Digital Logic Design: Laboratory Manual

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Department of Electronic Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Technology

International Islamic University, Islamabad

Laboratory Manual

Digital Logic Design

Reg No.

Lab Title Page No.
1. Introduction to lab instruments and datasheet of ICs 2

2. Determine experimentally the truth table for logic gates 7

Experimentally verify several rules of the Boolean Algebra and

3. 12
Demorgan’s Theorem

4. Logic circuit simplification using Karnaugh map 20

5. Adder and magnitude comparator 27

6. Combinational logic using multiplexer 33

7. The D Latch and D Flip-Flop 38

8. The J-K Flip-Flop 45

9. Design of synchronous counter 51

10. Design of finite state machine 56

Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, IIUI Page 1

Digital Logic Design Error! Reference source not found.

Lab No. 1 – Introduction to Lab Instruments and Datasheet of ICs

 To learn the usage of tools / instruments related to experiments of this laboratory
 To understand format of datasheet of a digital IC

 DMM  Breadboard
 Logic Probe  Function Generator
 DC Power Supply  IC 7404

A breadboard is used to make up temporary circuits for testing or to try out an idea. It is used for
rapid prototyping. No soldering is required so it is easy to change connections and replace
components. Parts will not be damaged so they will be available to re-use afterwards.

When building digital circuits using integrated circuit "chips", it is highly recommended that you
use a breadboard with power supply "rail" connections along the length. These are sets of holes
in the breadboard that are electrically common along the entire length of the board (horizontal
connections). Connect one to the positive terminal of the power supply, and the other to the
negative terminal, and DC power will be available to any area of the breadboard (vertical
connections) via connection through short jumper wires as shown in Fig 1-1.

Fig 1-1: Connecting IC in Breadboard and its power supply connections

Always insert an IC into breadboard keeping the notch/dot (Pin 1) on the left side. See Fig1-2 for
the pin configuration of an IC.

Fig 1-2: Pin number distribution of DIP package ICs

Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, IIUI Page 2

The DIP (Dual in-line Package) ICs have legs that come out of both sides and fit perfectly over to
the separating space of breadboard. Since each leg on the IC is unique, we don’t want both sides
to be connected to each other. That is where the separation in the middle of the board comes in
handy. Thus, we can connect components to each side of the IC without interfering with the
functionality of the leg on the opposite side.

Power Supply:
All active electronic devices, such as the integrated circuits used in digital electronics, require
a stable source of dc voltage to function properly. The power supply provides the proper level of
dc voltage.

For nearly all of the circuits in this manual, the power supply should be set to +5.0V. When testing
a faulty circuit, one of the first checks is to verify that the supply voltage is correct.

Digital Multimeter (DMM):

The DMM is a multipurpose measuring instrument that combines in one instrument the
characteristics of a dc and ac voltmeter, a dc and ac ammeter, and an ohmmeter. The DMM
indicates the measured quantity as a digital number, avoiding the necessity to interpret the scales
as was necessary on older instruments.

The voltmeter function of a DMM can measure either ac or dc volts. For digital work, the dc volts
function is always used to verify that the dc supply voltage is correct and to check steady-state
logic levels. If you are checking a power supply, you can verify that there is no ac component in
the supply voltage by selecting the ac function. With ac voltage selected, the reading of a power
supply should be very close to zero. Except for a test like this, the ac voltage function is not used
in digital work.

Function Generator:
The function generator is used to produce signals required for testing various kinds of circuits.
For digital circuits, a periodic rectangular pulse is the basic signal used for testing logic circuits. It
is important that the proper voltage level be set up before connecting the function generator to
the circuit or else damage may occur.

Fig 1-3 shows the important parameters for these pulses used in most of the digital circuits,
generated through function generator.

Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, IIUI Page 3

Fig 1-3: Important parameters of digital pulse having 25% duty cycle

= × 100%

Logic Probe:
A logic probe is a low cost test equipment for digital circuits. As the name indicates, a logic probe
is used for probing and analyzing logic circuits. A logic probe is shown in Fig 1-4

Fig 1-4: Logic probe

A logic probe normally may be capable of indicating up to four different states:

1- Logic high: If the logic circuit is at a logic 1 or digital high voltage, the logic probe will
indicate this through red color LED.

2- Logic low: Again the logic probe will indicate a logic 0 or digital low. The most common
color for this is green.

3- Pulses: The logic probe is likely to incorporate a pulse detection circuit. When the line is
active a third color, possibly yellow will be indicated. The logic probe may well incorporate
circuitry to detect very short pulses and in this way indicate when the line is active.
Sometimes the length of the pulses may be indicated by the brightness of the LED.

4- Line tri-stated: Often it is possible for lines to be tri-stated, i.e. the output device has its
output turned off and no real state is defined. Many logic probes are able to indicate this
state by having all indicators turned off.

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Reading and understanding datasheet of the digital IC:
The datasheet is your complete encyclopedia on a part. A good datasheet will tell you everything
you need to know about it. Use this information. Most design errors are due to overlooking certain
specifications in the datasheet. The most obvious thing the datasheet will give you is the IC’s pin-
out, so that you know how to connect it.

Usually, general description, ordering code and pin diagram is given at the first page of an IC
datasheet. The datasheet mostly consist of tables, graphs, drawings and circuits. One of the first
tables in most datasheets will be Absolute Maximum Ratings. These are often interpreted
wrongly. Not only do they mean that operating the part above the given values will damage the
part, but you're also not supposed to apply these ratings in continuous operation. Absolute
Maximum Ratings should only be met in exceptional situations, and never exceeded.

Next you'll have voltage and current ratings, like power supply range and consumption, and
voltages and currents on specific pins. This will often be minimum and maximum values.
Importance: calculation of power budget, and ascertain that you can connect one IC/part with
another, in terms of matching voltage and required current. In particular for digital ICs threshold
values are given, voltage levels where a logical zero toggles to a logical one or vice versa. Logic
levels of 7404 TTL IC are shown in Fig 1-5.

Fig 1-5: Voltage levels of TTL

Fig 1-5 shows some of the parameters e.g. VOH, VOL, VIH, VIL. Almost all the ICs used in this lab
manual will have following sections in the datasheet.

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Many datasheets will also have one or more schematics, first of all a typical application. This
should get you started when you're using the part for the first time.

At the end of the datasheet you can find mechanical drawings of the part's package, and
sometimes also recommended PCB footprints.

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