Anyanwu Juliet Ugochi (Ich Butane Gas)

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MAY 2024


It is of great pleasure that I dedicate this SIWES report to the Almighty God, whose grace, mercy,

wisdom and strength has been with me through my life and academic pursuit to this stage irrespective

of the challenges and obstacles. And to my wonderful parents and my industry based supervisor for all

the knowledge impacted on me during the course of my SIWES.


With a deep sense of gratitude I would like to genuinely appreciate my amazing parents for their

persistence on my behalf, patience, love and financial support. A big thank you to the organizers of

this SIWES program, it was indeed an educating program. I would also like to thank my industrial

based supervisor and the entire staff of for their patience in answering our questions and also for

giving necessary explanation when due, and colleagues from other institutions with whom I underwent

this SIWES program. Finally, thanks to Almighty God for making all this possible, I am very grateful

and sincerely from my heart, gratitude is all I give.


Cover page



Table of content


1.1 Introduction to SIWES

1.2 Aims and oblectives of SIWES

1.3 When was SIWES established

1.4 Why was SIWES established

1.5 Success recorded by SIWES

1.6 Overview of the company

1.7 A brief history of Ibeto industries Limited


2.1 Preamble

2.2 General overview of activities carried out at Ibeto Butane gas Ind.

2.2.1 Routine inspection of the plant equipment and logging of process parameters

2.2.2 Gas accounting/calculation Gas scrubbing

IV Gas pre-heating system Gas pressure control system Gas metering system

2,3 Analyzers

2.4 Blow down and flare system

2.5 Electric system

2.6 Instrumentation

2.7 Corrosion control system

2.8 Control building

2.9 Safety apparatus

2.10 Valves


3.1 Safety

3.2 Causes of accident

3.3 Fire

3.4 Problems encountered during the SIWES program


4.1 Conclusion and general appraisal of the SIWES program

4.2 Recommendation



Training is a key factor in enhancing the efficiency and the expertise of the workforce. Logistics is a

reset in motion for students to participate in industrial work experience in fields related to their

studies, so as to bridge the gap existing between theory acquired in school and practical practices in

engineering, science, agriculture, medicine, health, and other courses in tertiary institutions. Also, this

institution attaches great importance to SIWES not only because of what it means for individual

careers of its students but also because of its critical role in the development of indigenous

technological manpower in the country. The SIWES scheme was set up as a development program to

solve the problem of lack of adequate practical preparation for employment in the Nigerian industries.

The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme is a skills-training-programme designed to expose

and prepare students of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education and Colleges of Agriculture

for the industrial work situation they are likely to meet after graduation. It involves the attachment of a

student to an organization in line with his/her respective course of study that can provide the training

and experience required in the industry. This training/work experience is an essential component in the

development of the practical and professional skill and aids in prospective employment.


The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a worldwide program practiced in

countries like Japan, Australia, USA, Europe, and in African countries too. It is a six (6) months to one

(1) year training where the students go to various establishments related to their course of study. The

program was initially introduced in Nigeria by the Industrial Training Fund (I.T.F.). One of the key

functions of the ITF is to work as cooperative body with industry and commerce where students in

institutions of higher learning can undertake mid-career work experience attachment in industries

which are compatible with student’s area of study. 2 Participation in SIWES has become a necessary

pre-condition for the award of diploma and degree certificate in specific disciplines in most

institutions of higher learning in the country in accordance with the education policy of the

government. The Industrial Training Fund initiated, designed and introduced SIWES scheme in 1973

to acquaint students with the skills of handling the employer’s equipment and machinery. The

Industrial Training Fund (ITF) solely funded the scheme during it’s formative years. However, due to

some financial constraints, the ITF withdrew from the scheme in 1978. The Federal Government

noting the significance of the skill training, handed the management of the scheme to both the

National University Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) in

1979. The management and implementation of the scheme was however reverted to the ITF by the

Federal Government in November 1984 and the administration was effectively taken over by the

Industrial Training Fund in July 1985, with the funding solely borne by the Federal Government.

Here is their Vision and Mission Statements:

Vision: To be the foremost skills training development organization in Nigeria and one of the best in

the world.

Mission: To set and regulate standards and offer direct training intervention in industrial and

commercial skills training and development, using a corps of highly competent professional staff,

modern techniques and technology.


 Provide an avenue for students in higher institutions to acquire industrial skills and experience in

their approved course of study.

 Prepare students for the industrial work situation which they are likely to meet after graduation.

 Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that are

mostly not available in their various institutions.

 Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in practical situations thus

reducing the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical work.

 Strengthen the employers’ involvement in the entire educational process and prepare students for

employment in Industry and Commerce.

 Ascertain the ultimate role which they are expected to play in the industrial sector on completion

of their present course of study.


 Attend institutions SIWES orientation programme before going on attachment.

 Register for SIWES and submit at the point of registration, their bank account details to their

school’s SIWES Coordinators.

 Comply with the rules and regulations of the organization where they are attached.

 Record all training activity and other assignments in the log book and complete ITF form 8

to ensure proper assessment.


The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in Nigeria is highly relevant to industrial

chemistry students for several reasons:

Practical Experience: SIWES provides industrial chemistry students with the opportunity to gain

practical experience in real-world industrial settings. This hands-on experience allows students to

apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to actual industrial processes, techniques, and


Skill Development: During SIWES, students have the chance to develop and enhance a wide range of

technical skills relevant to industrial chemistry, including laboratory techniques, chemical analysis

methods, and safety procedures. They also learn soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and

time management.

Industry Exposure: SIWES exposes students to various industries where chemistry plays a vital role,

including pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, food and beverages, cosmetics, and materials

manufacturing. This exposure helps students understand the practical applications of chemistry in

different industrial sectors and explore potential career paths.

Networking Opportunities: SIWES allows students to interact with professionals, engineers,

scientists, and technicians working in the field of industrial chemistry. Building connections with

industry professionals can lead to mentorship opportunities, job referrals, and valuable insights into

the industry's current trends and challenges.

Career Preparation: Through SIWES, students gain insights into the expectations and demands of

the industrial workplace. They learn about industry standards, regulations, and best practices,

preparing them for future careers in industrial chemistry. SIWES also helps students identify areas of

interest within the field and make informed decisions about their career paths.

Problem-Solving Skills: Working on real-world projects and challenges during SIWES allows

students to develop problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. They learn to troubleshoot

issues, analyze data, and propose solutions, which are essential skills for success in the field of

industrial chemistry.

Professional Development: SIWES encourages students to adopt a professional attitude and work

ethic in a professional environment. They learn about workplace etiquette, professionalism, and ethical

conduct, preparing them for the expectations of the industry upon graduation.

Overall, SIWES plays a crucial role in the education and training of industrial chemistry students in

Nigeria by bridging the gap between academic learning and practical industrial applications. It equips

students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary for successful careers in industrial

chemistry and contributes to the overall development of the country's workforce in the field of




The origin of Ibeto groups dates back to auto spare parts of Newi in 1970. At that time Dr. Cletus

Maduagwu Ibeto had just started his life auto spare part Trading before venturing into oil and gas

company. He was motivated by strong desire to positively touch and revive his company’s oil and gas

sector as well as enhance massive production of gas plant.




IBETO GAS INDUSTRIES LIMITED typically consists of several sections or departments, each

with specific functions and responsibilities related to the exploration, production, processing, and

distribution of natural gas. Here are the key sections/departments commonly found in IBETO GAS

INDUSTRIES LIMITED along with their functions:

Exploration and Production Department:

 Conducts geological surveys and assessments to identify potential natural gas reserves.

 Plans and executes exploration drilling activities to locate and evaluate gas deposits.

 Develops strategies for reservoir management, well optimization, and production enhancement.

 Collaborates with geologists, geophysicists, drilling engineers, and reservoir engineers.

Drilling and Completion Department:

 Plans and oversees drilling operations for natural gas wells, including design, execution, and


 Coordinates drilling rig deployment, logistics, and equipment procurement.

 Implements well completion techniques, such as casing, cementing, perforation, and


 Ensures adherence to safety protocols, environmental regulations, and industry standards.

Reservoir Engineering Department:

 Analyzes reservoir data to characterize natural gas reservoirs, estimate reserves, and forecast


 Models reservoir behavior, fluid dynamics, pressure gradients, and flow rates.

 Designs and implements reservoir management strategies, such as water flooding, gas

injection, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques.

 Conducts reservoir simulation studies and production optimization.

Production Operations Department:

 Manages day-to-day production activities at natural gas fields, well sites, and processing


 Monitors production rates, equipment performance, and well integrity.

 Implements production optimization strategies, well testing programs, and artificial lift


 Conducts regular maintenance, repairs, and troubleshooting to maximize uptime and


Gas Processing and Treatment Department:

 Operates gas processing plants and facilities to separate, treat, and purify natural gas streams.

 Removes impurities, contaminants, water, and sulfur compounds from raw natural gas.

 Utilizes processes such as dehydration, sweetening, fractionation, and liquefaction.

 Ensures product quality, pipeline specifications, and compliance with gas composition


Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Department:

 Develops and implements HSE policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure workplace safety.

 Conducts risk assessments, hazard identification, and safety audits.

 Provides training, awareness programs, and emergency response planning.

 Monitors environmental impact, pollution control measures, and regulatory compliance.

Supply Chain and Logistics Department:

 Manages procurement, logistics, and supply chain activities for equipment, materials, and


 Coordinates transportation, storage, and inventory management.

 Negotiates contracts with vendors, suppliers, and contractors.

 Ensures timely delivery, cost-effectiveness, and quality control in supply chain operations.

Commercial and Marketing Department:

 Develops market strategies, pricing models, and sales contracts for natural gas products.

 Negotiates sales agreements with domestic and international customers, utilities, and industrial


 Conducts market analysis, competitive intelligence, and business development initiatives.

 Coordinates with regulatory authorities, government agencies, and industry associations.

Research and Development (R&D) Department:

 Conducts research, innovation, and technology development in gas exploration, production,

and utilization.

 Collaborates with universities, research institutions, and technology partners.

 Evaluates new technologies, processes, and equipment for efficiency, sustainability, and cost-


 Supports continuous improvement, technical advancements, and industry best practices.

Finance and Accounting Department:

 Manages financial planning, budgeting, and cost control for natural gas projects and


 Tracks expenses, revenues, royalties, taxes, and financial performance.

 Prepares financial reports, forecasts, and investment analysis.

 Ensures compliance with financial regulations, audit requirements, and corporate governance.



Natural (butane) gas in it’s pure from is colorless, shapeless and odorless and it is seen in many ways

as the ideal fossil fuel, because it is clean, easy to transport, and convenient to use. Although in the

past was discarded and regarded as worthless, leading nations are now embracing its countless


In this day and age after the basic things that man needs for survival which are food, shelter and

clothes, power is a very essential amenity, it serves virtual every tool or equipment man uses to make

life easier e.g electricity, transportation etc. This power can be gotten from various sources like solar,

crude oil and natural gas. To harness this immense power potentials of this natural gas it has to be

firstly drilled from wells, either associated or non-associated wells, treated and distributed to various

customers that convert this natural gas to power that can be utilized by man i.e electricity, fuel for

vehicles. The process of treating and distribution of natural gas involves a process called gas metering.

NNPC through its subsidiary, Ibeto Butane Gas Industries Ltd (IBGS), supplies natural gas for power

generation, either as source of fuel or as feedstock to cement and fertilizer plants, glass, foodand

beverages, manufacturing industries and so on. The volume of gas sold is measured via various

metering stations. The main function of this metering stations include:

Filtration: which is the act of straining the gas for particles, condensate, mud etc.

Reduction: the act of reducing the gas pressure to the specification of our customers.

Metering: the act of measuring the volume of gas sold for appropriate billing.


Safety is the duty of all and it is vital that for every personnel in an organization should play their

respective roles towards a safe and healthy working environment by having essential safety knowledge

and a high level of safety awareness. In NGC, the first thing I learnt was about safety.

Safety is the condition of being safe, freedom from danger, risk or injury. It is also referred to as the

state of being protected against error, accidents or harm of any kind. Accident is a specific, unusual

and unexpected external action which occurs in a particular time and place, with no deliberate

intention that may lead to risk or injury, loss of property and life. In order to effectively reduce

accident potentials,we need to review the causes and consequences of accident.


Unsafe act: An unsafe act is any deviation from a generally recognized safe way of doing something

that may cause/contribute to an accident. Some examples include:failure to obey and observe any

safety sign and regulations, proper personal protective equipment, lack of concentration,etc.

Unsafe condition: Unsafe condition involves the condition of any tool, equipment, machinery,

material, structures, floor or parts of a workers physical surrounding that may cause or contribute to an

accident. This includes: defective tools and equipment, loose clothing and hazardous wears, poor

housekeeping hazards, etc.

Act of nature: These are natural occurring incidents that may cause accidents which include erosion,

earthquakes, etc.

Practical Safety on Accidents

Two basic principles of accident prevention are;

I. Determination of the potential or actual cause of the accident by identifying the unsafe acts and


II. Elimination of these causes-unsafe condition and act.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is anything used or worn by a person to minimize a risk to the

person's health or safety. PPE includes: eye protection, like goggles, glasses and face shields, hearing

protection, like ear plugs and ear muffs.


Fire can be defined as a chemical reaction which results in the production of heat, Fire occurs when

fuel,heat and oxygen react in the rightful proportion, which basically form the concept of a fire


Fire Triangle

Fire are commonly classified into four categories according to the fuel type. The classes of fire are as


I. Class A: Fire involving ordinary combustible or fire burning materials -wood, paper, textile which

tends to leave residues after burning.

II. Class B: Fire involving flammable liquids - gasoline part and solid synthetic rubber that liquefies

under heat.

III. Class C: Fires involving combustible gases and liquefied gases.

IV. Class D: Fire occurring in certain combustible metals which are easily oxidized-sodium (Na),

Potassium (K),Magnesium (Mg) and Aluminium(Al).

Electrical fires can fall into any of this classes and it covers fire in electrical motors, switches and light


Methods of Extinguishing Fire

The methods of extinguishing fire are as follows:


2. Smothering

3. Starvation


There are various types of fire extinguishers, the type of extinguisher used should be suitable for the

size of the fire and the risk involved. All extinguishers are properly identified as per their location, size

and content

Types of Fire Extinguishers


1.Water Extinguisher Red

2. Foam Extinguisher Cream

3.Dry Chemical Powder Blue/Green

Extinguisher(DCP)/Vaporized liquid extenuate

4.Carbon-dioxide Black







To ensure effective and efficient functioning of the plant, routine work inspections of the plant

equipment is carried out to check for any faults or malfunctioning of the equipment. If any is

observed, the operator on duty is informed for rectification and if the fault cannot be rectified, it is

reported to the zonal office for necessary maintenance action.

Bi-hourly logging of the process parameters such as the inlet pressure, gas scrubber inlet pressure,

differential pressure, static pressure, outlet/sales line pressure and temperature,are all noted and logged

in on the stations performance log sheet,of which a copy is taken to the zonal office to show a brief

summary of the station's daily status.


The gas been supplied is accounted for by daily calculation of gas figures which show the volume of

gas taken by customer depending on the number of hours on stream.The relevant parameters used in

the calculation of the daily gas figures are the daily average temperature (TR), daily average Static

pressure (pf), daily average differential pressure (ΔP),Hours on Stream.These parameters are

dependent on the orifice sizing i.e. the orifice diameter and the pipe diameter. The various parameters

to be solved for are as follows:

Gas Scrubbing:

This system consists of two parallel skid mounted horizontal scrubbing/filtering vessels, separating

from gas stream possible solid impurities and condensate liquids if any. One is operating; the other

scrubber is on standby. Each contain interconnected horizontal vessels of which the upper one is the

demister and the lower one the liquid/dirt settling chamber. The filter is of the cartridges filtering type

and each scrubber includes 16 cartridges; the demister is of vane type.

The natural gas flowing to the terminal passes through one of the scrubbers (eitherGS1 or GS2) and

due to both the reduction of the flow velocity and the action of the filtering cartridges, the gas is

cleared as specified from all possible impurities and as well from water, if any. The separated solids

and liquids are collected in the lower chamber of the scrubber from where it is evacuated through the

level control valves(LCVs) or through the bottom drain. The whole scrubbing system can be by-

passed by the operator,subject to ground conditions.

The gas scrubber has the following:

i. Centrifugal inlet device where the primary separation process takes place.

ii. Settling section that reduce the turbulence of fluid stream and allows the liquid droplets to fall to

the bottom of the equipment.

iii. Mist eliminator to eliminate small liquid droplet that did not settle

iv. Level control,liquid dump valve, gas back pressure and relief valves, pressure gauge,site

glass,instrument gas regulator and piping.

Gas Pre-Heating System:

The adiabatic expansion of the gas due to the pressure reduction (controlling the gas pressure), causes

a temperature drop which is a direct function of both the pressure drop and the absolute level of the

initial pressure. To surely avoid liquid condensation it is necessary that the final gas temperature,after

pressure reduction, be well above to the gas DEW POINT. To abide to such a condition, it is necessary

to provide the gas,before pressure reduction,the heat which it will lose passing from the high to low

level pressure level.

At Onne Metering Station the heat required to pre-heat the natural gas before pressure control is

generated by an INDIRECT FIRE HEATER (GH1), the gas in the process line is partialized into two

streams, depending from the opening degree in either direction of the TCV (temperature control valve)

three way valve. One stream flows in the normal direction and the other enters the heat exchanging

section of the heater.

Returning to the main process line after heating, the hot gas stream mixes with the cold one and the

resulting temperature of the mix is such as to obtain the desired temperature (set-point) after pressure

reduction. The level of the gas temperature, before pressure control, is governed by adjusting the

mixing ratio of the hot and cool gases, through the three-way valve thus the quantity entering the

heater. The governing factor is the final temperature, after pressure control, which is detected and

transmitted by the temperature transmitter which operates the positioner of the TCV.

Gas pressure control system:

The gas pressure control system takes place just after the gas heating. According to contract

specification the agreed inlet pressure to the Onne metering station is usually within the range of

64barg to 58barg. However the agreed outlet pressure to the Notore fertilizer plant is within the range

of 46barg to 40barg. Therefore the in coming gas must be reduced to the customer's requirement. A

pressure reduction skid consisting of four pressure reduction lines was provided, each line has an up-

stream manually operated ball valve, a down-stream gas operated ball valve, and two pressure control

valves, one on SERVICE and one on MONITORING. Out of the four pressure reduction lines,two are

3inch lines operating at a 10flow capacity of 4500 to50000c.m/h (cubic meters per hour), and the other

two are 10inch line operating at a 10flow capacity of 40000 to 153000c.m/h.

The operation of the pressure control is governed through either LOCAL or REMOTE MANUAL

CONTROL,while the line shut-off is controlled by pressure controllers,which intervene due to

delivery pressure higher than the set one.

Safety Devices against abnormally high pressures:

To assure maximum safety of the Station, operation safety devices are provided,toeither relief

theabnormal pressures or to cut-off the flow, in a case when the pressure relief devices fail to operate.

The following safety devices are provided on the safety skid.

 Thermal expansion safety valves PSV, releasing to the atmosphere.

 Pressure relief system,through safety valves,releasing to the BLOW-DOWN and VENTING


 Automatic venting system, parallel to the pressure relief system.

 Gas powered relief valve, manually remotely operated from the control room.

 Gas delivery shut-off,positioned at the station outlet, which automatically cut-off the flow, in case

the pressure goes above the maximum allowed limit.

Gas Metering System:

For a pipeline company to manage its gas pipeline system efficiently, it must knowhow much gas is in

the system at all times. This can be a daunting task, as pipeline systems often extend over thousands of

miles. To accomplish this, pipeline companies use metering stations to measure all natural gas entering

or exiting the pipeline system. A meter station may use:

 Orifice meters,

 Turbine meters,

 Ultrasonic meters, or Positive displacement meters to measure the gas flow.

After pressure control, the gas is measured through four metering lines,parallel connected, of the

calibrated disk type. Said lines are governed by the process flow computers. Each metering line has

the following apparatus:

Table 2.1: Metering line apparatus


Inlet MOV 203 202 203 204



Flow FV 204 202 203 201


Flow FE 201 202 203 204

calibrated disk

Manually BV 020 021 022 204


Temperature TI 206 208 210 209


Press indicator PI 207 208 209 205


Flow (low) FT 201 203 205 209

Flow (high) FT 202 204 206 210

Pressure PT 210 220 230 240


Temperature TT 201 203 205 209


All these transmitters feed the flow computers which are:

Flow FY 201 202 203 204



The orifice meter is the equipment used in the Onne Terminal for the measurement of flow,and there

are two kinds on the metering skid,the Daniel Senior Orifice meters on the larger 8 inch lines and the

Daniel Junior Orifice meters on the smaller 4 inch lines. Throughout the oil and gas industry,there

stems the need for accurate,economical measurement of process fluids. Orifice metering satisfies most

flow measurement applications and is the most common flow meter in use today.

The orifice meter, sometimes called the head loss flow meter, is chosen most frequently because of its

long history of use in many applications,versatility,and low cost,as compared to other flow meter


The orifice meter consists of a primary element and secondary element(s).The primary element

includes a section of straight run pipe with a constrictive device,most commonly and orifice

plate,which causes change in energy. The energy changes in the form of a loss in static pressure and

increased velocity through the orifice. The secondary element senses the change in pressure, or

differential pressure. This differential pressure combined with correction factors for the primary

device and physical characteristics of the fluid being measured allows computation of rate off low.

Proven flow factors and established procedures convert the differential pressure into flow rate.

These factors and/coefficients are based on measurable dimensions of the primary device, such as the

pipe inside diameter and the orifice bore diameter,along with the physical properties of the fluid being

measured,such as specific gravity, density, and viscosity

Orifice flow meter


The gas in the process line is analyzed to know the various constituents of the gas a particular

time,the following gas analysis are performed:

 Gas density

 Gas composition,this done by the gas chromatograph

 Gas thermal heat(gross)

After the analysis have been done the result is fed to the master computer for recording and then sent

to the printer for printing


The blow-down system consists of one BLOW-DOWN VESSEL and one VENT STACK one electric

pump and one BURN PIT.

The blow-down vessel which collects the gas/liquid coming from the vessels where liquid

condensation could have taken place (filters, scraper barrels etc.). While pure gas streams are

directly flown to the vent stack.

Inside the blow-down vessel the final separation of gas from liquid takes place at atmosphericpressure

and the separated gas is vented off through the VENT. The liquid collected on the vessel bottom, is

either evacuated by truck o burn-off into the burn pit.



The electric power required to operate the ONNE TERMINAL is supplied by the NOTORE

FERTILIZER PLANT through a 415/240V feeder, of 100A capacity and the short circuit current of 20

KA. The incoming feeder includes:

 Current transformer,with selector and amp meter

 Fuse and voltage transformer with selector switch and voltmeter

 Automatic circuit breaker.

The terminal power distribution apparatus are housed into the power board located in the electric cabin

of the Terminal Control Building.


The instrumentation includes a number of instrumentation which can be classified to their


 Local gauging and dialing instruments, Which detects the process parameters and shows them as

analogic signal on local indicators (i.e. pressure and temperature gauges, level indicators etc.)

 Gauging/transmitting instruments, which read the process parameters and transmit them,as

analogic electric signal, to other, either local or remote, apparatus for further elaboration and/or


 Alarms and safety devices,which alert the terminal operating personal on anomalous operating

conditions and/or call to directly operate the safety devices (i.e.relief,shut- down,firefighting etc.)

 Process control apparatus, which elaborates the received field data and transmit COMMAND's to

the field apparatus to the system running within the desired operational limits(i.e.pressure,


 Process data recording apparatus which records on paper the main process parameters.


Corrosion control of pipeline systems primarily composed of steel and other metals is critical to

system integrity. Buried metallic objects will corrode (chemically oxidize) through participation in

electrochemical reactions if not adequately protected. Corrosion control is accomplished through a

variety of means. In most instances, paints and protective coatings are applied followed by wrapping

and taping sections of mainline pipe prior to burial to isolate the metallic pipe and prevent its

participation in electrochemical reactions. In addition,cathodic protection is provided through the use

of an impressed current or sacrificial anodes to counteract those electrochemical reactions.

The Cathodic protection system has the scope to protect the pipeline (not the TERMINALS) against

the corrosive action of the currents freely circulation theground.

The adopted system is of the impressed current type and consists of:

 Cathodic protection transformer rectifier

 Surge diverter

The effectiveness of the cathodic protection is obtained when all points of the line under protection

show a potential of-.85V or lower, measured versus the saturated Copper/Copper sulphate electrode.

In practical terms the protection is assured when the -.85V is measured at the initial point of the line at


Control building:

The Control room houses the main station control panel,and the remote operations are carried out here,

maneuvering the operational apparatus by pushing and or switching the control knobs located on the

control panel.

Safety Apparatus:

The Onne Terminal is provided with safety apparatus directly involving the process flow as well the

auxiliary safety apparatus like fire extinguishers, fire and smoke detectors and alarms. The control

building is provided with an automatic firefighting system consisting of

flame and smoke detectors as well as a Halon 1301 gas sprayer actuated from the smoke and flame


In Addition to the above, eight wall mounted, 50kg capacity and ten portable 12kg capacity powder

fire extinguishers are provided. The external area is provided of wheel mounted, 50kg capacity and ten

portable 12kg capacity powder fire extinguishers.

In addition to the above six detectors are provided close to the various process skids to alert

the Terminal operating personnel of fire if any.


Valves were a major occurrence in the Station, and where of a major importance to the work carried

out the station,the valves in the station where employed for isolation, open and closing, and most

especially for controlling i.e. partially closing and opening dependent on the input and output process

variable. Valves are devices that regulates, directs or controls the flow of a fluids by opening, closing,

or partially obstructing various passageways.In the oil industry Valves are of a major importance and

are found in virtually every process facility. These valves are used to isolate, switch,and control fluid

flow in piping systems.Some valves in the station are operated manually (using levers or gear

operators) while some others are operated remotely (usingelectric, pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, and

electro-hydraulic powered actuators).Manual valves are usually used only if they will be operated

infrequently or no power source is available.

Basic Valve Types Seen in the Onne metering station

Isolation valves:on/off valves

Typically operated as fully open or fully closed, designed to have a tight reliable seal during shut-off

and minimal flow restriction when open. These valves are employed for use when there is a need for

maintenance on a particular section of the piping system; they are used to isolate the particular section

in need of maintenance from the whole system to avoid breakage in flow of the process fluid.

Control valves: used to modulate flow (i.e vary flow by opening or closing by a certain percentage).

These valves are of major importance in the the metering station, there are found on the

the metering station, there are found on the pressure reduction skid, they are used for pressure

reduction and at times to regulate flow (flow rate) of the process fluid. (flow rate) of the process fluid.

Ball valve: a ball with a hole through one diameter that can be rotated to align with the flow or block

it, they provide quick, tight shutoff,high capacity,and require only a 1/4 turn to operate and can be

actuated with pneumatic and electric actuators.

Plug valve: Similar to a ball valve except that a cylinder is used instead of a sphere,more expensive

but more rugged than a ball valve, require more torque to turn but still easy to actuate can be used as a

three-way valve.

Operated mechanically by a float that rests on top of the liquid; as the level rises, it pushes the float up

and closes the valve.

Gate valves: A sliding disk slides up and down in and out of the fluid, good for high pressure drop and

high temperature applications where operation is infrequent, manual operation or else multi-turn

electric actuators are most common.

Globe valves: A conical plug moves in and out of the fluid, can be used for shutoff as well as

throttling (flow restriction to cause a drop in pressure) in high pressure drop and temperature

applications. Available in globe, angle, and y-patterns, manual operation or else multi-turn electric

actuators are most common, easier to repair but more pressure drop than a gate or plug valve

Solenoid valve: Electrically operated, valve plug is held in place by a spring, when power is applied,

the current draws through the coil generates an electromagnetic force that opposes the spring and

changes the plug position. When power is taken away, the spring returns the plug to its normal


Switching Valves: Converge and divert flow in a piping system, usually 3-way valves are usedbecause

they can take the place of 2-way valves, 3-way valves are usually ball, plug, or globe design, two

butterfly valves mounted on a pipe tee will also work and is cost-effective for large pipe control

valves. Valves listed earlier can be used to modulate flow, but some work better than others.

Diaphragm valves work well to throttle flow,proportional solenoid valves are economical,

reciprocating globe valves, are rugged, expensive, and very accurate(<2% accuracy).



The challenges I encountered during the Industrial Training period and some few observations made at

the station were:

1. The lack of good organizational system in the country, the race to secure an industrial attachment

was a very horrible experience,because I faced a lot of rejects and turn downs at the gates of

companies. From my understanding this program was established with the intent of allocating or

securing students in companies related to their various disciplines.

2. Adaption to the industry, the working principles and equipment in the station,it was all new to me

because I never been exposed to any such tools or equipment at school. I also had to adapt to the

working conditions on ground in the facility,

3. Working without adequate PPE for a long while, until the PPEs where final allocated.

4. Inadequate attention paid to equipment in the station, most of the gauges are bad, and the controllers

and the sometimes we also experienced passing from the valves.


Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation (NNPC) through Nigerian Gas Company (NGC) plays a

huge role in the harnessing in harnessing, transmitting and sales of our natural gas reserves. The

amount of gas sold is measured the various metering stations. The main functions of these metering

stations include:Filtration,Reduction,andMetering.

This report has done an exhaustive work in explanation and illustration of the principles both

theoretically and practically of the workings and activities carried out in metering station, the uses and

operations of the various engineering equipment in the metering station.

Throughout my stay in the Onne metering station as an industrial attaché, the operators in my shift did

their best to impart upon me the knowledge of the operations of the plant. They helped me bridge the

gap between the theoretical and field experience in my field of study as undergraduate engineer.

The period of attachment has being a highly profitable one in my general training to become an

engineering, I worked with various engineering equipment like heat exchangers, separators,orifice


The SIWES programme is mind profitable learning programme, which has enabled me to experience a

mental picture about an industrial working environment and its working principles involving the

knowledge gained from my academic institution, and has given me an opportunity to learn about gas

metering in Nigerian Gas Company.


Ways of improving the SIWES program

1. The proposed stipends to be given to students on the Scheme during their participation in the

programme should be disbursed in time to enable the students manage and survive in these funds

during the training period.

2. Quick allocation of Supervisors to the students for proper handling of their affairs in earnest time.

3. SIWES should help in find attachment space for students.

Advice for future participants

1. Try to avail yourselves for such an immensely profiting program.

2. Be attentive and pay close attention to your work experience.


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