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The Plant Fairy


 These notes are for learning and not to be written in notebook.

Parts of a plant

Root system

It consist of -


The part of a plant that grows below the soil is called root .


1. A root fixes the plants firmly in the soil.

2. They absorb water and minerals from the soil. (plant need water and minerals to grow)
3. Some roots like carrot, radish and beetroot store food in them.

Shoot System

The part of plant that grows above the soil is called shoot (stem).

It consist of -

1. Stem
 Stem is the central part of the plant.
 It gives support to the plant / holds the plant straight.
 It carries the food made by leaves to all the parts of the plant.
 It also carries water and minerals from root to all the parts of the plant.
 Some stem also store food in them (ex: potato, sugarcane, ginger, turmeric etc.)

2. Leaf
 Green leaves prepare food for the plant.
 They are also called the ‘kitchen of the plant’ or ‘food factory of the plant’.
 The leaves prepare food with the help of water, carbon dioxide and sunlight.
 Leaves have green-coloured substance called chlorophyll. It traps the sunlight. Leaves get
water from soil and carbon dioxide from the air.

The process by which green leaves make foodfor the plant with the help of sunlight,
water and carbon dioxide is called Photosynthesis. (photo means light and synthesis
means to prepare).

 Leaves give out oxygen which is essential for the survival of all living organisms.

 The lower side of leaves have tiny pores called stomata that help the plant to breathe and
give out water.


• The flat and broad part of a leaf is called the leaf blade or the lamina.
• The line which is seen at the center of a leaf is called the main vein or the midrib.
• The lines present on either side of the main vein are called side veins.
• The structure which connects the stem to the leaves is called the leaf stalk or petiole.
3. Flower
 Flowers are the most attractive part of the plant.
 Bud grows into flower.
 It helps the plant to reproduce and make seeds.
 Rafflesia is the biggest flower.
(It is about one metre wide)

4. Fruit
 The fruit is formed from the flower.
 It protects the seed inside it.
 Fruits may have different number of seeds in them.
Eg: Mango has a single seed, orange and apple have few seeds whereas papaya and
watermelon have many seeds.

5. Seeds
 Seeds store food for the baby plant.
 When a seed is sown in the soil and it receives air, water and sunlight, it grows into a new
 There are some seeds that we eat. For eg: wheat, rice, corn, etc.
 The process in which a seed grows into a new plant is called germination.
 Strawberry has seeds outside the fruit.


1. FOOD- different parts of the plant give us food.

 Fruits and vegetables.
 Cereals and pulses.
 Spices- Cumin, clove, cardamom etc.
 Dried fruits – almond, cashew nuts, groundnuts etc.
 Oil – mustard, sunflower, sesame seeds etc.
 Beverages – tea, coffee etc.

2. CLOTHES -fibres from cotton and jute.

3. SHELTER-bamboo, grass, wood etc are used to make houses.

4. MEDICINES-plants like tulsi, neem and eucalyptus are used to make medicines.
5. FURNITURE- wood from plants like teak, deodar, walnut is used to make furniture and

other objects for decoration.

6. Plants provide us paper and rubber.

7. We get gum and natural dyes (colours) from plants.

8. We can make different perfumes from flowers.

Compiled by- Priyanka Bhardwaj

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