Lecture 14 Ei

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Lecture 14 (Electronic Instrumentation) VIII Semester ECE

Transducers: Construction, characteristics and circuits for common types of resistive, capacitive,
inductive, magneto-strictive; piezo-electric. Photo-electric and thermo-electric transducers for
measurement of process physical variables. Various sensing elements and transducers for measurement
of Force, Pressure, Humidity, Moisture, strain, Velocity, Acceleration and pH. Inductive and Capacitive
proximity switches. Physical and electrical loading of and by the transducer Systems.

Signal Conditioning: Analog and digital signal conditioning for instrumentation. Applications of
OPAMP, A/D and D/A converters. Use of microprocessors. Techniques of S/N ratio improvement,
Methods of shielding and grounding. Protection from RFI & EMI.

Electronic Displays: Principle of LED numeric, matrix and alpha-numeric displays, gas discharged
plasma panels, flat panel CRT, LCD, electro-luminescent and electrophoretic displays.

Digital Instrumentation: Principle of operation of probes, logic monitors, digital pulser and logic
analyzer. Components of a digital universal counter. Digital period; frequency and time interval
measurement. Errors in digital counter. High frequency measurement with digital counters. Different
types of integrating and non-integrating digital voltmeters and multimeters, Errors and field applications
of various digital voltmeters and counters. Introduction to Digital oscilloscope. Elements of data
acquisition systems.


1. H. S. Kalsi, “Electronic instrumentation”, third edition, Tata McGraw Hill.

2. A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation

A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney Dhanpat rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.

Probes for CRO: H S Kalsi: 217 to 219

Logic probes:
Understand the Logic Probe & How to Use One
Logic probes are cheap and easy to use digital testers- understand what they are, how they work, how
to use them & discover some top hints & tips.

Logic probes are very cheap and easy to use as simple digital testers in many applications. Logic probes
can provide a simple way of testing slow moving digital logic levels and signals.

Being very cheap to buy, these digital logic probes are ideal for experimenters, but they will seldom be
found in a professional electronics laboratory because of their limited measurement capability and the
availability of more advanced test equipment, like logic probes or mixed signal oscilloscopes or other
forms of electronic test equipment.

The logic probe or digital tester is normally a low cost handheld probe contained within a pen-like tube
with indicator lights to show the state of the line being probed.

Typically logic probes are used to test digital circuits like those using TTL or CMOS logic. They often
have three indicator lights on the body to indicate the state of the line. As such logic probes are very
basic forms of digital testers, only able to test the state of a single line, but they can be useful in many

The logic probe is normally powered by the circuit under test - there are normally leads with crocodile
/ alligator clips that can be attached to the ground and supply of the circuit under test.

A logic probe is restricted in the number of measurements it can make when compared to other test
instruments, but it can nevertheless be used for a variety of digital measurements:

• Logic high state: The logic probe / digital logic tester is able to detect lines that are at the
digital or logic high state. The logic probe will indicate this typically with an LED which is
often coloured red.

• Logic low: The logic probe also is able to indicate a logic or digital low. A common
indication is with the use of a green coloured LED.

• Digital pulses: The logic probe may incorporate some form of pulse detection circuitry.
When the line is active and being pulsed a third colour, possibly amber will be indicated.
The logic probe may well incorporate circuitry to detect very short pulses and in this way
indicate when the line is active. Sometimes the length of the pulses may be indicated by the
brightness of the LED.

• Line tri-stated: Some logic probes may also be able to detect when a line has been put into a
tristate option. This is when the output device has its output turned off and no real logical state
is defined. Many logic probes are able to indicate this state and they may do this by having all
indicators turned off.

Logic probe advantages –

1. Low cost

2. Ease of use.

A logic probe tester is a very cheap and simple item of test equipment. It is able to provide a quick but
very basic test for many logic circuits. However it is not nearly as flexible as an oscilloscope or a logic

Logic probe disadvantages –

Very rough measurement: The nature of the logic probe means that only an indication of the presence
of a logic signal can be detected. It is not replacement for a test instrument such as an oscilloscope.

Poor display: A logic probe only uses a few LEDs to indicate the nature of the logic signal. As a result,
little information can be displayed about the nature of the logic signal that is detected.

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