Transformationsoffunctionspart2 1

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Day 7 Do now exploration.

Let f ( x)=x −4 , g( x)=4−x2 and h( x)=|4−x 2|

a) Graph f ( x ) and g( x ) on the coordinate axis to the right

b) Label 7 points on each.
c) Which of the following describes the transformation required to
graph g( x ) from f ( x ) .

i) Flip over the x axis

ii) Flip over the y axis.

d) Which of the following is a correct statement about f ( x ) and g( x )

i) g( x)=f ( x )−4
ii ) g( x)=f (−x)
iii) g( x)=−f ( x )

e) Use the chart below to graph h( x ).

x h(x)

f) Make a conjecture about the transformation needed to graph h( x ) from g( x ).

Day 7 Transformations in the form a⋅f ( b( x−c ))+d

Example 1: Let f ( x )=x . Using transformations, graph g( x ) , if
g( x )=−( 1− 12 x )3 +2

Step 1: Pull out the leading coefficient of x to write in the form:

g( x )=a(b ( x−c ))3 +d

Step 2: multiply x values by b and add c to the dilated x values.

Step 3: multiply y values by a and add d to the dilated y values.

Step 4: Graph

x f(x) xnew g(x)

-2 -8
-1 -1
0 1
1 1
2 8

We can say f ( x ) is reflected over the ________axis, and then reflected over the _______axis,
translated _____ units up, ____________horizontally by a factor of ___________, and translated
_________units to the _______.

Summary of transformations: When performing more than one

transformation on the same variable
For a function of the form you must multiply before add or
Graph the parent function

1. If b < 0, reflect the graph across the y axis.

Reflecting a graph over the
x or y axis is equivalent to
2. Stretch or compress the graph horizontally by a factor of
multiplying by negative 1,
3. Shift the graph horizontally by c units: right if c > 0 and left if c < 0
therefore must be done
4. If a < 0 reflect the graph across the x axis.
before translating
5. Stretch or compress the graph vertically by a factor of . vertically or horizontally.

6. Shift the graph vertically by d units; up if d > 0 and down if d <0

You try

Let f ( x )= √ x and g( x )=2 f (2 x+4 )−1

a) Write an equation for g(x)

b) Graph the parent graph, including 3 points.

c) Write g( x ) in the form:
d) List the four transformations you would perform to
the parent graph, and write what order you would perform them.

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

e) Graph g( x )

Absolute value transformation come in two types: |f ( x)|and f|x|. In the do now, we explored the
first type. Let’s revisit that.

Example 2: Let f ( x ) be the function graphed below. Roughly sketch |f ( x)| on the same grid.

What is the rule?

Example 3: f ( x )=(x −1)2 −2 . g( x)=f |x|. Fill in the table and graph g(x).

x f(x) xnew g(x)


xnew will be the absolute value of the

numbers in x. Complete xnew column

g(x) will be the value of f(x) when f

takes on the value of xnew. Complete
the table and graph

What’s the rule?

Summary of Absolute value transformations

Step functions:

Greatest integer ⌊ x ⌋ (floor function) assigns to each number the greatest integer less than or equal to

the number and the ceiling ⌈ x⌉ of x is the least integer greater than or equal to x.

y= ⌊ x ⌋ or y= [ x ] Either notation is acceptable.

Will round the number down to the nearest integer.

(deletes the decimal part)

x ⌊ x⌋

y=⌈ x⌉ The ceiling function will round the number UP to the

nearest integer.

x ⌈ x⌉

Example 4

f ( x )=[ x ] f ( x )=[ x ] −2 f ( x )=2 [ x+1 ]

Pair and Share A works B checks

1. f ( x)=−2 √ 1−0.5x+1
Parent Function

f ( x )=2 [ x ] +1
Parent Function

1. √3 ( 2−2 x )+ 3
Parent Function

y=− ( 1x )+2
Parent Function

Pair and Share - B works A checks

Answer Key for A

1. f ( x)=−2 √ 1−0.5x+1
1. Put in the form:
f ( x)=−2 √−.05( x−2)+1
2. Multiply the x-values by -2 or multiply by 2
and flip over y-axis.

3. Shift parent graph 2 units to the right or add

2 to x-values

4. Multiply y-values by 2 and flip over x-axis or

multiply y-values by -2 and add 1.
2. y = 2 [ x ] +1

1. Multiply y-values by 2
2. Add 1 to the y-values

1. √3 ( 2−2 x )+3

1. Rewrite function as:

10 | P a g e
√3 −2 ( x−1 )+3
2. Flip over y-axis and multiply x-
values by 1/2 or multiply x-values
by -1/2

3. Move one unit to the right or add 1

to the x-values.
4. Move up three units or add 3 units
to all the y-values.

y=− ()1

1. Flip over the x-axis or multiply y-

values by negative 1.
Move up two units or add 2 units to all
the y-values.

Answer Key for B

Day 7 Homework worksheet Transformations of points and functions: Graph the following functions
and list the transformation performed. Do not use a calculator. Label two points. For the problems with
a * label three points.

11 | P a g e
Parent Graph Transformation 1 Transformation 2

1.* f ( x )=√ x g( x )=√ x +1−1 h( x )=√ 1−0.5x−1

2. f ( x )=[ x ] g( x )=[ x ] +1 h( x )=2 [ x ] +1

3. f ( x )=2 x g( x )=2x −1 h( x )=2− x−1

f ( x )=(x )3 1 h( x )=−(2−x )3 −1
4.* g( x )=2( x −2)3 −1

12 | P a g e
f ( x )=
g( x )=− ( 1x )−2 h( x )=− ( x 1+2 )−2

6.* f ( x )=(x )2 g( x )=2 f ( 1− 12 x )−1 h( x )=|g( x)|

Use the graph of the function f to graph the function g.

13 | P a g e


g( x)=f |x|

14 | P a g e



g( x )=−( x−1)+3

15 | P a g e
Day 7 Homework worksheet Transformations of points and functions: Graph the following functions
and list the transformation performed. Do not use a calculator. Label two points. For the problems with
a * label three points.

Parent Graph Transformation 1 Transformation 2

1.* f ( x )=√ x g( x)=√ x+1−1 h( x )=√ 1−0.5x−1

2. f ( x )=[ x ] g( x )=[ x ] +1 h( x )=2 [ x ] +1

3. f ( x )=2 x g( x )=2x −1 h( x )=2− x−1

16 | P a g e
4.* f ( x )=(x )3 g( x )=2(.5 x−2 )3−1 h( x )=2(2−x )3 −1

f ( x )=
g( x )=− ( 1x )−2 h( x )=− ( x 1+2 )−2

6.* f ( x )=(x )2 g( x )=2 f ( 1− 12 x )−1 h( x )=|g( x)|

Use the graph of the function f to graph the function g.

17 | P a g e

g( x)=f |x|

18 | P a g e
f(x) g(x)=f(2x-4)+1

g( x )=−( x−1)+3


19 | P a g e

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