ACG and CAG Clinical Guideline Management of Dyspe
ACG and CAG Clinical Guideline Management of Dyspe
ACG and CAG Clinical Guideline Management of Dyspe
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6 authors, including:
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We have updated both the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and the Canadian Association of
Gastroenterology (CAG) guidelines on dyspepsia in a joint ACG/CAG dyspepsia guideline. We suggest that patients
≥60 years of age presenting with dyspepsia are investigated with upper gastrointestinal endoscopy to exclude organic
pathology. This is a conditional recommendation and patients at higher risk of malignancy (such as spending their
childhood in a high risk gastric cancer country or having a positive family history) could be offered an endoscopy
at a younger age. Alarm features should not automatically precipitate endoscopy in younger patients but this
should be considered on a case-by-case basis. We recommend patients <60 years of age have a non-invasive test
Helicobacter pylori and treatment if positive. Those that are negative or do not respond to this approach should
be given a trial of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy. If these are ineffective tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) or
prokinetic therapies can be tried. Patients that have an endoscopy where no pathology is found are defined as
having functional dyspepsia (FD). H. pylori eradication should be offered in these patients if they are infected.
We recommend PPI, TCA and prokinetic therapy (in that order) in those that fail therapy or are H. pylori negative.
We do not recommend routine upper gastrointestinal (GI) motility testing but it may be useful in selected patients.
INTRODUCTION review data (12) for a joint ACG and CAG guideline on dyspepsia
Descriptions of upper gastrointestinal symptoms date back thou- management.
sands of years (1). “Stomach disorders” became an obsession of
developed countries in the eighteenth century (2) when the term
dyspepsia was first coined (3). A systematic review (4) reported DEFINITION OF DYSPEPSIA AND SCOPE OF THE
that ~20% of the population has symptoms of dyspepsia glob- GUIDELINE
ally. Dyspepsia is more common in women, smokers, and those Dyspepsia was originally defined as any symptoms referable to
taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (4). Patients with the upper gastrointestinal tract (13). The Rome committee has
dyspepsia have a normal life expectancy (5), however, symptoms developed iterative definitions of dyspepsia that have become
negatively impact on quality of life (6,7) and there is a significant more specific culminating in Rome IV (ref. 14). These definitions
economic impact to the health service and society (8). Dyspepsia have attempted to minimize the inclusion of gastro-esophageal
is estimated to cost the US health care service over $18 billion reflux disease in those with dyspepsia by excluding patients with
per annum (8) and societal costs are likely to be double this (9) heartburn and acid regurgitation (15). Rome definitions have
with 2–5% (refs 7,9) having time off work because of symptoms. been helpful in better-standardizing patients that are included
Cost-effective management of dyspepsia can reduce its health in studies of dyspepsia but are less relevant to clinical practice as
and economic burdens, but it is over 10 years since either the there is considerable overlap in symptom presentation (16) mak-
American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) (10) or Canadian ing classification difficult in many patients presenting in primary
Association of Gastroenterology (CAG) (11) published guidelines and secondary care. For this reason, we have used a clinically
on dyspepsia. We have therefore updated previous systematic relevant definition of dyspepsia as predominant epigastric pain
Division of Gastroenterology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; 2Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA; 3Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 4Division of Gastroenterology, St Paul’s
Hospital, University of British Columbia, Pacific Gastroenterology Associates, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 5Division of Gastroenterology, University
of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, Tennessee, USA; 6University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Correspondence: Dr Paul M. Moayyedi, MB, ChB, PhD, MPH, FACG, Division of Gastroenterology, McMaster University Medical Centre, 1200 Main Street West,
Hamilton, Ontario, HSC 4W8B, Canada. E-mail: [email protected]
Received 31 May 2016; accepted 28 March 2017
GUIDELINE METHODOLOGY and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and these databases
The group was chosen to represent a US and Canadian second- were searched from inception to December 2015 (Appendix 1).
ary and tertiary care perspective on managing dyspepsia with Two independent researchers (PMM and Cathy Yuan) assessed
experience in guideline methodology, motility, endoscopy, and eligibility and extracted data. We took the most stringent defini-
pharmacological therapies. The group formulated statements that tion of dyspepsia improvement as the outcome if more than one
followed the PICO (population, intervention, comparator, out- definition of improvement was given (i.e., the definition that
come) format to guide the search for evidence (Table 2). System- resulted in the lowest placebo response rate). Summary statistics
atic reviews were conducted for initial management strategies of were expressed as relative risk (RR) and number needed to treat
uninvestigated dyspepsia as well as for pharmacological therapies (NNT) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and a random effects
for FD that supported the PICO statements. An experienced pro- model was used. We used the GRADE approach (19) to assess
fessional developed the search strategies for MEDLINE, EMBASE the quality of evidence and give strength of recommendation.
What is the most appropriate Adult uninvestigated dys- Endoscopy Symptomatic 1. Upper GI cancers Observational data
initial evaluation for patients pepsia patients stratified management detected
≥60 years of age with by age 2. Early upper GI cancers
dyspepsia? detected
3. Rates of upper GI
malignancy by age
4. Adverse events
Are alarm features useful in Adult uninvestigated Patients with one or Patients with no Sensitivity, specificity, Observational data
identifying dyspepsia patients dyspepsia patients more alarm features alarm features positive and negative likeli- (cross-sectional,
with upper GI malignancy? hood ratios for identifying case–control and
upper GI malignancy and cohort studies)
all organic pathology
Is H. pylori test and treat the Adult uninvestigated H. pylori test and 1. Endoscopy 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
most appropriate initial strategy dyspepsia patients treat 2. Empirical PPI 2. Dyspepsia improvement
for patients <60 years of age therapy 3. Quality of life
with dyspepsia? 4. Health-related
dyspepsia costs
5. Adverse events
Is empirical PPI therapy the Adult uninvestigated Empirical PPI 1. Placebo 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
most appropriate strategy for dyspepsia patients therapy 2. Do nothing 2. Dyspepsia improvement
patients <60 years of age with 3. H2RA 3. Quality of life
dyspepsia that are H. pylori 4. Prokinetic 4. Health-related dyspep-
negative or remain symptomatic sia costs
after eradication therapy? 5. Adverse events
Is empirical prokinetic therapy Adult uninvestigated Prokinetic Placebo or do 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
the most appropriate strategy for dyspepsia patients nothing/antacids 2. Dyspepsia improvement
patients <60 years of age with 3. Quality of life
dyspepsia that remain symp- 4. Adverse events
tomatic after H. pylori test and
treat and empirical PPI?
Is empirical antidepressant Adult uninvestigated Antidepressant Placebo or do 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
therapy the most appropriate dyspepsia patients therapy nothing/antacids 2. Dyspepsia improvement
strategy for patients <60 years 3. Quality of life
of age with dyspepsia after 4. Adverse events
H. pylori test and treat and
empirical PPI therapy?
Is H. pylori eradication therapy Adult dyspepsia patients H. pylori eradica- Placebo antibiotics 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
in H. pylori-positive patients with predominant epi- tion therapy 2. Dyspepsia improvement
effective in reducing symptoms gastric pain/discomfort 3. Quality of life
of FD? and a normal EGD that 4. Health-related
are H. pylori positive dyspepsia costs
5. Adverse events
Is PPI therapy effective in Adult dyspepsia patients PPI therapy 1. Placebo 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
reducing symptoms of FD? with predominant epi- 2. H2RA 2. Dyspepsia improvement
gastric pain/discomfort 3. Prokinetic 3. Quality of life
and a normal EGD 4. Adverse events
Is antidepressant therapy Adult dyspepsia patients Antidepressant Placebo or do 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
effective in reducing symptoms with predominant epigas- therapy nothing/antacids 2. Dyspepsia improvement
of FD? tric pain/discomfort and 3. Quality of life
a normal EGD 4. Adverse events
Is prokinetic therapy effective in Adult dyspepsia patients Prokinetic therapy Placebo or do 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
reducing symptoms of FD? with predominant epi- nothing/antacids 2. Dyspepsia improvement
gastric pain/discomfort 3. Quality of life
and a normal EGD 4. Adverse events
Are psychological therapies Adult dyspepsia patients Psychological Usual care or sham 1. Dyspepsia resolution RCTs
effective in reducing symptoms with predominant epi- therapy therapy 2. Dyspepsia improvement
of FD? gastric pain/discomfort 3. Quality of life
and a normal EGD 4. Adverse events
EGD, upper GI endoscopy; FD, functional dyspepsia; GI, gastrointestinal; H. pylori, Helicobacter pylori; H2RA, H2-receptor antagonist; PICO, population, intervention,
comparator, outcome; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
The quality of evidence was expressed as high (estimate of effect early gastric cancer detection (23) and economic modeling (27).
is unlikely to change with new data), moderate, low, or very low These types of data are indirect and often overestimate the benefit
(estimate of effect is very uncertain) with objective reproducible of endoscopy, so clinicians may treat a minority of patients over
criteria that determine how this is assessed that involves the risk the age of 60 with empirical therapy provided they feel the risk of
of bias of the studies, evidence of publication bias, unexplained upper GI cancer malignancy is low. On the other hand, the risk of
heterogeneity among studies, directness of the evidence and pre- upper GI malignancy increases in those who were born and spent
cision of the estimate of effect (20). A summary of the quality of their childhood in certain geographical regions such as South East
evidence for the statements is given in Tables 3–5. The strength of Asia and some countries in South America (31). In light of the
recommendation was given as either strong (most patients should conditional recommendation with the quality of evidence being
receive the recommended course of action) or conditional (many low, the age threshold for endoscopy should be lowered in these
patients will have this recommended course of action but differ- patients, and possibly others, according to clinical judgment. In
ent choices may be appropriate for some patients and a greater borderline cases the sex of the patient may be taken into considera-
discussion is warranted so each patient can arrive at a decision tion as age-adjusted upper GI cancer risk is about twice as high in
based on their values and preferences). The strength of recom- men as it is in women (31). As with all guidelines, clinical decisions
mendation is based on the quality of evidence, risks vs. benefits, should be based on symptoms, patient concerns, physical exami-
patients’ values and preferences, as well as costs (21). We used a nation findings, laboratory and radiologic studies, and data from
modified Delphi approach to developing consensus based on the the literature, when available.
evidence with iterative discussion on the evidence for each state-
ment by e-mail and phone calls with one face-to-face meeting.
Voting on all statements was unanimous, including the strength STATEMENT 2. WE DO NOT SUGGEST ENDOSCOPY
or recommendation and quality of evidence. A summary of the TO INVESTIGATE ALARM FEATURES FOR DYSPEPSIA
recommendations is given in Table 1. Algorithms for suggested PATIENTS UNDER THE AGE OF 60 TO EXCLUDE
management of patients with undiagnosed dyspepsia and FD are UPPER GI NEOPLASIA
given in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. Conditional recommendation, moderate quality evidence
Previous guidelines (10–12) have typically recommended upper
GI endoscopy at any age when alarm features (e.g., weight loss,
STATEMENT 1. WE SUGGEST DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS anemia, dysphagia, persistent vomiting) are present. However,
AGED 60 OR OVER HAVE AN ENDOSCOPY TO a systematic review of seven studies evaluating over 46,000 dys-
EXCLUDE UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL NEOPLASIA pepsia patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy found that alarm
Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence features had limited value (32). Alarm features also had limited
Gastric cancer is the third commonest cause of cancer mortality utility in detecting any organic pathology (malignancy, pep-
worldwide with nearly a million cases annually (22) and often tic ulcer disease, or esophagitis) (33). Individual alarm features
presents with dyspepsia. Endoscopy can detect gastric cancer at such as weight loss, anemia, or dysphagia had sensitivities and
an earlier stage (23) and therefore is advisable in patients at sig- specificities of ~66% with a positive likelihood ratio of 2.74 (95%
nificant risk of this disease. Endoscopy can also diagnose esopha- CI=1.47–5.24) (31). This means that if a dyspepsia patient has an
geal adenocarcinoma, which has been increasing rapidly in North alarm feature they have a 2–3-fold risk of having underlying upper
America although there is now evidence that the rising incidence GI malignancy. However, the risk of a person<60 years old having
is reaching a plateau (24). While endoscopy is the gold stand- malignancy is typically very low so, even with an alarm feature,
ard test for diagnosing malignancy, it is expensive and invasive the risk is still much <1% and it is very unlikely that endoscopy
with a small risk of serious morbidity and mortality (25,26). All of all young patients with alarm features would be cost-effective.
guidelines have therefore recommended alternative approaches Data published since this systematic review have been adminis-
for management of dyspepsia in patients with low risk of malig- trative database studies that have confirmed that alarm features
nancy. The risk of malignancy is predominantly related to age have a low positive predictive value and so are of limited value
and so previous ACG guidelines (10) have suggested that routine in stratifying patients for endoscopy (34–37). It should be noted
endoscopy to investigate dyspepsia should only be performed in that this guideline does not cover patients presenting with alarm
patients’ aged 55 and over. We have raised this threshold further features such as progressive dysphagia and/or weight loss in the
to >60 years of age as evidence that endoscopy was cost-effective absence of epigastric pain. Such patients do not meet definitions
at the 55-year-old threshold at that time was borderline in eco- for dyspepsia and are out of the scope of this guideline. Similarly,
nomic analyses (27). Furthermore, in the 10 years since then the this guideline does not cover epigastric pain presentations which
age-specific incidence of gastric cancer has fallen further in the suggest a pancreatic or biliary source (e.g., pain radiating to the
US and Canada (28,29) and studies have shown that the cost of back), which should generally prompt appropriate imaging such
endoscopy per case of upper GI cancer detected is prohibitive(30). as ultrasound or CT. Further, alarm features not discussed above
We have given this statement a conditional recommendation, (e.g., jaundice) would clearly need to be investigated with tests
as the quality of evidence is very low. The data mainly relate to other than endoscopy. Pancreatic cancer can present as epigastric
national databases of upper GI cancer risk (28,29), case series on pain and it would be sensible to exclude this diagnosis in patients
over the age of 60 presenting with new onset dyspepsia by com- The other main comparator to H. pylori test and treat was empirical
bining endoscopy with an imagining modality that evaluates the PPI therapy. There were four trials (43,47–49) involving 1,608 dys-
pancreas such as abdominal ultrasound. In patients <60 years pepsia patients that compared these strategies with 1-year follow up.
of age pancreatic cancer is rare and it is important to note that a Overall 73% of patients had dyspepsia at the end of 1-year follow up
systematic review of >57,000 dyspepsia patients <0.01% had pan- in the H. pylori test and treat group vs. 78% in the PPI group. There
creatic cancer (32). This is consistent with the low incidence of was no statistically significant difference between the two strategies
pancreatic cancer in the US population <60 years of age. The pre- (RR=0.89; 95% CI=0.77–1.04) (Appendix 2; Appendix Figure 5). A
test probability of pancreatic cancer, even in those presenting with systematic review (50) found there was a trend towards a reduction
dyspepsia, is likely to be very low in this population, and therefore in cost for H. pylori test and treat compared to empirical PPI therapy,
we do not recommend routinely imaging the pancreas in younger but this was not statistically significant. The trend for both benefit
patients with dyspepsia. and costs favored H. pylori test and treat compared to empirical PPI
The quality of evidence is moderate as it is based on cross- and, therefore, the group felt this was the preferred initial strategy
sectional studies and there is some unexplained heterogeneity with acid suppression reserved for those who were H. pylori negative
among studies. The recommendation is conditional as the group or who continued to have symptoms despite eradication therapy.
felt that a minority of patients <60 years of age with alarm features The quality of evidence was high as the findings were robust
would warrant endoscopy, particularly if the feature was promi- with narrow CIs. All trials were high risk of bias as blinding was
nent (e.g., weight loss >20 lb or rapidly progressive dysphagia) or not possible with this type of comparison. The impact of reduc-
if a combination of features were present. Current data have not tion of costs and endoscopy was very strong and there was little
evaluated severe symptoms or combinations of features, so the clinically important heterogeneity among studies. The randomized
need for endoscopy needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis trials that have evaluated H. pylori test and treat all reported
in these circumstances using clinical judgment. Risk also increases H. pylori infection rates that were between 20 and 30% (refs
with age so the threshold to refer for upper GI endoscopy would be 38–44,47–49). A previous guideline (12) suggested that PPI
lower in a 58-year-old compared to a 28-year-old with dyspepsia therapy might be the appropriate first line approach when H. pylori
and alarm features. Family history of upper GI malignancy would prevalence rates are <15% in the population being tested. We felt
also factor into any endoscopy decision. that it is often difficult to know what the H. pylori prevalence is in
the local population and even with very low rates of infection test
and treat is likely to be the most cost-effective first line strategy
STATEMENT 3. WE RECOMMEND DYSPEPSIA as randomized trials data suggests that this approach will reduce
PATIENTS UNDER THE AGE OF 60 SHOULD HAVE A gastric cancer rates in those infected (51,52).
Strong recommendation, high quality evidence STATEMENT 4. WE RECOMMEND DYSPEPSIA
Six trials (38–43) compared H. pylori test and treat with prompt PATIENTS UNDER THE AGE OF 60 SHOULD
upper GI endoscopy in 2,399 undiagnosed dyspepsia patients. HAVE EMPIRICAL PPI THERAPY IF THEY ARE
Most trials followed patients for 1 year and there was no H. PYLORI-NEGATIVE OR WHO REMAIN
difference in terms of global dyspepsia symptoms at the end of SYMPTOMATIC AFTER H. PYLORI ERADICATION
follow up between H. pylori test and treat and prompt endoscopy THERAPY
(74 vs. 77%, respectively, continued to have symptoms) with a RR Strong recommendation, high quality evidence
of remaining dyspeptic in the H. pylori test and treat compared to There were six randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (53–58)
the endoscopy group of 0.94 (95% CI=0.84–1.04) (Appendix 2: evaluating 2,709 dyspepsia patients that compared PPI therapy
Appendix Figure 1). Twenty-five percent of patients in the with placebo or antacid therapy. Overall dyspepsia symptoms
H. pylori test and treat arm had an upper GI endoscopy over a 1-year were present in 50% of the PPI group vs. 73% of the placebo group
period compared with nearly all patients in the prompt endoscopy (RR remaining dyspeptic on PPI=0.75; 95% CI=0.64–0.88)
arm (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 2). This was the main driver in (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 6) with an NNT of six (95% CI=
the statistically significant cost saving in the H. pylori test and treat 4–11). The quality of evidence was high as, although some trials
group (mean saving=$402; 95% CI=$329–$475) (Appendix 2: had an unclear risk of bias, the effect was strong and most studies
Appendix Figure 3) (39–41,43,44). We suggest that clinicians reported a statistically significant effect of PPI therapy on symptoms.
allow at least 4 weeks before reassessing symptomatic response to The alternative approach to PPI therapy is to reduce acid produc-
H. pylori eradication therapy. tion with an H2-receptor antagonist (H2RA). There were 7 RCTs
Two trials (45,46) involving 563 H. pylori-infected dyspepsia (53,57,59–63) evaluating 2,456 dyspepsia patients comparing these
patients randomized participants to eradication therapy or two approaches. There was no statistically significant difference
placebo. There was a statistically significant benefit of H. pylori between PPI and H2RA in providing symptom relief (RR=0.93;
eradication therapy (RR remaining dyspeptic=0.81; 95% CI= 95% CI=0.76–1.16) with a large amount of heterogeneity among
0.70–0.94) with a NNT of seven (95% CI=5–14) (Appendix 2: studies (I2=91% (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 7). Four trials
Appendix Figure 4). (53,59,60,62) had a significant effect in favor of PPI, two trials
racy QoE
and one trial showed a benefit of H2RA (ref. 61). This trial (61)
evaluated an H2RA not available in the West. It is not biologically
plausible that H2RA would be more effective than PPI therapy; if
this trial is excluded there is a significant benefit of PPI over H2RA
Pre-test probability
Effect per 1,000
patients tested
658 (548–788)
339 (209–449)
(RR remaining dyspeptic=0.81; 95% CI=0.72–0.91). There is not
of 0.3%
a major difference in cost between H2RA and PPI therapy and the
2 (2–2)
1 (1–1)
Not serious
Not serious
Not serious
Not serious
Not serious
Cross-sectional (cohort
Study design
cance. Two trials (57,62) showed PPI therapy was superior and
7 studies 150
No of studies
All trials were high risk of bias and the effect was uncertain so
the quality of the evidence was rated very low. We felt that proki-
netic therapy should be offered after H. pylori test and treat and/
CI, confidence interval; GI, gastrointestinal.
esophageal reflux disease (68) and peptic ulcer disease (69) and has
classified as not having upper GI
No of Study design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Intervention Control Relative Absolute
studies considerations (95% CI) (95% CI)
H. pylori test and treat vs. endoscopy: dyspepsia outcome (follow up: median 1 years; assessed with: questionnaire)
No of Study design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other Intervention Control Relative Absolute
studies considerations (95% CI) (95% CI)
H. pylori
Endoscopy test and treat
No response
H. pylori PPI
Manage according Manage according to eradication
to relevant guideline Figure 2
Response Response No
Response TCA
Success or prokinetic
Response No
H. pylori
eradication No response
Response TCA
Success No
STATEMENT 6. WE SUGGEST DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS unexplained heterogeneity among studies and no evidence of pub-
UNDER THE AGE OF 60 NOT RESPONDING TO PPI lication bias. The recommendation is strong as the approach is
OR H. PYLORI ERADICATION THERAPY SHOULD BE cost-effective (97) and adverse events associated with antibiotics
OFFERED TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANT THERAPY are usually mild. Although the impact on dyspepsia symptoms is
Conditional recommendation low quality evidence modest, H. pylori eradication may also reduce future risk of gastric
There are no randomized trials of antidepressant therapies in undi- cancer and peptic ulcer disease and the benefits of this approach
agnosed dyspepsia. A systematic review (72) identified 13 trials clearly outweigh the harms of antibiotic prescribing. It is worth
involving 1,241 patients with FD that evaluated psychotropic noting that the evidence suggests that antibiotics reduce dyspep-
drugs compared to placebo. The review identified three trials that sia symptoms and the assumption is that this is due to eradicating
evaluated TCA therapy and these drugs had a significant effect H. pylori infection. It is possible that the efficacy relates to treating
in reducing dyspepsia symptoms (RR=0.74; 95% CI=0.61–0.91). other infectious agents (98) that might cause dyspepsia but this
No effect was seen with serotonin reuptake inhibitor therapy. The nuance does not change the recommendation that H. pylori-posi-
quality of evidence is low as there is no study evaluating undi- tive FD patients should be offered eradication therapy.
agnosed dyspepsia. The results are therefore indirectly applied to
this population with the assumption that most dyspepsia patients
in North America will have FD (73). TCAs are unlikely to have a STATEMENT 8. WE RECOMMEND FUNCTIONAL
major impact on peptic ulcer disease or gastro-esophageal reflux DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS WHO ARE H. PYLORI-
disease and so their efficacy in the general dyspepsia population NEGATIVE OR WHO REMAIN SYMPTOMATIC DESPITE
is likely to be lower than estimated in the systematic review. The ERADICATION OF THE INFECTION SHOULD BE
recommendation is conditional based on the low quality of evi- TREATED WITH PPI THERAPY
dence, the adverse events associated with TCAs (72) and con- Strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence
siderations that some patients will not like the perceived stigma There is some evidence that a subset of FD may relate to height-
of taking an antidepressant. The decision to use TCAs will there- ened sensitivity to acid (99). We identified 15 RCTs in 14 papers
fore be made on a case-by-case basis and the group did not find (100–113) evaluating 5,853 FD patients that compared PPI
a preference in the order in which prokinetic or TCA therapy is therapy at standard and/or low dose with placebo. Follow up
prescribed. was for 2–8 weeks and all reported outcome in terms of global
improvement in dyspepsia symptoms. We combined low and
standard dose PPI arms as the comparison between the two
STATEMENT 7. WE RECOMMEND FUNCTIONAL revealed no significant difference. Overall 2,724/3,916 (69.6%)
DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS THAT ARE H. PYLORI POSITIVE patients in the PPI group had persistence of dyspepsia symptoms
SHOULD BE PRESCRIBED THERAPY TO TREAT THE compared with 1,457/1,937 (75.2%) in the control group. There
INFECTION was a statistically significant impact of PPI therapy on dyspep-
Strong recommendation, high quality evidence sia symptoms (RR dyspepsia remaining=0.87; 95% CI=0.82–0.94;
Patients who have an endoscopy with normal findings and pre- P<0.00001) (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 11) with a NNT of 10
dominant epigastric pain are considered to have FD. A posi- (95% CI=7–20).
tive diagnosis of FD can also be made without endoscopy using Randomized trials comparing alternatives to PPI therapy were
clinical symptoms and history (14). Patients with a normal considered. There were two RCTs (100,114) comparing PPI
endoscopy should have gastric biopsies to assess for the presence to H2RA in 740 FD patients with no significant difference between
of H. pylori infection if prior non-invasive testing has not been the two therapies (RR=1.27; 95% CI=0.83–1.94). There is insuf-
performed. There are a number of biologically plausible reasons ficient data to have confidence that H2RA is not inferior to PPI
why H. pylori infection may lead to dyspepsia symptoms in FD therapy and PPI therapy results in more profound acid sup-
(74). We identified 22 RCTs (75–96) evaluating 4,896 H. pylori- pression. There were four RCTs (115–118) involving 892 FD
positive FD patients that compared eradication therapy with patients comparing PPI with prokinetics. There was a statistically
placebo antibiotics. Follow up was for 3–12 months and all gave significant difference between the two therapies in favor of PPI
outcome in terms of global improvement in dyspepsia symptoms. therapy (RR dyspepsia remaining=0.90; 95% CI=0.81–1.00,
Overall 1,767/2,604 (67.9%) patients in the H. pylori eradication P=0.04) (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 12).
therapy group had persistence of dyspepsia symptoms compared Data suggest that there is no value in doubling the dose of
with 1,751/2,292 (76.4%) in the control group. There was a sta- PPI therapy so the drug should be discontinued if the patient
tistically significant impact of H. pylori eradication on dyspepsia does not respond after 8 weeks of standard dose, once-daily
symptoms (RR dyspepsia remaining=0.91; 95% CI=0.88–0.94; therapy. Subgroup analysis suggests that those patients who have
P<0.00001) with no significant heterogeneity (χ2=20.5, P=0.49, more prominent heartburn-related symptoms respond better
I2=0%) (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 10). There was no funnel to PPI therapy (119) but there is no evidence that epigastric pain
plot asymmetry and the NNT was 12.5 (95% CI=10–20). syndrome responds better than postprandial distress syndrome
The quality of evidence is high as the subset of low risk of bias type dyspepsia (115). We therefore do not recommend using the
trials gave a similar statistically significant result and there is no type of symptom in FD to guide treatment choice. The quality
of the evidence was moderate as there was some unexplained sively in FD and we identified 26 randomized trials in 23 papers
heterogeneity in the data. The recommendation was strong as PPI (132–154) involving 8,788 FD patients. There was a statistically
therapy is well tolerated and inexpensive. significant effect of prokinetic therapy in reducing global symp-
We evaluated recent concerns regarding the long-term risk of toms of FD with a RR of remaining dyspeptic in the prokinetic
PPI therapy, among which hip fracture, community-acquired group of 0.92 (95% CI=0.88–0.97) (Appendix 2: Appendix
pneumonia, C. difficile infection, electrolyte disturbances, and Figure 13) with a NNT of 12.5 (95% CI=8–25). None of the pro-
dementia have been hypothesized (120). However, we feel the kinetic therapies that were eligible to review for this guideline is
most likely explanation for these associations is residual confound- available in US, Canada, or Europe. There are no clinical trials
ing (121) and even if the associations were causal, the number with metoclopramide in FD.
needed to harm was >1,000 in most cases (122) and the benefits There were seven trials (155–161) involving 263 patients with
outweighed any known harms. However, PPI therapy should be upper GI symptoms that evaluated domperidone. These were all
stopped if it is no longer providing benefit and patients should not excluded, as they did not meet a priori eligibility criteria. The usual
have long-term PPI therapy without attempts to withdraw it every reason was that patients had a barium meal rather than endoscopy
6–12 months, consistent with US FDA guidance (123) and/or a non-standard definition of dyspepsia was used. Never-
theless we synthesized these data, as domperidone is available in
Canada and some other countries although not in the US. Overall
STATEMENT 9. WE RECOMMEND FUNCTIONAL there was a statistically significant effect on symptoms (RR remain-
DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS NOT RESPONDING TO PPI ing symptomatic with domperidone=0.71; 95% CI=0.53–0.97)
OR H. PYLORI ERADICATION THERAPY (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 14) with a NNT of 3 (95% CI=2–8).
(IF APPROPRIATE) SHOULD BE OFFERED TRICYCLIC The quality of evidence was graded as very low as all of the dom-
ANTIDEPRESSANT THERAPY peridone data had unclear or high risk of bias and none met eligi-
Conditional recommendation, moderate quality evidence bility criteria. All other prokinetic data had significant unexplained
Antidepressant therapies have been shown in randomized trials heterogeneity and there was evidence of publication bias, small
to reduce symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome (124). There is positive studies driving the result and larger trials showing little or
a large overlap between irritable bowel syndrome and FD (125) no treatment effect (Egger test for bias—P=0.004). Furthermore
so it is plausible that antidepressants will also be effective for dys- some prokinetics have significant risk of adverse events (131) with
pepsia symptoms. A systematic review (72) identified 13 RCTs metoclopramide being associated with dystonia, parkinsonism-
evaluating psychotropic drugs in FD. There were three trials type movements, and/or tardive dyskinesia while domperidone
(126–128) involving 339 FD patients comparing TCAs with pla- may cause QT prolongation which in turn could increase the risk of
cebo. There was a statistically significant effect in reducing dys- serious arrhythmias in those with pre-existing cardiac conditions.
pepsia symptoms (RR=0.74; 95% CI=0.61–0.91) with an NNT of
six (95% CI=6–18). There were two trials (128,129) involving 388
FD patients comparing SSRIs with placebo. There was no statis- STATEMENT 11. WE SUGGEST FUNCTIONAL
tically significant effect of SSRI therapy on dyspepsia symptoms DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS NOT RESPONDING TO DRUG
The quality of evidence was moderate as there was some uncer- THERAPIES
tainty around the estimate of effect of TCAs as the 95% CI were Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence
wide. The recommendation was conditional as TCAs are associ- There are a large number of trials suggesting psychological thera-
ated with adverse events (which include constipation, dry mouth, pies are effective in irritable bowel syndrome (124) although the
urinary retention, and somnolence) (72) and a significant propor- quality of these data is very low. A previous systematic review
tion of patients might prefer not to take antidepressant medication. (162) of psychological therapies in FD suggested the number of
In contrast to Statements 5 and 6 above, it should be noted that we trials were limited so no firm conclusions could be made. We have
recommend TCA before prokinetic for treatment of FD based on updated this review and have now identified a total of 12 RCTs
the superior evidence for TCA in this indication. (163–174) involving 1,563 FD patients. All trials reported a sta-
tistically significant benefit of psychological therapies over con-
trol, which was most commonly usual management. These studies
STATEMENT 10. WE SUGGEST FUNCTIONAL reported a variety of psychological interventions; the common-
DYSPEPSIA PATIENTS NOT RESPONDING TO PPI, est approaches were cognitive behavioral therapy or other vari-
H. PYLORI ERADICATION THERAPY OR TRICYCLIC ous forms of psychotherapy. Only four papers (165,169,172,174)
ANTIDEPRESSANT THERAPY SHOULD BE OFFERED described the outcome in terms of a dichotomous improvement in
PROKINETIC THERAPY dyspepsia symptoms in 789 FD patients. These studies suggested
Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence that there was a significant benefit of psychological therapies in
Patients with FD often have disorders of gastric motility (130) and reducing dyspepsia symptoms (RR=0.53; 95% CI=0.44–0.65)
many pharmacological agents have been developed to improve (Appendix 2: Appendix Figure 15) with a NNT of three
gastric emptying (131). Prokinetics have been studied exten- (95% CI=3–4).
The quality of the data is very low despite a reasonably dramatic been identified in up to 40% of patients with FD (12,180). How-
effect on reducing dyspepsia symptoms. The studies were all high ever, this can be accurately identified with only two specialized
risk of bias as there was no blinding and this is important given motility studies (i.e., gastric barostat or single-photon emission
the outcome of dyspepsia improvement is subjective. There was computed tomography), neither of which is readily available
unexplained heterogeneity among studies and many used differ- (183). Delayed gastric emptying, using either scintigraphic tests
ent forms of psychological therapy so there is a lack of precision or breath tests, has been identified in up to 30% of patients with
around the estimate of effect for any given type of psychological FD, although the extent of this delay is usually mild (12,180,182).
intervention. The recommendation was conditional as the quality A recent, large-multicenter trial, using a validated 4-h solid
of the data was very low, may be expensive, and requires significant phase gastric-emptying scan protocol with all studies read at one
time and motivation from the patient. center, found that 21% of patients meeting Rome II criteria for
FD had delayed gastric emptying (128). Symptoms of FD may
also arise due to a prior infection (viral, bacterial, protozoal),
STATEMENT 12. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND visceral hypersensitivity, medications, duodenal eosinophilia,
THE ROUTINE USE OF COMPLEMENTARY AND and abnormal or excess feedback from the upper small intestine
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES FOR FUNCTIONAL (180,181,184). Unfortunately, however, identifying the abnormal
DYSPEPSIA pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the development of
Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence FD symptoms has not directly altered treatment strategies. For
Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are used by example, several studies have demonstrated a lack of relationship
about 20% of the general population for gastrointestinal symptoms between FD symptoms and gastric emptying (149,185,186). Since
(175). The proportion of secondary and tertiary care patients with tests to measure gastric accommodation are not readily available
FD taking CAM may be even higher. These interventions have (barostat and single-photon emission computed tomography) or
been reviewed (131) and there are numerous proposed herbal expensive, invasive and uncomfortable (barostat), and because
remedies as well as other approaches. Many of these have been delays in gastric emptying are not accurately related to symptoms,
subject to randomized trials but the approaches are too diverse routine motility tests for patients with FD are not recommended.
to draw any definitive conclusions. For example, one qualitative
review (176) identified 26 CAM methods for treating FD. One
of the largest single trials relates to STW 5, a herbal preparation STATEMENT 14. WE SUGGEST MOTILITY STUDIES
containing extracts of bitter candy tuft, matricaria flower, pepper- FOR SELECTED PATIENTS WITH FUNCTIONAL
mint leaves, caraway, licorice root, and lemon balm. 315 patients DYSPEPSIA WHERE GASTROPARESIS IS STRONGLY
with FD were randomized to STW 5 or placebo for 8 weeks (177) SUSPECTED
and there was a statistically significant benefit for the active treat- Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence
ment but this was only marginal (Gastrointestinal Symptoms Gastroparesis can be diagnosed using a combination of symp-
Score improved by 6.9±4.8 in the STW 5 group compared with toms (e.g., nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, early satiety, bloat-
5.9±4.3, P=0.04) and it is unclear whether this difference was clin- ing), an upper endoscopy not showing evidence of mechanical
ically meaningful. A systematic review (178) of Chinese herbal obstruction, and a delay in gastric emptying using a 4-h solid
medicine in FD identified 13 trials involving 1,153 patients. The phase gastric-emptying scan (187). FD can be diagnosed using
review concluded that there was a signal that Chinese herbal a combination of symptoms (e.g., upper abdominal pain, nausea,
medicine may improve FD symptoms but the trials were of very vomiting, early satiety, bloating) and a normal upper endoscopy
poor methodological quality. Similarly, a Cochrane review (179) (14). Although generally thought of as distinct, there is signifi-
of acupuncture in FD identified seven studies involving 542 FD cant overlap in these two disorders and they likely represent part
patients. Again the authors felt that the data were of very low of a spectrum of gastric sensorimotor disorders (182). As noted,
quality and concluded it was unclear whether acupuncture was most patients (70–80%) with FD have normal gastric empty-
effective in FD. CAM may be appropriate for individual patients ing; thus, routine motility testing is not required. In FD patients
interested in exploring these approaches provided they are aware with delayed gastric emptying, the degree of delay is usually mild
that there is insufficient evidence to determine the benefit or risk (10–20% of material remaining at 4 h) (128). The occasional FD
of these interventions. patient with persistent symptoms of nausea and vomiting may
have a marked delay in gastric emptying (188,189), and identify-
ing this could potentially lead to a change in therapy. Unfortu-
STATEMENT 13. WE RECOMMEND AGAINST nately, there is no data from RCTs to answer the question of how
ROUTINE MOTILITY STUDIES FOR PATIENTS WITH medical management changes if a marked delay in gastric empty-
FUNCTIONAL DYSPEPSIA ing is identified. The patient with daily or intractable vomiting
Conditional recommendation, very low quality evidence may have gastroparesis rather than FD and should be investigated
The diagnosis and treatment of FD can be challenging because appropriately. We felt that a 4-h solid phase gastric-emptying scan
symptoms develop due to a number of different pathophysiologic should be performed in FD patients with predominant symptoms
processes (12,180–182). Abnormal gastric accommodation has of severe nausea and vomiting who fail empiric therapy.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 15. Tack J, Talley NJ, Camilleri M et al. Functional gastroduodenal disorders.
Gastroenterology 2006;130:1466–79.
We are grateful to Cathy Yuan and Maria Ines Pinto-Sanchez for
16. Vakil N, Halling K, Ohlsson L et al. Symptom overlap between post-
conducting systematic reviews that support this guideline. We are prandial distress and epigastric pain syndromes of the Rome III dyspepsia
also thankful to Grigoris Leontiaidis, Joseph Ahn and Lauren classification. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:767–74.
17. Katz PO, Gerson LB, Vela MF. Diagnosis and management of gastro-
Gerson for providing leadership in the process that supported this
esophageal reflux disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2013;108:308–28.
joint ACG/CAG guideline. 18. Fallone CA, Chiba N, van Zanten SV et al. The Toronto consensus for
the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in adults. Gastroenterology
19. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist G et al. Rating quality of evidence and
Guarantor: Paul Moayyedi, MB, ChB, PhD, MPH, FACG. strength of recommendations GRADE: an emerging consensus on
Specific author contributions: All authors contributed to the rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ 2008;
development of the guideline statements, interpretation of the
20. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R et al. Rating quality of evidence and
evidence for each statement and the writing of the article. strength of recommendations: What is "quality of evidence" and why is it
Financial support: None. important to clinicians? BMJ 2008;336:995–8.
21. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R et al. Rating quality of evidence and
Potential competing interests: Paul Moayyedi has accepted speaker
strength of recommendations: going from evidence to recommendations.
fees from Allergan and Abbvie. He has been on advisory boards for BMJ 2008;336:1049–51.
Allergan, Shire and Salix pharmaceuticals. He has received research 22. GLOBCAN project, International Agency for Research on Cancer. http:// Accessed on 11
funds from Allergan and Takeda. Colin Howden is a consultant for
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Allergan, Aralez, Ironwood, Otsuka, SynteractHCR, Takeda and US 23. Spahos T, Hindermarsh A, Cameron E et al. Endoscopy waiting times and
World Meds. Christopher N. Andrews has honoraria from Allergan, impact of the two week wait scheme on diagnosis and outcome of upper
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Ironwood, Restech, Yuhan, Allergan, Otsuka, US World Meds and
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Actavis. Brian E. Lacy is on the advisory board for Ironwood, Covi- 26. Ben-Menachem T, Decker A, Early DS et al. Adverse events of upper GI
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Topic Medline (Database: Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Embase <1974 to present
Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to Present>
Moayyedi et al.
57 55 not 56 2,042,185
58 50 and 57 2,204
59 remove duplicates from 58 2,189
60 limit 59 to yr="2010 -Current" 639
HP eradication and HP from 1 randomized controlled (338,380) 1 clinical trial/ or (clin$ adj2 (trial$ or stud$)).tw.
2006 to 4 April 2016, 2 controlled clinical (85,027) 2 exp Randomized controlled trial/
Multi-file search, n=1,170 3 random*.mp. (793,630) 3 exp Randomization/
4 placebo.ab. (139,962) 4 Single-Blind Method/
5 drug therapy.fs. (1,570,375) 5 Double-Blind Method/
6 trial.ab. (263,685) 6 Cross-Over Studies/ or (crossover$ or cross-over$).tw.
7 groups.ab. (1,213,517) 7 exp Random Allocation/
8 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 (3,196,892) 8
9 exp animals/ not exp humans/(3,749,652) 9 ((single or double or treble or triple) adj3 (blind$ or mask$)).tw.
Topic Medline (Database: Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Embase <1974 to present
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10 8 not 9 (2,726,261) 10 comparative study/
11 exp Dyspepsia/ (6,867) 11 controlled study/
12 eructation/ (276) 12 Prospective study/
Moayyedi et al.
Forest plots of meta-analyses that support the dyspepsia guideline.
Figure 1. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori test and treat with early endoscopy with continued dyspepsia
as the outcome.
Figure 2. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori test and treat with early endoscopy with proportion having
endoscopy as the outcome.
Figure 3. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori test and treat with early endoscopy with dyspepsia health
service costs as the outcome.
Figure 4. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori eradication with placebo antibiotics in infected dyspepsia
Figure 5. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori test and treat with empirical PPI therapy with continued dys-
pepsia as the outcome.
Figure 6. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing empirical PPI therapy with placebo with continued dyspepsia as the
Figure 7. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing empirical PPI therapy with H2-receptor antagonists with continued
dyspepsia as the outcome.
Figure 8. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing empirical acid suppression therapy with early endoscopy with continued
dyspepsia as the outcome.
Figure 9. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing empirical PPI therapy with prokinetic therapy with continued dyspepsia
as the outcome.
Figure 10. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing H. pylori eradication with placebo antibiotics in H. pylori-infected
patients with functional dyspepsia.
Figure 11. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing proton pump inhibitors with placebo in functional dyspepsia
Figure 12. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing proton pump inhibitors with prokinetics in functional dyspepsia
Figure 13. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing motility modifying drugs with placebo in functional dyspepsia
Figure 14. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing domperidone with placebo in patients with upper GI symptoms.
Figure 15. Forest plot of randomized controlled trials comparing psychological therapies with controls in functional dyspepsia