Largerthanlife Stonegiants
Largerthanlife Stonegiants
Largerthanlife Stonegiants
q w r t u o l e r h g f d s a z bn e ry i o lk h f d s a z bn m
Design: Mike Welham Art Direction & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Editing: Savannah Broadway Accountant: Shelly Baur
Cover Art: Addison Rankin Publisher: Wolfgang Baur
Interior Art: Malcolm Mcclinton, Addison Rankin
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S ome of the longest lived of their kind, stone
giants spend most of their 800 years in
peaceful pursuits. They live at the rocky
peaks of mountain ranges and, from their caves, raise
hardy livestock and contemplate both their own lives
time with these giants learn far more than they may
need to know about different types of stone, such as
details on each type’s basic properties, and esoteric
information such as the intonation each type makes
when struck.
and the passage of history. Adult and elder stone Due to the giants’ long lifespans, childbirth
giants take a measured approach to everything—a is a rare occurrence, and stone giant children
luxury granted by their inaccessible homes. account for less than a fourth of a typical tribe’s
Stone giants trust the mountains and extreme population. Unlike many giants, who view children
altitude to take care of most invaders, only falling as competition for meager resources, stone giants
back on their ability to blend into stone and their cherish their few young and look forward to
intimate knowledge of their cave homes to repel imparting their wisdom. During childhood, the
the most stubborn pursuers. For many other giants, young listen with rapt attention to their elders and
such an invasion would provoke a devastating are remarkably mindful of the adults. Much like
counterattack, but this is not the case for most stone shepherding duties, child rearing is a communal
giants. Instead, they see this as an opportunity to affair and allows the children to grow up with the
improve their defenses and educate captives about same experiences and lessons. The giants view these
the tribe’s peaceful intentions before releasing them. formative years as a secure foundation for the rest of
However, not all stone giants are peaceful hermits; their children’s lives—especially in light of the next
adults have to spend considerable effort to rein in the stage in their development.
hotheaded adolescents in their tribe. More proactive At roughly 80 years of age, stone giants enter
than their seniors, young stone giants would rather a brief period of adolescence. Most older giants
change the world than observe it. The adults and elders refer to this time as the “molten rock years,” while
know this phase will pass, though, and appreciate some disparagingly call it the “porous rock years.”
the passion expressed by the younger members of The adolescents devote considerable energy to
the tribe. However, a hotheaded, charismatic young affecting change and scoff at their elders’ desire
leader with enough followers can take advantage to ponder courses of action. This is a dangerous
of this undirected energy and unleash catastrophic time for the tribe, since outside forces can easily
attacks against lowlanders. This, in turn, drives sway adolescents, causing harm to both themselves
counteroffensives, usually resulting in the giants and to the giants’ overall reputation. Most hostile
resolving the conflict by leaving their long-standing encounters with stone giants are with adolescents,
homes for several humanoid generations, eventually and since they are nearly the same size and strength
returning when the hostilities have been forgotten. as adults, their victims cannot tell the difference. As
all adults have passed through this tumultuous phase,
LIVES AND CUSTOMS they understand the necessity for it and the eventual
lesson that “hasty solutions to perceived problems
Stone giants lead agrarian lives, tending to flocks create even greater difficulties.” Most young giants
of sheep and herds of goats suited for the thinner reach adulthood without major harm, and gain an
atmosphere. Their relatively slow metabolisms mean appreciation for taking the long view on all matters.
they have little need for meat from these livestock. After this approximately 20-year period, stone
This also means they have little desire to raid nearby giants settle into adulthood and become stalwart
settlements for their resources. The giants share the members of their society. At some point in an adult
task of shepherding these animals, and usually spend stone giant’s life—some as early as 400 years of age,
the time with their charges in quiet contemplation. while others wait until closer to the end of their
Other than the rare oversized raptor the giants must natural lifespan—they decide to “sink into stone” or
drive away, herding the animals requires very little “search for new stone.” The giants undertake a lonely
attention, allowing time to dwell on matters of life, journey with the tribe’s blessing. They leave behind
death, and the nuances of stone. Those who spend the burden of daily concerns and either become
hermits in caves at the tallest mountain peak in the tomb directly beneath their living areas.
tribe’s range, or travel away from the region entirely. The duty of creating a tomb falls to an elder, who
Those giants that choose solitary existences almost can magically influence stone to leave a space large
literally become one with the mountain, and their enough to fit the dead giant. The body remains in the
tribes hold their caves as sacred; an outsider that open grave until the following day when the elder
defiles one of them finds the surest and quickest way fills in the tomb. After this ceremonial “reclamation
to incur the giants’ wrath. From their vantage points, by the mountain,” the stone is said to echo the
the hermits can view several hundred square miles deceased giant’s thoughts for those that exercise the
of the mountainous region and the surrounding patience to listen.
foothills, along with an unobstructed view of the Stone giants produce other enduring legacies, both
heavens. During this decades-long period of solitude, in art and with more utilitarian stone items for future
the giants reflect on their lives and experiences while generations. Foremost, they carve intricate bas reliefs
taking in the vistas afforded them. The internalization on the walls of their cave homes or craft standalone
of their lessons learned unlocks personal power in art objects from stone. A minor philosophical divide
them, and they return to their tribes as elder stone separates stone giant tribes: the majority believes
giants possessing mastery over stone. stone should remain intact and unseparated from
Stone giants that vacate their mountain homes other stone and only express their art through bas
obtain the same power, but it derives from their reliefs, while those who also fashion standalone
desire to learn from other beings. They integrate items believe they honor the mountain that gave up
themselves into a humanoid society, preferably one the material. Arguments between opposing giants
underground or on rocky terrain. Well-established regarding the two approaches continue for weeks
communities neighboring the mountains are and rarely sway either proponent, even as each side
aware of this behavior and welcome the otherwise carefully considers points and counterpoints.
frightening wanderers into their midst. Bas reliefs provide not only a historical record
The inquisitive giants do not barrage people with of the tribe’s accomplishments, but also a detailed
questions. Instead, they ask several people the same history of the neighboring region. Long-lasting tribes
question, retreat to think on the collected answers, have several walls covering millennia of events.
then follow up as needed. Villagers become used Standalone objects tend toward simple spherical,
to revisiting conversations that took place days or cubic, or pyramidal shapes, but two or more different
weeks prior as the giants finally decide to pursue the types of stone generally comprise these objects,
thread again. In turn, the giants are happy to answer expanding their array of textures and patterns. An
questions about their lives, physiology, and other object’s aesthetic value is lost on all non-stone giants,
stone giant-related matters. Additionally, they help except for the most experienced stoneworkers.
out with menial tasks and even fight on behalf of Stone giants’ clubs are another set of items
their adopted neighbors. where their artistry shines, even though those with
This pattern ends after a few months, when the untrained eyes may see them as simple weapons.
giants uproot and travel to new communities. The giants hew their clubs from the strongest stone
They repeat this process many times before their and fashion them for maximum effectiveness. While
freshly obtained insights transform them into more the giants have no problem with dozens of stone
powerful members of their race, at which time they cubes and balls filling up their caves, they do not see
return to their tribes. the need for weapons cluttering up their homes, so
Not all stone giants become elders, and not all they bequeath their clubs to the younger giants on
elders live long enough to enjoy their newfound their passing. The youths then augment their clubs
power. The giants realize death is as inevitable as the to personalize them. An individual club might have
erosion of stone by the elements, and they embrace several runes and counters etched along its surface,
it as another step in their progression. They believe each meaningful to current or previous owners.
that the wisdom gathered during an individual’s life
endures forever, so they inter a deceased giant into a
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION development and offer considered criticism
Unlike most giant races, stone giants rarely and advice about future improvements.
establish leaders among themselves. As Excellent chefs, animal handlers (for the dire
they see it, no particular type of stone is bears common in a stone giant lair), stone
better than another and each type has its cutters, musicians, or magically talented
suited purpose—which does not include giants can emerge from the tribe’s ranks.
rulership over the other types. The adults While the giants appreciate the advice
share responsibility for the tribe equally, they receive from their tribe, they truly
with individuals trading off on various enjoy discussing their gifts with others who
duties, such as shepherding and hunting. If share them. Fortunately, once per decade,
they need a nominal leader to interact with the various giant tribes spread throughout
envoys who insist on meeting a chief, they a mountain range hold a month-long
elect someone based on the perceived fit moot, where the giants can discuss their
with the other group. crafts, share their tribes’ experiences, and
Diplomacy with stone giants is an trade news regarding momentous events
agonizingly slow process for others, as the occurring in their territory. Several local
giants spend days deliberating on trade rulers may die and numerous wars might
agreements or even something as simple start and end within the ten-year span
as allowing a caravan to pass through between moots, but the giants do not
mountains they control. They put nearly consider such events important enough to
every major tribal decision to a vote among mention. The gradual expansion of a mighty
the adults after a period of discussion, empire or the recent arrival of a dragon will
weighing the pros and cons of all choices. spark interest, though, and the convening
While the giants put considerable weight giants discuss long-term strategies for
on wisdom of age, they do not completely dealing with gradually developing situations.
defer to the elders, who have a vote just The tribes also trade members that wish to
like the others. Sometimes, though, their visit other parts of the vast mountain range.
deliberations are abandoned quickly, such
as during an attack. At that point, the giants RELIGION AND RUNE USE
act quickly and decisively to put down the Stone and the very foundations of the
imminent threat. world garner the most worship from stone
giants, and they are quite devout in that
Adolescents look for leaders to guide
worship. However, they also pay homage
them, and the more charismatic giants
to deities who oversee giants and earth.
readily gain influence. Sometimes this leads
Those who follow particular deities invoke
many young giants astray, as they do not
them when they inter a deceased giant into
consider the ramifications of their actions.
stone, but the stone itself receives the most
The adults view this as necessary to the
reverence. According to the giants, since
learning process, and hope that their hasty
stone surrounds them rendered them in its
decisions do not cause too much difficulty
image, it deserves their worship. Itinerant
for the tribe.
stone giants also accept the deities of their
Despite their similar appearances and
adopted cultures into their lives, as they
egalitarian nature, stone giants are distinct
see this veneration as a broadening of
individuals and pursue varied interests with
experience. These giants who return as
a deep and abiding passion. Nearly every
elders retain some respect for the gods and
stone giant specializes in something that few
goddesses they discovered and will even
others do and brings the fruits of this joy to
say a relatively quick prayer to each one.
the tribe. The other giants encourage this
However, like most stone giants, they do not feel the Gnomes: Stone giants have a similar view toward
need to convert others. gnomes as they have toward dwarves, but they
Stone giants use runes for protection and recognize the differences between the two races.
strength more than anything else. They favor uruz The gnomes’ obsession with a particular vocation
(strength), fehu (livestock), thurisaz (giants), nauđiz impresses most giants, who see a sort of kindred
(necessity), and othala (inheritance) runes over the spirit in the smaller folks’ way of devoting several
others. However, they also use raido (travel), gebu years to a single task. Even if the task makes
(hospitality), and dagaz (laying the dead to rest) no sense to a giant in terms of practicality, he
depending on the situation. For more information on appreciates the enduring commitment. The few
magical runes, see Deep Magic or Northlands. giants that visit gnome communities often return
with a similar monomaniacal focus.
RELATIONS WITH OTHER RACES Halflings: Despite the overwhelming size
As far as giant races go, stone giants have the most difference between the two races, halflings are
prosperous overall relationships with the smaller the most hospitable race to stone giants—they
races. While most giants prefer longer-lived appreciate a giant race that does not reflexively
humanoids who understand patience and prudent attempt to squash, subjugate, or eat them. Visiting
action, some enjoy the challenge of engaging with giants should expect many questions in rapid
people who make comparatively snap judgments. succession when they arrive, soon followed by
Dwarves: Given that giants and dwarves are requests to reach high items and perform feats
generally enemies, it comes as a surprise to of strength. The giants view surviving a stay with
outside observers that dwarves not only tolerate halflings with their patience intact as a true test
stone giants but also sometimes invite them to of willpower, and avoid traveling to a successive
their underground homes. In turn, the giants halfling community.
appreciate dwarves the most of all humanoid Humans, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs: Stone
races, and those giants who choose travel in their giants tend to consider all three of these races as
path to enlightenment visit at least one dwarven the same, but they are willing to accept members
community. When members of the two races meet, of the races as individuals once they get to know
they usually exchange crafting techniques, and the them. The giants view them as mercurial, and find
giants consider it great good fortune to discover interactions with them to be dizzying. The idea
a dwarven clan that works with stone more than that a person could choose a course of action and
metal. Neighboring dwarves and giants sometimes within minutes change their minds baffles the
enter into mutual protection pacts, which last for contemplative giants.
several centuries. Members of these three races also instigate the
Elves: Since most elves do not find rocky and most hostility in an effort to expand their empires.
relatively barren terrain attractive, the giants The long-lived giants see dozens of fleeting
have very little interaction with elves. The rare dominions that disrupt many lives and cause untold
meetings between the two have gone well, as they casualties, and fail to understand why these races
find common ground in taking the long view of make such shortsighted and costly decisions. Still,
matters of importance. Perhaps due to their wildly some giants welcome the challenge to learn from,
differing aesthetic senses, some giants enjoy visiting and perhaps teach, these races when they travel.
elven lands to broaden their artistic horizons, often Other Giants: Many other giant races confuse
alarming elves unused to non-hostile encounters and sadden stone giants, who believe that if the
with their kind. The giant is understanding of any other giants could quell their aggressive tendencies,
initial hostilities, though, and once she assures them they could progress into thriving communities
of her peaceful intentions the elves often offer their where they can reach their full potential. They most
hospitality. Even if they do not, however, the giant routinely encounter ogres and hill giants, who are
holds no grudge. belligerent at best, but since they are more powerful
than their lesser cousins, they easily rebuff the
disorganized attacks mounted against them. If stone Earthen Veins
giants decide the less-powerful giants might create You embrace your elemental nature and gain a
so great a disruption as to invoke backlash against measure of protection.
all giants in the region, they regretfully attempt to Prerequisites: Stone giant, Con 21.
drive out or thin the numbers of their lesser kin. Benefit: You gain acid resistance 5.
Stone giants in northern climes or snow-capped
peaks might run afoul of frost giants, and usually Embrace of Stone
avoid already claimed areas. By comparison, a Stone surfaces seem to accommodate you, keeping
migrating band of frost giants that happens upon you hidden from view.
stone giant-controlled mountains will usually Prerequisite: Stone giant.
attempt to oust the native population, who must Benefit: You gain an additional +8 bonus on
make a quick decision between fighting to keep your racial bonus to Stealth checks in rocky or
their land and ceding it to the invaders. mountainous terrain.
Enduring Crafter
STONE GIANT RACIAL RULES Your stone creations resist breakage and other damage.
Stone giants draw their strength from their rocky Prerequisite: Stone giant, Craft (stonemasonry or
environment and craft or enhance items yielded by weapons) 3 ranks.
the stone. While they eschew the use of weapons, Benefit: Any stone item you craft receives a +4 bonus
they understand the need for them, and their to its break DC or grants a +4 bonus to the bearer’s
craftspeople prove quite adept at the development CMD on sunder checks, as appropriate to the item.
of devastating weapons using the potential energy
contained within stone. Capable spellcasters intensify Excavator
their ability to manipulate earth and enhance the Your mastery of stone allows you to affect more of it
giants’ understanding of the world around them. with your magic.
Prerequisite: Elder stone giant.
STONE GIANT RACIAL FEATS Benefit: You treat your caster level as 2 higher for the
Stone giants that seek to better themselves do so by purposes of the volume affected by your spells and
strengthening their bond to the element with which spell-like abilities that transmute stone.
they are most associated. They also like abilities that
turn their methodical processes to their advantage. Granite Fists (Combat)
Your hands and arms take on the consistency and
Already There hardness of granite, allowing you to strike more
Your skin becomes stone in substance as well as powerful blows without your weapons.
appearance. While this does not grant you any Prerequisite: Stone giant.
physical protection, it keeps you safe from being
Benefit: You improve your slam attacks by one
turned to stone.
die. If you have the Improved Unarmed Strike
Prerequisite: Stone giant. and Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) feats, your
Benefit: You are immune to spells and effects that unarmed strike also improves by one die.
cause petrification or slow you down through Special: You can take this feat one additional time,
partial petrification. and its benefits stack.
Deliberator Hide in Stone
The longer you consider a vexing issue, the more You have an almost chameleonic ability when
likely you are to arrive at a solution. standing in front of stone.
Prerequisite: Stone giant. Prerequisite: Stone giant, Stealth 5 ranks.
Benefit: For each uninterrupted hour spent in Benefit: While you are in a stony area devoid of
thought on a question or problem, you gain a +1 vegetation, you may use Stealth even while being
insight bonus to any skill checks (maximum +8). observed.
Improved Earthen Veins Rocky Skin
Your connection to the element of earth intensifies. Your skin gains the qualities of the stone that
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Con 23, Earthen Veins. surrounds you.
Benefit: Your acid resistance increases to 10. Prerequisite: Stone giant.
Benefit: You gain hardness 2.
Impenetrable Skin
All but the most powerful weapons deflect off your Root in Place
rocky epidermis. Your feet find purchase in stone, making it extremely
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Improved Rocky Skin, difficult for others to move you from your spot.
Rocky Skin. Prerequisites: Stone giant, Surety of Stone.
Benefit: You gain hardness 8.
Master Stonecrafter
Your stonework has an inherent quality that exceeds
that of your peers.
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Craft (stonemasonry or
weapons) 5 ranks.
Benefit: Stone items you craft have the
masterwork quality, but you do not have to
pay the extra price for this quality.
Benefit: As an immediate action, you make yourself Surety of Stone
nearly immobile, granting you a +8 bonus to CMD to Stone grips your feet as you walk across it. This
resist to bull rush, drag, reposition, and trip attempts. does not impede your movement, but it gives you
While in this rooted state, you also take a –4 penalty assurance that you will not fall even on the narrowest
on Reflex saves. You must remain in this state for strips of stone.
at least 1 full round, after which you can return to Prerequisite: Stone giant.
normal as a free action at the beginning of your turn.
Benefit: You gain a +8 bonus on Acrobatics checks to
Sharpstone Savant balance while on stone surfaces.
Stone weapons are normally dull and incapable of
Unyielding Mind
slicing or piercing opponents. This is not the case
Once you set yourself on a course of action, even
when you craft them.
magical influence will not deter you from it.
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Master Stonecrafter, Craft
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Wis 11.
(weapons) 7 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on saves against mind-
Benefit: You may create stone weapons that deal
affecting (compulsion or charm) spells and effects.
piercing or slashing damage. These weapons do not
have the fragile condition and have the full hardness STONE GIANT EQUIPMENT
of their base weapons. Many stone giants have a penchant for item creation
Normal: Weapons made of stone have half the that extends beyond mere weapon making. While
hardness of their base weapons and have the fragile most of their works only have—some would argue
condition. dubious—artistic merit, they also fashion practical
items for the tribe. Stone giants encountered by the
Slow Metabolism
PCs could have any of the following items.
You slow your metabolism down such that you require
food and water infrequently. This provides more time Clarity Moss
to ponder life’s mysteries without interruption. Price 7 gp; Weight 0.5 lbs.; Craft DC 20
Prerequisites: Stone giant, Endurance. This alchemically treated gray-green moss found
Benefit: You can go without water for a number of in barren regions opens up the mind of a creature
days equal to your Constitution score. After this that eats it to an array of inputs. For one hour
time, you make a Constitution check each day (DC after ingestion, it grants a +8 alchemical bonus on
10, +1 for each previous check) to avoid taking Perception, Sense Motive, and trained Knowledge
damage. You can go without food for 10 days. checks, but the sensory overload renders the creature
Afterwards, you must make a Constitution check sickened otherwise.
each day (DC 10, +1 for each previous check).
You are also immune to spells or effects that cause Exploding Rock
starvation or dehydration. Price 8 gp
Type simple
Stone Summoning Spell (Metamagic) Stone giants can work disparate types of rock together
You can augment creatures you summon with the into a whole, and this weapon is a deadly example
power and protection of earth. of that ability. The wielder throws it like a normal
Prerequisite: Stone giant. rock with no penalty, and it deals damage as usual.
Benefit: You can alter a summon monster or Additionally, when it impacts its target or a hard
summon nature’s ally spell such to grant the surface, it explodes in fragments that deal damage
creature(s) summoned a +2 enhancement bonus to to all creatures in a 5-foot radius equal to 2 points of
Strength and hardness 2. A stone summoning spell damage per die of original damage dealt by the rock.
uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s
actual level.
Stone Drums
Price 315 gp; Weight 12 lbs.
Unsurprisingly, stone giants make liberal use of
With the correct equipment or drummer, these
magic employing stone, both through the ground
drums fashioned from different types of stone create
on which they stand and objects they wield.
a frightening reverberation that shakes the earth
Additionally, they use magic that allows them to gain
and rattles bones. To play the drums properly, the
a greater understanding of the world around them.
drummer must be a stone giant and either have
the earth subtype or possess masterwork mallets;
otherwise she takes a –5 penalty on Perform
The following spells are known in many stone giant
(percussion) checks. A creature trained in Perform
(percussion instruments) can use the skill in place of
Intimidate check to demoralize opponents. Bombardment
School evocation [earth]; Level druid 5, sorcerer/
Stone Softener wizard 5
Price 450 gp; Weight 1 lb.; Craft DC 25
Casting Time 1 standard action
Stone giants typically use this mildly caustic Components V, S, M/DF (handful of pebbles)
alchemical substance to render stone more pliable Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
for art projects and other bits of crafting. It reduces a Area 20-ft. spread
5-foot cube of stone to a clay-like state for 10 minutes, Duration 1 round/6 levels (D)
after which the stone returns to its natural state. Saving Throw Reflex half (see below); Spell
If applied to rocky ground, the 5-foot square of Resistance no
rock softened by the substance entangles any creature
A stone missile strikes every target in the spell’s
entering it. A creature stuck in the area at the end of
area, dealing 4d8 points of bludgeoning damage.
the 10-minute duration has its base speed reduced to
Additionally, if the target fails its Reflex save, the stone
0 and must break free of the stone (90 hp, Break DC
makes a combat maneuver check (CMB equal to your
25) to regain mobility.
caster level + modifier from your spellcasting attribute
Stone softener cannot be used in this way on + 4) to knock the target prone. If you are able to call
surfaces such as flagstone-set streets. forth multiple rounds of stones, you can change the
center of the bombardment as a standard action.
Erupting Wall
School transmutation [earth]; Level druid 3,
sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect 10-ft. square stone wall
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance
yes (object)
This spell instantaneously builds an intervening
wall from existing stone that provides cover. The wall
cannot be used to displace items or creatures, and
the spell fails if you attempt to place the wall in an
occupied square. The wall returns to its natural state
when the spell ends.
Immutability per mote created)
School abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 6 Range personal
Casting Time 1 standard action Effect one rock/2 levels
Components V, S, M (slate tablet) Duration 1 round/level (D)
Range touch Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target creature touched This spell creates a number of rocks that encircle
Duration 1 hour/level you to provide protection and which you can launch
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell at opponents. For each intact rock encircling you,
Resistance yes (harmless) you gain a +4 shield bonus. Each rock has 20 hp
The creature warded by this spell gains protection and hardness 8. As a standard action, you may fling
from spells and effects that change its shape. It gains a rock at an opponent as a ranged attack using the
spell resistance equal to 10 + your caster level against modifier from your spellcasting attribute in place
transmutation spells and effects, and it gains a +8 of your Dexterity modifier. The rock deals 2d8 hp
luck bonus on saves or checks to retain its shape (for bludgeoning damage, and using it to attack reduces
example, against a chaos beast’s corporeal instability). the number of rocks protecting you.
Inurement Tremor
School divination; Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2 Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 round School evocation; Level bard 2, druid 2, sorcerer/
Components V, S wizard 3
Range personal Components V, S
Target you Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration 1 day/level (D) Area 20-ft.-radius spread
By means of this spell, you acclimate to a foreign Duration instantaneous
community as you quickly learn its customs Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
and mores. For each day you spend within the You cause the earth to shake in the affected area,
community, you gain a cumulative +1 insight bonus potentially tripping creatures in the area. You make
on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks with respect a single combat maneuver check (CMB equals
to that community’s inhabitants. If you leave the your caster level + modifier from your spellcasting
community while this spell is in effect, you no longer attribute + 4) and apply that result to each creature in
gain the cumulative bonus, but it remains the same the spell’s area.
until you return to the community.
Composition Shape Effect Price (GP) CL Aura Cost (GP) Requirements
Limestone Ellipsoid Immunity to fear 2,000 gp 12th strong abjuration 2,000 gp remove fear
Sandstone Pyramid 25% chance to 12,000 gp 12th strong abjuration 6,000 gp shield of
negate critical fortificationACG
hit or sneak
attack (per light
fortification armor
Slate Spindle +5 bonus to saves 33,000 gp 12th strong abjuration 16,500 gp immutability*
vs. transmutation
MAD ELDER (CR 10) Song of Slate CR 13
Stone giants who lead a hermetic existence in their XP 19,200
path to becoming an elder sometimes confront Female elder stone giant bard 8
things they cannot understand. The experience N Large humanoid (giant)
transforms them into insane beings that seek to Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12
destroy all that they once cherished. A mad elder DEFENSE
gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution and AC 29, touch 11, flat-footed 27 (+2 armor, +2 Dex,
has a Charisma score of at least 17. The mad elder +16 natural, –1 size)
does not gain the typical stone giant elder spell-like hp 178 (20d8+88)
abilities; instead she can use disintegrate (DC 19, save Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +13; +4 vs. bardic
DC is Charisma-based) three times per day. If a mad performance, language-dependent, and sonic
elder gains class levels, she usually takes levels in Defensive Abilities rock catching
cleric with the madness (or other related) domain. OFFENSE
Speed 40 ft.
STONE GIANT NPCS Melee +1 impact greatclub +23/+18/+13 (3d8+13) or
2 slams +22 (1d8+8)
Stone giants often advance in class levels, especially
Ranged rock +17/+12/+7 (1d8+12)
when they become elders. They gravitate towards
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
sorcerer, bard, and druid, but circumstances might
Special Attacks bardic performance 21 rounds/
force them to gain experience in martial classes, such
day (move action; countersong, dirge of doom,
as ranger or fighter. Rare, lawful stone giants gain
distraction, fascinate [DC 17], inspire competence
levels in monk, which affords them the best path in
+3, inspire courage +2, suggestion [DC 17]), rock
their journey of self-reflection.
throwing (180 ft.)
EXAMPLE NPC Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +13)
Song of Slate expressed her musical talents at a very 1/day—stone shape, stone tell, transmute rock to mud
young age, at first practicing by singing soothing (or transmute mud to rock) (DC 18).
songs to the animals she helped shepherd. As an Bard Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +11)
adolescent she spied the tribe’s master craftswoman 3rd (3/day)—deep slumber (DC 16), lion’s courageDM,
finishing a set of stone drums. Enamored with the thundering drumsAPG (DC 16)
drums, she stole them, uncaring of the consequences. 2nd (5/day)—heroism, locate object, sculpted
The punishment turned out not too harsh and fit servantDM (DC 15), silence (DC 15)
the nature of the crime: she was to play the drums at 1st (5/day)—comprehend languages, inurement*,
the beginning of each meal and she was the last to invigorateAPG (DC 14), not so fastDM (DC 14), solid
receive her food. This suited the young stone giant, noteAPG
0 (at will)—know direction, lullaby (DC 13),
and her ability with the drums soon surpassed her
message, open/close (DC 13), resistance, siftAPG
singing ability. As an adult, she continued playing
the drums at meals and special ceremonies, and, as APG = Spell from Advanced Player’s Guide.
she reached the age where she was ready to begin her DM = Spell from Deep Magic.
path to becoming an elder, she knew that travel was TACTICS
her destiny. She met a number of musicians, some Before Combat Song of Slate drinks her potion of
more talented and some less, during her travels, barkskin.
and she learned and taught much as she journeyed During Combat If alone, the stone giant attempts
from community to community. She returned to disable her foes with a combination of lullaby
triumphantly as a new elder and she still plays the and deep slumber or uses suggestion to get her
drums—accompanying them with her resonant opponents to stand down. If she fights with other
voice—for her tribe. stone giants, she uses inspire competence and
inspire courage as appropriate.
Morale Song of Slate retreats from combat when
she reaches 40 hp, unless her comrades are still in STONE GIANT
trouble, in which case, she remains behind to help
them retreat.
Base Statistics Without barkskin, Song of Slate’s Stone giants rarely instigate hostilities with others,
statistics are AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22. making it rare for adventurers to encounter them in
a combat situation. Enough giants become wanderers
on their way to transforming into elders that
Str 27, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
characters may interact with one in a community
Base Atk +15; CMB +24 (+27 bull rush); CMD 36
that has accepted him into its midst. Additionally,
(38 vs. bull rush)
stone giants may prove to be surprising allies to
Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull
characters experiencing difficulties in mountains
Rush, Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficiency
where the giants dwell. The following adventure
(greatclub), Point-blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise
ideas help integrate stone giants into a campaign or
Shot, Pushing AssaultAPG, Quick Draw
provide for a one-off game session.
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump), Climb +12,
Diplomacy +16, Intimidate +26, Knowledge Approaching Giant: The PCs’ visit to a village
(local) +13, Perception +12, Perform (percussion is interrupted by a lone giant striding toward the
instruments) +26, Perform (sing) +18, Stealth +7 village. She seems to have peaceful intent, but the
(+15 in rocky terrain); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth characters’ experiences with other, more violent
in rocky terrain giants may put them on edge.
Languages Common, Giant Stirring the Hornet’s Nest: An unknown
SQ bardic knowledge +4, lore master 1/day, versatile creature has escalated its attacks against a nearby
performances (percussion, sing) stone giant tribe. At first, it would kill some
Combat Gear potion of barkskin +5, potion of eagle’s livestock and leave the mangled remains behind,
splendor; Other Gear +1 impact greatclub, bracers of but it soon moved up to destroying stone objects
armor +2, gloves of shaping, stone drums and displaying the fragments in bizarre runes. The
final straw for the giants came when the creature
defiled one of the tribe’s mountaintop caves reserved
for their hermits. Incited to rage, the stone giants
launch an attack on an unsuspecting community.
Hopefully, the characters can find this mysterious
villain and stop its strange attacks on the tribe
before the situation spirals out of control.
Mad Elder, Impressionable Youth: A stone
giant seeking to become an elder talked to an alien
creature that spoke of the end times for the giant’s
world and showed him unsettling vistas of the
creature’s home world. Deranged by the contact, the
elder returned and managed to suppress his urges to
destroy. Instead, he has turned his attention to the
tribe’s youth and shared his secret knowledge with
them. He spurs them to attack and raid random
locations to “save the world,” and the young giants
have fully committed to the elder’s insane mission.
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