Week 005-Presentation Key Concepts of Inverse Functions, Exponential Functions and Logarithmic Functions Part 002

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Key Concepts of Inverse Functions,

Exponential Functions and

Logarithmic Functions - Part 002

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:

1. Solve exponential equations and inequalities
2. Represent an exponential function through its: (a) table of values, (b) graph, and
(c) equation
3. Find the domain and range of an exponential function
4. Determine the intercepts, zeroes, and asymptotes of an exponential function
Solve exponential equations and
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• Exponential Equations: equations in which variable expressions occur as

• Exponential inequalities in one variable: inequalities that can be written in the
• abx + k < 0
• abx + k < 0
• abx + k > 0
• abx + k > 0
Example 1:
• Solve 125x = 25x + 1
• We want 125 and 25 to have the same base!
Example 2:

• Solve 4x = (1/2)x – 3 by graphing
You Try:
• Solve 3x = (1/9)x – 3

• Solve 43x = 2x + 1 by graphing

Example 3:
• Solve 43z < 8z + 1 Remember: when you
multiply or divide by a
• Just like an example 1, we want them to have the same base!
negative it flips the
inequality sign!
Example 4:

x > -1.5
• Solve 22x + 1 – 1 > -0.75 by graphing
You Try:
• Solve 42x – 5 < 643x

• Solve 24x – 3 + 0.75 > 1 by graphing

Represent an exponential function through its: (a)
table of values, (b) graph, and (c) equation
Find the domain and range of an exponential
Graphs of Exponential Functions
• Exponential function – A function of the form y=abx, where b>0 and b 1.
Step 1 – Make a table of values for the function. y3 x

x y  3x y
2 3 2

0 3 0
2 9
2 3
3 3
3 27
Make the Graph
• Now that you have a data table of ordered pairs for the function, you can plot
the points on a graph. (-2, 1/9) (0,1) (2,9)
Draw in the curve that fits the plotted points. y

Domain and Range
Domain – The collection of all input values of a function. These are usually the “x” values.
Range – The collection of all output values of a function. These are usually the “y” values.

Describe the domain and range of the function y = -5x.

Domain – The domain of the function is all real numbers since the function is
defined for all x-values.
Range – The range of the function is all negative real numbers.
Determine the intercepts, zeroes,
and asymptotes of an exponential
Definition of Exponential Function

The exponential function f with base a is defined by

f(x) = ax

where a > 0, a  1, and x is any real number.

For instance,

f(x) = 3x and g(x) = 0.5x

are exponential functions.

Example: Exponential Function

The value of f(x) = 3x when x = 2 is

f(2) = 32 = 9
The value of f(x) = 3x when x = –2 is
f(–2) = 3–2 =
The value of g(x) = 0.5x when x = 4 is
g(4) = 0.54 = 0.0625
Graph of Exponential Function (a > 1)
The graph of f(x) = ax, a > 1 y

Growth 4
Range: (0, )

(0, 1)
Horizontal Asymptote
Domain: (–, )
Graph of Exponential Function (0 < a < 1)
The graph of f(x) = ax, 0 < a < 1 y

Exponential 4
Decay Range: (0, )
(0, 1)

Horizontal Asymptote
Domain: (–, )
Exponential Function

3 Key Parts
1. Pivot Point (Common Point)
2. Horizontal Asymptote
3. Growth or Decay
Manual Graphing

• Lets graph the following together:

• f(x) = 2x
Example: Graph f(x) = 2x
Example: Sketch the graph of f(x) = 2x.

x f(x) (x, f(x)) y

-2 ¼ (-2, ¼)
-1 ½ (-1, ½)
0 1 (0, 1)
1 2 (1, 2) x
2 4 (2, 4) –2 2
Definition of the Exponential Function

The exponential function f with base b is defined by

f (x) = bx or y = bx
Where b is a positive constant other than and x is any real number.

Here are some examples of exponential functions.

f (x) = 2x g(x) = 10x h(x) = 3x

Base is 2. Base is 10. Base is 3.

Transformations Involving Exponential Functions
Transformation Equation Description

Horizontal g(x) = bx+c • Shiftsthe graph of f (x) = bx to the left c units if c > 0.
translation • Shifts the graph of f (x) = bx to the right c units if c < 0.

Vertical stretching or g(x) = cbx Multiplying y-coordintates of f (x) = bx by c,

shrinking • Stretches the graph of f (x) = bx if c > 1.
• Shrinks the graph of f (x) = bx if 0 < c < 1.

Reflecting g(x) = -bx • Reflectsthe graph of f (x) = bx about the x-axis.

g(x) = b-x • Reflects the graph of f (x) = bx about the y-axis.

Vertical translation g(x) = bx+ c • Shiftsthe graph of f (x) = bx upward c units if c > 0.
• Shifts the graph of f (x) = bx downward c units if c < 0.
Example: Translation of Graph
Example: Sketch the graph of g(x) = 2x – 1. State the domain and range.
The graph of this y f(x) = 2x
function is a vertical
translation of the 4
graph of f(x) = 2x
down one unit . 2

Domain: (–, )
Range: (–1, ) x
y = –1
Example: Reflection of Graph
• Example: Sketch the graph of g(x) = 2-x. State the domain and range.
The graph of this
function is a y f(x) = 2x
reflection the graph
of f(x) = 2x in the y-

Domain: (–, )
Range: (0, ) x
–2 2

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