Evaluation of Water Intake Structures For Municipal Water Supply Scheme in Lagos, Nigeria

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J. Bio. & Env. Sci.


Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)

ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online)
Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 1-7, 2012

Evaluation of Water Intake Structures for Municipal Water Supply

Scheme in Lagos, Nigeria
Nubi Afolasade Tosin1*, Longe Emmanuel1, Nubi Olubunmi Ayoola2
University of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos State, Nigeria
Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Lagos, Nigeria
Received: 14 January 2012
Revised: 24 January 2012
Accepted: 25 January 2012

Key words: Intakes, Correlation coefficient, water withdrawal, pollution.

The aim of this study was to evaluate some of the grass root problems that tend to frustrate municipal water
supply efforts of the Lagos State Water Corporation. This was achieved by understudying three water withdrawal
points, namely Iju, Isashi and Adiyan water intake facilities through physical observation, administration of
questionnaires and Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis of data obtained through questionnaire. The
correlation coefficient analysis of the location of intake against water source gave value ranges of 0.530, 0.545
and 0.586 for Iju, Adiyan and Isashi Intakes respectively. The correlation analysis of the hydraulic properties of
the intake structure against water quality also revealed value ranges of 0.260, 0.236 and -0.453 respectively while
the correlation analysis of intake location and water quality gave value ranges of -0.246, -0.602 and -0.827
respectively. Although, physical observations revealed that good planning, designs and constructions were
achieved in all the three facilities, but unwholesome practices as demonstrated by lack of maintenance culture,
archaic operational practices and inadequate funding undermined the entire water supply scheme.
*Corresponding Author: Nubi Afolasade Tosin  [email protected]

1 | Tosin et al.
J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

Introduction environmental regulation, climatic conditions,

Intakes are hydraulic structures used to extract water dredging, operations and maintenance (O & M). The
from the surface sources such as rivers, man-made associated Electromechanical works require a pump
reservoirs or lakes (Masschelein, 1992). Intake hall, an High Voltage and Low Voltage (step down)
structures on channels are intended to divert a room, a control room, a storage room to store a
certain amount of water from the channel for diverse complete standby pump set, the spare parts and an
purposes of use such as irrigation, industrial plant assortment tools, travelling crane – an electrically
cooling, potable water supply and hydroelectric driven overhead crane (Al-Layla et al, 1977).
power. It must be possible for both the diverted
water and the remaining supply to be evacuated The authors undertook a study of the water intake
without damage being caused to the environment or operations of the Lagos State Water Corporation, the
the Intake system (Al-Layla et al, 1998). Generally an main governmental organ that has the responsibility
intake structure, if meant for the purposes of to provide potable water for residents. Emphasis was
municipal water supply, is a masonry or concrete put on the state of some selected sources of raw water
structure with the aim of providing relatively clean and the withdrawal intake structures used to exploit
water, free from pollution, sand and objectionable the surface water resources, in order to actually see if
floating materials. The basic functions of the intake the efforts could be sustained in meeting the global
structure are to help in safely extracting water from a target of the provision of potable water for the
surface source, ensure smooth, easy and turbulence- masses. It was found that the three intakes have a
free entry of water into the conveyance passages and combined maximum water production capacity of
to stop coarse river-borne trash matter such as 648 million litres per day. The Iju intake which has a
boulders, ice and logs of wood from entering into the capacity of 192 million litres per day was constructed
conveyance passage (Vischer and Hager, 1998). To in 1972 and refurbished in 1986. It is the oldest. The
achieve this, special measures must be taken during Isashi intake was commissioned in 1976 with a
the design and construction stages to determine the capacity of 168 million litres per day. Adiyan intake is
necessary amount of water to be withdrawn. the most recently built intake. It was commissioned
in 1991 with a maximum capacity of 288 million
In order to put in place an efficient intake system, litres per day. All these intakes draw their raw water
factors such as the environmental impact of intake supply from the same source – Ogun River, which is
structure on the ecosystem, the quality and quantity the primary source of fresh water supply for the two
of the water to be conveyed, hydraulic factors, states.
funding of the project, salt water intrusion, seasonal
changes, maintenance of the intake system, The seventh cardinal millennium development goal
availability of the spare parts, availability of the (MDG) addresses environmental sustainability.
required trained manpower, constant and cheap Within this context, the United Nation aims at
energy source must be of high priority (Vermeyen, reducing by half the proportion of people without
1999). An intake (Fig. 1) should essentially have the sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic
following components: Bell mouth/cylindrical sanitation by the year 2015 (UN, 2007). These goals
strainer, Strainer structure with arrangements for its basically target developing countries of which Nigeria
protection, Raw water gravity pipe or channel, Gate is strategic, being the most populous country in
or sluice-valve, Suction well (intake well), Foot valve, Africa with an estimated population of 140 million
Suction pipe for the low lift pipe. Parameters that people and an annual growth rate of 3.2% (FGN,
need to be considered in the design of Intakes are the 2007). The percentage of Nigerians with access to
availability of water, sediment transport, improved sanitation facilities was put at 44% as at

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

2004 (UN, 2006). Lagos state, Nigeria is widely Materials and methods
accepted as the economic and Industrial Study area
headquarters of Nigeria. The Lagos state government agency (Lagos State
Water Corporation) utilizes the raw water from the
The Federal Government’s official population figure Ogun River as the major source to increase the
of Lagos state alone (which has attracted much capacity of the treated water distribution system in
controversy) stands at 9.013 million people. Lagos metropolis and environs. River Ogun, which
Conversely, the Lagos State Government and United has its source several kilometres from the intake, has
Nations say that 17 million people reside in Lagos an average water level of 3.5m in the rainy season
state (Lagos State Government, 2006; Microsoft and 1.0m in the dry season. All the three intakes in
Encarta, 2005) making it one of the most populous this study draw their raw water from River Ogun.
cities in the world. Taking daily per capita water While the Adiyan and Iju intakes are located in Akute
requirement for domestic use as 100 litres village, within the Ogun State boundary, the Isashi
(Falkenmark and Widstrand, 1992), the current intake is located within Lagos state boundary. The
water requirement of Lagos residents for domestic Adiyan and Iju intakes are known as Akute Intakes.
use alone is 901.3million litres per day (using FGN The Akute intakes are responsible for the raw water
data) and 1.7 billion litres per day (using Lagos State extraction for Adiyan and Iju Waterworks. The
Government and UN data). By projection, water formation also houses and maintains the anti-salinity
demand for domestic use alone for half of Lagos state weir. The Adiyan raw water intake was constructed in
residents by 2015 will be 580 million litres per day 1991 and has been in operation since then. The
(using FGN data, 3.2% growth rate and projecting average water supply from the intake is about 288
from 2007) and 1.13 billion litres per day (using mld which is obtained from the use of three pumps of
Lagos State and UN data, 3.2% growth rate and about 96 mld each. But presently only 2 of the pumps
projecting from 2006). This does not take into are working producing only about 192 mld. The
cognisance the fact that water withdrawal in Africa intake is located at the upstream of the river also at a
goes into Agricultural, Industrial and domestic uses depth where it can draw water during dry seasons.
in the proportion 88%, 5% and 7% respectively The Adiyan intake does not get flooded because it
(Hinrichsen et al, 2007). Moreover, millions of was designed for the worst water in flow conditions;
people who earn their living in Lagos actually reside the highest water level recorded was in September
in Ogun state, because of the proximity and cheaper 2003 having 4.36m and in September 2005 having
cost of living. Industrialists also have of late been 4.28m at the intake which was the peak period of the
locating their industries in Ogun state whereas their raining season. At the Adiyan intake there was a
primary market target is the Lagos population. With history of salt water intrusion in 1993 which affected
this ever increasing demand for water in perspective, the water supplied to Lagos state consumers but the
it is estimated that only 35% of Lagos residents are problem of the intrusion was solved by the
served by the Lagos State Water Corporation (FGN, construction of a weir in 1995 on the Ogun River and
2000). It is also on record that more than 60% of before the intake structure. Due to the effect of this
water produced to serve this low percentage of weir the salty water from the lagoon was halted
people is unaccounted for and lost through leakages, which allowed the use of normal materials for pipes,
illegal connections and excess consumptions through fitting and pumps. The raw water passes through a
flat rate tariff (FGN, 2000). These facts paint a grim coarse screen, fine screen, inlet gate and pumping
picture indeed of Nigeria and possibly of other chamber. The coarse screen is made up of vertical
developing countries since similar conditions are iron bars with 160mm spacing and fine screen of

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

20mm spacing, which prevent foreign objects from n

entering the raw water pumping chamber. n  n

( y i ) 2
S yy   ( yi  y ) 2   yi2  i 1

i 1 i 1 n
Data gathering and processing
Data was gathered in the year 2006 through field n n

observation, the administration of questionnaires n  n

( xi )( yi )
and interviews with the authorities of the intake S xy   yi ( xi  x) 2   xi yi  i 1 i 1

i 1 i 1 n
facilities. The physical properties (colour and
turbidity) of the source river were assessed by
physical observation. A total of 21 questionnaires
Results and discussion
were administered at the 3 intake locations to Project
River Ogun, where the raw water is being sourced
Managers, Operations & Maintenance Managers, and
was observed to be replete with a lot of unrestricted
Site Engineers as respondents. The questionnaire
anthropogenic activities such fishing, subsistence
addressed issues such as the source of raw water,
farming and firewood processing which contributed
intake location, hydraulic properties and the quality-
to increased pollution of the source water.
cum-quantity of water of the water withdrawal
Substances such as broken fishing nets and cleared
system. The result rankings were concluded using the
weeds were observed to be clinging to the surface of
Likert scale. Responses ranged from a score of 4,
the screens, thereby hindering the process by
representing ‘strongly agree’ to a score of 1
reducing the rate of raw water extraction. The colour
representing ‘strongly disagree’. Eighteen were
of the water was observed to be greenish at the three
returned giving rise to a response of 86%
intake sites. This discolouration was caused by the
approximately. For the purpose of correlation
growing vegetation on the water surface. Also,
coefficient analysis, the independent variables, x and
manual dredging activities was observed to be
the dependent variables, y were taken respectively as
carried out at both Iju and Adiyan intakes. The
the river source and intake location; hydraulic
dredge spoils were put in canoes and disposed off at
properties of the intake structure and the quality of
the adjacent land to the intake. This is washed back
raw water; Location of intake structure and quality of
gradually into the river during raining season,
raw water. Analysis of data was done by applying
thereby increasing the turbidity of the raw water
Pearson’s correlation coefficient as stated in
while the sediment movement also clog the screens.
equations 1 to 4 (Montgomerry and Runger, 2003;
Sediment transport is highest during the wet season
Sprinthal, 2002):
thereby causing the turbidity of the water get as high
as 40 N.T.U. or as low as 26 N.T.U. Due , also, to the
S xy sediment and waste disposal in the river, the colour
S xx S yy ranged between 140 and 500 during the dry and wet
seasons respectively.
Centrifugal pumps were being used at the three

n  n
( xi ) 2 intake locations that were studied. The intake pipes

S xx   ( xi  x) 2   xi2  i 1 are made of ductile iron. The sources of power come

i 1 i 1 n from the public power supply agency, NEPA and
(2) generators. While the public power supply is very
erratic, the fuelling of the generators with diesel is an
expensive, howbeit, the only alternative. These twin
problems therefore ensure that even when all the

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

pumps are functional, full daily production capacity sites is bad. This is due to lack of spare parts to
cannot be achieved. For example, only two out of the replace damaged ones and the scarcity of diesel to
five centrifugal pumps at Adiyan intake were run the machine regularly.
working. This has reduced the water pumping
efficiency. The condition of the generators at three





Fig. 1. A typical river intake structure schematic diagram.

The maintenance culture of the water works can only Hydraulic properties of the intake structure and
be described as very poor. It was observed that the quality of raw water
screens were corroded, thereby putting public health For Iju and Adiyan, their correlation coefficients are
at risk as a result of dissolved metal in the water 0.260 and 0.236 respectively. This shows a positive
which may not be provided for at the treatment but low correlation between the hydraulic properties
plant. It was also observed at the three intake and the raw water quality. Isashi had a correlation
locations that the few pumps and generators that are coefficient value of -0.453. This indicates a higher,
still functioning are not being serviced. This though negative correlation between the hydraulic
negligence was attributed to lack of funds from the properties and the quality of raw water.
Table 1. Values of r = Pearson’s Correlation
Survey analysis coefficient.
Results of the questionnaires that were administered Parameters IJU ADIYAN ISASHI
were analyzed using the models stated in equation 1
to 4. The correlation coefficient for the following Source& 0.530 0.545 0.586
parameters was derived for each intake location
(results are presented in Table 1). Hydraulic& 0.260 0.236 -0.453

Location of intake facility and source of raw water Location& -0.246 -0.602 -0.827
The correlation coefficient values ranged between
0.530 to 0.586, with Isashi recording the highest
value of 0.586, and Iju recording the lowest value of Location of intake facility and quality of raw water

0.530. All the three values were positive and high, The correlation coefficients for Iju, Adiyan, and

indicating that there are positive correlations Isashi are -0.246, -0.602, -0.827 respectively. These

between the location and river source for the three all show a negative correlation between location and

(3) intake sites. the quality of raw water for the three intakes.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

Conclusion  The federal government should provide more

It can be deduced from this study that significant funds for efficient operation and maintenance of all
effort has been made to meet the water requirement the intakes.
of the residents of Lagos and its environs. However,  Power supply should be accorded top priority.
the expansion, maintenance and sustenance of this
laudable effort are presently the greatest bane of The following should be considered for an
these three water intake systems. The lack of appropriate location:
maintenance and allocation of appropriate funding
has handicapped these water withdrawal systems  The intake areas should be free of vegetation and
from delivering maximally. An intake system must human activities that can cause coloration and
have sufficient capacity to meet the maximum pollution of the river water.
anticipated demand for water under all conditions. It  Dredging should be done regularly and the
should be supplying water of the best quality disposal of dredged spoils should be properly done in
economically from the source. Analysis and field order to keep turbidity as low as possible.
observation indicates that the design and operation  The intake should be located in a place where
of various water supply intakes have different design there is no fast current which may damage the intake
concept which is not suitable for all location thereby causing interruption in the water supply.
therefore, any intake design must be based on site
 The three intakes site should remain easily
specific information, hydrologic, environmental and
accessible during floods. Moreover, flood water
economic factors. Hydraulic analysis must be
should be channelled away from the vicinity of the
performed as an integral part of the intake design to
provide flow free from objectionable conditions at
the pumps.
The authors are grateful to the University of Lagos
Sequel to the conducted field investigation,
management for providing the enabling environment
questionnaire administration and survey analysis,
for this research work.
the following are recommended for an efficient
intake system:
Al-layla MA, Ahmad S, Middlebrooks EJ.
The use of an intake well should be adopted because
1977. Water Supply Engineering Design. Ann Arbor
it serves as a reservoir for the pumps by allowing a
Science Publishers, Michigan, p. 61- 67.
constant inflow into the sump well. It also houses silt
and sediment accumulation. The present design at
Falkenmark M, Widstrand C. 1992. Population
Akute and Isashi lack this component.
and water resources: A delicate balance. Population
 The use of fine and coarse screens is Bulletin 47(3), 1-36.
recommended to reduce abrasion of the pumps for
the three intakes investigated. FGN. 2007. Legal Notice on Publication of the 2006
 The pipes should be made of reinforced cement Census Report. Federal Republic of Nigeria official
concrete (R.C.C) and distribution mains already used Gazette 4(94), 1-8.
with cast iron can be retained.
 The regular servicing and general overhaul of the FGN. 2000. Water Supply & Interim Strategy note.
equipment such as pumps, generators etc should be Federal Government of Nigeria.
done for continuous flow of water.

J. Bio. & Env. Sci. 2012

Hinrichsen D, Robey B, Upadhyay UD. 2007. Sprinthall RC. 2002. Basic Statistical Analysis.
Solutions for a Water-Short World. Population 7th edition, Pearson Publishers.
Reports, Series M, No. 14. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins
School of Public Health, Population Information UN. 2007. Africa and the Millenium Development
Program, December 1997. Goals. United Nation Department of Public
Information. DPI/2458 – June 2007.
Lagos State Government. 2006. Lagos
Demography. Accessed 6th February, 2008. UN. 2006. Millennium Development Goal
Indicators. United Nation Department of Public
Masschelein WJ. 1992. Unit processes in Information.
Drinking Water Treatment. CRC Press.
Vermeyen TB. 1999. Glen Canyon Dam Multi-
Microsoft Encarta. 2005. Nigeria: Facts and Level Intake Structure Hydraulic Model Study. U.S.
Figures. Microsoft Inc. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.
Report no: R-99-02.
Microsoft Encarta. 2005. Africa: The People: Vischer DL, Hager WH. 1998. Dam Hydraulics.
Demography. Microsoft Inc. pp. 215-232, John Wiley & Sons.

Montgomerry DC, Runger GC. 2003. Applied

Statistics and Probability for Engineers. 3rd Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, N.Y.

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