Studying While Working Affecting Time Management of Random Senior High School Student

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Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior

high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

Chapter 1: Introduction

I.1. Background of the Study

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, senior high school students are faced with the
challenge of balancing their academic responsibilities with part-time employment. Many students
choose to work while pursuing their education to gain financial independence, build valuable skills,
or contribute to their family’s income. However, this dual commitment can have a significant
impact on their ability to effectively manage their time and maintain satisfactory academic
performance. Part-time students, working full-time have many problems to deal with while juggling
work, school and home commitments. Assumptions about student motivation and how they manage
their busy lives need to be integrated into learning activities and curriculum structures (Trinidad

Time management is prioritizing to rank in order of importance (Kahle, 2003). To be powerful

time manager, people must apprehend what should be done beforehand. In addition, time for taking
a rest should also be well allocated. Therefore, it refers to a series of skills, tools, and techniques
used to manage time in order to achieve whatever goals people have set. Smith and Smith (1990)
said that the word “Time Management” is often used to describe what administrators should do in
order to accomplish whatever tasks effectively.

According to Armstrong (2006), the academic performance also related to what is valued in the
learning and there are two main areas, which is academic content that refers to specific knowledge
in different subject and academic skills refers to the learned ability to carry out a task. Filipino
students are still able to support themselves financially through working although they have
financial problems. According to the Working Students (2016), to set down the job options of
Filipino working students namely online jobs, paid corporate internship, fast-food crew, and school
jobs. Filipino students are struggling because they have to meet the standards in their work so that
they will not lose their job and maintain academic performance so that they will not get a failing
grade. According to the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) Discussion Paper
Series No. 2020-40 entitled On the Employability of the Senior High School Graduates. Evidence
from the Labor Force released in December 2020 confirmed the results in the earlier study that only
a small proportion (a little over 20%) enter the labor force and most of them (more than 70%)
continue with their education

The amount of working students continue to increase, especially in the Philippines. According
to the Commision on Higher Education (CHED), about 216,000 students in the country are
Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

currently juggling school and work. The figure is about 8% of the total number of college students,
some students enter a job that they are passionate about, while others work to make a living for
themselves and their loved ones. Limited research exists on the effectiveness of support systems
and interventions aimed at assisting senior high school students in managing their time effectively
when studying while working. Identifying and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions could
provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and parents to support students in achieving
better academic outcomes. Researches about working students are often conducted in well-known
schools or universities in developed countries, but those researches lack knowledge about how
working students cope with their daily life, going to school and work and how they overcome every
problem they face. Working students who work off campus tend to have fewer friends on campus
because they are not always around. These students have less time to socialize and have fun and
cannot establish relationships because of their work outside the campus they also have less time to
do their homework and this affects their academic performance.

We the researchers from Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus, grade 12 Accountancy

Business and Management students chose to study this research to alleviate such incidents and
provide possible solutions especially in many working students at Headwaters College-Elizabeth
Campus. The purpose of this study is to explores how the students create ways to maximize their
time in working and in studying. It will explore the specific challenges faced by senior high
students, and help them develop an appropriate strategies to manage their time effectively because
time is crucial for individuals who are striving to excell academically while working.

I.2. Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between Studying while working affecting time

management and academic performance of random senior high students in Headwaters College-
Elizabeth Campus

There is a significant relationship between Studying whole working affecting time management
and academic performance of random senior high students in Headwaters College- Elizabeth

I.3. Statement of the Problem

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

This study aims to determine how does studying while working affecting time management
towards academic performance of random senior high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth


Specifically it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

a. Gender
b. Age
c. Grade & Strand
2. What factors affect your academic performance while you are studying and working in
terms of:
a. Unbalanced energy and effort
b. Workload and schedule
c. Health Concern
3. What factors affects you as working students in terms of:
a. Time Constraints
b. Support System
c. Prioritization Dilemmas
4. Possible factors why the students working while studying?
a. Lack of financial support
b. To gain experience

I.4. Significance of the Study

Financial stability is one of the problems that most of the students are facing right now. That’s
why there are students who are forced to work to help and provide for their family and study.
Because of this problems the time they should have for studying is divided because they need to
work and it became the reason of why there are students who stop going to school everyday,
because they have a work to attend and it cause in failing academically because of lack of sleep and

This study aims to provide valuable information to the students/learners, parents, teachers, and
future researchers:

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

This study aims to provide valuable information to the students/learners, parents, teachers, and
future researchers:

Working Students- The working students will be able to manage their school responsibilities and
work so that their academic performance is not affected in favor of their work or vice-versa

Students- The students will learn to formulate a strategy on how to allocate enough time to study,
how to organize their schedules. Cope up with an unexpected workload but still meet academic

Parents- The parents will be motivated to be more supportive and more understanding of their
children. This will reduce their worry and concern about their children studying while working.
The parents also will be satisified knowing that their children are doing well in their academic

Teachers- The teachers stress will be reduced knowing about their students working but still being
able to do their job as a student.

Future Researchers- This study will be the one of the basis that a new theory in learning will use. It
will become a related literature that will help the future researchers in making their research study.

I.5. Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to investigate the impact of part-time employment on the time management and
academic performance of senior high school students at Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus.
Due to the temporary suspension of face-to-face classes, data collection will be conducted via
Google Forms. The study will select sixty (50) respondents from grade 11 and grade 12,
encompassing all academic strands. Personal information such as age, grade, and track will be
collected from respondents, with the option to provide their names. Each participant will be
administered a questionnaire through Google Forms.

The scope of the study will be limited to senior high school students at Headwaters College-
Elizabeth Campus, excluding students from other educational levels. The focus will be on
understanding the relationship between part-time employment and time management, without
exploring financial aspects such as salaries and expenses.Findings from this study may provide
insights specific to the population at Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus and may not be
applicable to other schools or student demographics..

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

II.1. Related Literature

Foreign Literature

The study of Tengiz Verulava,Revaz Jorbenadze (2022). The impact of part-time employment a
students’ health a Georgian case. Their study looked at the connection between academic
achievement, health, and academic performance. They employed an analytical cross-sectional study
methodology at Caucasus University in Georgia, and a semi-structured questionnaire served as the
survey instrument. The questionnaire was developed using a combination of the specific needs of
Caucasus University students and a review of the literature. Initially, 15 pilot interviews were done
to gauge the questionnaire’s level of difficulty. The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the
sociodemographic profile of the student body, including factors like age, gender, employment
status, position, and number of hours worked each week. Furthermore, the survey was designed to
assess students’ attitudes toward employment as well as their demands for and justifications for
part-time work. The findings are summed up. Sixty-one percent of the undergraduates worked part-
time. An average workweek consisted of eighteen hours of work. The majority of students (76%)
thought that having a job was primarily necessary to pay for incurred expenses and to supplement
one’s family’s income. The majority of students have selected menial part-time jobs that have no
bearing on their future careers.

However, the students claim that their inability to balance work and study was the cause of
their sleep disturbance, which has a detrimental impact on their physical and mental health and,
consequently, their academic performance. As a result, their time management skills and academic
performance are severely compromised. Working part-time is crucial component of the whole
college experience. The survey indicates that over 50% of participants hold a part-time job, and the
average number of hours students work in a week is 18. Experts advise students to work no more
Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

than ten hours a week at most. 27 strikes a fair balance between students’ needs to supplement their
basic income and their educational goals. Students are obviously working longer hours than
recommended, based on survey results. In this regard, teaching students time management skills is
more crucial in order to help them balance their studies and part-time employment. In order to help
students achieve their academic and professional objectives, universities must have an efficient
employment policy in place as well as implement flexible, accessible, and focused support services.
It is advised that a number of initiatives be put in place to assist students in making the most
efficient use of their part-time jobs and study time. Training in time management techniques is
required to support this. Students could benefit from receiving education on physical and mental
health issues to make their experience better.

The study of Mai Huynh Thanh Nhi (2022). Research on the effects of part time job on the
university students regarding learning process as well daily life. States that students in Ho Chi Minh
City are not an exception to the rule that it is common for them to work part-time jobs to support
themselves and supplement their income. According to a 2018 report from the Center for Education
and Workforce at Georgetown University, working tend to longer hours than high-income students.
The report shows that 70% of full-time college students are working. Although more and more
students are working, the number working full-time has decreased, from 40% at the end of 26% in
2012. However, low- income working students are more likely to be employed. Are more likely to
work full-time than high earners (26% versus 22%). The majority of students in low-income groups
are working 15 to 35 hours. Per week (Muluk, 2017). In addition, currently 900,000 students are
working part-time, but more than half are students from outside the province. However part-time
employment will have an impact on how students live and learn. In addition, there is a belief that
students will gain more experience from part-time employment than from formal education. Thus,
the goal of this research is to examine how results are impacted by part-time employment student
learning outcomes. A comparison of recent and older research served as the basis for writing this
article. The article compares opinions, finds results, and suggests appropriate solutions based on the
Likert scale method utilized in the study. The current state of affairs causes FPT University students
at the Ho Chi Minh City campus to frequently spend too much free time on part-time jobs and
neglect their own home study, which has a negative impact on their academic performance
influence the learning outcomes of students. To help students better understand the effects of part-
time work on academic performance, this study will also highlight the database direct and indirect
factors in addition to the time factors. Data collection techniques used in the study include
quantitative and qualitative research using electronic surveys to gather feedback from 20 FPT

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

University students. After an hour of study in a university lecture hall, it takes two to three hours of
self-study at home to fully comprehend the course material, according to the results of a survey on
the amount of time FPT university students spend studying on their own. Nearly 80% of students
only spend one to two hours on self-study per day. Sleep deprivation is by far the biggest factor
affecting FPT students’ learning of all the variables.

Many students return home from work at 11 or 12 o’clock because many jobs require them to
stay late for reasons like cleaning, checking items, checking money, etc. As a result, students
struggle to study independently, get ready for the next lesson, and get enough sleep, which makes it
difficult for them to focus in class the following morning. Working part-time has negative effects on
one’s health and time management due to continuous work, sleep deprivation, mental strain from
dealing with challenging clients, etc. Furthermore, managers of shops and companies will often ask
students to register their own free time, and they will set up overtime for them, rather than the
students deciding how many hours of overtime they will work.Currently, if a student has to abruptly
change their class time and cannot adjust their shift or ask someone else to do it, they will have to
decide whether to work part-time or attend class. Many students choose to prioritize their education
in these situations, but there are still some where working part-time takes precedence. There will be
numerous repercussions from missing a lesson, such as not being able to catch up with the lecture or
running out of time to review everything at home. A survey administered to students at FPT
University in Ho Chi Minh City was used in the study to highlight the negative effects that part-
time employment has on workers’ physical and mental well-being. Factors like sleep deprivation,
physical exhaustion, uneven study schedules, and general laziness can make students lazy.
Nevertheless, a large number of students still take charge of their part-time jobs, manage their time
effectively, and guarantee the intended learning outcomes. The study has compiled a few
suggestions from previous students who have helped struggling students enhance their own learning
outcomes but are unaffected by part-time employment. Students should also use their own time
management strategies to guarantee sleep and prevent negative health effects. Students also need to
understand the significance of future education and part-time jobs that are temporary.

Local Literature

In the study of Frigillano, Ciasico, Nulada (2019) Experiences of Working While Studying: a
phenomenological study of senior high school students. The vast majority of students labor because
they have the ability to. According to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), around
216,000 students in the country are currently misrepresenting school and work and this figure is
about 8% of the total number of college students in the country. CHED said that working students
Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

today are mostly into food service, entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints as librarians
and research assistants. Being a working student is stressful it affect time management and
academic performance most likely in balancing your social life, time for family, school, and work.
Figuring out how to manage the pressure that pursues with being a working undergrad, and ensuring
you have no less than one night off a week, can bring down your stress levels ten times, the students
that have financial problems are spending more time working than studying, and because of this,
they attained poor grade and poor performance in school. Examining working experiences while
studying is the study’s goal. This research employs a qualitative methodology. This report is
subjective and had been designed using a phenomenological approach for dealing with the
gathering of crucial information. The snowball technique was implemented in the process of
creating this section of the study. In this phenomenological investigation, all of the researchers’
research questions were accurate. The research will first go by conducting an evaluation and
validation the procedure, which the validator will attest to. Pilot testing of the questions will occur
resulting from approval. Interview questions and a tape recorder are the instruments used in this
qualitative phenomenological study for credibility. The questions have been composed and asked in
English, but those who participated are free to use any language they feel most comfortable using to
express themselves clearly.

The findings pointed out that the participants had pleasant feelings as well as efficient time
management. The researcher has confirmed that among the driving forces for university study are
financial support, self-development, and internal motivation to incorporate theory and training
based on participants’ responses to their views about their employment during their studies.
Additionally, it demonstrates that practicing mindfulness and time management skills is an effective
way for these individuals to deal with the difficulties that they face. Furthermore, it demonstrates
how practicing self-reflection and time management skills is an effective way for them to navigate
their way through the challenges that they face. The study’s conclusion was that being an
undergraduate working is extremely difficult and carries a lot of responsibility. They get a sense of
responsibilities for their decisions and behaviors as a result. While working, students also pick up a
lot of thoughts and experiences that can enhance their problem-solving abilities and help them in
their personal lives. Students who work while they study are also better able to understand the
advantages and disadvantages of working while they study, as well as how to overcome obstacles
and understand how difficult it is to make money. When working while studying, commitment,
discipline, along with time management are crucial. Recommendation, In this stage, the researchers
are able to give recommendations to each person who is involved in this study. To the working

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

students, treat the time for studying like the time for working you should balance your time for both
time management is essential in working while studying. To the future researchers, increase the
number of participants to attain more key themes and more accurate results. To the teachers,
motivate your students to pursue and reach their dreams for them to never give up and surpass all
the challenges they encounter. To the parents, still guide your son or daughter by providing special
time and making them feels valued this boosts their abilities and strengths.

According to Balacuit & Lopio, (2022); Working while studying the academic challenges of
working scholars. Success in higher education demands more than just intelligence; one must also
maintain foundations like dedication, diligence, initiative, and determination. At Northeastern
Mindanao State institution (NEMSU), a state institution in Surigao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines,
working scholars face a variety of academic obstacles. Their study explores these issues. Their
research aimed to investigate the financial, social, psychological, teacher-related, and classroom
environment obstacles that working scholars face in their academic endeavors. The respondents of
this study are the officially enrolled students at Northeastern Mindanao State University-Main
Campus who are working while studying. It is composed of 35 students from the College of
Business and Management and 44 from the College of Arts and Sciences who are working scholars.
The total respondents sum up to 79 working scholars. This study used a convenient sampling
procedure that identified only the working scholars. The study used a mixed methods approach, and
the quantitative result was obtained by using a checklist survey questionnaire created by the
researcher. In order to obtain a more detailed conclusion from the quantitative data, the researchers
also held Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with working scholars. From these discussions, themes
were identified in the responses, giving this study a mixed method design and an explanatory
approach. It has been realized that university students work while they study in order to provide for
their struggling families, pay for their educational expenses so they can pursue their dreams of a
better life, make up for the lack of financial support from their families as a result of
unemployment, death, or health issues, and reveal others that poverty does not have to serve as an
obstacle to success in education.

The majority of working scholars (54, 1% of them are between the ages of 16 and 20) are
female (55.88%), and 95.59% of them are single. It was discovered that the majority of working
scholars are sporadic learners, comprising 55.88% of first-year students (47.6), 25% of second-year
students, 5.88% of third-year students, and 22.06% of fourth-year students. According to this
interpretation, the data might be used to determine that, while the proportion of working scholars
declines as year levels rise, it becomes apparent that, starting in their fourth year, students have a

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

natural motivation to work while they are still enrolled, may be necessary as a result of their
minimal course load or units, and it may also to help them get ready for other work tasks and future
employment. Among working scholars, money issues stemming from basic needs, wants, and
school-related fees pose the biggest academic obstacle in their day-to-day life. Furthermore, the
psychological challenges faced by working professors also stem from lack of moral support from
their families and discouragement from outside sources. Although the quantitative data result
revealed that the main academic challenge is financial, they did not provide a precise solution for
working students. This is because the participants' responses, which discovered financial difficulties
as a common difficulty in their daily lives, qualitatively correspond with the quantitative data result.
Furthermore, the respondents find it complicated to allocate their monthly income between their
everyday needs and their educational costs. This conclusion corresponds with the socioeconomic
profile data, which shows that their maximum carning can only amount to PHP 3,000.00. It
indicates clearly that the requirements and wants are not met by this. In addition, receiving
psychological assistance is seen as an educational issue in the sense that working students' close
families are discouraged from other sources due to a lack of moral and financial support.

II.2. Conceptual Framework

This study aims to understand the relationship between studying while working affecting time
management towards academic performance of random senior high students in Headwaters College
Elizabeth- Campus.

Studying while Management
working Academic

Figure 1. Figure 2.

Figure 1.

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

A working students, also known as a working learner or a working scholar, is an individual who
is simultaneously employed in a job while pursuing their education. This arrangement allows the
individual to gain practiccal work experience while continuing their studies..

Figure 2.

Time Management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between
different activities. It is defined as deliberate actions aimed at the effective use of time to achieve
specific goal directed.

Academic Performance is defined as a student’s ability to complete academic assignments, and

it assessed using objective criteria such as final course grade and grading point average (e.g.,
Carrol, & Garavalia, 2004; Naseen, & Hamzah, 2018; Olivier et Al.., 2019). It encompasses a
students ability to comprehend and apply knowledge as well as their critical thinking, problem-
solving, and analytical reasoning. Academic performance is often measured through varios
quantitative and qualitative indicators, such as grade point average [GPA], standardized test scores,
class rankings, and teacher evaluations.

Effect of Studying while working in Time Management and Academic Performance

According to the study of Ahmad Batool & Choudhry, time management has a strong positive
relationship with academic performance. In conclusion if the students use and organize their time
properly and effectively their educational achievement can be improve. Time is a strong weapon of
students, by managing it effectively every student can compete in academic field easily and
efficiently. While working students also pick up a lot of thoughts and experience that can enhance
their problem solving abilities and help them in their personal lives. Being an working students is
extremely difficult and carries a lot of responsibilities. It can interfere in their academic, because of
lack of focus, but it also has an great impact and they are better to understand the advantages and
disadvantages of studying while working; as well as how to overcome obstacle and understand how
difficult it is to make money. When working while studying commitment, discipline, along with
time management are crucial.

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

Chapter III: Research Methodology

III.1. Research Design

This study use a descriptive research method to examine the impact of studying while working
on time management and its correlation with academic performance among senior high school
students at Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus. Descriptive research aims to describe
characteristics of a population or phenomenon without altering the environment. This design is
appropriate as it allows for a detailed exploration of students’ experiences and behaviors in
balancing work and study commitments. The adoption of a descriptive research design provides a
robust framework for investigating the intricate dynamics between studying while working, time
management practices, and academic performance among senior high school students. By choosing
a descriptive approach, the study aims to meticulously capture and analyze the multifaceted
experiences and challenges faced by students in navigating their dual roles as learners and

This design offers the flexibility needed to delve deeply into the nuances of students’ daily
routines, coping mechanisms, and strategies for balancing competing demands. Furthermore, the
descriptive research design aligns seamlessly with the overarching goal of providing a
comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under investigation, thereby facilitating informed
decision-making and the development of targeted interventions to support student success.

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

III.2. Respondents of the Study

The participants of the study consist of 50 senior high school students randomly selected from
the student body at Headwaters College – Elizabeth Campus. These students represent a diverse
range of backgrounds and academic abilities. The participation of 50 senior high school students
from Headwaters College – Elizabeth Campus ensures a diverse and representative sample that
enriches the breadth and depth of the research findings. Each participant brings a unique set of
experiences, perspectives, and challenges to the study, contributing to a rich tapestry of data that
reflects the complex realities of students’ lives.

Through purposive selection, the study aims to capture a wide spectrum of backgrounds,
academic abilities, and work arrangements, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of the impact
of studying while working on time management and academic performance. By including students
from various demographic backgrounds, the research endeavors to provide insights that are
reflective of the broader student population, enhancing the relevance and applicability of the study’s

III.3. Sample and Sampling Technique

A random sampling technique will be employed to select participants for the study, ensuring a
fair and unbiased representation of the senior high school student population at Headwaters College
– Elizabeth campus. This methodological approach enhances the validity and generalizability of the
study’s findings by providing every student an equal opportunity to be included in the research.
Through random selection, potential biases are minimized, and the sample becomes more reflective
of the entire student body.

The determination of a sample size of 50 students was carefully considered, taking into account
practical constraints and statistical considerations to achieve sufficient power for meaningful
analysis. By employing a rigorous sampling technique, the study aims to enhance the robustness
and reliability of the data collected, thereby strengthening the validity of the research outcomes.

III.4. Instrument of the Study

Studying while working affecting time management towards academic performance of random senior
high students in Headwaters College-Elizabeth Campus

Data collection will be facilitated through a structured questionnaire specifically designed for
this study. Given the current circumstances necessitating remote data collection, the questionnaire
will be administered electronically via Google Forms. This approach ensures accessibility and
convenience for participants, allowing them to respond to the survey at their own pace and

The questionnaire comprises 10 items carefully crafted to capture various aspects of students’
experiences in balancing work and study commitments. Each item utilizes a Likert scale with
response options ranging from “Always” to “Never,” enabling quantitative analysis of participant
responses. The structured nature of the questionnaire ensures consistency in data collection and
facilitates systematic analysis to address the research objectives and hypotheses effectively.
Additionally, the questionnaire has undergone rigorous piloting and validation procedures to ensure
its reliability and validity in measuring the constructs of interest accurately.


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