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I. Indiana's Lost River __ underground 6. In 1858, the site \__ was to become the
for a distance of 22 miles. city of Denver was settled as a way station
for outfitting gold prospectors.
(A) travels
(B) traveling (A) it
(C) to travel (B) of it
(0) it travels (C) what
(0) of what
2. The 1980 explosion of __ the first
volcanic emption in the continental United 7. The light from an electrical lamp includes
States in over 60 years. many different wavelengths, __ in a
laser is concentrated on only one
(A) Mount SI. Helens wavelength.
(B) was Mount SI. Helens
(C) it was Mount SI. Helens (A) all the energy
(0) Mount SI. Helens was (B) it is all the energy
(e) while all the energy
3. Static e1eco'icity __ one cloud to (0) while all the energy is
another or between clouds and the ground
creates lightning. 8. In the Antarctic Ocean __ plankton and
crustacean forms of life.
(A) flows from
(B) the flow from (A) an abundance of
(C) flowing from (B) is an abundance of
(0) is flowing from (C) it is abundant
(0) an abundance is
4. The Model T car, introduced in 1908, __
$850. 9. Flintlock muskets __ sharp bayonets
were standard weapons during the
(A) the price was American Revolution.
(B) a price of
(C) to be priced at (A) tip with
(0) was priced at (B) tipped with
(C) the tips of
5. __ reacts with a chlorine atom, an (0) were tipped with
electron is transferred from the outer shell
of the sodium atom to the outer shell of the 10. Benjamin Franklin believed that the turkey
chlorine atom. rather than the eagle __ of the United
(A) A sodium atom
(B) When a sodium atom (A) should become the symbol
(C) For a sodium atom (B) the symbol becomes
(D) It is a sodium atom (C) should symbolize becoming
(D) becoming the symbol


2 2
II. __ to occur in the Earth's crust. push- 14. The temperatures __ take place vary
pull and shake waves would be generated widely for different materials.
(A) which melting and freezing
(A) Were a break (B) at which melting and freezing
(B) If a break (C) which they melt and freeze
(C) A break was (0) at which they melt and freeze
(0) If broken
2 15. In general, the cells of large animals and
12. Fossil fuels like coal. oil, and gas produce plants are only slightly larger than __
carbon dioxide when __ ' plants and animals.

(A) are burned (A) smaller

(B) they burned (B) are smaller
(C) burned (C) those smaller
(0) are they burned (0) are those of smaller

13. Not until Nellie Tayloe Ross was elected

governor of Wyoming in 1924 __ as
go'vernor of a U.S. state.

(A) a woman served

(B) a woman serving
(C) to serve a woman
(0) did a woman serve

16. The music on a compact disk (CD) is record by lasers.
A B -c-l)

17. Alaska has more active glaciers as the rest of the inhabited world combined.
-';-B- C D

18. Aristotle believed that everything in the universe were composed of four basic
--A- ---a-- -C-

elements: earth. water, air. and fire.

19. In the cold climate of the far north, mosquito eggs may remains dormant from
A B --C---D-
autumn until late June.

20. Passengers have ridden the first Ferris wheel at the Columbian Exposition in
A B -C-
Chicago in 1893.
21. One type of Australian frog lays up to 25 eggs at a time and then swallows they for
A --B- C-

22. The Cro-Magnons entered the area that is today Europe and quickly eliminated or
-A- -B-

absorbed theirs Neanderthal predecessors.

-C- 0

23. The Spanish introduced not only horses and also cattle to the North American
A B -C-
24. The best. known members of the cabbage vegetable group includes head cabbage.
A -B---C-o-
cauliflower, broccoli, kale, collard, and brussels sprouts.

25. White blood cells are the largest of red blood cells and are more varied in size and in


26. An hiccup is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, which leads to a massive
A B -C-
intake of air.

27. To make a lithograph, an artist used a flat stone of a kind that will soak up oil and
--A- -a -C- --0-


Alike a bar magnet,
the Earth has two magnetic poles.
C 1)

29. Not until Harvard College was founded in 1636 was there any colleges in America.
---,;:- --B- C 0

30. Antelopes are gregarious animals that travel in herds, ranging in amount from a few
A --B- -----c-
to several thousand.

31. A supersonic airplane can fly faster than a speed of sound.

A If C i5
32. In 1821, Emma Willard opened officially the doors of the first school in the United
States to offer college-level courses for women.
-C- 0

33. The first gummed postage stamps issued in New York City in 1842.
--A- -B- -C- IT

34. Typical long bone such as the femur consists of a long shaft with swellings at each
-A- -B- C 0


35. The common octopus lives Jone in a den just big enough for its body.
---r BCD
36. The vacuum tube did an important contribution to the early growth of radio and
ABC -0-

37. St. Augustine, Florida, founded in 1565 by Pedro Menendez, was razing 21 years
--A- B -C-

later by Francis Drake.


38. A bimetallic thermometer relies the different rates of expansion of two types of
A --a -c
metal, usually brass and copper.

39. An ice crystal is the nuclei on which a hailstone is built.

-A- -B- C J)

40. Tremendous flooding during the summer of 1993 left 8 million acres of nine
--A- B
midwestern states inundated and proved both expensively and deadly.
C -0-

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