Urban Water Storm Management 12

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Urban Water storm management

Saad Ullah | 1006-BH(E)-Geog-20

Abdullah | 1017-BH(E)-Geog-20
Waseem Ahmad | 1026-BH(E)-Geog-20

Storm Water

● Storm water is rain or melted snow that has fall into the ground. This
water either is absorbed by plantation, evaporates or runs off the land
into storm sewers, streams and lakes.
● Urban stormwater management involves the planning, design, and
implementation of planning to effectively manage rainfall runoff in urban
● Urban stormwater management uses techniques like green infrastructure
and drainage systems to prevent flooding and pollution in cities.
Importance of Strom water Management

● Storm water management prevents

physical damage to persons and
property from flooding, and also
prevents polluted runoff from
negatively impacting local waterways.
● The installation of impervious surfaces
interrupts the natural hydrologic cycle,
and causes less infiltration, interception
and evapotranspiration than was
present before any development
• Tell about the typical weather
patterns in your country
throughout the calendar year.

Fig No 2: This map illustrate the difference between pre-development and past
The Challenge of Urban Stormwater
1. In urban environments, stormwater
runoff can lead to significant
environmental issues, such as
increased flood risk, water quality
degradation, and the exacerbation of
sewer overflows.
2. Urban stormwater management
systems aim to mitigate these
challenges through various techniques.

Fig NO 3: water challenge is prominent

issue of storm water
Urban Stormwater Management

• Human settlements disturb the natural water cycle and creates flood sand
water pollution:
• > Natural vegetation is often removed and rivers are canalised
• > Surfaces are impermeable
• >Ground water resource decrease, fresh water become scarce
Lets Upgrade The Urban Water Cycle

This map represent the water This map is show that urban
cycle. water cycle
Difference between natural water cycle and urban water cycle

>Imagen of A diagram of the water cycle, showing the sun heating water in
the ocean, causing evaporation.
>The water vapor rises and cools, condensing into clouds.
>The clouds release precipitation, which falls back to Earth as rain, snow, or
>The water then infiltrates the ground, runs off the surface, or evaporates
back into the atmosphere.
Urban Storm Water Management

• There are several techniques to

manage surface runoff. They are
divided in two groups.
• >Storage Type Devices
• >Infiltration Type Devices

• What techniques is implemented

should be decided on local conditions
and responsible planers
The sewer system cannot handle
the volume of runoff
Urban water storm management approach

The practice of managing freshwater, wastewater, and storm water links with in
resource management structure, using an urban areas the unit of managements.
•Consumption efficiency
•Ensure water quality Alternative sources
•Engage communities
•Establish and implement policies and strategies
•Support capacity development of personnel and institutions
•Improve economic efficiency of services
How it can Optimize SSWS
• Stormwater Management
helps to collect, treat and (re-
)use runoff water; to avoid
contamination and
destruction; and to restore
the disturbed
urban water cycle!

Fig no 06: SSWS


>Excavated reservoirs or natural

>Dry during low flow periods
>temporary storage during flood events
>Stormwater should stored long
enough to settle solids.


• Primarily designed improve
stormwater quality.
• Secondary flood control devices.
• Retention Ponds do not dry out,
water stays between 2 and 4 weeks.
• Water quality improvement mainly
through settling.
Rain Water Harvesting

• Can be used in urban and rural

• .Reducing of stormwater runoff
and storage of potable water
• Water can be used for irrigation,
as flush water for toilets or, after
purification, as drinking water.

Rooftop rainwater harvesting

Green Roofs

• Vegetated roofs on flat or sloped

• They improve energy efficiency,
reduce urban heat effect and
create green spaces.
• Reducing peak flow (storing a
certain volume of rainwater)

Green roofs on top of the floor

Constructed wetlands

• Designed to manage peak flows

and improve water quality of
surface runoff.
• Restoring natural habitats in
cities (recreation, birdlife, etc.).

Possible design is a pond

Infiltration trenches

• Shallow excavations filled with

uniformly crushed stones.
• Walls and top lined with
geotextile to avoid sediment
• Runoff infiltrates through the
trenches into the subsoil.
• Treatment occurs during
• .Constructed beside streets and Infiltration Trenches Techniques
outdoor parking lots.

• Densely vegetated and graded

• Slowing runoff velocity, trapping
sediments and pollutants and
providing modest infiltration.



• Constructed facility with highly

permeable soils.
• Water infiltrates into surrounding
soil and gets treated.

• Open grassed channels, which

allow an infiltration along the
• Check dams and vegetation reduce
velocity, and allow sedimentation,
infiltration, evapotranspiration
and contaminant temproval.

• General aim: protect health, welfare 1. Costs depend on the technology,
and safety of the public. topography and expert knowledge.
• The described technologies all have 2. A proper stormwater management
ecological treatment effects. avoids high costs caused by flood
• Illegal solid waste disposal or damages.
connection sewer systema the 3. Collected water can be reused for
stormwater drainage systems can groundwater recharge, urban lands
endanger the public health. caping or farming, etc.
• High sedimentation loads could clock
infiltration systems and lead to
ponding water surfaces mosquito
Comparative Analysis of Stormwater Management Techniques

Techniques Advantages Disadvantages

Infiltration Minimizes runoff, Can become a breeding

Reduces building heat ground for mosquitoes
Ponds Natural filtration, Limited to rooftop space
Enhance bio diversity only
Wetlands Provide storage capacity, May requires significant
support aquatic life land area
Rooftop Collection Reduce runoff volume Requires adequate soil
improve infiltration conditions
Pros and cons

• Proper drainage surface run-off
• Collected water can be reused for DISADVANTAGES
groundwater recharge, urban • . Expert planning, implementation,
landscaping or farming, etc. operation and maintenance required.
• Treatment of stormwater in a very • Depending on technique a lot of
early stage operation and labour
• Avoids damages on • Risk of clogging infiltration system
infrastructure(private properties, caused by high sedimentation rates.
streets, etc.); flood prevention
• Can be integrated into the urban
landscape and provide green and
recreational areas

Urban stormwater management is a multifaceted approach that

incorporates various techniques to manage rainwater effectively. By
understanding and implementing these methods, cities can mitigate the
impacts of stormwater runoff and create more resilient, sustainable urban

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