1 Week Course Agenda
1 Week Course Agenda
1 Week Course Agenda
Introduction to Hydroponics
Understandin hydroponic
Exploring the g the systems Identifying
Introduction benefits and Introduction commercial suited for profitable
to advantages of to basic potential of commercial- crops and
Hydroponics soil-less hydroponic hydroponic scale market
Technology cultivation. systems. farming. operations. trends.
Nutrient Management
pH and EC
levels for
optimal plant
The role of health and Formulating Common
nutrients in Understanding Understandin preventing and adjusting Nutrient
hydroponic the importance g pH, nutrient nutrient ranges in
plant growth. of water quality. EC/TDS deficiencies. solutions. Hydroponics
Greenhouse cultivation
climate Monitoring
control and
Planning for systems for managing
Understandin Overview of optimal light, precise environmenta
g the benefits Exploring environmenta temperature, regulation of l parameters
of different types l factors humidity, and temperature, for optimal
greenhouse of greenhouses affecting ventilation humidity, and plant health
cultivation. and structures. plant growth. control. airflow. and growth.
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Explore the
wide range of
crops suitable
hydroponic Identifying
cultivation Practicing common
and learn Planting, Nutrient advanced pests and
best practices Selecting transplanting, management cultivation diseases in
for suitable crops and caring for strategies for techniques greenhouse
maximizing for hydroponic hydroponic high-yield for maximum environments
yields. cultivation. plants. production. yields .
Implementing integrated
pest management (IPM)
Hands-on Programming
Exploring Introduction demonstratio and
emerging Overview of to automated n: Setting up scheduling Controlling
trends and available nutrient an automated irrigation temperature,
technologies technologies dosing and nutrient cycles for humidity,
in and their mixing delivery optimal plant CO2 levels,
automation. applications. systems. system. health. and airflow.
Engage with
our Witness the
knowledgeabl beauty of
Explore our e team soilless
state-of-the- members cultivation
art during a Q&A and discover
hydroponic Learn how to session the
greenhouse plant where you advantages
and learn seedlings, can ask of
how we Roll up your manage questions, hydroponics
cultivate sleeves and get nutrient share ideas, in conserving
fresh, involved in solutions, and learn water,
nutritious interactive and maintain from their maximizing
produce year- workshops led hydroponic firsthand space, and
round using by our systems for experiences minimizing
cutting-edge experienced optimal plant in sustainable environmenta
technology. farm team. growth. farming. l impact.
Page 2
Creating a
Exploring brand identity Leveraging
Developing a emerging and online
comprehensi trends and marketing platforms and
ve business technologies strategy for Selling to direct-to-
plan for your Budgeting and shaping the your local markets, consumer
hydroponic financial future of the hydroponic restaurants, sales
venture. projections. industry. products. and retailers. channels.
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