About EA
About EA
About EA
Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the leading and most profitable airline in Africa. In 2014 IATA ranked
Ethiopian as the largest airline in Africa in revenue and profit. Over the past seven decades, Ethiopian
has been a pioneer of African aviation as an aircraft technology leader. Ethiopian provided the first jet
service in the continent in 1962, the first African B787 Dreamliner in 2012 and is leading the way again
by providing the first African A350 XWB.
Ethiopian joined Star Alliance, the world’s largest Airline network, in December 2011. Ethiopian
is currently implementing a 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see it become the leading
airline group in Africa with seven strategic business units. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning airline,
including SKYTRAX and Passenger Choice Awards in 2015, and has been registering an average growth
of 25% per annum for the past ten years.
Ethiopian Background Information
Founded E December 21, 1945
Starting date of operation E April 08, 1946
Ownership E Government of Ethiopia (100%)
Head Office E Bole International Airport, P.O. Box 1755
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Fax: (+ 251)11661 1474
Reservations E Tel: (+251) 11 665 6666
Website E http://www.ethiopianairlines.com
Chief Executive Officer E Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam
Fleet Summary
Aircraft Inventory: 82 Flett on order: 51
Average age of aircraft: 5 years
Passenger aircraft Airbus - A350-900 2 Airbus - A350-900 12
Boeing 787-800 16 Boeing 787-9 4
Boeing 777-300ER 4 Boeing 787-800 3
Boeing 777-200LR 6 Boeing 737 MAX 8s 30
Boeing 767-300ER 6 Bombardier Q-400 2
Boeing 737-800W 15
Boeing 737-700NG 8
Bombardie Q400 17
Code Share Partners
Network Information
International Destinations
In Africa (51): Abidjan, Abuja, Accra, Addis Ababa, Bamako, Bahir Dar, Blantyre, Brazzaville, Bujumbura,
Cairo, Cape Town, Dakar, Durban, Cottonou, Dar-Es-Salaam, Dire Dawa, Djibouti, Douala, Entebbe, Enugu,
Gaborone, Goma, Harare, Hargeisa, Johannesburg, Juba, Khartoum, Kano, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Kinshasa,
Lagos, Libreville, Lilongwe, Lome, Luanda, Lubumbashi, Lusaka, Malabo, Maputo, Mekele, Mombasa,
N’Djamena, Nairobi, Ndola, Niamey, Ouagadougou, Pointe-Noire, Seychelles, Yaounde and Zanzibar.
In Europe & the Americas (17): Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Liege, London, Los Angeles, Maastricht,
Milan, Madrid, New York, Paris, Rome, Sao Paulo, Stockholm, Toronto, Vienna and Washington DC.
In the Middle East & Asia (25): Bahrain, Bengaluru, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Chennia, Dammam,
Delhi, Doha, Dubai, Dubai World Center, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Jeddah, Kuala Lumpur, Kuwait,
Manila, Mumbai, Muscat, Riyadh, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Tel Aviv and Tokyo.
Domestic (19): Addis Ababa, Arba Minch, Assosa, Axum, Bahar Dar, Dembi Dolo, Dire Dawa, Gambella,
Gode, Gonder, Hawassa, Humera, Jijiga, Jimma, Kebri Dahar, Kombolcha, Lalibela, Mekele, and Semera.
Ethiopian with Two Class Services
Cloud Nine: Combined services of First and Business Classes. Cloud Nine has the space, comfort and
style that make flying with Ethiopian a pleasure.
Economy Class: Passengers are offered 14 audio channels with access to a video library of 12
Blockbuster Hollywood films, 21 classics including films for children, 49 international films & 82 TV
shows including a destination guides.
Frequent Flyer Program: ShebaMiles awards Ethiopian frequent flyers with award tickets,
upgrades to business class, access to all Star Alliance member airline executive lounges, additional free
baggage allowance and many other privileges for their accumulated mileages.
Human Capital
Number of employees as of August, 2016 stands at +12,100.
Ethiopian Aviation Academy (EEA) is the largest and the most modern aviation academy in Africa
recognized as ICAO regional Training Center of Excellence. To train aviation professionals from classrooms
to simulator training, EEA offers industry standard training for pilots, aircraft technicians, cabin attendants
and ground services staff both for initial and recurrent students. The Leadership & Career Development
Center is training thousands in Management and Leadership Skills.
Our cabin crew training simulates real-time scenarios with training aircrafts designed for emergency drills
and service training. Our pilot training school has light aircraft, motionless and moving simulators on
both training and jet aircraft. Virtual Maintenance Trainers (VMTs) and various workshops feature our
aircraft maintenance training. Beyond these, our academy is venturing into e-learning and virtual classroom
training. Trainee services include a trainees’ cafeteria, dormitories, an administration complex and a plush
new auditorium. The academy plans to take in 4,000 students a year.
Our simulators are for the most technologically advanced aircraft as a sign of the company’s commitment
to leading Africa’s aviation industry, as well as bridging the continent’s skills gap. We have simulators for
all the aircraft we fly; B787, B777, B767/B757, B737 and Q400.
Ethiopian Maintenance and Repair Overhaul (MRO)
The scale of the MRO operation at Ethiopian is breathtaking. It is the largest MRO service in Africa
and serves this continent and the Middle East. The facility is fully equipped with hangars, Engine and
Component Maintenance workshops and all the harnesses and equipment needed to dismantle, repair
and overhaul aircraft, engines and components. Even if you’ve flown a lot you might have not fully
appreciated the size of the largest jet engines until you’re up close and personal with them as you walk
through the workshop. The MRO service was established in 1957 and it currently employs over 1,800
technical personnel. Ethiopian MRO provides Line Maintenance services at all stations where Ethiopian
flies and extends the services to other operators at some of the stations. The facility is fully certified by
the ETCAA, FAA and EASA. Ethiopian MRO offers world-class services to its customers and helps make
Ethiopian one of the most dependable and safest airlines in the world.
Ethiopian Cargo
Ethiopian Cargo is the largest network cargo operator in Africa. With our dedicated 6 - Boeing 777-
200LRF and 2 - Boeing 757-260 freighters, we serve 35 cargo destinations in Africa, the Gulf, the Middle
East, Asia and Europe with an average daily uplift of 650 tons on top of the belly hold capacity to over
93 destinations in our network with daily average uplift of 150 tons. Ethiopia is perfectly situated in the
center of the emerging economies and Ethiopian Cargo, as the largest cargo operator, is also contributing
its part to the economic growth through its main hub, Addis Ababa Bole international Airport. In line
with the Vision 2025, Ethiopian Cargo is building a state of the art cargo terminal with an annual capacity
of 1.2 million tons and planning to serve 37 destinations using 18 freighter aircrafts.
Ethiopian Catering
The new catering facilities expansion built with an investment of US$ 15 million which has a capacity
to produce 80,000 meals a day, up from the current 35,000 is now complete and ready for use. The
facilities are modern and fully equipped to deal with such a high demand. Good food is important to our
discerning customers. Ethiopian Catering is dedicated to delivering high quality service and part of that
is delivering high quality food. The new menus give customers the choice of local injera, a vegan option,
and a variety of world cuisines, from Chinese and Indian to Italian.
Ethiopian proved to be a Multi Award Winner receiving recognition from reputable organizations.
Best Airline Staff in Africa Award for the second time from SKYTRAX World Airline Award on July 12,
2016 at Farnborough Airshow event held in Hampshire, England.
African Airline of the Year Award for 2016 during the 25th Anniversary African Aviation Air Finance
Africa Conference & Exhibition and African Aviation Summit held on May 11, 2016.
Recognized as ICAO Regional Training Center of Excellence on May 11, 2016 at the ICAO’s Global
Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS symposium held at Conrad hotel in Seoul, Korea.
Best Cargo Airline of the Year from Africa at the “2016 Cargo Airline of the Year” Air Cargo News
awards held at the Lancaster London Hotel, London on 23 April 2016.
“Best Airline to Africa”, for a 2nd yr in a row, & “Best Airline in Africa” by Premier Traveler on
Dec.10, 2015
“Africa Best Employer Brand Awards” at a ceremony held on December 8, 2015 at Le Meridien Hotel
in Mauritius.
Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Tewolde GebreMariam received “Most Gender Focused CEO Award
2015” from the Leading Women of Africa (LWA) on Dec. 3, 2015
Ethiopian Aviation Academy officially received ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Full Membership award
from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Nov. 17, 2015.
Ethiopian won Airline of the Year Award for the fourth time in a row from AFRAA (African Airines
Association) Nov. 10, 2015.
Passenger Choice Awards for “Best Airline in Africa” for the third time in a row on Oct. 1, 2015.
CAPA Airline of the Year Award, one of the top airline awards on Oct. 8, 2015.
“The Rising Star Carrier of the Year Award” on Payload Asia Awards 2015.
Contact us on: Follow us on:
Manager Corporate Communications www.ethiopianairlines.com
P.O. Box 1755, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. www.facebook.com/ethiopianairlines.com
Tel: (+251-11) 517 8407/8656/8907/8165/8529/8913 www.twitter.com/flyethiopian
Fax: (+251-11) 661 1474 www.youtube.com/flyethiopian
E-mail:CorporateCommunication@ethiopianairlines.com http://plus.google.com/+ethiopianairlinescom