areas of ethics in HRM include safety in the workplace, respect, fairness, privacy, basic human rights,
justifiable treatment of employees, and honestly based processes in the workplace. As an example, employee
monitoring is deemed necessary in many companies that work remotely.

The relationship between personal effectiveness and people management:

Being effective is crucial to personal and group success. A manager has to be able to manage himself and at
the same time to be able to understand the behavior of others. Generally as a manager the majority of our
communication and relationships should run smoothly.

The main functions of Human Resource Management:

1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Training and Development
3. Performance Management
4. Employee Relations
5. Employment Law and Compliance
6. Compensation and Benefits
7. Administration, Payroll & HR Systems

Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment and selection is a fundamental function of HR. It involves identifying the need for a role,
writing up job descriptions, defining the requirements of the role and the skill set of the right candidate,
setting salary budgets, advertising to the right people, screening interviewing, and selecting the best
person for the job.

Training and Development:

HR Training and development is vital for addressing skill or training deficits among employees and
providing them with the necessary tools to strengthen their skill sets, improve their confidence, and
perform more effectively. Employers who invest in their workforce in this way see distinct increases in
employee satisfaction and morale. They are seen to be valued and supported and more likely to feel
motivated in their roles.

Performance Management:
Performance management is usually facilitated by Human Resources with the help of line managers.
It is a tool to monitor progress and evaluate employees’ work, attitude, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Employee Relations:
There are two primary functions when it comes to Employee Relations (ER). Firstly, HR helps prevent
and resolve problems or disputes between employees and management. Secondly, they assist in
creating and enforcing policies that are fair and consistent for the whole workforce.

Employment Law and Compliance:

Every HR practitioner should stay familiar and up to date with employment law and ensure the
organizational policies, procedures, and benefits comply with the latest laws. Employment law is the
legal framework within which the organization must operate. There are a wide range of laws and
regulations that cover a myriad of human resource practices such as recruitment, performance
management, employee relations, compensation, and health and safety.

Compensation and Benefits:

Compensation and benefits is likely every employee’s favorite HR function. Compensation is the basic
salary that is agreed upon with each employee. Company benefits offered to employees can range
from pay raises linked to appraisals, social security, pensions, private health insurance, longevity
perks, corporate discounts, paid holidays, paid sick leave, childcare facilities, profit sharing, gym
membership, and many more depending on the priorities of the company and its employees .

Administration, Payroll & HR Systems:

Developing systems, maintaining employee data, calculating taxes, prorating working hours and
holidays, and paying salaries are some of the administrative duties that usually fall under HR. Some
larger organizations may have a separate payroll team that works together with the HR department.

Opportunities of staff development:

Employee development is the process of working with your employees to develop, improve, and hone existing
skills and train them on new skills. Employee development aims to build a talent pool that supports the
organization’s mission while creating highly engaged employees.

But employee development isn’t just about paying for some seminars or having employees complete training

1. Refresher training: Refresher training is coaching or teaching on a specific subject that learners have
already encountered, that's designed to jog their memory and boost their knowledge on the topic .

2. Providing materials for self-study: Self-learning materials are educational tools meant to help
learners obtain information and skills on their own, without the assistance of a teacher or instructor.
Books, videos, online courses, and other resources that learners may access at their own pace and
convenience are examples of these items.

Case Study:
Answer: According to Tony's statement, one way the statement is depicting this hotel is that it actually
suggests that the motivation of this hotel worker is very much low and not employee-satisfying. Actually, for the
workplaces such as this one which is a city hotel, the most frequently used motivator should be a good pay and
this is basically due to the load of work and the manner in which the workers are engaged in their duties. So, a
good compensation in the form of good money pay will motivate the employees more and more and they will
become contented with their job.

Another way that the statement is suggesting the motivation of this hotel worker is that the hotel is not giving
attention to scale of work compensation. This is evidenced by the fact that Tony must just extend the work
realm by deciding to work over the weekend is when he can meet the desired pay at the job. This means that
the hotel is not given a deeper look into the scale of work that the employees are attached to.

Student Statement:

By submitting this assignment, I confirm that this is my own work.

Student Signature: Asibul hasan Date: 20-05-24

For Tutor / Assessor Use Only

Total Marks
Marks Obtained
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