Grow Yourself Workbook

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Personal Growth
Becoming the BEST you, one day at a time...
By Jasmine Rice
Meet Jasmine
Hi Friends, I’m Jasmine! I am a certified Personal Growth Life
Transformation Coach, and also an active participant wading
through this thing called life in hopes that my experiences,
soft suggestions and growth tips can help others become the
best versions of themselves.

Learning to practice self-care, loving yourself and living a life

you don’t feel the need to escape from can be a scary process.
Sometimes it’s much easier to want to hit the fast-forward
button and get to the “good parts of life”. But the truth is,
even though part of life is difficult at times, it’s all “good
parts” because it’s teaching us so many things.

Throughout my journey of personal growth, I have discovered

I’m much stronger than I ever knew possible…and so are you!
There is no one-size-fits all approach to self-care and personal
growth. You get to create your own recipe! So, let's get
How To Use This Workbook

This workbook is A jumping off point to

assist you in your own
personal growth journey.

There is no promise of having it all figured

out after you complete this workbook. life
is an ongoing journey that's ever
changing and various tools are here to
guild you along the way.

you will gain knowledge about yourself

and learn useful tips as you are navigating
each section.

use this workbook as a tool, a stepping

stone, a guide and an ingredient in
creating your own life recipe.
Affirmations, what are they?
An Affirmation is a positive statement you
make about what you want in life.
Affirmations build on positive thinking by
putting your positive thoughts into spoken
words. They empower you by verbally
reaffirming your hopes, desires and
ambitions. Affirmations are how you take
control of your own thoughts. They have
been proven to help us rewire our brains to
think more positively. They work because
they are a daily exercise. Affirmations
encourage acknowledging that thoughts
have power to create productive change.
Start by picking 3 you say daily and
gradually add more.

The next page gives you ideas
Daily Affirmations
I can do this
I am funny
I am excellent at what I do
My friends like me for who I am
I'm not perfect and that's okay
I am good enough to win
I have time to do things I love
My thoughts matter
I am allowed to take up space
I am allowed to be loud
I like me
I love me
I am beautiful
I have purpose
My feelings matter
I am grateful for my loved ones
I am at peace
I deserve and receive massive amounts of love every day
I am allowed to say No
My mistakes don't define me
I am important and I matter
I am enough
I love and accept myself
I find freedom in my vulnerability
I feel wonderful and alive
I am worthy
I am in charge of my own self-worth
I am exactly where I need to be right now
I let go of the things I cannot control
I am calm and peaceful
I am generous and kind
My growth is a continuous process
FILL IN THE BLANK ________________________
Choices, Chances, Changes
"You must make a choice to take a chance or
you life never changes."

Having control of your life doesn't mean

that you have control over everything
that happens. But you have a choice on how
you will react.

Sometimes life makes choices for us that we

aren't happy with and we get caught up in
the fact that i didn't choose what happened
rather than how i will respond.

you have a choice every day to take a

chance and change your life.

What is a change that has happened recently in your life that

you didn't necessarily choose? Example: You lost your job

What are the fear based (escape based) choices you

could make when handing this situation?

What are the love based (target based) choices you

could make when handling this situation?:

What is a difficult decision you are making in life

right now? Example: I want to quit my job

What are the fear based reasons you are

struggling with your choice?:

What are the loved based reasons you

would make this choice?
Anxiety Vs. Truth

When you experience anxiety, your

mind often begins to run with
thoughts that aren't always true.
Anxious thoughts are often focused
on the worst possible outcome.

In the thought boxes on the next page,

write a few anxious thoughts that you
are experiencing, then try to
challenge those thoughts by
identifying what is actually true
about your situation.
Anxiety Vs. Truth
Anxiety Worksheet Truth

Example: I am divorced and Example: I don't know

afraid I'm never going to find what the future holds!
a connection again with Right now I can focus
someone like I had with my on loving myself and
ex-husband. working on me.

"Setbacks are just bumps in

the road. Turn a setback
into a comeback!"

A setback is something that

happens to slow down your
progress but it doesn't stop
you. Prepare yourself for
setbacks, because like it or
not, they will happen.

What is your goal? Example: To get a promotion at work

What is a setback that might happen along the way?

What are 3 feels you might experience

during the setback?

What are ways you have productively dealt with

these feelings in the past?

What are 3 ways you can adapt to

accommodate this setback?
My Not-To-Do List

Stuff that distracts me and wastes my time:

Stuff that stresses me out and gives me anxiety:

Stuff that drains my energy:

Stuff I feel obligated to do:

Stuff that doesn't actually need to be done right now:

Stuff I can't control or isn't my responsibility:
Intellectual self-care involves continuous pursuit of
learning, engaging in new things, practicing
mindfullness and having a positive mindset

Current practice:


Emotional self-care involves awareness of your feelings

and emotions. Cultivating a sense of compassion, kindness
and love for yourself and others

Current practice:


Physical self-care involves fitness, sleep and eating habits.

This also includes how you manage your stress, oral and
medical health and sexual health

Current practice:


Spiritual self-care involves beliefs and values that

positively guide you.

Current practice:

S p i r i t u a l i t y
Vision Board F a m i l y

your long
C a r e e r
W e a l t h

goals in

L o v e
H e a l t h

K n o w l e d g e
3 minute

Something I did well today:

Today I laughed when:

I felt accomplished when:
Grateful for Today


How was I kind to myself today?
Weekly Reflection
D A T E :


What I wanted to get done, but didn't

Now What
You did it! You have documented areas
where you struggle and areas where you
want to improve. you can visually see your
goals and where you are headed.

Keep going!

If you would like to work with me

one-on-one please contact me at:

[email protected]

You Got This!

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