FSO Test Guide

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The key takeaways are that the study guide provides an overview of the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) which includes 4 components: the Job Knowledge Test, the English Expression Test, the Biographic Questionnaire, and the Oral Assessment. It also provides sample questions, test strategies, and suggested study materials.

The purpose of the FSOT study guide is to provide applicants with information and sample questions for the four components of the FSOT in order to help them prepare and understand what to expect from the exam.

The main sections covered in the FSOT study guide include the Job Knowledge Test, English Expression Test, Biographic Information Questionnaire, Oral Assessment, as well as test strategies, sample questions, and suggested study materials for each section.

Study Guide for the Foreign Service Officer Test

Introduction.....................................................................................................1 Purpose of the Study Guide..................................................................1 How to Use the Study Guide ................................................................1 The Contents of the Study Guide .........................................................1 FSO Test Date.......................................................................................1 Career Track Selection .........................................................................1 Five-Step Selection Process .................................................................1 Registration ..........................................................................................1 FSOT ....................................................................................................1 Personal Narratives...2 QEP ......................................................................................................2 Oral Assessment ...................................................................................2 General Information ..........................................................................................2 Disability Accommodations .................................................................2 Sample Examination Questions............................................................2 Preparing for the FSOT.....................................................................................3 Physical and Mental Preparation ..........................................................3 Test-Taking Strategies ..........................................................................3 Knowledge Areas .................................................................................4 Suggested Course of Study...................................................................5 How to Get Started ..............................................................................5 Sample Written Essay Topics............................................................................6 The Job Knowledge Test....................................................................................6 Sample Questions for the Job Knowledge Test................................................7 Rationales for Sample Job Knowledge Questions.........................................12 Sample Questions for the English Expression Test .......................................18 Rationales for Sample English Expression Questions ..................................29 The Biographic Information Questionnaire ..................................................36 Sample Items for the Biographic Information Questionnaire .....................36 Suggested Study Materials ..............................................................................39 The Oral Assessment........................................................................................41

Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication. If, however, you should find any discrepancy between the information here and the information on careers.state.gov, please assume that the website has the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you have any questions or comments about this Study Guide, please write to:
FSOT Study Guide ACT, Inc., Dept. 73 101 ACT Drive P.O. Box 168 Iowa City, IA 52243-0168
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Purpose of the Study Guide
Our purpose is to give applicants the opportunity to review information and sample questions for the four components of the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT): the Job Knowledge Test, the English Expression Test, the Biographic Information Questionnaire, and the Written Essay. Political, and Public Diplomacy. During the FSOT registration, applicants must select their career track. Once this selection has been made, it cannot be changed, and it will have a significant effect on ones career direction. To make a careful, informed decision, applicants should visit careers.state.gov, which explains career tracks in detail.

How to Use the Study Guide

The best way to use this guide is to read the section on Preparing for the Foreign Service Officer Test first. You can then answer the sample questions for each part of the FSOT and review your answers.

Five-Step Selection Process

The Foreign Service Officer selection process includes five steps: 1) registration application form, 2) Foreign Service Officer test (FSOT), 3) personal narrative submission, 4) qualifications evaluation panel (QEP) review, and 5) oral assessment.

The Contents of the Study Guide

This guide concentrates on the Job Knowledge and English Expression sections of the FSOT. Sample questions for these tests are provided, followed by the correct answers and rationales that explain what each question tests, why the indicated answer is correct, and why the other choices are incorrect. The third component of the FSOT is the Biographic Information Questionnaire. There is also a Written Essay, which will not be scored unless the Job Knowledge, English Expression, and Biographic Information Questionnaire sections are passed. The section entitled Preparing for the Foreign Service Officer Test provides an explanation of the Job Knowledge content areas and a list of suggested academic courses. The section entitled The Oral Assessment concerns steps that follow the FSOT, and gives an overview of the Oral Assessment.

Applicants should visit careers.state.gov to begin Step 1 by completing an application form. After submitting the registration form, applicants will receive authorization to select a seat at a test center for the next available FSOT testing window. This authorization will be sent approximately five to six weeks prior to the opening of the test window.

Step 2, the FSOT, will be administered online at hundreds of test centers across the United States and abroad. The test, as outlined in this study guide, is a computer-based test. After each test window closes, applicants will be notified by e-mail about whether they passed the FSOT. Passers who claimed a working knowledge of a language that is identified as a Super Critical Needs Language Arabic (Modern Standard, Egyptian, or Iraqi), Chinese (Mandarin), Dari, Farsi, Hindi,or Urdu will be invited to schedule quickly a telephonic language test with the Foreign Service Institute. Receiving a pass, i.e., at least a speaking-level 2 on a 5-point scale, will enhance an applicants candidacy in the review by the Qualifications Evaluation Panel. (Candidates who pass both the telephonic test and, eventually, the Oral Assessment can take advantage of a language bonus when their names are placed on rank-ordered hiring registers. Those who do so will be required to serve at least twice in a country where that language is spoken. (See careers.state.gov for details.)

Test Dates
The FSOT will be administered three times per year, during an eight-day testing window each time. Visit our website (careers.state.gov) for the schedule of upcoming test dates.

Career Track Selection

The Department plans to hire Foreign Service Officers in all five career tracks. Applicants should fully inform themselves about the five job specialization areas (career tracks) of Foreign Service work: Consular, Economic, Management,

Personal Narrative Questionnaire

Candidates who pass the FSOT will be asked to complete short-essay responses to five personal narrative questions. All information in both the application and the personal narrative is subject to verification and any misrepresentation of fact is grounds for terminating the candidacy.

taken), will be reviewed by a Qualifications Evaluation Panel (QEP). Applicants will be notified by e-mail whether or not they are invited to the Oral Assessment.

Oral Assessment
Candidates invited to take the Oral Assessment must bring a completed Statement of Interest (DS-4017) and should complete an on-line security background form (SF-86) to submit electronically in the event of passing the Oral Assessment.

Information from the registration form of applicants who passed the FSOT, along with their personal narrative responses, scores on the FSOT, and results of telephonic Super Critical Needs language tests (if

General Information
Disability Accommodation
In addition to the preparation and administration of the FSOT, ACT will be responsible for all special accommodation requests for people with disabilities. Candidates with disabilities who need accommodation to take the test are requested to register at least four weeks before the next test window. Accommodation requests must be submitted in writing with accompanying documentation at least three weeks before a requested test date in order for ACT to have sufficient time to make the necessary arrangements. concepts tested include editing and revising, punctuating relationships and sequences, using words to fit meaning and function, and managing sentence elements effectively. Biographic Information Questionnaire: The Study Guide includes sample questions from the Biographic Information Questionnaire, which is a non-cognitive measure designed to assess an individuals experience. Past behavior has been shown to be highly related to job performance. Consequently, this type of questionnaire has been shown to be a good predictor of a variety of performance measures for many different jobs. The questions were written to assess relevant past interests, activities, and behaviors that are related to specific performance dimensions, such as communication, and interpersonal conflict resolution skills. Written Essay: The written essay is used to evaluate each candidates ability to analyze a substantive topic, organize and develop ideas, and express them in correct and readable English prose. Candidates will be asked to respond to a topic assigned at random. Representative topics include U.S. and/or international social systems and issues, customs and culture, history, education, religion, employment issues, etc. Essays are evaluated using established scoring criteria, such as ability to analyze a topic, clarity of purpose, sentence structure, grammar, and mechanics; not on opinions expressed.

Sample Examination Questions

The FSOT Study Guide includes sample questions for each portion of the examination. These include: Job Knowledge: The sample questions cover major content areas, such as U.S. Government and Political System, U.S. and World History, Geography, Economics, and Math and Statistics. English Expression: The sample questions encompass English expression and language usage skills required for preparing or editing written reports, including correct grammar and good writing at the sentence and paragraph levels. These questions include passages similar to those on the actual test, with passage-related test questions as well as several non-passage-dependent items. The

Preparing for the FSOT

Physical and Mental Preparation
Physical preparation for an exam is something that many people overlook. Although the FSOT does not involve any purely physical activities, taking exams can be physically as well as mentally challenging. Try to maintain your normal exercise regimen in the days before the test. Significantly changing your normal habits just prior to the test may have unintended consequences. The same concept applies to the amount of sleep you plan to get the night before the test. Being well rested does not necessarily mean getting more sleep than usual. You are the best judge of how much sleep you need to work at peak efficiency. Make an effort to plan accordingly. Similarly, do not forget to eat a breakfast that will supply you with the necessary fuel for testing time. Again, it is probably best not to do anything that is too out of the ordinary. You know how your body responds to the type of breakfast you eat. The goal of proper mental preparation is to have you arrive for the test feeling confident and as calm as possible. An important aspect of this is knowing what to expect. This Study Guide should be helpful in that regard. The following information will explain what steps you can take to prepare for the test and how to build that confidence. wish to spend the early part of the exam organizing your ideas on the topic. Of course, there are many methods for writing an essay. The important thing to realize is that you should have a plan for how to organize your time. On multiple-choice exams, you can easily figure out how much time you should spend on each question in order to answer all of the questions in the allotted time. Again, this is an individual decision. Some people prefer not to pay attention to the time at all, but just work as quickly and smoothly as they can. The tests are designed so that most people can finish them in the designated time period. The urge to quickly scan the directions to an exam and start on the questions is a natural one; it is also unwise. Reading the directions carefully is an important place to start. Careful reading is also important when reading the questions and answer choices. Skipping over key words or concepts could lead to incorrect answers. At times, you may be unsure about the answer to a particular question. One strategy is to skip such questions, go on to ones you can answer, and come back to the troublesome ones in that section later. You need to balance time and accuracy. On the Job Knowledge and English Expression sections of the FSOT, which are multiple-choice, it is to your advantage to answer questions even if you have to guess. There is no penalty for guessing. On these tests, the number of questions that you answer correctly determines your score. Any time you can eliminate one of the answer choices, you have a better chance of choosing the correct answer. One strategy for guessing that you should avoid, however, is choosing answers in a pattern. Standardized exams are typically designed so pattern guessing is ineffective and probably detrimental to your score. When thinking about your strategy for completing the test in the required time, try to factor in time to review your answers. You may need to return to questions that you skipped or reconsider questions about which you were unsure when you first read them. Remember that all test-taking tips are general. You should be able to design the test-taking strategy that will work best for you.

Test-Taking Strategies
In all likelihood, you are already experienced in taking exams. However, it is still a good idea to gain more experience in this area. The sample questions included in this guide are a start. Try to answer them under controlled conditions to give yourself a good idea of what the actual test will be like. Taking sample standardized tests in other areas (college admissions, for example) can also help make you more comfortable with the multiple-choice format. The individual tests in the FSOT are timed that is, each test must be completed within a certain time limit, and you cannot go back to a previous individual test if you finish a later section with time to spare. Therefore, it is important that you have a strategy for pacing yourself to ensure that you will complete the test. In a timed essay exam, you may

Knowledge Areas
Preparation for taking the Foreign Service Officer Test involves much more than studying for a test. Proper preparation requires that the candidate has read widely from many different sources and/or has taken courses in a number of different fields. The knowledge areas are listed below. A job analysis of Foreign Service Officer positions identified these areas as critical to success on the job. Correct grammar, organization, writing strategy, sentence structure, and punctuation required for writing or editing reports. Encompasses English expression and language usage skills required for preparing or editing written reports, including correct grammar and good writing at the sentence and paragraph level. United States Government. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of the composition and functioning of the federal government, the Constitution and its history, the structure of Congress and its role in foreign affairs, as well as the United States political system and its role in governmental structure, formulation of government policies, and foreign affairs. United States Society and Culture. This knowledge area encompasses an understanding of major events, institutions, and movements in national history, including political and economic history, as well as national customs and culture, social issues and trends, and the influence of U.S. society and culture on foreign policy and foreign affairs. World History and Geography. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of significant world historical events, issues, and developments, including their impact on U.S. foreign policy, as well as knowledge of world geography and its relationship to U.S. foreign policy. Economics. This knowledge area encompasses an understanding of basic economic principles, as well as a general understanding of economic issues and the economic system of the United States. Mathematics and Statistics. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of basic mathematical and statistical procedures. May include calculations. Management. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of basic management and supervisory techniques and methods. Includes knowledge of human psychology, leadership, motivational strategies and equal employment practices. Communication. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of principles of effective communication and public speaking techniques, as well as general knowledge of public media, media relations, and the goals and techniques of public diplomacy and their use to support work functions. Computers and the Internet. This knowledge area encompasses a general understanding of basic computer operations such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets, and using e-mail and the Internet.

Suggested Course of Study

Success on the Foreign Service Officer Test is not necessarily dependent on a specific course of study. However, the curriculum of the following collegelevel courses should prepare an examinee for the content of the test. The names of the courses are general and may differ from institution to institution. English Composition/Rhetoric American History American Studies (including cultural and social history) American Political Thought United States Political System American Economic History Introduction to Economics (micro and macro) World History (Western and non-Western) World Geography International Economics World Religions Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Management Principles Intercultural Communication Mass Communication Psychology

How to Get Started

A booklet entitled Guide to the Foreign Service Officer Selection Process can be downloaded (in PDF format) from the registration website at careers.state.gov. To request a hard copy of the guide, please e-mail [email protected]. Online registration for the FSOT is available during the registration period at the following web address: careers.state.gov

Sample Written Essay Topics

You will have 30 minutes to write an essay on an assigned topic. Sample topics are provided below. When composing your essay, you should present your point of view clearly and support it. Your writing will be evaluated on the quality of the writing, not the opinions expressed. A successful essay should have an obvious structure and clear thesis supported by relevant substantiating details. It should show your ability to analyze a topic in a way that is appropriate for the intended audience. The writing should be coherent with only occasional lapses that do not impede flow or readers comprehension. Language should be generally concise with clear and appropriate word choice. The language should also be free of errors in grammar and syntax, with only minor errors in spelling and punctuation. There is no limit on length.


In the U.S., businesses must comply with federal regulations regarding labor practices, product safety, and environmental impact. Although they raise the costs of doing business, such regulations are generally regarded as a legitimate way to balance the public good against corporate profits. When U.S. companies operate in other countries, however, many of these regulations no longer apply. Some argue that if U.S. companies meet costs associated with these regulations and the additional costs of doing business abroad, their ability to compete is diminished. Others maintain that some U.S. federal regulations should be implemented only in selected countries. Another view is that U.S. companies have a moral obligation to observe all U.S. federal regulations when operating abroad. In your view, what regulations, if any, should apply to U.S. companies doing business abroad? Carefully explain the rationale for your position.


In the U.S., we treasure our rights and freedoms, in particular, our freedom to say what is on our minds. We think of this right as fundamental to a democratic society. Therefore, some argue, there should be no limits placed on freedom of speech. Others maintain that limits should be placed on freedom of speech only when our national security is threatened, as it might be when the U.S. is at war. Others argue that hate speech or pornography, at best offensive and at worst dangerous to others, should be limited by federal legislation or by local community ordinances. In your opinion, what limits, if any, should be imposed on our freedom of speech? Carefully explain the rationale for your position.

The Job Knowledge Test

The Job Knowledge test consists of 60 questions and is administered in 40 minutes. Knowledge areas were described previously in this Study Guide. Note: English language skills are tested in the English Expression and Written Essay portions of the FSOT, and not in the Job Knowledge test. The Job Knowledge test consists of questions that represent knowledge areas that are equally important across all five career tracks. There are 50 sample items. After answering the questions, you can check your answers and review the questions.

Sample Questions for the Job Knowledge Test

DIRECTIONS: Each question or incomplete statement below is followed by four suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case.


The Council of Economic Advisers advises which of the following on monetary and fiscal policy?
A. B. C. D. The Federal Reserve Bank The Joint Economic Committee of Congress The President of the United States The Senate Budget Committee


You are traveling to a foreign country. On the day of arrival you spend 168.00 in the local currency. The exchange rate is 8.00 = $1.00 U.S. The next day you travel to a neighboring country and spend 245.00 in that countrys currency. The exchange rate is 4.00 = $1.00 U.S. How much, in U.S. money, did you spend in total?
A. B. C. D. $62.25 $81.20 $82.25 $84.00


An e-mail address must follow a specific form and contain certain elements; however, numerous derivatives are allowed. Which is NOT a proper e-mail address form?
A. B. C. D. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was expanded by President:

A. Theodore Roosevelt to assert a U.S. right to intervene in Latin America to preserve law and order. B. Woodrow Wilson to support Great Britain against German aggression. C. Franklin Roosevelt to extend U.S. influence in the Pacific. D. Lyndon Johnson to protect U.S. interests in southeast Asia.


At the end of the year you are asked to summarize the performance evaluation ratings of the nine employees that you supervise. Their scores on a 5-point scale are 2.0, 2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, and 4.5. When reporting the descriptive statistics on your group, you have to report the mean, median, and mode of their performance evaluations. These numbers, in correct order, are:
A. B. C. D. 3.33, 3.5, 4.0 3.5, 4.0, 3.33 3.33, 4.0, 3.5 3.33, 3.33, 4.0


Which of the following scenarios describes a situation in which gerrymandering might be in evidence?
A. A Congressional district traditionally has an almost even split between voters from each major party. B. One Congressional district in a state has many more voters per square mile than the other districts in the state. C. An oddly shaped Congressional district has a majority of voters from one of the two major parties while surrounding districts have majorities from the other major party. D. The representative to the House of Representatives from a congressional district in a large state is a member of one major party while the majority of voters in the district are members of the other major party.


Which of the following authorized Congress to legislate against slavery?

A. B. C. D. Thirteenth Amendment Emancipation Proclamation Cessation of War Powers Nineteenth Amendment


When writing or producing a story, most journalists agree background information means that the:
A. source will not be specifically identified. B. source will be specifically identified. C. storys subject will not be specifically identified. D. storys subject will be specifically identified.


All of the following are examples of United States products that would typically fail to be produced to optimal output without government intervention EXCEPT:
A. B. C. D. national defense products. light provided by lighthouses. new automobiles. new highways.


Which sub-Saharan African countries were independent at the end of World War II in 1945?
A. B. C. D. Nigeria and Kenya Senegal and Ghana Mozambique, Ghana, and Somalia Liberia, Ethiopia, and South Africa


A subordinate employee who is given a poor performance evaluation complains to the manager that the organizations lack of response to her complaint of sexual harassment by a colleague was a major factor in the decline in performance. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts, for what is the manager held accountable?
A. Creating a hostile or abusive work environment B. Preparing evaluations that are too strict C. Being a sexual harasser D. Failing to hold proper employee-employer reviews


Marshall McLuhans global village refers to:

A. the persistence of traditional societies within modernized nations. B. the fact that the majority of the worlds population still lives in rural areas. C. universal access to information through electronic media. D. the tendency of nations to specialize as tradespeople used to a village setting.



Return on investment (ROI) is often used as an indicator of an organizations success. If ROI is calculated by computing profits as a percentage of capital invested, which of the following statements is true when comparing Company A (net profits of $1.5 million, $6.0 million capital investment) and Company B (net profits of $1.0 million, $4.0 million capital investment)?
A. Company A is more successful than Company B. B. Company B is more successful than Company A. C. Both companies are equally successful. D. Neither company is a success.

As a supervisor, you have noticed the poor performance of one of your subordinates. Another manager in your department suggests that this subordinate needs some retraining, but you recognize that training will work only if the problem is that the subordinate:
A. B. C. D. lacks the material resources to do the job. is not getting paid enough to do the job. lacks the skills to do the job. lacks the motivation to do the job.


A traditionally structured, effective, persuasive speech incorporates which of the following in support of a thesis or claim?
A. Anecdotes and jargon B. Reasons and evidence C. Slippery slope arguments and circular reasoning D. Newspaper features and personal interviews


People are MOST likely to feel stressed if they:

A. try to ignore a problem and hope it will go away. B. work in a very noisy environment that makes it hard to concentrate. C. believe they are incapable of dealing with a situation. D. have a great many things to do both at home and at work.


The War Powers Resolution specifies that U.S. troops:

A. cannot be sent into combat without prior congressional approval. B. must be withdrawn from combat within 90 days unless Congress approves their deployment. C. can only be sent into combat by order of the president in a national emergency. D. cannot be sent into combat unless Congress declares war.


Which of the following is considered the most important contribution of the ancient Greeks to modern Western civilization?
A. Their systematic approach to knowledge B. The invention of double-entry bookkeeping C. The invention of coinage as a means of exchange D. The conquest of Persia and Northern India


How did the end of World War II affect womens employment in the 1950s in the United States?
A. Women gave up their jobs to veterans and returned to staying at home, greatly decreasing the numbers of women in paid wage labor. B. Women lost higher-paying jobs to veterans but many returned to lower-paying jobs. C. Women competed with returning veterans to keep their high-paying jobs, resulting in the first equal pay for equal work legislation. D. In order to make room for veterans to resume their old jobs, the U.S. government sponsored leadership programs to retrain women as executives and corporation managers.


The reduction in the number of newspapers in the United States is primarily due to:
A. the better quality of and greater competition among newspapers. B. the lack of finances to support newspapers. C. televisions more comprehensive coverage of news events. D. consumer preferences for listening to or watching news events.


When counseling a subordinate about unsatisfactory job performance, a manager should generally:
A. discuss performance problems only after completing the individuals annual written performance review. B. make notes of any discussion of performance problems with the subordinate and give the employee a copy of the notes. C. ensure that, during any discussion of performance problems, an agency attorney is present for the managers protection, and advise the subordinate that he or she may have an attorney present. D. have a secretary sit in and make a verbatim transcript of any discussion of performance problems to be signed by both the manager and the subordinate.


When engaged in work activities, people are likely to be most creative when:
A. they see their work as a valued goal in its own right. B. they believe that they will receive a reward separate from what the work itself provides. C. they see their work as a valued goal in its own right and believe they will be well paid. D. pay is linked directly to productivity.



Compared to older methods of direct coercion and threat, contemporary organizations are more likely to exercise power through:
A. B. C. D. collaboration and reason. competition and antagonism. compassion and empathy. manipulation and negotiation.

Prior to the Ottoman incursion into Europe, Kosovo was of special national significance to which of the following ethnic groups?
A. B. C. D. Jews Serbs Greeks Croats



Which of the following countries imports the most U.S. merchandise?

A. B. C. D. Canada Germany Japan United Kingdom

The expansion of U.S. presidential power in foreign policy is best illustrated by:
A. the Senates decision in regard to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919-1920. B. the United Nations Act of 1945. C. President Roosevelts Destroyer-for-Bases deal in 1940. D. the War Powers Resolution of 1973.


Which of the following extensions would appear on a file made by a word processing program?
A. B. C. D. .eps .doc .xls .exe


If you see an employee staring out the window rather than working, and you judge that employee as lazy, you may be making the:
A. B. C. D. fundamental attribution error. self-serving bias error. actor-observer error. stereotyping error.


Which of the following treaties was not approved by the U.S. Senate?
A. Threshold Test Ban Treaty of 1974 B. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of 1979 C. Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1988 D. Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty of 1992


The grassland zone of Argentina is known as the:

A. B. C. D. llanos. pampas. Andes. Gran Chaco.


Which of the following methods is LEAST likely to be effective in promoting teamwork in the workplace?
A. Encouraging worker participation in decisionmaking B. Avoiding discipline in the interest of teamwork C. Showing appreciation for team efforts D. Being flexible in making assignments 9


What was the Trail of Tears?

A. The path taken in the 1830s by thousands of southeastern Native Americans when the U.S. government forced them to relocate west of the Mississippi River B. The first transcontinental railroad route in 1863, built by the hard labor of immigrant Chinese and Irish, African Americans, and Mexican Americans C. The automobile highway route in the southwestern states used during the Great Depression by thousands of Oklahoma sharecroppers migrating to California D. The overland route across the Rocky Mountains taken by the Mormons in 1847 when they moved from Illinois to Utah in order to find a safe haven to practice their religion


In public speaking, the term poisoning the well refers to:

A. a disingenuous and vilifying definition of terms or characterization of an argument, which does not allow for reasoned opposition. B. a false claim that if an action is taken, an undesirable consequence necessarily and inevitably will follow. C. an irrelevant personal attack on ones opponent instead of a refutation of her or his position. D. repetition of a claim offered as a reason in support of it.


In the federal government, the General Accounting Office reports to the:

A. Congress, on government expenditures and other tasks assigned to it. B. Secretary of the Treasury, on management of the debt. C. President, on waste and financial mismanagement. D. Congressional Budget Office, on appropriations and expenditures.


The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate based on age, and applies to individuals at least the age of:
A. B. C. D. 40. 55. 62. 65.


Before the President orders a covert intelligence operation, he must:

A. inform the National Security Council. B. inform the leaders of Congress. C. inform the congressional intelligence committees. D. get approval from the congressional intelligence committees.


What do you get if you add all of your students final grades together and then divide the total by the number of students?
A. B. C. D. Deviation Mean Variance Median


According to U.S. law, which of the following must be licensed in order to operate?
A. B. C. D. Broadcast stations Newspapers Magazines Websites


According to Procedural Justice Theory, an important consideration when giving employees negative feedback about their job performance is to:
A. provide a clear explanation of why negative feedback is being provided. B. clearly indicate the consequences of poor performance. C. focus on personality and attitude factors that seem to underlie the problem. D. not become emotionally engaged in the feedback session.


Which famed musician helped develop the bebop style of jazz in the 1940s?
A. B. C. D. James Brown Charlie Parker Duke Ellington Tommy Dorsey


You own a bond issued by a foreign government; the interest rate is 20% in that countrys currency. Last year, the currency declined by 50% against the U.S. dollar. For last year, in dollar terms, what did you earn on the bond?
A. B. C. D. 70% 20% 10% Nothing


Which of the following types of political campaigns is partially publicly financed?

A. B. C. D. Senate campaigns House campaigns Gubernatorial campaigns in all 50 states Presidential campaigns



Google.com can best be described as which of the following?

A. B. C. D. Operating system Service provider Content community Search engine


The term containment was used to describe the principle of Cold War U.S. foreign policy designed primarily to:
A. halt the influence of the U.S.S.R. B. restrict the flow of immigrant workers. C. eliminate activity of members of the American Communist Party. D. restrict American intervention in foreign conflicts.


What are the three basic economic problems that every economy must solve?
A. What to produce, where to produce, for whom to produce B. What to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce C. Whether to produce, where to produce, why to produce D. Why to produce, how to produce, which to produce


When giving an interview to a member of the media, the most important general rule is to:
A. B. C. D. attempt to maintain control of the interview. never speak until spoken to. always answer all questions completely. compliment the reporter.


During the last decade, federal government direct-hire employment has:

A. decreased, but more slowly than the decrease in employment at the state and local level. B. decreased, while employment at the state and local level has risen. C. increased, but more slowly than the increase at the state and local level. D. increased, while employment by state and local government has fallen.


In contrast to communication in the United States, the use of silence in Japan normally signifies:
A. B. C. D. disapproval of a proposition. respect for what was previously said. the need for more time. a dislike for what was previously said.


Some word processing systems allow you to keep all files you edit with the same name, but they save them as different:
A. entries in a database. B. log entries. C. versions of the file, usually marked with a number. D. filenames altogether.


A directive leadership style is most appropriate under which of the following conditions?
A. Subordinates are performing highly structured tasks B. There is substantive conflict among subordinates C. Subordinates have high levels of ability and experience D. The work environment is highly bureaucratic


Rationales for Sample Job Knowledge Questions

1. Knowledge tested: U.S. Government Interactions among components of the federal government A. See C. B. See C. C. This is the correct answer. The CEA was established in 1946 to give the President objective analyses on domestic and international economic issues. D. See C. 2. Knowledge tested: Computers Basic e-mail operations A. .gov is a top-level domain assigned to government organizations in the U.S. B. This is the correct answer. An e-mail address may include numerous sub-domains, which must be ordered hierarchically and end with a legitimate top-level domain. The designation wdc cannot be last in an e-mail address because it is not a top-level domain. C. See A. D. .edu is a top-level domain assigned to colleges and universities in the U.S. 3. Knowledge tested: Mathematics and Statistics Basic statistics A. This is the correct answer for the mean, the sum of all scores divided by total number of scores; median, the score with half the other scores above, and half below; mode, the score most frequently achieved. B. See A. C. See A. D. See A. 4. Knowledge tested: U.S. Government Constitution and its history A. This is the correct answer. Ratified on Dec. 6, 1865, Amendment XIII, Section 1, states: Neither slavery nor involuntary work, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or anyplace subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2 grants Congress the power to enforce Section I. B. The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Lincoln in 1863, was used to justify the freeing of slaves by Union armies. C. President Lincoln used his war powers as a basis for certain declarations in the Emancipation Proclamation. D. The Nineteenth Amendment grants women the right to vote. 5. Knowledge tested: Communications Media relations A. B. C. D. 6. This is the correct answer. See A. See A. See A.

Knowledge tested: Mathematics and Statistics Basic mathematics A. See C. B. See C. C. This is the correct answer. Divide 168 by 8 to get $21.00. Divide 245 by 4 to get $61.25. The total is $82.25. D. See C.


Knowledge tested: U.S. Society Influence of U.S. history on foreign affairs A. This is the correct answer. Theodore Roosevelt justified U.S. intervention in Latin American countries threatened by European powers by declaring that adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States . . . to the exercise of an international police power. This became known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. B. The Monroe Doctrine of 1823 tried to prevent further colonization and revival of old colonial claims in Latin America by European nations. C. See A. D. See A.


Knowledge tested: U.S. Government U.S. political system A. This would indicate the absence of gerrymandering. B. A concentration of voters without regard to political party would not indicate gerrymandering. C. This is the correct answer. Named after Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry, whose 1812 crafting of a politically advantageous district looked like a salamander, gerrymandering is laying out Congressional districts to favor a certain political party. D. This would show that the representative was elected in spite of a political disadvantage.



Knowledge tested: Economics U.S. economy A. Economists classify national defense products as a public good. Public goods, produced for society as a whole, can be consumed by one person without diminishing how much other individuals can consume. How much of any public good is produced is primarily a political decision, not a decision made by demands of individual consumers. B. Light provided by lighthouses is a public good. C. This is the correct answer. Automobiles are not a public good. Optimal production of automobiles is related to the demand for them by individual consumers. D. New highways are a public good.


Knowledge tested: World History and Geography Significant historical events A. This is the correct answer. The systematic approach to knowledge laid lasting foundations in mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and other branches of knowledge. B. Double entry bookkeeping came about in the Middle Ages. C. The Greek contribution to coinage does not outweigh their contributions to areas described in A. D. See A.


Knowledge tested: Management EEO laws and regulations A. This is the correct answer. Among several criteria used to determine sexual harassment, the EEOC considers unreasonable interference with an employees performance and the creation of an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. B. Strictness of evaluations done in a nondiscriminatory manner is not a consideration. C. Management is required to provide a workplace free of sexual harassment by anyone. D. The review itself is not in question, only managements role in the employees poor performance as alleged in the review.


Knowledge tested: World Geography Geographically based national rivalries and alliances A. Nigeria became independent in 1960, Kenya in 1963. B. Senegal became independent in 1960, Ghana in 1957. C. Mozambique became independent in 1975, Somalia in 1960. D. This is the correct answer. Liberia and Ethiopia were never colonized. South Africa became independent in 1910.


Knowledge tested: U.S. Society Influence of U.S. Society on foreign policy and foreign affairs A. This term is related to connections among world peoples, not status within one nation. B. This term is not related to demographics in a literal sense. C. This is the correct answer. Coined by McLuhan in the 1960s, global village is now often associated with the worldwide connections through the Internet. D. Although nations may elect to produce goods for which they have a comparative advantage, no such specialization analogy is intended by the term, global village.


Knowledge tested: Management Basic principles and techniques A. Retraining will not help if resources are still unavailable. B. Increased pay will probably only exacerbate the problem. C. This is the correct answer. Training should improve the skill level. D. If motivation is a problem, that should be dealt with before training is considered.


Knowledge tested: Communication Public speaking techniques A. Anecdotes may add interest, but may not suffice as evidence. Jargon could confuse an audience not included in the group to which the jargon applies. B. This is the correct answer. The speech should be logical, and all generalizations must be supported with convincing, pertinent evidence. C. These are fallacies and should not be included. D. These are only two of many types of sources that could be used as evidence.


Knowledge tested: Economics Basic Economic principles A. See C. B. See C. C. This is the correct answer. The ratio of net profits to capital investment for both companies is 1:4 or 25 percent, so they are equally successful. D. See C.


Knowledge tested: Management Basic understanding of human behavior A. See C. B. See C. C. This is the correct answer. Stress is intensified when no solution seems possible. D. See C. 13


Knowledge tested: U.S. Government Congress and its role in foreign affairs A. Congressional approval is not required for the President to send troops into combat. B. This is the correct answer. Unless Congress approves, U.S. troops sent into combat by the President must be withdrawn within 90 days. C. The Presidents authority in sending troops into combat is not limited to a national emergency. D. A declaration of war by Congress is not necessary before the President can send troops into combat.


Knowledge tested: Basic leadership principles, such as modeling. A. This is the correct answer. Responsibilities are often carried out in teams of workers who brainstorm together to generate desirable outcomes and collaborate in efforts to see projects through. B. There is less emphasis on getting ahead of others. C. These are communication skills particularly important for listening and understanding others views. D. Shared goals arrived at through collaborative work arrangements lessen the tendency for one person to try to manipulate others or bargain to reach a goal.


Knowledge tested: United States Society Events and trends A. The percentage of women in the work force decreased only slightly by 1950. B. This is the correct answer. Veterans were given priority, but many women still desired to work. C. This did not happen to any great extent until later decades. D. This did not happen. 23.

Knowledge tested: General understanding of U.S. national interests and objectives pursued abroad; e.g., human rights, narcotics control, terrorism, crime, promotion of U.S. trade A. This is the correct answer. The U.S. exports 23 percent of merchandise to Canada. B. 3.8 percent is exported to Germany. C. 6.8 percent is exported to Japan. D. 4.5 percent is exported to the U.K.


Knowledge tested: Communication Sources of information A. B. C. D. See D. See D. See D. This is the correct answer. 24.

Knowledge tested: Understanding of basic computer functions: e.g., word processing, printing documents, data entry, basic spreadsheets, cable macros. A. An .eps extension indicates a single-page graphic file which might include some text. B. This is the correct answer. Multi-page documents, consisting primarily of text, can be composed by word processing programs, such as Wordpad or Microsoft Word, and saved with this extension. C. An .xls extension indicates a spreadsheet file. D. An .exe file extension indicates programs of various types.


Knowledge tested: Understanding of basic strategies such as reward and punishment and corresponding motivational techniques: e.g., bonuses. A. This is the correct answer. Intrinsic satisfaction of creative work is high and remains highest when it is the only reward for engaging in a particular task. The promise of external rewards is counterproductive to the creative aspects of a task. B. See A. C. Coupling the task with an extrinsic reward would diminish the creative value for the person engaged in the task. D. Compensation based on piece-work rates and bonuses for completing tasks have been shown to diminish the intrinsic value of the work in ways that flat-fees and hourly wages usually do not.


Knowledge tested: General understanding of U.S. national interests and objectives pursued abroad; e.g., human rights, narcotics control, terrorism, crime, promotion of U.S. trade A. Signed on 7-3-74; entered into force on 12-1190. B. This is the correct answer. The treaty was signed on 6-18-79, but President Carter withdrew it from the Senate after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. C. Signed on 12-8-87; entered into force on 6-1-88. D. Signed on 11-19-90; entered into force on 7-17-92.



Knowledge tested: Understanding the basic strategies such as reward and punishment and corresponding motivational techniques; e.g., bonuses. A. Having a voice in decision-making is usually motivating. B. This is the correct answer. Problems not addressed tend to worsen. Not applying disciplinary consequences for unacceptable behavior or performance may invite similar problems from others or make them reluctant to work closely with the person not complying with acceptable standards. Team performance is likely to suffer. C. Appreciation shown for a teams efforts is likely to encourage more of the same. D. Assignment flexibility based on the variety of talents and other individual considerations is likely to result in members finding their most suitable places within the team.


Knowledge tested: U.S. Constitutiontreaties A. The Senates failure to ratify the Treaty of Versailles was an assertion of its own Constitutional power to ratify treaties. In this case, the Senates decision prevented President Wilson from bringing the U.S. into the League of Nations. B. President Truman and both Houses were in accord regarding the signing of the U.N. Charter. C. This is the correct answer. FDR bypassed Congress in committing 50 U.S. destroyers to Britain in exchange for six U.S. naval bases in British-controlled Caribbean islands. D. See C.


Knowledge tested: Management principles A. This is the correct answer. It is attributing behavior to a persons qualities without taking sufficient account of the circumstances. B. This is taking credit for successes but no blame for failures. C. This is the tendency to blame external causes for ones own problems while faulting other people for theirs. D. Stereotyping is regarding certain behaviors as typical of a group of the same ethnicity, gender, race, etc.


Knowledge tested: Feedback techniques: basic knowledge of how to give short, informal suggestions to individuals. A. Stockpiling problems for an annual review allows them to worsen and deprives the employee of an opportunity to respond to constructive feedback as problems emerge. B. This is the correct answer. Clear, written guidelines about expectations assist the employee in ongoing self-evaluation, provide a basis for follow-up reviews, and serve as documentation should the employees performance warrant disciplinary action. C. This adversarial arrangement would counter the mutual goodwill that could foster trust and lead to collaborative efforts at problem solving. D. This arrangement would be likely to create an adversarial atmosphere and inspire mistrust.


Knowledge tested: Locations of countries and their significant physical features. A. See B. B. This is the correct answer. The humid pampas are along the seaboard. The dry pampas are along the south and west. C. See B. D. See B.


Knowledge tested: Major events in U.S. history A. This is the correct answer. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in forced westward migrations of numerous tribes from the southeastern united States. The Trail of Tears refers specifically to the 1838 migration of 15,000 Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma, during which some 4,000 Cherokees died. B. See A. C. See A. D. See A.


Knowledge tested: World history A. This area was not a special area for Jews. B. This is the correct answer. Serbs saw this area as a Holy Land where many of their medieval kings were crowned. C. This area did not hold such significance for Greeks. D. This area did not hold such significance for Croats. 33.

Knowledge tested: EEO regulations. A. B. C. D. This is the correct answer. See A. See A. See A.


Knowledge tested: Statistics A. B. C. D. See B. This is the correct answer. See B. See B.



Knowledge tested: Managementfeedback techniques A. This is the correct answer. The heart of procedural justice is for each employee to be confident that policies are applied equally to all employees when decisions and evaluations are made. B. This is not related to how the negative performance evaluation came about. C. Analyses of the personality and attitude of the employee are not appropriate or relevant to procedural justice. D. While this may be appropriate, it is not the defining characteristic of this theory.


Knowledge tested: Sources of information A. B. C. D. This is the correct answer. See A. See A. See A.


Knowledge tested: U.S. culture and lifestyle A. James Brown, called the Godfather of Soul, came to prominence in the 1950s. B. This is the correct answer. Charlie Yardbird Parker was renowned for his bebop style and considered by many to be the greatest alto saxophonist ever. C. Duke Ellington, musician, composer, arranger, and band leader, is known for swing style of the big band era that began in the late 1920s. D. Tommy Dorsey and his band are associated with the swing style of the big band era.


Knowledge tested: Basic mathematics A. See C. B. See C. C. This is the correct answer. Assume your bond is worth 100 dollars of the foreign countrys currency. In a typical year you would make $20 interest, but because the currency declined by 50%, last year you would have made $10. That is 10% of the bonds original worth. D. See C.


Knowledge tested: U.S. political process and impact on policy A. B. C. D. See D. See D. See D. This is the correct answer. Money is gathered through a voluntary tax check-off on federal income tax forms for the presidential Election Campaign Fund, which is maintained by the U.S. Treasury.


Knowledge tested: Public speaking A. This is the correct answer. A vilifying personal attack on a speaker to discredit that persons arguments is a particular type of ad hominem argument. B. See A. C. This is an ad hominem argument in a broad sense. D. See A.


Knowledge tested: General knowledge of information available on the Internet A. B. C. D. See D. See D. See D. This is the correct answer.


Knowledge tested: U.S. Government A. This is the correct answer. The GAO reports to Congress on government expenditures and other tasks assigned to it. B. See A. C. See A. D. The Congressional Budget Office, the GAO, and the Congressional Research Service report to Congress. 44.

Knowledge tested: Economic principles A. B. C. D. See B. This is the correct answer. See B. See B.


Knowledge tested: U.S. economy A. Hiring only at the federal level is expected to decrease. B. This is the correct answer. Due to more contracting out of jobs to private companies and the shift of more responsibilities to state and local governments, federal direct-hire employment will continue to go down, as in the previous decade. Due to that shift and the rising demand for services, employment at the state and local levels is expected to increase. C. Hiring only at the state and local levels is expected to increase. D. The opposite is true.


Knowledge tested: Structure of Congress and its role in foreign affairs A. The President is not required to inform the National Security Council. B. Informing the leaders of Congress is not required. C. This is the correct answer. A Select Committee in Congress must be informed prior to a covert operation. In the case of the CIA, oversight is shared with the Foreign Relations Committee. D. Congressional committee approval is not required to proceed.



Knowledge tested: Psychology and human behavior A. B. C. D. See B. This is the correct answer. See B. See B.


Knowledge tested: U.S. customs and culture Influence of U.S. customs and culture on U.S. foreign policy The term containment was used to describe the principle of Cold War U.S. foreign policy designed primarily to: A. This is the best answer. Introduced by George F. Kennan and first applied in the Truman Doctrine of 1947, the foreign policy strategy of containment sought to end Soviet expansionism by restricting their sphere of power to within their current borders. B. Immigrant workers were not a major issue of the Cold War. C. The strategy of containment did not specifically apply to the American Communist Party movement. D. The Truman Doctrine led to direct intervention into the European conflict, including aid to beleaguered countries, the Marshall Plan, Berlin airlift and creation of NATO.


Knowledge tested: Computer operations Understanding of basic computer functions such as word processing. Some word processing systems allow you to keep all files you edit with the same name, but they save them as different: A. A database is an information management system that allows users to organize data from a number of different sources and/or programs; it is not a direct word processing tool. B. A log file lists actions that have occurred within a program or on a website; it is not a word processing tool. C. This is the best answer. A common method of saving an edited file is to use the same name, followed by the number of the edited version. For instance, introduction19 would be the nineteenth version of the introduction document. D. While some people may choose to enter totally different file names for edited versions of the same document, it is not a recommended procedure.


Knowledge tested: Media relations When giving an interview to a member of the media, the most important rule is to: A. This is the best answer. By maintaining control of the interview, the foreign service worker achieves two important objectives: staying on message about the important issues or desired response to a particular situation; and minimizing opportunities to be led in an unwanted direction or taken by surprise. B. See A. In many cases the optimal time to garner control of an interview is before a question is asked. C. Questions should be answered according to the interviewees message points and only to the extent considered beneficial to their objectives. D. While at times a sincere compliment can set a tone or diffuse tension, this is not an important part of an interview.


Knowledge tested: Basic leadership principles A directive leadership style is most appropriate under which of the following conditions? A. Leaders dealing with subordinates performing highly structured tasks can effectively employ any leadership style, dependent upon the work environment and individuals. B. This is the best answer. Conflict among subordinates often necessitates this highly autocratic leadership style to accomplish a goal. A discordant team is unlikely to respond to more win-win or cooperative styles of leadership. C. Experienced and capable subordinates are more apt to respond favorably to problemsolving, consulting or delegating leadership styles. D. While the bureaucratic nature of the work environment might lend itself to directive leadership, any style of leadership could prove effective.


Sample Questions for the English Expression Test

The English Expression Test consists of 65 questions and is administered in 50 minutes. There are 70 sample questions provided below. Answer the questions by circling the choice you believe to be best. After answering the questions, you can check your answers and review the questions.

English Expression Sample Questions

DIRECTIONS: In the passages that follow, certain words and phrases are underlined and numbered. In the right-hand column, you will find alternatives for each underlined part. You are to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole. If you think the original version is best, choose option A., which is the same as the original version. You may also find questions about a section of the passage, or about the passage as a whole. These questions do not refer to an underlined portion of the passage, but rather are identified by a number or numbers in a box. For each question, choose the alternative you consider best and circle the letter of that choice. Read each passage through once before you begin to answer the questions that accompany it. You cannot determine most answers without reading several sentences beyond the question. Be sure that you have read far enough ahead each time you choose an alternative. Passage 1

The United States has bequeathed to the world, two enduring political creations: written 1 constitutions and a mass political party. Students of 2 American politics agree, that mass political parties


A. world, two enduring political creations: written constitutions and a mass political party. B. world two enduring creations in politics: a written constitution and a mass political party. C. world: two enduring political creations: written constitutions and mass political parties. D. world two enduring political creations: written constitutions and mass political parties. A. B. C. D. agree, that agree that agree. That agree that,

2. originated and gained acceptance and respectability in antebellum America and that the Jacksonian Democrats were primarily responsible. 2 In creating their political organization, Jacksonian Democrats, and especially Martin Van Buren and his New York State party known as the Albany Regency, rejected the old revolutionary model of a temporary political movement organized to respond to a particular crisis. Instead, under their leadership, political parties and regularized 3partisan competition was transformed into permanent constitutional establishments. 3.

A. B. C. D.

partisan competition was transformed into partisans competition was transformed from partisan competition were transformed into partisans competition were transformed from


3 Not only were they engaged in the novel 4 experiment of creating new political institutions, but also 4. Which of the following sentences would provide the most effective introduction for the subject of Paragraph 3? A. Even in politics, persistence will eventually pay off. B. Governmental change is usually slow to occur. C. Politicians that work so hard for any cause are worthy of respect. D. A daunting challenge confronted these political innovators. the 5Constitutions and the political cultures general antipartyism threatened to abort any attempt to legitimize political parties. Relying on the large territory and population of the United States and auxiliary institutional arrangements to prevent any one faction or party from controlling all branches of the government, a Constitution against political parties had been 6 created by the founders. A mass political party appeared to be equivalent to the majority faction that the founders had feared and sought to prevent. In addition, the 7 traditional republican ideal having assumed a statesman who exercised independent judgment to determine what is in the publics interest and how best to serve that interest. An institutionalized political party, despite this, imposes partisan discipline upon its 8 8. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. despite this, therefore, however, in general, members, they are required members and are required members, it requires them members, who are required 7. 6.


A. B. C. D.

Constitutions and the political cultures Constitutions and the political cultures Constitutions, and the political cultures Constitutions and the political cultures,

A. a Constitution against political parties had been created by the founders. B. what had been created by the founders was a Constitution against political parties. C. the founders had created a Constitution against political parties. D. a Constitution had been created by the founders against political parties. A. B. C. D. having assumed a statesman who exercised assumed a statesman who exercised assumed a statesman whose exercising of has assumed a statesman who would have exercised

members, they are required to subordinate personal 9 judgment to the partys position.



4 [1] Martin Van Buren and other Democratic party thinkers defended national political parties as solutions to two crises in presidential selection: the malfunctioning of the electoral college and the dangerous character of presidential campaigns. [2] Furthermore, for 10 Van Buren and like-minded others, regular partisan competition for office 11checks governmental power more effectively than did the formal constitutional system of separate institutions sharing power. [3] Despite this antiparty tradition, Democratic politicians broke new ground and accepted political parties as constitutional establishments necessary for the 12 proper working of the Constitution. Passage reprinted with permission from Political Science Quarterly, 101 (1986): 85-107. 12. 11.


A. B. C. D.

like-minded others, others with his thoughts, other similar people, too, other people who agreed with his way of thinking,

A. checks governmental power more effectively than B. checked governmental power more effectively than C. effectively checks governmental power more then D. more effectively checked governmental power then

Which of the following orderings of sentences makes Paragraph 4 most logical? A. B. C. D. 1, 2, 3 1, 3, 2 2, 3, 1 3, 1, 2

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Passage 2 1 [1] The American landscape has 13 13. A. B. C. D. has underwent had underwent has undergone had undergone

underwent profound transformations since World War II. [2] City dwellers began to move out of compact urban 14 neighborhoods to new suburbs on the cities parameters. [3] The old neighborhoods seemed crowded, 15 dirty, and noisy. [4] The suburbs, contrastedly, offered affordable homes, big yards, and safe

14. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D.

on the cities parameters. on the cities edges. in the area surrounding the cities. in or around the cities. contrastedly, in terms of that, competingly, on the other hand,


streets and schools. 16 17

16. A. B. C. D.

streets and streets, and streets and safe streets, and safe

17. The writer wants to insert the following phrase: Enjoying post-war prosperity and able to afford new cars, The best place for this phrase would be at the beginning of Sentence: A. B. C. D. 18. A. B. C. D. 19. A. B. C. D. 20. A. B. C. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. So But Instead Except an increase increasingly many more more and more an increasingly great amount disinvested out of divested out of divided from diverted from

2 This outward migration has delivered a high quality of life for many. 18So for othersand for an increase of us as time goes onthe results are 19

20 mixed. As investment is disinvested out of the urban core, crime and unemployment rise and basic services decrease. As farmland is converted to subdivisions, rural 21 communities struggle to sustain there way of life. As development pushes further out, residents of older suburbs confront many of the urban ills they saw to escape. Meanwhile, residents of newer 22 suburbs find themselves mired in traffic for hours that 23 they would prefer to spending with their families. These effects of unplanned growth are known collectively as sprawl. 3 One response to sprawl is New Urbanism; a growing movement of architects, 24 planners, and developers. According to New Urbanist planners, returning to traditional neighborhood patterns

21. A. B. C. D.

there theyre theyre their

22. A. B. C. D. 23. A. B. C. D.

saw seeked sought thought would prefer to spending will have been spending would prefer to spend will have spent

24. A. B. C. D.

Urbanism; a Urbanism. A Urbanism: A Urbanism, a


are essential to restoring livable communities. 25

25. A. B. C. D. 26. A. B. C. D. 27. A. B. C. D.

are is were was its infancy its infancy its infancy, its infancy, be impactful. impact on us. have an impact. impact.

26 Still in its infancy the movement is beginning to

be impactful. In the U.S., more than 200 new towns, 27 villages, and neighborhoods are planned or under construction using principles of New Urbanism. 28

4 According to those principles, a community 29 should have a describable centera town square, village green, or simply a memorable street corner within an easy walk of residential areas. The neighborhood should include a variety of types of housing 30that is freestanding houses, rowhouses,

28. The writer is considering deleting the last sentence of Paragraph 3. Without this sentence, the essay would lose support for the argument that New Urbanism is: A. a movement of planners and developers. B. interested in creating livable communities. C. still young and developing its principles. D. beginning to influence U.S. development. 29. A. B. C. D. describable discernible designable disputable

31 and apartment buildings both wealthy and poor to accommodate single people, families, and retirees. To create a strong sense of place, buildings should be close to the street, with parking 32delegated to the rear

30. A. B. C. D.

that is for example such as for instance

31. The best place for the underlined phrase is: A. where it is now. B. after neighborhood. C. after housing. D. after retirees. 32. A. B. C. D. 33. A. B. C. D. 34. A. B. C. D. 35. A. B. C. D. 22 delegated relegated demoted related accessed through the means of available through the use of addressed by accessible by in such a way as to provide for the purpose of providing in order to provide to provide dispense disburse disperse dispel

and 33accessed through the means of alleys. Streets should form a connected network through the neighborhood 34in such a way as to provide a variety of routes to any destination. Such changes 35 slow and dispense traffic, creating an environment that encourages walking and biking.

5 Clearly, a central goal of New Urbanism is to get us out of the cars that first brought us to the suburbs half a century ago. But Americas driving passion for 36 the automobile is not over just yet, and it remains 36. The writer wants to substitute an expression that fits with the imagery in the rest of the sentence. Which expression fits best? A. on its last legs B. withering away C. running on empty D. down for the count 37. The writer wishes to include the following sentence in the essay: Seaside and Celebration, Florida, are two of the best-known examples of New Urbanism in practice. This sentence would fit best at the end of Paragraph: A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 5. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Passage 3 1 After its reversion from British to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997, Hong Kong retained a high degree of autonomy and 38remained a free society with legally protected rights. The Basic Law, approved in 1990 by 39Chinas National Peoples Congress, serves as a mini-constitution and provides for fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, of the press, and of publication. 2 There was no apparent change in the tradition of respect for these freedoms after reversion. Newspapers continue to publish a 40wide variety of opinions. 40. A. B. C. D. 41. A. B. C. D. 23 wide variety of large assortment of many sizeable collection of myriad huge mixture of diverse speaking speak spoke would have spoke 38. A. B. C. D. 39. A. B. C. D. remained remaining had remained will have remained Chinas National Peoples Chinas National Peoples Chinas National Peoples Chinas National Peoples

to be seen whether our destination is the livable community. 37

People 41speaking freely to the media. Political

debate is vigorous; numerous 42viewpoints including stories and opinions critical of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments and statements by leading Chinese dissidents, are provided in the mass media, in public forums, and by political groups. International media 43 organizations operate freely. Sixteen major daily newspapers, two commercial television stations, and two commercial radio stations function with virtually no government control.

42. A. B. C. D.

viewpoints including viewpoints, including, viewpoints, including viewpoints; including

43. The writer is considering adding the following sentence at this point: Many journalists prefer the vibrant atmosphere of a large city, and Hong Kong is one of the worlds largest. Which readers would be most interested in this additional information? A. British diplomats who are assigned to the embassy in Hong Kong B. Chinese dissidents who are seeking asylum in Hong Kong C. Human rights advocates who are investigating allegations of abuses in Hong Kong D. Journalists who are seeking employment in Hong Kong 44. A. B. C. D. 45. A. B. C. D. therefore, however, consequently, correspondingly, journalism and their journalists and the journalists and the journalism and the

3 There remains, 44therefore, a widespread

impression among both 45journalism and their public that it is prudent to engage in a degree of self-censorship. The pressures on journalists are subtle. There are no direct orders to refrain from writing, but there is a widespread perception of a need for special care toward topics of particular sensitivity to China, such as leadership dynamics, military activity, or Taiwanese or Tibetan independence, although numerous articles on these topics continue to appear. Chinese-language journalists report a 46pervasive if tacit, understanding that editors expect those reporting on China to be particularly certain of their facts and 47they are careful in their wording.

46. A. B. C. D. 47. A. B. C. D.

pervasive if tacit, pervasive, if tacit pervasive if tacit pervasive, if tacit, they are careful caring taking care careful


4 [1] Another source of pressure comes from the belief by some publishers and editors that advertising revenues or their business interests in China could suffer if they 48were seen to be too antagonistic to China or to powerful local interests. [2] For example, journalists have been told by their boards of directors not to publish stories about a prominent local businessmans property development project in Beijing. [3] And although Governor Christopher Pattens account of the prehandover negotiations and reforms was widely available throughout Hong Kong, the refusal of some bookstores to carry the book was also cited by human rights groups as an example of commercial self49 50 51 censorship. 48. A. B. C. D. were having been will have would be

49. Which of the following sequences of sentences makes Paragraph 4 most logical? A. B. C. D. 1, 2, 3 1, 3, 2 2, 3, 1 3, 1, 2

50. In reviewing her notes the writer finds the following sentence: Media companies currently feel satisfied that the Basic Law has allowed them to perform their work without interference. If the writer were to add this sentence to the essay, it would most logically be added at the: A. B. C. D. beginning of Paragraph 1. beginning of Paragraph 2. end of Paragraph 3. end of Paragraph 4.

51. Which of the following best describes the way in which the essay is organized? A. It narrates the sequence of events that led to Hong Kongs reversion to Chinese sovereignty. B. It examines the continuing influence of British culture in former colonies such as Hong Kong. C. It describes how Hong Kongs reversion to Chinese sovereignty has affected press freedoms. D. It analyzes the role played by the media in achieving Hong Kongs independence from Britain.


Passage 4 1 The 521960s, which saw a heightened sense of cultural identity among Canadas French-speaking Quebecois and with it an upsurge of separatist feeling. By 1976, the separatist Parti Quebecois 53(PQ), had won the provincial election and began to seek greater independence from the rest of Canada. In a 1980 referendum, the PQ sought a mandate from the people of Quebec to negotiate a new status within Canada, 54combining political independence with a continued economic association. Sixty percent of the voters rejected the proposal and eventually the PQ lost control of the province to the Liberals, a federalist party. 2 Another turning point came in 1982, when Canada assumed from the United Kingdom full responsibility for 55its constitution and Quebec objected 56disagreeably to some aspects of the new arrangement. The 1987 Meech Lake Accord attempted to address Quebecs 57concerns, but lack of support in two other provinces prevented the accord from taking effect. The threat of a second sovereignty referendum led to the negotiation of the Charlottetown Accord; however, this agreement was defeated in a national referendum in 1992. 3 The 1994 re-election of the separatist PQ in Quebec 58was an interesting development for several reasons. A second referendum on separation, held in Quebec in October 1995, resulted in a 55. A. B. C. D. 56. A. B. C. D. 57. A. B. C. D. its its its their disagreeably disapprovingly in dissent OMIT the underlined portion. concerns, but concerns while concerns; consequently, concerns; in fact, 52. A. B. C. D. 53. A. B. C. D. 1960s, which 1960s which 1960s, 1960s (PQ), had (PQ) had (PQ) has (PQ), has

54. Given that all of the following statements are true, which one provides the most relevant information at this point in the paragraph? A. combining political independence with a continued economic association. B. hoping to gain the support of the electorate. C. putting an indelible mark on the new decade. D. which has a colonial history and a diverse population.

58. Given that all of the following statements are true, which one would best complete the sentence while introducing the main topic of the paragraph? A. was an interesting development for several reasons. B. was clearly a help to one side of a debatable issue. C. might have been viewed as a complication. D. helped to keep national unity in the forefront of political debate. 26

59much more narrower victory for federalists and ensured that the provinces status would remain a serious political issue. 4 60One concern is the fact that there are aboriginal and English-speaking minorities in Quebec who assert the right to keep parts of the province in Canada in the event of Quebec independence. Many members of these communities fear infringement of their rights by a sovereign Quebec. English speakers are particularly anxious about restrictions placed on Englishlanguage use. 5 Quebecs First Nations peoples also are overwhelmingly opposed to 61dissolution from Canada. Native leaders maintain that a sovereign Quebec would treat the provinces 60,000 aboriginals as a 62single, homogeneous ethnic minority.

59. A. B. C. D.

much more narrower more narrower much narrower most narrow

60. Given that all of the following choices are true, which one would best introduce the paragraph by showing that the division within Quebec was not a simple, two-sided issue? A. B. C. D. One concern Complicating the sovereignty debate Following these issues Another matter not so easy to define

61. A. B. C. D.

dissolution separate independence independent autonomy separation

62. What purpose is served by the underlined phrase? A. It implies that a sovereign Quebec wont recognize the diversity within the aboriginal community. B. It emphasizes the unanimous opposition of aboriginal people to Quebec separatism. C. It implies that a sovereign Quebec will treat different tribes differently. D. It emphasizes the aboriginals position as the only minority group in Quebec.

63As an assessment of the situation, the Quebec

63. Which of the following phrases provides the best transition between this sentence and the preceding sentence? A. B. C. D. 64. A. B. C. D. As an assessment of the situation, To address these sentiments, Moving forward, Hopefully, negotiations, regarding negotiations regarding negotiations and with regard to negotiations that regard

government agreed to initiate 64negotiations, regarding long-standing grievances over timber resources and public rights-of-way on tribal lands. However, diverse tribes with varied concerns within a nation struggling to stay united 65is perhaps difficult to appease.

65. A. B. C. D.

is perhaps perhaps was may be maybe


Amidst the worlds nations, China is the most 66 67 populist, with more than a billion inhabitants. 68


Situation: The State Department announces that Freedonia is prosecuting dissidents under a national security law. The FSO should say: A human rights activist and a journalist A. were tried, arrested, and convicted for threatening national security. B. was convicted, tried, and arrested by threatening national security. C. were arrested, tried, and convicted for threatening national security. D. was arrested, tried, and convicted by threatening national security.


A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D.

Amidst Among Between Within worlds nations, worlds nations, worlds nations, worlds nations, populist, popular, populous, popularized,



Situation: The FSO is describing the structure of the Freedonian health care system. The FSO should say: Health care responsibilities A. are the division between federal and local agencies. B. are divided between federal and local agencies. C. divide between federal and local agencies. D. have divided federal and local agencies.



Rationales for Sample English Expression Questions

Main sources used: The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. White; The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. 1. Concepts tested: Avoiding unnecessary punctuation; choosing words to fit meaning and function. A. The comma after world is unnecessary. B. The phrase creations in politics is vague. C. The colon after world is incorrect and should be deleted. D. This is the best answer. The colon after creations is correctly used to introduce the two-item list. 2. Concepts tested: Avoiding unnecessary punctuation; avoiding sentence fragments. 6. A. The comma after agree is unnecessary. B. This is the best answer. It is a complete sentence that needs no internal punctuation. C. This creates a sentence fragment. D. The comma after that is unnecessary. 3. Concepts tested: Assuring grammatical agreementpredicate with subjects of varying complexity; using the idioms of standard written English. A. The singular verb was is not in agreement with the compound subject. B. See A. In addition, the preposition from is not idiomatic. C. This is the best answer. The plural verb were agrees with the compound subject. D. The preposition from is not idiomatic. Also, adding a plural possessive to partisan is unnecessary. 4. Concept tested: Making decisions about cohesion devicesopenings, transitions, and closings. A. This choice does not introduce the main topic of the paragraph. B. This choice introduces a subject that is not included in the paragraph. C. This choice suggests a theme that is not covered in the paragraph. D. This is the best answer. It effectively introduces the subject of the paragraph: the challenge that the political innovators faced. 8. 5. Concepts tested: Punctuating relationships that indicate possession; avoiding unnecessary punctuation. A. This is the best answer. Both possessives are singular and are punctuated correctly. B. This incorrectly uses the plural possessive for both Constitution and culture. C. This adds an unnecessary comma after Constitutions, and incorrectly uses the plural possessive for culture. D. This adds an unnecessary comma after cultures. Concepts tested: Using modifiersplacing modifiers so that they modify the appropriate element; managing sentence elements effectively using rhetorically effective subordination and combination. A. This choice creates a misplaced modifier and confuses the reader. A Constitution does not modify the opening clause. B. The ineffective subordination results in an unclear sentence. C. This is the best answer. The word founders modifies and should immediately follow the subordinate clause in this sentence. D. See A. 7. Concepts tested: Avoiding sentence fragments; avoiding unnecessary shifts in construction. A. This choice results in an incomplete sentence. B. This is the best answer. It is a complete sentence and uses the appropriate verb tense. C. See A. D. There is an illogical tense shift from the past tense to the present perfect has assumed. Concept tested: Establishing logical order choosing the appropriate transition word or phrase. A. The phrase despite this does not logically link this sentence with the point made in the preceding sentence. B. Therefore indicates a cause-effect relationship that does not exist. C. This is the best answer. However shows the contrast between two points. D. In general implies a generalization that does not exist.



Concepts tested: Avoiding comma splices; avoiding faulty subordination and coordination. A. This is a comma splice. B. Faulty sentence structure makes this sentence unclear. C. This is a comma splice. D. This is the best answer. It is the only choice that is structurally sound.


Concepts tested: Choosing words to fit meaning and function; editing and revising; making decisions about appropriateness of expression. A. A parameter is a quantity that a mathematical system depends on. B. This is the best answer. Because the topic of the article is urban sprawl, this provides a point of spatial contrast. C. This vague wording is redundant. It reiterates the definition of suburbs and implies that all cities are in the same area. D. By definition, suburbs are never in the city.


Concepts tested: Using words precisely and fluently; avoiding redundancy; avoiding wordiness. A. This is the best answer. Like-minded precisely indicates that the others thought along the same lines as Van Buren. B. Others with his thoughts is an ineffective way to make this comparison. C. Similar people is imprecise and does not fully express the writers intent. Furthermore and too create a redundancy. D. This choice is unnecessarily wordy. 15.

Concepts tested: Using the idioms of standard written English; making decisions about cohesive devices; choosing words to fit meaning and function. A. This word is unrecognized. B. This vague reference is a weak transition that fails to convey the intended relationship of contrast. C. See A. D. This is the best response. It establishes contrast and provides a transition that enhances coherence.

11. Concepts tested: Avoiding unnecessary shifts in

construction (tense); using the idioms of standard written English. A. The verb checks creates an illogical shift from past to present tense. B. This is the best answer. The use of the past tense checked is the same construction as the rest of the paragraph. C. See A. D. Then is incorrect usage. 12. Concept tested: Establishing logical order ordering sentences in a logical way. A. Sentence 3, not Sentence 1, logically follows the point made at the end of Paragraph 3. B. See A. C. Sentence 2 logically follows Sentence 1 and cannot, therefore, open the paragraph. D. This is the best answer. The phrase Despite this antiparty tradition logically flows from the point made at the end of Paragraph 3. 13. Concepts tested: Forming verbs; avoiding unnecessary shifts in tense. A. The auxiliary verb has cannot be combined with underwent. B. Past perfect tense is inappropriate here. Has cannot be added to underwent. C. This is the best answer. The correct tense, present perfect, is used to refer to the time between WWII and the present. D. Past perfect tense is inappropriate. 17. 16.

Concepts tested: Avoiding unnecessary punctuation; punctuating relationships and sequences; editing and revising effectively. A. This is the best answer. No comma should separate schools from its modifier, safe. B. See A. C. The second use of safe is unnecessary. D. This construction would be correct if the first and were deleted, but using safe twice would still be somewhat redundant. Concepts tested: Using modifiers; establishing logical order. A. This choice creates a dangling modifier. B. This is the best answer. City dwellersnot the American landscape, the old neighborhoods, or the suburbsare the only subjects capable of enjoying and affording anything, so this placement is the only one that fits within the logical order of the paragraph. C. See A. D. See A.


Concepts tested: Relating clauses; choosing words to fit meaning and function. A. So incorrectly implies a conclusion drawn from the previous statement. Contrast is intended. B. This is the best answer. But leads into contrasting information about a new group of people. C. Instead connotes contrast, but its placement here is awkward and unclear. D. Except implies a deviation from a general rule that has not been established, and its use here creates a sentence fragment.



Concepts tested: Editing and revising effectively; forming modifiers. A. Increase should precede expressions of quantity, such as the percent of or the number of. B. This choice is awkward and wordy. C. This is the best answer. It is clear, straightforward, and concise. D. Amount cannot be used to describe people, and the choice is also wordy.


Concepts tested: Punctuating relationships to indicate apposition; relating clauses; avoiding sentence fragments. A. Semicolons are not used to form appositives. B. This choice would create a fragment of the phrase containing movement. C. A colon would be appropriate for a lengthy appositive or a statement going from general to specific. D. This is the best answer. New Urbanism is correctly separated from its definition by a comma.


Concepts tested: Choosing words to fit meaning and function; using idioms of standard written English. A. Disinvested is not a generally recognized word. B. Divested is not used with out. C. Division is not the intended meaning here. D. This is the best answer. It means that monies have been withdrawn from one area and turned toward anothera major point of this article.


Concepts tested: Assuring grammatical agreement; avoiding unnecessary shifts in tense. A. Are does not agree in number with the subject returning. B. This is the correct answer. The verb agrees in number with the subject. C. Were disagrees with the verb in number and inappropriately shifts the tense to the past. D. Was agrees with the verb in number, but inappropriately shifts the tense to the past.


Concept tested: Use the proper form of the possessives. A. There indicates location and is not a possessive. B. Theyre is not a word. C. Theyre is a contraction of they are and is not a possessive. D. This is the correct answer; their is a possessive referring to the rural communities.


Concepts tested: Punctuating introductory phrases; indicating possession. A. There is no apostrophe in the possessive form of it. A comma is required after infancy. B. See A. C. See A. D. This is the best answer. The possessive form is correct and the comma correctly separates the introductory phrase from the subject it modifies.


Concepts tested: Forming verbs; choosing words to fit meaning and function. A. Saw is the past tense of see, which does not fit the intended meaning. B. Seeked is an incorrect formation of the past tense. C. This is the best answer. Sought expresses the intended meaning, and the form is correct. D. Thought does not fit the intended meaning. 27.

Concept tested: Choosing words to fit function; using the idioms of standard written English. A. This is not a recognized word. B. Impact is not a verb and us as an object is vague. C. This is the best answer. The noun impact is correctly used here as a direct object. D. Impact is not a verb.


Concepts tested: Forming verbs; relating sentence clauses. A. This formation of the verb doesnt make sense in context. B. See A. C. This is the best answer. The formation of the verb is proper for the context. D. See A.


Concept tested: Judging the relevance of material. A. The sentence to which the question refers is not relevant to this aspect of New Urbanism. B. See A. C. See A. D. This is the best answer. The sentence provides evidence of the movements growing influence and this is relevant.


Concepts tested: Using words to fit meaning and function; editing and revising. A. Describable is vague in this context, falling short of the intended meaning. B. This is the best answer. In this context, it means a common area that can be identified as distinct from the residential part of the community. C. This word does not fit the intended meaning at all. D. See C.



Concepts tested: Managing sentence elements to avoid ambiguity; punctuating phrases. A. Without punctuation before and after that is, this word choice is confusing. It seems to be leading into a clause where that refers to housing. B. This phrase must be set off with punctuation. C. This is the best answer. It is clear and requires no punctuation. D. See B.


Concepts tested: Using words to fit meaning and function. A. Legs does not fit with the image of cars and driving. B. Withering would fit with flowers, not cars. C. This answer fits best with the images of driving and cars in the rest of the sentence. D. Down for the count is a boxing image.


Concepts tested: Establishing logical order. A. New Urbanism has not been introduced, so it is too soon to give an example of it. B. See A. C. This is the best answer. The discussion of New Urbanism is in progress at this point. D. This final paragraph wraps up the essay. It is too late to introduce examples.


Concept tested: Using modifiers. A. Since wealthy and poor are intended to describe the people in the community, this choice creates a misplaced modifier. B. See A. C. See A. D. This is the best answer. Wealthy and poor correctly refers to the people who would live in the community.


Concept tested: Avoid unnecessary shifts in construction (person, number, voice, tense, mood). A. This is the best answer. The use of the past tense remained is the same construction as the verb retained in the first part of this sentence. B. The participle remaining is not parallel with the past tense retained. C. The verbs retained and had remained are not parallel elements. D. The future perfect will have remained also creates faulty parallelism.


Concept tested: Choosing words to fit meaning. A. Delegated refers to the assignment of tasks or the appointment of someone as an agent. B. This is the best choice. Relegated in this context means that parked cars should be in a less prominent area, out of sight. C. Demoted means a lowering of rank. D. Related is unclear in this context.


Concepts tested: Editing and revising to avoid wordiness; choosing words to fit meaning; forming modifiers. A. Access is not a verb, and this construction is wordy. B. Availability is not relevant here, and the construction is wordy. C. Addressed is unclear and incorrect here. D. This is the best answer; accessible properly modifies parking.


Concept tested: Punctuate relationships and sequences (indicate possession). A. The apostrophe in the possessive noun Chinas is missing. B. Both apostrophes are misplaced. The singular, not plural, possessive forms are required. C. The apostrophe in Peoples is missing. D. This is the best answer. Both possessives are singular and are punctuated correctly.


Concept tested: Editing and revising to avoid wordiness. A. B. C. D. This answer is wordy. See A. See A. This wording is correct and concise.


Concepts tested: Edit and revise effectively (avoid wordiness). Edit and revise effectively (avoid redundancy). A. This is the best answer. This is the clearest and most succinct wording. B. Large assortment and many create a redundancy. C. This phrase is imprecise and unnecessarily wordy. D. See C.


Concepts tested: Using words to fit meaning and function. A. Dispense means to hand out or deal out in portions, so it is not appropriate here. B. Disburse means to pay out monies. C. This is the best answer. In this context, it means to spread the traffic flow among a number of streets. D. Dispel means to get rid of something.



Concepts tested: Form verbs (tenses of regular and irregular verbs). Relate clauses (avoid sentence fragments). Avoid unnecessary shifts in construction (person, number, voice, tense, mood). A. The use of the participle speaking creates a sentence fragment. B. This is the best answer. The use of the present tense speak logically follows the preceding sentence. C. The past tense spoke is an illogical tense shift. D. This is an incorrect verb form.


Concept tested: Punctuate breaks in thought (parenthetical elementscomma, parentheses). A. B. C. D. The comma after pervasive is missing. The comma after tacit is missing. See A and B. This is the best answer. The parenthetical, nonessential phrase if tacit needs to be set off with commas.


Concepts tested: Avoid unnecessary shifts in construction (person, number, voice, tense, mood). Choose words to fit meaning and function (use words precisely and fluently). A. Faulty sentence structure and an ambiguous referent for the pronoun they make this sentence unclear. B. The word caring does not precisely express the writers intent. C. The phrase taking care is not parallel with certain. D. This is the best answer. It is the only choice that is structurally sound.


Concept tested: Punctuate breaks in thought (between clauses of compound sentences when conjunction is omitted). A. The comma after including is missing. B. The comma after viewpoints is unnecessary punctuation. C. This is the best answer. A comma is needed after the word including to set off the parenthetical element that ends with dissidents. D. The semicolon after viewpoints is incorrect punctuation.


Concepts tested: Form verbs (compound tenses). Avoid unnecessary shifts in construction (person, number, voice, tense, mood). A. This is the best answer. It is the only choice that uses a proper verb form. B. This is an incorrect verb form. C. See B. D. The use of the verb form would be seen creates an illogical tense shift.


Concept tested: Make decisions about appropriateness of expressions for audience and purpose. A. This information would not affect the British diplomats because they are not choosing their assignments. B. Although Chinese dissidents may appreciate the vibrant atmosphere, this information would not affect their plans to seek asylum. C. It is unlikely that the work of human rights advocates would change as a result of this information. D. This is the best answer. Journalists who want to work in Hong Kong would most likely be interested in this information.


Concept tested: Establish logical order (order sentences or parts of a sentence in a logical way). A. This is the best answer. Sentence 1 is the only sentence that logically follows Paragraph 3 and introduces the topic of Paragraph 4. B. The example in Sentence 2 logically follows Sentence 1, so this choice is ruled out. C. See B. D. Sentence 3 provides the best conclusion to this paragraph and should remain where it is.


Concept tested: Establish logical order (choose the appropriate transition word or phrase). A. Therefore suggests a cause-effect relationship, which is not the case here. B. This is the best answer. The transition word however logically connects this sentence with the preceding one. C. See A. D. The word correspondingly in this context makes no sense. 50.

Concept tested: Make decisions about cohesion devices (openings, transitions, and closingsselect an effective statement relative to specific paragraphs). A. This is a poor introduction to the essay because the reader would not yet understand the concept of Basic Law. B. This is the best answer. It is the best introduction to the information presented in Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 3 focuses on the subtle pressures on journalists, not on media companies. D. The sentence would be an ineffective conclusion to the essay.


Concept tested: Use the idioms of standard written English. A. This wording is unclear and nonsensical. The word journalists should replace journalism. B. This is the best answer. It provides the clearest and most precise wording. C. This is not a possessive; therefore, the apostrophe is incorrect punctuation. D. See A. 33


Concept tested: Clearly state a purpose. A. The essay mentions reversion but does not describe the events leading up to it. B. There is little mention of British culture in the essay. C. This is the best answer. The main focus of the essay is to show how reversion has affected journalists. D. Although the media is mentioned, its role in Hong Kongs independence is not discussed.


Concepts tested: Edit and revise effectively (avoid wordiness). Edit and revise effectively (avoid redundancy). A. This is an unnecessary addition because the word objected already suggests disagreement. B. See A. C. See A. D. This is the best answer. It eliminates redundancy and unnecessary wordiness.


Concept tested: Relate clauses (avoid sentence fragments). A. This creates a sentence fragment. B. See A. C. The comma after 1960s is unnecessary and should be deleted. D. This is the best answer. It is a complete sentence that is correctly punctuated.


Concept tested: Establish logical order (choose the appropriate transition word or phrase). A. This is the best answer. It is the best transition to link the two clauses of this sentence. B. The use of the transitional word while distorts the writers intended meaning. C. Consequently suggests a cause-effect relationship, which is not the case here. D. In fact incorrectly suggests that the second clause is evidence to support the first clause.


Concepts tested: Avoid unnecessary punctuation. Avoid unnecessary shifts in construction (person, number, voice, tense, mood). A. The comma after (PQ) is unnecessary. B. This is the best answer. It uses the past tense and has no unnecessary punctuation. C. The verb has creates an illogical tense shift from past to present. D. See A and C.


Concept tested: Make decisions about cohesion devices (openings, transitions, and closingsselect an effective statement relative to essay as a whole). A. Several reasons are not given in the sentence that follows, so this is a poor introduction. B. Taking sides is not mentioned in the paragraph, so this choice is also ruled out. C. This is a tentative and vague statement. D. This is the best answer. This information logically precedes the sentence that follows.


Concepts tested: Judge the relevancy of material. Edit and revise effectively (Avoid redundancy). A. This is the best answer. It is the only choice that adds relevant information to the paragraph. B. This is redundant: sought a mandate and hoping to gain the support of the electorate have the same meaning. C. This generalization would add nothing to the paragraph. D. This information is irrelevant and does not logically fit at this point in the essay. 59.

Concept tested: Form modifiers (use the appropriate comparative or superlative form depending on the context). A. More narrower is an incorrect comparative form. B. See A. C. This is the best answer. Narrower is the proper comparative form. D. Most narrow is not a comparative form.


Concepts tested: Use pronouns (use the proper form of the possessives and distinguish them from adverbs [there] and contractions [its] ). Assure grammatical agreement (pronoun with antecedent). A. The apostrophe after its creates an improper possessive form. B. This is the best answer. It is the correct possessive form. C. This is a contraction that means it is. D. The plural their does not agree with its singular referent Canada.


Concept tested: Make decisions about appropriateness of expressions for audience and purpose. A. One concern wrongly suggests that the issue is simple. B. This is the best answer. The word complicating clues the reader that the issue is complex. C. This introduction to the paragraph does not logically follow the information in the preceding paragraph. D. See C.



Concepts tested: Choose words to fit meaning and function (maintain the level of style and tone). Edit and revise effectively (avoid redundancy). A. This poor word choice distorts the writers intended meaning. B. Separate independence is redundant; independence already suggests separateness. C. Independent autonomy is redundant; autonomy already suggests independence. D. This is the best answer. It is the most precise and succinct wording for this sentence.


Concepts tested: Choosing words to fit meaning. A. Amidst means surrounded by. It does not fit the intended meaning. B. This is the correct response. In this context, China is one among many nations. C. Between is not usually applied to more than two nouns and is not appropriate here. D. Within refers to an inner area.


Concepts tested: Punctuating correctly to indicate plural forms and possessives. A. Worlds is not in the possessive case. B. The apostrophe is incorrect. Nations should not be in the possessive case. C. This implies more than one world. D. This is the correct response. The apostrophe correctly forms the possessive case of world, and nations is the correct plural form of nation.


Concept tested: Make decisions about appropriateness of expressions for audience and purpose. A. This is the best answer. The purpose of the phrase is to show that the native leaders are concerned that a sovereign Quebec will view all aboriginals as a homogeneous group. B. The phrase emphasizes the native leaders concerns; it does not indicate that opposition to Quebec separatism is unanimous. C. The phrase implies the opposite; it suggests that a sovereign Quebec will treat different tribes as one minority group. D. This choice is ruled out because it misstates the aboriginals position.


Concept tested: Choosing words to fit meaning. A. A populist is a believer in populism, a political ideology. B. Popular means favored by many people. C. This is the correct response. It fits the intended meaning of having many people. D. Popularized means made widely known or easily understandable to the layman.


Concept tested: Establish logical order (choose the appropriate transition word or phrase). A. This choice is imprecise and makes the writers intended meaning unclear. B. This is the best answer. It effectively links information about the native leaders concerns with information about the Quebec governments negotiations. C. This choice is vague, and it is not consistent with the established tone of the essay. D. The adverb hopefully is misused in this context.


Concepts tested: Establishing logical order; forming verbs; using the idioms of standard written English. A. The order of the actions is unreasonable. B. The verb was is incorrect; the order of the actions is unreasonable; the choice of the preposition by is incorrect. C. This is the best answer. The actions are in logical order and the verbs agree with the subjects. D. The verb was is incorrect; the use of the preposition by is incorrect.


Concepts tested: Avoid unnecessary punctuation. Relate clauses (avoid faulty subordination and coordination). A. The comma after negotiations is unnecessary. B. This is the best answer. No punctuation is needed here. C. Faulty sentence structure makes this sentence unclear. D. See C.


Concept tested: Choosing words to fit meaning and function. A. This choice is nonsensical. B. This is the best answer. This is the only choice that makes the sentence logical. C. Although this choice works grammatically, it does not make sense in this context. D. See A.


Concepts tested: Assure grammatical agreement (predicate with subjects of varying complexity including compound subjects, collective nouns). Relate clauses (avoid sentence fragments). A. The singular verb is does not agree with the plural subject tribes. B. The singular verb was does not agree with the plural subject tribes. C. This is the best answer. The subject and verb are in agreement. D. This creates a sentence fragment. 35

The Biographic Information Questionnaire

The biographic questionnaire is a non-cognitive measure designed to assess an individuals previous experience. Past behavior has been shown to be highly related to job performance. Consequently, this type of instrument has been found to be a consistently good predictor of a variety of performance measures for many different jobs. Unlike cognitive tests, this questionnaire does not consist of questions with right and wrong answers. Therefore, it is not a test for which advance preparation is necessary. Instead, the biographic questionnaire measures previous experiences that are related to successful Foreign Service Officer performance. The questions were written to assess relevant past interests, activities, and behaviors that are related to specific performance dimensions, such as communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. When completing the biographic questionnaire, you should answer each item with your first impression. The best answer is an honest answer to the item. Therefore, you should not spend too much time answering any one item. Each dimension is measured by many different items written to assess a variety of contexts in which relevant behaviors may be exhibited. Items may assess the degree to which you have had particular experiences as well as your reactions to different situations. Some questions ask about your perceptions of others reactions to your behavior. The questions combine both subjective items as well as objective, highly verifiable items. On some questions, you might be asked to elaborate on your answer choice. For example, if a question asked how many jobs you had held, you might be asked to list them. When completing your elaborations, it is important to manage your time effectively. Be as brief as possible. Since there is little space available for writing your elaborations and the amount of time is limited, you may not be able to provide much detail. It is important to answer all of the questions in the Biographic Information Questionnaire in order to convey a complete picture of your previous experiences. Other examples of the types of items included in the biographic questionnaire are found below and on the next two pages. In developing the biographic questionnaire, items were subjected to multiple screenings in order to eliminate items that would be considered an invasion of privacy, not under the candidates control, and/or biased against race, gender, or national origin. Sometimes the relationship between an item and the dimension it measures is readily apparent. More frequently, though, the relationship is not as clear. This apparent lack of job-relatedness is a concern candidates sometimes express about biographic inventories. However, each of the items, whether apparent or not, was included on the questionnaire based upon specific relationships between the item and a performance dimension. Many of the biographic items are also multidimensional, which means that an item may measure several dimensions relevant to job performance. The biographic questionnaire measures a number of dimensions identified from job analyses as highly relevant for successful Foreign Service Officer performance. The biographic questionnaire has been validated in accordance with professional standards and legal guidelines.

Sample Items for the Biographic Information Questionnaire

The Biographic Information Questionnaire consists of about 75 questions and is administered in approximately 40 minutes. There are 26 sample items provided below. Answer the items by circling the choice that is most accurate, and elaborating your choice where required.


During the last year, how often have you felt you had undertaken too many responsibilities? A. B. C. D. E. Very often Often Sometimes Seldom Never


When going out with friends, how often are you relied upon to decide where to go or what to do? A. B. C. D. E. Always Almost always Often Sometimes Rarely



How many times over the last five years have you been in charge of planning an important big event (e.g., party, fund-raiser, wedding, reunion, important meeting)? A. Never B. Once C. Twice D. 3 or 4 times E. 5 or more times If you answered B, C, D, or E to the previous question, briefly describe up to five of the events you planned. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ In the past six months, how many gatherings have you attended where you knew very few people? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 or more How difficult would your colleagues say that you find it to adjust to a change in your environment? A. Extremely difficult B. Very difficult C. Moderately difficult D. Somewhat difficult E. Not very difficult How frequently have your friends or colleagues sought your help with resolving work- or schoolrelated problems? A. Very frequently B. Frequently C. Occasionally D. Rarely E. Never How many of your past jobs or positions have required that you coordinate the activities of others? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 or more If you answered B, C, D, or E to the previous question, list the names of the positions. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________


During the last two years, how many non-credit courses have you taken to improve your skills? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 or more If you answered B, C, D, or E to the previous question, list the names of the courses. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ During the last six months, how often have you volunteered to help someone with a difficult task? A. Quite a few times B. Several times C. A couple of times D. Once E. Never If you answered A, B, C, or D to the previous question, briefly list the most significant tasks and how you helped. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________









In general, how likely has it been for you to mentally rehearse your thoughts before speaking? A. Very likely B. Likely C. Neutral neither likely nor unlikely D. Unlikely E. Very unlikely In general, how frequently have you engaged in hobbies or activities to reduce or minimize stress? A. Very frequently B. Frequently C. Sometimes D. Seldom E. Not at all How comfortable have members of other ethnic or cultural groups been when interacting with you? A. Much more comfortable with me than with others B. Somewhat more comfortable with me than with others C. About as comfortable with me as with others D. Somewhat less comfortable with me than with others E. Much less comfortable with me than with others







During the last six months, how often have you worked overtime to get something done? A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes D. Seldom E. Very rarely If you answered A, B, C, or D to the previous question, list the approximate dates and how much overtime you worked each time. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ How often would your classmates or coworkers say that you have complimented them for a good idea? A. Almost always B. Very often C. Often D. Sometimes E. Rarely How often do you make a grocery list before shopping? A. Almost always B. Often C. Sometimes D. Rarely E. Never In school, how often did you take notes or create outlines to summarize book chapters or articles? A. Almost always B. Often C. Sometimes D. Rarely E. Never


During the last year, how often have you complimented someone for good service? A. B. C. D. E. Very often Often Sometimes Seldom Never



How often have others described your ideas or solutions as creative or innovative? A. Very often B. Often C. Sometimes D. Seldom E. Never If you answered A, B, C, or D to the previous question, briefly describe one or two of your ideas that were described as creative by others. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Compared to others, how comfortable are you in mediating conflicts between others? A. Much more comfortable than most people B. Somewhat more comfortable than most people C. About as comfortable as most people D. Somewhat less comfortable than most people E. A good bit less comfortable than most people When presenting ideas to others, how frequently have you been asked to repeat yourself because you were not initially understood? A. Very frequently B. Frequently C. Occasionally D. Rarely E. Never








Suggested Study Materials

(revised February 2007)

The Foreign Service Officer Test measures broad knowledge in world and national affairs, usually gathered over an extended period of time through education, reading, and life experiences. The best preparation is a good education, ideally one that includes courses in U.S. and world history, U.S. government and politics, international relations, political science, international economics and trade, geography, literature, English, management, and public administration. Familiarity with American society and culture is important. Because the test covers such a broad range of topics, it is difficult to provide a formal, comprehensive reading list that will prepare someone to pass the test. Below, we suggest an illustrative list of the types of books and other readings that would prove useful.

Current Affairs
U.S. News and World Report, The Economist A major daily newspaper such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times Journals such as Foreign Affairs and Foreign Policy

English Language Usage

Strunk, W., Jr. and White, E.B. The Elements of Style, 4th ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1999. ISBN 020530902X. Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, 15th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. ISBN 0226104036.

United States (culture, foreign policy, history, politics)

Davidson, J.W., et al. Nation of Nations: A Narrative History of the American Republic, 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. ISBN 0072870982. Feagin, J.R. and Feagin, C.B. Racial and Ethnic Relations. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003. ISBN 0130995339. Goldstein, J.S.and Pevehouse, J.S. International Relations, 7th ed. New York : Pearson Longman, 2006. ISBN 0321354745. Hirsch E.D, Kett, J.F., and Trefil, J. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 2002. ISBN 0618226478. Norton, M.B., et al. A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, 7 th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. ISBN 0618375899. Rosati, J. The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. 3rd ed. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2004. ISBN 0155058843. Woloch, N. Women and the American Experience, 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. ISBN 0072932848.

World History and Geography

Atlas of the World, 12th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN 0195221478. Craig, A.M., et al. The Heritage of World Civilizations, 7th ed., combined vol. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN 0131926233. Rumer, B. and Zhukov, S. Central Asia: The Challenges of Independence. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. ISBN 0765602547. Skidmore, T.E. and Smith, P.H. Modern Latin America. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 0195170121. 39

Economics and Public Policy

Hall, R.E. and Papell, D.H. Macroeconomics: economic growth, fluctuations, and policy. 6th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. ISBN 0393975150. Mankiw, G. Principles of Microeconomics, 4th ed. Mason, OH : Thomson South-Western, 2006. ISBN 0324319169. Rushefsky, M.E. Public Policy in the United States: At the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century, 3rd ed. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2002. ISBN 076560647X. Shultz, G.P. and Dam, K.W. Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. ISBN: 0226755991.

Management and Human Behavior

Gerrig, R.J. and Zimbardo, P.G. Psychology and Life, 17th ed. Boston : Pearson/Allen and Bacon, 2005. ISBN 020541799X. Gleitman, H., Fridlund, A.J., and Reisberg, D. Basic Psychology, 5th ed., New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2000. ISBN 039397359X (pbk). Griffin, R.W. Fundamentals of Management: Core Concepts and Applications, 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2005. ISBN 0618472428. Moorhead, G. and Griffin, R.W. Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, 8th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 2007. ISBN 0618611584. Schneider, S., and Barsoux, J., Managing Across Cultures, 2nd ed. Harlow, England; New York : Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2003. ISBN 027364663X. Twomey, D.P. Employment Discrimination Law: A Managers Guide : Text & Cases. 6th ed. Mason, OH : Thomson/South-Western, 2005. ISBN 0324271301.

Communication and the Media

Dominick, J.R. The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age, 9th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. ISBN 0073126675. (pre-publication information) Houston, B., Bruzzese, L., and Weinberg, S. (eds.). The investigative reporters handbook: a guide to documents, databases, and techniques, 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2002. ISBN 0312248237. (Note change in title, and authors). Itule, B.D. and Anderson, D.A., News Writing and Reporting for Todays Media, 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. ISBN 0072981091. Morrison, T., and Conaway, W. A. Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands. 2nd ed. Avon, MA: Adams Media, 2006. ISBN 1593373686. Osborn, M., and Osborn, S. Public Speaking, 7th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. ISBN 0618531955. Samovar, L.A. Porter R.E., and McDaniel, E.R. eds. Intercultural Communication: A reader, 11th ed. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006. ISBN 0534644406.

Computer Applications
Faigley, L. The Longman Guide to the Web, Longman, 2000. ISBN: 0321067304. Parson, J. J., and Oja, D. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts: Comprehensive. 8th ed. Boston, Mass.: Thomson/Course Technology, 2006. ISBN: 0619267658.


The Oral Assessment

Following the FSOT, the files (including the registration application form, personal narrative questionnaire, FSOT scores, and results of any Super Critical Needs language tests) of candidates who passed the FSOT will be reviewed by a Qualifications Evaluation Panel. Those candidates selected will be invited to participate in the Oral Assessment, a series of exercises constituting the next stage of their candidacy. The principal Foreign Service Assessment Center is located in Washington, D.C. Centers may also be established for limited periods in other major U.S. cities. Oral Assessments will begin within several weeks after candidates have been notified of their eligibility, and must be scheduled during a fourweek Oral Assessment window. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis, but candidates must take the Oral Assessment within 12 months of the date they took the FSOT. Candidates must report to their assigned Assessment Center at 7:00 a.m. on their scheduled day. The assessment may end as late as 6:00 p.m. for successful candidates. Candidates who are invited to the Oral Assessment must complete and bring to the Oral Assessment a Statement of Interest, and will be asked to complete an on-line security background form (SF-86) to submit electronically in the event of passing the Oral Assessment. Candidates who ultimately receive a conditional offer of employment will be given additional required documents during the preemployment phase of their candidacy. Candidates with disabilities should notify the Assessment Center of any special needs in writing with supporting documentation when they return the confirmation form. To confirm these arrangements, candidates should also contact the Department of State by e-mailing [email protected]. The Oral Assessment is an examination, not a job interview. Oral Assessment exercises are based on a job analysis of the work of the Foreign Service and the skills, abilities, and personal qualities deemed essential to the performance of that work. The assessment measures the following 13 dimensions: Composure. To stay calm, poised, and effective in stressful or difficult situations; to think on one's feet,

adjusting quickly to changing situations; to maintain self-control. Cultural Adaptability. To work and communicate effectively and harmoniously with persons of other cultures, value systems, political beliefs, and economic circumstances; to recognize and respect differences in new and different cultural environments. Experience and Motivation. To demonstrate knowledge, skills or other attributes gained from previous experience of relevance to the Foreign Service; to articulate appropriate motivation for joining the Foreign Service. Information Integration and Analysis. To absorb and retain complex information drawn from a variety of sources; to draw reasoned conclusions from analysis and synthesis of available information; to evaluate the importance, reliability, and usefulness of information; to remember details of a meeting or event without the benefit of notes. Initiative and Leadership. To recognize and assume responsibility for work that needs to be done; to persist in the completion of a task; to influence significantly a groups activity, direction, or opinion; to motivate others to participate in the activity one is leading. Judgment. To discern what is appropriate, practical, and realistic in a given situation; to weigh relative merits of competing demands. Objectivity and Integrity. To be fair and honest; to avoid deceit, favoritism, and discrimination; to present issues frankly and fully, without injecting subjective bias; to work without letting personal bias prejudice actions. Oral Communication. To speak fluently in a concise, grammatically correct, organized, precise, and persuasive manner; to convey nuances of meaning accurately; to use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience and purpose. Planning and Organizing. To prioritize and order tasks effectively, to employ a systematic approach to achieving objectives, to make appropriate use of limited resources.

Quantitative Analysis. To identify, compile, analyze and draw correct conclusions from pertinent data; to recognize patterns or trends in numerical data; to perform simple mathematical operations. Resourcefulness. To formulate creative alternatives or solutions to resolve problems, to show flexibility in response to unanticipated circumstances. Working With Others. To interact in a constructive, cooperative, and harmonious manner; to work effectively as a team player; to establish positive relationships and gain the confidence of others; to use humor as appropriate. Written Communication. To write concise, well organized, grammatically correct, effective and persuasive English in a limited amount of time.

Candidates are evaluated against these criteria by a team of examiners, who observe the performance of candidates in a variety of situations designed to enable them to demonstrate the requisite skills. As trained observers with years of actual Foreign Service experience, the examiners are able to evaluate candidates and provide professional judgments of their performance. The oral examination is not an adversarial process. Candidates do not compete against one another, but instead are judged on their capacity to demonstrate the skills and abilities sought by the Foreign Service.

For more information

Candidates who wish to read more about the Oral Assessment process or see practice scenarios from the Oral Assessment may visit the State Department website at the following address: careers.state.gov


Foreign Service Officer Test Study Guide, 3rd Edition

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