Lecture13 2022

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What I want you to know

How the different sequencing technologies work

The Different generations of sequencing technology
How the different sequencing technologies are used
The differences in the data that are produced from the different technologies

What is Big Data in genomics and its influence on your future.

PacBio Sequencing
PacBio technology

Two fundamental Innovations

Fluorescent molecule at terminal phosphate
Other NGS technologies on base
DNA polymerase cleaves fluorescent label when base incorporated
Natural DNA strand left over

Nanophotonic visualisation chamber called the Zero Mode Waveguide (ZMW)

50 nm wide
Small detection volume
1 Nucleotide can be detected
Millisecond fluorescent pulses collected
1. A DNA template-polymerase complex is immobilized at the bottom of
ZMW chamber.

2. Different fluorescently labelled nucleotides are introduced into the ZMW


3. DNA is not fractionated as seen in the second generation technologies.

4. During incorporation, the phosphate chain is cleaved, releasing the attach-

ed fluorophore which produces a light pulse.

5. The nucleotide that is incorporated into the new strand will be present for
milliseconds while the polymerase is catalyzing the new phosphodiester
bond. This time difference provides sufficient signal to enable accurate base-
calling. ZMW provides a tiny detection volume which enables observation of
the individual molecules against the required background of labelled
nucleotides, while maintaining high signal to noise.

6. This process occurs in parallel in every ZMWs which are monitored

simultaneously, in real time.
Process occurs
in parallel.
Nanopore Sequencing
MinION technology

Protein nanopore (nanoscale diameter)
As a Ionic flow is applied continuously any particle movement (DNA, RNA
or even Protein) can disrupt the voltage across the channel which is detected
by standard electrophysiological technique. Readout is relied on the size
difference between all dNTP.
Reading speed is 30 bases per second per nanopore.

The lack of a polymerase implies

that nanopore sequencing is less
sensitive to temperature.

DNA is not fractionated as seen for

second generation technologies.
Process occurs
in parallel.
All second generation NGS relies on shotgun sequencing
De novo assembly
Reference-based assembly
De novo assembly
Genome comparisons
Species Complex
100 F. graminearum 31084
100 F. asiaticum 26156
Fusarium phylogeny 100 F. culmorum 25475
F. pseudograminearum 28062
19 genes
F. praegraminearum 39664
55,140 bp 23,668 PIC 100 F. sporotrichioides 3299
best ML tree: -927514.615 100 F. langsethiae 53436

F. armeniacum 6227 sambucinum
100 F. sambucinum 13708
100 100
F. venenatum 66329
F. poae 26941
100 F. compactum 13829
100 100 F. transvaalense 31008
F. longipes 13317
F. longipes 13368-1
100 F. chlamydosporum 13444
100 100 F. nelsonii 13338 chlamydosporum
F. aywerte 25410
100 F. scirpi 66328
100 F. equiseti 66338 incarnatum-
F. irregulare 31160
94 equiseti
F. hainanense 66475
100 F. avenaceum 54939
100 F. tricinctum 25481 tricinctum
99 F. torulosum 22747
100 F. nurragi 36452

F. graminum 20692
F. heterosporum 20693
100 F. fujikuroi 5538
100 F. mangiferae 25226
F. sacchari 66326
100 F. thapsinum 22049
100 F. verticillioides 20956
F. xylarioides 25486
86 F. circinatum 25331

100 F. subglutinans 66333
99 90 F. guttiforme 22945
Fusarium sp. 52700
100 F. gaditjirrii 45417
100 F. lyarnte 54252
F. miscanthi 26231 nisikadoi
F. nisikadoi 25179
F. commune 28387

Genomics and you
Golden State Killer – Joseph James DeAngelo
First convicted offender based on genome seq (August 2020)

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